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COMMUNICABLE OISEASES. - _ is one what is prea From ont person to arother doughs & vaviety of ways that 1 nelnde contact w/ cod and vodily fluids) breathing iq an aiflcomne virus Pr _ being _vitien_oy_an insect INFECTIOUS is twarismitted Cperson- to - person) ex: Prolonged tamsmiitted EPIDEMIOLOGY ~ is fhe study OF disease condition occurence Ceertain avec) 4 CLASSIFIED OF EPIDEMIOLOGY + SPORADIC 6 a Yare” Conditions isolated condlition , rot commen cx: Leprosy / Keteng + ENDEMIE Common, Constant Cer: Cough 3 cold) always present (15) in tHE Community EPIDEMIC is an outtoreak (sudden inflation of cases) more Fran SO/. of the previous Case ex: Dengue PANDEMIC “worldwide” (9 of more Countries) ex: UNID-(A, HIV, IDs Date. 1 1 CHAIN OF INFECTION C SHARE me) > finatamaan Ag sais” / forges of incon f Human Being be AGENT itis eahogen Cine_ont | Hat couse? isease,, wocteria, vies ) > organism capable of Producing a disease “RESERVOIR the: oem [ee HABITAT of “patnogen PORTAL OF EXIT is the path by which a potnogen leaves it host the Site where the pathogen ancl usally correspond Ww localieed Mode oF TRANSK SSION = How patiagen may we passed to anoinen gerson = the weAKESY HK iA fhe Chain of infection 4o wreak by HANDWASHING DIREC y Ditect 7 ik OcCATS when disase cawsing agents From an : vngected person enters O healthy Person 4 Physical contact Cskin~ Skin, ising, Sexual Intercourse ) 2) Droplet > Cceuks wien cliseAse causing ogents wat is mesent im resioluts of Fluid from infected person tovel tess tran 3Ft 10 healthy indivicuals through sreeting, cOugning , Avivging oF exnalation ~ x ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ = = = = = = LLELEELEI Date. L t IND RECT + 1) Airworn® “7 ccoms when clisecse causing agemts present Small solid or liGuid garticles spreads more tran dhe distance through the aif cia infect healtny \wdiviluals _ => dust/ droplet nucict suspended i the air 2. Nenile warns 7 1k 1S PrESEMY IN MamiMAE OWjeCS substances OF materials acKS aS franSport ogents 40 infect heattey Individual food, water, Piologic HOAWCKS Lotged) , Formites (inanimate objects) 3, Yechor bone P CLS when living erganisms UKE armas or arwnropOds NEL Weal Hoy individuals oy srongeitting qiseage (aN, guns Weak gow Wide tele Coay = Re ving, Org ANIM WFC HEAY adi vides forqugn a Bite / shin. T Examples = MOSEUItOES & artnropeds Anat cawses DENGUE, MALARLA, FIARIAGIS, @ SCABIES PORTAL OF(EXIT)ENTRY is the paith which an agent invades a SUSCEPHIE Host. Uswaliy, His Fath if Ye GAME AS the POF Exit. ay ERCMpIES + Feces. gKin, mucos mevniorane, love DISEASE CONMITION ia Pov tusas __=_it Produce muctous, alto Known as WHOOPING Coe 3 \d days Bordetella Pertusis Dropret , Diieck conract __a) Catarrarl Stage * Period of Increased comymunicati tiky = Fw) Fike, symptoms (Fever, cough , colels ody mnal aise) 1) Proxysmal stage: paroKysms OF Cough ( farsgnomonicy Siga/ hall moark) 0) Convalescent Frage + Final stage 04 pertusis = the period of recovery Management : ofygen weragnr, fluid & electrowte, replacement, URLTING oti LIOH.CS ( ErytWOMYciN, ampicillin , bed Fest, gammoglooulins’ fo enhance / activate _____Htnimunne_veagonse) Nec Management = isolation + communicavle Disease medica acepeis = Suchon machine = Fresh aie & sunghin€ = wovim wath ( bviochodilation) TH WSOLATION - Communicable liSCase Dipmineri® = a SErIGNS IARELHON cameed wy stains °F wacteria cqued ~__ coryreocterivm nightheriae wat may roxin (poison) = Hoan lead 10 difficulty aeathing, Peart failule, para sis, an eNtn death ih Corynckacteriwm fiphtheriac IP: 5 days Mot: oleect Contact & soiled ovticies (formites) TYPES oF _DIPHTHE AIAG) S NASAL! white membranes M1 the nasal sepium “| NASAL PRARYNGEAL® located on PHARYNX | BMIIS Meck can COME airway Obstruction 2 also OSL dangerous vecause if 1S locking the alt nay «CUTANEOUS + Yellow spor In tHe Skin, PATHOG | Peewclomemboranes (false memloranes) agement ~ Feniciin (need te Finish dwvation = prevents drug ristance) = Digntheria antiioxins (constrains Mcdified covtena) = ice CoNNay applied in tue neck = _Dtygen inhalation (it enhances the alway) esolute bed vest for Lwetks aycid valsalya maneuver sort aiet (Porridge, pureed , olenderzed) Vit © Co enhance immune system / hasten reve 3 Measles also Known as RUBEOLA / MORBILL' Buveola Wits ( SF mitiag 7 namamatey magisa) “te = % days, aucrage oF Wedlays Bawnog : KOpliK's_SFOIS | InFlammaicry \eésions im tnt innet creck MUA mucosa “sl Cy a wa + Pre - eruptive stage / catarrinal Sage = 2 , 3c (.c61gh , Cory20 Con mehvitis) 7 proto sensivitey (dark colored glasses , large brim So Eruptive sage 7 Fhe rushes occured / MOCALORAPMLAR RUSH, Kopliks Sot wirermittent Fever (on 8 off ) + Conatescent Sage swoside , recovery medical_mendgement = Ani Vira: Esoprinovine An oioHCS (perticitlin) FE w/ compicanon = oxygen ~ Ww Fwids NSG_Management _ ~Teoiaton 15 need Kas nakcwanava ag enenstes ~ Guier_reom Diy Aight 1S (4egid Gpenge eatin) = tea toy = Werease, GFL (erat fusid intake) = Meme ( MRASLES, mumps , & rapella) Dat 4 German measles alse cqiled RugetlA /B day measics CA Ruliogtta views Cramamatay din mag: %s1) aivloone , droplets, HANS placental Ccongeniterl heart Disease) eegegct G tm wook diectae Droplet w/ NASPhATYNgeAl secretions OF iMfected persons Pathog. Forgcheimets Spots © plakish (Osh on the soft palate low grade Fever. mild coryzct, Lyrmphode ro pathy + Eyuptive Stage + Forscheimers spots, testiealar pain, polyar thalg ier GUE MON: Mabilis en mawald o hindi ong german mensied 7 TES Management + ~ Sympiomantic NSc_Moneagement + isolation fed ventilation MMR = jeomume Krum dovatin (ochvares /entancty immune tesyonscs) In book: _ - = Lavatory [Diagnostic Examination + serological testing Trectinent | Supportive Care laut for exposed pregnant woman in le svimesten / Td MimOtEr, seu immune golalin is administered 40 protect te Fetus Date / S$ GhioKen FOX alo called Varictlia 7 wis 8 Gommunicabié wp vntl CA! Hepes Views Varictilae TP = U1 days (3 weeks) In WOKS! [4-1G clays, ANGE 2-3 weeks Treatment: supportive cate anh- viral drugs Mot: nirect & indirect contact w/ droplets fom respiratory __fassages / veicle Hid _ Sx + Bush (wnexposed part * Hunk) “nag ummpisa sa gina center” palavas 7 cenwipetal + MOCMIE -> papule 7 vesicles (FMid Aled ) ~ + Celestial maps: scaus @ ust ni - “Feenention & ConWoL: Immunization (virivax) for 2 doses at 12° [Snons Medical Management? ~ Buerar / Kydoviy (angvdial) ~" vie" = pnthistamines 2 ani alle(ic reaction = CAlaming lotion 2 for itchenéss | pain Z discomfort oF mingY Skin ifitation = No #0 aspirin GA's OF ASPIRIN (A3A) 7 signs ¢ bleeding ste _* Gnviplateret angi gesic + anh pyre ie, + onteinflammatory NSS Management £4, respiratory Wselation until all Vesicles are Crustéd = disingece inens uncer sunlight x troWgh oil = ck the Finger nails - use mitten ta children Te HlariaSi5 ai Wrown as ELEPRANTIASIS CA: Wwchereria banerorti , Brugia malay} nL. wosaurto wites ( Aedes toguitus) “Ip: up to stdays in book! §- 16 months Wector # mot Aedes poeciius Culex @vinauesasciatas /sx = cleprantaris headache, = only § fever Slsx of inflammation + Dolor(sain), hamor (wel), syoor (redness) in the arm, leg 2 scrotum a for —— Arauating Recial antigen (> singer prick vicod 48 Migg- Management : “= Wetrazan ~ medi cint = _suegery oF scrotal enlargement: decrease fort Red Cit Facilita eluid_reren “Nise manage = Seep under mosawito re ndler masavite ret [(remically Heated - peng thin’) ~ wt masauit reeelldngs (off lotion) book! “aerator [Diagnostic Examvnation _ Teeat ment eee citrate (Hetia 2a) Beyention & Conta l Eradication of Vectus * DENeuE VER also Kral as Breaklone Fever / Dandy Fever/ ‘fection Yaromtcooytopenic purpiia RON __ DENGUE BEMORRUACIC FOR = higher = Mararerited toy weeding B hypoyolemic “sno. NENCUE SHOCK SYNOQROME = _mOSt LETHAL Form oF dengue @ Protonged shock (vapid deterioranon) Plavivirasts / Awoviruses Reservoir © Mosauitoes, Humans (can transfered io another human) Mot “FP! de 14 days ays (weeks) in Siamonty 5+ Fdays Period OF Communicability + infected mosquito 7 lifetime “Diagnostic! rampel lees test [ Toraniquet test criteria? + _& monts/ outer + fever for Sdaw or more + NO SQN OF AerOUe "pemorthagio febver (our) + -Pegmehve tet _ Positive WHE IO or more Petechiaw pw savant ‘wh Date. Platelet cough: (deerease) ~ Confiymeitory of dengue _DENGME GOT TE? Detection of FoM & L9G anhiodies outing , rapid Signs & Symtoms “Dengue Fever + Proaromal - = suckin 0 one OF Fever + 34 - qo < chills = severe neadade , ceislor pain, myo igio Severe Athraigia - -_Mmalalsty are ANOTERIA = rouse and vomiting (alkalosis) = yush = maculopapniar rashes Ler MAIC Fever COWF) ‘ oe ee Wese bieecting— = mA Dengue infection we = Hemorrragic manisfestation * epistaxis , gum wleeding eUhymosis, nermaternesis, (rete) inematocheria (Fresh) , meiaina Cary) ~ Hermans Sigh: signs appeals purple = Hepatomegaly 7 enlargement of Wer = HYpovOlemic: shock Coanger sign) temergency _ erading Scale: + grade © Grade W GL -_No shock (+) torni@uet test GT - No shock, Spontaneous vleeding (1) tormi@uet test GA - Sock A - Profound shock, WNMECEUIAWLE Rood Pressure (@) "Arg, Level T may butlig at lagnat 9 Level D dugudugutigu, __Ang tevel i nelodba wo _ang BP, ang Level W no wlood presswle na_at all. ‘Lo tenel of soxrsritas ar = Complication urns = Mengue Encephettopa 7 CNS inyolvenent (altered LOC) = Anaigesics - Blood Transfusion oxygen - sedatives if w/ anxiety & apprenenvion SG Management + ee ee = Recognize te critical geriad : Netervescence stage (fever Ihave, sulosided)) 2 ACHOVARON (14 - 48 ns) = = Mosquito sree cnvivonment -_ prevent & control bleeding LOObHbEEELEEEESADEEAdED ADD dd ddd Date. / i} 4. SCHISTOSOMIASIS also Known a5 Bilharziasis / Snail Fever CA Sci Ss Stowoma Taponioum (common in tne PA), S-Mansoni HaeMmarovium MOT: Ingestion of infected water & Harougin skin pores / MANET oy Nector : Oncomtlania Avadras (snail) # The opin tanger Ip: 2 nonins tne SChIS 1H Dimi asis iS LIVER SISK! = swimmers itch = whoody mucoid Stel Cpagratae) = Werle sclera (yellow sclera) = Joungice Dx Corcarn ova, meLvIRN est-stool_ exam (Confirm ine Ox) Medical management = Praziquantel for @ months (oral) > medi cine NSE Managenent + = veduce Snail density Cdesyoy oleéding sites) AROSE SAAS $6 Sunlight Vemove weeds proper wrigattion Peo Per Waste disposal PeVENT foathing on snail infested ovens _O RABIES al Korum aS Lyssa / HY¥erOPhoLia CA: Rhadovins / Ahad Vivudae 7 Cause newologiC imealtment respiratory ¥ aie ae Comeains @ULLET) Pavatysis MOT: RITE o¢ tapid animal Source ¢ Saliver of infected Animal or human, AP: W- 4 Aoys for dumans, Awk -1-Smons for NOC “(5% : + Proaromal / invasion = salvation, Writqutlity, pad on the vite site + Excitement Giage / neurological = exutation & aperenen = nuchal vigidity , twitching = aerognovia (extreme scartd in AiR) + Terminal / paralytic __+ Negri Goalies = conFien (09'S Brain) = Post- marten divect fluorescent anti vody Sraining xest Medical Maragement ~ Anh rawies Serum = Tetanus toxoid + TOKOID - modified oaceria + VACCINE - weaKentd actend _NSG_ Manage ment = isolation / \esiate patient = cawrken room (melon silang protophia) & Observe silence = Mo water on Gite (tr{dropobia ) - (ive - wraphEd securely) ___=_Nagcination of ail dogs = confine log tor 10-4 days = Give Food iF patent is hungry = Encourage family + provide Cue % company = Owserve universal Precaution, which are essential weating gloves = Wash hands = Remove ofa, & nasal _secrerions Dispose contaminated materials -_ Pefgem HEPATITIS. ’) Pre icteric stage 2 Before nag -etigwisn 7 fatigue, nausea , Vomiting, anorexia 2) lereric age =? Jowndicg , dark wine , alcnolic stool Corey 3) Post \oteric = recovery Managtment : = GeVies Of Antitolotics ectwled toy Sir Archie. Alvi

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