Asking About Time, Date, Day and Month

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Asking and Telling about Time

Kalimat “What time is it?”, “When will your dance class end?”, and “What time is the
basketball match?”, digunakan untuk menanyakan waktu. Sementara, kalimat “It is twenty
past four”, “At quarter to four, Mom.”, dan “At two twenty this afternoon.” Digunakan
untuk memberitahukan waktu.

Untuk memberitahukan waktu, biasanya menggunakan kata depan ‘at’.

Berikut adalah beberapa ungkapan untuk menanyakan dan memberitahukan tentang waktu.

Asking about Time Telling about Time

(Menanyakan Waktu) (Memberitahukan Waktu)
 What time is it?  It is twelve thirty
(Jam berapakah ini?) ( Ini jam dua belas lebih tiga puluh
 What is the time?  A quarter past four
(Pukul berapa ini?) (Jam empat lewat seperempat)
 What time is the art class?  At 8:20 AM
(Jam berapakah kelas seni dimulai?) (Jam 8:20 Pagi)
 When does your private course start?  At seven o’clock
(Kapan kursus privatmu dimulai?) (Jam tujuh tepat)
 When do you do the laundry?  I do the laundry at 4:45 PM
(Kapan kamu akan mencuci?) (Saya mencuci pada pukul 4:45 Sore)
Exercise I

Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini dengan waktu yang sesuai untuk mengisi bagian yang
kosong !

Contoh :

 Aulia : Hello Tami, what do you do usually on Monday morning?

 Tami : Hello Aulia, I usually go to school every Monday morning.
 Aulia : What time does usually you go to school?
 Tami : At…………….

Jawabannya : At seven past fifteen minutes.

Rani : What does your sister, Hesti, usually do on Sunday morning?

Hanung: She goes jogging.

Rani : What time does she usually go jogging?

Hanung : At(1)……………………..

Rani : When does she have breakfast?

Hanung : She has breakfast at(2)……………

Rani : What does she do after that?

Hanung : She has shower at(3)……………………

Rani : What time does she wash her laundry?

Hanung : At(4)………………..

Rani : Then, when does she have the lunch?

Hanung : She has lunch at(5)……………..

Days, Months, and Years

Nama Hari dalam Bahasa Inggris

Monday : Senin
Tuesday : Selasa
Wednesday : Rabu
Thursday : Kamis
Friday : Jumat
Saturday : Sabtu
Sunday : Minggu

Nama Bulan Dalam Bahasa Inggris

January : January
February : February
March : March
April : April
May : Mei
June : Juni
July : Juli
August : August
September : September
October : October
November : November
December : Desember
Lihatlah contoh cara membaca tahun dibawah ini !
2 0 1 9 : - two thousand nineteen
- two thousand and nineteen
- twenty nineteen

1 8 9 6 : - eighteen ninety-six

7 3 3 : - seven thirty-three
- seven hundred and thirty-three

Asking and telling about time related to days, dates, months, and years.

Kalimat “ what is the date today?”, “ when did you draw this scenery”, and “when will the
english speech contest be held?” digunakan untuk menanyakan tentang waktu yang
berhubungan dengan hari, tanggal, bulan, dan tahun.

Secara umum untuk menanyakan waktu yang berhubungan dengan hari, tanggal, bulan, dan
tahun, kita dapat menggunakan kata tanya “Kapan”.

Berikut ini adalah ungkapan untuk ditanyakan dan diceritakan tentang waktu yang berkaitan
dengan hari, tanggal, bulan, dan tahun serta tanggapannya.

Asking about time related to days, dates, Responding

months, and years. (Menanggapi)
(Menanyakan tentang waktu yang berhubungan
dengan hari, tanggal, bulan, dan tahun.)
 What is the date today, Dad?  It is January 11.
(Tanggal berapa hari ini, Ayah?) (Sekarang 11 Januari.)
 What month will the final test be held?  In December.
(Pada bulan berapa tes terakhir akan (Di bulan Desember.)
 When did you go to Museum?  I went there last month.
(Kapan kamu pergi ke Museum?) (Saya pergi kesana bulan lalu.)
 When is the biology assignment due?  It is due on November 30, 2020
(Kapan tugas biologi jatuh tempo?) (Jatuh tempo pada tanggal 30
November 2020)
 When will you leave for a study tour?  On December 23, 2020
(Kapan anda akan berangkat untuk (Pada tanggal 23 December 2020)
study tour?)

Exercise II !
Pilihlah jawaban
1. Andin : When were you born Nadya?
Nadya : I was born on ....
Andin : It was a great day, Nadya. You were born on the heroes' day commemoration,
weren't you?
A. December 12th 2008
B. November 10th 2008
C. August 17th 2008
D. May 20th 200

2. Teacher : What is the seventh month?

Student : ....
A. June
B. July
C. August
D. September

3. It is Thursday. What day was yesterday?

A. Sunday
B. Monday
C. Tuesday
D. Wednesday

4. Yesterday was Wednesday so today is ....

A. Tuesday
B. Friday
C. Thursday
D. Sunday

5. Teacher : What day is today?

Students : Today is Friday
Teacher : Then, what day will be tomorrow?
Students : Tomorrow will be ....

A. Saturday
B. Sunday
C. Monday
D. Thursday

Bacalah dialog dibawah ini dengan seksama untuk bisa menjawab pertanyaan no 6-8 !
Mrs.Vina : when do we celebrate independence day ?
Umar : it is on august 17 th Mrs.
Mrs.Vina : Iin what month do we celebrate the national education day,lyla?
Lyla : it is on may, 2 nd Mrs.Vina and,when do we celebrate kartini day ?
Rosyid : it is on april.
Mrs.Vina : good ! do you know in what date is it ?
Rosyid : it is on april the twenty first.

6. On August 17 th we celebrate the….

a. national education day
b. new year
c. kartini’s day
d. independence day

7. The National Education Day is in ….

a. may 2 nd
b. may 22 nd
c. may 21 st
d. may 12 th

8. On April we celebrate the…

a. New yea
b. National education day
c. Independence day
d. Kartini day

9. There are....days in a week

A. Seven
B. Six
C. Ten
D. Twelve

10. How many days are there in a month?

a. a day c. twenty one days
b. seven days d. thirty or thirty one days

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