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Welcome Future CPA!

Bryan Kesler, CPA here, thanks for completing your CPA exam study personality quiz and
excited to hear you are well on your way to becoming a CPA!

I’ve already put together a special web page just for you to discuss your ​specific​ study
personality results. Please check your email for the link to take you to this special page.

This Google Doc is a general overview of the different study personality types and can be used
as a reference when watching your study personality video!

Quick Links:
>> Join My Free Study Group
>> Study Personality Types
>> 80/20 CPA Exam Principle
>> CPA Review Course Limitations
>> Suggested Study Supplements

Here is what to do next:

Join My Free CPA Exam Study Group


Okay, so what is your study personality type?

As a CPA candidate, you can have one of six different study personality types.

Depending on your study personality type it’s going to define the following:
1) What is your primary learning resource (and backup)
2) How to prep for exam day stress

PRO TIP:​ You don’t have time to read 100% of your text + watch 100% of your video lectures.
You need to use your identified study personality as the shortcut to cutting out the fluff of your
CPA review course so you can efficiently get thru all the AICPA Blueprints and actually grasp

Here’s a description of each type and recommendations for how to study smarter for each.

Calm Lone Ranger:

This type of CPA candidate doesn’t have test anxiety and prefers to self-study by teaching
him/herself from the text and answering questions.

Primary Learning Source:​ I recommend using your text as your primary learning source.

Secondary Learning Source: ​If your text doesn’t make sense then you will want to head to
your video lectures for more clarification.

For this type of learner, flashcards and making notes are typically going to be crucial to retaining
the information learned.

Calm Classroom Hero:

This type of CPA candidate doesn’t have test anxiety and prefers to learn from being in a
classroom setting.

Primary Learning Source:​ I recommend using your video lectures as your primary learning

Secondary Learning Source: ​If your video lectures don’t make sense then you will want to
head to your textbook for more clarification.
For this type of learner, taking notes while watching video lectures is going to help solidify your
understanding of the material. Audio notes and other visual learning tools such as flashcards
will also be an important piece of the learning process.

Calm Study Rockstar:

This type of CPA candidate doesn’t have test anxiety BUT is a hybrid learner meaning he/she
can learn in nearly any type of situation whether it’s self-studying or classroom setting.

Primary Learning Source:​ This hybrid learner can learn equally well from watching videos and
reading the text. I recommend using trial and error to determine which learning resource is most
efficient for you.

Secondary Learning Source: ​Once you have completed your trial and error and gotten into a
routine then pick between your video lectures or text as your secondary learning resource.

For this type of learner, efficiency is going to be everything. The advantage for hybrid learners is
that you are flexible so if you are on the go it’s important to make the best use of your time.
Listen to lectures on your commute. Read the text during lunch. Do whatever it takes to get into
a good routine with the resources you have available.

Anxious Lone Ranger:

This type of CPA candidate suffers from test anxiety and prefers to self-study by teaching
him/herself from the text and answering questions.

Primary Learning Source:​ I recommend using your text as your primary learning source.

Secondary Learning Source: ​If your text doesn’t make sense then you will want to head to
your video lectures for more clarification.

For this type of learner, flashcards and making notes are typically going to be crucial to retaining
the information learned.

Anxious Classroom Hero:

This type of CPA candidate suffers from test anxiety and prefers to learn from being in a
classroom setting.

Primary Learning Source:​ I recommend using your video lectures as your primary learning
Secondary Learning Source: ​If your video lectures don’t make sense then you will want to
head to your textbook for more clarification.

For this type of learner, taking notes while watching video lectures is going to help solidify your
understanding of the material. Audio notes and other visual learning tools such as flashcards
will also be an important piece of the learning process.

Anxious Study Rockstar:

This type of CPA candidate suffers from test anxiety BUT is a hybrid learner meaning he/she
can learn in nearly any type of situation whether it’s self-studying or classroom setting.

Primary Learning Source:​ This hybrid learner can learn equally well from watching videos and
reading the text. I recommend using trial and error to determine which learning resource is most
efficient for you.

Secondary Learning Source: ​Once you have completed your trial and error and gotten into a
routine then pick between your video lectures or text as your secondary learning resource.

For this type of learner, efficiency is going to be everything. The advantage for hybrid learners is
that you are flexible so if you are on the go it’s important to make the best use of your time.
Listen to lectures on your commute. Read the text during lunch. Do whatever it takes to get into
a good routine with the resources you have available.

Test Anxiety & Your Study Personality

Now that we understand the different study personality types it’s important to note that even the
most prepared CPA candidate who follows these study methods to a tee can be derailed by
exam day anxiety.

The CPA exam is a different beast and unlike any exam you have EVER taken so you need to
be prepared just in case, even if you have never had a mental breakdown due to an exam

Exam Day Gameplan:

Test anxiety is an exam day killer for even the most prepared CPA candidates. You need to
understand that failure is part of the CPA exam process. You need to have a plan set in place
for the exact steps you will take if you fail or if you pass.

By having a plan it will take away a lot of the anxiety that is created by the unknown. Also take
comfort in the fact that the CPA exam isn’t a life or death situation. Leave that stress for the
medical professionals!
A Proven Method To Passing The CPA Exam

The Ultimate CPA Exam Guide Method (or U.C.E.G. Method as the cool kids call it) is what I
teach all of my mentees on how to pass the CPA exam.

One of the three primary resources you need to pass is going to be your CPA review course.

In order to maximize how you study with your CPA review course (and don't get lost in the flood
of information) is going to boil down to four different factors.

Understanding your study personality (which is the foundation for your success)...

Using that understanding to cut busy work...

Creating a study method (based on your personality) that will help you understand the AICPA

Finally, you will need a method to review EVERYTHING in your CPA review course so that the
information stays fresh on exam day.

I explain all of this and more in the study personality explanations above.

The 80/20 CPA Exam Principle

Your most important resource as a CPA candidate who is currently studying is time.

What I want to look at right now is the study tools you are using and whether there are any
inefficiencies that we can plug.

There is a famous principle that states that 80% of your results come from 20% of your effort.

So my job as your CPA exam mentor is to help you identify the 20% of your effort that is getting
80% of your results and help you double down on those study activities.

So what is the 20% of your effort we need to be focusing on?

Well, it all starts with your Study Personality type which I discuss above.

Once you understand HOW you learn best then it's easy to start cutting out the fluff that is
making you feel busy but is in reality wasting your time.
Unfortunately, as you know, your CPA review course doesn't help you with this!

They just give you information overload and expect you to figure it out on your own.

Suggestion #1: Study Optimization Support

So if your CPA review course isn't going to assess how you learn best, give a recommendation
for how much time to spend studying or teach you how to study for a retake, what's the

A big mistake I see CPA Candidates making as well is blaming their CPA review course for the
reason they are failing and then they go off in search of new study tools that will "fix" the issue.

The problem with this is that typically it's not the CPA Review Course that is the problem.

It's HOW the CPA candidate is studying.

Instead of buying multiple CPA review courses, the key to success for many CPA candidates is
finding a CPA exam mentor to assess what they are doing wrong.
A CPA Exam Mentor is someone who has experience passing and failing the CPA exam.

Has experience with your CPA review course and can help you optimize how you study.

The reason finding a mentor is so much more effective than buying a 2nd or 3rd CPA prep
course is that all CPA review courses are essentially the same.

They ALL use the same AICPA release questions and they all have textbooks that teach what is
in the AICPA blueprints.

The real difference is in the way they teach the material. A CPA Exam Mentor is going to be the
piece that ties your time optimization and CPA review course together.

>> Best CPA Exam Mentorship Program​

Suggestion #2: Mentoring + Tutoring Support

Now having a mentor to teach you HOW to study is only half the battle.

Inevitably there are going to be topics that you will come across that you never learned in
college or on the job.
Many of these topics will only be taught at a high level from your CPA review course with the
assumption that you will have previously learned this material.

Hopefully this scenario will be at a minimum.

But what do you do when this situation arises?

Well you have two options...
You can sit there and spin your wheels and try to just Google it (good luck


You can hire a tutor to teach you the topic/question from a unique perspective!

Now this can quickly get expensive if you aren't careful and a good tutor typically costs

But what if there was a mentorship program that included Group Tutoring so that you could get
your answers answered live on a weekly basis and not have to worry about an hourly charge...

Good news! This is something I have created. Click the blue-button below to learn more 🙂
>> Get Tutoring Without The Crazy Cost

Let's Understand CPA Review Course Limitations.

CPA Review Courses are great at teaching you the AICPA blueprints and the types of questions
to expect on the exam.

Great at giving you a day-by-day study planner and giving you reactive support when you have

But this is about where their support typically ends...

Which is why I recommend EVERY CPA candidate find a CPA exam mentor to amplify the
personalized support you need to pass.

Before I found a CPA Exam Mentor...

I had no one to teach me the soft skills necessary to pass.

No one to teach me the nuances of signing up and scheduling each exam to ensure I gave
myself the right amount of time to study...
...based on MY specific schedule.

No one to teach me how to juggle my work + social + study life.

No one to teach me how to ENJOY life while studying for the CPA exam without becoming a

No one to teach me HOW to study based on my specific learning style/study personality.

No one to teach me how to prepare for failure (if it did happen) and how to recover.

No one to teach me how to keep my ego in check after I PASSED to ensure I didn't become

No one to provide me with community where I could ask questions.

It wasn't until I found a CPA exam mentor did all of this change.


Suggestion #3: New CPA Review Course Or Study Supplements

Sometimes the solution to passing is investing in a new CPA Review Course if your course
really isn't working out for you.

Now based on your study personality, there are absolutely courses that cater better to your
learning style with their features and technology.

The best way to determine this is by signing up for a free trial of each course and testing it out
for yourself.

That being said, the five courses below have been hand-picked by myself as recommended by
study personality type.

If you already have a CPA review course and don't need a new one... you may consider
checking out the study supplements offered by these courses as well.

Sometimes you start to memorize answers and it's good to get some fresh study materials to
And if you aren't using one of the courses below, DON'T freak out. You are fine, you can make

any CPA review course work for your study personality type, it's just a bit more of a hassle. Click
the Find A Mentor button above to find out how

NOTE: Some of the links below are affiliate links. Please understand that I only recommend these review courses
because I KNOW they will help you pass the CPA exam faster based on your study personality type. If this page has
NOT helped you in anyway then please don't click the links below. I only want your support if I have helped you in
your purchasing decision.

Recommended CPA Review Courses By Study Personality Type

Lone Rangers 1. Wiley CPAexcel Platinum Mentorship Bundle

2. Yaeger CPA Review Mentorship Bundle
3. Gleim CPA Review Mentorship Bundle
4. Becker CPA Review Premium Package

Classroom Heroes 1. Roger CPA Elite-Unlimited Mentorship Bundle

2. Wiley CPAexcel Platinum Mentorship Bundle
3. Yaeger CPA Review Mentorship Bundle
4. Becker CPA Review Premium Package

Study Rockstars 1. Roger CPA Elite-Unlimited Mentorship Bundle

2. Wiley CPAexcel Platinum Mentorship Bundle
3. Yaeger CPA Review Mentorship Bundle
4. Becker CPA Review Premium Package

Suggestion #4: Note Taking

The biggest time-waster that I see CPA candidates making is excessive note-taking. As you are
reading your text or watching a lecture, it's super tempting to write EVERYTHING down.

The problem with this philosophy is that there is too much information to write down.

Now taking notes is hands down one of the most effective ways to learn concepts, but you need
to be smart about it.

What I recommend is to focus on two different areas of note-taking.

The first is to use Just-In-Time learning for creating notes. Meaning, that you only take notes
once you come across an issue you don't understand or once it clicks.

So instead of taking notes to just take notes, you focus on waiting until a concept clicks for you
and you don't want to forget it THEN you make a note.

OR if you are sitting there and spinning your wheels, take a quick note to remind yourself to
come back to it later.

The second issue I see with notetaking is organization.

I highly recommend that you create digital notes that have searchable text.

If you use paper notebooks it's difficult to quickly find what you are looking for.

If you have an iPad using an Apple Pencil + an app like Notability, it allows you to physically
hand write your notes but also have a digital copy.

Or, if you don't want to use a tablet, I also use a RocketBook which allows you to use a physical
notebook that you can then convert into a searchable PDF and automatically organize in the

I use these tools daily to organize my thoughts and my notes and to-do lists and are perfect for
CPA candidates.

Favorite Writing Tools

( Affiliate Links)

>> Apple iPad Pro or Android Tablet

>> Apple Pencil or Android Stylus
>> RocketBook + Frixon Pens
>> My Favorite Old School Pens

What's Coming Next?

By the time you complete reading this...

You should have three emails waiting for you in your inbox.
The first is going to be a welcome email from me (Bryan Kesler, CPA) with an exclusive invite to
join our Private U.C.E.G. Method Facebook Group (or take a shortcut and click the link below)

Apply To Join Here

The second is going to be an email with all the details about your study personality (and any
other bonuses you requested).

And the final email for today will be a teaser for my next Free Video Series on how you can
implement the U.C.E.G. Method as you study.

You will receive step by step instructions for how the most successful CPA candidates are
studying today.

How to use your CPA review course.

How to make time to study

How to find Mentors and use them effectively and much more.

I'll see you in your inbox!

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