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Student Name: Estephanny Prado

Date: 6/12/22

Artifact Description: My 2nd grade classroom consists of a teachers desk with a computer a
computer section for students to take tests and play educational games. A white board and smart
board and also book shelves for our reading and a carpet for students to sit. A shelve with school
supplies and a sink for students to wash their hands.

What you learned: I learned how to use the different shapes and lines word has to offer. I also
learned it had 3D pictures that I was able to use like the computers. It did take me a good amount of
time because I was struggling to move the desks because when I would try to move them it would
want to change the shape. Overall, I really enjoyed learning how to find everything that was needed
to make my classroom.

National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS)•S Addressed: Creative

Communicator is used here because students get to choose how they would want to create their own
project. By adding their own details and give a piece of their own liking.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: I see this project as fitting in school curriculum by
having students understand the use of word or any other program. The curricular area used to
address this would be the use of technology and the ability to use thinking skills. This can also be
used as practice for students to be able to make their own bedroom as a future drawing on screen
teaching the students how technology is used.

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