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Hagler’s Binder Protocol

(U.S. History)
All US History students will require a 3-ring binder in order to receive credit for work
done in class during the second semester.

If a student is unable to purchase a binder, I will provide the student with one to

Read Below For Procedures Regarding Class Binders:

1. Binders will remain IN CLASS

‣ Individual assignments can be brought home to complete as homework if unfinished in
class, but the binder will remain in class for student convenience & organization.

2. Dividers are required in order to separate

Units in binder
‣ Plastic multi-tab dividers (pictured )

3. Graded Work will be returned & should

immediately be moved to your binder
‣ Late work will only be accepted with a “Life Happened Pass” at the end of every Unit
‣ Assignments turned in late and without a Life Happened pass will not
be graded

4. Each Unit will have a Table-of-

Contents that you will complete as
the Unit progresses
‣ Make sure your assignments are in chronological order in your binder.

5. Notes will go in the BACK of each

Unit for nal binder checks
6. Final binder checks will occur the day before
a Unit exam. These binder checks are worth
100 points. I will be checking for:
‣ Completed Table of Contents (20 Points)
‣ Assignments graded & in correct order (50 Points)
‣ Completed & Stamped Notes (30 points)

Student Name (Print): ___________________ Parent Name (Print): ___________________

Student Signature: ______________________ Parent Signature: ______________________

Sign & return by Friday 01/17. Place INSIDE YOUR BINDER. Worth 20 classwork points!


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