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Criteria 4 points 3 points 2 points 1-0 points

Introduction Catchy and clever introduction. Includes most of the Includes some information Does not include the correct
Provides relevant information and information and has a and has a drawing information and has no drawing
includes a creative well interpreted drawing that connects to the
drawing of book. book

Summarizing the Follows the guidelines of a summary Includes most relevant Some information is Information is inaccurate
book and shows you read and understood information from the book . inaccurate or long-winded Words and definitions are not
vocabulary the book. Accurate information and Most words are included Some words are included, included
succinct concepts are presented. with a definition but definitions are not
Ten new words are included with a always clear.
clear definition
Characters and Compares two characters critically Compares two characters Includes two characters Does not follow instructions
setting from the book and clearly shows form the book and shows Kind of describes the setting
why you chose those characters why you chose those
Clearly describes the setting in a characters
creatibe manner Describes setting
Change it up Includes a creative well written Includes an alternative
Partially includes an Does not include this section
alternative aspect of the book aspect of the book alternative aspect of the Does not uses descriptive language
Correctly uses descriptive language uses descriptive language book and narrative tenses
and narrative tenses and narrative tenses Partially uses descriptive
language and narrative
Book review Wrote a well structured creative Wrote a structured creative Wrote a partially structured Did not do it
review of book and included your review of book and included creative review of book and
reating your reating included your reating

Delivery Well-rehearsed, smooth delivery in Rehearsed, smooth delivery. Appears unrehearsed with Delivery is hesitant and choppy and
a conversational style. Highly Enunciation, expression, uneven delivery. sounds like the presenter is reading.
effective enunciation and pacing is effective Enunciation, expression, Enunciation of spoken word is
presenter's speech is clear and throughout the presentation. rhythm is sometimes distant and muddled and not clear.
intelligible. distracting during the
Grammar and Uses grammar reviewed in class Uses grammar reviewed in Uses grammar reviewed in Poor use of grammar reviewed in
content throughout the correctly class throughout with a class throughout with class.
Conditionals and perfect and past couple of mistakes. occasional mistakes. Conditionals and perfect and past
forms. Conditionals and perfect and Conditionals and perfect and forms.
past forms. past forms.

Summarizing the book
GRAMMAR and content
Characters and setting
Change it up
Book review
Book in a bag

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