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Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR)

 Applicable to passenger ships (including high-speed passenger craft) of any size, cargo ships (including
high-speed craft) of 500 gross tonnage and above and Mobile Offshore Drilling Units(MODU) that are
engaged on international voyages.
 The original CSR Certificate issued by MPA must be retained on board the ship for survey or
inspection purposes.

The procedure to obtain a CSR certificate is easy and straightforward, requiring 5 major steps. Below is a
summary of the steps:

(A) For New or First-time Application

Note: Applicable to ships that have just been registered – newbuildings or reflagging

1. Complete either CSR Application Form 1 or 2.

 CSR Application Form 1 is applicable for newbuildings/new constructions.
 CSR Application Form 2 is applicable for reflagging/registration of second-hand ships/amendments to the
particulars on the current CSR.
 CSR Application Form 3 – Index of Amendment. Applicable to master/company to record the list of
amendments made to the ship and is to be kept on board the ship together with the ship’s CSR File.

2. Get ready a copy of the Document of Compliance (DOC), Safety Management Certificate (SMC) and
International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC).
3. Get ready a copy of the closed CSR from the previous Registry. This is applicable for reflagging/registration
of second-hand ships.
4. Submit (1) to (3) to SRS via email to
5. Pay CSR fee of $45.

(B) For Subsequent Application/Replacement Certificate

 Change in ship’s details. Such change constitutes for a new CSR application to be made to the Ship

1. Complete the CSR Application Form 2.

 CSR Application Form 1 is applicable for newbuildings/new constructions.
 CSR Application Form 2 is applicable for reflagging/registration of second-hand ships/amendments to the
particulars on the current CSR.
 CSR Application Form 3 – Index of Amendment. Applicable to master/company to record the list of
amendments made to the ship and is to be kept on board the ship together with the ship’s CSR File.

2. Attach a copy of the certificate/document that detailed the amendment. For example, there has been an
amendment to the DOC company’s address. To provide a new DOC certificate evidencing the new address, or
there has been changes to the classification society that issued the SMC. To provide a copy of the new SMC
evidencing such change.
3. Submit (1) and (2) to SRS via email to
4. Pay CSR fee of $45.
(C) Lost or Misplaced of CSR certificate

A CSR can be replaced if the original is found to be lost or misplaced. But before the replacement certificate can
be issued, the registered owner/registered manager of the ship must make a statutory declaration (SD) on the
lost or misplaced of that CSR. The original SD must be submitted to the Ship Registry.

1. Inform the Ship Registry by writing to on the lost or misplaced of CSR and request for a
replacement certificate.
2. Complete the SD form.
3. Submit the original SD form to Ship Registry in exchange with the replacement CSR.
4. Pay CSR fee of $45.

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