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Ellipsis is the process of ‘’ repeating a structure and its content but omitting some
of the surface expression.’’
As with substitution, we can distinguish three types of ellipsis:
1-nominal ellipsis
2-verbal ellipsis
3-clausal ellipsis
Nominal ellipsis
In the case of nominal ellipsis, there should be a head modified by certain
elements such as deictic, numerative or an epithet and one of these modifying
elements is upgraded to function as the head of the clause.
Al-Jabr shows that when the nominal group in Arabic has a deictic or epithet
functioning as the head of the whole clause, there will be nominal ellipsis.
Verbal ellipsis
1-lexical ellipsis
Is a kind of ellipsis in which the lexical verb is left out.
2-operator ellipsis
Involves the omission of the subject plus the operator.
*operator verb include auxiliary verbs (such as can, have, will and semi-auxiliary
verbs like is\are\am going to and etc.)
*The lexical verb always remains intact.
*since Arabic has no auxiliaries in its linguistic system, we expect that there would
not be operator ellipsis at all.
Clausal ellipsis
1-modal ellipsis
Any omission in modal elements (subject and operator verbs)
2-propositional ellipsis
When the deletion occurs in the propositional elements( lexical verbs and
complement or adjunct)
Is a cohesive device that makes segments of a given text hang together as a
cohesive text.
Conjunction types
Relationship is marked when a conjunct is used
Relationship is unmarked
1- coordinating
used to join individual word, phrases and independent clauses.
2-subordinating ( conjunctive adverbs)
Used to join dependent clauses, that can not stand on their own to give a
complete sentence.
*the some adverbial conjuncts can sometimes be an indicator of the logical
relationship between two separated sentences. In this case it is called a logical

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