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ee. C4 CS . c Design of Reinforced’ Concrete eco S22 Strength Design Method ) Strength Design mothe! ( Analysis & Design of T Beams Reinforced concrete’ floor systems normally consist of slabs and beams that are placed monolithically. As a result, the two parts’act together to resist loads. In effect, the beams have extra widths at their tops (flanges) resulting on a T shaped beams (interior beams) or L shaped beams (exterior beams). k—*| ——_— | De f d Hay + | bw Clear distance between beams. | by. | Clear distance between beams by L-section T-section Effective flange width: The ACI 318.14 code section 6.3.2 gives limitations for the effective flange width of T-beams and L-beams, T-beam: (ACI 318-14 Section Effective flange width (b) is the smaller of: i Fy 1b =), +7 where: I= beam span. 2-b =b,, +clear distance between beams. 3-68 6, 16h L-beam: (ACI 318-14 Section Effective flange width (b) is the smaller of: 1 -b =) +— where: /= beam span. 1 by +55 Where: span. 2b = 4, + ear distance between beams. 3-65 = +oh, The analysis and design of T-beams depends on whether the neutral axis falls within the flange or within the web. Prof. Dr. Sallal R. Abid Wasit University - Civil Enginaering Department 70 Design of Reinforced Concrete Lec.9 Strength Design Method <> ‘Case (a): N.A within the flange. Case (b): N.A within the web. Analysis procedure: 1- Check the ACI minimum reinforcement requirements using b = bw. 14 02517, c gsmin =F byt but mot less than A, ig =F by y y 2- calculate the depth of concrete compression block ‘a! using b = flange width. ALy 85/5 Acif a h,, then, theoretically the steel area shall be divided into two parts: Ag, which when stressed will balance the compression force of the overhanging parts of the flange; Ay Sy = 085, (6-8, jig : Ae 0.85f, (6-8, 1 Ag of 4h + ‘ This couple will produce Mj, with a lever arm of (-¥) h = ave My f° f, f 2 ‘The remaining steel area(4,-4,), at stress fj is balanced by compression in the web and produce an additional moment My, where (4 oa i y 08575, a 22(4-4y)4 (4-4) The total nominal resisting moment is the sum of the two parts. a= and, Prof. Dr. Sallal R. Abid Wasit University - Civil Engineering Department n Design of Reinforced Concrete Lec Strength Design Method \ MMi * Mio 3 Chapkthe ACI requirements for maximum steel rato: Check the net tensile strain at the extreme tension steel (¢,). a d-c a and 5, -(%2 hon If & 50.005" ~~ => The séction is ductile and ¢ = 0.9 If 0.004 The section is in transition zone and $< 0.9 If 6, <0.004 => The section is not ductile p ‘w,max ~Pmax * ¢ Where Pyq. is the maximum steel ratio defined for rectangular section. 0.858, /" : 7 fe {0.003 . : fore [ee mame) => Reduction factor g =0.9 0.85, if - Prax = PH => Reduction factor $ <0.9 .003 +0.004, 4, 003+ Analysis Examples: Exi) Determine the design strength of the T-beam shown below if f;=28MPa and f, =420MPa. b= 1500 mm. (I $J$jy nr —| 100 600 mm wa Sol) aoe 8 08 Check ACI minimum steel! requirements, 250 mm A, =5(491) = 2455 mm? <—>| A, __ 2455 14_ 14 : = = =0.0164> pag =— =—— = 0.0033“. OK. P= 5,d 250x600 i 7740 Assume that N.A falls within the flange As, 2455%420_ oO 5h | 0.85x28x1500 <1. The N.A. falls within the flange, analyze as a rectangular section with b = 1500mm. 8.9mm 0.005 .”. Section is ductile and g=09 M, =a, 4-2) = career ze 28). 543.4kNm Sol.) Check ACI minimum steel requirements, 832 A, = 8(804) = 6432, mm? 9000 46832 6080 pat = 0.0245> py, “OK. 350 mm bd 350x750 Z >| Assume that N.A falls within the flange. Af, __ 6432x420 .85f/b 0.85x28x750 0.85 f.(b-b, )hy _ 0.85 28(750-350)100 ty 420 A, ~ Ay = 6432 —2267 = 4165 mm? (4,-4y)f, 4165x420 0.857, 0.85x28x350 (4.00 (7 )o.003= 0.006>0.005 . Section is ductile and =0.9 ¢ =151.3mm>h, =100mm __.*. T-section = 2266,.7mm? =210mm thus, A, 6432 Ay 2266.7 =e = 82 0.0045 and 0.0086 Pe 5d 350%750 ane 1 ad 350x750 0.003 — 0.003 _)-o.0181 003+0. 3) eu Pama = Pane + Py = 0.018 + 0.0086 = 0.0267 Pe < Pra “Ok M = at. =2266.7 420, 750-102) - 666,4KN, fia Aggy] 4 |= 2266.7 ay | a)_ 210) _ M2 -(4, ~4y (4-3) =41653x40{ 750-212) - 1128.4kNm Prof. Dr. Sallal R. Abid Wasit University - Civil Engineering Department B Design of Reinforced Concrete Lecd Strength Design Method The total nominal resisting moment is the sum of the two parts. M, = My +M9 = 666.4 +1128 .4=1794.8kN.m 9M, = 0.9(1794.8)= 1615.3kNm Design Procedure: 1- Determine the effective flange width per ACI requirements (See page 73) 2- Calculate the factored moment M, 3- Assume a= he M. Calculate A: 4 =——# Ceo | ale9) 4- Check the assumed value of 'a! Ay 0.85 f26 Aifashs, B-if a> hg, then design as a'T' beam. Where b = by then design as a rectangular section. 5- Calculate the amount of steel required to balance the concrete of the overhanging parts of the flange. 0.85 f'(b-8. eae y i My Myfa-z-] and MyM My 6- Calculate the amount of steel required to balance the moment of the web. a! 12 a? 2 4 Ag = pybyd where: w= oat 7- Calculate total amount of steel Andy ta 8- Check ACI ee steel requirement. A, ‘bd But not less than A,.ni, =— pay anaes eT tee — 9- Check maximum steel ratio or section ductility as described previously, Prof. Or. Sallal R. Abid Wasit University - Civil Engineering Department 74 £ Design of Reinforced Concrete Lec.9 Strength Design Method Design Examples: Ex3) : Design a T-beam for the floor system shown below. The span is simple and is 6.0 m, the service applied moments are My =110kV.m and M, =135kN.m. f{ = 28M¢Pa and f, = 420MPa. he= 100 mney | | aa WwW 450 mn | | > joa 300 mgr 3000 mm ole Sol) 3000 mm > 100 mm Effective flange width (b) is the smaller of: 7 300+ 00 - 1800mm (Controls) 1b =a + 2-b =b, +clear distance between beams = 3300 mm . 3b =b, +10h, = 300+16(100)=1900rmm M, =1.2(110)+1.6(135)=348kVm Assume a= hr M, 348x10° Sw Aas ae OT a4 s) o.9x4ad{ 450-102) Check the assumed value of ah 2301x420 0.857 0.85x28%1800 4,= =230Lmm =22.6mm<100mm <. Design as a rectangular section, Mes 348x10° g, a-$ osxni{450- Check the obtained value of ‘a’ Af, 2098x420 0.857 0.85x28x1800 Calculate A, with the revised 'e' value, 348x10° oe 2 2 ‘, ANG 206 =2093mm? = 2098mm? .. OK. g%, 4-8) 0.942 450-208) Check minimum reinforcement, ‘ = 2098mm? = 20.6mm <100mm Prof. Dr. Sallal R, Abio West University - Civil Engineering Department 75 Design of Reinforced Concrete Lec Strength Design Method “N 4, =2093> Ang = Check section ductility, 8, =0.0033(300)450= 450mm? —-. OK. ~ d-c 450-242 ¢, ={ = ]o.003 ={ 90-242 Vo 093 - 9, ( : ) ( Baa 00s 0.053 > 0.005 ~*, Section is ductile and assumed reduction (¢ = 0.9) is Ok. Ex4) Design a T-beam for the floor system shown below. The span'is simple and is 4.0 m, the service applied moments are M, =270kN.m and M, =S75KN.m. f=21MPa and f, =420MPa. 75mm_w x 600 mm 1800 mm 375 1800 mm >| 375 1800 mm_ 375 1800 mm Sol) Effective flange width (b) is the smaller of: 4000 4 2-6 2, + clear distance between beams = 1800 + 375 =2175 mm . 3-b =b, +16h, =375 +16(75)=1575 mm M, =1.2(270)+1.6(575) = 1244kN.m 1-6 =b, +5 a315+ =1375mm (Controls) 1375 mm % Assume a= he - et 1244x10° 600 mm "fa @) noliaengn 2) a«-4) 09%424{600- 3 37: A, =5850mm? cen Check the assumed value of 'a! Ad, 5850x420 = _= 100. 1mm > 75mm 0.85 fb 0.85x21x1375 __1-Designas aT=section, © -. = = oe Calculate the amount of steel required to balance the overhanging parts of the flange. Prof Dr. Sallal R. Abid Wasit University - Civil Engineering Department 76 Design of Reinforced Concrete Lec.9 Strength Design Method hy LO b My 0.85(21X1375-375) t 420 Ma=$4,f, (2%) (187) «00-2) =677.64kN.m M,,=M,—M,, =1244 -677 64 = 566.36kN.m Calculate the amount of steel required to balance the concrete of the web. _f 420 0.85f 0.85(21) ee 566.3610° " @bd* — 0.9(375\(600)* py at f1— f1- 2K |b | fp _244-6672353 | _ 9913 u i, | os 420 A,, = P:b,d = 0.0131 (375)600 = 2952 mm? Calculate total amount of steel: A, = Ay +A, = 3187 +2952 = 6139 mm? Check minimum steel requirements: 5 3187mm? “ =23.53 = 4.66 A, =6139> 4, nip Boa = 0,0033(375)600= 750mm? . OK. fy Check maximum steel requirements: _ A __ 6139 Where Pau, is the maximum steel ratio defined for rectangular sections. (0.85802) 0.003) _(0.85x0.85%21 * Pes f, _0.003+0.005 420 Press = Paax + Py = 0.0135 + 0.0142 = 0.0277 Pu = 0.0273 < Prue = 0.0277 .’, Section is ductile and assumed reduction factor (¢ = 0.9) is Ok. Prot. Dr. Sallal R. Abid Wasit University - Civil Engineering Department 7

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