(Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM) ) Implementation of Standardization in Clinical Practice Not Always An Easy Task

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Clin Chem Lab Med 2012;50(7):1237–1241 © 2012 by Walter de Gruyter • Berlin • Boston. DOI 10.1515/CCLM.2011.


Opinion Paper

Implementation of standardization in clinical practice:

not always an easy task

Mauro Panteghini* Introduction

Centre for Metrological Traceability in Laboratory Medicine
The issue of standardization in Laboratory Medicine rep-
(CIRME), University of Milan, Milan, Italy
resents an absolute priority for public health (1). Quoting
Bossuyt et al. (2), “standardization of laboratory tests has an
ethical dimension as it aims to affect the way diagnostic tests
are performed in order to guarantee optimal care for patients
in a global world”. Sure enough, laboratory customers (i.e.,
As soon as a new reference measurement system is adopted, doctors and patients) “simply” expect test results to be accu-
clinical validation of correctly calibrated commercial meth- rate and comparable and interpreted in a reliable and con-
ods should take place. Tracing back the calibration of rou- sistent manner (3). There is now an international agreement
tine assays to a reference system can actually modify the on the fact that, to be accurate and comparable, results must
relation of analyte results to existing reference intervals be traceable to high-order references (4, 5). The main objec-
and decision limits and this may invalidate some of the tive of traceability approach is to enable the results obtained
clinical decision-making criteria currently used. To main- by the calibrated routine procedure to be expressed in terms
tain the accumulated clinical experience, the quantitative of the values obtained at the highest available level of the
relationship to the previous calibration system should be calibration hierarchy (6, 7). In addition to be interpreted in a
established and, if necessary, the clinical decision-making reliable and consistent manner, results should be compared
criteria should be adjusted accordingly. The implementation with an appropriate population reference interval (transversal
of standardization should take place in a concerted action of evaluation at biological level), an appropriate decision limit
laboratorians, manufacturers, external quality assessment (transversal evaluation at nosological level) or with a previ-
scheme organizers and clinicians. Dedicated meetings with ous result from the same individual (longitudinal evaluation)
manufacturers should be organized to discuss the process (8). It is therefore clear that the standardization of patients’
of assay recalibration and studies should be performed to results through the availability and the practical application
obtain convincing evidence that the standardization works, of a working reference measurement system (which includes
improving result comparability. Another important issue reference materials, reference procedures and accredited
relates to the surveillance of the performance of standard- laboratories performing these procedures) is not enough to
ized assays through the organization of appropriate analyti- fulfill expectations of clinicians and patients if a proper way
cal internal and external quality controls. Last but not least, of interpretation of these standardized results is not simulta-
uncertainty of measurement that fits for this purpose must neously available.
be defined across the entire traceability chain, starting with
the available reference materials, extending through the
manufacturers and their processes for assignment of cali- Need to establish “clinical” traceability
brator values and ultimately to the final result reported to
clinicians by laboratories. There are now several examples showing that the adoption
of the metrological approach to standardize assay results in
Keywords: quality assessment; reference material; reference clinical laboratories can substantially modify the relation of
measurement procedure; result comparability; standardiza- analyte results to existing reference intervals and decision
tion; traceability. limits (9–12). Without adequate reference intervals and/or
decision limits, this situation can impair the interpretation of
the results and, paradoxically, worsen the patient’s outcome.
*Corresponding author: Professor Mauro Panteghini, Laboratorio
Consequently, the absence of reliable reference intervals
Analisi Chimico Cliniche, Ospedale Luigi Sacco, Via GB Grassi 74,
20157 Milano, Italy
and/or decision limits for the newly standardized commercial
Phone: +39 02 3904 2806, Fax: +39 02 503 19835, methods may significantly hamper their adoption in clinical
E-mail: mauro.panteghini@unimi.it practice (13, 14).
Received July 27, 2011; accepted October 26, 2011; The knowledge about the clinical validity of laboratory tests
previously published online February 29, 2012 and the decision-making criteria used by physicians are often

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1238 Panteghini: Implementation of standardization in clinical practice

based on data that are method-dependent, generated with rou- higher-order material results in approximately 20%–25%
tine tests that are not standardized. As reported before, tracing lower PSA values (10, 25). Consequently, a PSA cut-off
back the calibration of routine tests to a reference measure- of 3.0–3.1 μg/L should be considered for WHO calibrated
ment system (i.e., implementing standardization) can modify assays in order to achieve the same diagnostic efficiency as
the analyte results and this may invalidate some of the clinical with a cut-off of 4.0 μg/L in traditionally calibrated assays
decision-making criteria currently used (4). Thus, to maintain (26). Studies have shown that the application of the WHO
the accumulated clinical experience, the quantitative relation- standard for PSA assays with traditionally used PSA thresh-
ship to the previous calibration system should be established olds leads to a significant decrease in detection of prostate
and, if necessary, the clinical decision-making criteria should cancer (27, 28). For example, applying the WHO calibration
be adjusted accordingly to ensure that patient care remains for screening a cohort of 5865 men yielded a 19% decrease
consistent despite the changes (7). In addition, if needed, in prostate biopsies and a 20% decrease in detected cancers
establishing traceability should also improve specificity of compared with the “Hybritech” calibration, at a cut-off for
test results and lead to a qualitative improvement of its clini- biopsy of 4.0 μg/L (28). On the other hand, a recent study has
cal significance (15). Some practical examples can clarify this shown that the standardization of PSA assays is still limited
issue. because only a buffer-based reference material (i.e., the WHO
IRP) has been prepared and because PSA does not have a total
Example 1: serum creatinine and glomerular reference measurement system including commutable refer-
filtration rate equations ence materials and a reference measurement procedure (29).
To further improve PSA standardization, a reference measure-
A reference measurement system for standardization of ment system should be established to transmit the trueness of
measurements of creatinine in serum is now available and the primary reference material to patient samples, which is
virtually all major global manufacturers have recalibrated the final goal (30, 31).
their creatinine assays to isotope dilution-mass spectrom-
etry (IDMS) reference method worldwide (15–17). Since Example 3: glycated hemoglobin
creatinine results, which were used to generate the clini-
cal validation for the equations often used to estimate kid- Also for glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) the knowledge about
ney function, such as Modification of Diet in Renal Disease the clinical validity of the test and the corresponding decision-
(MDRD) study, Cockcroft-Gault or Schwartz formulas, were making criteria used by physicians are substantially based on
not traceable to the reference measurement system, tracing data which are method-dependent (32, 33). This required the
back the calibration of routine creatinine tests to this system appraisal of the existing relationship between results trace-
may invalidate the clinical value of glomerular filtration rate able to the IFCC reference measurement system for HbA1c
(GFR) equations originally proposed (18). In order to avoid and those from methods used in landmark clinical studies,
this risk, a re-expression of these equations with standardized once the reference system became available (34). Indeed, a
creatinine results has, therefore, been advocated. As a matter reliable and stable correlation has been demonstrated, allow-
of fact, a MDRD equation, sometimes referred to as “175” ing the conversion of analytical and clinical data from one
formula, was re-expressed for GFR calculation (eGFR) with system to another through the use of the so-called “master
IDMS standardized serum creatinine results with the best equation” (35). Consequently, it has been possible to derive
approximation (19). By using this equation and standardized adequate target (decision) limits for the clinical use of HbA1c,
creatinine assays, clinical laboratories can report eGFR more when measured with methods traceable to the reference mea-
uniformly and accurately (20). On the contrary, there is no surement system and expressed using the recommended SI
modified Cockcroft-Gault equation available for use with the unit, namely “mmol/mol” (11). HbA1c is also a good example
IDMS-traceable creatinine results and the risk of over-esti- on how to practically solve problems related to the imple-
mating eGFR using this formula at the present time is very mentation of standardization when recalibration is not only
high (9, 21). Consequently, its use to estimate kidney func- a matter of a modified slope of the regression line, but can
tion as the basis for drug dose adjustment recommendations also be a matter of an intercept, showing that the determined
should be discontinued (22). Finally, for eGFR in pediatrics a quantity by use of some routine procedures is not the same as
revised IDMS-traceable Schwartz equation has recently been that defined by the reference system.
reported (23). As for pediatric patients the specificity of crea-
tinine methods remains a major concern, this updated formula
is, however, only valid in combination with enzymatic meth- Need to define the clinically acceptable limits
ods for creatinine (9, 24). for validation of metrologically traceable
Example 2: prostate-specific antigen
Establishing traceability of results for a test measurement
It is now well-demonstrated that recalibrating a prostate-spe- should be inseparably linked to the definition of accept-
cific antigen (PSA) assay from an original “Hybritech” cali- able measurement uncertainty to fit the intended clinical
bration to the new WHO International Reference Preparation application (“fitness for purpose”) (36). Some years ago,
(IRP) 96/670 in order to assure assay traceability to this Thienpont et al. (37) already pointed out that the absence

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Panteghini: Implementation of standardization in clinical practice 1239

of clearly defined tolerable deviations derived from clinical e.g., the information on the biological variation of the ana-
needs “might results in a large gray zone with respect to lyte (44).
the extent of traceability expected from diagnostic manu- How the uncertainty goal-setting should occur is the object
facturers, partially or totally invalidating its theoretical of an ongoing debate. Using the consensus established at
advantages”. Today, there is a substantial agreement that the IFCC-IUPAC Stockholm Conference for setting quality
the uncertainty of measurement that fits for purpose must specifications in Laboratory Medicine (45), the best scientific
be defined across the entire traceability chain, starting with approach of defining analytical performance goals should rely
the provider of reference materials, extending through the on (in a hierarchical order): 1) the evaluation of the effect
diagnostic manufacturers and their processes for assign- of analytical performance on clinical outcome in the specific
ment of calibrator values, and ultimately to the final result clinical setting, 2) data based on components of biological
reported to clinicians by end users (i.e., the clinical labora- variation and, if the previous information is lacking, 3) data
tories) (38, 39). This approach should be applied to every based on clinical and laboratory experts’ opinion and pub-
analyte measured in the clinical laboratory in order to lished recommendations. As the outcome-based information
establish if the current status of the uncertainty budget of is missing for the majority of analytes, the approach using
its measurement associated with the proposed metrological biological variation data has generated more attention, even if
traceability chain is suitable for clinical application of the recent publications have questioned the reliability and robust-
test (40). Using the measurement of albumin in serum as a ness of available information (46).
model, we recently demonstrated that the reference mea-
surement system (and the associated uncertainty) currently
available for this protein is probably not enough to guaran- Role and duties of diagnostic manufacturers
tee the accuracy needed for its clinical usefulness (Figure
The European Union (EU) Directive on In Vitro Diagnostic
1) (44). Particularly, we should probably recognize that
(IVD) medical devices obliges diagnostic manufacturers to
the uncertainty associated to each step of the traceability
ensure traceability of their analytical systems to recognized
chain should be reduced to obtain a final combined standard
higher-order references (47). Thus, the primary onus is on
uncertainty of the patient’s sample result that may fulfill
the manufacturers to drive traceability. Manufacturers are
quality levels for albumin measurement established using,
responsible for implementing suitable commercial systems
that fulfill this requirement and for documenting the measure-
ment uncertainty that fits for purpose (36). Individual clini-
U.S. National reference
cal laboratories should therefore rely on the manufacturers
Combined standard
preparation no. 12-
12- 0575C uncertainty (uC) who must ensure traceability of their analytical systems to the
Value transfer highest available level. It should be noted that, according to
protocol the current concepts focusing on requirements and responsi-
ERM -DA470 uC1.01% bilities of IVD manufacturers, the “analytical system” com-
Value transfer protocol ponents offered by a given supplier should include platform,
ERM -DA470k/IFCC uC1.61% reagents, calibrators and control materials for checking the
Value transfer protocol correct system alignment (see below).
Manufacturer’ s working calibrator
(master lot) Manufacturer’
Manufacturer’ s standing Given the importance of the manufacturers’ role, they
immunoassay should be involved from the beginning in the standardization
Manufacturer’ s product calibrator uC1.74%
projects. Particularly, dedicated meetings with manufactur-
Commercial assay
Routine sample result uC >2.5%
ers should be organized to discuss changes, e.g., the process
of assay recalibration, and the corresponding time schedule
(48). Furthermore, a proof-of-concept study should properly
Figure 1 Metrological traceability chain for albumin measure-
ment in serum and associated combined standard uncertainties. be performed to obtain convincing evidence that the standard-
For serum albumin, the availability in the past of the reference ization works by improving result comparability in clinical
preparation ERM-DA470 (Institute for Reference Materials and setting, in order to justify costs required to recalibrate assays
Measurements) and more recently of the ERM-DA 470k/IFCC due to manufacturing process changes, communications to
Human Serum Proteins reference material, both including albumin regulatory agencies, etc. (49).
in the list of certified plasma proteins, together with immunochemi-
cal methods based on turbidimetry – nephelometry principles, recog-
nized as reference measurement procedures by the Joint Committee Need to monitor the efficacy of traceability
on Traceability in Laboratory Medicine, provides the basis to
implementation on a continuous basis
maintain the assay traceability to the US National Reference
Preparation no. 12-0575C, representing the highest level of the albu-
min traceability chain. The standard uncertainties of ERM-DA470,
According to IVD regulations manufacturers should provide
ERM-DA470k/IFCC and manufacturer ’s product calibrator used to test components including control materials that shall give
calculate the combined standard uncertainty at different levels of the the user confidence that the values obtained by use of the
traceability chain were obtained from Refs. (41–43), respectively. test system are traceable. Confidence means that the recov-
For more details, see ref. (44). eries for the control materials are close to 100% and the

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1240 Panteghini: Implementation of standardization in clinical practice

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tency of the performance declared by the manufacturers of Author’s conflict of interest disclosure: The author stated that there
their analytical systems during daily routine operations per- are no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this article.
formed in accordance with the manufacturer ’s instructions. Research funding: None declared.
Employment or leadership: None declared.
This requires that the internal quality control used to monitor
Honorarium: None declared.
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