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Wales Co-op Case Study

We produced an online tool to help co-operatives get access to the business advice that is most
relevant to them.
Wales Co-op is a charity that offers free in-person advice to co-operative businesses, but this is
becoming too costly to provide in all cases. If businesses first consulted the advice available
online, Wales-coop would be able to streamline its in-person services. The challenge was to
create a tool that would help businesses quickly find the online advice relevant to them.
We produced an online questionnaire and a portal for accessing online advice that responds
dynamically to the questionnaire results. Animations and a smooth user-interface make the
experience as painless as possible for businesses and a login system allows results to be saved.
In addition, we provided Wales Co-op with views of the aggregated questionnaire results to
allow them to keep track of which information is most useful to different kinds of businesses.
 ES6 transpiled by Babel and bundled by Webpack.
 Hapi and PostgreSQL for backend services.
 D3 for data visualisation.
 Handlebars for templating, with a mixture of client and server-side rendering.
 Materialize (including jQuery) for styling.
 Ramda for functional data processing.
Team members
Sam Galson | Mattia Spinelli | Rory McElearney | Heather Lauren | Kara de la Marck
Team Quote
"Others have warbled the praises of React and Elm. Less celestial, I celebrate jQuery."
You can check out a copy of the app here:

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