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Nama : Mhd Agung Fadillah

NPM : 13219683
Kelas : 3EA17
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis

Tugas 1

Change into Indirect Statement !

1. My father says to me, “ You are conducting an orchestra today ”.

Indirect Statement : My father says to me that I am conducting an orchestra today.

2. My daughter says to me, “ You paint the wall beautifully ”.

Indirect Statement : My daughter says to me that I pain the wall beautifully.

3. He says to him, “ The boss will review your work after she returns from vacation next week”.
Indirect Statement : He says to him that the boss will review his work after she returns from
vacation next week.

4. He said to me, “ I was in a concert yesterday ”.

Indirect Statement : He said to me that he had been in a concert the day before.

5. My manager said to me, “ I’ll give you a call on my cell phone as soon as my plane lands ”.
Indirect Statement : My manager said to me that he would give me a call on his cell phone as
soon as his plane landed.

6. She said to him, “ I don’t especially like my job ”.

Indirect Statement : She said to him that she did not especially like her job.

7. He said to me, “ I am going to stay with his company until I find something better ”.
Indirect Statement : He said to me that he was going to stay with that company until I found
something better.

8. She said to me, “ I will the textbook before I take the final exam next month ”.
Indirect Statement : She said to me that She would read the textbook before She took the final
exam the following month.

9. He said to him, “ Maybe it won’t rain tomorrow ”.

Indirect Statement : He said to him that Maybe it wouldn’t rain the following day.

10. My brother said to her, “ I live in apartement in fourth Avenue ”.

Indirect Statement : My brother said to her that helived in apartment in fourth Avenue

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