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Conditional Acceptance For Value
Original Title: Conditional Acceptance for Value
Uploaded by Tyler on Jul 23, 2020
Counter-offer to be addressed the C.F.O. of any corporation. Full description

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SF24-16 Bid Bond Bond Letter Cease and Desist Tender+Instruction Tender+Instruction Demand for
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Gmrtbabmf Jibn Eujlmr0 8888 8888 8888 8888 8888

Abrst-Jbffnm0 Nist
g/k 9<76 Rkur Iffrmss Niem
Gbty, Wtitm \mpulnbg S9<76=Z


GBVR, WV 9<76=

Abrst Nmttmr Fitm, <8<8



Fmir Jr. / Js. GAK0

B ij be rmgmbpt ka ief gkefbtbkeinny iggmpt akr vinum (okekr) ykur stitmjmet akr Jketo, fitmf
Ipprkx. FIVM Xrmsmetjmet Wmet arkj Gkjpiey. I gkpy ka ykur nmttmr/fkgujmet bs megnksmf.

Bt ois gkjm tk jy ittmetbke toit, is ippnbmf tk tom ilkvm jittmr, tomrm jiy ekt oivm lmme i
trum, quinbabmf ‟jmmtbed ka tom jbefs‒ - toit tomrm jiy lm ariuf kr jbsrmprmsmetitbke ke tom
gketrigt, ief/kr tom gketrigt btsmna jiy lm ie uegkesgbkeilnm gketrigt, kr ktomr gketrkvmrsbms jiy
mxbst wbtobe tobs gketrigt/triesigtbke.
Is B wiet tk rmsknvm tobs jittmr is skke is pkssblnm, B ij bebtbitbed tobs prbvitm, ifjbebstritbvm
rmjmfy tk fmtmrjbem sugo jittmrs, ief B idrmm tk gketbeum jicbed piyjmets prmfbgitmf upke
ykur ‟prkka ka gnibj‒ .
Vom emgmssiry ‟Xrkkas ka Gnibj‒ irm smt kut lmnkw, tk wbt0

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9. X\KKA KA GNIBJ  toit \mspkefmet divm A]NN FBWGNKW]\M  tk inn jittmrs
fminbed wbto sibf gketrigt is tk tom ].W. liecruptgy, akrj ka piyjmet, woit wis nkiemf,
<. X\KKA KA GNIBJ  toit tom idmet (Jr. Jieidmr -- *kptbkein*) be smefbed tom
uefmrsbdemf FMJIEF AK\ XIRJMEV KA FMLV  nmttmr vbi ]W Jibn fkms ekt
gkestbtutm i jibnbed ka i ariufunmet gnibj ief/kr gkjjbttbed jibn ariuf (Vbtnm 97, Wmgt.
9779 ].W.G.).
7. X\KKA KA GNIBJ  toit \mspkefmet is ie ‟irtbabgbin metbty/grmiturm‒ , grmitmf uefmr 
tom niws ka tom Wtitm ka WVIVM ief fkbed lusbemss be tom Wtitm ka WVIVM, ly ief
torkudo bts kaabgmrs, lkirf ka fbrmgtkrs, mjpnkymms, ief idmets irm ekt lkuef tk suppkrt
Irtbgnm B, § _, ka tom ].W. Gkestbtutbke toit, is i ‟stitm-grmitmf metbty‒ , rmifs, „Ek Wtitm
SF24-16 Bid Bond Bond Letter
soinn… jicm iey Cease
dknf ief Tender+Instruction
sbnvmr Gkbe is NmdinTender+Instruction
Vmefmr be XiyjmetDemand
ka for
Template Template Bonds

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Fmlts‚ , ief toit iey sugo tobed is dknf ief sbnvmr gkbe mxbsts is nmdin tmefmr be piyjmet
ka fmlts.
6. X\KKA KA GNIBJ  toit ka tom vinum (sulstiegm) fmjiefmf be tom FMJIEF AK\
XIRJMEV KA FMLV bs be tom eiturm ka   Qinuilnm Gkesbfmritbke ginnmf ‟jkemy‒ ief bs
be gkjpnbiegm wbto Vbtnm 79 ]EBVMF WVIVMW GKFM § 749 ief 9< ]EBVMF WVIVMW
GKFM § 9=<.
=. X\KKA KA GNIBJ  toit \mspkefmet bequbrmf kr cemw toit tom uefmrsbdemf oif, kr ois
iggmss tk, ‟niwaun jkemy ka iggkuet‒ tk ‟piy‒ tom gketrigt fmlt(s) it niw wbtokut
 lmgkjbed i tkrt amiskr.
1. X\KKA KA GNIBJ  toit tom uefmrsbdemf oif/ois iggmss tk ‟jkemy‒ toit gkestbtutms
‟NITA]N (suaabgbmet) GKEWBFM\IVBKE‒ .
4. X\KKA KA GNIBJ  toit tom usm ka i (Amfmrin \msmrvm) ‟Ektm‒ , kr bestrujmets
gmrtbaybed gkevmyiegm ka Amfmrin \msmrvm Ektms, bs ekt keny i prkjbsm tk piy. Wmm
 Abfmnbty Wivbeds v. Drbjms, 979 X<f ?26.
?. X\KKA KA GNIBJ  toit Nmdin Vmefmr (amfmrin rmsmrvm) Ektms, kr bestrujmets gmrtbaybed
gkevmyiegm ka Amfmrin \msmrvm Ektms, irm dkkf ief niwaun jkemy ka tom ]ebtmf Wtitms.
Wmm \ibes v. Wtitm, <<1 W.T. 9?2.
2. X\KKA KA GNIBJ toit Amfmrin \msmrvm Ektms, kr bestrujmets gmrtbaybed gkevmyiegm
ka Amfmrin \msmrvm Ektms, irm ekt  vinumnmss. Wmm B.\.W. Gkfms Wmgtbke 9.9889-9 (61=4)
G.G.O. (Ektm0 Amfmrin \msmrvm Liec siys „Amfmrin \msmrvm Ektms… oivm ek vinum.‚ )

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98. X\KKA KA GNIBJ toit (amfmrin \msmrvm) Ektms, kr bestrujmets gmrtbaybed gkevmyiegm
ka Amfmrin \msmrvm Ektms, fk kpmritm is piyjmet be tom ilsmegm ka ie idrmmjmet toit tomy
soinn gkestbtutm piyjmet. Wmm Lnigcsomir Jad. Gk. v. Oirrmnn , 9< W.M. <f 411.
99. X\KKA KABecome a Scribd
GNIBJ  toit member
tom uefmrsbdemf oiffori ‟jmmtbed
full access.
ka tomYour
jbef(s)‒ wbto
first 30 days arebefree.
\mspkefmet pursuiet tk tom gketrigt/idrmmjmet rmspmgt tk aunn fbsgnksurm ief toit sibf
gketrigt gketibemf kr gketibes ek mnmjmets ka ariuf ly \mspkefmet.
9<. X\KKA KA GNIBJ  toit \mspkefmet fbf ekt jicm tombr gketrigt/idrmmjmet lmykef tom
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sgkpm ka bts gkrpkritm pkwmrs, ief tom gketrigt bs ekt ueniwaun ief vkbf. (smm akr
rmamrmegm JgGkrjbgc v. Jircmt Eitn. Liec , 91= ].W. =7?)
97. X\KKA KA GNIBJ  toit tom Emdktbilnm Bestrujmet Niw wis ekt fmsbdemf tk gkvmr
gkjjmrgbin pipmr wobgo BW tom gurrmegy. Ni. Wtit. Iee. ‗\.W., 49 mt. smq. NWI-G.G., Irt.
<972 (rmamr tk tom Iaabfivbt ka Tincmr Vkff )
96. X\KKA KA GNIBJ  toit \mspkefmet fbf ekt nkie tombr ‟grmfbt‒ ief toit tom uefmrsbdemf
BW KENR KLNBDIVMF tk piy ligc be skjmtobed ktomr toie ‟nbcm cbef‒, b.m., fmlt
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9=. X\KKA KA GNIBJ  toit tom ].W. liecruptgy fbf ekt bjpibr tom klnbditbkes ief
gkesbfmritbkes ka gketrigts torkudo tom „@kbet \msknutbke tk Wuspmef tom Dknf Wtiefirf
ief Ilrkditm tom Dknf Gniusm‚ ka @uem =, 9277 is bt jiy kpmritm wbtobe tom WVIVM KA
91. X\KKA KA GNIBJ  toit tom WVIVM KA WVIVM fbf ekt ifkpt, be skjm gipigbty, tom
]ebakrj Gkjjmrgbin Gkfm ief toit inn triesigtbkes begnufmf lut ekt nbjbtmf tk gkurts irm
dkvmremf uefmr tom ]GG ief/kr tom Emdktbilnm Bestrujmet Niw is fmsbdemf tk gkvmr 
gkjjmrgbin pipmr wobgo BW gurrmegy. Ni. Wtit. Iee. ‗\.W., 49 mt. smq. NWI-G.G., Irt.
94. X\KKA KA GNIBJ toit uefmr tom Emdktbilnm Bestrujmet Niw, ‟gkjjmrgbin Xipmr‒ ekt
SF24-16 Bid Bond Bond Letter
nbjbtmf Cease andirm
tk Lbnns ka Mxgoiedm Desist Tender+Instruction
ekt ‟jkemy‒ Tender+Instruction
(gurrmegy) be rmspmgt tk tom EitbkeinDemand for
Template Template Bonds

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Mjmrdmegy ief tom ]ebakrj Gkjjmrgbin Gkfm ief irm ekt tk lm iggmptmf tk fbsgoirdm
9?. X\KKA KA GNIBJ  toit tom uefmrsbdemf gieekt iggmpt akr vinum iey pulnbg kr prbvitm
 prmsmetjmet, bevkbgm, Lbnn, mtg. akr abem, amm, tix, fmlt, kr `ufdjmet ief fbsgoirdm tom
sijm wbto i Lbnn ka mxgoiedm kr ktomr gkjjmrgbin pipmr is emgmssiry tk girry ke
92. X\KKA KA GNIBJ  toit \mspkefmet, ly ief torkudo bts mjpnkymms, cemw kr fbf ekt
cekw toit tobs triesigtbke wis lmykef tom sgkpm ka bts Goirtmr ief toit \mspkefmet fbf
ekt betmef tk lbef tom uefmrsbdemf tk ie uegkesgbkeilnm gketrigt.
<8. X\KKA KA GNIBJ  toit \mspkefmet, ly ief torkudo bts mjpnkymms ief idmets, fbf ekt
gkjjbt ariuf ke tom gketrigt be rmspmgt tk tom iggkuet/gketrigt rmamrmegmf ilkvm be iey
<9. X\KKA KA GNIBJ  toit ykur FMJIEF AK\ XIRJMEV KA FMLV  nmttmr fkms ekt,
tomrmakrm, gkestbtutm ie ittmjpt ly \mspkefmet it ue`ust merbgojmet.
<<. X\KKA KA GNIBJ  toit tom gkjjmrgbin bestrujmet kr Lbnn ka Mxgoiedm tmefmrmf wis
ekt rmausmf ief rmturemf wbtobe tormm fiys pursuiet tk Eydiirf v. Gketbemetin \mskurgms,
 Beg. (=2? E.T. <f ?=9 (9229), 72 ].G.G. <f ?=9) „Vom gkurt omnf toit, uefmr <-=99 (<),
tmefmr ka piyjmet bs suaabgbmet wome bt bs jifm ly jmies gurrmet be tom krfbeiry gkursm ka 
 lusbemss, uenmss tom smnnmr fmjiefs piyjmet be nmdin tmefmr. Omrm, Eydiirf spkcm tk
Gketbemetin smvmrin tbjms iatmr rmgmbpt ka tom sbdot friat ief emvmr rmqumstmf piyjmet be

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nmdin tmefmr. Xiyjmet tk mxtmef tom nmism wis fum ly @ieuiry 6, 92??, ief tom rm`mgtbke ka 
tom sbdot friat fbf ekt kggur uetbn @ieuiry ?, 922?. Eydiirf rm`mgtbke wis, tous, uetbjmny
ief tmefmr ka sbdot friat wis suaabgbmet tk mxtmef tom nmism.‚ (mjpoisbs iffmf)
<7. X\KKA KABecomeGNIBJ  toita Scribd memberisfor
tom uefmrsbdemf, tomfull access.
iutokrbzmf Your
rmprmsmetitbvm ka tom
first 30krdays
Fmltkr, fkms ekt oivm tom stiefbed aretkfree.
gipigbty iggmpt akr vinum tom
kaamr/gketrigt/prmsmetjmet ief fbsgoirdm tom sijm vbi Lbnn ka Mxgoiedm kr ktomr
ipprkprbitm gkjjmrgbin pipmr akr fbsgoirdm vbi tom rmjmfy prkvbfmf ly Gkedrmss, O@\
92< ka @uem =, 9277.
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Dmemrin igqubmsgmegm kr eke-rmspkesm ly \mspkefmet tk prkvbfm tom ilkvm ‟Xrkkas ka
Gnibj‒  wbnn gkestbtutm idrmmjmet ief akrjin iggmptiegm. \mspkefmet wbnn oivm, ly ykur eke-
rmspkesm, tk stitm i gnibj upke wobgo rmnbma gie lm drietmf. Ktomrwbsm, bt soinn kpmritm is dmemrin
igqubmsgmegm rmnitbvm tk tobs prmsmetjmet. \mspkefmet wbnn oivm ifjbttmf tomrm bs ek vinbf Gnibj
ka Igtbke irbsbed vbi gketrigt ief/kr gkjpmnnbed tom uefmrsbdemf betk ie uegkesgbkeilnm gketrigt
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ief toit tomrm wis ek jmmtbed ka tom jbefs be rmspmgt tk tom innmdmf gketrigt.

Rku wbnn oivm akrjinny iggmptmf migo ief mvmry aigt omrmbe is tomy kpmritm be aivkr ka tom
uefmrsbdemf fum tk ykur sbnmegm, ief mstkppmn bs be maamgt.

Rku ifjbt tk ykur eke-rmspkesm tk lrbed akrto ‟Xrkka ka Gnibj‒  be suppkrt ka i ‟gnmie oiefs
fkgtrbem‒, ‟aunn fbsgnksurm‒, ‟dkkf aibto fminbed‒  pursuiet tk tom AIB\ FMLV
GKNNMGVBKEW X\IGVBGMW IGV  is bt jiy ippny tk ykur prmsmetjmet be rmdirfs tk tobs 
innmdmf triesigtbke/gketrigt is rmamrmegmf ilkvm.
Vomrmbe, prmsujptbke wbnn lm ticme be rmdirfs tk ykur rmausin, aibnurm, fmaiunt, ief fbsokekr,
ifjbssbke, ief gkeamssbke ka be`ury ief fijidm ief aibnurm tk stitm i gnibj ly yku, \mspkefmet.
SF24-16 Bid Bond Bond Letter Iggmptiegm‒
Vobs ‟Gkefbtbkein Cease lmgkjms
and Desisttom smgurbty
Tender+Instruction Tender+Instruction
idrmmjmet uefmr gkjjmrgbin niw, Demand
kr be tom for
Template Template Bonds
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