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The factors the prevent a child from learning to his full potential considered to be a barrier

learning. In Dr. Intakhab's article "An Analysis of learning Barriers the Saudi Arabian context"
written in 2011, he delivered an important information about the different learning barriers,
this article can be read by teachers, students, and even parents how cares about their
children learning future. The article is informative and successful at braining awareness to its
.readers because of the many examples, tone and word choice and the non-bias approach

In the article Dr. Intakhab claims that the learning barriers act as an obstacles in the way of a
successful education, even though the institutions take all the measurement to prevents it
we still face these barriers almost every day in teaching, those barriers, in general, could be
personal, emotional, economic, attitudinal or even organizational by studying these aspects
a teacher can diagnose the possible barriers and even remove them, to avoid barriers the
teacher should keep in mind four principles Access, Awareness, Acceptance, and
appreciation. The learning barriers don't appear suddenly. it's a process that starts from an
.early stage and keeps affecting throughout the education processes

According to the author motivation plays a major role achieving the goals of teaching/
learning, we can differ between the teacher by chance and the one by choice based on their
motivation. in Saudi Arabia, it has been found that neither the students or the teachers are
motivated toward learning at all, despite the effort the institution admiration makes to
motivate them. Another type of learning barriers is faulty transfer of learning, when the
students fail to connect what he learned before to what he learned now, it’s the teacher's
responsibility to discover these barriers and solve them, even curriculums should involve
some high-tech materials instead of the traditional textbooks, it should be selected,
.facilitated and designed properly with the social needs

The author claims that in Saudi Arabia even though the government spends a lot of money
on the education program their still some learning barriers exist, the linguistic barrier is
considered one of the most crucial barriers in the education system, in the case of English
student fail to learn the language due to lack of motivation. Some students have a negative
attitude towards the culture of the language which makes it hard for them to accept the
language. reading has a strong connection to the learning system, but most of the Saudi
students can't or have no interest in reading in English. Another barrier the consider be
common in Saudi Arabia is language anxiety, the negative anxiety could affect the learning
.process of a student when learning a second language like English

Even though the adult's barriers are different from the children barriers, not all of them can
be applied to the Saudi learners regarding the lack of time and money and society pressure
since the most of them have enough money and most of the houses have maids and there is
no problem regarding transportation and no pressure from the society. The lack of
dedication in teaching students is considered an issue in Saudi Arabia, most of the teachers
have no dedication in teaching since most them consider teaching as a job to earn a
livelihood. Another concerning issue is the professional development of teacher, most of the
teachers in Saudi Arabia don’t have an experience in teaching and not prepared enough to
.teach students, and have no interest at all in developing their teaching skills
For these reasons, the role of the teacher is very important in dealing with learning barriers.
In the case of teaching English as a second language, the teachers should motivate and
encourage their students to learn more about the language to avoid linguistic barriers.
Furthermore, there are cases in Saudi Arabia when the parents especially the fathers are not
concerned with their children education and future, in this case, the teacher is supposed to
play the role of father to guide and motivate the students, and to have a positive
relationship with them. The Learning barriers are as important as learning or education, it's
.very common on a day to day situations, therefore it should be diagnosed and dealt with

In the article "An Analysis of learning Barriers the Saudi Arabian context" there no fallacies,
Intakhab did an excellent job of keeping information accurate and to the point. there is no
assumption being made, he supported his facts with different direct quotes from an expert
on the subject. However, when he wrote about the learning barriers in Saudi Arabi he didn’t
support his facts with evidence, furthermore, he didn't mention if the facts he provided are
from a certain study or a survey on the matter or his own observation as a professor. In term
of clarity, the word choice was a little bit complex, it would be difficult for a high- school
student to comprehend this article easily. However, it would attract university students. In
term of fairness, Intakhab doesn’t appear to be biased to any side of the article, he talked
about the issues in general, there was no personal opinion or hidden assumption to affect
.the reader judgment

In my opinion, what makes Intakhab's article very successful is the neutral tone he used
throughout the article, you don’t hear the authors' feelings when he's writing, you hear
about the issues and the facts that support it, you can tell he wants to bring awareness to
the learning barriers issues. The author did a good job in providing different information
about the learning barriers. However, he organized the barriers in general without
mentioning if this organization is based on the most effective barriers or the least effective
one, but overall it was a good effort. I agree with the facts he provided, and I would
recommend this article as a source of the topic because it acknowledges the issues and
.provides some useful strategies to avoid these barriers

Intakhab's "An Analysis of learning Barriers the Saudi Arabian context" is an article that
brings awareness to the learning barriers issue, and how can we prevent this issue. This
article is very useful because of the different real elements, neutral informative tone, non-
bias viewpoints, and the appropriate language. This author is very persuasive in his writing
.and bringing the issues to a greater light

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