A. Project Title: Problem Context

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Student ID : NP000425


STUDENT NAME : Suresh Thapa

A. Project Title
“Smart Control of Traffic Lights by Using AI”

B. Project Background

Problem Context

In this era of science and technology, most of the things are getting smatter day by day. But the
traffic light placed in various road intersection are still running with fixed signal changing timer
installed in the device. So, during rush hour due to this kind of traffic light which uses fixed
timer for changing the signals it causes extensive line of waiting vehicles to pass through the
signal. So, the proposed system introduces a system which takes data about the traffic density
through camera set on the road junctions and calculate the optimal waiting time for all lanes to
cross through the junction (Almawgani, 2018).During rush hours the traffic density is high and if
the high traffic density is not well managed then it can cause accidents like vehicles stumbling to
each other or harming the pedestrians. And the incident cannot be monitored through regular
traffic light but with the proposed system it is possible to record complete accident. And the
vehicles tend to not follow traffic rules when the traffic congestion is high. So, with the
algorithm in the system, it distributes the traffic density evenly and give every rider almost equal
time so that no one can hurry in traffic light (S.Shenbagavalli, et al, 2020). The traditional traffic
light does not respond to the traffic density across the different lanes. And in rush hour the traffic
could be high on certain side of the road, but the traditional traffic light has same timer for every
side of the road which can cause problem to the drivers. And it results in increase in traffic
density in certain lane while other reman less crowded with vehicles. And with increasing
waiting time the vehicle consume fuel while waiting for the signal which is direct loss of fossil
fuel and results in increase air pollution (S.Thakare, et al, 2013). So, if all the traffic lights that
are used in the roads are changed to smart traffic lights, then, it would result in less time
consumed while waiting for traffic light to go green resulting in reduced travel time and stress to
the drivers. It will also be beneficial to the environment since vehicles spend less time in traffic
light stop, it decreases the fuel consumption and release less harmful air into the environment.
And with this system the traffic flow can be controlled easily resulting in more managed traffic
which benefits the pedestrians and their safety on the roads. In comparison to the old traditional
traffic light, the proposed system can make revolutionary changes in efficient control of the


The system i.e., “Smart control of traffic lights using AI” will be a system which helps the public
by making travelling through roads quicker and safer. Since the system works in a very critical
situation where many lives depend upon the system, we need to be sure that the system does not
fail easily and don’t have any errors and bugs that can malfunction the system. So, safety is the
topmost priority, update and maintenance of the system is done in regular intervals.

There are following distinct benefits:

Tangible Benefits:

 Efficient control of traffic as the traffic light timer adapts to the real time scenario.
 Decreased waiting time in traffic light signal.
 Maintaining traffic rule around the clock by monitoring through CCTV.

Intangible Benefits

 By giving less time to spent on traffic light signal to go green, resulting in lower cost in
fuel prices for the public.
 Making positive impact to the environment as vehicles can travel faster and consume less
 As monitoring happens around the clock it ensures the public safety.

Nature of Challenge
To do this project, I chose python programming language to code. By using python, first we code
an object identifier program through photos and control the lights. Even though I have little
experience in the python programming language, developing a whole program will be
exceedingly difficult as my knowledge regarding python will cause bottleneck to smoothly
develop the program. And it will consume lot of time as I need to learn the advance python to
implement it in the project.

C. Project Objectives

Scope of Proposal

With the help of this system, people will have to spend less time in traffic waiting for traffic
lights to go green. As a result, fuel can also be saved and be beneficial to the environment.


The targeted users are:

i. Daily population who uses roads to travel.

ii. Pedestrians

The smart traffic light controller can have the following deliverables:

i. The system will be able to save the time of everyday people while travelling in city
ii. The system will be able to save fuel for various vehicles by giving less time to spent
on traffic light signal to go green.
iii. And as fuel is saved by consuming in less quantity, it also brings positive impact on
environment by decreasing air pollution.
iv. The traffic police can monitor the road junctions or intersections 24 hours a day.
Which compels everyone to follow the traffic rules.
v. And as it compels everyone to follow the traffic rules, there will be less chance of
accident occurrence.
D. Resources needed

 Raspberry Pi 4
 RAM- 2 GB
 Two CCTV or IP camera of 720p


Code Editor

 Visual Studio Code



Programming Language

 Python

Documentation and scheduling

 Microsoft Word
 Jira

Access to information/expertise

While developing this system, person having experience with development of IoT, and
programmers are consulted to get idea to solve the problem.

User Involvement

I will conduct interview with the drivers to learn about their quires about the traffic management
and traffic lights switching light time. Co-operation is done with other people to do testing by
making model figure of traffic.

E. Academic Research
i. Books
 Name: Python Programming Fundamentals

Author: Kent D. Lee

Publisher: Springer London

 Name: Machine Learning Concepts with Python and the Jupyter Notebook
Author: Nikita Silaparasetty
Publisher: Apress Berkeley, CA

 Name: IoT System Design

Author: Alice James, Avishkar Seth, Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay
Publisher: Springer Cham

 Name: Building machine learning systems with Python

Author: Luis Pedro Coelho, Willi Richert
Publisher: Packt Publishing

 Name: Python machine learning

Author: Sebastian Raschka, Vahid Mirjalili
Publisher: Packt Publishing

 Name: The Technical Foundations of IoT

Author: Boris Adrya, Thomas Konigseder
Publisher: Artech House

 Name: IoT: technical challenges and solutions

Author: Arpan Pal, Balamuralidhar Purushothaman
Publisher: Artech House
ii. Online Resources
 Muiru, Robinson. (2021, November 30). Python In IoT (Internet of Things). Retrieved
July 1, 2022, from https://https://www.topcoder.com/thrive/articles/python-in-iot-
 Shaikh, JalFaizy. (2018, June 28). Understanding and Building an Object Detection
Model from Scratch in Python. Retrieved July 8, 2022, from
 Great Learning Team. (2021, December 25). Real-Time Object Detection Using
TensorFlow. Retrieved July 8, 2022, from
 DeepLearning_by_PhDScholar. (2020, October 16). Object Detection using OpenCV
| Python | Tutorial for beginners 2020. YouTube. Retrieved July 4, 2022, from
 42Gears Team. (n.d.). Building IoT Solutions with Managed Raspberry Pi. Retrieved
July 8, 2022, from https://www.42gears.com/white-papers/building-iot-solutions-
 Rovai, Marcelo. (2018, March 18). Python WebServer with Flask and Raspberry Pi.
Retrieved July 7, 2022, from https://towardsdatascience.com/python-webserver-with-
 Civil Engineering Department, University of Lucknow. (2020, December 29). A
seminar on Intelligent Transportation System. YouTube. Retrieved July 6, 2022, from
 Pysource. (2021, January 28). Object Tracking with Opencv and Python. YouTube.
Retrieved July 8, 2022, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3b8lVF93jU
F. Development plan for proposed system

System Development Methodology

The process of fragmenting the whole work process into smaller work processes or into smaller
pieces of work so that the work can be done in smaller parts is known as system development
methodology or SDLC (System Development Life Cycle). The SDLC is followed while
developing or manufacturing a product because it helps to increase work output efficiency and
manage time, so that the work can be done or completed in estimated time with quality product.
As there are several types of system development methodology, in which I chose waterfall
methodology for my project. The waterfall model is divided into five phases and only after the
completion of one phase, another phase starts thus, considered as a sequential flow (Pal, 2022).
The chosen model consists of five phases and each phase is applied into this project.

i. Requirement Collection and analysis: In this step, I will gather all the requirements of the
system in detail. To collect all the requirements, different data collection method is used
like survey and interview. All the information gathered are analyzed so that the features of
the system can be listed out properly.
ii. System Design: In this step, the information gathered from the above step is carefully
studied and system design is created. The created system design aids in determining the
system architecture as well as the system and hardware needs.
iii. Implementation: Since all necessity of system are listed out previous step, we begin to start
the development of the system. All the coding required in the system it's done in this step
as according to the system design. We build every part in this system.
iv. Integration and Testing of the System: After the implementation, as our system is already
built-in previous step, we integrate the developed system with hardware such as CCTV or
IP camera. And after integrating and setting our entire system as whole we begin to test the
system, to ensure that the system full fills the initial requirements.
v. Deployment and Maintenance of system: After finishing all the testing of the system, the
system will be deployed. And if any error or issue arises or improvement is required in the
system, the maintenance is done to the system.

G. Evaluation and test plan for the proposed system

Success Criteria

After the development of the system “Smart Control of Traffic light by using AI”, the system
will help the public to travel in city area more efficiently, quickly and safely. The developed
system also makes positive impact on the environment. 8 members will help me in testing this
system as we must be sure that the system won’t have any major bugs or issues after its release.
And the testing will be done in following ways:

Unit Testing

In unit testing. We evaluate the developed system in every unit of the system i.e., every system is
developed by the combination of various unit. So, in this case we evaluate each unit to ensure
that there are almost no bugs exist, if bugs exit in the system, it can cause errors while operating
the system so it must be sorted our or fixed. This test will be carried by 8 users and report or
document the errors and debug the problem or issues.

System Testing

And after the unit testing and debugging the problems, entire system is assembled. This is where
we get our complete system checked up by eight users. All the issue, errors and bugs are
documented and reported. And after finding out the problems in the system, the debugging is
down and again the compatibility is evaluated and the system goes to next testing section.

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