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Diagnosis of Interstitial Lung Diseases


Interstitial lung diseases (ILDs), a broad heterogeneous group of the lung diffusely can be difficult. The major physiologic
parenchymal lung disorders, can be classified into those with
known and unknown causes. The definitions and diagnostic crite- consequence of ILDs is impaired gas exchange. Thus, pro-
ria for several major forms of ILDs have been revised in recent gressive ILD results in worsening respiratory insufficiency
years. Although well over 100 distinct entities of ILDs are recog- and ultimately death due to respiratory failure.
nized, a limited number of disorders, including idiopathic pulmo-
nary fibrosis, sarcoidosis, and connective tissue disease–related
ILDs, account for most ILDs encountered clinically. In evaluating
patients with suspected ILD, the clinician should confirm the CLASSIFICATION OF
presence of the disease and then try to determine its underlying INTERSTITIAL LUNG DISEASES
cause or recognized clinicopathologic syndrome. Clues from the
medical history along with the clinical context and radiologic find- No universally accepted classification of ILDs exists. Vari-
ings provide the initial basis for prioritizing diagnostic possibilities ous classification schemes have been proposed with strati-
for a patient with ILD. High-resolution computed tomography of the
chest has become an invaluable tool in the diagnostic process. A fication based on parameters such as clinical presentation
confident diagnosis can sometimes be made on the basis of high- (eg, acute vs chronic), histopathologic findings, radiologic
resolution computed tomography and clinical context. Serologic patterns, and response to corticosteroid therapy (responsive
testing can be helpful in selected cases. Histopathologic findings
procured through bronchoscopic or surgical lung biopsy are often vs nonresponsive to corticosteroids). Perhaps the most
needed in deriving a specific diagnosis. An accurate prognosis and practical classification of ILDs for clinicians is a scheme
optimal treatment strategy for patients with ILDs depend on an based on cause, ie, those with known vs unknown cause
accurate diagnosis, one guided by recent advances in our under-
standing of the causes and pathogenetic mechanisms of ILDs. (Table 1). This classification scheme appropriately reflects
the diagnostic approach in that the clinician begins by
Mayo Clin Proc. 2007;82(8):976-986
trying to identify a cause through history taking and physi-
BAL = bronchoalveolar lavage; CTD = connective tissue disease; HRCT =
cal examination followed by diagnostic testing. Known
high-resolution computed tomography; ILD = interstitial lung disease; causes of ILDs include inhaled organic and inorganic sub-
IPF = idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; UIP = usual interstitial pneumonia
stances, drugs, radiation, and systemic disorders, for ex-
ample, connective tissue diseases (CTDs).
For some ILDs the cause is unknown despite a well-

I nterstitial lung diseases (ILDs), also called diffuse infil-

trative lung diseases, are a heterogeneous group of disor-
ders that predominantly affect the lung parenchyma and
recognized clinicopathologic syndrome, eg, idiopathic
pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and sarcoidosis. In most ILDs
of unknown cause, a major component of the case defini-
vary widely in etiology, clinicoradiologic presentation, his- tion is the underlying histopathologic pattern. Thus, when
topathologic features, and clinical course.1-4 Although ILDs no cause can be identified for the ILD, a lung biopsy is
are more commonly seen in adults, some forms such as often pursued. However, some histopathologic patterns of
hypersensitivity pneumonitis and idiopathic interstitial ILD are nonspecific, for example organizing pneumonia
pneumonias are encountered in children as well.5 Intersti- or noncaseating granulomas. Because histopathologic
tial lung diseases are characterized by infiltration of cellu- findings alone may not yield a specific diagnosis, they
lar or noncellular material into the lung parenchyma. Ana- should always be correlated with the clinical and radio-
tomic distribution of these processes may affect not only logic context.
the interstitial compartment but also alveolar airspaces, The diagnosis of ILD has become more complex in
blood vessels, and distal airways.1,6 Despite this histopatho- recent years, in part because of revisions to the definitions
logic description and established definition for ILD, the and diagnostic criteria of several major forms of ILDs,
distinction between ILDs and other diseases that can affect particularly the idiopathic interstitial pneumonias.7,8 These
modifications occurred because of new insights into the
From the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine (J.H.R., C.E.D.),
etiology, pathogenesis, and clinicoradiologic correlates of
Department of Radiology (T.E.H.), and Department of Laboratory Medicine these disorders. These advances have resulted in part from
and Pathology (E.S.Y.), Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN.
refinements in the histopathologic interpretation of lung
Individual reprints of this article are not available. Address correspondence to biopsy findings and improvements in diagnostic tools, par-
Jay H. Ryu, MD, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Mayo Clinic,
200 First St SW, Rochester, MN 55905 ( ticularly high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT).
© 2007 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research For example, IPF, defined imprecisely by traditional crite-

976 Mayo Clin Proc. • August 2007;82(8):976-986 •

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ria, is actually composed of a heterogeneous mix of disor- TABLE 1. Classification of ILDs*

ders with varying prognosis and response to corticosteroid Known cause
therapy.8-10 In particular, earlier studies of IPF likely in- Connective tissue disease–associated ILDs (eg,
rheumatoid arthritis, polymyositis, scleroderma)
cluded patients with nonspecific interstitial pneumonia, Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (eg, farmer’s lung
which responds better to corticosteroid therapy and has a “hot tub lung,” bird fancier’s lung)
more favorable prognosis than IPF as currently defined.9 Pneumoconioses (eg, asbestosis, silicosis, coal
worker’s pneumoconiosis)
Lumping of similar entities into a single disorder impairs Drug-induced ILDs (eg, chemotherapeutic agents,
recognition of distinct diseases that may be associated with amiodarone, nitrofurantoin)
important differences in pathogenesis, response to therapy, Smoking-related ILDs
Pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis
and clinical course. Respiratory bronchiolitis–associated ILD
Although well over 100 distinct entities of ILDs are Desquamative interstitial pneumonia
recognized, a limited number of disorders account for most Acute eosinophilic pneumonia
Radiation-induced ILDs
ILDs encountered clinically. The most common form of Toxic inhalation–induced ILDs (eg, cocaine, zinc
ILD seen in clinical settings is IPF, also called cryptogenic chloride [smoke bomb], ammonia)
fibrosing alveolitis, which accounts for approximately 25% Unknown cause
to 35% of ILD cases.8,10-12 In our experience, approximately Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
three quarters of patients seen with ILD have IPF, sarcoido- Sarcoidosis
Other idiopathic interstitial pneumonias
sis, or CTD-related ILDs. Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia
According to current criteria, a “definite” diagnosis of Nonspecific interstitial pneumonia
IPF requires evidence of usual intersitial pneumonia (UIP) Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia
Acute interstitial pneumonia
on a surgical lung biopsy specimen in the presence of Eosinophilic pneumonias
appropriate clinicoradiologic context, ie, diffuse lung dis- Pulmonary vasculitides
ease in the absence of an identifiable cause.7,8,11 Usual Pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis
Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
interstitial pneumonia refers to a histopathologic pattern of Many other rare disorders
lung injury characterized by patchy collagen fibrosis with
*ILDs = interstitial lung diseases.
associated scarring distributed in a peripheral, subpleural
fashion with honeycomb changes. The histopathologic pat-
tern of UIP is not specific for IPF and can also be seen in involves the peribronchovascular regions, the interlobular
CTD-related ILD, asbestosis, drug-induced lung disease, septa, and the pleural surface. Thus, the type of parenchy-
and chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis.7 A “probable” mal abnormality and the pattern of distribution identified
diagnosis of IPF can be made without surgical lung biopsy using HRCT are distinctly different from those associated
confirmation if the typical HRCT findings are present in with IPF. Mediastinal and bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy
the appropriate clinical context, ie, ILD of unknown cause in are also common findings. Sarcoidosis should not be con-
a middle-aged or older patient with gradually worsening sidered as a diagnosis until the many potential causes of
exertional dyspnea, bibasilar inspiratory crackles (“Velcro”- granulomatous inflammation, especially infections, have
like in quality), and restrictive lung disease or impaired gas been excluded. Tissue biopsy specimens, most commonly
exchange.8 Typical HRCT findings of IPF include the pres- obtained by bronchoscopy, are necessary to document the
ence of bilateral peripheral reticular opacities and subpleu- presence of noncaseating granulomas.
ral honeycombing with basal predominance (Figure 1),8,13 Connective tissue diseases, environmental inhalants,
all of which correlate strongly to surgical lung biopsy and drugs are the most common causes of ILDs of known
findings of UIP.14,15 Bronchoscopic biopsy cannot be used etiology. Although some authors may argue that CTD is
to confirm the diagnosis of IPF because the recognition of not a specific “cause” of ILD, identification of an underly-
the UIP pattern requires a larger specimen than can be ing CTD clearly is relevant to evaluating, treating, and
obtained by bronchoscopy.8 determining a prognosis for patients with ILDs. Respira-
The second most common ILD is sarcoidosis, a multi- tory manifestations occur commonly in patients with CTDs
system disorder of unknown cause characterized by the and may result from involvement of the lung parenchyma,
presence of noncaseating epithelioid granulomas.16 In con- pleura, airways, vasculature, or respiratory muscles. Con-
trast to IPF, sarcoidosis tends to affect adults younger than nective tissue disease–related ILD can manifest various
40 years.16 High-resolution computed tomograms of the histopathologic patterns that are similar to those described
chest in patients with sarcoidosis reveal nodular infiltrates in idiopathic interstitial pneumonias.7,18 These patterns
in a perilymphatic distribution with an upper- and mid-lung include nonspecific interstitial pneumonia, organizing
predominance (Figure 2).17 A perilymphatic distribution pneumonia, UIP, lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia, and

Mayo Clin Proc. • August 2007;82(8):976-986 • 977

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tern of ILD but also by the CTD itself, associated extra-

pulmonary manifestations, as well as the age and comor-
bidities of the individual patient.18
Pneumoconioses result from inhalation of inorganic
dusts such as silica and asbestos.24 Radiologic features may
be sufficient for diagnosing pneumoconioses such as sili-
cosis in the appropriate clinical context, eg, one that in-
cludes known exposure.24,25 The features revealed by
HRCT vary depending on the specific pneumoconiosis and
are often distinctive.25
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis refers to immunologically
induced inflammatory disease involving the lung paren-
chyma and terminal airways secondary to repeated inhala-
tion of an inciting agent in a sensitized host.26,27 Common
FIGURE 1. High-resolution computed tomogram of a 67-year-old man
forms of hypersensitivity pneumonitis in the United States
with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis/usual interstitial pneumonia include bird fancier’s disease, farmer’s lung disease and
(IPF/UIP). The image, which was taken at the level of the bronchus “hot tub lung.”26-28 Typically, HRCT features are character-
intermedius, shows extensive subpleural honeycombing bilaterally,
allowing for the confident diagnosis of UIP. Also noted are subpleu-
ized by centrilobular nodules, ground-glass opacities, a
ral reticular opacities with associated ground-glass attenuation and mosaic pattern, air trapping on expiratory images, or some
traction bronchiectasis in the lower lobes posteriorly. combination of these features (Figure 3).29,30 Most patients
with suspected hypersensitivity pneumonitis undergo bron-
diffuse alveolar damage. The underlying histopathologic choscopy or surgical lung biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.
pattern appears to have a similar prognostic significance Drugs can cause a variety of pleuropulmonary reactions
for patients with CTD-related ILD as for patients with including ILD. Drugs most commonly associated with
idiopathic interstitial pneumonias.18-23 For example, CTD- ILD include chemotherapeutic agents (eg, bleomycin), car-
associated organizing pneumonia and nonspecific intersti- diovascular drugs (eg, amiodarone), and antibiotics (eg,
tial pneumonia tend to respond better to corticosteroid nitrofurantoin).31,32 Diverse findings from HRCT can be
therapy than do UIP and diffuse alveolar damage. How- expected, because drug-induced ILD has numerous histo-
ever, the prognosis for patients with CTD-related ILDs is pathologic manifestations,32,33 including diffuse alveolar
determined not only by the underlying histopathologic pat- damage, nonspecific interstitial pneumonia, eosinophilic
pneumonia, and pulmonary hemorrhage.33 A single drug
may cause different histologic reactions in different pa-
tients.34 For example, nitrofurantoin has been associated
with histopathologic patterns of organizing pneumonia,
nonspecific interstitial pneumonia, desquamative intersti-
tial pneumonia, and giant cell pneumonia.35 The histologic
responses to various drugs can overlap considerably. In
most cases of drug-induced ILD, the histopathologic find-
ings will be nonspecific, and the diagnosis will require
correlation with clinicoradiologic features as well as exclu-
sion of other potential causes.
Smoking has been associated with several forms of
ILDs including respiratory bronchiolitis–associated ILD,
desquamative interstitial pneumonia, pulmonary Langer-
hans cell histiocytosis, and acute eosinophilic pneumo-
nia.36-38 Smoking may also be a risk factor for IPF. Approxi-
mately 80% to 100% of pulmonary Langerhans cell histio-
FIGURE 2. High-resolution computed tomogram of a 41-year-old man cytosis, desquamative interstitial pneumonia, and respira-
with sarcoidosis. Image of the left lung at the level of the carina tory bronchiolitis–associated ILDs occur in those with a
shows the perilymphatic distribution of nodules characteristic of smoking history.36 However, cigarette smoking has been
sarcoidosis. Nodules are seen along the bronchovascular bundles
(arrow), along the interlobular septa (arrowhead), and along the linked to only a subset of patients with acute eosinophilic
fissures. pneumonia.38-41 Respiratory bronchiolitis–associated ILD

978 Mayo Clin Proc. • August 2007;82(8):976-986 •

For personal use. Mass reproduce only with permission from Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

and desquamative interstitial pneumonia appear to repre-

sent varying degrees of severity of the pulmonary reaction
to cigarette smoke. Accordingly, the HRCT features of
these 2 disorders tend to overlap and are characterized
predominantly by the presence of ground-glass opacities.42
Pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis is characterized
by proliferation of Langerhans cells in the lung with de-
struction of lung parenchyma (cystic changes on HRCT)
and architectural distortion.43,44 Extrapulmonary manifesta-
tions may occur in patients with pulmonary Langerhans
cell histiocytosis including involvement of the bone, skin,
pituitary gland, liver, lymph nodes, and thyroid gland.37,43,44

FIGURE 3. High-resolution computed tomogram of a 47-year-old man

DIAGNOSTIC PROCESS with subacute hypersensitivity pneumonitis showing diffuse ground-
glass attenuation infiltrates. Some of the infiltrates are centrilobular
Most patients with ILD present with a nonspecific respira- nodules of ground-glass attenuation; in other areas, the ground-
tory complaint such as a cough or dyspnea. Therefore, the glass attenuation is more confluent.
first suggestion of ILD is usually chest radiography that
reveals diffuse parenchymal infiltrates. In other situations,
abnormal pulmonary function test results such as reduced The finding of diffuse cystic lung disease facilitates the
lung volumes or diffusing capacity or exercise-induced diagnostic process because this radiologic pattern is associ-
oxygen desaturation may be the initial clue. For approxi- ated with a limited number of diagnostic possibilities.57
mately 10% of patients with ILDs, a chest radiograph may
look normal, particularly early in the course of disease.45-47 CLINICAL CONTEXT
In our experience, hypersensitivity pneumonitis has been At this point in the evaluation of a patient with suspected
the most common ILD associated with a normal-appearing ILD, summarizing the gathered data using 3 pivotal param-
chest radiograph and occasionally even normal HRCT. eters will help to determine subsequent diagnostic steps.4
Thus, a normal chest radiograph should not dissuade the These key parameters are the clinical context, tempo of the
clinician from pursuing the diagnostic possibility of ILD in disease process, and radiologic findings. The clinical con-
the appropriate clinical context. text includes the age and sex of the patient, smoking his-
Perhaps the most important advance in the past 20 years tory, occupational and environmental exposures, medica-
for the diagnosis of ILD has been HRCT.48-56 In contrast to tions, family history, coexisting medical disorders, and the
the low-resolution, 2-dimensional summation of overlap- clinical setting in which the patient is encountered (Table
ping shadows offered by chest radiography, HRCT pro- 2). As previously discussed, several ILDs tend to occur in
vides a detailed depiction of the lung parenchyma that can particular demographic groups. Pulmonary lymphangio-
be used to focus and prioritize diagnostic possibilities in a leiomyomatosis, a form of diffuse cystic lung disease, al-
patient with suspected ILD. High-resolution computed to- most exclusively affects women.58 Smoking and other in-
mography uses a high-spatial-frequency reconstruction al- halational exposures as well as drugs may have etiologic
gorithm and 0.75- to 1.5-mm slices (collimation) rather relevance in patients with ILD. Many systemic disorders,
than 5- to 10-mm slices as in a standard CT study. Scans are particularly CTDs, can involve the lung. Family history is
done at full inspiration and with the patient supine. The important in diagnosing hereditary ILDs, including famil-
addition of prone views may clarify the clinical importance ial pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary lymphangioleiomyo-
of infiltrates in dependent lung zones. Expiratory images matosis associated with tuberous sclerosis complex, Her-
can be helpful in evaluating a mosaic attenuation pattern mansky-Pudlak syndrome, Gaucher disease, and other
(geographic patchwork of alternating lung regions of var- metabolic storage diseases.59 Current and previous illnesses
ied radiologic attenuation) and assessing the presence of air are relevant because the lung disease may be a manifesta-
trapping. High-resolution computed tomography is more tion of such illnesses or a treatment-related adverse effect.
sensitive and also allows for a more confident and specific The presence or absence of certain physical findings
interpretation than chest radiography in the diagnosis of may be diagnostically helpful. “Velcro” crackles are nearly
ILD.4,49,55,56 For example, chest radiography may show pre- universal in patients with IPF and can be present in other
dominantly linear opacities in a patient who actually proves ILDs but are uncommon in sarcoidosis.8,10,11,16 Similarly,
to have diffuse cystic lung disease as revealed on HRCT. digital clubbing is observed in up to two thirds of pa-

Mayo Clin Proc. • August 2007;82(8):976-986 • 979

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TABLE 2. Diagnosis of Interstitial Lung Disease* RADIOLOGIC FINDINGS

History In the diagnosis of ILD, HRCT provides critical data
Demographics needed to determine whether specific blood tests, broncho-
Pulmonary and extrapulmonary manifestations
Temporal course of symptoms scopic procedures, and surgical lung biopsy are necessary.
Smoking Early in the evaluation of nearly all patients with suspected
Environmental/occupational exposures ILD, an HRCT scan should be obtained unless the diagno-
Previous and concurrent illnesses sis is obvious based on the clinical context and chest radio-
Familial disorders graphic findings alone.
Physical examination The components of the HRCT findings that are helpful
Lung auscultation
Digital clubbing in the diagnosis of ILD include the pattern of parenchymal
Extrapulmonary signs abnormality (eg, consolidation, reticular pattern), the ana-
Laboratory tests tomic distribution (upper vs lower, central vs peripheral),
Complete blood cell count
Chemistry panel and associated findings (eg, mediastinal lymphadenopa-
Urinalysis thy) (Table 3). Combining the tempo of the disease process
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis serologic tests† with the radiologic findings helps narrow the differential
Connective tissue disease serologic tests†
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies† diagnosis further.4
Brain natriuretic peptide level† A reticular pattern, characterized by interlacing linear
Imaging studies opacities that suggest a mesh, is the most common radio-
Chest radiography
CT of the chest with high resolution logic finding seen in patients with ILDs, particularly
Previous chest radiographs and chest CT studies those with IPF.4,13 In patients with IPF, the reticular pat-
Echocardiography† tern is often associated with the presence of subpleural
Pulmonary function tests
Spirometry, lung volumes, diffusing capacity, and oximetry honeycombing.13 Honeycombing is defined as a cluster or
Arterial blood gas study† row of cysts (usually <5 mm in diameter) with shared
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing† walls.
Surgical lung biopsy† Nodules, defined as round, discrete, parenchymal opaci-
ties, can be classified according to size, density, definition
*CT = computed tomography.
†These tests are used in selected cases according to the clinical context. (distinctness of the margin), and distribution. Among ILDs,
sarcoidosis is the most common disease associated with a
nodular pattern.4,16 In sarcoidosis, these nodules are most
tients with IPF but is rare in sarcoidosis and most other prominent along the bronchovascular bundles (perilym-
ILDs.8,10,11,16 Recurrent pneumothoraces are common in pa- phatic distribution) and are seen predominantly in the up-
tients with pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis and pul- per- and mid-lung zones.
monary Langerhans cell histiocytosis.58,60,61 Extrathoracic Cysts in the lung are enlarged airspaces surrounded by a
findings such as skin lesions may sometimes provide es- wall of variable thickness and composition.57 Among the
sential diagnostic clues. relatively few ILDs that are characterized by a diffuse
cystic pattern on HRCT are lymphangioleiomyomatosis
TEMPO OF DISEASE (Figure 4) and pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocyto-
Most ILDs, eg, IPF, present with an insidious onset of sis.43,44,57,58,64,65 The morphological characteristics and dis-
respiratory symptoms and slowly worsening lung infil- tribution of these cystic lesions can help radiologically
trates over a course of months to years. Acute presentation distinguish these 2 diseases.57 Scattered cystic airspaces
(lasting <4-6 weeks) of ILD is uncommon but can be seen can also be seen in other ILDs, including desquamative
in several ILDs, including hypersensitivity pneumonitis, interstitial pneumonia,66 hypersensitivity pneumonitis,67
acute reactions to drug or inhalational exposure, diffuse lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia,68 lymphoproliferative
alveolar hemorrhage syndromes, cryptogenic organizing diseases,69 light chain deposition disease,70 and Birt-Hogg-
pneumonia, acute eosinophilic pneumonia, and acute in- Dubé syndrome.71
terstitial pneumonia (also called Hamman-Rich syn- A radiologic pattern of ground-glass opacity is charac-
drome).4,62 Acute exacerbations can occur in patients with terized by a hazy increase in lung attenuation through
IPF and CTD-related ILD and may occasionally be the which pulmonary vessels may still be seen; in a pattern of
initial presentation for some of these patients.22,63 The avail- consolidation, those vessels are obscured (Figure 5).4,49
ability of previous chest radiographs or CT scans allows a Infections, pulmonary edema, and alveolar hemorrhage
more accurate assessment of the tempo of the pathologic cause alveolar filling and typically show consolidation as
process. well as ground-glass opacity.4 Ground-glass opacities may

980 Mayo Clin Proc. • August 2007;82(8):976-986 •

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TABLE 3. Differential Diagnosis of ILDs Based on

Radiologic Findings and Tempo*
Acute: diffuse alveolar hemorrhage syndromes, acute interstitial
pneumonia, acute eosinophilic pneumonia, acute reactions to
drug or inhalational exposure, cryptogenic organizing pneumonia
(also consider infections, pulmonary edema, aspiration)
Chronic: chronic eosinophilic pneumonia, cryptogenic organizing
pneumonia, lymphoproliferative diseases, pulmonary alveolar
proteinosis, sarcoidosis (also consider chronic infections,
chronic aspiration, lymphoma, bronchoalveolar cell carcinoma)
Reticular pattern
Acute: consider infections, pulmonary edema
Chronic: IPF, connective tissue disease–associated ILD, asbestosis,
sarcoidosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, drug-induced lung FIGURE 4. High-resolution computed tomogram of a 34-year-old
disease woman with lymphangioleiomyomatosis showing cystic lesions ran-
Nodular pattern (nodules <1 cm in diameter) domly distributed throughout both lungs.
Acute: hypersensitivity pneumonitis, sarcoidosis (also consider
infections, eg, tuberculosis, fungal infections)
Chronic: sarcoidosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, silicosis,
coal worker’s pneumoconiosis, respiratory bronchiolitis, be caused by partial filling of the alveolar spaces or thick-
alveolar microlithiasis (also consider metastatic disease) ening of the interstitium due to inflammation or fibrosis.
Cystic airspaces Thus, the differential diagnosis of ground-glass opacities in
Acute: consider Pneumocystis pneumonia, septic embolism
Chronic: pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis,
ILDs is broad and includes nonspecific interstitial pneumo-
lymphangioleiomyomatosis, lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia, nia, respiratory bronchiolitis–associated ILD, desquama-
honeycomb lung caused by IPF tive interstitial pneumonia, drug-induced lung diseases,
Ground-glass opacities
pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, diffuse alveolar hemor-
Acute: diffuse alveolar hemorrhage, hypersensitivity pneumonitis,
acute inhalational exposures, drug-induced lung diseases, acute rhage syndromes, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, acute in-
interstitial pneumonia (also consider infections, pulmonary halational injuries, drug-induced lung diseases, and acute
edema) interstitial pneumonia.4
Chronic: nonspecific interstitial pneumonia, hypersensitivity
pneumonitis, respiratory bronchiolitis–associated ILD, Chronic septal thickening can be seen in several ILDs
desquamative interstitial pneumonia, drug-induced lung including IPF, sarcoidosis, and pulmonary alveolar
diseases, pulmonary alveolar proteinosis proteinosis but is not the main radiologic abnormality in
Thickened interlobular septa
Acute: consider congestive heart failure, pulmonary edema these disorders.4,50 Septal thickening can also be caused by
Chronic: pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, sarcoidosis lymphangitic spread of tumor and generally has a nodular
Distribution or beaded character.50 Acute smooth septal thickening is
Upper lung predominance: sarcoidosis, pulmonary Langerhans cell usually caused by pulmonary edema.
histiocytosis, silicosis, coal worker’s pneumoconiosis, Aside from the radiologic patterns of parenchymal ab-
carmustine-related pulmonary fibrosis (also consider tuberculosis,
Pneumocystis pneumonia) normalities revealed on HRCT, the anatomic distribution
Lower lung predominance: IPF, connective tissue disease–associated of these findings can offer important information that in-
ILD, asbestosis (also consider chronic aspiration) fluences the differential diagnosis. Upper vs lower lung
Central predominance: sarcoidosis, berylliosis, pulmonary alveolar
proteinosis predominance is a useful distinction because several ILDs,
Peripheral predominance: IPF, nonspecific interstitial pneumonia, including sarcoidosis, pulmonary Langerhans cell his-
chronic eosinophilic pneumonia, cryptogenic organizing tiocytosis, silicosis, coal worker’s pneumoconiosis, and
pneumonia (also consider pulmonary infarctions, septic pulmonary
carmustine-related pulmonary fibrosis, preferentially af-
fect upper- and mid-lung zones.1,4 In contrast, IPF, asbesto-
Associated findings
Traction bronchiectasis: IPF, asbestosis, other chronic fibrotic sis, and most CTD-related ILDs tend to be predominant in
disorders the lower lobes.1,4 Radiologic abnormalities can also be
Lymphadenopathy: sarcoidosis, silicosis, berylliosis (also consider usefully categorized as centrally vs peripherally predomi-
infections, lymphangitic carcinomatosis or metastases, lymphoma)
Air trapping: hypersensitivity pneumonitis, respiratory nant. Chronic eosinophilic pneumonia, IPF, and crypto-
bronchiolitis–associated ILD, desquamative interstitial pneumonia, genic organizing pneumonia usually involve the peripheral
sarcoidosis lung zones.1,4 In contrast, sarcoidosis and berylliosis tend to
Pleural effusion or thickening: drug-induced ILDs, connective tissue
disease–associated ILDs, asbestosis, lymphangioleiomyomatosis
affect the central lung zones, particularly along the bron-
(also consider lymphangitic carcinomatosis, lymphoma) chovascular bundles.1,4
*ILD = interstitial lung disease; IPF = idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Associated radiologic findings may also prove useful in
Adapted from Mayo Clin Proc.4 the differential diagnosis. Traction bronchiectasis/bronchi-

Mayo Clin Proc. • August 2007;82(8):976-986 • 981

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sarcoidosis.16 Abnormal urine sediment may suggest renal

involvement in systemic vasculitis or CTD.
Certain serologic tests can be diagnostically helpful in
the evaluation of patients with suspected ILD. Autoim-
mune markers such as anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide anti-
bodies and antinuclear antibodies raise the possibility of an
underlying CTD. Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody and
antiglomerular basement membrane antibody assays are
helpful in the diagnosis of Wegener granulomatosis and
Goodpasture syndrome, respectively. The serum angio-
tensin–converting enzyme level is frequently elevated in
sarcoidosis but is not specific for this disorder and is not
diagnostically useful. Detection of a serum precipitin to
FIGURE 5. High-resolution computed tomogram of a 54-year-old
woman with chronic eosinophilic pneumonia showing consolidation
an antigen in a patient with suspected hypersensitivity
in the right lower lobe. pneumonitis indicates sensitization of the host but does
not prove the diagnosis.26 The brain natriuretic peptide
level may be useful in screening for pulmonary hyperten-
olectasis, which refers to dilatation and distortion of the sion in patients with ILDs and as a prognostic marker.74
bronchi and bronchioles in areas of parenchymal fibro- We recommend ordering selective serologic tests depend-
sis,50,55 is usually seen with reticular opacities and provides ing on the clinical context and the differential diagnosis
reliable evidence for the presence of surrounding fibrosis. being considered.
Although most commonly encountered in IPF, it can be
seen in any chronic fibrotic disorders such as asbestosis, PULMONARY FUNCTION TESTING
many CTD-related ILDs, and radiation fibrosis. Commonly Pulmonary function testing is needed in the evaluation of
associated with sarcoidosis, intrathoracic lymphadenopathy patients with suspected ILD and should include spirometry,
is also seen with silicosis, berylliosis, and lymphocytic diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide, lung volumes, and
interstitial pneumonia. However, mildly enlarged mediasti- oximetry (oxygen saturation at rest and with exercise).
nal lymph nodes are not uncommonly seen with other ILDs Pulmonary function testing in patients with ILDs typically
such as IPF.55 A nonspecific mosaic attenuation can be reveals a restrictive pattern with reduced diffusing capac-
observed in ILDs, airway diseases, or pulmonary vascular ity. In early ILD, however, the only abnormality, if any, on
diseases.50 Air trapping as demonstrated on expiratory views pulmonary function testing may be a mildly reduced diffus-
can be characteristic of ILDs that have a prominent bronchi- ing capacity. Obstructive findings are uncommon in pa-
olar involvement, ie, bronchiolitis,72 such as hypersensitivity tients with suspected ILD but can be seen in patients with
pneumonitis, desquamative interstitial pneumonia, respira- sarcoidosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, silicosis, pulmo-
tory bronchiolitis–associated ILD, and sarcoidosis.72 nary Langerhans cell histiocytosis, and pulmonary lymph-
Pleural effusion or thickening commonly occurs in angioleiomyomatosis.75 Interstitial lung disease occurring
ILDs that are induced by drugs or associated with CTD. In in patients with a preexisting obstructive lung disease, such
addition, pleural plaques, one of the characteristic pul- as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or emphysema,
monary manifestations after asbestos exposure, can be may present with pulmonary function features of obstruc-
seen together with asbestosis. Chylothorax occurs in ap- tion, restriction, or normal lung volumes because of op-
proximately 20% to 40% of patients with pulmonary posing effects on lung compliance. Patients with IPF and
lymphangioleiomyomatosis.73 emphysema may have normal lung volumes but a low dif-
fusing capacity and are more likely to be male smokers with
LABORATORY TESTS worse dyspnea and poorer prognosis than patients with only
Laboratory tests performed in patients with suspected ILD IPF or emphysema.76,77 An arterial blood gas study should
should include a complete blood cell count with differential be performed in patients with moderate to severe pulmo-
leukocyte counts, renal and liver function tests, and uri- nary impairment or significant exertional dyspnea.
nalysis (Table 2). Patients with a pulmonary hemorrhage
syndrome, eg, microscopic polyangiitis, may have iron ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY
deficiency anemia. Peripheral eosinophilia may occur in Echocardiographic evaluation should be considered for pa-
eosinophilic pneumonias, Churg-Strauss syndrome, and tients with ILDs who experience exertional dyspnea or fa-
some drug reactions. Hypercalcemia is not uncommon in tigue, particularly if the degree of these symptoms seems to

982 Mayo Clin Proc. • August 2007;82(8):976-986 •

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be disproportionate to the severity of the lung disease. Pul- ity pneumonitis, eosinophilic pneumonias, organizing
monary hypertension, which is common in patients with IPF pneumonia, pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis,
and pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis, does not ap- desquamative interstitial pneumonia, lymphocytic intersti-
pear to correlate necessarily with the severity of impairment tial pneumonia, pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis,
in pulmonary function or gas exchange.74,78-81 Some ILDs and pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, as well as infections
may be associated with an intrinsic vasculopathy. For ex- and neoplastic processes presenting with interstitial lung
ample, Fartoukh et al82 described a proliferative pulmonary infiltrates.2,3,6 Most of these disorders are associated with
vasculopathy involving muscular arteries and veins in pul- distinctive histopathologic features that can be discerned
monary Langerhans cell histiocytosis. even in small lung biopsy specimens, allowing for a di-
agnosis to be made independently of the underlying his-
OTHER TESTS topathologic architecture. The finding of “interstitial
Depending on the clinical context, other tests and proce- pneumonitis and fibrosis” on transbronchial lung biopsy is
dures may be useful in the diagnostic evaluation. Testing nonspecific and does not confirm the diagnosis of IPF.
for gastroesophageal reflux should be considered in pa- Bronchoalveolar lavage findings can be helpful in diag-
tients with suggestive symptoms. Gastroesophageal reflux nosing ILDs such as pulmonary alveolar proteinosis and
may play a role in the pathogenesis of some ILDs such as pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis.2-4,86 In pulmonary
IPF.83 In addition, aspiration-related lung diseases may be alveolar proteinosis, BAL yields a cloudy effluent that
confused with ILD.84 Patients with ILD who present with contains large amounts of periodic acid-Schiff–positive
diarrhea or abnormal hepatic function may have inflamma- lipoproteinaceous material, as evidenced by light micros-
tory bowel disease, eg, Crohn disease or ulcerative colitis; copy.86,87 The presence of 5% or more CD1a-positive cells
ILDs caused by inflammatory bowel disease may be char- in the BAL fluid is highly specific for the diagnosis of pul-
acterized by granulomatous inflammation of the lung.85 monary Langerhans cell histiocytosis.43,86 BAL findings may
Immune suppression due to therapy or underlying systemic sometimes be helpful in the diagnosis of pulmonary hemor-
disease is common in ILD, and lung infection in such rhage, eosinophilic pneumonias, berylliosis, hypersensitivity
patients can have diverse clinicoradiologic presentations. pneumonitis, and some pneumoconioses.86 BAL cell profiles
Thus, the clinician needs to be mindful of potential pulmo- are not diagnostic in idiopathic interstitial pneumonias.86
nary infections and pursue vigilant testing when clinically The number of recognizable histopathologic reaction
indicated. patterns in ILDs is limited,1,6 and their morphological
specificity in the diagnosis of ILDs is variable.1,6,88 Some
BRONCHOSCOPY AND LUNG BIOPSY biopsy specimens may provide specific clues that are diag-
When a specific diagnosis can be made confidently on the nostic of the underlying disease, whereas others reveal only
basis of the clinical context, the tempo of the pathological nonspecific abnormalities.
process, and the findings on HRCT, a lung biopsy is usu- Currently, most surgical lung biopsies are performed by
ally not required. For example, a diagnosis of IPF is highly video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery.89-91 When pleural ad-
likely for a middle-aged patient presenting with slowly hesions or other complicating factors interfere with the
progressive exertional dyspnea, bibasilar inspiratory crack- performance of this procedure, the biopsy is obtained in-
les, and HRCT features typical for IPF including subpleu- stead by thoracotomy. Although the diagnostic yield of
ral honeycombing in the lower lung zones in the absence of surgical lung biopsy specimens is approximately 90% or
relevant inhalational exposures, fibrogenic drugs, or CTD. higher, this rate depends on what types of histologic find-
However, if the combination of these parameters is not ings are considered diagnostic. The distribution of the ab-
distinctive enough to achieve a specific diagnosis, a lung normalities on HRCT is used to determine the sites of lung
biopsy needs to be considered but only after several related biopsy. Although biopsies from 2 separate sites are usually
issues are addressed. preferred, a generous specimen from a site that is represen-
Lung biopsies are performed to establish a specific diag- tative of the underlying process can suffice. In some disor-
nosis that will aid in assessing prognosis and guiding treat- ders, the histology of specimens from different lobes may
ment. In some situations, biopsy of an extrapulmonary site vary.92 Areas of end-stage honeycomb fibrosis should be
such as a skin lesion may allow for a specific diagnosis. avoided because samples from these sites reveal advanced
The diagnostic possibilities being considered will largely fibrotic changes that are of no diagnostic use.
determine whether a bronchoscopic or surgical lung biopsy Surgical lung biopsy in patients with ILDs poses rela-
is performed. Bronchoscopy with transbronchoscopic lung tively low risk. The mortality rate is less than 2% in most
biopsy and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) may provide reports,89-91 and complication rates generally range from
sufficient evidence to diagnose sarcoidosis, hypersensitiv- 5% to 10%.89-91 However, the risks of a surgical lung biopsy

Mayo Clin Proc. • August 2007;82(8):976-986 • 983

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may be increased in some situations.93-96 For example, Utz histopathology, clinicoradiologic presentation, and clinical
et al93 reported a 21.7% mortality rate within 30 days of course. Diagnosis of these diseases is facilitated by an orga-
biopsy in patients with IPF. Similarly, Caples et al94 noted a nized formulation of the clinical context, tempo of the dis-
20% in-hospital mortality rate after surgical lung biopsy in ease process, and radiologic findings, as well as a selective
patients with rheumatoid-related ILD. These higher than use of serologic tests, echocardiography, bronchoscopy, and
expected mortality rates associated with surgical lung bi- surgical lung biopsy. When a lung biopsy specimen is ob-
opsy likely reflect, at least in part, a selection bias, eg, lung tained, a correlation of histopathologic findings with the
biopsy performed in patients with acutely worsening lung clinical context and radiologic findings is essential. As our
infiltrates. However, these reports reinforce the need for a understanding of these disorders advances and new thera-
careful assessment of risks and benefits in the selection of peutic agents aimed at specific molecular targets are devel-
patients for surgical lung biopsy. oped, it becomes increasingly important to achieve a specific
Histopathologic findings must be interpreted within the diagnosis to facilitate the optimal management for patients
context of clinical, radiologic, and physiologic features in with ILDs.
the diagnostic evaluation of patients with ILDs. For ex-
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