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Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 59 (2016) 145e153

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Writing the history of virology in the twentieth century: Discovery,

disciplines, and conceptual change
Pierre-Olivier Méthot a, b, *
Faculté de philosophie, Université Laval, 2325 rue des Bibliothèques, Québec, Québec G1R 1V7, Canada
Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur la science et la technologie, Université du Québec à Montréal, C.P. 8888, succ., Centre-ville, Montréal, Québec
H3C 3P8, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Concerned with the study of viruses and the diseases they cause, virology is now a well-established
Received 21 January 2016 scientific discipline. Whereas aspects of its history from the late nineteenth to the mid-twentieth cen-
Accepted 27 February 2016 tury have often been recounted through a number of detailed case studies, few general discussions of the
Available online 29 March 2016
historiography of virology have been offered. Looking at the ways in which the history of virology has
been told, this article examines a number of debates among scientists and historians of biology and show
how they are based on a different understanding of notions such as “discipline”, of processes such as
“scientific discovery” as well as on distinct views about what the history of science is and how it should
Virus concept
Experimental practices
be written (the opposition between “longue durée” and “micro-history” or between history of “concepts”
Discipline formation versus “experimental methods”). The analysis provided here also suggests that a richer historiography of
Tobacco mosaic virus virology will require looking at the variations over time of the relations between conceptual, techno-
Discovery and scientific change logical, and institutional factors that fostered its development at the intersection of several other sci-
entific fields in the life sciences.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

When citing this paper, please use the full journal title Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences

1. Introduction: from the history to the historiography of historiography have been offered. As a first step in this direction, this
virology article is thus primarily concerned with historiographical questions.
Looking at the ways in which the history of virology has been
Virology is concerned with the study of viruses and the several told, this article discusses a number of points of contention among
diseases they cause as well as with the prevention of disease scientists and historians of science and biology that have been
transmission within and among populations. Now a well- neglected in the literature, on the one hand, and examines how
established discipline, the historical trajectory of virology from they are based on a different understanding of notions such as
the late nineteenth century to the present has often been recounted “discipline”, of processes such as “scientific discovery” as well as on
(Burnet, 1955; Chastel, 1992; Creager, 2001; Galperin, 1994; Grafe, distinct views about what the history of science is and how it
1991; Grmek, 1994; van Helvoort, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994a, 1994b, should be written (the opposition between “longue durée” and
1996; Smith Hughes, 1977; Sankaran, 2006; Scholthof, 2014; “micro-history” or between history of “concepts” versus “experi-
Summers, 2014; Waterson & Wilkinson, 1978). However, whereas mental methods”), on the other.
a number of detailed case studies bearing on aspects of the history Examining the historiography of virology can shed light on the
of virology have been written, very few general discussions of the evolution of methodological approaches among historians of sci-
ence, on the more general problems they face, and inform us about
past and present diverging interpretations they proposed con-
cerning the significance of key episodes in the early days of
* Faculté de philosophie, Université Laval, 2325 rue des Bibliothèques, Québec,
Québec G1R 1V7, Canada. virology. For instance, one shall see that historical accounts of the
E-mail address: development of virology as a field from the 1970s to the 1990s were
1369-8486/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
146 P.-O. Méthot / Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 59 (2016) 145e153

often wide-ranging in scope and organized around the emergence literature has “tended to emphasize conceptual developments”
of the concept of virus, from Pasteur until the rise of molecular with little attention to “features of the research environment” that
biology; in contrast, more recent accounts have embraced the shift allowed fundamental advances to be made (1995, 109). Indeed even
toward ‘micro-history’ and stressed the role of experimental prac- a cursory look shows that most accounts of the history of virology
tices (Creager, 2001; Scholthof, 2014; Summers, 2014) and, to some mentioned in section 1 closely follow the development of the
extent, institutions (Kevles & Geison, 1995) in shaping the field. concept of virus across time and place and focus on its role in
After introducing aspects of contemporary historiography of shaping virology as a distinct field of research and practice. In her
virology (section 2) and the early works on tobacco mosaic disease study of Wendell Stanley’s work on the tobacco mosaic virus, his-
in order to outline the historiographical issues to be examined later torian of science Angela Creager noted this methodological point:
(section 3), this essay revisits three important points of discussions “the origin of virology”, she remarked, “is most often narrated as
in the history of virology, namely: the discovery of viruses in the the history of a concept, that of the virus as a nonbacterial path-
late nineteenth century, as debated by scientists (section 4), the ogen” (2001, 45; emphasis added).
beginnings of virology as a discipline (section 5), and the nature of Creager’s comment was directed to Sally Smith Hughes’ earlier
conceptual change in virology during the past century, as mostly study, The Virus: a History of the Concept, in which the historical
discussed by historians of science and biology (section 6). In emergence of virology was characterized in terms of a shift from
conclusion, I suggest that one way to provide a richer historiogra- bacterial to nonbacterial concepts of virus; but several other his-
phy of virology would be to look at the variations over time of the torical accounts of the long history of virology are equally concept-
relations between conceptual, technological, and institutional oriented. In 1978, London virologist P. A. Waterson wrote an
factors. Introduction to the History of Virology together with historian Lise
Wilkinson that, he acknowledged, was “essentially, and indeed
2. Writing the history of virology deliberately, conceptual” (1978, xii; emphasis in original), a book
later perceived to be both “comprehensive and authoritative” by
The history of virology has often been written as the coming into historians of virology (van Helvoort, 2014, 258). Although Waterson
being of a discipline, namely as a process going from the study of ill- recognized the close connections between concepts and techniques
defined biological or chemical objects called ‘viruses’ in the late as well as between institutions and persons, his account focused
nineteenth century to the experimental and professionalized explicitly on “the evolution of the present concept of a virus” (1978,
laboratory-based science known as virology some seventy years xii). Around the same time, in a series of articles appearing from the
later. The creation of scientific disciplines offers historians of sci- mid- to late-1970s in Medical History, Wilkinson pursued her
ence a privileged way to access and explore the multiplicity of studies of “the development of the virus concept as reflected in
factors (conceptual, technical, cultural, etc.) involved in the growth corpora of studies on individual pathogens” (1974, 1975, 1976, 1977,
of science, which has largely developed by means of a “continual 1979; emphasis added).
branching out into fields of investigation previously unexplored A decade later, scientist and historian of science Ton van Hel-
and often totally unexpected” (Lemaine, Macleod, Mulkay, & voort argued in a number of foundational papers (1991, 1992, 1993,
Weingart, 1976, 2). The organized study and control of biological 1994a, b, 1996) that virology as a field emerged out of the ‘decon-
entities known as ‘viruses’ is often seen as one such example of a struction’ of the concept of ‘filterable virus’ and the subsequent rise
domain that has ‘branched out’ from previously established fields of the ‘modern’ concept of virus from the 1950s onward (1994a,
of inquiry e plant pathology, bacteriology, chemistry, etc. e before 186). While these works do follow the development of techniques
achieving disciplinary status, a process once described as “a model such as filtration, cell and tissue cultures, electron microscopy, etc.,
of the emergence and establishment of a new branch of biological what explains broad, even paradigmatic changes in the field of
knowledge” (Waterson & Wilkinson, 1978, ix). virology are usually changes in the concept of virus itself (e.g. bac-
Virology’s emergence as a discipline, of course, does not merely terial to non-bacterial, filterable virus to the modern concept of a
result from the discovery of new forms of biological entities, virus, etc.) In other words, concepts e and not so much techniques,
standing between the living and inert matter; it is also the product institutions, research environments, or their interaction e are seen
of new techniques and apparatuses being used to advance knowl- as the main drivers of scientific change.
edge, notably in the medical and biomedical realms, as well as a Historians of science often single-out the role of concepts in
consequence of scientific infrastructures and social practices, establishing disciplinary status because they are the “most con-
including the foundation of scientific journals and the development spicuous ‘tools of cognition and communication’” (Lenoir, 1997,
of research communities and institutions such as the Rockefeller cited in Suárez-Díaz, 2009, 44). For instance, in van Helvoort’s
Institute for Medical Research in New York, the California Institute words the ‘plasticity’ of the virus concept “offered opportunities for
of Technology, the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical communication between members of thought collectives of
Research in Melbourne, the Pasteur Institute in Paris, and the competing approaches” (1994a, 221). Yet as William Summers
Friedrich Loeffler Institute in Greifswald. recently pointed out, “The refinement or precision of the virus
Despite the risk of taking for granted established knowledge- concept is a story of technologies and methods” (2014, 26; emphasis
structures (e.g., disciplines) instead of historicizing them added). Following the so-called ‘practice-turn’ in the history and
(Jordanova, 1993), the ‘disciplinary framework’ remains useful for philosophy of science, fueled by ‘laboratory studies’ and ethno-
following the development and organization of scientific knowl- methodological approaches, the role of experimentation in estab-
edge. This is the case notably because of the disciplinary frame- lishing knowledge-claims has gained prominence among historians
work’s social role: disciplines are important ‘institutional who paid particular attention to specific episodes and instruments,
mechanisms’ that regulate the circulation and production of located within a given scientific institution such as the Rockefeller
knowledge while they also help to ground scientific expertise. On a Foundation, rather than to the history of virology as a whole (see
broader level, they are also essential to the functioning of what Tim Gaudillière, 2000; Rheinberger, 2010). Beginning in the mid-1990s,
Lenoir called the global ‘political economy’ of modern science this trend in ‘microstudies’ is perhaps best reflected in Creager
(Lenoir, 1997, 72). (2001) account of Wendell Stanley’s laboratory and and his works
Coming now to the historiography of virology itself, Daniel on the purification and crystallization of tobacco mosaic virus
Kevles and Gerald Geison have observed twenty years ago that this (TMV). There, the author construed viruses such as tobacco mosaic
P.-O. Méthot / Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 59 (2016) 145e153 147

viruses and bacteriophages as ‘model systems’, and emphasized the immunizing procedure inspired by Jenner’s earlier practice
role of material culture and experimental practices “as the leading (Moulin, 1992). The more general meaning of the term, then used in
edge of scientific change” (2001, 7). the context of the nascent ‘germ theory’ to designate infectious
The history of virology has been intensely researched by agents (bacteria, viruses, parasites), emerged when Pasteur asser-
scholars, as the many books and articles mentioned in the first ted that: “every virus is a microbe” (Pasteur, 1890, 673, quoted in
section underline. One could even say that the history of virology Smith Hughes, 1977, 112; see also van Helvoort, 1994a).
enjoyed momentum in the early 1990s. This was due to several In this latter sense, the concept of ‘virus’ was operationalized
factors, including the growing interest in the history of molecular thanks to a procedure consisting in a series of methodological steps
biology in which viruses (especially TMV) were a key model or- known as ‘Koch’s postulates’, which were considered applicable to
ganism, but also to the social and political consequences of the AIDS all microscopic agents. First spelled out by Robert Koch’s younger
pandemic and the international spur of ‘emerging viruses’. Amer- colleague Friederich Loeffler in Berlin, those postulates rapidly
ican architects of the concept of emerging disease Stephen Morse became the cornerstone of the germ theory of disease. Whereas
and Joshua Lederberg, for instance, organized a conference in this method led to the identification of several pathogenic agents
Washington in May 1989 on ‘Emerging Viruses: The Evolution of such as the tubercle bacillus and anthrax, its application to other
Viruses and Viral Diseases’ that attracted much scientific, political, disease entities also revealed a number of ‘anomalies’. Those were
and media attention (see Méthot & Fantini, 2014). first observed in the case of the tobacco mosaic disease, which
In order to take stock on the present and past situation, French- could not be cultivated in vitro, before being noticed in several other
Croatian medical historian Mirko Grmek, together with the Amer- (viral) diseases such as yellow fever and influenza (Gradmann,
ican Nobel Prize laureate in physiology or medicine Baruch S. 2014).
Blumberg, organized the bi-annual Ischia summer school in June The most popular example of a plant virus disease is the ‘mosaic’
1990, one year after the Washington meeting, on the ‘History of pattern observed on the leaves of tulips, first described in 1576 by
Virology: Biology of Viruses and Epidemiology and Clinical Viral Dutch physician and botanist Carolus Clusius (1526e1609). Un-
Diseases’. A few years later, in an extensive ‘essay review’ of ten known for centuries, the cause of this disease began to be better
books on viruses, Grmek (1994) delineated five stages in the for- understood only in the late nineteenth century, thanks to the
mation of virology as a field e a longue durée history of the disci- German industrial chemist Adolph Mayer who had been working
pline. Reaching back to antiquity, he first situated the ‘prehistory’ of on disease in tobacco plants. The director of an Experimental Sta-
virology at a time when its object was ill defined and had yet to tion in the region of Wageningen in the Netherlands, Mayer’s in-
become a part of ‘scientific’ knowledge. This ‘proto-historical terest in tobacco mosaic disease (TMV) (or ‘spot disease’) was
period’, in turn, led to the attribution of the word ‘virus’ to any sparked by the impediments the disease was causing to the tobacco
putative pathogenic germ e a period that ended only in the late industry, which in some places have “caused the cultivation of to-
nineteenth century. Following that, Grmek went on to define what bacco to be given up entirely” (cited in Zaitlin, 1998).
he called the ‘heroic’ period that covered the discovery of ‘filterable Using the sap obtained from crushing the leaves of diseased
agents’ (i.e. entities able to pass through porcelain filters) in the last plants, Mayer showed he could infect healthy ones and generate
decade of the nineteenth century up until works on crystallography the same disease pattern. Yet the nature of the infectious agent or
and the use of electronic microscopes in the 1930s. The fourth substance remained unclear. Mayer hypothesized it could be an
phase in the recent history of virology e labeled ‘constitutive’e is enzyme but settled for a bacterium in the end. Drawing on Koch’s
shorter and spanned a decade at most. It was concerned with the postulates, he attempted e and failed e to cultivate the infectious
growing recognition that viruses form a ‘particular class of bio- substance of the mosaic disease from the extracted juice in the
logical objects’ although their nature (chemical or living entities) laboratory. Experimenting with double filter paper, Mayer obtained
was still in dispute. The ‘actual’ stage in the history of virology, a clear filtrate of the sap of diseased plants that lost its infective
according to Grmek, began in 1957 when French molecular biolo- power, and thus concluded that he was “concerned with a bacterial
gist André Lwoff famously stated: ‘viruses are viruses’ (i.e., not disease” (Mayer in Hahon, 1964, 44 [1886]).
bacteria). Following the development of these five stages, Grmek At Mayer’s request, the Dutch scientist Martinus Beijerinck
concluded, “virology becomes an autonomous scientific discipline, attempted in turn to isolate the agent responsible for the tobacco
located at the crossroad between genetics, cytology, bacteriology, mosaic disease using standard bacteriological procedures, which
and oncology” (1994, 341). also proved unsuccessful. In 1895, after taking up a professorship in
Despite virology having achieved the status of an autonomous bacteriology at the Polytechnical School in Delft, Beijerinck
science, historians and scientists have continued to debate many resumed his work on tobacco mosaic disease in his new laboratory.
issues related to the origins and evolution of this discipline, Using porcelain Chamberland filter-candles, an apparatus initially
namely: who ‘discovered’ viruses? When exactly did virology developed to obtain clean water (Fig. 1) and to clarify chemical
become an autonomous discipline? And was the development of solutions, he demonstrated that the juice of diseased plants
virology during the twentieth century continuous or discontin- remained infectious after filtration. Performing a ‘diffusion exper-
uous? Before exploring those questions, I turn to earlier works on iment’, he showed that a drop of the sap from infected plants would
viruses in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century that, in diffuse slowly into a thin layer of agar gel, a finding that convinced
large part, set the stage for the present historiographical debates. him of the soluble (and non corpuscular) nature of the infectious
agent. Observing that the material did not lose its infectivity over
3. Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV): from microbes to ‘filterable time, Beijerinck concluded that “the spot disease is an infectious
viruses’ one that is not caused by microbes” but by an active and soluble
substance: a ‘virus’ or as he called it, a contagium vivum fluidum
The word ‘virus’ in Latin means ‘poison’ (Smith Hughes, 1977). In (Beijerinck in Hahon, 1964, 54 [1898]).
the context of the rise of medical bacteriology in Europe during the According to most historical accounts, “Beijerinck’s ideas” of a
1880s, however, the term virus acquired two distinct meanings, one soluble and contagious agent “met with strong opposition and were
more specific and the other more general. The more specific defi- not readily accepted” (van Kammen, 1999, 4; see also Waterson &
nition of a virus is linked to vaccine. In Paris, Louis Pasteur spoke for Wilkinson, 1978; Smith Hughes, 1977). Shortly after Beijerinck’s
instance of a ‘vaccine virus’ (virus-vaccin) to describe some form of paper was published in 1898, a priority dispute flared as Russian
148 P.-O. Méthot / Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 59 (2016) 145e153

and theoretical debates about the beginnings of virology and the

discovery of the nature of viruses.1 It is against this historical
background that a number of historiographical issues have arisen.

4. Who ‘discovered’ viruses?

As the centenary commemoration of the discovery of filterable

viruses was approaching in the early 1990s, scientists began
assessing the beginnings of their own field, which meant reflecting
on founding figures as well as on significant historical episodes.
Often, inquiries regarding the origins of virology were framed in
terms of ‘who first discovered viruses?’ e an apparently simple
question that leads to the identification of different beginnings of
virology as a science, and thus raises issues in the historiography of
virology itself. For example, did virology start in 1886 e thus
commemorating Mayer’s publication on the transmission of mosaic
tobacco disease? Or in 1892 e thus taking the work of Ivanovsky on
Fig. 1. A Pasteur-Chamberland filter. First designed to produce clean water, it was later
used in the context of bacteriological research, notably by Ivanovsky and Beijerinck. the filterability of the tobacco mosaic virus as a starting point? Or in
Source: Courtesy of the National Library of Medicine. 1898 e thus celebrating the publication of the paper by Beijerinck
on the concept of a contagium vivum fluidum?
In the 1990s, two American scientists opted to consider Iva-
bacteriologist Dmitrii Ivanovsky claimed he had already discovered
novsky’s work as genuinely foundational whereas others consid-
that the tobacco mosaic disease could pass through the porcelain
ered that the beginnings of virology were to be found in the
filter and that its virulence was maintained through serial in-
introduction of Beijerinck’s novel concept of contagium vivum flu-
oculations, a point Beijerinck willingly acknowledged. As it turned
idum (itself based on Mayer’s previous research). Recalling the
out, Ivanovsky had read a paper at the Academy of Sciences in St-
words of Wendell Stanley, for whom “there is considerable justifi-
Petersburg in 1892 where he presented experimental results that
cation for regarding Ivanovksy as the father of the new science of
contradicted Mayer’s earlier observation of a gradual loss of infec-
virology”, virologists Alice Lustig and Levine (1992) at Princeton
tivity in the filtrate. Using porcelain Chamberland filter-candles,
have argued that Ivanovksy indeed “fathered the field of virology”
Ivanovsky demonstrated that the filtrate remains infective despite
e and determined the foundation of the field in 1892 (1992, 4631).
the filtration process, although his microscopic analyses did not
This claim prompted a letter of protest from the Dutch virologist
reveal any microorganism and he was equally unable to grow the
Lute Bos (1995a), who considered that the use of the term ‘virus’ by
causative agent in pure culture (Lechevalier, 1972).
Beijerinck to designate “a new class of pathogens” is what truly
To Ivanovsky’s mind, Beijerinck’s concept of a contagium vivum
“marks the beginning of a new era in biology” (1995b, 618). Bos
fluidum was definitely a bacterial concept, as “he had been able to
criticized and ultimately rejected Lustig and Levine’s statement
transmit the disease via bacterial colonies” (van Helvoort, 1991,
because, he claimed, Ivanovsky “did not grasp the scope of his
561). Beijerinck’s diffusion experiment, Ivanovsky thought, did not
observations” (1995b, 614). Beijerinck’s 1898 paper, for him,
prove the soluble nature of the agent but on the contrary, “indicates
“marked the beginning of a far-reaching change in thinking in
that we are dealing with a contagium fixum” (Ivanovski, 1901, cited
microbiology” (Bos, 2000, 82).
in Lechevalier, 1972, 141; italics in original). Ivanovsky, still, enter-
In a more conciliatory tone, Marian Horzinek, from the Veteri-
tained the possibility that the agent might be a soluble toxin, since
nary Faculty at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands,
Émile Roux and Alexandre Yersin at the Pasteur Institute in Paris
considered that even if Beijerinck did not act alone in fostering the
had only recently demonstrated such a toxin to be the cause of
development of virology he is nevertheless the one who accom-
diphtheria (Lechevalier, 1972, 140). More fundamentally, Beijer-
plished the “conceptual quantum leap” in discovering a new
inck’s concept was perceived as problematic because it contra-
kingdom of infectious agents, and he thereby “gave birth to a new
dicted the Pastorian framework in which every virus is a living
discipline” (Horzinek, 1997, 15&18). In German-speaking journals,
microorganism, and should thus be particulate (i.e. ‘organized’), not
in contrast, Friedrich Loeffler, Koch’s colleague, is typically credited
fluid and soluble (van Helvoort, 1991, 560).
as the ‘father of virology’ for his work on foot-and-mouth disease
In the late nineteenth century, the filtration apparatus used by
conducted with Frosch (Schmiedebach, 1999, 9). Despite those
Beijerinck and Ivanovski became a ‘defining technological criterion’
disagreements, a number of scientists celebrated ‘100 years
for the identification of contagious diseases attributed to ‘filterable
of virology’ in 1998 (Calisher and Horzinek, 1999; see also Bos,
viruses’ such as foot-and-mouth disease and fowl plague, in
contrast to toxins that could pass through the candles but were not
Looking back on this debate, it appears that singling out one
infectious (Summers, 2014, 28). Although they had remained
particular moment in the discovery process is problematic for, as
virtually invisible to scientists using light microscopes and were
Ludwik Fleck and more recently Dominique Pestre have argued, a
impossible to grow in pure culture, ‘filterable viruses’ could be
discovery “never appears full-blown”, but is rather “put together
detected thanks to this technology. At the turn of the past century,
contradictorily and retrospectively by the actors” (Fleck, 1979
filterable viruses were thus operationally defined by three (nega-
[1935]; Pestre, 1999, 205). Not unlike the present case, Pestre
tive) features: they “were not retained by bacteriological filters;
observed further that scientists often become “trapped in endless
they could not been seen in the light microscope; and they could
confrontations” when attempting to arbitrate priority disputes and
not be grown on artificial media” (Waterson & Wilkinson, 1978, 78).
The debate over the nature of the contagium vivum fluidum,
nevertheless, set the groundwork for lasting divergent in- 1
On the issue of whether viruses are alive or not, see the contributions of
terpretations of viruses as being alive or as being mere chemical Forterre, Koonin and Starokadomskyy, van Regenmortel as well as Kostyrka in this
products and engaged scientists on productive paths of research issue.
P.-O. Méthot / Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 59 (2016) 145e153 149

“to establish for posterity what the most important discoveries

were and by whom they were made” (1999, 204e205).
The main problem with “founder narratives” of scientific disci-
plines, such as the one proposed by virologists in the 1990s, is not
simply “the complexity of the task of building disciplines”, as Pierre
Bourdieu once pointed out; “the problem is that disciplines do not
have a single originary source, but are more appropriately grasped
as interactive systems” (Bourdieu, 1988, 52, cited in Suárez-Díaz,
2009, 51). The only way to characterize the early days of virology
in terms of founding narratives would be to consider the network of
concepts, techniques, and institutions within which Mayer, Iva-
novsky, and Beijerinck interacted e that is, to look at their contri-
butions together, not in isolation. Scientific discoveries are rarely (if
ever) the result of a single brilliant individual acting on his own e a
claim Grmek denounced as “the myth of the unity of the discov-
erer” (1981, 19). Rather, as Fleck, Kuhn, and others argued, they are
generally due to several scientists working over different periods of
time and across different places (Fleck, 1979 [1935]; Kuhn, 1962).
In the present case, deciding who discovered viruses is even
more difficult because none of the protagonists involved in the
early days of virology research (Mayer, Ivanovsky, Beijerinck) had a Fig. 2. An image of Wendell Stanley’s crystallization of the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)
using the electron microscope. Source: Work in the public domain.
complete understanding of the nature of viruses. In fact, as Lwoff
(1957) pointed out, the status of viruses remained unclear until
the 1950s as they were considered to be either microorganisms or viruses but for life itself, as its simplest incarnation” (Creager, 2001,
chemical agents. And although Mayer, Ivanovsky, and Beijerinck 2). Standing on the border of life and non-life, viruses e long
suspected that ‘filterable viruses’ differed in some ways from the regarded as “naked genes” (see Sapp, 1994, 151) e were progres-
agents causing fungal diseases e then the most common etiology sively turned into more general models to study the properties of
for plant disease e this fell short of accepting the possibility of a living systems.
new kind of disease agents called ‘viruses’. Indeed, it should be
remembered that ‘viruses’ could not be seen, either by the naked
5. When did virology become a ‘discipline’?
eye or with a light microscope. The passing of tobacco mosaic vi-
ruses through the porcelain filters did not in and of itself establish
Another debated aspect of the modern history of virology con-
the claim for the existence of a new kingdom of life forms; viruses
cerns its historical beginnings as a scientific discipline in the
might have just been small bacteria that could be retained in
twentieth century, not just from a conceptual but also from an
principle by filters with more minute pores. “Their small size
institutional point of view. As Ton van Helvoort (1996) has recalled,
alone”, as US virologist Thomas Rivers argued, “should not make
Nobel laureate immunologist and virologist Frank Macfarlane
them insusceptible to cultivation” (quoted in van Helvoort, 1994a,
Burnet believed that prior to the late 1950s virology did not exist as
b, 197).
an independent field of research. In fact, Burnet recalled that when
As mentioned above, the claim that viruses are distinct from
he began his career in the 1920s, virology was not yet an inde-
bacteria began to gain a foothold when several animal, plant, and
pendent science (see Burnet 1953a,b). “Virology - there was no such
human diseases failed to conform to Koch’s postulates. Frederic
thing. There were filtrable viruses as an appendix to end of a bac-
Twort and Félix d’Hérelle’s work brought additional support to this
terial textbook”, he said to Sexton, his biographer, in a 1985 inter-
view when they discovered curious entities called ‘bacteriophages’
view (quoted in Sankaran 2006, p. 52). Burnet also did not use the
able to prey on bacteria, but whose identity was still unclear
word ‘virology’ e and much less called himself a ‘virologist’ e in his
(Summers, 2005; on phage research see Billiau ‘online first’;
influential book Virus as Organism (1946). However, the use of the
Galperin, 1987; Sankaran, 2006). “The idea that they [viruses] made
term grew rapidly from the beginning of the 1950s to the late
up a class of microbes in their own right”, Christoph Gradmann
1960s, just a few years after Burnet’s book was published.2 Ac-
pointed out, “evolved only slowly over the first three decades of the
cording to the Australian immunologist, the field turned into a
twentieth century” (2014, 4). Up until then, the concept of a virus as
cohesive discipline when scientists started to create virology jour-
Beijerinck defined it, remained virtually “unintelligible to the then
nals (e.g. Virology, Journal of General Virology), to write scientific
current paradigms in microbiology” (van Loon, 2002, 108; van
textbooks on the biology of viruses e efforts to which Burnet
Helvoort, 1994a).
himself contributed e and when they proposed a unifying
New knowledge about viruses was also made possible thanks to
conception of virus understood as genetic and protein-based en-
a number of technical advances in the first third of the twentieth
tities unable to grow by binary fission.3 Key textbooks of general
century such as the development of the electron microscope that
virology, and not only on plant virus diseases, including Burnet’s
allowed scientists to visualize the rod-shaped form of the tobacco
mosaic virus, a technology which had a broader transformative
effect on biology (Rasmussen, 1997). The construction of ultracen- 2
A research in Google Ngram Viewer illustrates a steep rise in the use of the term
trifuges and the development of X-Ray crystallography also ‘virologist’ from the 1950s up to the late 1960s. The same is true for the French
fostered the acquisition of more detailed knowledge of the minute word ‘virologue’. I thank Yves Gingras for this observation. Click here for the
structure of the viral particles. Here, the tobacco mosaic virus graphic curve:¼virologist&year_
played a crucial role as a model, for it was the organism Wendell
Stanley selected to crystallize those viral particles (Fig. 2), which he 3
Lwoff (1957) introduced this molecular definition of the virus in a paper of
then showed to remain infectious when placed in soluble solution, historical significance that remains frequently cited in today’s textbooks (Morange,
and thus contributed to make TMV a model “not only for other 2005).
150 P.-O. Méthot / Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 59 (2016) 145e153

own Principles of Animal Virology (1955) and his comprehensive what is today known as ‘virology’. The upshot here is that the
three volumes edited together with Wendell Stanley on The Viruses coming into being of a scientific discipline strongly depends on
shifted the focus away from viruses as mere “agents of disease” and criteria chosen to define what a discipline is. However, there is no
encouraged scientists to look at them as “biological entities whose general agreement concerning what these criteria should be
properties can be studied in the laboratory” (Burnet & Stanley, 1959, (except, perhaps, that there should be an institutional and a
1). cognitive component). A more interesting question, therefore, is
In The Virus: a History of the Concept, Sally Smith Hughes also perhaps not whether ‘virology’ existed as a whole or not before and
suggested that virology emerged as an independent science after the 1950s taken as a benchmark, but which aspects of its
“around the midpoint of the twentieth century” because: (1) vi- progressive ‘disciplinarisation’ were achieved prior to this moment.
ruses were now distinguished from other kinds of microorganisms; According to sociologist and historian of science Yves Gingras,
(2) distinct techniques for studying them had been developed; (3) three ‘steps’ can be identified in the formation of scientific disci-
researchers working on viruses began calling themselves ‘virolo- plines: 1) the emergence of a new practice; 2) its institutionaliza-
gists’ instead of parasitologists or microbiologists; (4) the nature of tion, allowing for its reproduction and its systematic diffusion
viruses, and not only the diseases they cause, became an object of within the scientific community; and 3) the shaping of a social
study; (5) the first journals of virology in English language were identity, which can take on many distinct forms, including the
launched around that time; and (6) specific institutions were professionalization of the field (Gingras, 1991, 43e44). This tri-
created to further research on viruses (1977, 104e105). partite framework helps to clarify whether virology ‘existed’ e
In the first three decades of the twentieth century however, a and under what form e before the 1950s and to resolve some of the
similar ‘burst’ of scholarly activities emerged, starting with the 1928 aforementioned tensions. For instance, whereas the practice of
volume edited by Rockefeller researcher Thomas Rivers, Filterable virology (step 1) certainly existed in the first third of the twentieth
Viruses as well as with the foundation of the Archives of Virology in century (i.e., the works of Rivers on filterable viruses, of Twort and
Vienna in 1939 (van Helvoort, 1996, 142). Furthermore, Rivers also d’Hérelle on bacteriophage, on Stanley on tobacco mosaic disease),
offered a new definition of viruses as “obligate parasites in the sense and this practice was to some extent institutionalized (step 2), i.e., it
that their reproduction is dependent on living cells” (Rivers, 1927, was embedded into university and non-university based research
228). It was even “Rivers’ stubborn insistence on this fundamental centers in the United States as well as in Europe, virologists had yet
point of difference between viruses and bacteria”, his biographer to acquire a distinct social identity that would set them apart from
argued, that “did much to establish virology as a separate discipline” bacteriologists, immunologists, and epidemiologists (step 3). As
(Horsfall,1965, 270e271). Did virology exist or not prior to the 1950s? mentioned previously, Burnet did not refer to himself as a virologist
This discrepancy between the interpretation of the pre- and in the mid- to late-1940s. The latter phase, the acquisition of a
post-1950s areas of virology research can serve to illustrate that definite social identity, like for most nascent disciplines, certainly
tracing the beginnings of a scientific discipline often depends on benefited from the recurrent use of a name e virology e that
the criteria used to ascertain what ‘disciplinarity’ means. “Whether testified of a well-defined community of research, for ‘naming’ is a
something is, or is not a discipline is in every epoch”, Frederick L. powerful tool in constructing a new field (see Powell, O’Malley,
Holmes emphasized, indeed “partly a question of fact, and partly an Müller-Wille, Calvert & Dupré, 2007).
object of controversy” (2004, 167). That is, whether a scientific field Historians have yet to trace more precisely the emergence of the
is seen as a discipline (or not) requires setting boundaries between term ‘virologist’ and its growing use among scientists that coincides
what disciplines are taken to be (in contrast to other areas of with the organization of several conferences on the nature of vi-
knowledge such as ‘schools’, ‘paradigms’, ‘research traditions’, ruses and virulence, notably by the influential CIBA Foundation in
‘styles of reasoning’, or ‘ways of knowing’). London during the 1950s and 1960s (e.g. Wolstenholme & Millar.,
It is usually agreed upon that to be recognized as a full-fledged 1957; Wolstenholme & O’Connor, 1960) but also with the organi-
discipline a scientific sector must fulfill at least two requirements, zation, in the mid-1950s, of large-scale, global eradication cam-
one cognitive and another institutional: first there must be a paigns targeting viral diseases, particularly in tropical countries
consensus on the relevant problems to be explored, with what (see Listios, 1997). In the next section I turn to the question of
methods and according to what norms of validation for knowledge whether such a process of ‘disciplinarisation’ occurred in a pro-
claims (see Burnet and Stanley who defined the ‘problems of gressive or rather revolutionary manner in the history of virology.
virology’, 1959, 1); second, for a sector of research to exist as a
discipline, there must be institutional structures that allow its 6. The development of virology: continuity or revolution?
recognition as well as its persistence through time. Education
programs, university degrees, and scientific journals exemplify this Whether science is characterized by the progressive growth of
second criterion (Gayon, 2004, 153). knowledge or whether it is punctuated by sudden and sharp con-
Looking at Sally Smith Hughes’ criteria, one sees that post-1950s ceptual breaks has polarized historians, philosophers, and sociol-
virology research satisfied both the cognitive and the institutional ogists of science for well over a century now (see Kragh, 1987).
requirements. On this account, the pre-1950s period, in contrast, Historians of biology often characterized changes in the history of
was not part of virology because criteria 1, 3, 4, and 5 were not met, virology during the twentieth century in terms of continuity and
that is, viruses remained within the category of bacteria; virology discontinuity e even though the application of Kuhn’s concepts of
had not yet ‘branched off’ from the bacteriological paradigm; the ‘paradigm’ and ‘normal science’ to the life sciences has been
study of viruses was pursued in medical research, veterinary questioned (Wilkins, 1996). This schema is especially present in Ton
medicine, and botany but viruses were not studied for themselves; van Helvoort, who used it to promote a discontinuous picture of the
and finally, no international journal devoted to the understanding history of virology in place of what he perceived to be a shared
of viruses as biological entities existed. continuist narrative among both scientific practitioners and histo-
Yet one might question the choice of those criteria. Indeed by rians of science. “The historiography of virus research in the
standards such as academic journals (and not exclusively Anglo- twentieth century”, as he put it, “is usually presented as a process of
phone ones), concepts, and techniques, some strands of research continuity and as a smooth path of progress” (1994a, 187). A “rev-
conducted in the first half of the twentieth century (especially olutionary upheaval”, he noted, “is not claimed to exist” (van
d’Hérelle and Rivers’ works) could very well fall within the fold of Helvoort, 1994a).
P.-O. Méthot / Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 59 (2016) 145e153 151

van Helvoort’s historiographical position, defended in several shifts, eureka moments, and discoveries” (Summers, 2014; emphasis
papers, takes issue with a rather bold claim put forward by added). Departing from van Helvoort’s perspective, Summers’ ac-
Waterson, according to whom the modern history of virology is count, rooted in the practice-turn in the history and philosophy of
“the story of the progressive unveiling of the nature of the virus science, focuses on how our understanding of the properties of
particle” (Waterson & Wilkinson, 1978, xii). Instead of this realist viruses has changed over time and space, “not in the sense of
reading, on which viruses form a ‘natural category’, for van Hel- replacement of former knowledge with current knowledge, but
voort “the description of nature that is given in the natural sciences rather in the sense of enlargement of our knowledge and increased
is the result of the formation of consensus” (1994b, 95; emphasis in clarity in place of earlier innocence” (Summers, 2014.; emphasis
original). added). For him, therefore, there will be no ‘revolutionary
In several articles, van Helvoort argued against the character- moment’ to single out around the mid-twentieth century that
ization of virus studies provided by Waterson and rejected the purportedly turned virology into a full-fledged discipline.
‘mistaken metaphor’ of “a smooth process of growing knowledge of Despite Summers’ claim to the contrary, it would be hard to
the virus particle” (van Helvoort, 1994a, 187; emphasis in original). deny that virology developed its own paradigm in the mid-
For, despite the regular appearance of the concept of ‘filterable vi- twentieth century by breaking with bacteriology, along the lines
ruses’ in textbooks and journals during the 1930s and 1940s, he van Helvoort suggested. It was also around this time that the name
claimed, this concept “lacked clarity and certainty” (1996) and, ‘virology’ began to gain prominence and helped establish the social
furthermore, the links between bacteriology and virology pre- identity of this research community, demarcating it from bacteri-
vented a neat separation between bacteria and viruses. For van ologists or immunologists, among other fields. Burnet was an
Helvoort “the 1950s marked the maturing of the virological para- exception as he did pioneering work in bacteriology, immunology,
digm with which the study of viruses truly emancipated from and virology throughout his career. Back then, moreover, many of
bacteriology” (1993, 21). the controversies van Helvoort has studied in detail were stabilized
Waterson’s approach to the history of virology is also prob- and put to rest by the 1940s and 1950s, which speaks in favor of a
lematic, according to van Helvoort, because it “ignores the deep period of ‘normal science’ that followed a period of ‘revolution’.
controversies in virus research during the first half of the twentieth Lastly, a number of research institutions and research groups
century” that led to the formation of consensus and later to the dedicated to the study of viruses flourished in Europe and the
deconstruction of the filterable virus concept.4 “If we consider the United States (Creager, 2001; Rheinberger, 2010), not least the
definition of viruses as filterable agents and the modern concept of Phage-group led by Max Delbrück, and other techniques such as
viruses as agents with an ‘eclipse’ phase”, van Helvoort argued, cell and tissue cultures were also developed, all of which helped
“one can speak of two paradigms, to use Thomas Kuhn’s termi- “making a virus visible” (Scholthof, 2014).
nology” (1996, 142; see also 1994a). In sum, for him “an abrupt But can this process of ‘disciplinarisation’ really be called a
conceptual shift or scientific revolution took place in the 1950s” ‘revolution’ e a paradigm-shifting moment e in the Kuhnian
(1996, 142). sense? There was no former paradigm to overthrow in favor of a
Waterson’s remark about the ‘unveiling’ of the virus particle was new one. van Helvoort convincingly argues for the existence of a
made only in passing, in the preface of his book and was not sup- ‘bacteriological paradigm’ in virology research but the emergence
ported by an historical argument. A stronger contender for a con- of virology in the 1950s did not displace it; rather, it com-
tinuist position is Yale historian of biology William Summers plemented it with both fields now occupying a space within the
(2014), who recently sketched a different account of the develop- larger realm of microbiology. What happened in the 1950s was
ment of virology. According to Summers, scientists tend to think of perhaps more the coming into being of a new disciplinary matrix
viruses as a ‘natural kind’, that is, as an objective category of the that consolidated and, as Summers argued, enlarged previously
biological world scientists go about discovering empirically. By- existing lines of research (pursued elsewhere, notably in bacteri-
passing the philosophical debates on natural kinds, what he seeks ology but also in chemistry, etc.) that had remained apart than a
to get at is “how did the category ‘virus’ come to be recognized, and paradigm-shift as such. At any rate, the bringing together of plant,
what are its essential, defining qualities” (2014, 26). For this scholar, animal, and bacterial virology into a unified field contributed to
while viruses are ‘natural objects’ our beliefs about them have shape virology as a whole around a common and well-defined
profoundly changed over time (2014, 26). “It can be said”, Summers object of biological research worthy of study for its own sake,
continues, “that virologists invent (and continually reinvent) the not just as agent of disease, and opened up a space to rethink
concept of a virus as part of the normal progress of their science” many questions in general biology, including issues in the classi-
(Summers, 2014, 26). The history of virology Summers proposes is fication and the ecology of viruses (see O’Malley, 2016). There are
not thus at once elements of continuity and rupture in the recent his-
tory of virology, as probably in the development of most life sci-
a story of the triumphant accumulation of knowledge by the he-
ences: while breaking from existing fields of research, virology
roic scientists of the past so much as it is an examination of the
emerged as a separate and also fundamental discipline by making
continual struggle to understand and organize observations that
visible sub-microscopic entities that became, in turn, central to
challenged and made obsolete the comfortable certainties of the
understanding the properties of life.
often recent past (2014, 26; emphasis added).

While this part of Summers’ account finds an echo in van 7. Conclusion

Helvoort’s focus on scientific controversies, he also rejects Kuhn’s
epistemology and goes on to argue that the history of virology is This essay has been concerned with historiographical issues in
“a story of technologies and methods more than a story of paradigm the history of virology, from the late nineteenth century until the
end of the past century. Two elements come into view at the end of
this inquiry. First, whereas histories of virology published between
Those controversies include questions such as: is a virus an exogenous agent or
the 1970s and the mid-1990s were mostly written from a concep-
the endogenous product of host cells? Are bacteriophages viruses? Are viruses alive tual point of view (Waterson and Wilkinson, Smith Hughes, van
and can they evolve by natural selection? (van Helvoort, 1992, 1994a, 1994b, 1996). Helvoort), more recent accounts (Creager, Summers) have stressed
152 P.-O. Méthot / Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 59 (2016) 145e153

the role of scientific practice, methods, and instruments in gener- Summers’ more recent article. This point surely deserves more
ating knowledge and the formation of concepts.5 historical attention than what was provided here and should be
A second difference concerns the scale of this historical project. connected to other recent ‘continuists’ accounts of key episodes in
Prior to the ‘practice-turn’, histories of virology often attempted to the historiography of biology (e.g. the ‘Darwinian revolution’
provide a broad overview of the whole history of virology, going (Hodge, 2005) and the ‘bacteriological revolution’ (Worboys,
from the late nineteenth century until the present. In contrast, 2007)).
contemporary scholars have significantly departed from this ‘big Advances in virology during the post-1950s have mostly been
picture’ approach and have concentrated on detailed case studies studied from the perspective of molecular biology (see Morange,
that provide access to otherwise invisible dynamics in the pro- 1998), and issues raised in virology itself have more rarely been
duction of scientific knowledge. In this recent history of virology, given close attention during those following years, perhaps because
Creager’s study of Wendell Stanley’s laboratory is a case in point. we are still too close to them. At the moment, the history of
van Helvoort’s work, however, sits between the two poles as his virology, still based on the ‘modern’ concept of virus as described by
account, scattered across several articles, extensively covers the van Helvoort, continues to grow and includes a number of new
‘long history’ of virology but it does so by attending to specific cases entities such as prions and viroids. Perhaps paradoxically, whereas
as well. viruses are now studied as models to understand living phenomena
A more complete image of the coming into being of virology as a in general, their precise classification in the ‘tree of life’ next to the
discipline, nevertheless, will require greater attention to what evolutionary history of other biological entities remains a matter of
Kevles and Geison have called ‘goals, patronage, and institutions’ controversy and debate (O’Malley, 2014; see also Morgan, 2016). By
(1995) that would complement the attention to both concepts and intersecting with issues in causation, classification, and definitions
practices. Research centers, philanthropists, and research chairs are of life viruses are prototypical candidates for future historical and
crucial institutional factors to be considered in the development, epistemological reflections on the life sciences and their
change, and stabilization of any scientific field. Combining the historiography.
depth of ‘micro-history’ and the breadth of ‘longue durée’ ap-
proaches in considering the variations over time of the relation-
ships between conceptual, methodological, and institutional
factors would provide us with a richer and more comprehensive
I would like to thank Ann-Sophie Barwich, Yves Gingras, Gladys
history of virology in the twentieth century (on the relation be-
Kostyrka, Michel Morange, Alex Powell, Thomas Pradeu, and
tween ‘micro-history’ and ‘big picture’, see de Chadarevian, 2009).
Neeraja Sankaran for their very detailed and helpful critical com-
The writing of the institutional history of virology was possibly
ments on both the structure and contents of this paper. I am
delayed because in contrast to molecular biology, which was often
especially grateful to Ton van Helvoort for his comments on the
taken to be a genuine turning point that led to the rapid flourishing
penultimate draft, to Alexandra Bacopoulos-Viau for her help in
of many molecular biology institutes, about which an institutional
editing the paper in its final stage as well as to the guest editors of
history could be told, it still was to be determined more precisely at
this special issue for inviting me to contribute. Funding from the
the time whether or not virology was a separate discipline (van
Fonds Recherche du Québec Société et Culture is warmly
Helvoort, personal communication). At any rate, now that the tra-
jectories of several twentieth-century sciences are being explored
e bacteriology, immunology, molecular biology, etc. e we may be
better placed to recuperate the institutional dimension of the sci- References
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