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School uniform/

dress code
guidance for schools
What schools should consider if they decide
to develop a school uniform/dress code.

Dress code What are the legal provisions

This term has been used throughout the relevant to school dress codes?
guidance instead of “uniform”. Although The Equality Act 2010 prohibits schools
often used interchangeably, dress code is from imposing a dress code which gives
much less restrictive. rise to direct or indirect discrimination
in respect of a pupil or staff member’s
What the NEU says protected characteristics, for example
age, disability, gender reassignment, race,
You may have questions about what religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.
happens in your particular workplace and
there may be collective issues that affect Schools have a public sector equality
other members. In most circumstances duty to eliminate discrimination, advance
you should initially discuss the matter equality of opportunity and foster good
with your workplace rep as they will know relations between people with different
whether similar concerns have been raised protected characteristics.
by other members. If you do not have a rep, Articles 9 and 10 of the Human Rights
please get members together to elect one. Act 1998 provide individuals with a right
Further advice on this is available at to freedom of thought, conscience and religion and the right to freedom of
expression respectively. These rights are
Although you may sometimes feel that you qualified, however, which means your
are the only one affected by or concerned rights are subject to the competing rights
about a particular issue, in reality this is of others to the same.
seldom the case. As a member of the NEU,
you have the advantage of being able to
act collectively with your colleagues. You
can be confident that you have the weight
of the union behind you.

Uniform Guidance 1
Education (Guidance about Costs of • must not be discriminatory
School Uniforms) Act 2021 • must help foster positive relations
In April 2021, a new law was passed
• shouldn’t be based on, or increase,
which required statutory guidance to be
stereotypes about girls/boys, about
published on how schools should design
religion/ belief or about gender
and implement their uniform policies, with
particular regard to the cost of uniform.
The new law will help break down the
barriers facing children living in low income What principles and strategies are
families. important when writing a school
The statutory guidance was published
dress code policy?
in November 2021 and advises, in order When drawing up a school dress code
to keep the cost of uniforms down, for policy schools should identify the purpose
branded items to be kept to a minimum of the policy. Pupils will engage with school
and for high street items to be allowed. life successfully if they wear uniform that
It also states that second-hand uniform they feel comfortable in. Offering all pupils
must be available, providing cost-effective the same uniform choices will allow for
and sustainable options. this.

Schools are expected to have taken steps Some people of faith place importance on
to adhere to the new guidance before the concepts of modesty and dignity in
parents buy uniform for the academic year dress which carry the status of religious
beginning in September 2022. obligation. It should also be recognised
that pupils and parents may choose
Do we need a dress code? certain items of religious clothing even
when this is not a religious requirement.
Many schools have a dress code, uniform
policy or other rules on appearance. There Individual choice should also be able to be
is no legislation that deals specifically exercised with regards to hairstyles.
with school dress code or other aspects of
appearance. If your school has decided to We advise that school leaders should:
have a dress code, this document provides • Consult widely on a proposed school
advice on how to develop your policy or dress code policy (or any changes to
review the one you have. a policy) with pupils, parents/carers,
It is for the governing body, trust school staff and governors including
management board, governing board or making use of school assemblies and
relevant responsible body of a school to school councils to achieve respect for
decide whether there should be a school diversity and an ethos of inclusion.
dress code policy, and the content of the Include school staff in the development
policy. Any decision made should be on of the policy in order to achieve
the basis of consultation with the schools’ consistency across the school in
senior leadership, pupils and parents/ applying the dress code.
carers. Schools should ensure that • Ensure the items of clothing in the dress
their school dress code policy is fair and code being proposed are affordable for
reasonable and does not act as a barrier to all who wish to attend the school.
parents when choosing a school. A policy
should not contradict the Human Rights • Be as inclusive and welcoming as
Act or the Public Sector Equality Duty possible in seeking feedback from all
which means that the policy: groups of parents.

Uniform Guidance 2
What happens if individuals, The goal of a dress code or uniform policy
students or parents request should be for students to feel comfortable
and able to fully participate in school life.
individual flexibility in the policy? There is no constructive or sensible reason
Whenever a pupil or staff member asks why girls and boys should wear different
for flexibility in a school dress code to clothes. Research shows that gender
observe/express their religious or other stereotypes restrict the access to learning
beliefs, as a reasonable adjustment for a and physical activity of both girls and boys.
SEND student, or for some other reason, A school needs to treat students as equals.
the following principles should always This means that schools need to actively
guide the school’s response: challenge all gender stereotypes and fixed
ideas about what boys and girls can do/
• Some forms of dress, symbols and
hairstyles or coverings can be an
important aspect of an individual’s Some students may be Trans, non-binary
religious, cultural and/or gender or questioning their gender. It is important
identity. Any discussion about the that they can wear clothes that make
wearing of these should be conducted them comfortable. The main goal is for
in a respectful and sensitive way. every child to feel a sense of security and
belonging at school.
• Where a young person with SEND
requests flexibility in the dress code Sexual harassment is an issue in every
schools need to recognise that this is school and overwhelmingly affects girls
a necessary reasonable adjustment and young women. It will be happening in
in order for them to access the school your school, whether you are primary or
environment. secondary. You need to ensure girls feel
comfortable and secure in their clothing
• Restrictions on an individual’s choice to
and consider whether your dress code may
express their religious beliefs through
be a barrier to participation, such as in
dress, symbols, hairstyles or coverings
physical activity.
should be restricted only where health
and safety is directly affected. Girls with low body confidence can be
put off from doing sport/PE because
• Decisions by school leaders should not
of concerns about how they look in PE
be in conflict with the commitment
clothing. Giving all pupils a wide range of
to value students’ religious freedoms,
clothes to choose from will help to alleviate
gender expression, disability equality
these issues.
and cultural diversity.
• Enable individual choice to be
exercised within a broad dress code
Gender stereotypes framework. This framework should not
These are fixed ideas about boys and designate gender specific clothing
girls, and men and women, which lead to requirements but offer a range of
assumptions about what people enjoy, choices which can be worn by any pupil.
can achieve or might be interested in.
Stereotypes about sex and gender harm
and limit every student because they
restrict what young people feel they are
allowed to do, for example ‘’boys don’t cry”
and “girls can’t play football”.
Many schools’ uniforms still unnecessarily
prescribe different clothes for girls and boys.

Uniform Guidance 3
Gender-identity Poverty proofing
Gender identity is a person’s internal sense Poverty proofing is the process whereby
of their own gender and does not always a school identifies and overcomes the
correspond to the sex assigned at birth. barriers to learning that affect children
and young people from families with less
Trans financial resources. It enables schools
Trans is an umbrella term to describe a to develop an action plan to reduce
range of people whose gender identities the stigma and discrimination pupils’
are not the same as the sex they were experience.
assigned at birth.
Non-binary Turning the Page on Poverty
Someone who does not identify as male or The NEU’s Turning the Page on Poverty is
female. a practical guide for members to develop
Gender-questioning individual practice and tackle the impact
An individual who is unsure of and/or of poverty on pupil learning throughout
exploring their gender identity. the school day. For more information about
this work please visit
Poverty, access and cost of
school uniform Local Matters – educating with a
The NEU works with Child Poverty Action sense of place
Group to reduce poverty and the impact of
poverty on children. A useful resource for tackling poverty
and disadvantage in schools through the
Nearly one in three children in the UK, empowerment of teachers and illuminating
around 4.3 million, now live in poverty. the local. For more information about
One of the costs of education that this work please visit
is problematic is school uniform and poverty/local-matters-educating-sense-
children’s clothing. place.
Useful advice for how to ensure your
uniform is not excluding poor children is SEND
‘Poverty Proofing the School Day.’ Include flexibility in the dress code for
For more information about this work SEND students who find some textures
please visit: and materials irritating to their condition
and for whom having to wear certain dress
You should ensure that your dress code is code items can be a barrier to regular
affordable for everyone wishing to attend school attendance. Schools should listen
the school. Statutory guidance published to the student and their family and discuss
in November 2021 requires, from the alternative options.
academic year beginning in September
2022, for the cost of school uniform to be
kept down. It advises that branded items
should be kept to a minimum and high
street items allowed.
Additionally, you should also consider
whether non-uniform days or charity
dress up days (such as World Book Day)
are placing a heavy cost burden on poor
families and how you can address this.

Uniform Guidance 4
Race/Ethnicity relationship between pupils and between
pupils and teachers.
There are a range of ways in which
different ethnic groups may wish children Schools should avoid imposing
to be dressed. requirements of dress upon pupils that
conflict fundamentally with their cultural
Some cultures and religious beliefs have
practices, religion or beliefs, at home or
modesty/cultural/religious requirements
outside the school environment. Except
for boys and girls. For example:
in exceptional circumstances linked to
• Muslim families may want girls to wear health and safety, schools should avoid
head coverings, long skirts or trousers placing pupils in the position of having
and full sleeves. to choose between the requirements
for dress made by the school and those
• Sikh families may want boys to wear deemed appropriate within their homes.
turbans or top knots. Where conflicts arise, they should be a
• Seventh Day Adventists require matter for discussion between parents
modest and simple dress. and the school and parents should be able
to formally lodge their complaints and/or
• Rastafarians may require head objections if an amicable solution cannot
coverings. be reached.
Policies should generally avoid making
judgements on styles of haircut. How do I meet health and safety
Halo Code is a guide for schools to prevent requirements?
discrimination around hairstyles or texture. It is legitimate to consider whether there
Visit are safety issues arising from particular
clothing or requests, and this includes
To find out more and access free religious clothing. However, it is not
lesson plans and resources, visit legitimate to ban an item without proper To read the hair and open minded consideration.
quality report, visit
hair-equality-report. In general, you should permit the safe
wearing of religious clothing. Our advice is
The NEU anti-racism charter helps develop that the wearing of the hijab or jilbab would
an anti-racist approach in education not present a health and safety hazard to
settings. Visit either the wearer of the garment or other
charter pupils. Nursery and primary schools might
wish to negotiate with pupils and parents
a slightly shorter-length jilbab to ensure
How can you develop a culturally
the child’s mobility and safety in the
inclusive dress code? playground and ease of participating fully
It is possible for cultural and religious in all activities.
requirements to be met within a school
dress code policy. You should aim to
act flexibly in making your dress code
Practical lessons and PE
culturally inclusive. Only if a pupil’s choice Practical lessons such as physical
of dress hinders the process of teaching education, science and design and
and learning would dress code choices technology are areas where pupils’
need to be restricted. Relevant factors health and safety might be affected by
include teaching and learning, ensuring inappropriate clothing. In most cases,
equal access to the full curriculum, and the however, consultation with pupils and

Uniform Guidance 5
parents can produce agreement on the When should a school review its
safe wearing of religious clothing. You dress code policy?
should undertake a risk assessment to
address the risks that may be posed by A school dress code policy has to be a
practical lessons, and any issue relating to working (evolving) document, and so
what is considered appropriate clothing we advise you should review it every
can be included in this risk assessment. other year.
Once a school dress code policy has been
In order to promote an inclusive
agreed, schools may wish to demonstrate
environment where students feel safe,
examples of appropriate clothing that meet
confident and respected, schools need to
the requirements of the school’s uniform
reflect on the varied needs of their pupils.
policy. Further requests for amendments
For PE, schools can consider:
should be assessed on a case-by-case
• clothing which encourages all students basis. In the event of a rejection, schools
to participate in sport and physical should provide a clear statement of
activity and which also will include reasons for the refusal.
trans and non-binary young people When reviewing school policies you should
• loose fitting clothing, including longer- consider:
sleeved shirts, leggings and tracksuits • Does the school’s dress code policy flow
• discussion with pupils and parents from your school’s aims and ethos?
about adjustments for PE which can • Are the clothing items affordable for
be made for any religious or cultural everyone wishing to attend the school?
jewellery or headwear which pupils do
not wish, or are unable, to remove. • Does the school’s dress code policy
support all children who may wish to
• Health and safety issues in science and come to the school to feel valued and
D&T lessons could be addressed by: included?
• wearing lab-coats or other protective • Is the code flexible and adaptable?
• Has the policy been drawn up in
• adjusting headscarf size accordingly. consultation with parents, pupils and
Hijab • Has there been a discussion and
evaluation of the merits of having a
This is a social practice that embraces
school dress code?
not only clothing but also values and
behaviour. It can refer to a ‘cover, wrap, • Is there a clear purpose for having a
curtain, veil, screen or partition’. It can be dress code?
a simple headscarf or the philosophy of • Are requests for exceptions from, or
dressing and acting modestly. modifications to, the school dress
code given a fair hearing before any
Jilbab decisions are made?

Sometimes referred to as a full hijab, this is • If the school is unsure whether a

a long outer garment covering the particular choice of dress has religious
or cultural significance, has there been
whole body.
consultation with the parent of the
pupil, local religious groups and/or the
local authority?

Uniform Guidance 6
Does a school dress code policy also
apply to teachers?
The NEU does not recommend formal
dress code for staff in schools. The NEU
believes that staff should be able to dress
according to their professional judgement
unless this is detrimental to their capacity
to do their job or is deemed unsafe or
inappropriate for some other objective
and reasonable reason. In this context,
the principles outlined in this document
for pupils apply equally to staff. Therefore,
schools should take into account the
principles set out below:
• Staff have a right to expect respect for
their religious beliefs, cultural practices
and gender-identity.
• Forms of dress should not interfere
with the teaching, learning and
assessment process.
• Health and safety of pupils and staff
should be assessed.
• Consultation with staff is an essential
• Each case should be considered on
its merits in the light of the principles
identified in this guidance.

Uniform Guidance 7
there may be a knock-on effect on
Appendix other pupils or staff members. Instead
they will need to assess how much
Decision making tool: of an effect there is. The less the
How to avoid discrimination when requests negative impact on other pupils or
are made to vary policy staff members, the more likely it is
An adaptation of the Equality and Human that a refusal will be unlawful. That is
Rights Commission’s (EHRC) ‘decision particularly true where the adverse
making tool for employers’ is outlined impact on the individual of refusing the
below. Before responding to a request to request far outweighs the detriment to
change or vary a school dress code, heads other pupils or school staff of
should consider: accepting it.
1. T
 he aim of the policy they are being 4. W
 hether there are likely to be wider
asked to vary or change effects on the school if the request is
Is the purpose or aim of the policy accepted or rejected
complained of legitimate? It is important for head teachers
2. What the likely effect of accepting or to consult widely with the school
rejecting the request will be on the community, including parents/carers
individual making the request and governors, and to seek consensus.

Head teachers should think about the 5. W

 hether a compromise can be found
needs of the individual making the which would meet the school and the
request and the disadvantage to them requester’s needs
(and others who share their protected
characteristics) if the request is Whatever the decision reached, head
refused. teachers should always put their
decision in writing to the requester and
3. W
 hat the likely effect of accepting or set a date in the not too distant future
rejecting the request will be on other to review the decision so that the policy
pupils or other staff members
complained of may be considered in the
Head teachers should not automatically light of changing circumstances and/or
turn down a request just because developments in the law.


Uniform Guidance 8

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