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Sevent element of art:

1. Space: It is abot the area destinated for a work arte, and also it is about the
perspective and porportion betwen shapes and objects.

2. Color: it is the reflection of the light on the objects, it has diffents ways of
manipulation: tone, brightness, intensity, chroma, banace. Example: red, light blue,

3. Shape: It is a two.dementional design, and represent in the mind of the viwer as

somethig three-dimentional. Also it is called volumen, and it work with other elements
how color, lines, space, texture to create its effect. Example: a cube with shadow.

4. Texture: It can be tactile or visual. It convey the sensation of hardness, softness,

roughness, etc. Example: Wodd, glass, bricks.

5. Value: It refer to the degree or clarity with the tones of an image are percieved. It can
convey feelings. Example: a sunset.

6. Line: the lines serve to define the contour of the forms. It can be straight, curve, thin
or thick, horizontal, vertical, diagonal or contour. Example: a train track.

7. Figure: They are a set of forms that in a organized way develop a body, that represent
an individual, animal, object or othe phisical concept. Example: a dog

Student: Samuel Morales Niño Y7

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