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A little more

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Video Blogging RPF
Relationship: Clay | Dream/GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF)
Character: Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging
Additional Tags: Sharing a Bed, Cuddling & Snuggling, Sleepy Cuddles, Neck Kissing,
Pining, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Grinding, Anal Sex, Bottom
GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF), Top Clay | Dream (Video
Blogging RPF), Soft Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), First Time,
First Kiss, Cuddlefucking, Light Angst, but not really, Happy Ending, Plot
What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Pining is the whole plot tbh, and the sex,
Love Confessions
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-05-16 Words: 4380

A little more
by winterlighting


Sleeping together wasn’t anything new.

It wasn’t something they planned on doing, or ever thought of before it happened, but it
was something that quickly became a part of their routine.

It was a little awkward at first, or he made it a little awkward at least. But the number of
times they’ve tangled their limbs and rested their heads on each other’s chest as they slept
embracing the other was countless by now.

The brunet couldn’t say that he didn’t like it. In fact, he liked it a little too much.

And maybe that should be reason enough to stop, to put some limits and sleep alone as he
was supposed to. But he couldn’t bring himself to do it now, not after already giving in to
the temptation of seeking his friend’s company and warmth.

He could be a weak man sometimes. He could sin of taking things he knew he couldn’t
truly have.


Or, George is used to spend the nights with Dream and sleep together, but cuddling and
platonic kisses over his skin might not be enough anymore, needing something else to calm
the feelings in his heart that he's so desperately trying to ignore.

See the end of the work for notes

George was never a big fan of waking up early in the morning.

When you had spent years adapting your sleep schedule to people that lived across the ocean, just
so you could spend a few more hours together, going to sleep when the sun was raising was more
appealing than waking up by light being born.

But even now, when distance was no longer a problem, and time felt different like its whole
meaning had changed… Waking up in the mornings still wasn’t his favorite thing.

Even if it was for a different reason.

He could say he liked mornings now, kind of. But not having to wake up.

Not when warmth wrapped his body, not when shooting breathing filled his ears. Not when shared
mattress offered him a kind of comfort he couldn’t find while he was awake.

But despite his feelings about it, despite his dislike, sometimes he couldn’t help it.

The pleasant silence was interrupted by the vague sound of an alarm somewhere in the distance.

The brunet tried his best to ignore it at first, to pretend the noise didn’t reach his ears, just to keep
enjoying the worriless mind that being asleep provided him. But as it went off a second time, he
was forced to reach for the phone to stop the unwanted sound.

The Brit sleepily opened his eyes, barely enough to check the time before placing the phone aside.

Too fucking early.

He sighed, shifting slightly and yawning as he tried to get comfortable again; moving closer to the
warm body laying by his side on his bed. He nuzzled into him, burying his face onto his chest,
inhaling deeply to take in the perfume he used to try to guess the smell of.

“Why’re you moving so much?” He heard the boy sharing his mattress mumbling.

Dream shifted as well, wrapping his arms tighter around him and pulling him closer. George
simply hummed, not wanting to waste the few minutes they had left explaining unnecessary things.

He didn’t want to waste not even a second that could be used on staying in the comfort of his best
friends’ arms.

A kind of comfort that, despite his common sense, he’s gotten pretty used to have.

Sleeping together wasn’t anything new.

It wasn’t something they planned on doing, or ever thought of before it happened, but it was
something that quickly became a part of their routine.

It had been an accident, the first time. The result of staying up later than they expected and pushing
their limits on a day that they both were exhausted.

They didn’t mean to, but their bodies gave up before they could even notice just how truly tired
they were. And next thing they knew, they were waking up next to each other, cuddling in the
blond’s bed without a care in the word.

It was a little awkward at first, or he made it a little awkward at least. But the number of times
they’ve tangled their limbs and rested their heads on each other’s chest as they slept embracing the
other was countless by now.

It just kept happening. Accidentally falling asleep.

And at some point, they simply didn’t see a point on avoiding it, getting more and more
comfortable with getting in each other’s bed and purposely letting themselves drift into sleep.

The brunet couldn’t say that he didn’t like it. In fact, he liked it a little too much.

And maybe that should be reason enough to stop, to put some limits and sleep alone as he was
supposed to. But he couldn’t bring himself to do it now, not after already giving in to the
temptation of seeking his friend’s company and warmth.

He could be a weak man sometimes. He could sin of taking things he knew he couldn’t truly have.

No matter how much he wished he could stay in that bed, imagining a reality that wouldn’t happen
and pretending things weren’t as they were, the sound of a third alarm forced them to wake up.

He watched the American leave his room to return to his own a couple minutes later, and just like
that, another day had started.

Another day of subtle glances as the boy did the most mundane things, another day of waiting for
night to come again.

They recorded videos, edited together, hung out and got some food. They acted like they always
did, and George pretended that was enough.

Like he didn’t want a little more.

It was almost three in the morning when they finally got to bed. To Dream’s this time, always
alternating, like if that way it wouldn’t feel like they completely shared a room and were just
staying for the night.

The boy didn’t waste time as he began to get undressed, looking on his clothes for his sleeping
clothes. The brunet tried to not steal too many glances, focusing on his own clothes and on
changing as well.

Taking their clothes off in front of each other wasn’t anything new.

It was just a convenience thing, a way of saving time and effort. Going to their own room just to
get changed then returning to get in bed was tiring, and half of the time by trying to postpone it
they ended up falling asleep with their clothes on.

Friends changed together all the time, it didn’t mean much more than that. No matter how much
the Brit’s heart raced whenever he saw more skin that he meant to look at.

He was quiet as he got onto the sheets, covering himself and waiting for the blond to join him.

Dream wrapped his arms around him as soon as he got on the bed, pulling him closer until their
chest were touching.
And then, he kissed his head.

George held his breath, closing his eyes as he knew what was coming now.

A kiss on his forehead, then on his cheek. His jaw next, moving down to his neck.

He bit his lips, ignoring the growing warmthless on his chest, and the fast beating of his heart.

Having his mouth against his skin was something a little more recent, something that he still
wasn’t completely used to. Yet was quickly becoming another part of their routine.

It had also been an accident, the first time that happened. The result of a dream and his friend
having his head right by his neck.

He could never forget the blush on the boy’s face, his apologetic eyes and the embarrassment in
his voice. He could never forget his attempts to apologize while simultaneously trying to explain
himself, so he wouldn’t think he did it on purpose.

But the feeling wasn’t unpleasant, and George could be a weak man. So without really thinking of
what he was doing, he let out words that would blurry another line.

I didn’t mind it. Words that still resonated in his head. You can do that if you want.

An offer he shouldn’t have said, an offer that realistically his friend didn’t have reasons to accept.

Yet he still did, somehow.

Because they both had spent too long without being touched, and without a body to explore when
the need of affection would take over.

And it was just kisses, soft and gentle kisses that didn’t show anything but platonic fondness and
the need of expressing said platonic love. But the way his lips explored his neck still tricked his
mind into believing that the blond needed just a little more of him.

If he closed his eyes while it happened, he could almost trick himself into believing it was real.

He could pretend it didn’t leave him yearning, like he didn’t made his chest feel thigh and wished
his friend would press his lips against his own for once.

He could pretend it didn’t leave both his heart and body feeling a little too warm, having to turn
around and face the wall so his reactions wouldn’t give him away.

He hated that, he hated himself for that. He hated that his stomach would fill with butterflies and
he didn’t even know when it happened.

Having those thoughts was something a little more recent too. Or that’s what he kept telling

He kept telling himself that this was a new thing, that the proximity and intimacy had inevitably
made him fall for the only person he was close to; and not that the distance between him shield him
from having to admit that his feelings for Dream weren’t what he would normally have for a

He kept telling himself that it didn’t mean much, that it was just the result of crossing the
friendship territory but would soon be gone once he got used to what they were doing. He kept
telling himself that he wasn’t neglecting his own emotions.
Because, realistically, even if he did feel the word he never said out loud, he couldn’t ask for more
than what he had already gotten.

George felt the boy wrap his arms around him, hugging him from behind. He placed his hands over
his arms, to keep him in place.

Falling asleep was a little harder every night, but that still wasn’t reason enough to try to stop.

Because continuing still made him happy, even if in a way that also made him sad. And because a
stupid part of him still held onto hope, even if he knew that if the feelings were mutual something
would’ve had happened by now.

Even if leaving in the morning was getting harder as well. Even if he had to take a shower every
day after going separate ways to keep his body at bait.

Even if fingering himself open in the shower wasn’t too comfortable. Even if finishing didn’t offer
him any relief.

As long as he could keep having his company at night, he was willing to accommodate.

He would adapt, as he had done so for the entirety of their friendship. Like when he changed his
sleep schedule, or left his whole life to move to another country.

He would adapt, and take what he could get, even if it wasn’t everything he wanted. He would try
and be happy with just that, just so he could keep him close.

Because having half of him was better than accepting defeat. Because pretending it was platonic
for him too was better than accepting he was in love with his best friend.

“You okay?”

The sudden voice instantly took him off his thoughts.

He blinked a few times, realizing he was halfway taking his shirt off and had been staring at the
window for a little too long.

He quickly nodded, taking a few seconds to finish changing before getting into the bed. The boy
didn’t take long to join him, and as always, arms found their way around their waist, his own
wrapping around him as well so they could cuddle.

“You sure?” Dream asked, offering him a concerned look. George nodded again. The blond looked
at him for a moment, then sighed. “Are you totally sure?”

The brunet huffed to his words, rolling his eyes.

“Yes, I’m sure” he insisted.

The American placed his hand on the Brit’s cheek, caressing his skin softly.

“Okay… But you would tell me, right? If there was something wrong-”

“Yes, Dream” George instantly cut him off, a hint of annoyance on his voice. “Why are you-”

“You just… You’ve gotten quiet lately.”

The brunet blinked a few times, tilting his head with confusion.

“Yeah. We used to talk a lot, before falling asleep. But now you just… Stay quiet.”

The smaller boy felt his stomach twisting, a sense of guilt and fear mixing up.

He didn’t know how to respond to that. He didn’t know what to say, when admitting he was afraid
that if he spoke he would end up saying too much wasn’t really an option.

“I’m fine, just… Tired.”

The blond still didn’t seem convinced, but he nodded anyways. He moved closer to kiss his head,
and George knew the same actions as every night would begin again.

He shut his eyes close, allowing himself to enjoy the feeling of lips against his skin. Allowing
himself to enjoy the way he trailed down kisses, from his jaw to his shoulders, almost reaching his
collarbones. Allowed himself to believe the hands holding him would eventually touch more than
just his waist.

But it wasn’t enough, this time it wasn’t enough. The gentle gesture didn’t stop his never-ending
thoughts, they didn’t erase the bitter feeling their conversation left him.

It wasn’t enough to distract him, nor to calm the fire growing on his heart.

“Dream” he let out before he could stop himself. “Can I try this time?”

The blond pulled away, seemingly confused to his words. But a quick glance to his neck was all it
took for him to understand.

He nodded once, and George instantly moved closer.

He wasn’t sure why he was doing that, he wasn’t sure what drove him to ask. All he knew was he
needed to keep himself busy, and he wanted to shut his brain.

He hesitated for just a second before placing a faint kiss over on his cheek. He waited a second,
then placed one on his jaw.

A deep breath, a moment of doubt. Ignoring his heartbeat, pushing logic aside.

He carefully pressed his lips against his neck, surprised by how warm his skin was.

Dream tightened his arms around him, as if to reassure him it was okay. So George allowed
himself to keep going, quietly exploring his neck with his mouth.

He was cautious and soft, he was hesitant and curious. Until he was not.

There was something about tasting what was forbidden, something that made it addictive.

He pulled his friend a little closer, shifting his head to attach his lips to the other side of his neck.
He kissed his skin with more intention, he let his mouth take his time with each spot.

The blond held him tighter again, taking a sharp breath.

The brunet felt like he was drowning, yet he didn’t want to breath.

He kissed again. God, he understood now why Dream liked so much to do that.
He kissed one more time. Fuck, his skin was so soft and warm it felt almost inviting.

He pressed his lips over his skin once again. And then his teeth grazed at it.

Hands abruptly gripping at his hips and a low sound broke whatever bubble he was in right away.

George pulled away in an instant, still hugging the boy but separating his face from him, eyes
widened and guilt on his features as he looked at him.

“I’m sorry” he instantly let out, panic beginning to invade him. “I didn’t mean-”

“’Ts fine” his friend quickly mumbled. And it was then when he noticed his expression, it was then
when he noticed the embarrassment. The blushed cheeks, the reddish lips, and green eyes that
avoided his own. “… I don’t mind it. You can do that if you want.”

Heat pooled on his stomach right away, heart racing to the familiar words.

He wanted to tell the boy to watch what he said, to explain to him why that wasn’t a good idea.
Because if he gave him permission to take more, he might want things that weren’t allowed.

But he couldn’t bring himself to say no. He couldn’t reject the offer.

Because once again, George was a weak man. And he needed to take whatever he could get.

His lips found their way to the blond’s neck before he could stop and think of what he was doing.

He let his teeth graze at his skin again, and then bite softly. He felt his head spinning to the sharp
intake the body against him took to his action.

Yet he didn’t stop, yet he still kept going.

He nipped, and bit, and pulled at his skin. The urge to mark him up, the urge to feel like just for a
moment he could be his, completely clouding his senses. And his friend’s breathing getting
irregular should be enough reason to put an end to his experiment, but the muffed sounds only
made him more eager to keep going.

The brunet pulled the blond closer. The American hugged the Brit tighter.

He shifted his position slightly to get better access to his neck. The boy froze on his spot.

Despite his need to keep going, the sudden tension finally made him pull his face away, just to
check on his friend, afraid he had made him uncomfortable.

But that’s not what Dream’s face showed, instead he looked more embarrassed than before.

George furrowed his brows, confused by his expression. But then, as he tried to move closer, he
felt it.

He froze on his spot as well.

The blond’s cheeks turned bright red.

“I-” But he had no words to say, the brunet didn’t either.

The American tried to pull away, apologetic eyes trying to express what his mouth couldn’t. The
Brit tightened his arms around him, keeping him in his embrace, not wanting him to go away.
His friend looked at him with confusion for just a second, but soon seemed to understand. He
relaxed on his arms, and hesitantly, he shifted his hips closer to his.

George felt like he would wake up at any second.

He felt lightheaded, throat dry and heart about to explode.

But the hardness against his own was too real to ignore, the realization that he didn’t need to turn
around to hide this time a little too overwhelming.

Yet he still wanted it, he still wanted more.

He shifted his hips as well in response, the blond began to rock his slowly. The brunet closed his
eyes, biting back a sound as he lowered his head again to bury it on the boy’s shoulder.

His whole body was on fire, panting soon filling the room. And they continued to move their hips,
rubbing their erections together without saying a word.

As if speaking would break the spell they were under, as if reality would call and they would have
to face what they were doing.

Dream moved one of his hands down his back, carefully reaching for his lower region, the other
arm still keeping him close, embracing him. All his actions too gentle and cautious, as if he wasn’t
sure of how much he was allowed to do.

But nothing he did could be too much. Nothing he did could be going too far.

He wanted more, he wanted all of him.

His friend found the waistline of his pants, moving his head away to look at him with a question in
his eyes. The brunet quickly nodded, scared of replying with words to not make him change his

The boy pulled his pants down, then gently squeezed at his ass.

George shut his eyes close again, a chocked-out moan escaping his mouth.

Then, he raised his butt ever so slightly, inviting him to touch more.

And he did. Dream massaged him slowly, then squeezed again. He pulled his cheeks apart, fingers
teasingly approaching his rim.

He didn’t want to stay behind.

One of his hands quickly reached for the blond’s pants as well, pulling them down too and
wrapping his fingers around his friend’s length, starting to stoke him without saying a word.

And now it was the blond’s turn to moan.

The boy massaged his entrance with one finger. He pushed his hips to make him go further than

And god, he was suddenly glad he had touched himself that morning. He was suddenly glad he had
already had fingers inside and was somewhat ready to take him.

Dream was careful as he inserted one finger, but soon realized that wouldn’t be enough. George’s
movements were too eager, not scared to show he wanted a little more.

A second one was pushed inside, the brunet picked up the pace of his hand.

Pants were now replaced by pleased sounds and heavy breathing.

And as they each had one hand busy touching the other, they kept their other arms holding each
other close, never breaking their hug and still laying side by side. The brunet kept his face hidden
on the boy’s neck, still placing soft kisses here and there between his moans.

But then, he bit again.

The blond twisted his fingers, purposely aiming to his prostate.

“George” he let out in a whine, barely audible with how loud he himself was being now. “I need to
fuck you- I… Please, I need-”

The Brit cut his sentence off, shutting him up with his lips.

And nothing could’ve compared to the overwhelming feeling of finally kissing the person he
loved. Nothing could’ve compared to mouths moving in unison, same desperation and yearning in
the ways their tongues chased each other.

The American took his fingers out, lifting him up slightly so his ass would be higher up by the
blond’s waist. And, without ever letting go off him, he used his free hand to pull the smaller boy’s
aside, then aligned his dick with the Brit’s hole.

George felt like he could pass out. He felt like there was no way any of that was real.

But it was, everything was real.

Lips devouring his own, moans coming out in between hungry kisses, and his friend’s member
carefully pushing inside, opening his walls.

And maybe he wasn’t prepped too much, maybe in another context that wouldn’t have been
enough. But he was too turned on to feel any pain, he was too thrilled to feel discomfort.

It took the boy a few moments to push himself fully inside. And he gave him some extra moments
as well to get used to the sensation, before he finally began to move.

George wrapped his legs around Dream’s waist, nuzzling into him as the boy thrusted into his ass.

He allowed himself to be vocal, to show just how much he liked the pace, and the way he held
him, and the way his dick rubbed against his friend shirt.

He allowed himself to get lost in the moment, to sigh and gasp and tremble whenever the blond hit
his prostate.

He allowed himself to whisper soft praise, to be honest about how good it felt and how much he
wanted him to keep going.

Dream whined to every word, he speeded up his movements with every confession. He hid his face
as he was embarrassed while whispering his own words of affirmation.

But George didn’t want him to hide, he wanted their lips to stay connected. He wanted to be kissing
him while he came.
So he placed a hand on his jaw, moving his head to make him look at him, and took what he
wanted like he’s never let himself to do before.

And with a tongue playing with his own, and his sweet spot stimulated over and over, and their
bodies pressed together with just as much fondness as every night, he couldn’t hold on for long.

A quiet warning was all he could give before he was cumming over his friend’s shirt, a louder
moan coming out as his whole body trembled. And with his walls squeezing Dream’s dick, he was
filling him up just in a matter of seconds.

Everything he’s ever imagined could never compare to what he just experienced. All his forbidden
fantasies didn’t make reality justice.

Because fuck, it felt good. It felt so fucking good.

And maybe this was just another accident. And maybe it also didn’t mean a thing. And maybe this
was the only time he would have him and their interactions would go back to be platonic, but just
for now, he could have him.

Just for now, he could admit to himself that this is what he wanted.

He could admit that he loved it, feeling him inside and touching him like lovers do.

He could admit what he truly felt, he could admit that he loved him.

He loved Dream.

“You love me?”

George’s eyes snapped open instantly, a panicked expression taking over him as he pulled his face
away to look at the boy.

Oh no.

He didn’t mean to say that out loud.

He stared at his friend in complete disbelief, not knowing what to do. All his words were stuck in
his throat, and to make matters words, the blond began to laugh.


“Oh my god, I thought- I didn’t think you liked me back.”

Once again, the brunet was lost at words. But this time, for a completely different reason.

He blinked once, then twice.


“I thought… I don’t know, I just-”

“You like me?” He interrupted. Because his head was spinning and he wasn’t sure of what to

The blond raised an eyebrow, giving him an incredulous look.

“Wasn’t that obvious?”

George blinked again.

Suddenly, everything inside him felt like it was melting, his thoughts running around his mind.


“Yeah?” Dream said, still seemingly not believing his confusion. “George, how do you think I
realized some men were attractive?”

The brunet could only stare. He could only stare as his brain slowly put all the pieces together.

All the emotions he felt, he wasn’t the only one feeling them.

“You like me” he finally said. But in a way, it still felt like he was simply asleep, and would
eventually wake up.

“I love you” Dream corrected him. And fuck, his heart was about to explode now. “A-And you
love me too, right? Or did I mishear-”

“I do” he hurried to say.

Green orbs stared into his brown ones. They looked at each other like it was the first time. And
then, the blond laughed.

He laughed loud and clear, and the brunet soon followed him.

Because it was absurd, the whole situation was, and they had completely messed up the order of
how things normally went.

But that didn’t matter now. Nothing really did.

Because maybe he could have just about everything he wanted. Because maybe they were a little
more than just friends, and loving him was just fine.

End Notes

okay i wanna say first of all, that im supposed to wake up in four hours, so i didnt spell
check this before posting i'll have to do it in the morning, i apologize for all the typos i
probably had

and now second... well, surprise?

in all honesty, this one shot wasnt on my list and im not even sure what drove me to write
it, but persie got 'cuddlefucking' on that game of the first word you see in a bunch of tags
and i couldnt get the idea out of my head, so i legit took a few hours to rest after finishing
the if you let me chapter then wrote this ahaha, it took me like three hours (and yes, i wrote
this first instead of the other two one shots and the multichap i have planned, and also the
tolerate it sequel it be like that sometimes)

anyways!! i hope you enjoy this, even if theres basically no plot ahaha i had fun writing it
so, hopefully you'll like reading it <3

as always comments are super appreciated, have a great night/day!!

carrd with more links

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