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Fernanda Price E.



Ms. Ayala

“Drugs Consumption”

QUESTION: What makes you unable to leave that addiction?

 BOOK: Neurosciences and addictions

 BOOK: The Sociological Implications of Drug Addictions

 ARTICLE: A Sociological Theory of Drug Addiction

Hypothesis: Drug use is currently one of the most important problems facing society. Research

on drug addiction from a sociological approach has argued that drug use, in addition to being a

social fact, is a health problem, as a social problem it affects work and school productivity, as

well as family harmony, some of the consequences that drug use can cause within the family are:

Alteration of family relationships and increase in problems among family members; frequent

presence of physical and psychological violence towards children, which results in the overuse of

health services.

In recent years the generation has changed, they have more knowledge about issues as delicate as

this and they know its consequences then... Why do they do it? What is the need to enter that

new and vining world? What drives them?

Let us clarify that around 275 million people worldwide used drugs during the last year, while

more than 36 million suffered from drug use disorders, it also points out that it has increased up

to four times in the last 24 years, although the percentage of adolescents who perceive this drug

was reduced by up to 40%.

Let us remember that the United States is where most drug trafficking occurs since it is the

largest consumer, followed by Europe. It's not unusual to see 15-year-olds using drugs, it's

normalized... According to articles by sociologists, teenagers use drugs for pleasure, to fit in with

their friends, or they just start experimenting and end up being addicted.

In the social sphere, it is very important in this matter, such as the people that someone surrounds

oneself, someone may have the slightest knowledge about drugs but see someone they know

using them and out of sheer curiosity ask, try and go into that world. There is no exact answer as

to why they enter this world, nor what drives them, it can be a friendship or they see a family

member and try.

Then come economic problems, days go by without sleeping even without eating, the doses

increase little by little since before 1gr per month was consumed, then it is 1gr per week, then

1gr per day until it becomes 1gr per hour.

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