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Name: Laine Ann A.

Camacho MAEd - AS2



Test I. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of your choice. (1point each question)
1. _A_ is the oral or written communication of false statement about another that injury harms
their reputation and usually constitute a tort or a crime.
a. defamation
b. slander
c. libel
d. acts of malice
2. _C_ is defined as defamation by written or printed words, picture, or any form other than
spoken words or gesture.
a. defamation
b. slander
c. libel
d. acts of malice
3. _D_ to commit an unlawful act or cause harm legal justification or excuse
a. defamation
b. slander
c. libel
d. acts of malice
4. _A_ a special right , advantage or immunity granted or available only to a particular
person or a group.
a. privilege
b. good faith
c. absolute defenses
d. qualified privilege
5. _B_ interactions, is a sincere intention to be fair, open, and honest, regardless of the
outcome of the interaction.
a. Privilege
b. Good faith
c. Absolute defenses
d. Qualified privilege
6. _C_ if the statement that is the subject of the truth is true, and you can prove it, your
attorney can move to have to have plaintiff’s claim dismiss.
a. privilege
b. good faith
c. absolute defenses
d. qualified privilege
7. _D_ Act attributable to an employees wrongful actions or negligence
a. incompetency
b. insubordination
c. Immorality
d. All of these
8. _B_ Engaging directly or indirectly in a partisan political activity by one holding non-
political office. First offense is
a. Reprimand
b. Suspension to one (1) to thirty (30) days
c. Dismissal
d. None of these
9. _A_ Discourtesy in the course of official duties. 1st offense constitute
a. Reprimand
b. Suspension to one (1) to thirty (30 ) days
c. Dismissal
d. None of these
10. _B_Simple neglect of duty. 1st offense constitute
a. Reprimand
b. Suspension for one (1) month and one (1) day to six (6) months
c. Suspension to one (1) to thirty (30) day
d. dismissal

Test II. True or False. Write T when the statement is true, or F when the statement is false. If
the statement is false, write the word or phrase to make it a true statement.
1. TRUE. An employee can be dismissed due to unprofessional conduct.
2. TRUE. Discrimination occurs when a person is unable to enjoy her or his human rights or
3. FALSE. Student records are records that are directly related to teachers and are
maintained by an educational agency or institution.
4. FALSE. Teachers have the right to discipline the child as maybe necessary for the
formations of his good character.
5. TRUE. Parents have the right to represent the child in all matters affecting their interest.
6. TRUE. A non-custodial parent is a parent who does not have primary custody of their child.
7. FALSE. When a student turns 15, all the rights that once belonged to his/her parents
transfer to the student.
8. TRUE. The student has the right to obtain a copy of the institution’s policy concerning
access to educational records.
9. TRUE. A tort occurs when one party harms and causes damage to another party.
10. TRUE. Assault is the act of inflicting physical harm or unwanted physical contact upon a
Test III. Short Answer Questions. Write your answer on a separate sheet. (5 points each)
1. Can an employee be fired for having extra marital affairs? Explain your answer.
Yes, employee can be fired for having extra-marital affairs since professionalism entails
not interfering with the personal affairs of another. However, when it comes to extra- marital
affairs, it may be a ground to fire an employee. Engaging in illicit relationships, despite being
married, may constitute as just cause for dismissal on the ground of serious misconduct
through immorality as evidenced by the Employee’s violation of the Company’s Employee
Code of Conduct.
2. Will a teacher be dismissed by a conviction in a case? Explain your answer
Yes, a teacher will be dismissed by a conviction in a case since it’s one of the causes for
dismissal which also includes immoral conduct, incompetence, neglect of duty,
insubordination and whatnot. However, a school must show cause in order to dismiss a
teacher who has attained tenure status. Some state statutes provide a list of circumstances
where a school may dismiss a teacher. These circumstances are similar to those in which a
state agency may revoke a teacher's certification.
3. What is School Community Environment?
When used by educators, the term school community typically refers to the various
individuals, groups, businesses, and institutions that are invested in the welfare and vitality
of a public school and its community—i.e., the neighborhoods and municipalities served by
the school. The term school community also implicitly recognizes the social and emotional
attachments that community members may have to a school, whether those attachments
are familial, experiential, professional, civic, or socioeconomic.
4. Mr. H, a family man and a Filipino went to Saudi Arabia as OFW. The law of Saudi
Arabia allows men to marry more than one wife. Can Mr. H contract a marriage in
Saudi Arabia? Explain your answer.
No, Mr. H cannot contract a marriage in Saudi Arabia since he’s a family man and the
law which allows men to marry more than one wife only applies to Arabians. Also, a Arabian
man is only allowed to take multiple wives if he can meet certain conditions
under shari’a law. For example, he must have the financial capacity to afford another
marriage and provide for another wife and her family. He must also treat each wife equally.
Each wife should have her own individual living quarters and kitchen. Polygamy may occur
in cases where the first wife is unable to bear children


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