Modification of The Response of Saline S

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Plant Growth Regulation 30: 37–47, 2000.

© 2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.


Modification of the response of saline stressed tomato plants by the

correction of cation disorders

M. Carvajal, A. Cerdá & V. Martı́nez

Dpto. Fisiologı́a y Nutrición Vegetal. Centro de Edafologı́a y Biologı́a Aplicada del Segura. CSIC. P.O. Box 4195,
30080 Murcia, Spain

Received 14 April 1999; accepted in revised form 26 July 1999

Key words: glucose phosphate synthase, invertase, mineral nutrition, salinity, water relations

The interactions between NaCl and other major nutrients have been generally observed in plants. Decreases of
nutrient uptake under saline conditions normally appear in tomato plants grown under saline conditions. In this
work, the effect of increased external Ca, K and Mg concentrations under saline conditions has been investigated.
Tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum, Mill) were grown in a greenhouse, in 120 L capacity containers, filled
with continuously aerated Hoagland nutrient solution. Treatments were added to observe the combined effect of
two NaCl levels (30 and 60 mM) and three levels of Ca, K and Mg (in mM ratios of 4:6:1, 7:9:2 and 10:12:3;
treatments C1 , C2 and C3 respectively) on growth, fruit yield and water relations. Saline treatments decreased the
growth, which was partly restored with the C2 treatment and totally with the C3 treatment. A good association
was observed between the electric conductivity of the medium and the water or osmotic potential of the leaves,
independent of the type of treatment (salinity or cation ratio). Salinity at 30 and 60 mM NaCl reduced the fruit yield
compared with that obtained at 0 mM NaCl. However, there was an increase, as a consequence of the application
of treatments C2 and C3 , in each saline treatment. At a high salinity level (60 mM), the ratios Na/K, Na/Ca and
Na/Mg in young leaves decreased as a consequence of cation treatments. Higher concentrations of sugars in leaves
and fruits were obtained after increasing the salinity and cation concentrations. Also, sucrose phosphate synthase
activity in leaves and fruits was increased after the treatments, but there was no measurable invertase activity in
fruits. Therefore, the concentrations of Ca, K and Mg in the nutrient solution could be important factors in the
hydroponic culture of tomato grown under saline conditions.

Abbreviations: Gs – Stomatal conductance; SPS – Sucrose phosphate synthase

1. Introduction in growth and yield reductions of tomato crops [21].

Decreased K+ uptake, caused by Na+ is a competitive
The disorders in plant nutrition produced by salinity process, which occurs regardless of whether or not the
may result from the effect on either nutrient availab- solution is dominated by Na+ . Culture experiments
ility, uptake, transport or partitioning within the plant. have shown the deleterious effects associated with
The main disruptive effect on cations are in potassium, reduced uptake and translocation of K + by tomato
calcium and magnesium concentrations. Potassium is plants grown in high Na+ , which can frequently be
the most prominent inorganic plant solute, and as such, alleviated by the addition of K+ to the substrate [30].
makes a major contribution to the low osmotic poten- The presence of adequate Ca2+ in the substrate influ-
tial in the stele of the roots, that is a prerequisite ences the K+ /Na+ selectivity by shifting the uptake
for the maintenance of pressure-driven turgor [22]. ratio in favour of K+ at the expense of Na+ . Improve-
Sodium-induced K+ deficiency has been implicated ment in Ca2+ mediated membrane integrity invariably

leads to reduction of K+ leakage from root cells and a tions, nutrient concentration, yield and sugar metabol-
more favourable root-K+ status [3]. As a result, the ism has been investigated in order to observe whether
beneficial effects of supplemental Ca2+ on the K+ the compensating effect of those cations is important
status of salt-stressed plants are often more evident in for plant growth and fruit quality.
root tissue than in the shoots [21]. Calcium deficiency
symptoms generally arise from differences in its alloc-
ation in the growing regions of the plant. Therefore, 2. Material and methods
competitive sinks such as leaves, fruits and meristems,
exert their influence on calcium movement independ- 2.1 Growth conditions and experimental design
ently [5]. However, one of the causes of blossom-end
rot in tomato fruits has been identified as a decrease Seeds of tomato (Lycopersicon sculentum, Mill) cv.
in the uptake of calcium by roots and an increase in Daniella were germinated in peat trays. On 24 March
the resistance to transport inside the fruit [19]. Growth 1998, after removing all peat from the root system,
and yield reductions of Na-salinised tomato are more two uniform seedlings were transplanted into each of
generally ameliorated by increases in Ca2+ [1]. Very the 36 continuously-aerated 120 L capacity contain-
little information is available about the behaviour of ers with the following macronutrients (mmol L−1 ): 6
magnesium in saline environments. In recent stud- KNO3 ; 4 Ca(NO3 )2 , 1 NH4 (H2 PO4 ), 1 MgSO4 and
ies, we found that increases in NaCl reduced leaf the micronutrients (µmol L−1 ) were applied in the
Mg2+ concentration in citrus [28] and that interactions form of 20 Fe-EDTA, 25 H3 BO3 , 2 MnSO4 , 2 ZnSO4 ,
of Mg2+ with Ca2+ , K+ and Na+ should be taken into 0.5 CuSO4 and 0.5 H2 MoO4 . The solutions were
account with tomato plants grown under hydroponic made using deionized water. During the experiment,
culture [4]. the volume of the nutrient solutions was maintained
High levels of Na+ and Cl− in the apoplast alter by adding deionized water daily and recording the
aqueous and ionic thermodynamic equilibria, which volume of water added. All solutions were analysed
result in hyperosmotic stress. Thus, it becomes vital weekly and readjusted to initial concentrations when
for NaCl-exposed plants to re-establish cellular ion necessary. The pH was kept within the range of 6.0 to
homeostasis for proper metabolic functioning and 6.5 by adding H2 SO4 or KOH.
growth. In other words, they have to adapt to the saline The experimental design consisted of 3 salinity
environment. Osmotic adjustment helps plant cells to levels, made by the addition of 0, 30 or 60 mmol
withstand salt stress and water deficits by maintain- NaCl L−1 (S0 , S1 and S2 , respectively) in a factorial
ing sufficient turgor for growth [33]. In addition, the combination with 3 levels of the ratio Ca:K:Mg (in
osmotic adjustment involves the transport, accumu- mM: 4:7:1, 7:9:2 and 10:12:3; treatments C1 , C2 and
lation and compartmentation of inorganic ions and C3 respectively), giving 9 treatments with 5 replic-
organic solutes [14]. ates each. Cation treatments were added on the day
Tomato plants exposed to salinity exhibited of transplantation such that the nitrate and phosphate
changes in their leaf carbohydrate metabolism and concentrations were not altered. Therefore, for C2
carbon partitioning patterns, enhancing sugar load- the macronutrients were applied as (mmol L−1 ) 7
ing into the phloem and/or unloading into the fruits, Ca(NO3 )2 , 1 NH4 H2 PO4 , 2 MgSO4 , 4.5 K2 SO4 and
thereby maintaining dry matter accumulation in fruits C3 as 7 Ca(NO3 )2 , 1 NH4 H2 PO4 , 3 MgSO4 , 3 CaCl2 ,
even as leaf expansion was inhibited [11]. The abil- 6 K2 SO4 . The solutions were brought to their corres-
ity of the plant to synthesise and accumulate sucrose ponding salinity levels 5 days after transplanting by
in leaves and fruits is mainly determined by the con- adding 30 mmol NaCl L−1 to the S2 and S3 treatments.
certed actions of sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS, On the following two days, a further 30 mmol L−1 was
EC and invertase (EC [13]. In added to the S3 treatment.
terms of dry matter production, fruit yield is related
to the supply of recently produced sucrose, which 2.2 Plant measurements
is transported through the phloem, and to the par-
titioning of the carbon assimilates to different plant On 23 April, one plant from each tank was clipped (to
organs [17]. bear 6 clusters) and the other plant was removed after
In this work, the effect of the increase in the bal- the measurement of leaf water relations. The different
anced concentrations of Ca, K and Mg on water rela- plant organs were dried at 65 ◦ C for two to four days.

Chemical analyses of plant organs were carried out

after digestion with HNO3 -HClO4 (2:1). Magnesium,
Ca, K and Na concentrations were determined by
atomic absorption spectrometry (Perkin-Elmer 5500,
The other plant of each tank was maintained until
all fruits were harvested. The first harvest of ripe fruit
was on 6 June and fruit was harvested weekly from
this date until the end of the experiment (21 July).
The fruits of each cluster were separately collected.
Total weight and number of fruits, weight per fruit,
and the number of fruits with blossom-end rot (BER)
were recorded. Leaves and fruits from this plants were
also harvested for sugars and enzymatic analysis.

2.3 Leaf water relations

On 30 April, before the plants were clipped, the leaf

water potential (9w ) of the most recent fully expan-
ded leaves was measured between 10:00 h and 12:00 h
using the pressure chamber technique [31]. The same
leaves were then put into plastic bags and rapidly
frozen with liquid nitrogen. They were subsequently
thawed and pressed to extract the cell sap. The osmotic
potential (9π ) of the leaf sap was calculated after
measuring sap osmolarity using an automatic freez- Figure 1. Stomatal conductance, Gs, and water uptake expressed
ing point depression osmometer (Digital Osmometer, per G of root from tomato plants treated with three different
Ca:K:Mg concentrations (C1 :4:6:1; C2 :7:9:2; C3 :10:12:13) and
Roebling, Berlin). Turgor potential was estimated three saline levels. Data are mean ± SE (n = 5).
as the difference between leaf water potential and
osmotic potential. Adaxial stomatal conductance to
water vapour exchange (Gs) was measured in one calculated using illuminant D65 and 10◦ observer
leaf per plant with a LI-COR model 1600 diffusion according to the CIELAB 76 convention [24].
porometer between 10:00 and 12:00 h.
2.6 Enzymatic activities
2.4 Soluble sugars analysis
SPS activity was monitored by the production of UDP.
Organic solutes were extracted from leaf sap and fruit Leaves and fruit samples were extracted with 50 mM
juice with 80% ethanol. The extracts were filtered Hepes (NaOH) buffer, pH 7.0, containing 20 mM
through sep-pak C18 cartridges to remove the colour. MgCl2 , 1 mM EDTA, 1 mM DTT, 1 mM PMSF,
The total sugar concentration was determined by the 10 mM isoascorbic acid and 2% (w/v) PVP. The crude
anthrone method [16]. extract was desalted by centrifugation through a 1-
ml column of Sephadex G-25. The reaction mixture
2.5 Fruit quality contained 50 mM Hepes (NaOH) buffer, pH 7.5, with
10 mM fructose-6-P, 10 mM UDP glucose and 10 mM
At the middle of the fruit harvest, three fruits per MgCl2 in a test tube. After 20 min incubation the reac-
plant were taken to determine some quality paramet- tion was stopped by heating the test tube in a boiling
ers; soluble sugars by the anthrone method (see above) water bath for 2 min. Afterwards, UDP formation was
and firmness by the resistance to penetration. Colour assayed by adding PEP/NADH in Hepes (NaOH) buf-
was determined with a tristimulus colour spectropho- fer, pH 7.5. The initial absorbance was read at 340 nm.
tometer, Minolta CM-508i (Osaka, Japan) to obtain The oxidation of NADH was started with 2 U pyruvate
the absorption spectra from which L∗ a∗ b∗ values were kinase and 2 U L-lactate dehydrogenase. When the
Table 1. Electric conductivity of each cation treatment at each
saline level

Treatments EC (dS m−1 )

NaCl Ca:K:Mg

0 mM 4:6:1 1.98
7:9:2 2.86
10:12:3 3.89

30 mM 4:6:1 4.82
7:9:2 5.45
10:12:3 6.74

60 mM 4:6:1 7.68
7:9:2 8.30
10:12:3 9.21

reaction was completed (1h), the absorbance was also

Invertase, acid and neutral, activity was assayed
by measuring by the concentrations of glucose and
fructose produced. Aliquots (100 µl) of the enzyme
preparation (see above) were incubated for 45 min
at 30 ◦ C with 50 mM Hepes (NaOH) buffer, pH 7.5
and 5.5 for the neutral and acid activities respectively,
both containing 50 mM sucrose. The reaction was
stopped by adding 1 M NaOH. To deproteinize the
samples, 1 M FeCN and 1 M ZnSO4 were added and
the precipitates were separated by centrifugation. The Figure 2. Water potential, 9w , osmotic potential, 95 and turgor of
concentrations of glucose and fructose were meas- tomato leaves treated with three different Ca:K:Mg concentrations
ured before and after the reaction took place with the (C1 :4:6:1; C2 :7:9:2; C3 :10:12:13) and three saline levels. Data are
mean ± SE (n = 5).
anthrone reagent [16].

3. Results A similar effect of all treatments was also observed

on leaf water potential (9w ) and leaf osmotic potential
Stomatal conductance of youngest recent fully expan- (95 ) (Figure 2). A good association was observed,
ded leaves was measured at midday (Figure 1). A as well, between those parameters and the electric
significant decrease was observed when the NaCl con- conductivity of the nutrient solution (Table 1). When
centration was increased from 0 to 60 mM. In the same turgor was calculated, it was increased when salin-
way, decreases appeared due to the increase in the ity was applied (Figure 2) but no significant changes
cation concentration. The result was a linear decrease were observed within the two levels of NaCl. Also,
as the electric conductivity of the nutrient solution no variation was found among the different levels of
was increased (the electric conductivity of the nutrient cations.
solution is shown in Table 1). Water uptake was also Nutrient composition was analysed in the roots,
measured at the same time as the stomatal conductance stems and leaves, divided into old, medium and young
(Figure 1) and similar effects of the treatments were leaves. Apart from the changes in the concentration
found, that is a significant decrease in uptake occur- of Na+ and Cl− , the only differences produced by
ring after the osmotic potential of the nutrient solution the treatments were in the roots and young leaves
was raised. and only with respect to the concentrations of K+ ,

Figure 3. Cation concentration in mmol per Kg of dry weight of tomato roots treated with three different Ca:K:Mg concentrations (C1 :4:6:1;
C2 :7:9:2; C3 :10:12:13) and three saline levels. Data are mean ± SE (n = 5).

Ca2+ , and Mg2+ . In roots, the concentration of Na NaCl, but a decrease when increasing the concentra-
increased as a higher concentration of NaCl was added tion of cations (Figure 4). Potassium (Figure 4) was
to the nutrient solution (Figure 3). However, at both decreased after the application of both concentrations
levels of NaCl (30 and 60 mM), when the cation bal- of NaCl, but a increase was observed when the con-
ance was increased, the concentration of Na decreased centration of cation was increased, with no significant
significantly. The concentration of K (Figure 3) only differences between the levels of Ca:K:Mg, 4:7:1 and
increased at 0 mM NaCl when the levels of Ca:K:Mg 10:12:3. Concentrations of both Ca and Mg did not
were 7:9:2. Calcium concentration remained constant change with cation treatments at 0 mM NaCl, but
in roots at 0 mM NaCl when the cation balance a large decrease occurred at 30 and 60 mM NaCl,
was increased. Nevertheless, a significant decrease which was partly restored by increasing the cation
appeared with salinity, which was restored when the levels. The concentration of Cl− was always increased
cation balance was increased. There were no changes proportionally after increasing the NaCl concentra-
of Mg concentration (Figure 3) with the saline treat- tions in the nutrient solution (data not shown). The
ments, but it increased in a similar way to Ca2+ when ratio between cations was calculated in roots and
the levels of Ca:K:Mg were increased from 4:6:1 to young leaves (Figure 5) and it can be seen that at
10:12:3. a high NaCl concentration, the ratios Na/Ca and
In young leaves, the effect of NaCl on the concen- Na/Mg decreased as the cation balance was increased.
tration of Na was similar to that detected in roots, that However, the ratio Na/K did not change with the
is an increase, when enhancing the concentration of treatments.

Figure 4. Cation concentration in mmol per Kg of dry weight of tomato young leaves treated with three different Ca:K:Mg concentrations
(C1 :4:6:1; C2 :7:9:2; C3 :10:12:13) and three saline levels. Data are mean ± SE (n = 5).

Plant growth (Figure 6) was measured and Total soluble sugars were determined in leaves
expressed as fresh weight (g plant−1 ). No significant (Figure 8) and the result was a linear increase as the
changes occurred as a consequence of the increase in electric conductivity of the nutrient solution increased.
cation concentration within the 0 mM NaCl treatment, Therefore, there were higher concentrations with the
either in shoots or in roots. In shoots, there was a saline treatments and with the increase in cation levels.
decrease when the saline treatments 30 and 60 mM Fruit quality was determined, but there were no
were applied, which was partially restored to control alterations with NaCl/cations treatments, in fruit firm-
values with Ca:K:Mg, 10:12:3. In roots, there was ness, or colour in terms of L∗ , a∗ or b∗ values (data not
only a decrease in fresh weight after the treatment of shown). However, when the soluble sugars content in
60 mM NaCl. That decrease was also restored by the fruit juice was analysed (Figure 8), an increase was
cation concentration Ca:K:Mg, 10:12:3. observed, with both concentrations of NaCl, which
At 0 mM NaCl the production of marketable fruits was greater when the concentration of cations was
(Figure 7) was significantly increased as the cations increased, with no significant differences between the
were increased. As the salt concentration increased, levels of Ca:K:Mg, 4:6:1 and 7:9:2.
a progressive decrease was observed. However, in SPS, and acid and neutral invertases were ana-
those cases, the fruit production increased slightly lysed in both leaves and fruits. In leaves, a higher
when the cation levels were increased. The production SPS activity was observed after the saline treatments
of unmarketable fruits was higher, but very variable (Figure 9). Furthermore, within those saline treat-
within each of the 30 and 60 mM NaCl-treatments. ments, greater activity was observed after increasing

Figure 6. Shoot and root weight, in G fresh weight, of tomato plants

treated with three different Ca:K:Mg concentrations (C1 :4:6:1;
C2 :7:9:2; C3 :10:12:13) and three saline levels. Data are mean ±
SE (n = 5).

gas exchange in their leaves is reduced. This reduction

Figure 5. Cation relations in mmol per Kg of dry weight of tomato
young leaves, treated with three different Ca:K:Mg concentrations has been attributed to salt damage to the photosyn-
(C1 :4:6:1; C2 :7:9:2; C3 :10:12:13) and three saline levels. Data are thetic tissue, to stomatal effects with the consequent
mean ± SE (n = 5). restriction of the CO2 availability for carboxylation or
to the acceleration of senescence [26]. In our plants,
there was a reduction in Gs after NaCl treatments and
the cation concentration. In fruits, a slight increase
after the increase in the concentration of cations in the
was observed progressively with the saline and cation
nutrient solution. This indicates that the reduction was
treatments. The neutral invertase activity in leaves did
directly related to the osmotic pressure of the nutrient
not vary much with the treatments (Figure 10). How-
solution and was independent of the nature of the salts,
ever, the acid invertase activity strongly increased in a
which produced the increase in the osmotic pressure.
similar way for both saline treatments, but no effect
The results obtained for Gs are in agreement with the
of the cation treatments was observed. Both inver-
measurements of water uptake, which was reduced
tase activities were non-detectable in fruits (data not
with all treatments and was also directly related to the
osmotic potential of the nutrient solution.
Osmotic adjustment involves the net accumulation
of solutes in the cells in response to a fall in the water
4. Discussion potential of their environment. As a consequence of
this net accumulation, the cell osmotic potential is
Plants grown under salt stress conditions alter their lowered which, in turn, attracts water into the cell
stomatal resistance due to the increased electric con- and tends to maintain turgor pressure [2]. The reduc-
ductivity in the soil or nutrient solution. Therefore, tions observed in 95 , when treatments were applied,

Figure 7. Fruit production of tomato plants treated with three dif-

ferent Ca:K:Mg concentrations (C1 :4:6:1; C2 :7:9:2; C3 :10:12:13) Figure 8. Sugar concentration of leaf sap and fruit juice of
and three saline levels. Data are mean ± SE (n = 5). tomato plants treated with three different Ca:K:Mg concentrations
(C1 :4:6:1; C2 :7:9:2; C3 :10:12:13) and three saline levels. Data are
mean ± SE (n = 5).

were closely related to reductions in 9w , which had

a slight effect on turgor only related to saline treat- cations in saline-treated roots was translated into an
ments. The fact that there were few changes in turgor, increase in biomass, greater than that of the control
in this tomato crop, in response to the treatments without salinity. The increases in plant biomass were
of our experiment indicated a good level of osmotic related to the marketable fruits, in which the reduc-
adjustment [12]. tion in yield by salinity was partially compensated
Leaf nutrient disorders produced by salinity have by the cation treatment. The importance of appropri-
been widely studied in tomato plants (for review see ate cation activity ratios in the root zone, on yield
Cuartero and Fernandez-Muñoz, [6]). Large amounts of tomato plants grown under saline conditions, has
of Na+ and Cl− decreased the concentrations of been reported previously [32]. The nearly complete
K+ , Ca2+ and Mg2+ , giving high values of the restoration of the nutrient deficiencies by cation treat-
ratios Na+ /K+ , Na+ /Ca2+ and Na+ /Mg2+ [23]. In ments within the same saline level, was not translated
our experiments, the deficiencies of those ions pro- into a full restoration of plant biomass and fruit yield.
duced by moderate salinity (30 or 60 mM) were only Therefore, the toxic effect of Na+ or Cl− was still
observed in roots and young leaves. But those defi- present. The accumulation of high concentrations of
ciencies were partially compensated by the higher Cl− and Na+ in the leaves of salt-treated plants for the
cation treatments. Therefore, the ratios Na+ /K+ , osmotic adjustment was produced at a lower energy
Na+ /Ca2+ and Na+ /Mg2+ were increased to a lesser cost than the accumulation of organic solutes. In
extent. In the same way, this compensation for the other words, the salinity-induced yield reduction was
disorders gave an increase in shoot and root biomass probably associated with the toxic effect of the accu-
production although, shoots were more affected by mulation of Cl− and Na+ . Therefore, the restoration
salinity than roots. In some cases, the effect of the of fruit yield by cation treatments, within each saline

Figure 9. Sucrose phosphate synthase activity, SPS, in tomato Figure 10. Acid and neutral invertase activity in tomato leaves
leaves and fruits treated with three different Ca:K:Mg concentration treated with three different Ca:K:Mg concentrations (C1 :4:6:1;
(C1 :4:6:1; C2 :7:9:2; C3 :10:12:13) and three saline levels. Data are C2 :7:9:2; C3 :10:12:13) and three saline levels. Data are mean ±
mean ± SE (n = 5). SE (n = 5).

treatment, could possibly be achieved by using other there was a significant increase in the total soluble
ions for the osmotic adjustment, thus, eliminating the sugars after the NaCl and cation levels were increased,
toxic effect of the excessive accumulation of Cl− or which means that a higher quality was obtained.
Na+ . At 0 mM NaCl, an increase of fruit yield was About 50% of tomato dry matter consists of sugars,
obtained by the application of the cation treatments. of which fructose is the most important one contribut-
This result could be due to the beneficial effect of ing to sweetness. Sucrose is present but rarely exceeds
the low concentrations of Cl− present in the treatment 0.1% of the fresh weight [9]. It has been reported that
of Ca:K:Mg, 10:12:3, in which part of the Ca was young fruits have starch as a large pool of hexoses
applied as CaCl2 (see materials and methods). There- [10], which is transformed into sucrose, glucose and
fore, the Cl− concentration of the nutrient solution was fructose according to the developmental stage [27]. In
6 mM, which has been reported to increase crop yield our ripe fruits, invertase activity was non-detectable,
in cotton [25] or citrus [15]. but SPS activity was measurable. It has been suggested
Characteristics, such as soluble solids, sugars, that, in spite of the apparent presence of extracellular
acidity and pH are important quality parameters for leaf invertase, the sucrose may be taken up directly
both fresh-market and processing tomatoes [6]. It is by pericarp cells for compartmentalisation as soluble
well known that the total soluble solids content, the hexoses in the vacuole [8]. However, the fact that in
most important criterion for tomato paste processing, our ripe tomato fruits, neither invertase activity nor
increases with salinity, although yield reduction is also sucrose were detectable, led us to consider the possib-
expected [29]. In our samples the enhancing of the ility that all sugar transport from the leaves to the fruits
total soluble solids did not produce any significant was in the form of hexoses. This was also demon-
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