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“The story of Smooch”

Once upon a time there was a young boy named Steve. Steve was born in Israel and grew up
with a poor family. When Steve was eight years old, he and his family immigrated to the United
States. Steve was determined to finish school, graduate from college, and become a famous
musician. He had planned to become rich and famous and take care of his family. Steve was
following his childhood dream.
Steve accomplished his goal of graduating from high school and earned a degree in music.
Unfortunately, while attending school, Steve was a victim of bullying. Steve’s peers made fun of
his appearance, the way he dressed, and he was a bit of a loner. Steve had difficulties making
friends and was unable to form relationships with others. As a result of being bullied, Steve
decided to create an alter ego. Steve began to wear makeup, he bought a black curly wig, and
drastically changed his wardrobe. He had succeeded in becoming unrecognizable. Steve’s new
persona made him stand out amongst his peers. Steve met three other guys who looked just
like him. Steve and the three guys formed a band and called themselves “Smooch”. All four
members of the band were extremely talented, and their music became famous.
Smooch produced three hit records. The band had fans all over the world. After three
records, the public grew tired of the band. Fans began to make fun of the band’s name. Fans
began to make fun of their appearance. Fans began to belittle the band and the album sales
dropped. The band decided to break up. Steve was quickly reminded of the days when he was a
victim of bullying. At this time, Steve regressed, and reverted to being a loner.
As a result of Steve’s trauma, he went off the deep end. Steve began to attend concerts with
intent to create tragedies. He caused explosions at concerts. Steve threw a live bat onto a stage
of a performer who was pretending to eat rubber bats. Steve burned down a nightclub at the
end of a show. Steve caused a stage to collapse. Steve began a riot at a concert. He also created
a stampede at a concert. After committing a series of crimes, Steve grew tired. Steve decided
that he no longer wanted to be a monster. He took off his make-up, removed his black curly
wig, and changed his wardrobe. Steve was once again unrecognizable. Steve went back to
school and got his degree in Education. After graduating Steve became a college professor
where he lived happily ever after.

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