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Health Brochure Apprenticeship

Are you an expert on healthy activities and practices? Why not teach apprentices about health issues in their community through design/delivery of surveys and interviews, visits to local health centers, and analysis of survey and interview data/information for presentation to community members. The WOW! Apprentices will produce health brochures that summarize information about drug and alcohol abuse to be distributed to local middle school nurses offices as well as local community centers. Depending on the number of apprentices, the group may produce anywhere from one to three brochures as a group. Apprentices will more specifically give an oral presentation on their brochures to their own local community center about the information that they found for community representatives, school faculty, family, and friends. Apprenticeship Learning Objectives CommunityApprentices will meet a need in their own local communities by creating free, kid-friendly drug and alcohol abuse information to be distributed by school nurses and community health centers. Apprentices will also survey other apprentices in their community to understand the realities of drug and alcohol abuse in their own community. LeadershipApprentices will take on a leadership role in their own community by providing a service to schools and community centers. AccessApprentices will interview a leader in a local community center, questioning them about the local drug and alcohol abuse issues while also learning of the resources offered by the center. Apprentices will also explore the resources offered by the Internet on drug and alcohol abuse in youth. SkillsApprentices will gain an understanding of the components of an effective brochure. Apprentices will also further develop their writing skills by creating a kid-friendly health brochure. Apprentices will be exposed to Microsoft Publisher and its abilities in brochure creating. Ten Session Plan Session 1: Apprentices and citizen teachers will begin to get to know one another through a teambuilding game. They will brainstorm health issues/problems and more specifically concentrate on those issues that relate to drug and alcohol abuse. Finally, the group will meet with a school nurse who will discuss with them the need for un-biased and free materials to distribute to apprentices with concerns or questions. Apprentices will leave with a clear idea of their apprenticeship goals and WOW!. Learning Objectives: Page 1 of 14

Apprentices and citizen teacher will begin to get to know one another; set ground rules for how they will work together. Apprentices will understand the need for free health brochures that provide relevant information to apprentices. Apprentices will leave with a clear understanding of the WOW!. Length: 90 minutes Resources and Preparation: Persuade Me topic cards Daily agenda Markers, tape, flipchart paper Sample brochure Carton of raw eggs Egg drop materials such as straws, paper towels, tape, pipe cleaners, cotton balls, balloons, etc. (may vary) Poster board (team charter) Arranged guest (school nurse or community health center worker) Value stars Lesson Plan: I. Foreshadowing Time: 15 minutes PERSUADE ME: The ritual for this apprenticeship will be a Citizen Schools staple, Persuade Me. Essentially, the citizen teacher will provide apprentices with a deck of cards where each card will represent a certain opinionated statement around current health issues. One new volunteer each week will choose the card from the deck to be the topic of the day. Two apprentice volunteers will debate with one another on both sides of the issue; citizen teacher will permit each apprentice to speak for less than two minutes without interruptions. (There does not need to be rebuttals; if the citizen teacher senses that the group can handle a back and forth debate, he/she may proceed with discretion.) Upon hearing both sides, the rest of the group will share their opinion through applause. The side that receives the most applause wins the debate on the issue of the day and has successfully persuaded me. Statements/Issues may include: Marijuana is not an addictive drug. Alcohol shouldnt be considered a drug. Marijuana should be legalized. Cigarettes should be illegal. Convicted drug dealers should spend life in prison. Marijuana is a gateway drug. People who smoke cigarettes also do drugs. Cocaine comes from a plant; it cant be that bad for you. Trying a drug just once is harmless. Drugs only affect the person using them. (Why should you care what I do?) Page 2 of 14


Introduction Time: 35 minutes AGENDA REVIEWCitizen teacher leads the group through the agenda review and chooses two volunteers; one volunteer will be responsible for keeping track of the apprenticeships time and the other will be responsible for checking off activities as the group completes them. TEAM-BUILDING GAME AND TEAM CHARTERThe citizen teacher will introduce the teambuilding activity and the materials to be used. Because this apprenticeship group is focused on keeping their school and community safe, they will be responsible for beginning their journey by working together to protect an egg from a high drop (drop from a chair or desk). The entire group will be divided into smaller teams of 3-4 apprentices and each team will receive a similar package of various materials. Each teams mission is to create a protective container for their egg so that when the egg is dropped from a height, it will land safely. Each team will have 10 minutes to complete the mission. The entire apprenticeship will then come back together and participate in the egg drop challenge. The citizen teacher should be sure to message to apprentices that cheering is encouraged as long as it is positive. After all eggs have been dropped, the citizen teacher should debrief the activity, having apprentices identify the necessary parameters for working together successfully. Stemming from this discussion, the group should create a team charter which defines all of the necessary rules for the apprenticeship group on how they feel that they need to treat one another. Every member of the apprenticeship, including the citizen teacher, should sign the team charter.


Content Time: 30 minutes HEALTH ISSUE BRAINSTORMThe citizen teacher will lead a discussion around health brochures, their purposes, as well as the different issues or topics that a brochure might summarize. The citizen teacher should have sample brochures on hand to help lead this discussion. The apprenticeship group should begin brainstorming brochure ideas on flipchart paper. (HINT: A good method for increasing apprentice engagement is to include their name beside any ideas that they contribute to the group.) Through questioning, the citizen teacher should guide the group to become more specific on drug and alcohol abuse in youth. What do the apprentices already know? What are hot topics? It is this discussion that will frame the meeting with the school nurse and the apprentices WOW!. SCHOOL NURSE INTERVIEW/PRESENTATIONThe citizen teacher should arrange for the apprenticeship group to receive their school nurse or local community health center worker as a guest. The guest should be prompted to discuss the need for free, kidfriendly brochures concerning drug and alcohol abuse. Schools and health centers struggle to provide their clients with unbiased information because it costs money. There is a serious need for informative materials to help answer questions and curiosities that youth have about drugs and alcohol.

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The guest should also discuss their specific job to give apprentices access to a possible health career. Should time permit, apprentices should ask any questions they have around drug and alcohol issues. IV. Closing/Teach Back Time: 10 minutes STAR NOMINATIONSCitizen teacher can open up star nominations to the group so that apprentices understand that everybody will be looking for apprentices showing campus values during their time together. Depending on the amount of time left, the citizen teacher will state how many nominations that he/she is looking for and then take silent hand volunteers to nominate apprentices for a specific star. Apprentice nominations must include a reason why an individual should receive a specific star. Apprentices may not nominate themselves, forcing them to be aware of their teammates actions during apprenticeship. The citizen teacher reserves the right to veto any nomination if it becomes a popularity contest. Apprentices should understand and expect for this to be the closing ritual for the remainder of the apprenticeship.

Session 2: Apprenticeship group will brainstorm, discuss, and finally define specific questions around drug and alcohol abuse. They will then use these questions to begin research on the Internet and in books at the local library. Apprenticeship group will also review sample brochures to identify the components of an effective brochure. Group will create a catchy acronym for their campaign. (e.g. D.A.R.E. stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education). Learning Objectives: Apprentices will define their investigation. Apprentices will begin research for their brochure. They will become acquainted with Internet search engines and using a library card catalog. Apprentices will understand the concept of acronyms and began creating an acronym for their brochure campaign. Length: 90 minutes Resources and Preparation: Persuade Me topic cards Daily agenda Sample brochure Flipchart paper Construction paper Sample name acronym Markers, scissors, tape Appointment at local library (computers and other resources) Stars Lesson Plan: I. Foreshadowing PERSUADE ME Time: 10 minutes Page 4 of 14


Introduction Time: 20 minutes AGENDA REVIEW BROCHURE CRAZEApprentices will be divided into small teams of 2-3 apprentices and will be challenged to look through sample brochures and identify as many different sections as they can (e.g. title, illustration, contact information, fact list, written paragraphs, graphs, survey results, charts, etc.). Apprentices will have five minutes to record as many sections as they can find or brainstorm. The citizen teacher will then compile the results giving credit to apprentice groups who identify the most sections. This activity should be debriefed by a conversation around what the group thinks are the most effective sections in a brochure. What does the group want to include in their own brochure(s)? Content Time: 55 minutes FUN WITH ACRONYMSCitizen teacher will help introduce the concept of an acronym by modeling with his/her own name a sample acronym (e.g. Talkative, Active, Busy, Intelligent, Tactful, Honest, Able=TABITHA). Apprentices will practice this concept by doing their own name with markers on a piece of construction paper. After sharing acronyms, the group should brainstorm and vote on a word that they want to represent their campaign/brochure. As a group they should choose the words that will comprise their team acronym. MAJOR QUESTIONSNow that the apprentices have an acronym which gives them a sense of purpose, what are the major questions that the group hopes to answer in their brochure? As a group, the apprentices should brainstorm major questions that they could research in the library and on the Internet. Apprentices should pair up and choose a question to explore during this session. INITIAL RESEARCHUtilizing Internet resources as well as books in the library, each pair of apprentices should set out to answer one question. If times permit, pairs should share their findings with the entire group. Closing/Teach Back STAR NOMINATIONS Time: 5 minutes



Session 3: Apprentices will take a survey and discuss the importance of anonymity in surveys. Apprentices will then work together to create a relevant survey to be distributed to other apprentices at their campus. The group will also prep questions for next sessions interview. Learning Objectives: Apprentices will gain familiarity to surveys and the issues of topic sensitivity and anonymity. Apprentices will create a survey to be distributed to their campus. Apprentices will identify key questions that they would like to ask about the drug and alcohol abuse in their own community. Length: 90 minutes Resources and Preparation: Persuade Me topic cards Page 5 of 14

Daily agenda Sample survey Flipchart paper Markers, tape Access to computers (word processing) or lined paper, pens Index cards Stars Time: 10 minutes Time: 20 minutes

Lesson Plan: I. Foreshadowing PERSUADE ME II. Introduction

AGENDA REVIEW HOT SEATThe citizen teacher will introduce the game Hot Seat. Apprentices are given a set period of time (five minutes) to ask as many burning questions they have about their citizen teachers including questions about their job, their family, hobbies, interests, etc. Apprentices will begin practicing the art of interviewing as preparation for their following weeks visit to a local community center. If time permits, apprentices may also volunteer to be part of the Hot Seat. Apprenticeship group should debrief the type of questions that should be asked and discuss the need for being sensitive to peoples privacy. III. Content Time: 55 minutes SAMPLE SURVEYApprentices will take a silly sample survey to get a feel for the purpose of surveys and what they might look like. Survey may be one that the citizen teacher finds on the Internet or a survey pre-made by the citizen teacher to get to know his/her apprentices. As a group they will compile the results onto flipchart paper. Citizen teacher should lead a discussion around the importance of surveys and what they can be used for. SURVEY CREATION(If access to computers is possible, apprenticeship should meet at this location.) Apprenticeship group should brainstorm as a group the questions that they are interested in investigating around drug and alcohol abuse in their school. Apprentices may work in pairs to brainstorm three multiple choice questions and then share the questions with the group. The group should then vote on the questions they wish to include on their survey and discuss the way in which they will deliver the survey. INTERVIEW QUESTIONSCitizen teacher should preview next sessions field trip and scheduled interview. The group should brainstorm on index cards the questions that they want to ask their featured guest. Closing/Teach Back STAR NOMINATIONS Time: 5 minutes


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Session 4: Apprenticeship will gain access to a local community health center where they will receive a tour, learn about available resources, and have an opportunity to hold an interview with a health worker. Learning Objectives: Apprentices will gain access to a local community health center. Apprentices will practice their interview skills. Apprentices will explore a new center, collecting valuable information that may become part of their brochure. Length: 90 minutes Resources and Preparation: Persuade Me topic cards Daily agenda Travel money (T tokens or bus fare) Interview questions Digital camera Clipboards for recording information Pens Tape recorder Stars Appointment for a tour and interview at a local community center Map for travel Lesson Plan: I. Foreshadowing Time: 10 minutes PERSUADE ME TRAVEL TO LOCAL COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERA pair of apprentices should be designated as the navigators, using the provided map to lead the group. II. Introduction AGENDA REVIEW TRAVEL TO LOCAL COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER Time: 10 minutes



Content Time: 65 minutes TOUR OF COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERApprentices should collect resources and take pictures of their tour that they can use as part of their brochure. INTERVIEWApprentices will have the opportunity to sit down with a health worker and ask their questions about drug and alcohol abuse in their local community. Apprentices may want to record their interviewees answers on a clipboard or by using a tape recorder. TRAVEL BACK TO THE SCHOOL Closing/Teach Back Time: 5 minutes STAR NOMINATIONS Page 7 of 14

Session 5: Apprentices will make decisions about the layout of their brochure(s), will assign roles to individuals on specific sections of the brochure(s), will continue Internet and library research, and will compile and analyze their survey data. Learning Objectives: Apprentices will create the layout for their brochure(s), defining the information needed or collected thus far. Apprentices will assign themselves to different sections of the brochure. Apprentices will begin analyzing their survey data and compiling it into graphs. Length: 90 minutes Resources and Preparation: Persuade Me topic cards Daily agenda Brochure layout word scramble Pens, markers, tape Flipchart paper Appointment with local library to use resources (Internet, computers, library) Pre-made flipchart paper-sized blank brochure (paper folded into three panels) Completed campus surveys Stars Lesson Plan: I. Foreshadowing PERSUADE ME II. Time: 10 minutes

Introduction Time: 15 minutes AGENDA REVIEW BROCHURE LAYOUT SCRAMBLEApprentices will complete a word scramble that highlights different possible sections/components that can be incorporated in their brochure(s). The word scramble will get apprentices thinking around the layout of their brochure. Content Time: 60 minutes BROCHURE LAYOUTThe citizen teacher will present two blank flipcharts that are folded into three equal parts to represent the three panels of the brochure. Apprentices will nominate and vote on the sections of their brochure. A recorder should label the different sections so that there is a large visual from which the group can work form. ROLE DISTRIBUTIONSThe citizen teacher should lead role assignments so that each apprentice is partially responsible for at least one section of the brochure. Apprentices should be encouraged to work together. RESEARCHOnce apprentices have their role assignments, they can continue to collect research from the Internet and the library. They may also begin to create the content for their sections. Page 8 of 14


(SURVEY) NUMBER CRUNCHINGThe questions should be cut up and separated on each survey. Apprentices are divided into small groups and each group is responsible for making a bar graph that highlights the possible responses. Groups should report back to the larger group the results that they found using their graph as a visual. IV. Closing/Teach Back STAR NOMINATIONS Time: 5 minutes

Session 6: Apprentices will continue creating their brochure(s). They will work on content writing, rough drafts, and research. Learning Objectives: Apprentices will practice teamwork while creating the different sections of their brochure. Apprentices will demonstrate their editing skills by offering to review each others work. Apprentices will continue to practice their research skills. Length: 90 minutes Resources and Preparation: Persuade Me topic cards Daily agenda Review trivia questions Candy Research materials Lined paper, markers, pencils, pens Red pens (for making corrections) Stars Lesson Plan: I. Foreshadowing PERSUADE ME II. Time: 10 minutes

Introduction Time: 20 minutes AGENDA REVIEW APPRENTICESHIP REVIEW TRIVIA GAMEThe citizen teacher will help apprentices to review the information that they have collected thus far as well as logistical information about brochures, surveys, community health centers, and their WOW!. The citizen teacher should arrive with prewritten questions and offer apprentices a ticket for each answered correctly. At the end of the apprenticeship apprentices may trade their earned tickets in for candy. Content Time: 55 minutes BROCHURE WORK TIMEApprentices will work on their individual sections so that they are prepared to begin entering information into the computer program the next session. Page 9 of 14


They should have rough drafts completed by the end of todays session and if time permits they should exchange their work with others in order to check over their work. IV. Closing/Teach Back STAR NOMINATIONS Time: 5 minutes

Session 7: Apprentices will complete all content writing, begin peer-editing, and receive an introduction to Microsoft Publisher. Learning Objectives: Apprentices will practice teamwork while creating the different sections of their brochure. Apprentices will demonstrate their editing skills by offering to review each others work. Apprentices will become familiar with Microsoft Publisher. Length: 90 minutes Resources and Preparation: Persuade Me topic cards Daily agenda Apprentice work Access to computers with Microsoft Publisher Sample of a basic brochure for apprentices to copy Step-by-step directions for apprentices to follow in creating basic brochure Diskettes Stars Citizen teacher should secure a venue, date, and time for the WOW! event as well as invite school officials and community members (via flier, phone calls???). Lesson Plan: I. Foreshadowing PERSUADE ME II. Time: 10 minutes

Introduction Time: 20 minutes AGENDA REVIEW CROSSWORD PUZZLE REVIEWThe citizen teacher should prepare a crossword puzzle that reviews terms and vocabulary that apprentices have discovered during their research. Specific drugs and effects may be reviewed in this activity. Apprentices can be paired off and the activity can be set up as a competition. Content Time: 55 minutes MICROSOFT PUBLISHERThe citizen teacher will provide a sample basic brochure that they apprentices will need to mimic in a short time. Apprentices will work in pairs to create the same brochure which will expose them to the abilities of Microsoft publisher. Apprentices will race to follow directions to complete the sample brochure. FINAL EDITSApprentices should feel comfortable with their section and be ready to begin working on the computer. Page 10 of 14


COMPUTER WORK TIMEApprentices who are ready to enter information into the Microsoft Publisher program may begin the process. IV. Closing/Teach Back STAR NOMINATIONS Time: 5 minutes

Session 8: Apprentices will enter all of their information into correlating sections. All final edits and formatting will be completed. Learning Objectives: Apprentices will practice teamwork while finalizing the different sections of their brochure. Apprentices will continue to become familiar with the Microsoft Publisher program. Apprentices will complete entering all relevant information into the Publisher program. Length: 90 minutes Resources and Preparation: Persuade Me topic cards Daily agenda Small bags of M&Ms for each apprentice Prepared questions about drug and alcohol abuse Access to computers with Microsoft Publisher Apprentice work and research Diskettes Stars Lesson Plan: I. Foreshadowing PERSUADE ME II. Time: 10 minutes

Introduction Time: 20 minutes AGENDA REVIEW M&M GAMEThe citizen teacher should prepare small bags of M&Ms for apprentices. Different questions around the apprentices beliefs around drug and alcohol abuse should correlate with each colored candy. Play should go around the circle with each apprentice choosing one colored candy. Correlating questions will be asked of each apprentice. Upon completion of the game, apprentices may enjoy the candy. Possible questions: Brown: If you saw one of your friends smoking a cigarette, what would you do? Yellow: If you could eliminate one drug in the world, what would it be? Green: Do you think that they should raise the drinking age in Europe to 21? Yellow: What is the number one reason why you think that young people start smoking? Page 11 of 14


Blue: Do you think a drug dealer that sells to young kids should receive a stricter punishment than one who only sells to adults? Red: If you were governor, would you raise the price of cigarettes? Why or why not?

Content Time: 60 minutes COMPUTER WORK TIMEApprentices will enter their information into the computer and cut and paste information all into the same document. Apprentices may finish their work to disk as the complete their section. The apprentice group that finishes first will then take on the responsibility of cutting and pasting everybodys sections into one main document. All groups should have their work at least saved to disk by the end of this session. If time does not permit, the citizen teacher must take all sections and compile them outside of apprenticeship. If time does permit, apprentices should begin prepping visuals for their WOW! event that reflect their experience. (Note: The brochure should go to the printing press between this session and the ninth session.) Closing/Teach Back STAR NOMINATIONS Time: 5 minutes


Session 9: Apprentices will preview their product. Apprentices will prepare to give a short presentation of their project and the process of making it. Apprenticeship group will have a small celebration of their accomplishments with refreshments and an appreciation game. Learning Objectives: Apprentices will gain a clear understanding of the schedule for their WOW! event. Apprentices will use teamwork to prepare for a short presentation about the brochuremaking process on note cards. Apprentices will recognize each others strengths and contributions to their apprenticeship. Length: 90 minutes Resources and Preparation: Persuade Me topic cards Daily agenda Completed brochures Posterboard Markers Construction paper Scissors Note cards Personalized blank brochures Snacks and drinks Stars Lesson Plan: Page 12 of 14

I. II.

Foreshadowing PERSUADE ME

Time: 10 minutes

Introduction Time: 10 minutes AGENDA REVIEW BROCHURE PREVIEWApprentices will receive their first glimpse of their finished products. The citizen teacher will have the brochures printed and completed. Content Time: 65 minutes VISUAL BRAINSTORM AND PRODUCTIONApprentices will brainstorm as a group the necessary visuals to explain their process in making their brochures as well as to highlight key information that they discovered. Once visuals are chosen, apprentices should break into small groups and create all visuals. ORAL PRESENTATION CREATIONApprentices should then write small speeches to go along with the visuals and transcribe their statements onto note cards. Apprentices should practice delivering their presentation first individually and then as a full group. APPRECIATION GALAThe citizen teacher should come prepared with blank threepaneled brochures with each apprentices name printed on the front cover. Then apprentices can rotate their own brochure to all members of the apprenticeship and apprentices can highlight each others accomplishments. Each apprentice, as well as the citizen teacher, should be able to leave the apprenticeship with a personalized brochure recognizing their own contributions to the project. Snacks and drinks can make the atmosphere more special.




Time: 5 minutes

WOW!: Apprentices will present on their brochure, the process of creating it, as well as surprising information discovered. They will present in front of local community health officials, school faculty, family, and friends at a community health center, their school auditorium, or the local library. During the presentation they will also formally deliver copies of their brochures to either a local community health center or their school nurse. Audience members may ask questions of the apprentices about their experience after the presentation. Refreshments will be provided.

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10 Session Apprenticeship Plan Reflection For my 10 session apprenticeship plan project, I chose to create an entirely new plan based on my new and developing interest in health issues and how they affect youth as well as my partnership position as a health educator at the Roxbury Charter High School. I hoped that my research could not only help inform my teaching at the high school but also become a newly offered apprenticeship at my after school campus. Although I created an apprenticeship from scratch, my efforts were deeply guided by my learning experiences during the Dimensions of Teaching and Learning course. More specifically, I was much more aware of creating activities that required the use of a variety of intelligences as well as more brief activities that could maintain apprentice engagement. Apprentice engagement was my top priority for this particular plan. During my planning, I was most cognizant of creating a learning environment that encouraged apprentice engagement by creating a forum for apprentices to guide their learning with personal questions and curiosities. I chose a product that could be flexible enough to accommodate the apprentices own interests in health issues. Additionally, the apprenticeship is relevant to the apprentices lives; I was determined to create an apprenticeship that would benefit the apprentices lives directly, allowing them to explore important issues affecting them daily. Finally, I was deliberate about choosing a product that would serve a real need in the apprentices community. As a health teacher at a new charter school, I have already experienced the challenge of gathering informative resources around health issues to make available to my apprentices. Good materials cost money and free materials are usually biased. If apprentices could create the visuals, not only would they be free but they would also be material-specific to the communities that they are intended for. Thus, the apprentices remain engaged because the product is personal, relevant, and necessary. Page 14 of 14

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