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Breanna Onori July 21st, 2022

Teaching and learning with technology should not be removed from the ABC
Community School because as the world is advancing with technology, teaching, and
learning through and with education can help students advance in the 21st century skills.
Learning these skills can help prepare these students for the careers of the future with the
consistent, global increase of technological advances. Technology is often portrayed as a
distraction and causes multitasking that can impair their attention but educating students
about technology can now be seen and used as a tool in their learning. Although the
pandemic did teach us that learning online was a vital source, it was also shown that it can
be integrated into regular curriculum to better help the students succeed. Also, integrating
technology into a regular curriculum can help build student engagement by allowing the
lesson to be more interactive and appealing for the students. For example, having links to
different virtual discussions, maps, graphics, games, etc. could increase the student’s
willingness to learn and create a better outcome for their future. The use of technology can
help teachers as well to maintain their classrooms in an online site, such as Canvas, to help
spread information faster and enable data to be collected on student performance. Teachers
are also able to teach their information in various ways whether that's through graphics, or
bringing the children on a virtual field trip, or utilizing the multiple virtual opportunities to
create an exciting atmosphere. It is important to understand the limits of technology in a
classroom curriculum. According to the School Of Education Online Programs “The promise
of educational technology lies in what educators do with it and how it is used to best
support their students’ needs” (American University, p2). The integration of technology
should not take over the entire curriculum but should be a partner with the curriculum to
help enhance the learning and engagement. Each classroom will be a different group of
students, and the teachers that are in those specified classrooms should use their
technology that's applicable to their classrooms and their students’ needs. For example, if
you were a middle school math teacher, you probably wouldn't have your students be
reading lectures online and participating in Quizlet flashcards, but instead having their
workbook be able to link to different graphs, tables, charts, etc. to make their specified
learning more engaging to their needs. This type of personalization in a student’s education
can help them perform and learn better, and not just on the tests that schools demand
them to take for records and placement, but for the global society that is constantly
advancing in technology.
I do believe that the ABC Community School can work in a partnership with
technology to build an engaging, useful, collaborative atmosphere for the students to learn,
grow, and be successful in their future.

The Computer and Technology standards are more in depth about what students
need to know and what to do at each grade level. The standards describe the components
of the standard sections with definitions, language, and the position of elements. The
purpose of this document is to be a framework for guidance in districts when creating their
curriculum based on their state’s standards. The next document, the ISTE Standards for
Students serves to prepare students to thrive and succeed in a constant, evolving
technological atmosphere. The student section of to empower the student voice and ensure
that learning is a student-driven process in the classroom. What the documents are used for
was the main difference, but they do have many similarities with their standards. An
example of a similar standard would be the (2)Communication and Collaboration: Students
use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a
distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others (Nevada
Computer and Technology Standards) and (1.6)Creative Communicator: Students
communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the
platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals (ISTE
The Standards that I would like to encompass in my lesson plan include:
Technology Content Standard Addressed:
- Creativity and Innovation: Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct
knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
Other Content Standard Addressed:
- Students will develop their ability to solve problems by engaging in developmentally
appropriate problem-solving opportunities in which there is a need to use various
approaches to investigate and understand mathematical concepts in order to:
formulate their own problems; find solutions to problems from everyday situations;
develop and apply strategies to solve a wide variety of problems; and integrate
mathematical reasoning, communication, and connections

Name: Restaurant Menu Project
Grade Level Appropriateness: 5th grade
Technology Content Standard Addressed:

- Creativity and Innovation: Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop
innovative products and processes using technology.
Other Content Standard Addressed:

- Students will develop their ability to solve problems by engaging in developmentally appropriate
problem-solving opportunities in which there is a need to use various approaches to investigate and
understand mathematical concepts in order to: formulate their own problems; find solutions to
problems from everyday situations; develop and apply strategies to solve a wide variety of problems;
and integrate mathematical reasoning, communication, and connections
Objective: Be able to create a Word Document with a menu for a themed restaurant and compile a written
total of three-word problems in relation to the prices created on the menu for fellow classmates to solve.
Materials Needed:
- Technology Resource
- Paper
- Colored Pencil/Crayons
Suggested Group Size: Estimated classroom size (30-35 students)
1. Have students create a Word Document
2. Begin creating a themed menu that contains 4 beverages, 4 appetizers, and 4 entrees
3. Have the students price each item on their menu
4. Add pictures and color to create a realistic menu
5. Have the students write NOT type three different word problems based on their prices listed on their
a. Students must demonstrate at least 2 different types of operations in their word problem
6. Have the students switch papers to solve other classmates word problems
a. Have students use a different color to solve their classmates word problems
b. Have them write their name on the paper along with their classmate’s name
7. Submit menu as a PDF under the Canvas assignment
8. Turn in word problems/solutions to “Turn in” basket
Assessment: To assess the completion and understanding of this project, teachers would grade the PDF
menu under the Canvas assignment for creativity, completion, and submission, and then the teacher would
grade each paper based on the word problems written for completion, and the create solution for the
student who answered the questions. This assessment overall could be one grade that includes the
submission of their menu through Canvas, the paper with the word problems written, and their answers on a
classmate’s paper with their understanding of word problems correctly solved


Word Problems


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