Covid 19

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1. What agent brings COVID-19 -virus

2. primary mode of transmission- droplets
3. immunity after COVID infection-active natural
4. immunity after COVID vaccine - artificial active diagnostic confirmatory- RTPCR
5. Novel coronavirus is a new strain of coronavirus that has not been previously identified in
6. The antibodies that are most important in SARS-Cov-2 are called igG antibodies
7. Sometimes people infected with SARS CoV 2 never show signs or symptoms this is called
8. What is the virus that causes COVID-19 is SARS- COV 2
9. The infectious period Begins - 2 days before the start of sign and symptoms of disease
10. The definition of infectious period Is: the time during which a person infected with coronavirus
can infect others
11. A clinic nurse is working with an older client. what assessment is most important for preventing
infections in this client?
a. assessing vaccination records for booster shot need
12. Learning about antibody mediated immunity learns that the cell with the most direct role in this
process begins development in which tissue or organ
a. bone marrow’s
13. The nurse understands that which type of immunity is the longest acting?
active immunity
14. The use of convalescent plasma from patients who have recovered from SARS Cov 2 is artificial
passive immunity
15. Adapted immune response specific response to the infection starts after 6 to 8 days
16. Produce antibodies that are specific to that virus B cells
17. Denotes the resistance of an entire community to an infectious agent as a result of the
immunity of a large proportion of individuals to the agent? herd immunity
18. One of the long standing models used to describe the etiology of infectious diseases-
epidemiological triangle
19. The capacity of an agent to enter and multiply in a susceptible host and thus produce infection
or disease- infectivity
20. Blood protein associated in immune system- globulin
21. Time interval between invasion by an infectious agent and the appearance of the first sign or
symptom of the disease- incubation period
22. The time interval between lodgment of an infectious agent in the house and the maximal
communicability of the host- generation time
23. Use in on epidemiological investigation of a disease outbreak to denote the first case of a
disease to come to the attention of authorities- index case
24. Ability of that test to identify correctly all screened individuals who actually have the disease-
25. The ability of that test to identify only non disease individuals who actually do not have the
disease – specificity
26. Sensitivity it’s the ability of a screening test to accurately identify what aspect of the screening?-
C persons who have the disease
27. The ability of a screening test to distinguish correctly between persons with and without a
disease is known as- validity
28. Gold standard confirmatory of covid-RT PCR
29. RT PCR detects for -genetic material (viral RNA)
30. COVID-19 vaccination program act of 2021 -RA 11525
31. The following are viral vector vaccine except -Pfizer Biontech
32. Pfizer biotech, Oxford AstraZeneca, moderna number of doses - 2 doses
33. Punctured vaccine vials should be discarded at the end of the immunization session or after 6
hours from first puncture
34. Use gloves, N95 mask should be disposed in- yellow trash bag

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