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Moyano, Rocío

Language V

Outline 

1) Introduction

a) Anecdote

b) Thesis statement: Technology has influenced human communication for the better, helping us
communicate with people all around the world, increasing the speed of communication and, at the
same time, reducing the costs significantly.
2) Body

 Technology has made it possible for us to communicate across large distances in real time.
 Technology has increased the speed of communication and has reduced its costs.

3) Conclusion

a) Brief rounding off

b) Make sure technology is a complement of face-to-face communication.

A New Era of Communication

Before Skype was available, it was almost impossible for my mother to visit or talk to her sister who

lived in Tierra del Fuego. These days, thanks to technological advancements, my mother is able to

both talk to her and see her with a minimum delay and at very low prices. It is true that the overuse of

technological devices devalues face-to-face interactions and makes communication much simpler.

However, technology has influenced human communication for the better, helping us communicate

with people all around the world, increasing the speed of communication and, at the same time,

reducing the costs significantly.

Firstly, technology has made it possible for us to communicate across large distances in real time.

Technology has overcome the obstacles of time and space, and long distances are no longer barriers

between people. “The role technology has played in the global landscape cannot be overstated. The

Moyano, Rocío
Language V

result of these increasingly convenient, quick, and affordable advances is a more united world,” says

Felix Lluberes, CEO at Position Logic. “People of various nations, languages, and cultures have the

element of technology as a binding force.” In a global world in which our loved ones are often

geographically separated from us, technology has shortened the distance and has facilitated the

interaction between people living in faraway places.

Secondly, technology has increased the speed of communication significantly. “Modern

communication is handled by wireless signals, undersea cables, satellites and other advanced

technology, ensuring the almost instantaneous delivery of messages and data to any location on the

planet,” states writer James Wright. Nowadays, instant messages allow us to send to and receive

information from any part of the globe within seconds. Moreover, in case of an emergency, we can

call for help immediately with our cell phones, a privilege that was unthinkable for previous

generations. “The speed of news has been able to save lives and promote assistance. In the case of

some natural disasters, people were warned to get out of the way before it affected them,” affirms

Wright. Furthermore, the costs of communication have decreased drastically. “We are no longer

bound to long-distance charges,” says Jennifer Deleo, Managing Editor of “We can

place free video calls to anyone in the world over the Internet by using Skype and a headset,” she

adds. Sending letters and telegrams in the past, as well as making phone calls, took a lot of time and

were quite expensive. Modern telecommunication allows us to text, video-call, e-mail and chat for


It cannot be denied that the excessive use of technological tools can lead to addiction and dumbs

down real-life interactions. However, technology has offered many advantages in communication, like

interacting faster and cheaper with family and friends across the world. It is essential, though, to

make proper use of technology and make others aware that technology is not a replacement for

Moyano, Rocío
Language V

human communication, but a complement to make this communication better and more effective as


Woks cited

Deleo, Jennifer. “How Tech Has Changed Our Lives.” PCMag. 13 Oct. 2008

Lluberes, Fleix. “Global Impact: 4 Ways Technology Has Connected our World.” TECHi. 24 Jan. 2013

Wright, James. “How Technology Has Improved Communication” Opposing Views.

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