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‫ מועד‬21.6.19

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<style> form{border-style: solid; width: 60%; padding-bottom: 2px; </style>


<Form name="myForm" > <h1>REPORT</h1>

<label> Bug code: <input type="text" name="bugCode" id="idbugCode" required><br></label>


<legend> Reprodu</legend>

<input type="radio" name="Reprodu" value=”yes” > yes<br />

<input type="radio" name="Reprodu" value=”no”> no<br />


<label> description:

<input type="text" name="description" required><br></label>

<label> status:

<select name="status" size="1">

<option value="Corrected" selected>Corrected</option>

<option value="On-hold">On-hold</option>

<option value="Not-assigned">Not-assigned</option> </select> </label><br>

<input type="submit" value="Submit" onclick="handleForm()"></Form>

<script> var arrbugCode=new Array();
function handleForm(){

var bugCode = document.forms["myForm"]["bugCode"].value;

var Reprodu = document.forms["myForm"]["Reprodu"].value;

if(bugCode.length!=8 || bugCode.charAt(3)!='#' || (bugCode.substring(0,3)!='rep') && bugCode.substring(0,3)!='nre' ){

document.getElementById("idbugCode").style.color="red"; return false;}

else document.getElementById("idbugCode").style.color="green"; }

if((Reprodu=='yes' && bugCode.substring(0,3)!='rep') || (Reprodu=='no' && bugCode.substring(0,3)!='nre')){

return false;}}

if (arrbugCode.length>999){ alert("the arry is full "); return false;}

else arrbugCode.push(bugCode); </script>


‫ מועד‬19.2.2019 ‫מבחן‬
1 ‫ב' שאלה‬

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'‫ מועד א‬21.1.19 ‫מבחן‬

1 ‫שאלה‬

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:‫ של מבחן לדוגמא מהמאמא‬JS ‫פתרון שאלה‬


<form><fieldset><legend>Clean a word from redundant charachters</legend>

<p>Enter a world to clean:<input id="word" type="text"></p>

<p>Enter a charachter to remove:<input id="clean" type="text"></p>

<p>The new label is:<input type="text" id="final"></p></fieldset>

<p><input type='button' value="activate" onclick="activate()">

<input type='button' value="clean" onclick="cleanFields()"></p> </form>

function activate(){var word=document.getElementById("word").value;

var char=document.getElementById("clean").value;

var newWord="";

for (var i=0;i<word.length;i++){

if (word.charAt(i)!=char) {

newWord+=word.charAt(i); }}

document.getElementById("final").value=newWord; }

function cleanFields(){document.getElementById("word").value="";



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