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ACCOUNT NUMBER: 2017-101-20029
DATE: JANUARY 10, 2022

Stress is a state in which the person suffers from different disorders,

often caused by poor adaptation to the social environment, which can
be aggravated by continuous states of tension in which the body
responds with a series of physiological and psychological disorders.
Work stress
Work stress is one that occurs due to excessive pressure that takes place in the
work environment. It is generally a consequence of the imbalance between the
labor demand (also one's own) and the capacity or resources available to fulfill it
efficiently. Although sometimes, it can also be caused by factors completely
unrelated to the worker. Symptoms can range from a slight moodiness to severe
depression, and are almost always accompanied by a certain exhaustion and
physical weakness.

What are the causes of work stress?

The most commons are:

Excessive responsibility at work.

Too much workload.
Problematic human relations.
Unsatisfactory working conditions.
Of course, these factors do not affect everyone in the same way. There are
individuals who can perfectly support a heavy workload and yet are not able to
bear a heavy responsibility. Or it may be the case of employees who work better
under great responsibility. There are also people who are capable of withdrawing
and not being affected by a bad atmosphere among colleagues, while for others,
this situation can become untenable.
We use the word stress very lightly. It has become part of everyone's vocabulary.
We all use it constantly. However, this is a mistake, since having stress is not just
anything. Its consequences can be serious.
From the point of view of the affected person, work stress can cause:

Diseases and pathologies.

Motor and cognitive problems.
Varied disorders, from immunological to sexual.
Serious psychological disorders that can sometimes lead to suicide.
From the point of view of companies, work stress is an element to take into
account, since its effects can also be serious:

Sharp drop in productivity.

High employee turnover, which prevents a favorable organizational culture from
being generated.
Decrease in the quality of the service/product.

Fortunately, measures are well known that work to prevent and even alleviate work
stress. Some of them are:

Balance diet. This is a must.

Regular physical exercise.
Completely disconnect from work once we leave the office.
Try to always go to bed at the same time and not sleep less than six hours.
Whenever possible, take a break, through a vacation. They can be short, it can be
a getaway from the city any weekend.
We have seen above the serious consequences that for companies it can mean
that their employees suffer from work stress. It is vital for the proper functioning of
the company that its employees are satisfied, so it is in the interest of all employers
to be attentive to this problem. It is the obligation of managers to take care of the
occupational health of their workers. And work stress is a much more common and
dangerous reality than we think.

In general, it can be concluded that work stress is not always negative

but depends on the intensity, duration and adaptive function of the
stress response itself.

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