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Authoritarian states

1905 Revolution in Russia

1914 Outbreak of First World War
1916-20 Two revolutions in Russia
Balfour Declaration
Versailles Peace Treaty
League of Nations founded

1923 Munich Putsch

1924 Lenin dies
1929 Wall St Crash

1933 Hitler becomes German Chancellor

Roosevelt introduces New Deal
1936-38 Spanish Civil War

1939 Nazi-Soviet Pact

German invasion of Poland
Trotsky murdered
1940 Churchill PM of UK
Fall of France
1941 Germany invades Soviet Union
Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor
US declaration of war on Japan
1942 Battle of Midway
1944 D-Day (Roosevelt)
Percentages Agreement
1945 Yalta Conference
German surrender
US detonation of atom bomb
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Japanese surrender
United Nations founded

1945-54 French Indo-China War (Viet Minh VS France)

1946 ‘Long Telegram’
Churchill’s Iron Curtain speech
Greek Civil War
1947 Truman Doctrine
Marshall Plan
India and Pakistan become independent countries
1948 Britain leaves Palestine; State of Israel founded
Czechoslovak coup
Berlin Blockade and Berlin Airlift
Yugoslavia expelled from Cominform; Soviet-Yugoslav Split
1949 creation of NATO
Creation of FGR and GDR
Soviet detonation of atom bomb
Communist victory in Chinese Civil War
USA offers assistance to Yugoslavia
independence of Indonesia from the Netherlands

1950 US document NSC 68 is published

1950-53 Korean War
1951 US economic and military aid to Yugoslavia
1952 Treaty of San Francisco officially ends war between Allies and Japan
1953 Stalin dies
Eisenhower takes office as US President
1954 First Taiwan Strait Crisis
Geneva Conference
1955 Warsaw Pact founded
Bandung Conference
Khrushchev’s visit to Yugoslavia
1956 Hungarian Revolution
Suez Crisis
1957 Civil Rights Act in USA
Britain recognized an independent Malaysia
1958 Berlin Crisis
Second Taiwan Strait Crisis
1959 Castro takes power in Cuba
1960-64 Congo Crisis
1961 Formation of the Non-Aligned Movement
Kennedy takes office as US President
Bay of Pigs
Berlin Wall erected
1962 Cuban Missile Crisis
independence of Algeria
1963 Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
Kennedy assassinated
1964 Brezhnev in power in the USSR
PRC detonates atom bomb
1965-73 Vietnam War (Viet Cong VS USA)
1966 France withdraws from NATO
1967 Six-Day War
1968 Prague Spring
Brezhnev Doctrine
Martin Luther King assassinated
1969 Nixon becomes President of the USA
Sino-Soviet border clashes

1971 SALT 1 signed

1972 Terrorists attack Munich Olympics
Moscow Summit
1973 Watergate
1974 Nixon resigns
1975 Vietnam War ends
1977 Carter becomes President of the USA
Charter 77 issued in Czechoslovakia
1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
1979-1989 Afghan Resistance (Mujahadeen VS USSR)

1980 USA boycott of the Moscow Olympics

1981 Reagan takes office as US President
1982 Falklands/Malvinas War (Argentina)
Death of Brezhnev
1983 Able Archer Crisis
1985 Gorbachev in power in the USSR
1986 Soviet policy of perestroika is introduced
1988 PLO renounces terrorism and recognises state of Israel
Soviet policy of glasnost is introduced
1989 Bush takes office as US President
The Mujahadeen forced the Soviets from Afghanistan
Fall of Berlin Wall
Democracy in Poland Hungary Bulgaria, Romania, East Germany and
1990 German reunification; GDR (East Germany) ceases to exist
1991 Dissolution of the Soviet Union
Authoritarian states – Michael Lynch 2015
Egypt – Nasser (pan-Arabism)

1880s onwards British control of Egypt

Anti-British sentiment and formation of political parties and movements

1948-49 Defeated by Israel in Arab-Israeli War

1948 Britain leaves Palestine
State of Israel founded

1952 The Egyptian Revolution

King overthrown
1954 Nasser rules Egypt
1954-62 Egypt’s support of Arab nationalists in French Algeria
1955 Gaza problem (Israel seized part of the Gaza strip)
April Bandung Conference in Indonesia
Non-aligned movement (NAM)
1956 The Suez Crisis
The invasion of Egypt by Israel, Britain and France
Hungarian Uprising

1962-67 Egypt’s intervention in Yamen War

1967 defeat in Six-Day War against Israel

Nasser’s popularity in Arab world

 Anti-Zonist
 Pan-Arabism
 Modernize Egypt
 Non-aligned movement
 Build modern army
 Nationalism
Cuba under Fidel Castro, 1959-2006

1952-59 Batista’s regime

1959 Castro’s Cuba
1961 Bay of Pigs
1962 Cuban Missile Crisis
1979 Head of the non-aligned movement (NAM)
1989 Collapse of Soviet Union

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