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1. amazing /əˈmeɪzɪŋ/ (adj): tuyệt vời
It’s amazing.
2. make it yourself /meɪk ɪt jɔːˈself/ (v.phr): tự làm lấy
Did you make it yourself?(Bạn đã tự làm nó đúng không?)
3. building dollhouses /ˈbɪl.dɪŋ ˈdɒlˌhaʊsiz/ (n.phr): xây nhà búp bê
My hobby is building dollhouses.(Sở thích của tôi là xây nhà búp bê.)
4. cardboard /ˈkɑːdbɔːd/ (n): bìa cứng, các-tông
All you need is some cardboard and glue.(Mọi thứ bạn cần là một ít bìa cứng và hồ dán.)
5. creativity /ˌkriːeɪˈtɪvəti/ (n): sự sáng tạo
Then just use a bit of creativity.(Sau đó chỉ cần tận dụng một ít sáng tạo nữa.)
6. horse-riding /ˈhɔːs raɪdɪŋ/ (n): cưỡi ngựa
I like horse-riding.(Tôi thích cưỡi ngựa.)
7. common /ˈkɒmən/ (adj): phổ biến, thịnh hành
Actually, it’s more common than you think.(Sự thật thì chúng phổ biến hơn bạn nghĩ đấy.)
8. collecting teddy bears /kəˈlektɪŋ ˈted.i /berz/ (n.phr): sưu tầm gấu bông
He likes collecting teddy bears in his free time.(Anh ấy thích sưu tầm gấu bông trong khi rảnh rỗi.)
9. make model /meɪk ˈmɒdl / (v.phr): làm mô hình
The children love making models.(Những đứa trẻ thích thiết kế mô hình.)
10. collecting coins /kəˈlektɪŋ kɔɪnz/ (n.phr): sưu tầm đồng xu
My brother likes collecting coins.(Anh trai tôi thích sưu tầm đồng xu.)
11. gardening /ˈɡɑːdnɪŋ/ (n): việc làm vườn
Gardening is my hobby.
12. learn how to do something /lɜrn haʊ tu du ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ (v.phr): học cách làm việc gì
I want to learn how to ride.(Tôi muốn học cách cưỡi ngựa.)
13. go to the club /goʊ tu ðə klʌb(v.phr): đi câu lạc bộ
I go to the Rider’s Club every Sunday. (Tôi đến câu lạc bộ Rider mỗi Chủ nhật.)
14. go jogging /goʊ ˈʤɑ:gɪŋ/ (v.phr): chạy bộ
He goes jogging with his girlfriend everyday.(Anh ấy chạy bộ với bạn gái mỗi ngày.)
15. do yoga /duːˈjoʊgə / (v.phr): tập yoga
She likes doing yoga.(Cô ấy thích tập yoga.)
16. do judo /du ˈʤuˌdoʊ/ (v.phr): tập võ judo
My father loves doing judo to be healthier.(Bố tôi thích tập judo để khỏe mạnh hơn.)
17. go camping /goʊ ˈkæmpɪŋ/ (v.phr): cắm trại
My sister likes going camping at the weekend.(Em gái tôi thích cắm trại vào cuối tuần.)
18. keep fit /kip fɪt/ (v.phr): giữ dáng
My mom enjoys doing yoga to keep fit.(Mẹ tôi thích tập yoga để giữ dáng.)
19. surf /sɜːf/ (v): lướt sóng
His favorite hobby is surfing.(Sở thích của anh ấy là lướt sóng.)
20. play the violin /pleɪ ðə vaɪəˈlɪn / (v.phr): chơi đàn vĩ cầm
Nam enjoys playing the violin.(Nam thích chơi đàn vĩ cầm.)
21. rise /raɪz/ (v): mọc, nhô lên (mặt trời)
The sun rises every morning.(Mặt trời mọc mỗi sáng.))
22. leave /liːv/ (v): rời khỏi
The train leaves at 10 a.m.(Xe lửa rời khỏi lúc 10 giờ sáng.)
23. flow through /floʊ θru/ (phr.v): chảy qua
The Red River flows through Ha Noi.(Con sông Red chảy qua Hà Nội.)
24. timetable /ˈtaɪmteɪbl/ (n): thời khóa biểu
We have a new timetable each term.(Chúng tôi có một thời khóa biểu mới cho mỗi học kỳ mới.)
25. drawing class /ˈdrɔɪŋ klæs/ (n): lớp học vẽ
I have a drawing class every Tuesday.(Tôi có lớp học vẽ vào mỗi thứ Ba.)
26. set /set/ (v): lặn (mặt trời)
The sun sets in the west every evening.(Mặt trời lặn đằng Tây mỗi buổi chiều.)
27. play basketball /pleɪ ˈbæskətˌbɔl/ (v.phr): chơi bóng rổ
Trang and Minh play basketball everyday after school.
(Trang and Minh chơi bóng rổ mỗi ngày sau giờ học.)
28. arrive /əˈraɪv/ (v): đến
The flight from Ho Chi Minh arrives at 10:30.(Chuyến bay từ thành phố Hồ Chí Minh đến lúc 10:30.)
29. start /stɑːt/ = begin /bɪˈɡɪn/ (v): bắt đầu
Their lesson starts at 9 a.m.(Bài học của họ bắt đầu lúc 9 giờ sáng.)

COMMUNICATION interested in something /bi ˈɪntrəstəd ɪn/ (phr): hứng thú về việc gì
I am not interested in art.(Tôi không mấy hứng thú về hội họa.) books /ri:d bʊks/ (v.phr): đọc sách
Do you like reading books?(Bạn có thích đọc sách không?)
32.listen to music /ˈlɪsn/ /tuː/ /ˈmjuːzɪk/ (v.phr): nghe nhạc
I like listening to music everyday, and Lan likes it too.(Tôi thích nghe nhạc mỗi ngày và Lan cũng thích thế.)
33.exercise /ˈeksəsaɪz/ (v): tập thể dục
I don’t like exercising, but Lan does.(Tôi không thích tập thể dục nhưng Lan lại thích.)

34.belong to /bɪˈlɔŋ tu / (phr.v): thuộc về
Gardening belongs to the group of doing things.(Làm vườn thuộc nhóm làm một việc gì đó.)
35.insect and bug /ˈɪnˌsɛkt ænd bʌg/ (n): côn trùng và bọ
They can also learn about insects and bugs.(Họ có thể học tập về những loài côn trùng và loài bọ.)
36.outdoor activity /ˈaʊtdɔːr/ /ækˈtɪvɪti/ (n.phr): hoạt động ngoài trời
Gardening is one of the oldest outdoor activities.
(Làm vườn là một trong những hoạt động ngoài trời lâu đời nhất.)
37.develop creativity /dɪˈvɛləp ˌkrieɪˈtɪvəti/ (v.phr): phát triển khả năng sáng tạo
Making models develops your creativity.(Thiết kế mô hình phát triển khả năng sáng tạo.)
38.reduce stress /rɪˈdjuːs strɛs/ (v.phr): giảm căng thẳng
Collecting stamps reduces stress. (Sưu tầm tem giúp giảm căng thẳng.)
39.patient /ˈpeɪʃnt/ (adj): kiên nhẫn
Gardening helps you be more patient.(Làm vườn giúp bạn trở nên kiên nhẫn hơn.)
40.take on responsibility /teɪk ɒn rɪsˌpɒnsəˈbɪlɪti/ (v.phr): chịu trách nhiệm
When gardening, children learn to be patient and take on responsibility.
(Khi làm vườn trẻ con học được tính kiên nhẫn và tinh thần chịu trách nhiệm.)
41. join in /ʤɔɪn ɪn/ (phr.v): tham gia
Gardening is also good because everyone in the family can join in and do something together.
(Làm vườn cũng hữu ích vì mọi người trong gia đình có thể tham gia và làm một việc gì đó cùng nhau.)
42.maturity /məˈtʃʊərəti/ (n): sự trưởng thành
They learn to wait for the plants to grow to maturity.
(Họ học được cách chờ cây cối lớn lên và trưởng thành.)
42.make someone happy /meɪk ˈsʌmwʌn ˈhæpi/ (v.phr): làm ai đó vui vẻ
It really makes us happy.(Nó thật sự làm chúng tôi thấy vui.)
44.spend time together /spɛnd taɪm təˈgɛðə/ (v.phr): dành thời gian cho nhau
We love spending time together.
(Chúng tôi thích dành thời gian cho nhau.)
45.valuable lesson /ˈvæljʊəbl ˈlɛsn/ (n.phr): bài học giá trị

This teaches them valuable lessons and responsibility.
(Việc này dạy họ những bài học giá trị và tinh thần trách nhiệm.)
46.water plants /ˈwɔːtə plɑːnts/ (v.phr): tưới cây
If they don’t water their plants, their plants will die.
(Nếu họ không tưới cây, cây của họ sẽ chết.)
47.benefit /ˈbenɪfɪt/ (n): lợi ích
What are its benefits?(Vậy lợi ích của chúng là gì? )
48.duty /ˈdjuːti/ (n): nghĩa vụ, bổn phận
Responsibility is the duty of taking care of something.( Trách nhiệm là bổn phận chăm sóc một thứ gì đấy.)
49.share /ʃeə(r)/ (v,n): chia sẻ
I share my hobby with my friends.(Tôi chia sẻ sở thích của mình với những người bạn của tôi.)

50.footballer /ˈfʊtbɔːlə(r)/ (n): cầu thủ đá bóng
Minh is a good footballer.(Minh là một cầu thủ đá bóng giỏi.) sport /pleɪ spɔːt / (v.phr): chơi thể thao
He enjoys playing sport.(Anh ấy thích chơi thể thao.) through /rʌn θruː/ (phr.v): chảy qua
The river runs through my hometown.(Con sông chảy qua quê tôi.)
53.divide into /dɪˈvaɪd ˈɪn.tuː/ (v.phr): chia thành
People divide hobbies into four big groups: doing things, making things, collecting things and learning things.
(Mọi người chia sở thích thành 4 nhóm lớn: làm việc, chế tạo, sưu tầm và học hỏi.)

54.brainstorm /ˈbreɪnstɔːm/ (v): động não
Brainstorm some interesting and easy-to-do hobbies.(Hãy suy nghĩ một số sở thích thú vị và dễ làm.)
55.take it up /teɪk ɪt ʌp/ (phr.v): bắt đầu một thói quen, sở thích
Try to persuade your classmates to take it up.
(Hãy cố gắng thuyết phục những người bạn cùng lớp thử một sở thich nào đó.)
56.discuss /dɪˈskʌs/ (v): thảo luận
Let’s discuss interesting hobbies.
(Hãy cùng thảo luận những sở thích thú vị.)

1. Cách dùng
Cách dùng Ví dụ
Dùng để diễn tả thói quen hoặc những việc thường We go to school everyday (Tôi đi học mỗi ngày)
xuyên xảy ra ở hiện tại.
Dùng để diễn tả những sự vật, sự việc xảy ra mang This festival occurs every 4 years. (Lễ hội này diễn ra
tính chất quy luật. 4 năm một lần)
Dùng để diễn tả các sự thật hiển nhiên, một chân lý, The earth moves around the Sun (trái đất xoay quanh
các phong tục tập quán, các hiện tượng tự nhiên. mặt trời)
Dùng để diễn tả lịch trình cố định của tàu, xe, máy The train leaves at 8 am tomorrow (Tàu khởi hành lúc
bay,… 8 giờ sáng mai.)

2. Dạng thức của thì hiện tại đơn.

a. Với động từ “to be” (am/is/are)
Thể khẳng định Thể phủ định
I am I Am not

He/She/It/ danh is + danh từ/tính He/She/It/ danh Is not/isn’t + danh từ/tính
từ số it/ danh từ từ từ số it/ danh từ từ
không đếm không đếm được
You/ we/ they/ are You/ we/ they/ Are not/ aren’t
danh từ số danh từ số nhiều
Ví dụ: Ví dụ:
I am a student (Tôi là một học sinh) I am not here (Tôi không ở đây)
She is very beautiful (Cô ấy rất xinh) Miss Lan isn’t my teacher (Cô Lan không phải là cô
We are in the garden (Chúng tôi đang ở trong vườn) giáo của tôi)
My brothers aren’t at school (các anh trai của tôi thì
không ở trường)

Thể nghi vấn Câu trả lời ngắn

Am I + danh từ/tính Yes, I Am not
từ No,
Is He/She/It/ danh Yes, He/She/It/ danh Is not/isn’t
từ số it/ danh từ từ số it/ danh từ
không đếm không đếm
được được

Are You/ we/ they/ Yes, You/ we/ they/ Are not/ aren’t
danh từ số danh từ số
nhiều nhiều
Ví dụ:
Am I in team A? (Mình ở đội A có phải không?)
🡪Yes, you are / No, you aren’t
Is she a nurse? (cô ấy có phải là y tá không?)
🡪Yes, she is/ No, she isn’t
Are they friendly? (Họ có thân thiện không?)
🡪Yes, they are/ No, they aren’t
● Lưu ý: Khi chủ ngữ trong câu hỏi là “you” (bạn) thì câu trả lời phải dùng “I” (tôi)
b. Với động từ thường “Verb/ V”
Thể khẳng định Thể phủ định
I/ You/ we/ they/ + V nguyên I/ You/ we/ they/ + do not/don’t + V nguyên mẫu
danh từ số nhiều mẫu danh từ số nhiều
He/She/It/ danh + V-s,es He/She/It/ danh + does
từ số it/ danh từ từ số it/ danh từ not/doesn’t
không đếm được không đếm được
Ví dụ: Ví dụ:
- I walk to school every - They don’t do their homework evry afternoon
morning (mỗi buổi sáng tôi đi bộ (Họ không làm bài tập về nhà vào mỗi buổi chiều)
đến trường) - His friends don’t go swimming in the evening
- My parents play badminton (Bạn của anh ấy không đi bơi vào buổi tối)
in the morning (Bố mẹ tôi chơi cầu - He doesn’t go to school on Sunday (Anh ấy
lông vào buổi sáng) không đi học vào chủ nhật)
- She always gets up early (Cô - Her grandparents doesn’t do excersises in the
ấy luôn thức dậy sớm) park (Bà của cô ấy không tập thể dục trong công viên)
- Nam watches TV every
evening (Nam xem tivi vào mỗi tối)

Thể nghi vấn Câu trả lời ngắn
Do I/ You/ we/ + V nguyên Yes, I/ You/ we/ do
they/ danh từ số mẫu No, they/ danh từ số Do not/ don’t
nhiều nhiều
Does He/She/It/ danh Yes, He/She/It/ danh Does
từ số it/ danh từ từ số it/ danh từ
không đếm không đếm
No, Does not/
được được
Ví dụ:
Do you often go to the cinema? (Bạn có thường đi xem phim vào cuối tuần không?)
🡪Yes, I do / No, I don’t
Does he play soccer in the afternoon? (Có phải anh ấy chơi bóng đá vào cuối buổi chiều không?)
🡪 Yes, he does / No, he doesn’t
Do they often go swimming? (Họ thường đi bơi phải không?)
🡪Yes, they do/ No, they don’t
c. Wh-questions.
Khi đặt câu hỏi có chứa Wh-word (từ để hỏi) như: Who, When, Where, Why, Which, How ta đặt chúng lên
đầu câu. Tuy nhiên, khi trả lời cho dạng câu hỏi này, ta không dùng Yes/No mà cần đưa ra câu trả lời trực tiếp.
Cấu trúc:
Wh-word + am/is/are + S ? Wh-word + do/does + S + V?
Ví dụ: Ví dụ:
Who is he? (Anh ấy là ai?) What do you do? (Bạn làm nghề gì?)
🡪He is my brother (Anh ấy là anh trai tôi) 🡪I am a student. (Tôi là một học sinh)
Where are they? (Họ ở đâu?) Why does he cry? (Tại sao anh ấy khóc?)
🡪They are in the playground. (Họ ở trong sân 🡪Because he is sad. (Bởi vì anh ấy buồn)
3. Dấu hiệu nhận biết
Trong câu ở thì hiện tại đơn thường có sự xuất hiện của các trạng từ chỉ tần suất và chúng được chia thành 2
⮚ Nhóm trạng từ đứng ở trong câu:
- Always (luôn luôn), usually (thường thường), often (thường), sometimes (thỉnh thoảng), rarely (hiếm
khi), seldom (hiếm khi), frequently (thường xuyên), hardly (hiếm khi), never (không bao giờ), regularly
(thường xuyên)…
- Các trạng từ này thường đứng trước động từ thường, sau động từ “to be” và trợ động từ.
Ví dụ:
- He rarely goes to school by bus. (Anh ta hiếm khi đi học bằng xe buýt)
- She is usually at home in the evening (Cô ấy thường ở nhà vào buổi tối)
- I don’t often go out with my friends (Tôi không thường đi ra ngoài với bạn bè)
⮚ Nhóm trạng ngữ đứng cuối câu:
- Everyday/week/month/ year (hàng ngày/hàng tháng/hàng tuần/hàng năm)
- Once (một lần), twice (hai lần), three times (ba lần), four times (bốn lần)…
- * Lưu ý: từ ba lần trở lên ta sử dụng: số đếm + times
Ví dụ:
- He phones home every week (Anh ấy điện thoại về nhà mỗi tuần)
- They go on holiday to the seaside once a year (Họ đi nghỉ hè ở bãi biển mỗi năm một lần)
4. Cách thêm s/es vào sau động từ
Trong câu ở thì hiện tại đơn, nếu chủ ngữ là ngôi thứ ba số ít (she,he,it,danh từ số ít) thì động từ phải thêm đuôi
s/es. Dưới đây là các quy tắc khi chia động từ.
Thêm “s” vào đằng sau hầu hết các động từ Ví dụ: Work – works Read – reads

Love – loves See – sees
Thêm “es” vào các động từ kết thúc bằng Ví dụ: Miss – misses Watch – watches
“ch,sh,x,s,z,o” Mix – mixes Go – goes
Đối với động từ tận cùng bằng “y” Ví dụ: Play – plays Fly – flies
+ Nếu trước “y” là một nguyên âm
(u,e,o,a,i) ta nguyên “y + s” Buy – buys Cry – cries
+ Nếu trước “y” là một phụ âm ta đổi “y” Pay – pays Fry – fries
thành “I + es”
Trường hợp ngoại lệ Ví dụ:


Bài 1: Hoàn thành bảng sau, thêm đuôi s/es vào sau các động từ sao cho đúng.
V V-s/es V V-s/es
Begin (bắt đầu) Say (nói)
Believe(tin tưởng) See(nhìn)
Build(xây) Sleep(ngủ)
Come(đến) Spend (dành)
Do(làm) Study(học)
Eat(ăn) Taste(nếm, có vị)
Finish(kết thúc) Tell(nói)
Get(được) Think (nghĩ)
Go(đi) Travel(đi)
Have(có) Use(dùng)
Meet (gặp) Wash(rửa)
Play(chơi) Watch (xem)
Put(đặt, để) Work (làm việc)
Rise (mọc lên) Write (viết)
Bài 2: Viết lại các câu sau ở thể khẳng định (+), thể phủ định (-), thể nghi vấn (?) của thì hiện tại đơn.
1. (+) He goes to the cinema.
(-) ___________________________________
(?) ___________________________________
2. (+)___________________________________
(-) James doesn’t like strawberry
(?) ___________________________________
3. (+)___________________________________
(-) ___________________________________
(?) Do they work in this software company?
4. (+) His new trousers are black
(-) ___________________________________
(?) ___________________________________
5. (+)___________________________________
(-) ___________________________________
(?) Does she want to quit the job?
Bài 3: Khoanh tròn vào câu trả lời đúng
1. My sister (go/goes) ice skating every winter
2. They seldom (have/has) dinner with each other.
3. I (come/ comes) from Ha Noi, Viet Nam.
4. Jim and I (don’t/ doesn’t ) go to school by bus.
5. His hobby (is/are) collecting stamps
6. Jane and I (am/ are) best friends.
7. My cat doesn’t (eat/eats) vegetables.

8. (Does/ Do) your mother finish her work at 4 o’clock?
9. We (watch/watches) Tv everyday.
10. Peter never (forgets/ forget) to do his homework.
11. Tom always (win/ wins) when he plays chess
12. (Do/ Are) you a student?
13. Mice (is/are) afraid of cats.
14. How does your father (travel/ travels) to work everyday?
15. They sometimes (go/goes) sightseeing in rural areas.
Bài 4: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc ở thì hiện tại đơn.
1. Nurses and doctors (work)___________ in hospitals.
2. This schoolbag (belong)___________to Jim.
3. ___________the performance (begin) ___________at 7pm?
4. Sometimes, I (get)___________up before the sun (rise)___________
5. Whenever she (be)___________in trouble, she (call)___________me for help.
6. Dogs (have)___________eyyesight than human.
7. She (speak) ___________four different languages.
8. The Garage Sale (open)___________on 2nd of August and (finish)___________on 4th of October.
9. She (be) ___________ a great teacher.
10. Who ___________ this umbrella (belong) ___________to?
11. Who (go)___________to the theater once a month?
12. James often (skip)___________breakfast.
13. I rarely (do) ___________morning exercises.
14. My cousin (have)___________a driving lesson once a week.
15. My father and I often (play)___________football with each other.
Bài 5: Hãy chọn câu trả lời đúng cho các câu sau:
1. My father ___________a teacher. He works in a hospital.
A. Is B. isn’t C. are D. aren’t
2. I ___________rock music but my brothers don’t like it.
A. Likes B. likes C. don’t like D. doesn’t like
3. Workers always ___________helmet for safety reason.
A. Wears B. wear C. don’t wear D. doesn’t wear
4. I don’t like chocolate. I ___________eat it.
A. Never B. often C. always D. usually
5. My classmates ___________lazy. They always do their homework.
A. Are B. is C. aren’t D. isn’t
6. My grandfather___________fishing very often
A. Goes B. go C. don’t go D. is
7. ___________tidy your room?
A. How often are you?
B. How often do you?
C. How often you
D. How often does you
8. Ms Thuy water the trees ___________a week.
A. Once B. one C. two D. one time
9. What ___________your nationality? I am Vietnamese.
A. Is B. are C. do D. does
10. I really love making models and my brother ___________it too.
A. Love B. loves C. don’t love D. doesn’t love
11. The Smiths never___________to their neighbors
A. Talk B. talks C. don’t talk D. doesn’t talk
12. My sister ___________ how to swim.
A. Don’t know B. doesn’t know C.don’t knows D. not know.

13. My teacher ___________ very kind. We really like her.
A. Is B. isn’t C. are D. aren’t
14. Sometimes a rainbow___________ after the rain.
A. Appear B.appears C. not appear D. doesn’t appears
15. The train ___________at 6 am tomorrow.
A. Leaves B. leave C. is leave D. don’t leave
Bài 6: Tìm lỗi sai và viết lại câu đúng.
1. My brother and my sister doesn’t like playing board games.
2. Does Mr. and Mrs. Parker make pottery everyday?
3. Does bird-watching is Tom’s hobby?
4. How often you polish your car?
5. My friend don’t work in this company.
6. James live in Australia.
7. Are you get up early in the morning?
8. Does Sarah drives to work everyday?
9. Elena haves a beautiful smile.
10. What does the children do in their free time?
Bài 1. Chọn đáp án đúng
1. I ——————— at a bank.
A. work B. works C. working
2. She ——————– with her parents.
A. live B. lives C. living
3. Cows ———————– on grass.
A. feed B. feeds C. feeding
4. He ———————- a handsome salary.
A. earn B. earns C. earning
5. Janet ———————- to be a singer.
A. want B. wants C. wanting
6. Emily ———————– delicious cookies.
A. make B. makes C. making
7. Arti and her husband ——————- in Singapore.
A. live B. lives C. living
8. Rohan and Sania ———————- to play card games.
A. like B. likes C. liking
9. Sophia ————————– English very well.
A. speak B. speaks C. speaking
10. Martin ———————– for a walk in the morning.
A. go B. goes C. going
11. My grandfather ——————– his pet dog.
A. adore B. adores C. adoring
12. Plants ———————– water and sunlight for making their food.
A. need B. needs C. needing
Bài 2: Bài tập Chia Thì hiện tại đơn.
1. I (be) ________ at school at the weekend.
2. She (not study) ________ on Friday.
3. My students (be not) ________ hard working.
4. He (have) ________ a new haircut today.
5. I usually (have) ________ breakfast at 7.00.
6. She (live) ________ in a house?
7. Where (be)____ your children?
8. My sister (work) ________ in a bank.

9. Dog (like) ________ meat.
10. She (live)________ in Florida.
11. It (rain)________ almost every day in Manchester.
12. We (fly)________ to Spain every summer.
13. My mother (fry)________ eggs for breakfast every morning.
14. The bank (close)________ at four o'clock.
15. John (try)________ hard in class, but I (not think) ________ he'll pass.
16. Jo is so smart that she (pass)________ every exam without even trying.
17. My life (be)_____ so boring. I just (watch)________ TV every night.
18. My best friend (write)________ to me every week.
19. You (speak) ________ English?
20. She (not live) ________ in HaiPhong city.
Bài 3: Chọn đáp án đúng.
Dạng bài tập thì hiện tại đơn này, đề bài cung cấp 2 đáp án có sẵn. Bạn sẽ phải lựa chọn đáp án đúng nhất cho
1. I don’t stay/ doesn’t stay at home.
2. We don’t wash/ doesn’t wash the family car.
3. Doris don’t do/ doesn’t do her homework.
4. They don’t go/ doesn’t go to bed at 8.30 p.m.
5. Kevin don’t open/ doesn’t open his workbook.
6. Our hamster don’t eat/ doesn’t eat apples.
7. You don’t chat/ doesn’t chat with your friends.
8. She don’t use/ doesn’t use a ruler.
9. Max, Frank and Steve don’t skate/ doesn’t skate in the yard.
10. The boy don’t throw/ doesn’t throw stones.
Bài 4: Hoàn thành các câu sau: (Chuyển sang câu phủ định)
1. She feeds the animals. - She __________________ the animals.
2. We take photos. - We ______________ photos.
3. Sandy does the housework every Thursday. - Sandy _____________ the housework every Thursday.
4. The boys have two rabbits. - The boys ___________ two rabbits.
5. Simon can read English books. - Simon ___________ read English books.
6. He listens to the radio every evening. - She ___________ to the radio every evening.
7. Annie is the best singer of our school. - Annie __________ the best singer of our school.
8. The children are at home. - The children ___________ at home.
9. The dog runs after the cat. - The dog __________ after the cat.
10. Lessons always finish at 3 o'clock. - Lessons _________________ at 3 o'clock.
Bài 5: Hoàn thành các câu hỏi sau:
1. How/ you/ go to school/ ?
- How do you go to school?
2. what/ you/ do/ ?
___________________________________ ?
3. where/ John/ come from/ ?
___________________________________ ?
4. how long/ it/ take from London to Paris/ ?
___________________________________ ?
5. how often/ she/ go to the cinema/ ?
___________________________________ ?
6. when/ you/ get up/ ?
___________________________________ ?
7. how often/ you/ study English/ ?
___________________________________ ?
8. what time/ the film/ start/ ?

___________________________________ ?
9. where/ you/ play tennis/ ?
___________________________________ ?
10. what sports/ Lucy/ like/ ?
___________________________________ ?
Bài 6: Dùng "do not" hoặc "does not" để hoàn thành những câu sau
1. I ....... prefer coffee.
2. She ....... ride a bike to her office.
3.Their friends ....... live in a small house.
4. They ....... do the homework on weekends.
5. Mike ....... play soccer in the afternoons.
6. The bus ....... arrive at 8.30 a.m.
7. We ....... go to bed at midnight.
8. My brother ....... finish work at 8 p.m.
Bài 7: Hoàn thành cách câu sau

1. ....... Jack like eating hamburgers? => Yes, ........

2. ....... you get up early on Sundays? => No, ........
3. ....... the students always work hard for the exam? => No, ........
4. ....... the train leave at noon every day? => Yes, ........
5. ....... he often play the guitar? => No, ........
6. ....... they take a taxi to school every morning? => Yes, ........
7. ....... Anna and Daisy visit their old teachers on winter holidays? => No, ........
8. ....... water boil at 100 degrees Celsius? => Yes, ........

Bài 8: Hoàn thành các câu sau

1. Robin (play) every Sunday.
2. We (have)..........a holiday in December every year.
3. He often (go) work late.
4. The moon (circle)..........around the earth.
5. The flight (start) 6 a.m every Thursday.
6. Peter (not/ study)..........very hard. He never gets high scores.
7. My mother often (teach) English on Saturday evenings.
8. I like Math and she (like)..........Literature.
9. My sister (wash)..........dishes every day.
10. They (not/ have)..........breakfast every morning.
Bài 9: Hoàn thành cách câu sau với từ trong ngoặc
1. My brothers (sleep) on the floor. (often)
2. He (stay) up late? (sometimes)
3. I (do) the housework with my brother. (always)
4. Peter and Mary (come) to class on time. (never)
5. Why Johnson (get) good marks? (always)
6. You (go) shopping? (usually)
7. She (cry). (seldom)
8. My father (have) popcorn. (never)=>

Bài 10: điền từ thích hợp
Mary is a teacher. She teaches English. The children love her and they (1).........a lot from her. Mary
(2).........home at 3.00 and (3).........lunch. Then she sleeps for an hour. In the afternoon she (4).........swimming
or she cleans her house. Sometimes she (5).........her aunt and (6).........tea with her. Every Sunday she does the
shopping with her friends.
Bài 11: Chia động từ trong ngoặc
My cousin, Peter (have)...........a dog. It (be) intelligent pet with a short tail and big black eyes. Its name
(be)...........Kiki and it (like)...........eating pork. However, it (never/ bite)...........anyone; sometimes it
(bark)...........when strange guests visit. To be honest, it (be)...........very friendly. It (not/ like)...........eating fruits,
but it (often/ play)...........with them. When the weather (become)...........bad, it (just/ sleep) his cage all
day. Peter (play)...........with Kiki every day after school. There (be)...........many people on the road, so Peter (not/
let)...........the dog run into the road. He (often/ take)...........Kiki to a large field to enjoy the peace there. Kiki
(sometimes/ be)...........naughty, but Peter loves it very much.
Bài 12 Chia động từ ở trong ngoặc:
1. My father always ................................ Sunday dinner. (make)
2. Ruth ................................ eggs; they ................................ her ill. (not eat; make)
3. "Have you got a light, by any chance?" "Sorry, I ................................" (smoke)
4. ................................ Mark ................................ to school every day? (go)
5. ................................ your parents ................................ your girlfriend? (like)
6. How often ................................ you ................................ swimming? (go)
7. Where ................................ your sister ................................? (work)
8. Ann ................................. usually ................................ lunch. (not have)
9. Who ................................ the ironing in your house? (do)
10. We ................................ out once a week. (go)
Bài 13. Hoàn thành các câu sau. Có thể chọn khẳng định hoặc phủ định
Ví dụ:
· Claire is very sociable. She knows (know) lots of people.
· We've got plenty of chairs, thanks. We don't want (not want) any more.
1. My friend is finding life in Paris a bit difficult. He ................................ (speak) French.
2. Most students live quite close to the college, so they ................................ (walk) there every day.
3. How often ................................ you ................................ (look) in a mirror?
4. I've got four cats and two dogs. I ................................ (love) animals.
5. No breakfast for Mark, thanks. He ................................ (eat) breakfast.
6. What's the matter? You ................................ (look) very happy.
7. Don't try to ring the bell. It ................................ (work).
8. I hate telephone answering machines. I just. ................................ (like) talking to them.
9. Matthew is good at badminton. He ................................ (win) every game.
10. We always travel by bus. We ................................ (own) a car.
Bài 14. Bài tập chia thì hiện tại đơn thể phủ định
1. I ………. like tea.
2. He ………. play football in the afternoon.
3. You ………. go to bed at midnight.
4. They……….do the homework on weekends.
5. The bus ……….arrive at 8.30 a.m.
6. My brother ……….finish work at 8 p.m.
7. Our friends ………. live in a big house.
8. The cat ………. like me.
Bài 15. bài tập trắc nghiệm thì hiện tại đơn có đáp án
1. Police catch/ catches robbers.
2. My dad is a driver. He always wear/ wears a white coat.
3. They never drink/ drinks beer.
4. Lucy go/ goes window-shopping seven times a month.

5. She have/ has a pen.
6. Mary and Marcus eat out/ eats out everyday.
7. Mark usually watch/ watches TV before going to bed.
8. Maria is a teacher. She teach/ teaches students.
Bài 16. Chia động từ
1. I usually ___________(go) to school.
2. They ___________ (visit) us often.
3. You ___________ (play) basketball once a week.
4. Tom ___________ (work) every day.
5. He always ___________ (tell) us funny stories.
6. She never ___________ (help) me with that!
7. Martha and Kevin ___________ (swim) twice a week.
8. In this club people usually ___________ (dance) a lot.
9. Linda ___________ (take care) of her sister.
10. John rarely ___________ (leave) the country.
11. We ___________ (live) in the city most of the year.
12. Lorie ___________ (travel) to Paris every Sunday.
13. I ___________ (bake) cookies twice a month.
14. You always ___________ (teach) me new things.
15. She ___________ (help) the kids of the neighborhood.
16. We (fly)________ to Spain every summer.
17. Where your children (be) ________?
18. He (have) ________ a new haircut today.
19. She (not study) ________ on Friday.
20. Where _______ your father_____? (work)
Bài 17. Hoàn chỉnh các câu dưới đây với các từ gợi ý trong hộp
wake up – open – speak – take – do – cause – live – play – close – live – drink
1. Ann _____________ handball very well.
2. I never _____________ coffee.
3. The swimming pool _____________ at 7:00 in the morning.
4. It _____________ at 9:00 in the evening.
5. Bad driving _____________ many accidents.
6. My parents _____________ in a very small flat.
7. The Olympic Games _____________ place every four years.
8. They are good students. They always _____________ their homework.
9. My students _____________ a little English.
10. I always _____________ early in the morning.
Bài 18. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong mỗi câu sau.
1. My mom always ................................delicious meals. (make)
2. Charlie…………………………..eggs. (not eat)
3. Susie………………………….shopping every week. (go)
4. ................................ Minh and Hoa ................................ to work by bus every day? (go)
5. ................................ your parents ................................with your decision? (agree)
6. Where……………………..he………………………from? (come)
7. Where ................................ your father ................................? (work)
8. Jimmy ................................. usually ................................ the trees. (not water)
9. Who ................................the washing in your house? (do)
10. They ................................ out once a month. (eat)
Bài 19. Cho dạng đúng của những từ trong ngoặc để tạo thành câu có nghĩa.
1. It (be)………………a fact that smart phone (help)……………… a lot in our life.
2. I often (travel)……………… some of my favorite destinations every summer.
3. Our Math lesson usually (finish)…………………….at 4.00 p.m.

4. The reason why Susan (not eat)……………………….meat is that she (be)…………a vegetarian.
5. People in Ho Chi Minh City (be)………..very friendly and they (smile)………………a lot.
6. The flight (start)……………… 6 a.m every Thursday.
7. Peter (not study)…………………………very hard. He never gets high scores.
8. I like oranges and she (like)……………..apples.
9. My mom and my sister (cook)…………………….lunch everyday.
10. They (have)…………………breakfast together every morning.
Bài 20. Make the present simple. Choose positive, negative or question.
1) (he / drive to work every day)
2) (I / not / think you're right)
3) (we / have enough time)?
4) (I / eat cereal in the morning)
5) (they / write e-mails every day)?
6) (you / watch a lot of TV)
7) (he / not / read the newspaper)
8) (she / dance often)?
9) (where / I / come on Mondays)?
10) (what / you / do at the weekend)?
11) (you / not / drink much tea)
12) (how / he / travel to work)?
13) (they / not / like vegetables)
14) (she / catch a cold every winter)
15) (I / go out often)?
16) (you / speak English)?
17) (we / take the bus often)
18) (she / not / walk to school)
19) (what / you / buy in the supermarket)?
20) (how / he / carry such a heavy bag)?
Bài 21. Change the verb into the correct form:
1. Christopher (drive) ______ a car.
2. We (have) ______ some posters.
3. (you watch) ______ movies?
4. They (not work) ______ for us.
5. I (love) ______ to sing.
6. She (have) ______ many foreign friends.
7. Alexis and her husband always (come) ______ for the summer.
8. (he sing) ______ well?
9. Jamie (not remember) ______ me.
10. Laura (be) ______ a beautiful girl.
11. I (not eat) ______ pasta.
12. Cats (like) ______ to sleep.
13. You (be) ______ a smart girl.
14. She (wash) ______ the dishes every evening.
15. (you be) ______ ready?
16. I (be) ______ ready.
Bài 22. Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Examples: We are (be) never late. She likes (like) popcorn.
1. She (be)______ good at university.
2. Giraffes (eat)______ grass.
3. I (like)______ fried chicken and chips.
4. Linda always (meet)______ her friends after school.
5. Tom often (wear)______ a blue shirt and black jeans.

6. We (be)______ never tired in the morning.
7. Tony (like) ______ apples and bananas.
8. The children sometimes (go)______ to the playground and (ride)_____ their bike.
9. Sandra usually (take)______ the bus to school.
10. Nicky always (have) ______ lunch at a Thai restaurant.
11. The boys often (play)______ computer games after finishing their homework.
12. Our cat hardly ever (catch)______ a mouse.
13. Paul (walk)______ his dog every day.
14. Our daughter often (get)______ up too late.
15. My mother (bake)______ a cake every Sunday.

* teacher /ˈtiːtʃə(r)/ n.: cô
* banana /bəˈnɑːnə/ n.: quả
* colour /ˈkʌlə(r)/ n.: màu
Đây là một nguyên âm rất ngắn. Khi phát âm đưa lưỡi lên phía trước và * demon /ˈdiːmən/ n.: ma
hơi hướng lên trên quỷ
* fur /fɜː(r)/ n. lông
* sir /sɜː(r)/ n. quý ngài
* learn /lɜːn/ v. học
* world /wɜːld/ n. thế giới

Đây là một nguyên âm dài, khi phát âm miệng mở vừa, vị trí lưỡi thấp
Ta thường sử dụng danh động từ (V-ing) theo sau các động từ chỉ sự yêu thích hoặc không thích:
Động từ chỉ sự yêu thích/ không thích + V-ing
She loves sharing cookies with her neiqhbours.
love (yêu thích)
(Cô thích chia sẻ bánh quy với hàng xóm của mình.)
like (thích) Thev like playing video games in their free time.

(Họ thích chơi trò chơi điện tử trong thời gian rảnh rỗi.)
She enioys painting landscapes.
enjoy (thích)
(Cô ấy thích vẽ tranh phong cảnh.)
He hates riding bicycles because he always sweats a lot.
hate (ghét)
(Cậu ấy ghét đi xe đạp vì cậu luôn đổ nhiều mồ hôi.)


Cycling Arranging flowers Playing the guitar Gardening

Bird –watching Taking photos Cooking Skating

Playing board Watching T.V Listening to music Collecting stamps


Mountain climbing Playing football Collecting dolls Collecting bottles

Ex I: Label the picture

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

Ex II: Choose the best answer
1. a. playing badminton 2. a. collecting dolls
b. playing tennis b. collecting bottles
c. playing football c. collecting stamps
d. playing basketball d. collecting coins

3. a. making pottery 4. a. riding a bike

b. gardening b. taking photos
c. mountain climbing c. arranging flowers
d. bird-watching d. ice – skating

5. a. listening to music 6. a. carving wood

b. watching T.V b. watering flowers
c. dancing c. playing games
d. jogging d. cooking

7. a. playing the guitar 8. a. playing board games.

b. cycling b. listening to music
c. making models c. reading books
d. collecting stamps d. mountain climbing

Ex III: Match
1. watch a. music
2. take b. stamps
3. do c. flowers
4. arrange d. the birds
5. collect e. the mountain
6. play f. photos
7. climb g. the gardening
8. listen to h. the guitar
Ex IV: Put the words in the correct column
girl, today, world, October, collect, cleaner, gorilla, away, hurt, fur, wonderful,
together, stir, ruler, barber, learn

/ə/ /ɜː/

Ex V: Say the words out loud and odd one out

1. A. permit B. summer C. first D. driver
2. A. person B. certain C. turn D. teacher
3. A. about B. version C. purpose D. term
4. A. network B. against C. search D. church
5. A. birth B. journey C. refer D. however
6. A. under B. little C. firm D. different
7. A. dirty B. rather C. dancer D. order
8. A. perhaps B. power C. ever D. early

Ex VI: Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined
1. A. sure B. pressure C. nature D. structure
2. A. flight B. site C. chick D. high
3. A. egg B. lend C. enter D. return
4. A. why B. write C. which D. world
5. A. other B. tough C. moment D. love
Ex VII: Add more words to each list
1. Go: shopping,………………………………………………………………………………..
2. Play: games,………………………………………………………………………………….
3. Watch: T.V, …………………………………………………………………………………..
4. Listen to: music,…………………………………………………………………………….
5. Do: homework,……………………………………………………………………………..
6. Read: a book,…………………………………………………………………………………
7. Collect: stamps,…………………………………………………………………………….
8. Take: photos,…………………………………………………………………………………
9. Make: a cake,………………………………………………………………………………..
10. Write: a letter,……………………………………………………………………………..
Ex VIII: Complete the sentence with appropriate hobbies
1. This is an activity of working in a garden, especially for pleasure in the free time.
2. This is an activity of watching birds in their natural environment. ……………………….
3. The action of making pots, dishes, vases made with clay and baked in an oven, especially when they are
made by hand. ……………………..
4. You enjoy going around the shops to look for old stamps. Sometimes you buy some new stamps and you
have different kinds of stamps at home.
5. This is an activity of preparing food by heating it. You have delicious food after you finish the activity.
6. You go up toward the top of the mountain. ……………………….

Ex IX: Put one of the verbs from the box in each gap. Use the correct form of the verb
watch do play make collect
read arrange listen take go

1. Jim …………………….to pop music in his bedroom at the moment.

2. …………………your friend………………….T.V every day? Yes, he does.
3. My brother likes ……………………..old stamps from different countries.
4. His father wants him ……………………homework before going to bed.
5. Catherine hates……………………..books in a dark room.
6. The children often …………………football in the school yard after the lessons.
7. …………………..she………………..the shopping with her mother now?
8. We sometimes………………….a bus to school.
9. My mother ………………………flowers beautifully.
10. I always ……………………the bed for my son before he goes to bed.
Ex X: Complete the passage using the words given in the box
stories wonderful started
simple read anything

My hobby is reading. I (1)………….story books, magazines and newspapers. I read any kind of material that I
find interesting. This hobby (2)………………..when I was a little boy. I wanted my parents to read fairy tales
and other (3)………..……to me. Then I learnt to read by myself. I started with (4)…………….books. Soon, I

could read simple fairy tales and other stories. Now, I read just about (5)……………..that is available. Reading
helps me to learn about so many things that I don’t know. The (6)………………. things about is that I do not
have to learn things in a hard way.

Ex XI: Odd one out

1. A. gardening B. bicycle C. cycling D. taking photos
2. B. cook B. feel C. watch D. play
3. A. swimming B. making models C. skating D. flowers
4. A. pottery B. mountain C. valley D. river
5. A. bottles B. stamps C. lorry D. coins
6. A. guitar B. games C. piano D. trumpet
7. A. carving wood B. teacher C. artist D. architect
8. A. bicycle B. helicopter C. plane D. eggshell
9. A. dancing B. swimming C. amazing D. cooking
10.A.cinema B. skating C. museum D. theatre
Ex XIII: Complete the sentence with the correct form of the word provided
1. How many ……………………..are there in a football team? PLAY
2. My friends likes …………………….glass bottles. COLLECT
3. I prefer mountain …………………… hiking. CLIMB
4. He thinks that mountain climbing is more ……………………than collecting things. CHALLENGE
5. She is a ……………………person and she can paint very well. CREATE
6. Jim enjoys …………………badminton with his classmates in the playground. PLAY
7. Carving shells is difficult and ……………………BORED
8. My grandparents do exercise in their …………………..time. FREEDOM
9. Yesterday, I bought some old bowls ……………….in open-air markets. CHEAP
10.Can you play any ………………….instrument? MUSIC
Ex XIV: Choose the best answer
1. I …………….collecting dolls to stamps.
A. prefer B. have C. like D. enjoy
2. Can you arrange these ……………and bring the vase into the room?
A. pens B. books C. flowers D. bags
3. Sara and Mary are ……………………of a mountain climbing club.
A. friends B. members C. hobbies D. students
4. They ask their classmates to ………………….about their hobbies.
A. make B. do C. open D. talk
5. David plays badminton with his friends two …………….a week.
A. times B. lessons C. minutes D. months


I – Choose the best option to complete each of the following sentences.
E.g.: Martin never goes_________because he has a fear of heights.
A. ice-skating B. camping C. mountain climbing D. shopping
1. Don’t ever think gardening is a piece of_________ . You must spend a lot of time taking care of your plants.
A. art B. cake C. paper D. work
2. It’s_________for a boy to have a hobby of playing dolls.
A. common B. natural C. typical D. unusual

3. Jacob is a great artist. He is able to_________in both wood and stone.
A. carve B. chop C. decorate D. manufacture
4. It’s really dangerous if you go_________without being able to swim.
A. skating B. surfing C. jogging D. camping
5. My father used to make of planes, motorbikes and cars for me when I was a little boy.
A. copies B. figures C. models D. images
6. _________gives us beautiful plants, pleasant smelling flowers and fresh fruits and vegetables.
A. Arranging flowers B. Bird-watching C. Gardening D. Making model
7. His songs always have a strong_________.
A. melody B. theme C. music D. composition
8. It’s amazing that artists can carve on such_________material like empty eggshells.
A. lightweight B. narrow C. durable D. fragile
9. It’s nice to have someone you can_________your problems with.
A. divide B. share C. distribute D. spend
10. Don’t miss this_________opportunity to become a member of our club. We recruit members only once a year.
A. unique B. strange C. private D. original
11. Be careful with that vase - it’s very_________.
A. light B. healthy C. weak D. fragile
12. My class has decided to make a_________of postcards and photographs on Vietnamese Teacher’s Day.
A. pottery B. collage C. report D. copy
13. Max_________the wood into the shape of a flower.
A. polished B. repaired C. carved D. cleaned
14. After I’d finished_________, there was dirt from the flower beds all over the path.
A. gardening B. surfing C. skating D. bird-watching
15. The main material for making_________is clay.
A. clothes B. pottery C. melody D. collage
II - Complete the following sentences using the given words in the box.
bird-watching horse-riding ice-skating eggshells pottery board games
E.g.: My grandfather loves making__pottery__. All the vases as well as bowls and dishes in my house were made
by him.
1. Children enjoy putting fireflies into_________and observe them lighting at night.
2. Playing_________like monopoly or chess helps to speed up your response.
3. All you really need for_________are time and a suitable pair of binoculars.
4. You should wear protective clothing before going_________to protect yourself in case of falling from the
5. On winter days, we usually go_________on the lake at Jackson Park.
I - Write the word under each picture. Then put the word in the correct column.

E.g.: _computer_ 1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________

5. __________ 6. __________ 7. __________ 8. __________ 9. __________

/ə/ /ɜ:/

II - Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently.
E.g.: A. herd B. paper C. another D. letter
1. A. Thursday B. surprise C. furniture D. burglar
2. A. occur B. pursue C. blur D. return
3. A. thunder B. another C. father D. reserve
4. A. worse B. visitor C. world D. worker
5. A. hurt B. surplus C. century D. burden
6. A. mother B. answer C. pepper D. nervous
7. A. world B. work C. actor D. worship
8. A. dessert B. daughter C. person D. prefer
9. A. dinner B. service C. term D. German

10. A. structure B. nature C. curly D. adventure
11. A. purpose B. injury C. picture D. figure
12. A. quarter B. manager C. certain D. differ
13. A. major B. author C. instructor D. worst
14. A. transfer B. disaster C. emerge D. terminal
15. A. gesture B. sunburn C. murder D. urgent
II - Compfete the following sentences, using present simpte or future ssmpfe forms of the verbs.
E.g.: Lina (do) __does__yoga twice a week.
1. Our plane (take) __________off at half past nine tomorrow morning.
2. My sister promises that she (teach) __________me how to play chess tomorrow.
3. I think I (buy) __________a new pair of badminton rackets next Sunday because mine is broken.
4. How often__________you (go) __________mountain climbing?
5. My grandmother (not-like) __________spicy food.
6. John (learn) __________to carve eggshells this summer because he really likes this kind of art.
7. __________you (join) __________our guitar club this weekend?
8. Martin (play) __________football every Tuesday afternoon in the park near his house.
9. David (give) __________his younger sister a book as a birthday gift next week.
10. My mother always (collect) __________rags for me to make clothes for my dolls.
11. My parents don’t like (eat) __________out because they think it is not healthy.
12. I hate (play) __________cards with my elder brother because he always cheats.
13. Martin enjoys (go) __________to the church at weekends.
14. My daughter loves (read) __________comics before going to bed.
15. My father loves (go) __________to football games, he even spends a lot of money going to big leagues all
over the world.
16. Karen enjoys (shop) __________for clothes and shoes.
17. Simon likes (go) __________fishing with his dad at weekends.
18. Rosie hates (do) __________housework.
III - Complete the following sentences, using the correct form of the verbs m the box. There are some words
you need to use twice.
try go watch meet sleep
do collect visit feed play
E.g.: My mother likes __doing__ yoga because it is really relaxing.
1. I hate__________shopping because it costs me a lot of money.
2. Ella just likes__________at home at weekends because she has to study hard during the week.
3. Mrs. Johnson enjoys__________colourful rugs. She often buys them in the market or on the Internet.
4. Children hate__________to school in winter mornings.
5. My mother loves__________new recipes, so my family has different dishes every day.
6. Lucy hates__________horror films as they make it impossible for her to sleep at night.
7. I don’t like__________tennis with my brother because I lose every time we play.
8. Lily enjoys__________people and__________new places, so she travels a lot.
9. My kids love__________the ducks whenever we visit our hometown.
10. Liam likes__________judo because it makes him become stronger.
• Ikebana, meaning “living flower,” is one of many traditional hobbies enjoyed by native and non-
native Japanese people alike.
• It’s the art of flower arrangement. Ikebana embodies the feeling of the traditional Jap¬anese belief
that there is beauty in simplicity and nature.
• You can find many places in Japan that offers Ikebana classes and take them alone or with friends.
Ikebana is not only for women but also men too.
• If you want to enjoy the poetics and aesthetics of balancing natural shapes and colors, Ikebana
may certainly be a hobby of interest.
I - Read the following passage and do the tasks below.
Hassan has a very interesting hobby. He collects tropical fish! His bedroom has a gigantic aquarium all around
the wall. He has been collecting fish since he was four. His first fish was an Angel fish. The only problem is that
it can eat smaller fish. Hassan has visited a lot of different countries like Australia to dive in the beautiful weather
there. He has always loved the ocean. Now, he’s fourteen. He has had his big aquarium for three years, since he
was eleven.
Last year when Hassan was in Caribbean for his holiday, he saw sharks when he was diving. He wants to have an
aquarium where he can keep one or two small sharks, but it’s quite difficult in England. He works as a volunteer
at the aquarium of his local zoo. There he can feed the big fish. He hasn’t fed the sharks yet, because he is too
Part 1: Choose words from the text which mean the same as the following words.
1. very big __________
2. the sea__________
3. a glass home for fish__________
4. work without receiving any money__________
5. give food to animals__________
Part 2: Decide whether the statements below are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).
1. Hassan has a boring hobby. 
2. He spends all his holidays in England. 
3. He helps in the zoo in the Caribbean. 
4. He wants to have small sharks at home. 
II - Read the passage and choose the best option to answer each of the following questions.
Having a hobby that we enjoy brings us joy and enriches our lives. It gives us something fun to do during our
leisure time and affords us the opportunity to learn new skills. We are very fortunate to have so many different
options out there today. In fact, there are entire websites devoted to hobbies and interests.
The best way to cultivate a new hobby is to try something new. The world is full of wonderful, exciting activities
that we can explore and adopt as our own. Of course, all of us are unique and, therefore, our interests and hobbies
vary. But once we find a hobby that we truly enjoy and are passionate about, we become hooked. It becomes part
of our lives and captivates us in a very personal way.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
A. The importance of hobbies B. The definition of hobbies
C. Time to start a hobby D. Hobbies and interests
2. What can a hobby give you?
A. Leaisure time B. Chance to afford new things
C. More free time D. Something fun to do
3. What shoud we do if we want to cultivate a new hobby?
A. refer to websites B. check the options
C. try something new D. participate in activities
4. Our interests and hobbies vary because________.
A. the world is wonderful B. there are many exciting things to explore
C. each of us enjoys many things D. all of us are unique
5. What does the word “It” refer to?
A. An activity B. A hobby C. A part D. A personal way
Exercise 1: Listen and decide if each statement is true or false. (Track 01)
No. Statements T F
1. Angela walks in the park every morning.  
2. There is a park near Angela’s house.  
3. Angela usually takes the bus instead of cycling.  
4. On Thursday evenings, Angela stays at home and chats with friends.  

5. Angela likes hiking, but she does not do it much.  
6. At weekends, Angela is healthier than usual.  
7. Angela never goes hiking alone.  
8. Many of Angela’s friends do not like hiking.  
Exercise 2: Listen and tick 🡪 to the correct box. (Track 02)
Clara Tom Robert
15 years old
11 years old
13 years old
writing poem
playing football
taking pictures
reading comics
playing the piano
loving fine art
good at physical education
good at literature


What free-time activity would you like to take up in the future?
You can use the following questions as cues:
• What is it?
• Why do you want to take up the activity?
• When do you think you will start the activity?
Useful languages:
Useful vocabulary Useful structures
• mountain climbing, bird-watching, gardening, • I’m really into....
making models • I really like...
• interesting, connect with nature, creative, improve • I like...because...
health • also good for health.
• in this summer, next year, after graduation, don’t • We will have time to...
know exactly • It’s a chance for us to...

• ...often spend time...
• I think I will...
• It’s a good idea to...
Complete the notes:
Structures of the talk Your notes
What is it? __________________________________________
Why do you want to take up the activity? __________________________________________
When do you think you will start the __________________________________________
activity? __________________________________________
Now you try!
Give your answer using the following cues. You should speak for 1-2 minutes.
1. I’m really into....
2. I like...because...
3. also good for health.
4. We will have time to...
5. ...often spend time...
6. I think I will...
Now you tick!
Did you ...
 answer all the questions in the task?
 give some details to each main point?
 speak slowly and fluently with only some hesitation?
 use vocabulary wide enough to talk about the topic?
 use various sentence structures (simple, compound, complex) accurately?
 pronounce correctly (vowels, consonants, stress, intonation)?
Let’s compare!
Finally, compare with the sample answer on page 134.

I- Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given. You can change the cues and use other
words in addition to the cues to complete the sentences.
1. Lucy/ usually/ play/ badminton/ her friends.
→ ________________________________________________________
2. My/ best friend/ hobby/ make/ paper dolls.
→ ________________________________________________________
3. My/ brother/ teach/ me/ how/ make/ model planes/ two/ year/ ago.
→ ________________________________________________________
4. My/ mother/ go/jogging/ park/ every evening.
→ ________________________________________________________
5. Michael/ water/ plants/ his garden/ twice a day.
→ ________________________________________________________
II - Write a short paragraph (60 - 80 words) about your favourite activity in your free time.
You can use the following questions as cues:
• What is your favourite activity in your free time?
• How often do you do the activity?
• Where do you do the activity?
• Who do you do the activity with?


1.boat /bəʊt/ (v): chèo thuyền
- That’s my dad and I boating at Yen Son Park.(Đó là ba tôi và tôi cùng chèo thuyền tại công viên Yến Sơn.)
2.exercise /ˈeksəsaɪz/ (v): tập thể dục
- I also see a lot of people exercising there.(Tôi cũng nhìn thấy nhiều người tập thể dục ở đây.)
3.popular /ˈpɒpjələ(r)/ (adj): phổ biến
- Yes, it’s a popular place for people in my neighbourhood.(Vâng, đây là một nơi phổ biến cho mọi người ở
các vùng lân cận.)
4.outdoor activity /ˈaʊtdɔːr/ /ækˈtɪvɪti/ (n): hoạt động ngoài trời
- Outdoor activities are good for our health.(Hoạt động ngoài trời có lợi cho sức khỏe.)
5.go cycling /gəʊ ˈsaɪklɪŋ/ (v.phr): đạp xe
- My family often goes cycling in the countryside.(Gia đình tôi thường đạp xe ở miền quê.)
6.quiet /ˈkwaɪət/ (adj): yên tĩnh
- It’s quiet, and there’s a lot of fresh air.(Miền quê thì yên tĩnh và có nhiều không khí trong lành.)
7.interesting /ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/ (adj): thú vị
- It sounds interesting.(Nghe thật thú vị.)
8.lunchbox /ˈlʌnʧbɒks/ (n): hộp đựng đố ăn trưa
- We also bring fruit, water, and a lunchbox with us.(Chúng tôi cũng mang theo trái cây, nước và một hộp
đựng đồ ăn trưa.)
9.sunscreen /ˈsʌnskriːn/ (n): kem chống nắng
- Bring along a hat and sunscreen.
(Hãy mang theo một cái nón và kem chống nắng nhé.)
10.get sunburn /gɛt ˈsʌnbɜːn / (v.phr): bị cháy nắng
- It’s really hot and sunny at noon, so you might get sunburn.(Trời thật sự nóng và nắng vào giữa trưa, vì vậy
bạn có thể bị cháy nắng đấy.) /rʌn/ / (v): chạy bộ
- Activities like running and cycling are good for health.(Những hoạt động như chạy bộ và đạp xe tốt cho sức
12.walk /wɔːk/ (v): đi bộ
- I walk to school.(Tôi đi bộ đến trường.) breakfast /iːt ˈbrɛkfəst/ (v.phr): ăn sáng
- I rarely eat breakfast.(Tôi ít khi ăn sáng.) good / bad for health /biː gʊd / bæd fɔː hɛlθ / (v.phr): tốt/ xấu cho sức khỏe
- Outdoor activities are good for our health.(Hoạt động ngoài trời có lợi cho sức khỏe.)
be good / bad for health /biː gʊd / bæd fɔː hɛlθ /
(v.phr): tốt/ xấu cho sức khỏe- Outdoor activities are good for our health.(Hoạt động ngoài trời có lợi cho sức
15.dim light /dɪm laɪt/ (n.phr): ánh sáng mờ
- We shouldn’t read books in dim light.(Chúng ta không nên đọc sách dưới ánh sáng mờ.)
16.lip balm /lɪp bɑːm/ (n.): son dưỡng môi
- Most girls use lip balm.(Đa phần con gái đều dùng son dưỡng môi.)
17.chapped lips /ʧæpt lɪps/ (n.phr): môi bị nứt
- If you also get chapped lips, use lip balm to help with that.(Nếu bạn cũng bị nứt môi, hãy sử dụng son dưỡng
môi để khắc phục điều này.)
18.coloured vegetables /ˈkʌləd ˈvɛʤtəb(ə)lz /
/ˈkʌləd ˈvɛʤtəb(ə)lz / (n.phr): rau màu
- Please name some coloured vegetables.
(Vui lòng kể tên một số loại rau màu.)

28 spots /rɛd spɒts/
(n.phr): những đốm đỏ
- If you touch your face with your dirty hands, you face can appear red spots.
(Nếu bạn dùng tay dơ chạm lên mặt, mặt bạn có thể xuất hiện những đốm đỏ.)
20.wash your hands /wɒʃ jɔː hændz/
(v.phr): rửa tay
- Children should often wash their hands.
(Trẻ em nên thường xuyên rửa tay.)
21.tofu /ˈtəʊfuː/ (n): đậu hủ
- I like eating tofu.(Tôi thích ăn đậu hủ.)
22.brush your teeth /brʌʃ jɔː tiːθ/ (v.phr): chải răng- I brush my teeth twice a day.
(Tôi chải răng hai lần mỗi ngày.)
23.touch your face /tʌʧ jɔː feɪs/ (v.phr): chạm lên mặt
- Do not touch your face with your dỉty hands.(Không dùng tay dơ chạm lên mặt.) condition /skɪn kənˈdɪʃən/ (n): tình trạng da
- The weather may affect our skin condition.(Thời tiết có thể gây hại cho da.)
25.soft drinks /sɒft drɪŋks/ (n): nước ngọt
- Soft drinks are not good for health.(Nước ngọt không tốt cho sức khỏe.)
26.keep fit /kip fɪt/ (v.phr): giữ dáng
- Being active helps you keep fit.(Tích cực hoạt động giúp bạn giữ dáng.)
27.vitamin /ˈvɪtəmɪn/
(n): vitamin
- We need vitamin A for our eyes.(Chúng ta cần vitamin A cho đôi mắt.)
28.avoid /əˈvɔɪd/ (v): tránh khỏi
- To avoid getting sunburn, you should use suncream.(Tránh bị sạm da, bạn nên dùng kem chống nắng.)
29.affect /əˈfekt/ (v): gây hại
- Reading books in dim light can affect our eyes.(Đọc sách dưới ánh sáng mờ có thể gây hại cho mắt chúng

30.acne /ˈækni/ (n): mụn trứng cá
- Acne causes black and white pimples on the face.(Mụn trứng cá gây ra nốt mụn đầu đen và trắng trên mặt.) food /fɑːst/ /fuːd/ (n): thức ăn nhanh
- I’m addicted to fast food.(Tôi nghiện thức ăn nhanh.)
32.vegetarian /ˌvedʒəˈteəriən/ (n): người ăn chay
- Is she a vegetarian?(Cô ấy có phải người ăn chay không?.)
33.healthy /ˈhelθi/ (adj): khỏe mạnh
- Stay healthy by eating well and exercising regularly.(Giữ sức khỏe bắng cách ăn uống đầy đủ và tậo thể dục
thường xuyên.)
34.pimple /ˈpɪmpl/
(n): mụn nhọt
- Acne causes black and white pimples on the face.
(Mụn trứng cá gây ra nốt mụn đầu đen và trắng trên mặt.)
35.sports centre /spɔːts ˈsɛntə /
(n.phr): trung tâm thể thao
- My brother often spends two hours exercising at the sports centre.
(Anh trai tôi thường dành 2 giờ tập thể dục tại trung tâm thể thao.)
36.cheesecake /ˈtʃiːzkeɪk/
(n): bánh phô mát
- My mother didn’t buy my favorite cheesecake.
(Mẹ tôi không mua bánh phô mát ưa thích cho tôi.)
37.clean up / kli:n ʌp / (phr.v): dọn dẹp

- We are not cleaning up our community library.
(Chúng tôi không dọn dẹp thư viện cộng đồng.)
38.sweetened food /ˈswiːtnd fuːd/ (n): đồ ngọt
- We should avoid sweetened food.(Chúng ta nên hạn chế đồ ăn ngọt.)
39.soybean / ˈsɔɪbiːn/ (n): đậu nành
- Soybean is good for health.(Đậu nành tốt cho sức khỏe.)

40.protein /ˈprəʊtiːn/ (n): đạm
- Tofu has vegetable protein and vitamin B.(Đậu hũ chứa đạm thiên nhiên và vitamin nhóm B.)
41.fat /fæt/ (n): chất béo
- It doesn’t have any fat.(Chúng không chứa nhiều chất béo.) /ˈdaɪət/ (n): chế độ ăn uống
- The Japanese live long lives because of their diet.(Người Nhật sống lâu nhờ chế độ ăn uống hợp lý.)

44.special soap /ˈspɛʃəl səʊp/ (n.phr): xà phòng đặc biệt
- Wash your face with special soap for acne, but no more than twice a day.
(Rửa mặt bằng xà phòng dành riêng cho mụn trứng cá nhưng không quá hai lần một ngày.)
44.pop /pɒp/ (v): bóp, nặn
- Do not touch or pop spots, especially when your hands are dirty.(Đừng chạm hoặc nặn mụn khi tay dơ.)
45.cause /kɔːz/ (v): gây nên
- Acne causes small, red spots.
(Mụn trứng cá gây nên những đốm đỏ nhỏ)
46.get serious /gɛt ˈsɪərɪəs/ (v.phr): trở nên nghiêm trọng
- If it gets serious, see a doctor.( Nếu nó trở nên nghiêm trọng, hãy đến gặp bác sĩ.)
47.disease /dɪˈziːz/ (n): bệnh
- It is not a serious disease but young people want to avoid it.(Nó không phải là một bệnh đáng ngại những
người trẻ muốn tránh khỏi chúng.)
48.take care of /teɪk keər ɒv/ (v.phr): chăm sóc
- Here are some tips for taking care of skin with acne.(Dưới đây là một số mẹo giúp chăm sóc da mụn trứng
49.put on weight /pʊt ɒn weɪt/ (v.phr): lên cân
- I’m putting on weight.(Tôi đang lên cân.)
50.flu /fluː/Ư (n): cúm- I have the flu.(Tôi bị cúm.)

51.wear a mask /weər ə mɑːsk/ (v.phr): đeo khẩu trang
- We should wear a mask in public.(Chúng ta nên đeo khẩu trang ở nơi công cộng.)
52.keep your surroundings clean /kiːp jɔː səˈraʊndɪŋz kliːn/ (v.phr): giữ khu vực xung quanh sạch sẽ
- You should keep your surroundings clean to avoid viruses.(Bạn nên giữ khu vực quanh mình sạch sẽ để
tránh vi rút.)

53.harmful /ˈhɑːmfl/ (adj): có hại- Going to bed late can be harmful for health.(Ngủ trễ có hại cho sức khỏe.)
54.hard-working people /ˈhɑːdˌwɜːkɪŋ ˈpiːpl/ (n): người khỏe mạnh
- Hard-working people often stay fit.(Những người làm việc chăm chỉ thường khỏe mạnh.)
55.Physical activity /ˈfɪzɪkl ækˈtɪvəti/ (n): hoạt động thể chất
- Physical activities are good for health.(Hoạt động thể chất tốt cho sức khỏe.)
56.tidy /ˈtaɪdi/ (adj): gọn gàng
- She keeps her flat very tidy.(Cô ấy giữ căn hộ rất gọn gàng.)

57.campaign /kæmˈpeɪn/ (n): chiến dịch
- Your class is starting a campaign to make your school a healthier place.
(Trường học của bạn đang thực hiện một chiến dịch biến trường học thành một nơi sạch sẽ hơn.)
58.bad habits /bæd ˈhæbɪts/
(n.phr): thói quen xấu
- I should change my bad habits.
(Tôi nên thay đổi những thói quen xấu.)
59.1illustrate /ˈɪləstreɪt/ (v): minh họa
- Find and draw a picture to illustrate your idea.(Tìm và vẽ một bức tranh để minh họa ý tưởng của bạn.)
60.advice /ədˈvaɪs/ (n): lời khuyên
- Write a paragraph of some advice to avoid viruses.(Viết về một đoạn văn về một số lời khuyên để phòng tránh
vi rút.) oil /ˈkʊkɪŋ ɔɪl/ (n: dầu ăn
- They cook fish with little cooking oil.(Họ chiên cá với ít dầu ăn hơn.)
62.eyedrops /aɪ drɒps/ (n): thuốc nhỏ mắt
- You can use eyedrops.(Bạn có thể dùng thuốc nhỏ mắt.)

Simple Sentences (câu đơn)
Chỉ có 1 mệnh đề chính, nghĩa là có 1 chủ ngữ và 1 động từ.
Có thể chủ ngữ là 2 danh từ nối bằng 'and' hoặc có 2 động từ nối bằng 'and' nhưng vẫn là 1 câu đơn thôi.
Ví dụ:
I went to the supermarket yesterday.
Mary and Tom are playing tennis.
My brother ate a sandwich and drank beer.
I like coffee.
Mary likes tea.
The earth goes round the sun.
Mary did not go to the party.


Grammar: Simple sentences
(Ngữ pháp: Câu đơn)
1. Tick (✓) the simple sentences.
(Đánh dấu (✓) vào câu đơn.)
1. The Japanese eat a lot of tofu.
2. She drinks lemonade every morning.
3. I don’t eat fast food, and I don’t drink soft drinks.
4. I am fit.
5. I like fish, but my sister likes meat.
2. Write S if the subject is missing from the sentence and V if the verb is.
(Viết S nếu thiếu chủ ngữ trong câu và V nếu động từ.)
1. Vegetarians a lot of vegetables and fruit.
2. Causes red spots on the face.
3. On Saturday morning, my brother two hours of exercising at the sports center.
4. In the past, had a healthier diet.
5. At the moment, we our surroundings.
3. Rearrange the words and phrases to make simple sentences.
(Sắp xếp lại các từ và cụm từ để tạo thành những câu đơn.)
1. soft drinks / never / my sister / drinks /…………………………………………………..

2. affects / acne / 80% of young people /.…………………………………………………..
3. has / he / for breakfast / bread and eggs /.…………………………………………………..
4. don’t eat / we / much fast food /.…………………………………………………..
5. a lot of vitamins / fruit and vegetables / have /.…………………………………………………..
4. Write complete sentences from the prompts. You may have to change the words or add some.
(Viết các câu hoàn chỉnh từ gợi ý. Bạn có thể phải thay đổi các từ hoặc thêm một số từ.)
1. tofu / be / healthy. …………………………………………………..
2. many Vietnamese / drink / green tea. …………………………………………………..
3. she / not / use / suncream. …………………………………………………..
4. father / not / exercise / every morning. …………………………………………………..
5. most children / have / chapped lips and skin / winter. …………………………………………………..

5. Work in pairs. Discuss and write a simple sentence from the two given sentences.
(Làm việc theo nhóm. Thảo luận và viết một câu đơn từ 2 câu đã cho.)
Many people are running. (Nhiều người đang chạy.)
Many people are exercising. (Nhiều người đang tập thể dục.)
=> Many people are running and exercising.
1. We avoid sweetened food. We avoid soft drinks.
=> We avoid ______________________________ .
2. My dad loves outdoor activities. I love outdoor activities.
=> My _________________________________ love outdoor activities.
3. You should wear a hat. You should wear suncream.
=> You should wear _____________________________.
4. My mother read the health tips. My mother downloaded the health tips.
=> My mother ____________________________________________.


1. PHỤ ÂM /f/

• friend /frend/ n. bạn bè

• laugh /lɑːf/ v. cười

Nâng môi dưới lên sao cho chạm vào hàm răng trên.
Đẩy luồng hơi qua nơi tiếp xúc giữa răng trên với môi.
Khi phát âm, dây thanh không rung.
2. PHỤ ÂM /v/

• van /væn/ n. xe tải
• save /seɪv/ v. tiết kiệm

Nâng môi dưới lên sao cho chạm vào hàm răng trên.
Đẩy luồng hơi qua nơi tiếp xúc giữa răng trên với môi (ít hơi hơn so
với âm /f/).
Khi phát âm, dây thanh rung lên.

Health problems:

Toothache Sore throat Backache Stomach ache

Earache Headache Flu Fever

Cold Cough Broken leg Cut in the finger

Sunburn Allergy Spots Put on weight

Health tips: exercise Tập thể dục 2. stay in shape Giữ dáng
3. get rest Nghỉ ngơi 4. keep clean Giữ sạch sẽ
5. sleep more Ngủ nhiều hơn 6.wash hands Rửa tay
7. eat more fruit Ăn nhiều trái cây less TV Xem ít ti vi
9.avoid junk food Tránh đồ ăn vặt 10.limit the time Hạn chế thời gian
11.wear a hat Đội mũ 12.wash the face Rửa mặt
13. stay in bed Nằm nghỉ 14.have a diet Ăn kiêng aerobics Tập thể dục nhịp điệu 16.reduce weight Giảm cân
17.set the alarm Đặt đồng hồ báo thức 18.take up sports Chơi thể thao
Ex I: Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined
1. A. thousand B. thick C. month D. then
2. A. tutor B. duck C. cube D. music
3. A. tiny B. light C. continue D. blind
4. A. island B. artist C. silent D. house
5. A. healthy B. system C. easy D. ugly

Ex II: Label the pictures
put on weight sunburn broken leg fever
backache headache cough allergy

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.
Ex III: Odd one out
1. A. headache B. earache C. backache D. regular
2. A. exercise B. reduce C. problem D. limit
3. A. vegetable B. computer C. junk food D. sweet
4. A. important B. sunburn C. allergy D. cough
5. A. spots B. sore throat C. toothache D. medicine
6. A. flu B. cold C. hot D. fever
7. A. strong B. vegetarian C. healthy D. weak
8. A. vitamin B. cousin C. children D. adult
Ex IV: Add more words to each list
1. Health problems: cough, …………………………………………………………………………….
2. Health tips: eat more vegetables,………………………………………………………………..
Ex V: Choose the best answer
1. a. Backache 2. a. Stomachache
b. Earache b. Headache
c. Cough c. Toothache
d. Flu d. Earache

3. a. Allergy 4. a. Put on weight

b. Fever b. Sickness
c. Spots c. Broken leg
d. Sunburn d. Sore throat

5. a. Sunburn 6. a. Earache
b. Allergy b. Toothache
c. Cold c. Headache
d. Temperature d. Backache

7. a. Cough 8. a. Flu
b. Spots b. Sore throat
c. Broken leg c. Sunburn
d. Fever d. Stomachache

9. a. Toothache 10. a. Allergy
b. Backache b. Flu
c. Earache c. Sickness
d. Headache d. Spots

Ex VI: Match the problems with the advice

1. He has a sore throat. a. You should wear a hat.
2. Jack is tired. b. She shouldn’t eat seafood.
3. He loves computer games. c. She should eat less junk food.
4. The boy has a toothache. d. He should have a rest.
5. I get sunburn. e. He shouldn’t eat many sweets.
6. She has some spots on the face. f. He should limit the time.
7. She puts on weight. g. He shouldn’t drink cold water.
8. Jane has an allergy. h. She should keep her face clean.

Ex VII: Put the words in the correct column

dizzy, cough, headache, sick, stomachache, flu, weak, sore throat, fever, tired,
spots, backache, temperature, cold

Have a Have feel

Ex VIII: Add more words to each list

1. /f/: fresh,………………………………………………………………………………………
2. /v/: avoid, …………………………………………………………………………………….
Ex IX: Put the words in the correct column
laugh, van, wife, have, fight, leaf, fail, tough, four, save, cough, dive, far, calf,
give, knife, move, life,

/f/ /v/

Ex X: Put the words/phrases in the correct column

vegetable, rubbish, watching T.V, coffee, littering, pizza, fast food, jogging, washing clothes,
trees, public place, orange juice, taking a bath, dumping site

Food and drinks Activities Environment

Ex XI: Fill in the gap with a suitable word from Ex X
1. This c……………… too hot for me to drink.
2. Some people have a bad habit of l………………………….in public places.
3. My son is t………………………in the bathroom now.
4. My mother likes j……………………in a park near our house in the morning.
5. Pleases put the r…………………….into the rubbish bin over there, boy!
6. If you eat too much f……………………, you will put on weight.
7. Human beings should plant more t…………………to protect the environment.
8. Jenny has dirty clothes. She is w…………………… the moment.
9. Does she prefer apple juice or o……………..…….?

Ex XII: Write thing/activity in the column on the right

breakfast, watching T.V, fast food, diseases, washing clothes, wash the face,
have a rest

Key words Thing/activity

1.face, clean water, soap, hamburger, spaghetti
3. clothes, washing power, washing machine
3.T.V, sofa,
4. bed, pillow
5. headache, cough, flu, temperature
6.bread, milk, eggs, dining room

Ex XIII: Fill in the gap with a suitable word

weight activities fresh regularly
clothes allergy flu light
1. You should stay outdoors more and do more physical ………………….
2. The children shouldn’t read books or study when there is not enough…………….
3. If you want to lose ……………………., you should eat less high – fat food.
4. My mother has an ………………..when she eats crab.
5. Look! His nose is running. He has……………….
6. They should wear warm……………. to keep the body, especially their feet warm.
7. People like living in the countryside because the air is so …………..
8. I wash my face ………………….to keep it clean.
Ex XIV: Write the correct form of the word given
1. My father decided to quit …………………..many times but he wasn’t successful. SMOKE
2. Some young people have a bad habit of ………………in public places. LITTER
3. If you want to have a good ……………., you should do exercise regularly. HEALTHY
4. The ……………… my village drink fish sauce before they get down to the sea. FISH
5. The more you laugh, the ………………you are. HAPPY
6. Please wash these clothes immediately. They are so …………….DIRT
7. People in this area have a problem with ……………….OBESE
8. I hate winter because I like …………………climate. WARMTH

Ex XV: Choose the best answer
1. Does your father like …………………….photos?
A. doing B. making C taking D. having
2. The children love being …………….with the trees and flowers.
A. indoors B. outdoors C. inside D. outside
3. My father ……………………a lot of fish from the river this afternoon.
A. has B. brings C. carries D. catches
4. Nick prefers making models to ………………….wood.
A. carvingB. using C. cutting D. doing
5. What do they ………………….about making pottery?
A. have B. worry C. think D. take
6. My daughter is ………………..She can make new things easily.
A. creative B. careful C. serious D. happy
7. The man ……………up this hobby when he returned to his country.
A. added B. had C. took D. saw
8. We ……………….the rubbish and put it into the bin over there.
A. get B. collect C. use D. provide
9. Carved eggshells can be ……………….as gifts for your family and friends.
A. taken B. bought C. sold D. used
10.My mum does exercise every day to ……………fit.
A. keep B. do C. take D. turn
• Many things people put in their bodies are downright toxic. Some, such as cigarettes, alcohol
and abusive drugs, are also highly addictive, making it hard for people to give them up or avoid
• If you have a problem with one of these substances, then diet and exercise are the least of your
• While alcohol is fine in moderation for those who can tolerate it, tobacco and abusive drugs are
bad for everyone.
• But an even more common problem today is eating unhealthy, disease-promoting junk foods. If
you want to gain optimal health, you need to minimize your consumption of these foods.


I - Read the following passage about the importance of water, then choose the best answer to each of the
following questions.
Some doctors think that you should drink a glass of water each morning. You should drink this water before
doing anything else. The temperature of the water should be similar to body temperature, neither too hot nor
too cold.
Why should you drink this water? It helps clean out your kidneys. It prepares your stomach for digestion.
Water can also help your intestines work better. After drinking water, the intestines can more easily take out
nutrients from our food.
Scientists suggest that people take in 1,600 milliliters of water each day. But don’t drink all of that water in one
sitting. It’s better to drink some in the morning and some in the afternoon. Some people think it’s better to
drink between meals and not during meals. They think water dilutes the juices produced in our stomachs.
Are you drinking enough water every day? Check the color of your urine. If it is light yellow, you are probably
drinking enough. If your urine is very dark yellow, you probably need to drink more water.
(Reading Challenge 1)
1. What could be another title for this reading?
A. “Drink Water, Not Soft Drinks” B. “Drink During Meals”
C. “Drink Between Meals” D. “Drink Enough Water”
2. Why is it helpful to drink water in the morning?
A. Your kidneys will work harder. B. Your intestines will work well
C. Your juices will be diluted. D. Your urine will be pale yellow.
3. Which of the following is NOT a reason to drink water?
A. To enable your intestines work well B. To get more nutrients
C. To clean out your kidneys D. To dilute your stomach juices
4. Why is it better to drink between meals?
A. You eat enough food. B. You don’t dilute stomach juices.
C. Your urine will not smell bad. D. You don’t overwork your kidneys.
5. Why is dark-colored urine a sign to drink more water?
A. It shows our body is healthy. B. It means our kidneys are working too hard.
C. Less water makes the color darker. D. It is the same color as our digestive juices.
II - Read the passage and decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F)
Mental health refers to a person’s emotional, social, and psychological well-being. Mental health is as
important as physical health to a full, active lifestyle. It is harder to define mental health than physical health,
because, in many cases, diagnosis depends on the individual’s perception of their experience.
With improvements in testing, however, some signs of some types of mental illness are now becoming
“visible” in CT scans and genetic testing. Mental health is not only the absence of depression, anxiety, or
another disorder. It also depends on the ability to enjoy life, bounce back after difficult experiences, achieve
Physical and mental health are linked. If chronic illness affects a person’s ability to complete their regular
tasks, this may lead to depression and stress, for example, due to money problems. A mental illness such as
depression or anorexia nervosa can affect body weight and function. It is Important to approach “health” as a
whole, rather than its different types.
1. Mental health is even more important than physical health. 
2. Diagnosis of mental health depends on perception of experience. 
3. Mental illness is so complex that genetic testing cannot identify its signs. 
4. Uncompleted regular tasks may lead to depression and stress. 
5. People shouldn’t approach health by understanding its different types. 


Exerci EXERCISE 1. Listen and choose the best option to complete the sentence. (Track 03)
1. What are doctors in Britain worried about?
A. health of teenagers B. health of the older of children D. health of the doctors themselves
2. What do teenagers not eat much?
A. chips B. crisps
C. fast food D. vegetable
3. Why do teenagers not eat good food?
A. they do not like It B. it is expensive
C. it is unhealthy D. it is dirty
4. Where did fast food originate?
A. England B. Australia
C. America D. Vietnam
5. What is not one of the fast food brands?
A. McDonald’s B. Pizza Hut
C. Tom and Jerry D. Burger King
6. What is not a type of fast food?
A. hamburgers B. apples
C. fries D. sandwiches

7. Why is fast food unhealthy? does not contain salt and fat is made dirtily
C. it does not contain vitamins and minerals has too much vitamins and minerals
8. Why do teenagers need a good diet?
A. to live healthily B. to live longer live better D. all of the above are correct
Exer EXERCISE 2: Listen and decide if each statement is true or false or not given. (Track 04)
No. Statements T F NG
1. Sheila is a student.   
2. Sheila takes a bath after school.   
3. Sheila has vegetables and meat for lunch.   
4. Sheila does not like juice, but she likes mineral water.   
5. Sheila plays tennis In the afternoon.   
6. Sheila does not do any sport activities.   
7. Sheila eats many fruits.   
8. Sheila usually goes to bed after 11 p.m.   


Describe a time when you were ill.
You can use the following questions as cues:
• When were you ill?
• What were your symptoms?
• What did you do to cure it?
• How long did the illness last?
Useful languages:
Useful vocabulary Useful structures
last week, last month, 2 days ago, last year The last time I was ill was...
coughed, had a runny nose, had a headache, had a I was ill when...
sore throat ... caused me...
went to see a doctor, took medicines, stayed in I couldn’t..., so 1 had to...
bed, It’s impossible for me to...
ate a lot of fruits The doctor advised me to...
5 days, a week, until now I also had to...
Finally after...days, I felt better and...
It took me...days to recover and...
Complete the notes:
Structures of the talk Your notes
When were you ill? __________________________________________
What were your symptoms? __________________________________________
What did you do to cure it? __________________________________________
How long did the illness last? __________________________________________

Now you try!
Give your answer using the following cues. You should speak for 1-2 minutes.
1. The last time I was ill was...
2. ... caused me...
3. I couldn’t..., so I had to...
4. The doctor advised me to...
5. I also had to...
6. Finally after...days, I felt better and...
Now you tick!
Did you ...
 answer all the questions in the task?
 give some details to each main point?
 speak slowly and fluently with only some hesitation?
 use vocabulary wide enough to talk about the topic?
 use various sentence structures (simple, compound, complex) accurately?
 pronounce correctly (vowels, consonants, stress, intonation)?
Let’s compare!
Finally, compare with the sample answer on page 150.


I- Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given. You can change the cues and use other
words in addition to the cues to complete the sentences.
1. I/ usually/ put/ wet towel/ forehead/ when/ have/ fever.
→ ________________________________________________________
2. You/ should/ cycle/ or/ go/ jog/ at least/ 30/ minute/ a day/ keep fit.
→ ________________________________________________________
3. Molly/ feel/ tired/ today/ because/ couldn’t/ sleep/ last night.
→ ________________________________________________________
4. Vitamins/ be/ essential/ our/ health.
→ ________________________________________________________
5. Give up/ smoke/ right now/ protect/ your/ lungs.
→ ________________________________________________________
II - Write a shod paragraph (60 - 80 words) about things we should do to have a healthy life.
You can use the following questions as cues:
• What food should we eat?
• What outdoor activities should we take part in?
• What good habits should we have?

1.board game /bɔːd ɡeɪm / (n): trò chơi bàn cờ
I bought you a board game(Tôi đã mua cho bạn một bộ trò chơi bàn cờ .) up /miːt ʌp/ (phr.v): gặp
Can we meet up this Sunday morning?
(Chúng ta có thể gặp nhau vào sáng chủ nhật này không?) activity /kəˈmjuːnɪti ækˈtɪvɪti/ (n.phr): hoạt động cộng đồng
We will have some community activities tomorrow.(Chúng ta sẽ có nhiều hoạt động cộng đồng vào ngày
4.pick up litter /pɪk ʌp ˈliːtə/ (v.phr): nhặt rác
We pick up litter around our schoolyard.
5.donate books /dəʊˈneɪt bʊks/ (v.phr): quyên góp sách
We donate books to homeless children.(Chúng tôi quyên góp sách cho trẻ em vô gia cư.)
6.plant vegetables /plɑːnt ˈvɛʤtəb(ə)lz/ (v.phr): trồng rau
We plant vegetables in our school garden.
(Chúng tôi trồng rau trong vườn trường.)
7.fantastic /fænˈtæstɪk/ (adj): tuyệt
That’s fantastic!(Việc đó thật tuyệt!)
8.nursing home /ˈnɜːsɪŋ həʊm/ (n): viện dưỡng lão
We donate the vegetables to a nursing home.(Chúng tôi quyên góp rau cho viện dưỡng lão)
9.homeless children /ˈhəʊmlɪs ˈʧɪldrən/ (n): trẻ em vô gia cư
We donate books to homeless children.(Chúng tôi quyên góp sách cho trẻ em vô gia cư.)
10.recycle /ˌriːˈsaɪkl/ (v): tái chế
We recycle plastic bottles to plant vegetables.(Chúng tôi tái chế chai nhựa để trồng rau.)
11.playground /ˈpleɪɡraʊnd/ (n): sân chơi
We clean the playground on Sundays.(Chúng tôi dọn sân chơi vào mỗi chủ nhật.)
12.primary student /ˈpraɪməri ˈstjuːdənt/ (n): học sinh tiểu học
The club members taught maths to primary students during school holidays.
(Những thành viên trong câu lạc bộ dạy toán cho học sinh tiểu học trong suốt những ngày lễ tạ trường.)
13. old people /əʊld ˈpiːpl/ (n.phr): người già
We helped old people in the nursing home last Sunday.(Chúng tôi giúp đỡ người già ở viện dưỡng lão chủ
nhật tuần trước .)

A CLOSER LOOK 1 /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/ (v): trao đổi
Children in our village exchange used paper for notebooks every school year.(Trẻ em ở làng trao đổi giấy tập
đã dùng mỗi năm học.)
15.tutor /ˈtjuːtə(r)/ (v): dạy kèm
Minh and his friends often tutor small children in their village.(Minh và bạn anh ấy thường dạy kèm cho các
em nhỏ trong làng.)
16.water /ˈwɔːtə(r)/ (v): tưới cây
Tom and his friends water the plants in their neighbourhood every weekend.(Tom và bạn anh ấy tưới cây trong
khu phố mỗi cuối tuần.)
17.collect /kəˈlekt/
(v): thu nhặt
We collected clothes and gave them to homeless children.
(Chúng tôi thu nhặt quần áo và cho trẻ em vô gia cư.)
18.volunteer /ˌvɒlənˈtɪə(r)/ (v): tình nguyện
Teenagers volunteered to clean streets.(Thanh thiếu niên tình nguyện dọn đường.)
19.provide /prəˈvaɪd/ / (v): cung cấp
We provided food for homeless children last Tet holiday.(Chúng tôi cung cấp thức ăn cho trẻ vô gia cư hồi kỳ
nghĩ Tết vừa rồi.)

20.orphanage /ˈɔːfənɪdʒ/ (n): trại trẻ mồ côi
Green School grew vegetables for an orphanage last spring.(Green School trồng rau cho trại trẻ mồ côi mùa
xuân rồi.)
21.glove /ɡlʌv/ (n): găng tay
Our school club made gloves for old people in nursing homes last winter.
(Câu lạc bộ trường học làm găng tay cho người già tại viện dưỡng lão mùa đông năm ngoái.)
22.reuse /ˌriːˈjuːz/ (v): tái sử dụng
Please reuse your envelopes.(Vui lòng tái sử dụng những con tem của bạn.)
23.rural village /ˈrʊərəl ˈvɪlɪʤ/ (n): miền quê
I lived in the rural village when I was six.(Tôi sống ở miền quê khi tôi sáu tuổi.)
24.patient /ˈpeɪʃnt/ (n, adj): bệnh nhân
The club members cooked food for patients every Sunday.(Thành viên câu lạc bộ nấu thức ăn cho bệnh nhân
mỗi chủ nhật.)
25rubbish /ˈrʌbɪʃ/ (n): rác
Nick and his friends are picking up rubbish on the beach now.(Nick và bạn anh ấy đang nhặt rác trên bãi biển
bây giờ.)
26.thank-you cards /θæŋk-juː kɑːdz/ (n.phr): thiệp cảm ơn
Children sent thank-you cards to us a week ago.(Trẻ em gửi thiệp cảm ơn đến chúng tôi cách đây một tuần.)
27.flooded area /ˈflʌdɪd ˈeərɪə/
(n): khu vực nước ngập
We helped people in flooded areas last year.
(Chúng tôi giúp đỡ người dân trong khu vực nước ngập năm rồi.)

28mountainous area /ˈmaʊntɪnəs ˈeərɪə/ (n.phr): miền núi
We collected books and warm clothes for our friends in the mountainous areas.
(Chúng tôi đã thu nhặt sách và quần áo ấm cho những người bạn của tôi ở miền núi.)
29raise money /reiz 'mʌni/ (v.phr): ủng hộ tiền
Students make and sell podcasts to raise money for local children.
(Học sinh làm và bán chương trình âm thanh để ủng hộ trẻ em địa phương.)
30.decorate /ˈdekəreɪt/ (v): trang trí
Tom and his friends cleaned and decorated parts of their neighbourhood.(Làm vườn cũng hữu ích vì mọi
người trong gia đình có thể tham gia và làm một việc gì đó cùng nhau.)
31.street children / stri:t 'tʃɪldrən / (n.phr): trẻ em cơ nhỡ
You can teach street children to read and write.(Bạn có thể dạy trẻ em cơ nhỡ tập đọc và viết.)

32.allow someone to do something /laʊ ˈsʌmwʌn tuː duː ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ (v.phr): cho phép ai đó làm việc gì
Community service allows students to develop themselves.(Dịch vụ cộng đồng cho phép học sinh phát triển
bản thân họ.)
33.give and receive /gɪv ænd rɪˈsiːv/ (v.phr): cho và nhận
Giving means receiving.(Cho đi là nhận lại .)
34.podcast /ˈpɒdkɑːst/ (n): chương trình âm thanh
Students make and sell podcasts
(Học sinh làm và bán chương trình âm thanh để ủng hộ trẻ em địa phương.) good at /biː gʊd æt (v.phr): giỏi về
Ann is good at maths and literature.(Ann giỏi toán và văn học.)
36.nature /ˈneɪtʃə(r)/ (n): thiên nhiên

Minh loves nature.(Minh yêu thiên nhiên.)
37.programme /ˈprəʊɡræm/
(n): chương trình TV
He likes watching programmes about plants.
(Anh ấy thích xem chương trình TV về thực vật.)

38.proud /praʊd/ (adj): tự hào
They feel useful and proud because they do good things.(Họ cảm thấy hữu ích và tự hào vì họ đã làm việc tốt.)
39.grow up /grəʊ ʌp/ (phr.v): phát triền, lớn lên
It was ẹnjoyable to watch the trees grow up.
( Thật là thích thú khi nhìn cây phát triển.)
40.have fun /hæv/ /fʌn/ (v.phr): vui vẻ
We also had a lot of fun and learnt some skills.
(Chúng tôi đã vui vẻ và học hỏi một vài kỹ năng)

41sell /sel/ (v): bán
The group sold clothes and sent them to poor people in rural areas.
(Cả nhóm bán quần áo và gửi chúng cho người nghèo ở miền quê.)
42.famous /ˈfeɪməs/
(adj): nổi tiếng
Warm Clothes is a famous volunteer group in Viet Nam.
(Warm Clothes là một nhóm tình nguyện nổi tiếng ở Việt Nam.)
43.bamboo /ˌbæmˈbuː/
(n): tre
The parents taught their children to make things from bamboo and bottles.
(Ba mẹ dạy con làm ra một thứ gì đó từ tre và chai nhựa.)
44.bring /brɪŋ/ (v): mang lại
They really brought love to those small villages.(Họ thật sự mang lại tình cảm cho những vùng quê nhỏ kia.)
45.set up /sɛt ʌp/ (phr.v): thành lập
Mark set up a community library.(Mark thành lập thư viện cộng đồng.)

46.solution /səˈluːʃn/ (n): giải pháp
Think about some solutions to protect the environment.(Hãy nghĩ về một số giải pháp để bảo vệ môi trường.)
47.environmental problems /ɪnˌvaɪərənˈmɛntl/ /ˈprɒbləmz/ (n.phr): vấn đề môi trường
Think about some environmental problems in your neighbourhood.(Hãy nghĩ về một số vấn đề môi trường ở
khu vực sống của bạn.)
48.solve /sɒlv/
(v): giải quyết
What do you want to solve the problems?
(Bạn muốn làm gì để giải quyết các vấn đề?)

1. Cách dùng
- Diễn tả hành động hay sự việc đã xảy ra và kết thúc tại một thời điểm trong quá khứ.
E.g. I met her last summer. (Tôi đã gặp cô ấy vào mùa hè năm ngoái.)
- Diễn tả hành động thường làm hay quen làm trong quá khứ.
E.g. She often went swimming every day last year. (Cô ấy thường đi bơi mỗi ngày vào năm ngoái.)
2. Dạng thức của thì quá khứ đơn
a. Với động từ to be (was/ were)
Thể khẳng định Thể phủ định
I/ He/ She/ It/ was I/ He/ She/ It/ was not/
Danh từ số ít Danh từ số ít wasn’t
You/ We/ were + danh từ/ tính You/ We/ They/ were not/ + danh từ/ tính
They/ Danh từ từ Danh từ số nhiều weren’t từ
số nhiều
Examples: Examples:
1. He was tired. (Anh ấy đã rất mệt.) 1. He wasn’t at school yesterday.
2. They were in the room. (Anh ấy đã không ở trường ngày hôm qua.)
(Họ đã ở trong phòng.) 2. They weren’t in the park.
(Họ đã không ở trong công viên.)

Thể nghi vấn Câu trả lời ngắn

Was I/ He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít Yes. was.
+ danh từ/ I/ He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít
Were You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số No. wasn't.
tính từ
nhiều Yes. You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số were.
No. nhiều weren't.
1. Were they tired yesterday? (Hôm qua họ đã mệt phải không?)
=> Yes, they were./ No, they weren’t.
2. Was he at home? (Anh ấy đã ở nhà phải không?)
=> Yes, he was./ No, he wasn’t.
* Lưu ý: Khi chủ ngữ trong câu hỏi là “you” (bạn) thì câu trả lời phải dùng I (tôi) để đáp lại.
b. Với động từ thường (Verb/ V)
Thể khẳng định Thể phủ định
I/ You/ We/ They/ I/ You/ We/ They/
Danh từ số nhiều Danh từ số nhiều
He/ She/ It/ Danh + V-ed He/ She/ It/ Danh + did not/ didn’t + V (nguyên
từ số ít từ số ít mẫu)
Examples: Examples:
1. She went to school yesterday. 1. My mother didn’t buy me a new computer last year.
(Hôm qua cô ấy đã đi học.) (Năm ngoái mẹ tôi đã không mua cho tôi một chiếc máy tính
2. He worked in this bank last year. mới.)
(Năm ngoái anh ấy đã làm việc ở ngân 2. He didn’t meet me last night.
hàng này.) (Anh ấy đã không gặp tôi tối qua.)
3. Mr Nam disn’t watch TV with me.
(Ông Nam đã không xem TV với tôi.)

Thể nghi vấn Câu trả lời ngắn

Did I/ You/ We/ They/ Danh từ + V (nguyên Yes, I/ You/ We/ They/ Danh did.
số nhiều mẫu) No, từ số nhiều didn't.
He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít
1. Did she work there? (Có phải cô ấy đã làm việc ở đó không?)
Yes, she did./ No, she didn’t.
2. Did you go to Ha Noi last month? (Có phải bạn đã đi Hà Nội tháng trước không?)
Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.

Khi đặt câu hỏi có chứa Wh-word (từ để hỏi) như Who, What, When, Where, Why, Which, How, ta đặt chúng
lên đầu câu. Tuy nhiên, khi trả lời cho dạng câu hỏi này, ta không dùng Yes/ No mà cần đưa ra câu trả lời trực
Cấu trúc:

Wh- word + was/ were + S? Wh – word + did + S + V?

Examples: Examples:
1. Where were they? 1. What did Ba do at the weekend?
(Họ đã ở đâu thế?) (Ba đã làm gì vào ngày cuối tuần vậy?)
=> They were in the playground. => He studied English.
(Họ đã ở trong sân chơi.) (Anh ấy đã học Tiếng Anh.)

3. Dấu hiệu nhận biết

Trong câu ở thì quá khứ đơn thường có sự xuất hiện của các trang từ chỉ thời gian như:
- yesterday (hôm qua)
- last night/ week/ month/ … (tối qua/ tuần trước/ tháng trước/ …)
- ago (cách đây), (two hours ago: cách đây 2 giờ; two weeks ago: cách đây 2 ngày, …)
- in + thời gian trong quá khứ (e.g. in 1990)
- when: khi (trong câu kể)
4. Cách thêm –ed vào sau động từ
a. Trong câu ở thì quá khứ đơn, động từ bắt buộc phải thêm đuôi –ed. Dưới đây là các quy tắc khi thêm
đuôi – ed vào sau động từ.
Thêm –ed vào đằng sau hầu hết các động từ Examples: want – wanted want – wanted
look – looked look – looked
Động từ kết thúc bằng đuôi “e” hoặc “ee”, live – lived live – lived
chúng ta chỉ việc thêm “d” vào cuối động Examples:
từ love – loved love – loved
Đối với những động từ tận cùng là “y” play – played play – played
+ Nếu trước “y” là một nguyên âm (a, e, u,
i, o), ta thêm “ed” bình thường.
+ Nếu trước “y” là một phụ âm, ta đổi “y”
thành “i” + “ed” Examples: stay - stayed stay - stayed

enjoy - enjoyed enjoy - enjoyed

Động từ một âm tiết, tận cùng bằng một
nguyên âm + một phụ âm (trừ những từ kết stop – stopped stop – stopped
thúc bằng h, w, x, y), ta phải gấp đôi phụ
âm trước khi thêm “ed” Examples: plan – planned plan – planned
Động từ bất quy tắc:
- Là những động từ được chia ở cột 2 trong “Bảng động từ bất quy tắc” (học thuộc lòng)
V V- ed Nghĩa
go went đi
have had có
teach taught dạy
buy bought mua
drink drank uống
EX1: Cho dạng đúng của động từ ở dạng quá khứ (V2) và quá khứ phân từ (V3), dùng bảng động từ bất
quy tắc nếu cần.

V V2 V3
be (là)
bring (mang đến)
buy (mua)
cut (cắt)
do (làm)
eat (ăn)
find (tìm)
found (thành lập)
go (đi)
have (có)
keep (giữ)
lie (nằm)
lie (nói dối)
lose (mất)
make (làm)
move (di chuyển)
play (chơi)
provide (cung cấp)
put (đặt)
read (đọc)
see (nhìn)
sleep (ngủ)
spend (dành)
study (học)
take (mang đi)
think (nghĩ)
travel (du lịch)
visit (thăm)
work (làm việc)
write (viết)
EX2: Viết các câu sau ở thể khẳng định (+), thể phủ định (-), thể nghi vấn (?) ở thì quá khứ đơn.
1. (+) They decided to leave soon.
(-) ________________________________________________________________.
(?) ________________________________________________________________?
2. (+) ________________________________________________________________.
(-) There were not many homeless people here ten years ago.
(?) ________________________________________________________________?
3. (+) ________________________________________________________________.
(-) _________________________________________________________________.
(?) Did Tom’s grandfather use to be a soldier?
4. (+) My teacher started teaching here 6 years ago.
(?) _________________________________________________________________?
5. (+) Jane often went to school on foot 3 years ago.
(-) _________________________________________________________________.
(?) _________________________________________________________________?
6. (+) _________________________________________________________________.
(-) The cat didn’t want to eat yesterday.
(?) _________________________________________________________________?
7. (+) _________________________________________________________________.
(-) __________________________________________________________________.
(?) Did the train arrive late yesterday?
8. (+) _________________________________________________________________.
(-) There wasn’t anything left in the fridge.
(?) _________________________________________________________________?
EX3. Chia các động từ trong ngoặc ở thì quá khứ đơn.
1. Last week, my mother (take) _____________ me to the zoo.
2. When we (arrive) _____________ at the party, there (not be) _____________ many people there.
3. My mother (say) _____________ that she (buy) _____________ me a new dress.
4. Last summer, my father (teach) _____________ me to drive.
5. I (start) _____________ doing charity when I (be) _____________ a first year student.
6. Many rich people (donate) _____________ money for this volunteer program.
7. My friend (ring) _____________ me yesterday and (invite) _____________ me to his party.
8. What (you/ watch) _____________ on TV last night?
9. When my father (be) _____________ young, he (use to) _____________ be the most handsome boy in the
10. _____________ (you/ go) to see the concert yesterday?
11. My performance (not be) _____________ really good. I (not feel) _____________ happy about it.
12. Jim (spend) _____________ the whole day taking after his brother.
13. I (write) _____________ a letter to my foreign friend but he (not write) _____________ back.
14. _____________ (they/ be) students of our school?
15. Yesterday, I (see) _____________ Jim at a bookstore.
EX4. Gạch lỗi sai trong các câu sau rồi sửa lại cho đúng.
1. My friend and I was at the hairdresser’s yesterday.
2. My sister in law used to had long hair but now she has short hair.
3. Did your father worked in a tobacco factory before he retired?
4. Why you didn’t come to the meeting last week?
5. My best friend and I use to hated each other when we first met.
6. Was Anna be successful with her project last week?
7. Yesterday morning I readed several chapters of the book “The little prince”.
8. Last summer we involved in community service in our neighborhood, so we did go on holiday.
EX5. Hoàn thành câu với những động từ cho sẵn ở thì quá khứ đơn (thể khẳng định hoặc phủ định).
disturb put like be hold
have decide sleep stay cost
1. It was freezing outside, so I ___________ on my coat.
2. My mother was very busy yesterday, so I ___________ her.
3. Yesterday was Mary’s birthday but she ___________ a party.
4. We were exhausted, so we ___________ to leave the party early.
5. The bed was very uncomfortable. Tim ___________ well.
6. The musical wasn’t very good. I ___________ it much.
7. The restaurant wasn’t very expensive. It ___________ much to have dinner there.
8. I had to look after my little sister yesterday, so I ___________ time to call you.
9. It ___________ hard to lift the boxes. They weren’t very heavy.
10. It was raining heavily, so I ___________ in.
EX6. Sắp xếp các từ cho sẵn thành câu hoàn chỉnh.
1. many/ went/ to/ volunteer/ ,/ Last year/ the/ and/ flooded area/ free food/ people/ gave to/./
2. rebuild/ helped/ houses/ They/ trees/ also/ plant/ and/ people/./
3. people/ donated/ generous/ for/ people/ Many/ poor/ money/./
4. I/ joined/ a student/ ,/ was/ When/ charitable work/ I/ often/ in/./
5. my friends/ used to/ remoted areas/ travel/ help/ to/ to/ people there/ I/ with/./
6. mountainous/ for/ areas/ weeks/ We/ in/ stayed/ the/./
7. the chidren/ read/ there/ We/ taught/ and/ write/ to/./
8. a volunteer/ was/ a/ experience/ wonderful/ Being/./
9. I/ busy/ graduated/ was/ After/ ,/ I/ very/./
10. I/ Now/ do/ still/ charity/ my/ in/ hometown/./


Quy tắc và cách phát âm đuôi -ED
Có 3 cách phát âm đuôi -ED là: /ɪd/ , /t/ hay /d/. -ED sẽ được đọc là /t/ (vô thanh) hoặc /d/ (hữu thanh) phụ
thuộc vào âm kết thúc của động từ là âm vô thanh hay âm hữu thanh.
m vô thanh: Nghĩa là những âm mà cổ họng bạn không rung khi bạn nói. Bạn đặt tay lên cổ họng và phát âm
chữ P. Bạn sẽ nhận thấy âm này bật ra bằng hơi từ miệng mà không phải từ cổ họng.
Âm hữu thanh: Nghĩa là những âm mà khi nói, chúng ta sẽ sử dụng dây thanh quản và tạo ra âm trong cổ. Bạn
có thể đặt tay lên cổ họng và phát âm chữ L. Bạn sẽ nhận thấy cổ hơi rung rung. Đó chính là âm hữu thanh.

Quy tắc 1: -ED đọc là /ɪd/

Một động từ tận cùng bằng /t/ hay /d/ thì -ed sẽ được đọc là /ɪd/. Vì một chữ đã tận cùng là ‘t’ và ‘d’ thì chúng
ta không thể đọc là /t/ hoặc /d/ được. Bởi lẽ người nghe sẽ rất khó nhận biết. Hơn nữa khó có thể đọc 2 âm ‘t’
hoặc 2 âm ‘d’ kế bên nhau.
– Ví dụ: Wanted /ˈwɒn.tɪd/, Needed /ˈniː.dɪd/, Added /ædɪd/,…

Quy tắc 2: -ED đọc là /t/
Nếu một từ kết thúc bằng một âm vô thanh, thì -ed sẽ được đọc theo cách vô thanh. Nghĩa là chúng ta sẽ đọc
thành /t/. Cụ thể, những từ kết thúc bằng các âm: /ʧ/, /s/, /k/, /f/, /p/, /θ/, /∫/ thì -ed sẽ được đọc là /t/.
– Ví dụ: Watched /wɒtʃt/, Missed /mɪst/, Hoped /hoʊpt/, Coughed /kɔːft/, Fixed /fɪkst/,…
Quy tắc 3: -ED đọc là /d/
Nếu một từ kết thúc bằng một âm hữu thanh, thì -ed sẽ được đọc theo cách hữu thanh. Nghĩa là những âm
đuôi không thuộc quy tắc 1 và quy tắc 2 thì ta sẽ đọc là /d/.
– Ví dụ: Lived /lɪvd/, Allowed /əˈlaʊd/,…
Các trường hợp ngoại lệ về phát âm đuôi ED
Đuôi -ED trong các động từ sau khi sử dụng như tính từ sẽ được phát âm là /ɪd/. Một số từ ngoại lệ như: aged,
blessed, crooked, dogged, learned, naked, ragged, wicked, wretched.
í dụ: An aged man /ɪd/, A blessed nuisance /ɪd/, A dogged persistence /ɪd/,…
Nhưng khi sử dụng như động từ, ta áp dụng quy tắc phát âm thông thường như các quy tắc ở trên nhé.
Ví dụ: He aged quickly /d/, He blessed me /t/, They dogged him /d/, He has learned well /d/.
Lưu ý:
Một số từ kết thúc bằng -ed được dùng làm tính từ/danh từ, đuôi -ed được phát âm là /id/:
1. aged /eɪdʒid/ (a): cao tuổi, lớn tuổi
aged /eɪdʒd/ (Vpast): trở nên già, làm cho già cỗi
2. blessed /blesid/ (a): thần thánh, thiêng liêng
3. crooked /krʊkid/ (a): cong, oằn, vặn vẹo
4. dogged /dɒɡdi / (a): gan góc, gan lì, bền bỉ
5. naked /neikid/ (a): trơ trụi, trần truồng
6. learned /lɜːnid/ (a): có học thức, thông thái, uyên bác learned
/lɜːnd/ (Vpast): học
7. ragged /ræɡid / (a): rách tả tơi, bù xù
8. wicked /wikid/ (a): tinh quái, ranh mãnh, nguy hại
9. wretched /ˈretʃɪd/ (a): khốn khổ, bần cùng, tồi tệ
10. beloved /bɪˈlʌvɪd/ (a): yêu thương
11. cursed /kɜːst/ (a): tức giận, khó chịu
12. rugged /ˈrʌɡɪd/ (a): xù xì, gồ ghề
13. sacred /ˈseɪkrɪd / (a): thiêng liêng, trân trọng
14. legged /ˈleɡɪd / (a): có chân
15. hatred /ˈheɪtrɪd / (a): lòng hận thù
16. crabbed /ˈkræbid / (a): càu nhàu, gắt gỏng
Exercise 1: Say the following words out loud and the put them in the correct column according to the
sound of the adjective or regular past “ed”
amazed listened danced stopped reiterated pleased
boasted looked delighted wanted pointed packed
asked naked drained tripped shouted played
covered opened laughed wasted screamed placed

/t/ /d/ /id/

Exericse 2: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others
1. A. arrived B. believed C. received D. hoped
2. A. opened B. knocked C. played D. occurred
3. A. rubbed B. tugged C. stopped D. filled
4. A. dimmed B. travelled C. passed D. stirred
5. A. tipped B. begged C. quarrelled D. carried
6. A. tried B. obeyed C. cleaned D. asked
7. A. packed B. added C. worked D. pronounced
8. A. watched B. phoned C. referred D. followed
9. A. agreed B. succeeded C. smiled D. loved
10. A. laughed B. washed C. helped D. weighed
11. A. walked B. ended C. started D. wanted
12. A. killed B. hurried C. regretted D. planned
13. A. visited B. showed C. wondered D. studied
14. A. sacrificed B. finished C. fixed D. seized
15. A. needed B. booked C. stopped D. washed
16. A. loved B. teased C. washed D. rained
17. A. packed B. punched C. pleased D. pushed
18. A. filled B. naked C. suited D. wicked
19. A. caused B. increased C. practised D. promised
20. A. washed B. parted C. passed D. barked
21. A. killed B. cured C. crashed D. waived
22. A. imagined B. released C. rained D. followed
23. A. called B. passed C. talked D. washed
24. A. landed B. needed C. opened D. wanted
25. A. cleaned B. attended C. visited D. started
26. A. talked B. fished C. arrived D. stepped
27. A. wished B. wrapped C. laughed D. turned
28. A. considered B. rescued C. pulled D. roughed
29. A. produced B. arranged C. checked D. fixed
30. A. caused B. examined C. operated D. advised

31. A. discovered B. destroyed C. developed D. opened
32. A. repaired B. invented C. wounded D. succeeded
33. A. improved B. parked C. broadened D. encouraged
34. A. delivered B. organized C. replaced D. obeyed
35. A. painted B. provided C. protected D. equipped
36. A. tested B. marked C. presented D. founded
37. A. used B. finished C. married D. rained
38. A. allowed B. dressed C. flashed D. mixed
39. A. switched B. stayed C. believed D. cleared
40. A. recommended B. waited C. handed D. designed
41. A. annoyed B. phoned C. watched D. remembered
42. A. hurried B. decided C. planned D. wondered
43. A. posted B. added C. managed D. arrested
44. A. dreamed B. neglected C. denied D. admired
45. A. admitted B. advanced C. appointed D. competed
46. A. announced B. apologized C. answered D. argued
47. A. complained B. applied C. compared D. polished
48. A. booked B. watched C. jogged D. developed
49. A. contributed B. jumped C. introduced D. vanished
50. A. whispered B. wandered C. sympathized D. sentenced
51. A. worked B. wanted C. stopped D. asked
52. A. opened B. knocked C. played D. occurred
53. A. talked B. watched C. lived D. stopped
54. A. covered B. installed C. described D. decorated
55. A. claimed B. warned C. occurred D. existed
56. A. carried B. looked C. managed D. opened
57. A. pleased B. smoked C. stopped D. missed
58. A. waited B. mended C. objected D. faced
59. A. pleased B. erased C. increased D. amused
60. A. arrived B. believed C. received D. hoped
Ex I: Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined
1. A. carrot B. candy C. patience D. cook
2. A. keep B. know C. knife D. knight

3. A. watch B. chemistry C. change D. children
4. A. healthy B. weather C. together D. these
5. A. invite B. find C. mind D. chin
6. A. luck B. trumpet C. curious D. hug
7. A. rubbish B. huge C. mug D. sum
8. A. horror B. actor C. lorry D. mirror
9. A. recycle B. elderly C. daily D. dizzy
10. 10.A. kangaroo B. goose C. choose D. flood
Ex II: Choose the phrases that match the pictures below
Homeless people Clean the streets Plant trees Disabled people
Volunteer work Elderly people Flooded area Donate blood

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

Ex III: Put the words in the right groups

environment, benefit, provide, activity, donate, homeless, encourage, charitable, protect,
community, project, problem, disabled, traffic, organization, public, program, wonderful

Noun Verb Adjective

Ex V: Match
1.plant a. the health
2.recycle b. clothes and money
3.improve c. relatives and friends
4.clean d. rubbish
5.collect e. old and weak people
6.donate f. trees g. the streets
8.visit h. old bottles
Ex VI: Add more words to each list
1. Recycle: glass,……………………………………………………………………………….
2. Donate: money,…………………………………………………………………………….
3. Collect: stamps,…………………………………………………………………………….
4. Help: elderly people,……………………………………………………………………..
5. Visit: grandparents,……………………………………………………………………….
6. Clean: the house,…………………………………………………………………………..
Ex VII: Complete the sentence with the correct form of the word provided
1. We have just seen an ………………….……film. INTEREST
2. George looks ………………….because he has a bad mark. HAPPY
3. Does he enjoy………………….stamps? COLLECT
4. …………………people have no home to stay in. HOME
5. He is a volunteer because he is willing to help other people without…………………….PAY
6. My idol is a famous …………………….in the world. ACT
7. Be ……..…………! The dishes are going to fall. CARE
Ex VIII: Choose one word that has different word form from others
1. A. environment B. protect C. encourage D. donate
2. A. rubbish B. litter C. recycle D. garbage
3. A. benefit B. service C. program D. provide
4. A. community B. charitable C. project D. service
5. A. clothes B. money C. donate D. medicine
6. A. amazing B. organization C. individual D. member
7. A. careful B. transport C. homeless D. disabled
Ex IX: Fill in the gaps with the words in the box
project flooded offer donating
transport homeless reduce areas
1. We are helping people in …………………areas in Vietnam.
2. What can the government do to …………………..traffic jam in big cities?
3. The government can encourage people to use more public………..……….to reduce traffic jams.
4. How about ………..books and clothes to the children in remote areas?
5. Our class started a community …………..….… Hanoi last year.
6. The group plant more trees in public ………..…..where the whole neighborhood can enjoy them.
7. Last week my friends and I cooked a meal at a shelter for ………..………youths and families.
8. Some young people …………………. meals at 15,000 VND for the poor people in their province.
Ex X: Make a sentence with the given word
1. Donate
2. Recycle
3. Plant
4. Clean
5. Encourage
6. Help
Ex XI: Choose the best answer
1. Community service is the work you do for the ……………..of the community.
A. problems B. solutions C. benefits D. causes
2. I’m a member of a …………………..that helps street children.
A. organization B. show C. talk D. programme
3. I’m sure that the project will ………………..a big difference.
A. make B. have C. do D. take
4. It is a non-profit organization that ………………..the environment.
A. provides B. protects C. helps D. supports
5. My classmates and I have ……………..books and old clothes for street children.
A. used B. had C. collected D. carried
6. There are many activities that individuals or organizations …………… benefit the community.
A. do B. have C. take D. make
7. The young people love doing volunteer………………… the countryside.
A. task B. job C. work D. responsibility
8. My brother sometimes …………………blood at a local hospital.
A. raises B. provides C. helps D. donates
9. Traditional volunteer activities include ………………money for people in need.
A. raising B. helping C. making D. borrowing
10.She loves ……………………postcards and selling them in the market.
A. having B. giving C. cutting D. making
• Community service is a non-paying job performed by one person or a group of people for the
benefit of their community or its institutions. Community service is different from volunteering,
since it is not always performed on a voluntary basis.
• Community service is a non-paying job performed by one person or a group of people for the
benefit of their community or its institutions.
• It may be performed for a variety of reasons like citizenship requirements, a substitution of
criminal justice punishments, requirements of a school or class, and requirements for the receipt of
certain benefits.
I - Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.
Cameron Oliver had a passion for the welfare of desert animals. He received the Abu Dhabi Award as a
com¬munity hero for his contributions to society. However, the biggest reason for his fame may be that he was
very small. He was only 11 years old when he began his own campaign to save camels from eating plastic. “I
found out that camels are eating rubbish people leave behind and it’s killing them,” says the South African boy.
“I love animals, so when I saw how the camels were dying, I thought I had to do something and make a
difference to save them.”
He was very excited about receiving this award. He said, “My life changed after I received the award, because it
opened a lot of doors for me. Many people contacted and helped me promote my campaign.”
(ESL Printables)
1. What did Cameron Oliver start when he was 11 years old?
A. the Abu Dhabi Award B. being a community hero
C. a campaign to save camels D. a camel farm
2. In line 2, what does the word “contributions” mean?
A. changes in something that make it worse
B. awards that somebody gets
C. things that are added to something else
D. actions that help to cause or increase something
3. The main reason why Cameron Oliver became famous was that_________.
A. he was very intelligent B. he was very young
C. he was very handsome D. he was very friendly
4. According to the text, the main goal of his campaign is to_________.
A. protect camels from eating plastics
B. keep the desert clean
C. create a camel farm
D. protect the environment
5. How did Cameron’s life change after he received the award?
A. He became rich.
B. He did not have to open doors anymore.
C. He was known by more people.
D. He did not have to go to school.
II - Read the passage and decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F).
Community service is when you work for free to help benefit the public or your community. Usually, students
who choose to do community service do so as volunteers, meaning that they choose to help out because they
want to do so. Community service can have a lot of positive effects on students, such as helping them to
develop skills, making contacts, and allowing them to improve the quality of life of others.
You probably know some students In your school who choose to volunteer their free time through community
service. There are many ways that you can do this, such as joining a non-profit organization, working with a
church group, or you can choose a cause and create your own service project.
Volunteer work can range from the relatively simple, like helping coach the football team at your old junior
high, to the much more complex, like starting a non-profit that helps homeless people in your area.
1. Students often do community service as volunteers. 
2. Community service allows them to improve the quality of life of others. 
3. No students choose to volunteer their free time through community service. 
4. Joining a non-profit organization is the only way to do community service. 
5. There are many types of volunteer work, both simple and complex ones. 
Exercise 1: Listen and complete the text. (Track 05)
Volunteering provides many (1) ............................ to both mental and (2) ............................ health.
Volunteering combats (3) ............................ . Volunteering keeps you in regular contact with others and helps you
develop a solid support system, which (4) ............................ you against depression.
Volunteering makes you happy. By measuring hormones and (5) ............................ activity, researchers have
discovered that being (6) ............................ to others delivers immense pleasure. Human beings are hard-wired to
give to others. The more we give, the happier we feel.
Volunteering increases (7)......................... . You are doing good things for others and the community, which
provides a natural sense ofaccomplishment. Your (8) ............................ as a volunteer can also give you a sense of (9)
............................ and identity. And the better you feel about yourself, the more likely you are to have a (10)
............................ view of your life and future goals.
Exercise 2: Listen and complete the sentences with no more than 3 words. (Track 06)
1. The shop is called “Tinh Thuong ............................”
2. If you do volunteer work at Tinh Thuong Charity, you can meet ............................ and have ............................
3. Tinh Thuong Charity has more than 10,000 ............................
4. Tinh Thuong Charity has 500 ............................
5. Tinh Thuong Charity fund is to help ............................ and ............................ children and young people.
6. Some volunteers do their volunteer work ............................ hours a week, some do ............................ hours a week.
7. One of the volunteer work at Tinh Thuong Charity is to ask and answer the phone for ............................ questions.
8. As a volunteer of Tinh Thuong Charity, you can improve your ............................ skills such as problem solving
ability, and customer service skill.
Think about a problem in your city/ the city nearby. Then talk about volunteer activities that you can do
to help solve the problem.
You can use the following questions as cues:
• What is the problem?
• What are the effects of the problem?
• What volunteer activities can you do to solve the problem?
Useful languages:
Useful vocabulary Useful structures
• so much litter on streets, uneducated children, too • There is so much...on/at...
many cars on the road, heavy floods • This is a...because...
• pollute the environment, affect their development, • the cause of...
traffic jams, destroyed houses • ...can encourage..., so it also affects...
• clean up streets and recycle rubbish, donate books • To deal with it, I want to...
and tutor children, direct the traffic, raise money to • I deal with it.
build houses for homeless people • I can also ask
• I
Complete the notes:
Structures of the talk Your notes
What is the problem? __________________________________________
What are the effects of the problem? __________________________________________
What volunteer activities can you do to __________________________________________
solve the problem? __________________________________________
Now you try!
Give your answer using the following cues. You should speak for 1-2 minutes.
1. There is so much...on/at...
2. This is a...because...
3. ...can encourage..., so it also affects...
4. To deal with it, I want to...
5. I can also ask
Now you tick!
Did you ...
 answer all the questions in the task?
 give some details to each main point?
 speak slowly and fluently with only some hesitation?
 use vocabulary wide enough to talk about the topic?
 use various sentence structures (simple, compound, complex) accurately?
 pronounce correctly (vowels, consonants, stress, intonation)?
Let’s compare!
Finally, compare with the sample answer on page 164.
I- Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given. You can change the cues and use other
words in addition to the cues to complete the sentences.
1. We/ take/ part/ a clean-up campaign/ last week.
→ ________________________________________________________
2. We/ removed/ litter/ public areas/ such as/ streets/ parks.
→ ________________________________________________________
3. We/ also/ planted/ many/ tree/ along the roads/ the city.
→ ________________________________________________________
4. This/ volunteer activity/ help/ keep the environment/ safe/ clean/ healthy.
→ ________________________________________________________
5. I/ like/ do/ this activity/ because/ it/ give/ me/ a chance/ contribute/ the community.
→ ________________________________________________________

II - Write a short paragraph (60-80 words) to talk about the volunteer activity you took part in.
You can use the following questions as cues:
* What volunteer activity did you take part in?
* How did you do it?
* What are the benefits of it?







1.listening to music /ˈlɪsnɪŋ tuː ˈmjuːzɪk/ (v.phr): nghe nhạc
I'm listening to music.(Tôi đang nghe nhạc.)
2.classical music /ˈklæsɪkəl ˈmjuːzɪk/ (n): nhạc cổ điển
I like classical music.(Tôi thích nhạc cổ điển) the piano /pleɪ/ /ðə/ /pɪˈænəʊ/ (v.phr): chơi đàn piano
I often play the piano in my spare time.(Tôi thường chơi đàn piano trong lúc rảnh rỗi.) musical instruments /pleɪ ˈmjuːzɪkəl ˈɪnstrʊmənts/ chơi nhạc cụ
Wow. I can't play musical instruments.(Ôi, tôi không thể chơi nhạc cụ.)
5.taking photos /ˈteɪkɪŋ ˈfəʊtəʊz/ (v.phr): chụp hình
I like painting and taking photos.(Tôi thích vẽ và chụp hình.)
6.different from /ˈdɪfrənt frɒm (adj.phr): khác nhau
They seem quite different from each other(Chúng dường như khá khác nhau.)
7.landscapes /ˈlænskeɪps/ (n): phong cảnh
Landscapes and animals, just for pleasure, you know.(Phong cảnh và động vật chỉ để vui bạn biết không.) gallery /ˈɑːt ˌɡæl.ər.i/ (n.phr): triễn lãm nghệ thuật
Um, maybe we should go to an art gallery next weekend?
(Lẽ ra chúng ta nên đi triễn lãm nghệ thuật vào tuần tới?.)
9.paintbrush /ˈpeɪntbrʌʃ/ (n): cọ vẽ
We use the paintbrush to paint the picture.(Chúng tôi sử dụng cọ sơn để sơn bức tranh.)
10.talented /ˈtæləntɪd/ (adj): tài năng
My friend David is very talented.(Bạn của tôi David rất tài năng.)
11.artistic /ɑːˈtɪstɪk/ (adj): nghệ thuật
How artistic are you?(Bạn có tài nghệ nào?)
12.playing computer games /ˈpleɪɪŋ kəmˈpjuːtə geɪmz/ (v.phr): chơi trò chơi điện tử
My hobby is playing computer games.(Sở thích của tôi là chơi trò chơi điện tử.)
13playing sports /ˈpleɪɪŋ spɔːts/ (v.phr): chơi thể thao
Do you like listening to music or playing sports?(Bạn thích nghe nhạc hay chơi thể thao?.) fair / bʊk feə/ (n.phr): hội chợ sách
I prefer going to a book fair.(Tôi thích đi hội chợ sách hơn.)
15.hard-working /ˌhɑːd ˈwɜːkɪŋ/ (adj): siêng năng
I describe myself as hard-working.(Tôi là một người siêng năng.)
16.creative /kriˈeɪtɪv/ (adj): sáng tạo
I describe myself as creative.(Tôi là một người sáng tạo.)
17.musician /mjuˈzɪʃn/ (n): nhạc sĩ
I want to be a musician when I grow up.(Tôi muốn trở thành nhạc sĩ khi tôi lớn lên.) /ˌendʒɪˈnɪə(r)/ (n): kỹ sư
I want to be an engineer when I grow up.(Tôi muốn trở thành kỹ sư khi tôi lớn lên.)

19.concert hall /ˈkɒnsə(ː)t hɔːl/ (n): phòng hòa nhạc
She goes to the concert hall every Sunday.(Cô ấy đến phòng hòa nhạc mỗi chủ nhật.)
20.actress /ˈæktrəs/ (n): nữ diễn viên
I want to be an actress when I grow up.(Tôi muốn trở thành một nữ diễn viên khi tôi lớn lên.)
21.composer /kəmˈpəʊzə(r)/ (n): nhà soạn nhạc
She wants to be a famous composer when she grows up.(Cô ấy muốn trở thành một nhà soạn nhạc nổi tiếng
khi cô ấy lớn lên.)
22orchestra /ˈɔːkɪstrə/ (n): dàn nhạc
The orchestra will perform its final concert of the season tomorrow.(Dàn nhạc sẽ biểu diễn buổi hòa nhạc cuối
cùng vào ngày mai.)

58 /fəˈtɒɡrəfi/ (n): nghề chụp ảnh
Her hobbies include hiking and photography.(Sở thích của cô ấy bao gồm đi bộ đường dài và chụp ảnh)
24.share /ʃeə(r)/ (v): chia sẻ
Let’s share the picture we took last week.(Cùng nhau chia sẻ bức tranh mà chúng ta chụp vào tuần trước nào.)
25visual /ˈvɪʒuəl/ (adj): nhìn thấy
I have a very good visual memory.(Tôi có một trí nhớ về hình ảnh rất tốt.)
26.come to a decision /kʌm tuː ə dɪˈsɪʒən/ (v.phr): đưa ra quyết định
We finally came to a decision.(Chúng tôi cuối cùng đã đưa ra quyết định.)
27.perform /pəˈfɔːm/ (v): biểu diễn
It was a pleasure to listen to the musicians performing yesterday.(Thật là vinh dự khi được nghe nhạc sĩ biểu
diễn hôm qua.)
28.portrait /ˈpɔːtreɪt/ (n): chân dung
I like your portrait.(Tôi thích ảnh chân dung của bạn.)
29.scientist /ˈsaɪəntɪst/ (n): nhà khoa học
She is a talented scientist.(Cô ấy là một nhà khoa học tài ba.)
30.poet /ˈpəʊɪt/ (n): nhà thơ
He was also a painter and a poet.(Anh ta còn là họa sĩ và nhà thơ.)
31.exciting /ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ/ (adj): sôi nổi
Classical music is not as exciting as rock.(Nhạc cổ điển thì không mấy sôi nổi bằng nhạc rock.)
32.folk music / fəʊk 'mju:zɪk / (n.phr): nhạc dân gian
You like folk music, don’t you?(Bạn thích nhạc dân gian đúng không?.)
33.pop music /pɒp ˈmjuːzɪk/ (n): nhạc pop
I like pop music.(Tôi thích nhạc pop.) music / 'kʌntri 'mju:zɪk / (n): nhạc đồng quê
It is not like country music.(Nó không giống như nhạc đồng quê.) of art /wɜːks ɒv ɑːt/ (n.phr): tác phẩm nghệ thuật
The Vatican Museum has excellent works of art.(Viện bảo tàng Vatican có những tác phẩm nghệ thuật xuất
36.relaxing /rɪˈlæksɪŋ/ (adj): thư giãn
A vacation on the beach is relaxing, while a vacation in a big city may not be.(Kỳ nghỉ trên biển thì thư giãn
trong khi kỳ nghỉ ở các thành phố lớn thì không như thế.)
37.peaceful /ˈpiːsfl/ (adj): yên bình
City life is busy, but country life is peaceful.(Cuộc sống thành thị thì bận rộn nhưng cuộc sống nông thôn thì
yên bình.)
38.friendly /ˈfrendli/ (adj): thân thiện
He is very friendly.(Anh ấy rất thân thiện.)
39.comedy /ˈkɒmədi/ (n): phim hài
I think action films are more interesting than comedies.(Tôi nghĩ phim hành động thì thú vị hơn phim hài.) contest /ˈmjuːzɪk ˈkɒntɛst/ (n.phr): cuộc thi âm nhạc
This year's music contest is different from last year's. .
(Cuộc thi âm nhạc năm nay thì khác với cuộc thi năm ngoái.)
41.character /ˈkærəktə(r)/ (n): nhân vật
The characters in the film are not the same as the ones in the play.
(Những nhân vật trong phim thì không giống nhân vật trong vở kịch.)

42. opera /ˈɒprə/ (n): nhạc kịch
I do not quite like opera.(Tôi không mấy thích nhạc kịch.)
43.beat /biːt/ (n): nhịp
I prefer folk music. It has a better beat.(Tôi thích nhạc dân gian hơn. Nó có nhịp hay hơn.)
44.compulsory /kəmˈpʌlsəri/ (adj): bắt buộc

Music and dancing are compulsory.( Âm nhạc và nhảy là môn bắt buộc.)
45.choir /ˈkwaɪə(r)/ (n): hợp xướng
The school even has a choir, and they perform every month.(Trường học cũng có hợp xướng và họ biểu diễn
hàng tháng.)
47.water puppetry /ˈwɔːtə ˈpʌpɪtri/ (n.phr): múa rối nước
Where in Viet Nam did water puppetry originate?(Múa rối nước đã bắt nguồn ở đâu?.) form /ɑːt fɔːm/ (n.phr): loại hình nghệ thuật
Is water puppetry a traditional Vietnamese art form?
(Múa rối nước có phải là loại hình nghệ thuật truyền thống của Việt Nam hay không?)
49.rice farming /raɪs ˈfɑːmɪŋ/ (n.phr): trồng lúa
The show was about rice farming and a festival in a village.(Chương trình nói về việc trồng lúa và một lễ hội ở
làng quê)

50.street painting /striːt ˈpeɪntɪŋ/ (n): nghệ thuật vẽ đường phố
What do you know about street painting?(Bạn biết gì về nghệ thuật vẽ đường phố?)
51.make a complaint /meɪk ə kəmˈpleɪnt/ (v.phr): phàn nàn
This letter is to make a complaint.(Lá thư này là để phàn nàn.)
52.artist /ˈɑːtɪst/ (n): họa sĩ
I love being an artist.(Tôi thích làm một họa sĩ.)
53.exhibition /ˌeksɪˈbɪʃn/ (n): triễn lãm
Have you seen the Picasso exhibition?(Bạn đã xem triễn lãm của Picasso chưa?) collections /ɑːt kəˈlɛkʃənz/ (n): bộ sưu tập nghệ thuật
The museum displays 35,000 art collections.(Bảo tàng trưng bày hơn 35,000 bộ sưu tập nghệ thuật.)
55.visitor /ˈvɪzɪtə(r)/ (n): khách du lịch
About 25,000 visitors come to see it per day.(Khoảng 25,000 khách du lịch đến xem mỗi ngày.) the cello /pleɪ ðə ˈʧɛləʊ/ (v.phr): chơi đàn cello
He likes playing the cello.(Anh ấy thích chơi đàn cello.)

PROJECT /ˈtʃærəti/ (n): từ thiện
All money will go to charity to help poor children.(Toàn bộ tiền sẽ được dùng làm tiền từ thiện để giúp đỡ trẻ
em nghèo.)
58.musical performance /ˈmjuːzɪkəl pəˈfɔːməns/ (n.phr): buổi biểu diễn âm
I like to talk about a musical performance at school.(Tôi muốn bàn bề một buổi biểu diễn âm nhạc tại

1.So sánh sự giống nhau: “as…as”, “the same as” (giống như)
Cách sử dụng like, as
- like để chỉ sự vật này giống với sự vật khác, theo sau luôn phải là 1 danh từ hoặc 1 đại từ (me, this,…)
- as + tính từ + as để chỉ hai sự vậ tương tự nhau
trúc câu so sánh ngang bằng được dùng để so sánh 2 người, vật, … có tính chất gì đó tương đương nhau.
Cấu trúc S + to be + as + adj + as + noun/ S + V + the same + noun + as + noun/
pronoun/ clause. pronoun.
Ghi chú S: chủ ngữ, adj: tính từ, noun: danh từ, pronoun: đại từ, clause: mệnh đề.
Ví dụ 1. Folk music is as melodic as pop 1. She is the same height as me.
music. (Cô ấy có chiều cao như tôi.)
2. She has the same book as me.
(Nhạc dân gian thì du dương như là (Cô ấy có cuốn sách giống tôi.)
nhạc pop.)
2. My paiting is as expensive as hers.
(Bức họa của tôi thì đắt bằng bức họa
của cô ấy.)
3. This camera is as good as it was
(Cái máy ảnh này vẫn tốt như ngày nào.)

1. Write like, as, or different in the gaps.
(Điền like, as hoặc different vào chỗ trống.)
1. This camera is not as expensive _______I thought at first.
2. Her room is lovely. It is _______a princess's room.
3. You like folk songs; I like pop music. Your taste is _______ from mine.
4. My dad is not always as busy _______my mum.
5. Some of us think that Spiderman 2 is not too_______ from Spiderman 1.

2. Finish the second sentence in each pair, using like, as... as, or different from.
(Hoàn thành câu thứ hai trong mỗi cặp câu, sử dụng like, as... as, hoặc different from.)
1. Rock is very exciting. It is not like country music.
(Rock là rất thú vị. Nó không giống như nhạc đồng quê.)
2. Composer Hoang Long wrote many good songs for children. Composer Pham Tuyen also wrote many good
songs for children.
=> Composer Hoang Long _______ Pham Tuyen, wrote many good songs for children.
3. The Vatican Museum has excellent works of art. The Louvre Museum has excellent works of art too.
=> The Vatican Museum's works of art are _______ excellent _______ the Louvre Museum's works of art.
4. A vacation on the beach is relaxing, while a vacation in a big city may not be.
=> A vacation on the beach is _______ a vacation in a big city.
5. City life is busy, but country life is peaceful.
=> City life is not _______ peaceful ________ country life.
- Cấu trúc câu so sánh không ngang bằng được dùng để so sánh 2 người, vật, … khác nhau ở một mặt nào
Cấu trúc S + to be + not + so/as + adj + as + noun/ S+ to be + different from + noun/ pronoun.
pronoun/ clause.
Ví dụ 1. Black and white movies are not as 1. Life in the city is different from life in the
interesting as colour movies. countryside.
(Những bộ phim đen trắng thì không hấp (Cuộc sống trong thành phố khác cuộc sống ở
dẫn bằng những bộ phim màu.) vùng quê.)
2. My hometown is not as noisy as yours. 2. His house is different from my house.
(Quê tôi không ồn ào như quê bạn.) (Ngôi nhà của anh ấy khác ngôi nhà của tôi.)
3. She is not as famous as she was before.
(Cô ấy không còn nổi tiếng như trước
Lưu ý Ở cấu trúc “not as…as”, ta có thể thay
thế “as” đầu tiên bằng “so”.
EX1. Hoàn thành các câu dưới đây, sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh “as…as” và tính từ trong ngoặc.
1. I am not ___________________ you. (tall)
2. This book is not ___________________ that one. (interesting)
3. This summer is ___________________ last summer. (hot)

4. Yesterday is was ___________________ today. (sunny)
5. I think my essay is ___________________ yours. (good)
6. My dog isn’t ___________________ it appears to be. (fierce)
7. Children nowadays are not ___________________ they used to be. (active)
8. Watching movie is not ___________________ reading books. (entertaining)
9. Jane is ___________________ as a doll. (pretty)
10. Cats are not ___________________ dogs. (friendly)
11. My brother said that going abroad was not ___________________ he thought. (amusing)
12. She didn’t want to be late, so she run ___________________ she could. (fast)
13. Please call me ___________________ possible. (soon)
14. Sleeping on the sofa is not ___________________ in bed. (comfortable)
15. This hotel is ___________________ the one near the beach but it is much better. (expensive)
16. My grandmother is ___________________ fairy godmother. (warm-hearted)
17. Do you think learning Japanese is ___________________ learning English? (difficult)
18. This musician is not ___________________ that one. (popular)
19. Ann looks ___________________ princess in her new dress. (gorgeous)
20. The river isn’t ___________________ it looks. (deep)
EX2. Dùng cấu trúc so sánh “different from” để hoàn thành những câu dưới đây.
1. My house is small and old. Your house is spacious and modern.
=> My house is ____________________________________________________.
2. My mother’s favourite food is noodle. My favourite food is rice.
=> My mother’s favourite food ________________________________________.
3. My best friend has a powerful personality. I have a weak personality.
=> My best friend’s personality ________________________________________.
4. Life in the countryside is quiet and peaceful. Life in the city is exciting.
=> _______________________________________________________________.
5. Lan’s school is Hai Ba Trung School. Hue goes to Nguyen Hue School.
=> _______________________________________________________________.
6. My hobby is collecting stamps. My brother’s hobby is playing the piano.
=> _______________________________________________________________.
7. My answer for this equation is “4” but Tom thinks it should be “5”.
=> _______________________________________________________________.
8. My sister’s hair is long and wavy. My hair is short and straight.
=> _______________________________________________________________.
EX3. Hoàn thành các câu dưới đây, sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh “the same….as” và danh từ trong ngoặc.
1. My sister has ___________________ me. (height)
2. Jim pursues ___________________ Jane. (hobby)
3. My best friend is at ___________________ me. (age)
4. My friends went to see ___________________ me. (movie)
5. This musician plays ___________________ me. (musical instrument)
6. Critics say that this paiter has ___________________ with that one. (style)
7. My brother is interested in ___________________ me. (subject)
8. This class has ___________________ that one. (number of students)
9. Anne bought ___________________ me yesterday. (dress)
10. She cut her hair ___________________ mine. (length)
11. My best friend likes ___________________ my brother. (books)
12. I bought my car at ___________________ hers. (price).
13. My mother likes ___________________ me. (TV programs)
14. He had ___________________ a famous actor. (appearance)
15. He puts on ___________________ usual. (old coat)
EX4. Gạch chân lỗi sai trong các câu sau và viết lại câu đúng.
1. My boyfriend is as strong like a horse.

2. This exercise isn’t hard as I thought.
3. Life in foreign countries is different life in home country.
4. My parents share the same hobby as.
5. His cat isn’t the same pretty as mine.
6. This art museum is definitely different as the historical museum.
7. Roses don’t have the same fragrance like lotuses.
8. My essay is as length as yours.
9. This island isn’t as beautiful than those I have visited.
10. My mother is different appearacne from me.
EX5. Sắp xếp những từ cho sẵn thành câu hoàn chỉnh.
1. difficult/ as/ Playing/ is/ piano/ guitar/ playing/ as/./
2. horse/ run/ a/ Can/ fast/ as/ a/ as/ train/?/
3. try/ as/ can/ you/ hard/ as/ should/ You.
4. Tom’s/ totally/ is/ from/ My/ writing style/ different/./
5. car/ same/ runs/ the/ speed/ at/ His/ mine/ as/./
6. I/ went/ My/ school/ friend/ same/ the/ best/ and/ to/./
7. good/ This/ fridge/ modern/ isn’t/ as/ my/ one/ as/ old/./
8. Spending time/ isn’t/ with/ as/ computer/ as/ friends/ entertaining/ on/ spending time/./


1. PHỤ ÂM /ʃ/

* shirt /ʃɜːt/ n. (áo sơ mi)

* flash /flæʃ/ n. (tia chớp)

Khi phát âm, dây thanh không rung

2. PHỤ ÂM /ʒ/

* television /ˈtelɪvɪʒn/ n. (ti
* massage /ˈmæsɑːʒ/ v. (mát

Khi phát âm, dây thanh rung lên

I - Put the following words in the correct columns.
share usual action leisure vision Asia
national musician measure wish television competition

/ʃ/ /ʒ/

II - Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently.
Eg.: A. ensure B. closet C. noise D. season
1. A. essential B. condition C. fantastic D. station
2. A. machine B. children C. kitchen D. chair
3. A. measure B. occasion C. musical D. usual
4. A. leisure B. sure C. pleasure D. closure
5. A. musician B. special C. exciting D. ocean
6. A. nation B. education C. creative D. air-conditioner
7. A. closure B. sugar C. vision D. leisure
8. A. inconvenient B. country C. barbecue D. delicious
9. A. character B. schedule C. machine D. school
10. A. decorate B. calendar C. educate D. musician
III - Underline the words with the sounds /ʃ/, and circle the words with the sounds /ʒ/. Then read the
E.g.: I’ve never seen her worried or anxious in any way.
1. Car exhaust is the main reason for the city’s pollution.
2. It is a great pleasure to welcome you all here this evening.
3. We met on several occasions to discuss the issue.
4. We have a clear view of the ocean from our hotel window.
5. He was too shy to ask her to dance with him.

VOCABULARY IN Music and arts:

Portrait Museum Camera Painting Musical


Paintbrush Crayon Microphone Art gallery Music room


Painter Artist Singer Actress

Musician Dancer songwriter puppet

Ex I: Label the picture

song writer, actress, singer, painting, museum, portrait, painter,
musical instruments

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

Ex II: Complete the sentence with words in Ex I

1. I love this ………………….because she has a beautiful voice.
2. This ……..………….displays a lot old objects and pictures in the previous century.
3. My brother is a talent. He can play so many ……………………..
4. Look at that………………………! It’s one of the most famous artworks by Picasso.
5. My father is a ………………………He’s got about 100 songs in his career.
6. The ……………… so hard to complete the tasks before May.
7. My daughter has a dream of becoming a well-known …………..….. in the future.
8. He enjoys drawing his father’s ……………………in the afternoon.
Ex III: Choose the best answer
1. a. driver 2. a. musician
b. artist b. dancer
c. song writer c. singer
d. musician d. artist

3. a. singer 4. a. paintbrush
b. painter b. paper
c. worker c. doll
d. dancer d. puppet

5. a. classroom 6. a. museum
b. IT room b. art gallery
c. music room c. market
d. library d. post office

7. a. camera 8. a. mop
b. television b. umbrella
c. headphone c. paintbrush
d. remote control d. comb

Ex IV: Write a word below each picture

Piano Guitar Saxophone Violin
Flute Drum Trumpet cello

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.
Ex V: Match a teacher
2.take b. the piano
3.make c. the housework
4.draw d. a song art lesson
6.write f. a portrait
7.have g. a photo h. the bed
Ex VI: Put the word in the correct column
decision, rubbish, pressure, television, usually, sheep, version, luxury, action, special,
patient, mission, Asian, garage, fashion, shout

/ ʃ/ / ʒ/

Ex VII: Choose a word that has a different sound in the part underlined
1. A. decide B. musician C. painting D. cinema
2. A. favorite B. crayon C. gallery D. paper
3. A. excellent B. museum C. lemon D. television
4. A. parents B. care C. fair D. opera
5. A. saxophone B. ocean C. portrait D. piano
6. A. chop B. machine C. change D. choose
Ex VIII: Odd one out
1. A. singer B. trumpet C. painter D. artist
2. A. occasion B. drum C. flute D. saxophone
3. A. guitar B. piano C. cello D. portrait
4. A. clown B. paintbrush C. microphone D. camera
5. A. theatre B. cinema C. performance D. museum
6. A. exciting B. excellent C. dedicated D. opera

Ex IX: Fill in the gap with a suitable word given in the box
Guitar Festival Concert Exhibition
Artist Gallery Camera Performance

1. We are going to the ……………………… listen to our idol’s latest music hits.
2. I have learnt to play the ……………….for about 2 months and now I can perform well in front of a large
3. Can you adjust the lens of the ………………..? I want to take a photo of the field over there.
4. The music ………………..this year is as good as it was two years ago.
5. Let’s go to the art ……………… see our favorite paintings now.
6. This is the best ……………………I have ever seen.
7. That ………………………has old paintings by different artists in the world.
8. Do you know any famous………………………in the concert tonight?
Ex X: Solve the crossword puzzle

5 6


1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Ex XI: Write the correct form of the word given

1. Do they like eating ………………… TRADITION
2. We suggest ………………….a show to raise money for our poor children. ORGANIZE
3. My ………………….sister loves reading comics books. YOUNG
4. The …………………is very anxious about the next performance on the stage. MUSIC
5. Mary doesn’t like …………………films and neither does him. HORRIBLE
6. The small boy is interested in …………………….robots. DRAW
7. The story is about rice farming, ………………………and Vietnamese village festivals. FISH
8. Picasso received artistic ………………….from his father. TRAIN
9. The comedy show last night was a great ……………….SUCCESSFUL
10.It is a …………………… watch his musical performance. PLEASED
Ex XII: Choose the best answer
1. Can you pass me the ………………..? I want to paint a picture.
A. micro phone B. camera C. paintbrush D. crayon
2. We are going to the ………………….this afternoon to see an interesting film.
A. theatre B. cinema C. museum D. supermarket
3. Bui Xuan Phai is an artists ………………for his paintings of the old Ha Noi streets.
A. careful B. crazy C. famous D. prepared
4. I rarely listen to rock music because I can’t ……………….the words they sing.
A. understand B. know C. make D. see
5. Have you ever ………………in that music festival?
A. joined B. had C. listened D. participated
6. There have been so many ………………….in my hometown since I was ten years old.
A. benefits B. changes C. stories D. programs
7. Can you ……………….me how to operate this machine?
A. show B. help C. take D. give
8. People now can enjoy many different …………………..of food in the city center.
A. ways B. forms C. things D. kinds
9. Some students who are good at music and arts actually do better in more academic …………….
A. programs B. projects C. subjects D. jobs
10…………………is your favorite Vietnamese musician?
A. What B. Who C. When D. Why

• Listening to music can be entertaining and some research suggests that it might even make you

• Music can be a source of pleasure and contentment, but there are many other psychological
benefits as well.
• The notion that music can influence your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors probably does not come
as much of a surprise.
• If you’ve ever felt pumped up while listening to your favorite fast-paced rock anthem or been
moved to tears by a tender live performance, then you easily understand the power of music to
impact moods and even inspire action.
I - Read the following passage and do the tasks below.
Much of the music we listen to today is a mixture of styles from various countries and time periods. A lot of music
has roots in older traditional songs heard in many different countries around the world. Traditional, or folk music
is collected over decades. Younger generations learn these songs from their elders through practice and repetition.
Many people fear that traditional and older types of music are slowly disappearing, partly because they are less
likely to be written down or recorded. Also, younger generations may not find such music very appealing, so
once older generations pass away, the music may die out with them. Whole genres of music may go extinct.
Nowadays, there is a growing effort to preserve music in its many forms. Some researchers create field recordings
to capture live performances, others try to write out the music so that it can be studied and played by modem
(Active skills for reading 2)
Part 1: Find the words in bold which mean:
1. the origins of something or someone____________.
2. interesting or attractive____________
3. type or style of music, art, or literature____________
4. to make sure that something is kept____________
5. to record in order to preserve it____________
Part 2: Decide whether the statements below are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).
1. Traditional music is collected over many years. 
2. Young people can’t learn traditional music because no one teaches them. 
3. Younger generations are less likely to care about traditional songs and music than older 
generations. 
4. The purpose of writing out music is to pass it down to modern musicians. 
II - Read the passage and choose the best option to answer each of the following questions.
Insomnia is a serious problem that affects people of all age groups. While there are many approaches to treating
this problem as well as other common sleep disorders, research has demonstrated that listening to relaxing
classical music can be a safe, effective, and affordable remedy.
In a study looking at college students, participants listened to classical music, an audio book, or nothing at all.
One group listened to 45 minutes of relaxing classical music while another group listened to an audiobook at
bedtime for three weeks. Researchers assessed sleep quality both before and after the intervention.
The study found that participants who had listened to music had significantly better sleep quality than those who
had listened to the audiobook or received no intervention.
Since music is an effective treatment for sleeping problems, it could be used as an easy and safe strategy for
treating insomnia.
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Ways to listen to music B. Points in time to listen to music
C. Benefits of music D. Music and insomnia
2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a benefit of music remedy?
A. safe B. flexible C. effective D. affordable
3. The purpose of the study looking at college students is to understand________ .
A. students’ hobby of music B. classical music and students
C. music at bedtime D. effects of music on sleep quality
4. Who did the study find to have significantly better sleep quality?
A. researchers B. participants who listened to music
C. participants who listened to audiobook D. participants with no intervention
5. What does the word “it” refer to?
A. music B. treatment C. problem D. strategy


Exercise 1: Listen and complete the text. (Track 07)
Michael Jackson was born on August 29, 1958. He was born in Gary, Indiana, an industrial (1) ........................
of Chicago. He was and is known as the “(2) ........................ of pop”. He was an American musician. He started
a solo career in 1971. His 1982 album (3) ........................ remains the (4) ........................ album of all times. He
popularized dance moves, such as the robot and the (5) ........................ He was very successful in his music career.
He won 13 (6) ........................ He earned millions of dollars and donated them to (7) ........................ In the 1980’s
Michael’s (8) ........................ started to change because of a disease called vitiligo, and that was a (9)
........................ for everyone. He got married twice, first in 1994 with Lisa Marie Presley, Elvis Presley’s (10)
........................ and again in 1996 with Deborah Jeanne Rowe, a dermatology nurse. Michael had three (11)
........................ He died in 2009, it is said that an overdose of the (12) ........................ Demerol was the cause of
his death but it is not confirmed.

Exercise 2: Listen and decide if each statement is true or false or not given. (Track 08)
No. Statements N
1. Dina Paucar is a famous singer and she comes from Peru.   
2. Dina Paucar did not get married, but she adopted two kids.   
3. In addition to singing, Dina Paucar writes songs.   
4. Dina Paucar has worked in 10 concerts.   
5. Dina Paucar works on television in her free time.   
6. Although Dma Paucar is not so rich, she stills helps poor people.   
7. Every year, 1000 sick children are helped by Dina Paucar.   
8. Dina isconsidered as the symbol of the generosity and success.   


Talk about your favourite kind of music.
You can use the following questions as cues:
• What kind of music do you like?
• When and how often do you listen to it?
• Why do you like it?
Useful languages:
Useful vocabulary Useful structures
• country music, folk music, Jazz, pop music • I am very fond of...
• when I’m sad, before going to bed, when I have • I like...very much
free time, when I’m tired • I listen to..., but...
• amazing lyrics and catchy beats, calm down and • I listen to it when...
sleep better, express myself, be happy and more • I often listen to it in...
comfortable • Listening to...helps me...because...
• It makes me...
• I feel...when listening to...
Complete the notes:
Structures of the talk Your notes
What kind of music do you like? __________________________________________
When and how often do you listen to it? __________________________________________
Why do you like it? __________________________________________
Now you try!
Give your answer using the following cues. You should speak for 1-2 minutes.
1. I am very fond of...
2. I listen to..., but...
3. I listen to it when...
4. Listening to...helps me...because...
5. It makes me...
Now you tick!
Did you ...
 answer all the questions in the task?
 give some details to each main point?
 speak slowly and fluently with only some hesitation?
 use vocabulary wide enough to talk about the topic?
 use various sentence structures (simple, compound, complex) accurately?
 pronounce correctly (vowels, consonants, stress, intonation)?
Let’s compare!
Finally, compare with the sample answer


I- Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given. You can change the cues and use other
words in addition to the cues to complete the sentences.
1. I/ very/ happy/ hear/ that/ you/ be/ Viet Nam/ again.
→ ________________________________________________________
2. I/ want/ invite/ you/ see/ an exhibition/ modern sculptures.
→ ________________________________________________________
3. Be/ Sunday morning/ suitable/ you?
→ ________________________________________________________
4. The exhibition/ begin/ 9 a.m./ so/ let’s meet/ 8.45 a.m./ outside the Arts Centre.
→ ________________________________________________________
5. I/ hope/ we/ have/ a happy time/ there.
→ ________________________________________________________
II - Write a letter of invitation (60-80 words) to one of your friends.
You can use the following questions as cues:
• What event do you want to invite your friend to?
• Where does the event take place?
• When does the event start?
• When is the best time for you and your friend to meet?
Getting Started
1.tofu / 'təʊfu / (n) đậu phụ
2.noodles / 'nudlz / (n) mì, mì sợi
3.warm / wɔːm / (v) hâm nóng tea / ,ɡrin 'ti / (n) chè xanh
5.turmeric / 'tɜːmərɪk / (n) củ nghệ
6.beef / bif / (n) thịt bò
7.soup / sup / (n) súp, canh, cháo
8.shrimp / ʃrɪmp / (n) con tôm
9.omelette / 'ɒmlət, 'ɒmlɪt / (n) trứng tráng
10.sweet soup / swit sup / (n) chè
11.eel / il / (n) con lươn
12.bitter / 'bɪtə / (adj) đắng
13.delicious / dɪˈlɪʃəs / (adj) ngon, thơm ngon
14.tasty / 'teɪsti / (adj) đầy hương vị, ngon
15.sweet / swit / (adj) ngọt
16.salty / 'sɔːlti / (adj) mặn, có nhiều muối
17.spicy / 'spaɪsi / (adj) cay, nồng
18.fragrant / 'freɪɡrənt / (adj) thơm, thơm phức
19.sour / saʊər / (adj) chua
A Closer Look 1
20.pour / pɔː / (v) rót, đổ
21.fold / fəʊld / (n) gấp, gập
22.beat / bit / (v) khuấy trộn, đánh trộn
23.serve / sɜːv / múc/ xới/ (v) gắp ra để ăn
24.salt / 'sɔːlt / (n) muối
25.pepper / 'pepər / (n) hạt tiêu
26.flour / flaʊə / (n) bột
27.pancake / 'pænkeɪk / (n) bánh kếp
28.spring rolls / sprɪŋ rəʊlz / (n) nem rán
29.pork / pɔːk / (n) thịt lợn
30.sandwich / 'sænwɪdʒ / (n) bánh xăng-đúych
31.sauce / sɔːs / (n) nước xốt
32. slice / slaɪs / (n) miếng mỏng, lát mỏng
33.sausage / 'sɒsɪdʒ / (n) xúc xích
34.tuna / 'tjunə / (n) cá ngừ
Skills 1
35.broth / brɒθ / (n) nước xuýt
36.recipe / 'resɪpi / (n) công thức làm món ăn

A. Cách dùng Some/Many/Any/A Few/ A Little/ A Lot Of/ Lots Of trong tiếng Anh
1. Cách dùng Some
Some là một từ định lượng rất phổ biến và được sử dung rộng rãi trong Tiếng Anh, có 3 điểm cần nhớ về cách
sử dụng từ định lượng này như sau:
 Dùng trong câu khẳng định
 Đứng trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều và danh từ không đếm được
 Some cũng được dùng trong câu hỏi
1. I have some friends
2. Can you give me some flowers?
3. Where can I find some water?
Lưu ý:
Some không được dùng để mô tả cả một hệ thống hoặc một nhóm lớn sự vật hiện tượng, ví dụ với câu sau:

We need to rebuild the house and get rid the old furniture.
Babbies is the most vulnerable thing in the world.

Có thể sử dụng some trước số từ cụ thể để thể hiện nghĩa “gần bằng”. Lúc này, some sẽ được phát âm là /sʌm/.
Ví dụ: Some fifty percent of all students disagree with the new rules. (=Approciatemately 50% students...)
2. Cách dùng Any
Ngược lại với Some, Any thường được dùng với nghĩa phủ định, không chắc chăn. Cách sử dụng của từ định
lượng này như sau:
 Dùng trong câu phủ định và câu hỏi
 Đứng trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều và danh từ không đếm được
 Thường được sử dụng trong các trường hợp mà tình hình không rõ ràng.
VD: There aren’t any books in the shel
Lưu ý: Any rất hay đi sau giới từ "before" hoặc trong câu so sánh.
Ví dụ:
 She is the most beautiful person than anything I have met in the world.
 Get ready for trouble before anything happens.
3. Cách dùng Many
Khác với Some và Any có thể dùng cho cả danh từ đếm được không đếm được, Many có cách sử dụng đặc biệt
hơn, như sau:
 Thường dùng trong câu hỏi và câu phủ định, câu khẳng định được dùng ít hơn
 Đi với danh từ đếm được số nhiều
 Ngoài ra, trong các trường hợp nghiêm túc, đặc biệt trong văn viết học thuật, người ta sẽ ưu tiên sử
dụng many (of).
 Do you have many cars?
 There is a rumor that she have many ex-es.
 Many peolple argued that this new policy is not suitable at this time.
4. Cách dùng A lot of/ lots of
Một cặp từ chỉ định lượng quan trọng trong Tiếng Anh khác mà bạn cần nắm được là A lot of và lots of.
 Được dùng trong câu khẳng đinh và câu nghi vấn
 Đi với danh từ không đếm được và danh từ đếm được số nhiều
 Thường mang nghĩa “informal”
Hãy chú ý đến chính tả, không ít người mắc phải lỗi viết sai với 2 từ đơn giản này, ví dụ như A lots of hay Lot
of đều là những từ được viết sai.
 We spent a lot of money on online shoping in commercial platforms.
 Should students do lots of homework?
5. Cách dùng A few
Có 1 điều bạn cần nhớ rằng : A few là 1 từ định lượng thể hiện nghĩa tích cực, ít những vẫn đủ. Nắm được điều
này sẽ giúp bạn sử dụng chính xác trong giao tiếp cũng như thi cử. 2 cách sử dụng chính của A few là:
 Dùng trong câu khẳng định
 Dùng với danh từ đếm được số nhiều
 She enjoys her life here. She has a few friends and they meet quite often.
-> (Cô ấy thích cuộc sống ở đây. Cô ấy có một vài người bạn và họ gặp nhau rất thường xuyên). Ở đây a few
friends nói đến số lượng người bạn mà cô ấy có là một vài người chứ không phải ám chỉ cô ấy có ít bạn.
6. Cách dùng A little
2 cách sử dụng của A little là:
 Dùng trong câu khẳng định
 Đi với danh từ không đếm được
A little giống với a few là
 Have you got any money? - Yes, a little. Do you want to borrow some? (Bạn có tiền không? Có, một ít.
Anh có muốn vay không?)
 A little ở đây hàm ý là có không nhiều nhưng đủ cho anh muợn một ít.

B. Bài tập Some/Many/Any/A Few/ A Little/ A Lot Of/ Lots Of
Bài tập 1: Hoàn thành những câu sau với “some” hoặc “any”
1. We didn’t buy …………flowers.
2. This evening I’m going out with ………….friends of mine.
3. “Have you seen ………..good films recently?” – “No, I haven’t been to the cinema for ages”.
4. I didn’t have ……………money, so I had to borrow………..
5. Can I have ………milk in my coffee, please?
6. I was too tired to do………work.
Bài tập 2: Hoàn thành câu với “much, many, few, a few, little, a little”
1. He isn’t very popular. He has ………..friends.
2. Ann is very busy these days. She has ……… time.
3. Did you take …………….photographs when you were on holiday?
4. The museum was very crowded. There were too………..people.
5. Most of the town is modern. There are …………..old buildings.
6. We must be quick. We have………..time.
7. Listen carefully, I’m going to give you ……….advice.
8. Do you mind if I ask you……….questions?
9. This town is not a very interesting place to visit, so …….tourists come here.
10. I don’t think Jill would be a good teacher. She’s got …………..patience.
11. “Would you like milk in your coffee?” – “yes, please. ………….”
12. This is a very boring place to live. There’s ………….to do.
1. Bài tập 1: Chọn từ thích hợp nhất
2. There are (a few /a little) tigers at the zoo.
3. Let’s talk to Jane. She has (few/ a few) friends.
4. I have very (little/ a little) time for hanging out with my friends because of the final exam.
5. We should try to save (a little/ a few) electricity this month.
6. (A few/ A little) students passed the exam because it was very difficult
Bài tập 2: Chọn từ thích hợp điền vào chỗ trống: few, a few, little, a little, many, much, many of, much of
1. There wasn’t ……………. snow last night.
2. ……………the students in my class enjoy taking part in social activities.
3. He’s always busy. He has ………… time to relax.
4. She put so ………… salt in the soup that she couldn’t have it. It was too salty.
5. He made too ………….. mistakes in his writing.
6. How ………….. students are there in your class?
7. I feel sorry for her. She has ……………. friends.
8. I spent …………… my spare time gardening last year.
9. He doesn’t have so ………….. friends as I think.

10. There was so …………… traffic that it took me an hour to get home.
11. Learning a language needs ………….. patience.
12. …………… the shops in the city center close at 5.30.
13. We had a boring holiday. …………………….the time we lay on the beach.
14. With only………… hope, Harry didn’t know how to keep going another day.
15. How …………. money have you got?
16. There was very ………….. food at the party but I didn’t eat anything.
17. I think……………. you are very tired after your long journey.
18. We didn’t take …………… photographs when we were on holiday
19. Bài tập 3: Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống few, a few, little, a little
20. I have _______good friends. I’m not lonely.
21. There are ___________people she really trusts. It’s a bit sad.
22. Julie gave us __________apples from her garden. Shall we share them?
23. There are ________women politicians in the UK. Many people think there should be more.
24. Do you need information on English grammar? I have_____books on the topic if you would like to
borrow them.
25. He has ____education. He can’t read or write, and he can hardly count.
26. We’ve got ____time at the weekend. Would you like to meet?
27. She has ____self-confidence. She has a lot of trouble talking to new people
28. There’s ____spaghetti left in the cupboard. Shall we eat it tonight?
29. We have only___ time to finish all of the reports by tomorrow.
30. Since taking office last year, the government has made____ changes in employment policy that
concerns the public.
31. Oh no, we just have ____ flour left, not enough for a cake.
32. I enjoy my life here. I have ___ friends and we meet quite often.
33. We have ____ knowledge of market analysis.
34. The government has done ___ or nothing to help the poorest people in this country
35. ___ cities anywhere in Europe can match the cultural richness of Berlin.
36. Last month was a good month for the company. We found ___ new customers and also increased our
37. Unfortunately, ___ of the companies which we sent offers to showed intersest in our products.
38. I had___ problems with the printer in the office, but it’s been fixed now.
39. As so___ members has turned up at the meeting, it was decided to postpone it until further notice.
40. We have to spend up – there is very___ time to finish the project. The deadline is next Wednesday.
41. I strongly recommend investing in these shares because you will get a very good return after only ___
42. At the moment we are experiencing some cash flow problems because ___ money is coming in.
43. There is ___ extra added to your salary because you will benefit from the inner city allowance.
44. The postman doesn’t often come here. We receive ______ letters.
45. The snow was getting quite deep. I had ______ hope of getting home that night.
46. A: I’m having ______ trouble fixing this shelf -> B: Oh, dear. Can I help you?
47. I shall be away for _____ days from tomorrow.
48. Tony is a keen golfer, but unfortunately he has ______ ability.
49.I could speak ______ words of Swedish, but I wasn’t very fluent.
Bài tập 4: Khoanh vào đáp án thích hợp nhất trong các câu dưới đây
1.Look at these lovely little fish/ fishes.
2. My parents bought a lot of furniture/ furnitures for our new house.
3. Physics/ physic is one of my favourite subject.
4. I’d like to travel abroad to broaden my knowledge/ knowledges.
5. These umbrella/ umbrellas will be very useful for this picnic.
6. There are a lot of green tree/ trees in the garden.

7. We haven’t got much rice/ rices left.
8. We’ve got a lot of milk/ milks.


1. How many?
Chức năng Dùng để hỏi vè số lượng của một danh từ đếm được.
Cấu trúc How many + danh từ đếm được dạng số nhiều (+ are there) ?
 There is/ there are + từ chỉ số lượng
How many + danh từ đếm được đạng số nhiều (+ trợ động từ + S+ V) ?
 S+ V + từ chỉ số lượng
Ví dụ How many eggs? ( có bao nhiêu quả trứng)
 there is one. ( có một)
How many days are there in January ? ( Tháng một có bao nhiêu ngày?)
 There are 31 days. ( có 31 ngày.)
How many tomatoes do we have?
( chúng ta có bao nhiêu quả cà chua? )
 we have 5 tomatoes. ( chúng tôi có 5 quả cà chua. )

2. How much?
Chức năng Dùng để hỏi về số lương của một danh từ không đếm được
Cấu trúc How much + danh từ không đếm được dạng số nhiều ( + is there) ?
 There is/ are + từ chỉ số lượng.
( Động từ to be chia là “is” hay “ are” tùy thuộc vào danh từ đứng đằng sau
How much+ danh từ không đếm được dạng số nhiều (+ trợ động từ + S+ V) ?
 S + V + từ chỉ số lượng.
Ví dụ How much money is there in the wallet? ( Có bao nhiêu tiền ở trong ví? )
 There is $ 200 ( có 200 đô)
How much bread is there ? ( có bao nhiêu bánh mì ở đó?)
 There are two loaves ( có 2 ổ)
How much rice does she need? ( cô ấy cần bao nhiêu gạo)
 she need five kilos ( cô ấy cần 5 cân)
BÀI 1: Điền “ how much/ how many” vào chỗ trống sao cho thích hợp.
1. _____________people are there in the meeting room?
2. _____________bread do you have?
3. _____________Countries are there in the world?
4. _____________ time do we have ?
5. _____________fish did you catch?
6. _____________cakes you are going to make?
7. _____________flour do we need to make this cake?
8. _____________players are there in a football team?
9. _____________pocket money did your father give you?
10. _____________siblings does Jane have?
11. _____________water is in this bottle?
12. _____________lemonade did they buy for the party?
13. _____________salt will you add into the soup?
14. _____________mice has your cat caught?
15. _____________sheep are there in the farm?
16. _____________milk do you have for breakfast?
17. _____________cats are there in this pet shop?

18. _____________ information about him did you get?
19. _____________ comic books have you collected?
20. _____________men are there in the room?
Bài 2: Dựa vào những từ cho sẵn, hãy viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh.
1. How much/ sugar/ we/ buy/ yesterday ?
2. How many/ kid/you/ have?
3. How much/ time/ you/ usually / spend on/ your homework?
4. How many/ sheet/ of blank paper/ you / have/ now?
5. How many/ table/ there/ in your classroom?
6. How much/ money/ you/ borow/ him/ last week?
7. How much/ rice/ there/ in your kitchen?
8. How much / fruit/ you/ buy/ tomorrrow ?
9. How much/ water/ there/ in a swimming pool?
10. How many/ teaspoon/ of sugar/ we/ need?
Bài 3: Nối câu hỏi ở cột A với câu trả lời ở cột B sao cho thích hợp.
1. How many sailor are there? a. I only need one sheet of it
2. How much peper will you buy? b. About haft an hour.
3. how much paper do you need? c. I have five.
4. how many types of fish are there in the d. two cubes.
5. how much time will it take to do your e. There are twenty –one people.
6. How many schools are there in your f. only one school.
7. how much sugar is there in your coffee? g. There are about eleven types.
8. how many spoons do you have? h. I will buy two bags of it.
1-_________ 2 -_________ 3 -_________ 4-_________
5. -_________ 6. -_________ 7. -_________ 8 -________
Bài 4: Dựa vào những câu trả lời cho sẵn , viết câu hỏi với “how much/ how many”.
1. __________________________________________________________
This book has one hundred pages.
2. __________________________________________________________
I will spend an hour on my project .
3. __________________________________________________________
There is one egg in the refrigerator.
4. __________________________________________________________
Tim read two books yesterday.
5. __________________________________________________________
There are only two waiters in the restaurant.
6. __________________________________________________________

I need two litres of milk , please.
7. __________________________________________________________
Kate has received two birthday presents.
8. . __________________________________________________________
Our family has one dog.


1. PHỤ ÂM /ɒ/

* mop /mɒp/ n. (chổi lau

* hot /hɒt/ adj. (nóng)

Hạ hàm dưới xuống, môi tròn thư giãn

Đầu lưỡi hạ xuống
Đẩy hơi ra. Dây thanh rung lên
Âm /ɒ/ là nguyên âm ngắn, bạn phải phát âm nhanh và gọn
2. PHỤ ÂM /ɔ:/
* fork /fɔ:k/ n. (đĩa)
* pork /pɔːk/ n. (thịt lợn)

Hạ quai hàm, môi rất tròn

Đầu lưỡi hạ xuống
Đẩy hơi ra. Dây thanh rung lên
Âm /ɔ:/ là nguyên âm dài, bạn sẽ phải kéo dài âm ra


I - Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently.
E.g.: A. omelette B. cold C. folder D. roll
1. A. obesity B. broth C. compose D. photo
2. A. robot B. slot C. concentrate D. opera
3. A. slaughter B. audience C. haunt D. aunt
4. A. shortage B. perform C. forgive D. horn
5. A. smog B. explosion C. metro D. slogan
6.A. show B. open C. clothes D. cloth

7.A. clock B. hole C. shock D. plot
8.A. floppy B. shovel C. glove D. love
9.A. hot B. hobby C. slope D. top
10. A. coal B. roar C. float D. load
11. A. volunteer B. documentary C. hydro D. flop
12. A. phone B. canon C. home D. stone
13. A. compass B. sofa C. poem D. overseas
14. A. comedy B. apricot C. workshop D. judo
15. A. move B. convenient C. microwave D. conditioner
II - Put the words given in the box to the correct column according to the pronunciation of the underlined
locate love poverty automated money
explosion flop prohibitive company metro
gridlocked consist hover slogan recognise
other control fossil hydro become

/ɒ/ /ʌ/ /ə/ /əʊ/

E.g.: poverty /ˈpɒvəti/

III - Put the words given in the box to the correct row according to the pronunciation of the underlined
organise warm poverty salt block
shock support concentrate goggle water



bread Cheese Rice Butter

Honey Jam Sausage Meat

Chicken Pork Beef Fish

Pizza Sandwich Soup Cookies

Turmeric Shrimp Crab Squid

Egg Chips Hamburger Chocolate


Coffee Tea Water Milk

coke Beer Orange juice lemonade

Adjectives :
1.Bitter Đắng 2.sweet Ngọt
3.sour Chua 4.salty Mặn
5.spicy Cay 6.tasty Ngon miệng
7.delicious Ngon 8.fragrant thơm

1.heat Hâm nóng 2.pour Đổ, rót
3.beat Đập 4.fold Gập
5.stir Đảo 6.steam Hầm, ninh
7. squeeze Ép 8.mix Trộn
9.chop Chặt 10.cut Cắt
11.fry Rán 12.grill Nướng
13. serve Phục vụ 14. add Thêm vào

Ex I: Choose a word that has a different sound in the part underlined

1. A. sweet B. beef C. cheese D. coffee
2. A. bored B. color C. short D. sport
3. A. uniform B. tutor C. fur D. music
4. A. salt B. pancake C. sandwich D. handmade
5. A. lemonade B. tasty C. vegetable D. paper
6. A. heat B. fear C. meat D. lean
7. A. fry B. windy C. salty D. spicy
8. A. chop B. top C. hop D. movie
9. A. banana B. fragrant C. apple D. tuna
10. A. drink B. stir C. milk D. grill

Ex II: Put the words in the correct column

horse, august, ball, water, autumn, daughter, born, walk
coffee, holiday, chocolate, lock, want, office, often, watch, forgot

/ɒ/ /ɔː/

Ex III: Match the picture with the word
sausage lemonade chocolate orange juice chicken crab
soup butter pork shrimp coffee cheese

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.

Ex IV: Circle the best answer

1. a. hamburger 7. a. eggs
b. pizza b. lemon
c. cookies c. cookies
d. hot dogs d. chips

2. a. water 8. a. salad
b. milk b. soup
c. coffee c. ice cream
d. beer d. jam

3. a. banana 9. a. sandwich
b. apple b. sausage
c. orange c. butter
d. pear d. beef

4. a. water 10. a. fish

b. milk b. shrimp
c. tea c. crab
d. wine d. quid

5. a. yoghurt 11. a. pizza

b. chocolate b. rice
c. jam c. soup
d. honey d. fish

6. a. beer 12. a. bread
b. lemonade b. sandwich
c. orange juice c. hamburger
d. water d. cookies

Ex V: Odd one out

1. A. beef B. pork C. chicken D. lemonade
2. A. orange juice B. milk C. eel soup D. coffee
3. A. green tea B. noodle C. chocolate D. sandwich
4. A. shrimp B. butter C. crab D. squid
5. A. pizza B. bread C. turmeric D. hamburger
Ex VI: Put the word in the correct column
noodles, tofu, lemonade, meat, milk, shrimp, beef, green tea, egg, bread, orange juice,
vegetable, soup, mineral water, apple, pork, coffee

Food Drinks

Ex VII: Complete the instructions with the verbs in the box

stir beat fold mix
boil pour fry heat

1…………..the rice so 2…………….water in 3……..…..the food in 4………………the milk

that it gets the right heat. the bottler into a glass the bowl so that it is warm

5……………the 6……………….the 7………………the 8…………….the egg to

vegetable using hot egg so that it breaks shrimp in a pan make it smaller
water in a pot
Ex VIII: Match the phrases in column A with the nouns in column B
1.a loaf a. of chocolate
2.a packet b. meat
3.a bottle c. of bread
4.a tin d. of soup
5.a carton e. of water
6.a slice of f. of cigarettes
7.a bar g. of milk

8.a bowl h. of tuna

Ex IX: Put the word in the correct column

A slice of, noodle, sugar, a loaf of, hamburger, pepper, a carton of, a tin of,
garlic, flour, soup, fried chicken, a bowl of, vinegar, salt, spaghetti

Dishes Ingredients Measurement phrases

Ex X: Add more words to each list

1. Food: vegetable,……………………………………………………………………………
2. Drinks: water,………………………………………………………………………………..
Ex XI: Fill in the gap with a suitable word given in the box
mix water pour tea
cartons dishes glass chocolate

1. Among many special ……………….of Vietnam, my foreign friend likes beef noodle the best.
2. First, …………………..the egg into the pan and cook for about three minutes.
3. You can …………………the meat with vegetables and a little pepper.
4. He gave me a bar of …….………………on Valentine’s Day.
5. There is orange juice, lemonade, milk, mineral………………., coffee and tea. Which kind of drinks do
you prefer?
6. How many …………………..of milk do you want to buy, mother?
7. I make him a …………….of lemonade because he feels so hot today.
8. This morning, I didn’t have a cup of …………………as usual.
Ex XII: Choose the correct form of the word provided
1. I can’t eat this dish. It is too ……………………SALT
2. Put the ………….…………into the pan and cook it for about half an hour. MIX
3. The mother has to ………………….the milk because it’s cold. HOT
4. Her father is a …………………….He can play many musical instruments very well. MUSIC
5. We all love our …………………….food of instant noodles for our breakfast in the morning.
6. A funny man or woman in a film is a ……………………COMEDY
7. Why does he look so …………………….? SADNESS
8. In order to perform ……………., you have to practice a lot. SUCCESS
Ex XIII: Solve the crossword puzzle

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

1 9

Ex XIV: Write the correct form of the word given
1. The person who writes poems is called a ………………..POEM
2. My hobbies are taking photos and ……………………..old stamps. COLLECT
3. She doesn’t want to share her …………………problems with anybody. PERSON
4. Paintings and …………………..not the same. They are quite different. DRAW
5. Is he a famous ………………… your country? COMPOSE
6. To perform ………………………., the children have to practice the play many times. SUCCESSFUL
7. Old people enjoy traditional, …………………..or country music. CLASSIC
8. His father is a good …………………..and he can play some musical instruments. PIANO
9. Learning music helps students achieve higher results in Maths and ………………..READ
10. This traffic sign prevents people from ………………….freely along the street. PASS
Ex XV: Choose the best answer
1. I usually …………………….bread, egg and milk for breakfast.
A. use B. have C. do D. take
2. How many ……………………of milk does your mother want?
A. cartons B. packets C. boxes D. loaves
3. She prepares a cheese sandwich and two ……………… her bag.
A. coffee B. jam C. apples D. sugar
4. How much…………………is there in the bottle?
A. bananas B. bread C. water D. yoghurt
5. Among many special …………………in Ha Noi, instant noodle is the most popular.
A. fruit B. vegetables C. food D. dishes
6. Put the omelette on a plate and ……………….it with some vegetables.
A. serve B. have C. cook D. give
7. First, put some water in a pot and ………… until it boils.
A. fry B. heat C. chop D. stir
8. Last Sunday, my father ……………….fishing but he didn’t catch any fish.
A. had B. did C. went D. took
9. People in my country often have three…………………a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner.
A. meals B. parts C. kinds D. forms
10. They often have rice with ………………vegetables and a lot of seafood or various kinds of meat.
A. old B. new C. cheap D. fresh

• Pho might be Vietnam’s most famous dish, but bun cha is the top choice when it comes to
lunchtime in the capital.
• Just look for the clouds of meaty smoke after 11 a.m. when street-side restaurants start grilling up
small balls of seasoned pork and slices of marinated pork belly over a charcoal fire.
• Once they’re charred and crispy the pieces of pork are served with a large bowl of a fish sauce-
heavy broth, a basket of herbs and a helping of rice noodles.
I - Read the passage and decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F).
Bun cha became an international attention overnight after US President Barack Obama and celebrity chef
Anthony Bourdain were pictured eating the dish together in Hanoi. Their choice of this dish is now surprise as
bun cha originated from the Old Quarter in Hanoi and has been one of the city’s signature dishes for hundreds of
years. What makes this dish special is the intense preparation involved in making it; minced pork must be
marinated overnight to fully absorb the flavor of herbs and shaped into balls, keeping attention to make sure the
meat is tender and juicy. The sauce is what makes the dish spectacular; a good sauce will give a balance between
the sweetness of the meat and the saltiness of the fish sauce. The Hanoi traditional dish is served only at lunchtime
and comes with rice vermicelli, fresh vegies and herbs such as basils, coriander.
1. Bun cha has become more well-known since President Barack Obama’s visit. 
2. Bun cha has been a specialty of Hanoi for years. 
3. Minced pork shouldn’t be marinated in advance to keep it fresh. 
4. The sauce is an important thing to make Bun cha more special. 
5. Tourists can always find a place which serves this traditional dish at any time in a day. 
II - Read the passage and answer the following questions.
Egg coffee, called Cà Phê Trứng in Vietnamese, was first invented by Nguyen Giang in 1946. There was a
shortage of milk in Hanoi due to the French War. Mr. Nguyen creatively began adding whisked eggs to his coffee
The original version was a bit, well, eggy. But over time the recipe was modified with the addition of sugar,
condensed milk, and even Laughing Cow cheese. No one knows the recipe for sure since it’s a secret recipe.
These days Egg Coffee is a staple of Hanoi coffee culture and a must-try while in Hanoi!
What does it taste like? Well it’s incredibly thick and rich and creamy. Closer to a dessert than a beverage. Liquid
tiramisu is the most accurate description we’ve heard.
Nguyen Giang still has a café where you can try his famous recipe, or you can grab a cup of Egg Coffee at dozens
of coffee shops all over Hanoi.
1. Who invented egg coffee?
2. Why did Nguyen Giang add whisked eggs to his coffee?
3. What is the recipe to make egg coffee nowadays?
4. What does egg coffee taste like?
5. Where can we buy this type of coffee?
Exer 1.Listen and decide if each statement is true (T) or false (F) or not given (NG). (Track 09)
No. Statements T/F/NG
1. Fruits and vegetables are near the entrances.
2. People buy more bread because bread is good for health
3. Near the checkout, there are many bags of sugar.
4. There are many candies in the bakery section.
5. Vegetables and fruits make people thing that all items are fresh.
6. They do not sell magazines in the supermarket.
7. The bags of sugar are near the bags of rice.
8. Bread smell makes people hungry.
Exerc 2.Listen and choose the best option to complete the sentence. (Track 10)
1. Which came first in the world?
A. Chicken B. Egg
C. Hens D. No answer
2. How long have people argued for the question which came first, the chicken or the egg?
A. For many years B. For many months
C. For many days D. For many decades
3. What birds lay eggs?
A. Male birds B. Female birds
C. Newly-born bird D. All of the birds
4. What kinds of egg do people eat much in Canada?
A. Pigeon egg B. Duck egg
C. Chicken egg D. Ostrich egg
5. How heavy is a ostrich egg?
A. 1 kgB.1.5 kg
C. 2 kg D.No answer
6. What is inside a normal egg?
A. Yolk B.White
C. Chicken D.Yolk and white
7. How does the white change when it is boiled?
A. It turns white. B. It turns black.
C. It turns to the yolk. D. It does not change.
8. What is correct?
A. Eggs are harmful to health. B. Eggs are delicious.
C. Eggs are good for health. D. Eggs are terrible.


Talk about the your favourite Vietnamese food.
You can use the following questions as cues:
• What is that Vietnamese food?
• What are the ingredients?
• When do people eat this food?
Useful languages:
Useful vocabulary Useful structures

• noodle soup, steamed rice cake, • Vietnam has so many...and my favourite one is...
Chung cake, spring rolls • People can, but...
• beef, rice powder, pork, vermicelli • We can eat this food at/in...
• breakfast, any occasion, Tet holiday, • Its ingredients include...
family reunion • made from...
• can be made with...
•... is prepared by...
•... makes the food...
• ...give the taste of...
• I like...very much, and I often eat it...
Complete the notes:
Structures of the talk Your notes
What is that Vietnamese food? __________________________________________
What are the ingredients? __________________________________________
When do people eat this food? __________________________________________
Now you try!
Give your answer using the following cues. You should speak for 1-2 minutes.
1. Vietnam has so many...and my favourite one is...
2. People can, but...
3. Its ingredients include...
4. made from...
5. ... is prepared by...
6. ... makes the food...
7. I like...very much, and I often eat it...
Now you tick!
Did you ...
 answer all the questions in the task?
 give some details to each main point?
 speak slowly and fluently with only some hesitation?
 use vocabulary wide enough to talk about the topic?
 use various sentence structures (simple, compound, complex) accurately?
 pronounce correctly (vowels, consonants, stress, intonation)?
Let’s compare!
Finally, compare with the sample answer on page 193.
I- Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given. You can change the cues and use other
words in addition to the cues to complete the sentences.
1. There/ be/ many/ tasty drink/ Vietnam/ like/ fresh coconut/ sugar cane juice.
→ ________________________________________________________
2. These drinks/ be/ cool/ it/ be/ good/ drink/ hot days.
→ ________________________________________________________
3. It/ be/ also easy/ make/ these drinks/ coconut/ sugar cane.
→ ________________________________________________________
4. cool/ tasty flavour/ make/ drinkers/ refresh quickly.
→ ________________________________________________________

5. Many people/ drink/ coconut/ sugar cane juice/ regularly.
→ ________________________________________________________
II - Write a short paragraph (60 - 80 words) about your favourite Vietnamese drink. You can use the
following questions as cues:
• What is your favourite drink?
• What are the ingredients?
• When do you drink it?


build /bɪld/ (v) : xây dựng
consider /kənˈsɪdə(r)/ (v) : coi như
consist of / kən'sist əv / (v) : bao hàm/gồm
construct /kənˈstrʌkt/ (v) : xây dựng
doctor’s stone tablet / 'dɒktərz stəʊn 'tæblət /
(n): bia tiến sĩ
erect /ɪˈrekt/ (v) : xây dựng lên, dựng lên
found /faʊnd/ (v): thành lập
grow /ɡrəʊ/ (v) : trồng, mọc
Imperial Academy / ɪm'pɪəriəl ə'kædəmi / (n) : Quốc Tử Giám
Khue Van Pavilion / 'pəvɪljən / (n) : Khuê Văn Các
locate /ləʊˈkeɪt/ (v) : đóng, đặt, để ở một vị trí
pagoda /pəˈɡəʊdə/ (n) : chùa
recognize /ˈrekəɡnaɪz/ (v) : chấp nhận, thừa nhận
regard /rɪˈɡɑːd/ (v) : đánh giá
relic /ˈrelɪk/ (n) : di tích
site /saɪt/ (n) : địa điểm
statue /ˈstætʃuː/ (n) : tượng
surround /səˈraʊnd/ (v): bao quanh, vây quanh
take care of / teɪ keər əv / (v) : trông nom, chăm sóc
Temple of Literature / ’templ əv 'lɪtərɪtʃə / (n) : Văn Miếu
World Heritage / wɜːld 'herɪtɪdʒ / (n) : Di sản thế giới

primary school : Trường tiểu học
Nursery school : Trường mầm non
Kindergarten : Trường mẫu giáo
Junior high school : Trường trung học cơ sở
High school : Trường trung học phổ thông
Service education : Tại chức (hệ vừa học vừa làm)
Junior colleges : Trường đắt đẳng
College : /ˈkɒlɪdʒ/ – Trường đắt đẳng
Private school : Trường tư thục
State school : Trường công lập
Boarding school : Trường nội trú
Day school : Trường bán trú
English school : Trường anh ngữ
Language school : Trường ngoại ngữ
Sixth-form Colloge: Trường đắt đẳng (Trường tư)
Technical College: Trường đắt đẳng kỹ càng thuật
Vocational College: Trường đắt đẳng nghề
Art College: Cao đẳng nghệ thuật
Teacher Traning College: Trường đắt đẳng sư phạm
University: /juːnɪˈvɜːsətiː/ – Đại học


President/ rector/ principal/ school head/headmaster/ headmistress : Hiệu trưởng
Assistant principals: Hiệu phó
Teacher : /tiːtʃə(r)/ – Giáo viên, giảng viên
Monitor: /’mɒnɪtə(ɹ)/ – Lớp trưởng
Secretary: /ˈsɛk.ɹəˌtə.ɹi/ – Bí thư
Student : /stjuːd(ə)nt/ – Sinh viên
Head boy: Nam sinh đại diện trường
Head girl: Nữ sinh đại diện trường
School governor hoặc governor: Ủy viên hội đồng quản trị trường
Head teacher: Giáo viên chủ nhiệm
Register: /ˈɹɛdʒ.ɪst.ɜː(ɹ)/ – Sổ điểm danh
Desk: Bàn học
Black board: Bảng đen
White board: Bảng trắng
Chalk: /ʧɑk/ – Phấn
Marker pen hoặc marker: Bút viết bảng
Pen: /pɛn/ – Bút
Pencil: /pɛnsəl/ – Bút chì
Exercise book: Sách bài tập
Course book, textbook, teaching materials: Giáo trình
Lesson plan : Giáo án
Subject : / ˈsʌbdʒɪkt/ – Môn học
Lesson / Unit : /ˈlɛs(ə)n/ – /juːnɪt/ – Bài học
Exercise / Task / Activity : /ˈɛk.sɚ.saɪz/ – /tæsk/ – /ækˈtɪvətɪ/ – Bài tập
Homework / Home assignment : Bài tập về nhà
Academic transcript / Grading schedule / Results certificate : Bảng điểm
Qualification : /kwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ – Bằng cấp
Certificate : /sərˈtɪfɪkət/ – Bằng, chứng chỉ
Research report / Paper / Article : Thống kê khoa học
Credit mania / Credit-driven practice : Bệnh thành tích
Develop : /dəˈvɛləp/ – Biên soạn (giáo trình)
Drop-outs : Học sinh cất học
Pupil : /pjuːpəl/ – Học sinh trường tiểu học
School fees : Học phí
School term : Học kỳ
School trip : Chuyến đi chơi do trường doanh nghiệp
Be the victim/target of bullying: Nạn nhân của bạo hành tại trường học
School uniform : Đồng phục học sinh
school holidays : Nghỉ lễ
School meals : Bữa ăn tại trường
School dinners: Bữa ăn tối tại trường
Term: /tɜːm/ – Kỳ học
Half term: Nửa kỳ học
Assembly: /əˈsɛmb.lɪi/ – Chào cờ/buổi quy tụ
Break: /bɹeɪk/ – Giờ giải lao
Class: /klɑːs/ – Lớp
Classroom : /ˈklaːsruːm/ – Phòng học
Computer room: Phòng máy tính
WC ( Water Closet ): Nhà vệ sinh
Changing room: Phòng thay đồ
Gym (viết tắt của gymnasium): /ʤɪm/ – Phòng thể dục
Playground: /´plei¸graund/ – Sân chơi
Library: /ˈlaɪbɹəɹɪ/ – Thư viện
Lecture hall: Giảng đường
Laboratory (thường viết tắt là lab): /ləˈbɔɹətɹi/ – Phòng thí nghiệm
Language lab (viết tắt của language laboratory): Phòng học tiếng
Hall of residence: Ký túc xá
Locker: /lɒkə(r)/ – Tủ đồ
Playing field: Sân vận động
Sports hall: Hội trường chơi thể thao
Professor: /pɹəˈfɛsə/ – Giáo sư
Lecturer: /ˈlɛktʃərər/ – Giảng viên
Researcher: ri´sə:tʃə/ – Nhà phân tích
Research: / ri’sз:tʃ/ – Nghiên cứu
Undergraduate: /, ʌndərˈgrædʒuɪt/ – Cấp đại học
Graduate: /ˈɡrædʒueɪt/ – Sau đại học
Post-graduate / post-graduate student: Sau đại học
Masters student: Học viên đắt học
PhD student: Nghiên cứu sinh
Master’s degree: Bằng đắt học
Bachelor’s degree: Bằng cử nhân
Degree: /dɪˈɡɹiː/ – Bằng cấp
Thesis: /ˈθiːsɪs/ – Luận văn
Dissertation: /ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃən/ – Luận văn
Lecture: /ˈlɛk.tʃə/ – Bài giảng
Debate: /dɪˈbeɪt/ – Buổi tranh cãi
Higher education: Giáo dục đại học
Semester: /sɪˈmɛstɚ/ – Kỳ học
Student loan: Khoản mượn cho sinh viên
Student union: Hội sinh viên
Tuition fees : Học phí
University campus: Khuôn viên trường đại học
Art : /ɑːt/ -Nghệ thuật
Classics : Văn hóa cổ điển (thời Hy Lạp và La Mã)
Drama : /drɑː.mə/ – Kịch
Fine art : Mỹ thuật
History of art: Lịch sử nghệ thuật
History : /ˈhɪstri/ – Lịch sử
Literature : /ˈlɪt.ɚ.ɪ.tʃɚ/ – Văn học
Modern languages : Ngôn ngữ hiện đại
Music : /ˈmjuːzɪk/ – Âm nhạc
Philosophy : /fɪlˈɒsəfi/ – Triết học
Theology : /θi.ˈɑ.lə.dʒi/ – Thần học
Astronomy : /əˈstɹɑnəˌmi/ – Thiên văn học
Biology : /baɪˈɒlədʒi/ – Sinh học
Chemistry : /ˈkɛm.ɪ.stri/ – Hóa học
Computer science : Tin học
Dentistry : /dentɪstrɪ;/ – Nha khoa học
Engineering : /ˌen.dʒɪˈnɪə.rɪŋ/ – Kỹ thuật
Geology : /dʒiːɑlədʒɪ/ – Địa chất học
Medicine : /ˈmɛd.sən/ – Y học
Physics : /ˈfɪz.ɪks/ – Vật lý
Science : /ˈsaɪɛns/ – Khoa học

Giới từ là gì?
Trong ngữ pháp, giới từ (preposition) là những từ chỉ thời gian, vị trí… chỉ sự liên quan giữa các từ khác trong
cụm, trong câu văn. Giới từ được sử dụng trong câu với vai trò gắn kết các từ, cụm từ để giúp bạn hiểu rõ hơn
câu văn, ngữ cảnh.
Ví dụ: I was born in 2000: Tôi được sinh ra vào năm 2000
Câu này có giới từ là in, và bạn không thể bỏ từ này đi được nếu muốn câu có nghĩa đúng.
Vị trí của Giới từ
Trước danh từ, ví dụ: at present, by car, for sale,…
Vài trường hợp có mạo từ ở giữa: in a hurry, at the front,…
Sau danh từ, ví dụ: reason for…, belief in…, effect on…
Sau tính từ, ví dụ: afraid of, identical to, different from, …
Sau động từ, think of, forget about, pull out,…
Giới từ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn trong tiếng Anh
Các giới từ thường gặp

– At: vào lúc (thường đi với giờ) – I get up at 6.00

– On: vào (thường đi với ngày) – The book on the table
– In: vào (thường đi với tháng, năm, mùa, thế kỷ) – On my birthday, on Saturday
1) Giới từ chỉ
– Before: trước – Before my mother came home, my father had watered all the plants in
thời gian:
the garden
– After: sau – After David had gone home, we arrived
– During: (trong khoảng) đi với danh từ chỉ thời gian – I fell asleep during the film

-AT: Được sử dụng khi có – Một điểm: at the beginning, at the end, at the top, at the
bottom, … – Một điểm dừng chân tạm thời: at the bus stop, hotel, airport, party, …
-ON: Được sử dụng khi có: – Sự tiếp xúc bề mặt: on the table, on the wall, on the page,
2) Giới từ chỉ
on Earth, … – Phương tiện chở khách hàng chục người trở lên: on bus, on plane, train,
nơi chốn:
airport, ….
-IN: – Sử dụng giới từ in khi danh từ phía sau là không gian 3 chiều bao phủ danh từ phía
trước: VD: in the room, in a box, in a wallet, in the garden, in the city, in the world, ….
Thơ về giới từ chỉ thời gian
bài thơ về giới từ chỉ thời gian nhằm giúp những bạn nhanh thuộc bài hơn, hãy cùng tham khảo nhé
“ IN ” năm, “ IN ” tháng, “ IN ” mùa
Sáng, chiều, và tối thì vừa ba “ IN ”
Đổi giờ lấy “ AT ” làm tin
Tính ngày, tính thứ phải rinh đến “ ON ”
Chính trưa, đêm tối hỏi dồn
Xin thưa “ AT ” đúng hoàn toàn cả hai
Còn như ngày tháng thêm dài
Thì “ ON ” đặt trước không sai chỗ nào
Quy tắc hình tam giác trong giới từ
Quy tắc hình tam giác được biết tới như là 1 quy tắc giúp ghi nhớ cách dùng giới từ in, on, at và cách sử
dụng của chúng.
Ba giới từ chỉ thời gian, vị trí “in”, “on”, “at” rất dễ gây nhầm lẫn. Quy tắc hình phễu được khá nhiều người sử
dụng để giúp bạn giải quyết vấn đề này. Tưởng tượng cách sử dụng “in”,”on”, “at” như một tam giác ngược,
hoặc chiếc phếu. Chiếc phễu này lọc dần các cụm từ chỉ thời gian, địa điểm với quy tắc giảm dần mức độ
chung chung, tăng dần mức độ cụ thể.

 In
To nhất của phễu là giành cho giới từ in – chỉ những thứ lớn nhất, chung chung nhất. Với thời gian, “in” dùng
trước những từ chỉ thời gian khái quát nhất như “century” (thế kỷ) cho đến “week” (tuần).
Ví dụ: in the 20th century, in the 1980’s, in March, in the third week of April, in the future.
Ngoại lệ: in + buổi: in the morning, in the evening, in the afternoon
Về địa điểm, “in” dùng cho những địa điểm lớn như country (quốc gia), cho đến village, neighborhoods (làng,
Ví dụ: In the United States, in Miami, in my neighborhood. “In” dùng thời gian từ chung nhất cho đến week
(tuần), địa điểm từ chung nhất cho đến thị trấn, làng xóm ngoại trừ in the morning, afternoon, evening.
 On
Phần giữa của phễu giành cho “on”, tương ứng với địa điểm cụ thể hơn, thời gian chi tiết hơn so với “”in”. Về
thời gian, “on” dùng cho ngày cụ thể, hoặc một dịp nào đó.
Ví dụ: on my birthday, on Saturday, on the weekend (United States), on June 8th.
Ngoại lệ: on my lunch break. Về địa điểm, “on” dùng cho một vùng tương đối dài, rộng như đường phố, bãi
Ví dụ: on Broadway Street, on the beach, on my street.
 At
Phần chóp phễu, tương ứng với thời gian địa điểm cụ thể nhất, giành cho giới từ “at”. Về thời gian, “at” dùng
cho mốc thời gian cụ thể, thời điểm, khoảnh khắc.
Ví dụ: at 9:00 PM, at lunch, at dinner, at the start of the party, at sunrise, at the start of the movie, at the
Ngoại lệ: at night. Về địa điểm, “at” dùng cho địa chỉ, địa điểm cụ thể.
Ví dụ: at 345 broadway street, at the store, at my house. Như vậy, cách dùng giới từ về thời gian, địa điểm của
ba giới từ “in”, “on”, “at” tuân theo quy tắc hình phễu, ngoại trừ một vài ngoại lệ như trên.
Bài tập về Giới từ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn
Exercise 1: Chọn đáp án đúng nhất.
1.Her next birthday will be _______ Monday. B. on C. at D. by
2. My family must leave ________ a few minutes. C.on D.since
3. We’re getting married ________ three month’s time.
A.on C.for
4. He often eats bread _______ lunch.
5.It arrives_________ New York at ten o’clock. C.near D.on
6. Kim usually works _______ the weekend.
A.on C.for D.above
7. The 12.00 train left _______ time.
A.on C.for D.near
8. Nam want to get home ______ time to see my parents.
A.on C.for
9. Do you go to school _____ Sundays?
A.on D.with
10. Phong’s not home ______ present.
A.on C.near
11. Wind couldn’t decide where to go for his birthday. ______ the end, he decided to go to Korea.
A.with B.on
12. His father was born _____ 1963.
A.on D.among

13. Mr.Jun will meet me at the restaurant _______ 8 o’clock.
A.on C.for
14. Lin’s grandmother is _______ hospital.
A.on C.for
15. Hoa works _____ PCC.
A.on C.for
Exercise 2: Điền các giới từ in, on, at vào các câu sau:
1.Will she be home _____ time for lunch?
2. The week will begin _____ Sunday.
3. They got to the station just _____ time to catch the train.
4. Thy left school ______ the end of 15.
5. This restaurant will close _____ midnight.
Exercise 3: Tìm và sửa lỗi sai trong các câu dưới đây:
1. Lan wants to live and work on Japan.
2. Hung’s birthday is in 2nd of July.
3. We will arrive in Saigon on 9 a.m.
4. This cat jumped in his face and scared me.
5. It is his birthday in the 22nd.
I) Fill in the missing prepositions:
1. I shall meet you _____ the corner _____ the street.
2. I always come _____ school _____ foot.
3. It never snows here _____ Christmas.
4. The country looks beautiful _____ spring.
5. I can see you _____ Monday.
6. I live _____ the country, but she lives _____ the seaside.
7. Have you any money _____ you?
8. He always come _____ bus.
9. I don't like getting up _____ the morning.
10. He had learned the whole poem _____ heart.
11. This book is _____ Dickens.
12. Is Miss Smith _____ home?
13. I have breakfast _____ 7:30 every morning.
14. Can you translate that _____ German?
15. My birthday is _____ May 5th.
16. My birthday is _____ the 5th.
17. They come _____ the room.
18. I like swimming _____ Summer.
19. We get a lot of rain _____ November.
20. He never comes _____ time for the class.
21. I'm very busy _____ present.
22. I have no time _____ the moment.
23. He was standing _____ the middle of the room.
24. Please write your name _____ the top of the page.
25. There is vocabulary _____ the end of the book.
26. I shall see her _____ the beginning of the week.
27. What would that be _____ German?
28. _____ my opinion, it is a very good book.
29. She is _____ the garden.
30. We are going _____ the theatre this evening.
31. The train arrives _____ Victoria station _____ 4: 30.
32. Please tell me _____ once.

33. I waited for half an hour, and _____ last the came.
34. The book is _____ the table.
35. He is sitting _____ an armchair.
36. The picture is _____ the wall.
37. I put my hands _____ my pockets.
38. She is drinking _____ a cup.
39. She took ten shillings _____ her bag.
40. For the last few days I haven't been able to sleep _____ night.
41. She always agree _____ everything he says.
42. Are you acquainted _____ the lady?
43. You will soon get accustomed _____ English cooking.
44. She is very angry _____ me.
45. I apologize _____ keeping you waiting.
46. The dog begged _____ a piece of cake.
47. Does this belong _____ you?
48. She is always borrow money _____ me.
49. My cat is very fond _____ fish.
50. I'm very grateful _____ her _____ her help.
51. The room was full _____ people.
52. I'm quiet different _____ her.
53. She insists _____ coming.
54. He is quiet incapable _____ such a thing.
55. I should like to be independent _____ everyone.
56. May I introduce you _____ Miss Brown?
57. I'm afraid _____ this dog.
58. Are you interested _____ literature?
59. She is very jealous _____ her sister.
60. Won't you joint _____ the game?
61. Clean air provides us _____ a health supply of oxygen.
62. I'm very sorry _____ what I have dne.
63. His son succeeded _____ the throne.
64. My hat is quite similar _____ yours.
65. I'm tired _____ waiting for her.
66. I'm so worried _____ my sister who is ill.
67. It is very bad _____ you to eat so quickly.
68. I'm not good _____ tennis.
69. My birthday is _____ the first _____ the month.
70. This will come in very useful _____ her .
71. Out _____ sight, out _____ mind.
72. The sun rises _____ the east, and sets _____ the west.
73. Were your friends successful _____ getting a loan from the bank.
74. I'm sure the explanation in the book will be quite clear _____ you.
75. Miss White was upset _____ the news of her father's death.
76. I'm not familiar _____ his name.
77. We were very grateful _____ our friends _____ all of their assistance.
78. Don't you think you should try to be friendly _____ your classmates?
79. Mr Green is responsible _____ hiring employees.
80. That type of music is quite popular _____ teenage boys and girls.
81. My daily expenses are just about equal _____ my income.
82. Fred is capable _____ doing better work than he is doing at present.
83. We were very doubtful _____ his ability.
84. Ken was proud _____ his good marks on English.

85. My plan is similar _____ yours, but it is different _____ Ken's.
86. Piere said he had become quite fond _____ American hamburgers.
87. We are still hopeful _____ hearing from our friends before Saturday.
88. That fashion magazine is full _____ advertising for women's clothes.
89. This gloves aren't very suitable _____ that kind of work.
90. They were happy _____ the results of the election.
91. It was certainly kind _____ you to help me.
92. Mrs. Brown is often worried _____ money.
93. Her parents are very pleased _____ her French.
94. I'm not interested _____ politics.
95. She was sad because he was rude _____ her.
96. She was angry _____ Tom.
97. Traveling by air is preferable _____ traveling by train.
98. Thank you. You are kind _____ me.
99. Everybody was surprised _____ the news.
100. I was delighted _____ the present you gave me.


1. PHỤ ÂM /tʃ/

* church /tʃɜːtʃ/ n. (nhà thờ)

* armchair /ˈɑːmtʃeə(r)/ n.
(ghế bành)

2. PHỤ ÂM /dʒ/
* jam /dʒæm/ n. mứt
* message /ˈmesɪdʒ/ n. tin

I - Make words with the sound /tʃ/ and /dʒ/. Then read them aloud
1. cheap 6. -ob
2. --ildren 7. -uice
/tʃ/ 3. ques--on /dʒ/ 8. oran--
4. architec--re re 9. -ym
5. wat-- 10. --ant
II - Put the following words into the correct columns according to the pronunciation of the underlined
teacher village cultural heritage jeans luggage
engineer nature cherry jam chicken engine
achievement researcher challenger approach suggestion average
imagine origin ginger region advantage

/tʃ/ /dʒ/

III - Find the word which is pronounced differently in the part underlined.
E.g.: A. glorious B. great C. girlfriend D. giant
1. A. researcher B. challenger C. architect D. achievement
2. A. cheapness B. exchange C. approach D. brochure
3. A. tradition B. condition C. location D. suggestion
4. A. average B. heritage C. together D. advantage
5. A. engineer B. imagine C. origin D. beginner
6. A. children B. chemist C. anchor D. school
7. A. chicken B. cherry C. teacher D. machine
8. A. question B. nation C. option D. action
9. A. target B. village C. orange D. luggage
10. A. engine B. begin C. ginger D. region

Historical places:

Temple of Van Mieu Gate Thien Quang Tinh Khue Van Pavilion
literature well

Doctor’s stone The Huc bridge Hoan Kiem lake Huong pagoda

Uncle Ho’s Ba Dinh Square One pillar pagoda The Opera House

Ex I: Choose the word that has different sound in the underlined part
1. A. literature B. silent C. winter D. invite
2. A. temple B. tent C. lend D. because
3. A. clothes B. with C. think D. tooth
4. A. wanted B. needed C. acted D. stopped
5. A. cube B. umbrella C. tuna D. pupil
6. A. advice B. about C. garden D. camera
7. A. chorus B. chalk C. chicken D. cheese
Ex II: Label the picture
chicken, match, rich, bridge, church, jeans, lunch, joke, chair, orange, jungle, agency,
choose, arrange, furniture, stage, jam

/tʃ/ /dʒ/

Ex III: Label the picture

Doctor’s stone Thien Quang Tinh
Van Mieu Gate The Huc bridge tablets Well
One pillar pagoda Khue Van Pavilion The Opera House
Hoan Kiem lake

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.
Ex IV: Read the passage and put the word in the correct column
Richard was a soldier. He joined the army in March, right after his birthday. He liked to make jokes, watch movies
and listen to jazz. His friend Charlie and he spent their days off in a local bar. They were all real gentlemen and
always tried to help the elderly, women and children whenever they had a chance. The two of them also enjoyed
teaching Japanese to junior high school children when they were off duty.
/tʃ/ /dʒ/

Ex V: Choose the correct form of the word

1. They sell tickets to ………………… the gate of the site. TOURISM
2. Tourists can see many …………………………Cham Towers in Binh Dinh province. BEAUTY
3. Tan Ky House in Hoi An was…………………………two centuries ago. BUILD
4. He is one of the most ………………………teachers in our school. FAME
5. What is the ………………….of this river, Jack? LONG
6. The book is used to …………………….young men for the nation. EDUCATION
7. Many foreign and Vietnamese tourists …………………..the Temple of Literature each year. VISITOR
Ex VI: Odd one out
1. A. temple B. pagoda C. mausoleum D. culture
2. A. century B. television C. mobile phone D. camera
3. A. interesting B. beautiful C. university D. historic
4. A. literature B. architect C. geography D. physics
5. A. tourist B. gardener C. visitor D. cinema
6. A. heritage B. wall C. roof D. floor
7. A. important B. careful C. transport D. famous
8. A. motorbike B. helicopter C. ambulance D. local
Ex VII: Fill in the gap with a suitable word given in the box
ranked located bikes famous
oldest supported market world

1. Our house is ………………….right in the center of the city.

2. Many kinds of fruit are sold at the floating ……………….in Can Tho.
3. I like to study in Havard because it is a ……………….university in the USA.
4. Oxford University is regarded as the …………… in the English speaking world.
5. The students are taught and ……………….by famous lecturers in many faculties and departments.
6. The university of Cambridge was ranked ……………after Havard in the United States of America.
7. It is the most prestigious institution of higher education in the ………………..
8. Where are the teachers’ motorbikes and students’ ………………..kept?
Ex VIII: Read the passage and fill each gap with a suitable word in the box
follow literature program independent
because methods serious century

1. The ………….…..provides a chance for students to bring their personal experiences to the classroom.
2. I love the subject ……………….it allows me to meet people with similar interests.
3. The author sold more than 50 million copies of in 20 languages by the end of the 21st ………………
4. My father taught English language and …………… a university in Germany two years ago.
5. There are many ……………….of learning and ways to help students improve their skills.
6. High school students have to ……………..the rules and obey their teachers.
7. University students are more stressed because their exams are …………….
8. They have to be more ……………………in the real world.
Ex IX: Use the correct form of the words given to complete the passage
Albert Einstein was one of the most famous (1. science)………..…….of all time. He developed the special and
general theories of relativity and made many other (2. importance)……..……………discoveries. He was born
on in 1879 in Germany. His father was a (3. sale)…………..……and his mother was a housewife. Einstein had
one elder sister. He didn’t like (………………… in Munich. One teacher told him that he would never
get anywhere. At this time, he became (5. interest)…..……..…….in classical music and he learnt to play the
violin. He finished his university (6. educate) ……..…….…..and found work in an office. In his free time, he
continued studying physics. In 1921 he won the Nobel Prize for Physics. He died in 1955 in New Jersey.
Ex X: Solve the crossword puzzle


1.The Golden ………………….of Ba Na Hills Resort is a famous tourist attraction in Vietnam.

2. Hoi An Ancient Town is a lovely little …….…… on the coast of Vietnam.
3. At university, students have to study many ……………….for four years.
4. Have you ever been to Huong …….………..? It is in Ha Tay province.
5. They grow a lot of trees and flowers inside the Temple of ……………….
Ex XI: Write the correct form of the word given
1. These records became ………………….and popular in the 1070s. SUCCESS
2. This library attracts a lot of ……………… the area. READ
3. We decided not to go ………………….yesterday because it rained heavily. CAMP
4. You can turn the TV off because it didn’t work ………………PROPER
5. Do you have any …………………..oil for this dish? COOK
6. You can cook the egg ……………….into the fan and cook it for three minutes. MIX
7. Please pour the oil over high heat in a ………………pan. FRY
8. The Imperial Academy is …………………..the first university in Vietnam. CONSIDER
9. This is the most important ……………………..and historic site of our country. CULTURE
10.People ………………….a lot of beautiful flowers in Da Lat. GROWTH
Ex XII: Choose the best answer
1. Jim’s house is ………………… the south of the city centre.
A. surrounded B. located C. supported D. based
2. The students in this university are …………… famous lecturers and professors.
A. learnt B. played C. taken D. taught

3. Many kinds of fruits are ………………….at the floating market.
A. brought B. caught C. sold D. gave
4. The souvenirs and postcards inside this place are sold to tourists at a …………………..price by the
shopkeeper than in other places.
A. higher B. low C. expensive D. good
5. A new university will be ……………….in my town next June.
A. provided B. built C. bought D. had
6. Students in our university are very ……………and hard-working.
A. lazy B. careless C. impatient D. active
7. All the……………………… for the football match were sold out yesterday morning.
A. tickets B. cards C. bags D. flags
8. Havard university is the most ……………… in the world.
A. noisy B. famous C. happy D. clean
9. Our university …………………….of over 30 faculties and departments.
A. has B. makes C. consists D. supports
10.The Imperial Academy is ……………….the first university in Vietnam.
A. considered B. worked C. based D. constructed
*The Temple of Literature or Temple of Culture is a Temple of Confucius in Hanoi, northern
* The temple hosts the Imperial Academy, Vietnam’s first national university. The temple was built
in 1070 at the time of Emperor Ly Thanh Tong.
* It is one of several temples in Vietnam which is dedicated to Confucius, sages and scholars. The
temple Is located to the south of the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long.
* The various pavilions, halls, statues and stelae of doctors are places where offering ceremonies,
study sessions and the strict exams of the Dai Viet took place.
I - Read the passage and decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F).
Under the reign of Emperor Gia Long, along with the construction of the Temple of Literature In the new capital,
an Imperial Academy was built to replace the Imperial Academy in Thang Long. By that time, the number of
students was increasing each day, which required the expansion of the Academy. In 1821, an auditorium and three
rows of houses for student residence were additionally constructed. In 1825, yet another row of 20 apartments
were added.
In 1908, in the reign of Duy Tan, the Imperial Academy was moved to its present-day site in the Forbidden City.
The Imperial Academy consists of Di Luan Mansion, located in the center and two rows of classrooms on either
side. Behind the Academy stands the Tan Tho Museum (Imperial Fine Arts Museum) and the former houses of
principals and vice-principals to either side. The Imperial Academy, a historic and cultural vestige of remarkable
value, is one of the two oldest tertiary training insitutions of the monarchist regime in our country.
(www. huefestival, com)

1. The Impreial Academy of Hue was built following Emperor Minh Mang’s order. 
2. As of 1826, the Imperial Academy had been renovated twice. 
3. There were accomodations for students inside the Academy. 
4. In 1908, it was relocated into its modern-day location. 
5. The Imperial Academy of Hue is the oldest tertiary training insitutions in Viet Nam. 
II - Read the passage and fill in the blank ONE or TWO words to complete the statements.

Sprawling across an area of 54,000 square meters, the complex of the Temple of Literature comprises of Van
lake, Giam park, and five interior courtyards. The authentic Vietnamese style architecture of it resembles the
temples in China, set in a perfectly preserved state.
The courtyards in the temple are edged with brick walls and each of these unfolds surprises for every history
expert or a master of beauty and art. The first two courtyards are decorated with perfectly manicured gardens
posing against a backdrop of majestic landscapes. The third courtyard surrounds a large pond which was
chris¬tened as the Well of Heavenly Clarity. The fourth courtyard is marked by the statue of Confucius and a
house of ceremonies, and finally, the fifth courtyard, famous as Thai Hoc, features a bell tower and a large drum.
1. The complex of the Temple of Literature_________an area of 54,000 square meters.
2. The authentic Vietnamese style_________is perfectly preserved.
3. Each of the courtyards in the temple unfolds_________for every master of beauty and art.
4. There is a large pond in the third courtyard, which was_________as the Well of Heavenly Clarity.
5. Thai Hoc that features a bell tower and a large drum is in the_________courtyard
Exercise 1: Listen and decide if each statement is true or false or not given. (Track 11)
No. Statements T/F/NG
1. Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam is located in Hanoi.
2. Van Mieu and Quoc Tu Giam were built at the same time.
3. Van Mieu is considered as the first university of Vietnam.
4. 10,000 talented people were trained in Quoc Tu Giam between from
1076 to 1779.
5. Since 1482, no people have been trained in Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam.
6. Van Mieu is a place to memorialize the most brilliant scholars of the
7. Name of top students in local examinations were engraved on the stone
8. Visitors are attracted by the stelae carried on the backs of giant tortoises.
Exercise 2: Listen and complete the text. (Track 12)
Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam is a historical and cultural (1) .................... of Vietnam, which attracts a great
number of (2) .................... every year, Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam was originally built by the (3) ....................
in 1070 in Hanoi. Quoc Tu Giam was considered the first (4) .................... of Vietnam, which was established
on the grounds of Van Mieu. (5) .................... used to take place here and the first comers were honored by
having their names carved on the (6) .................... These stelae were carried on the backs of (7) .................... ,
are still standing today and they attract great interest from visitors.
After more than 900 years of existence, Van Mieu is an example of well-preserved traditional Vietnamese (8)
.................... The banyan trees in Van Mieu, which witnessed festivals and examinations during (9)
.................... times, continue to flourish. Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam is a site of national (10) .................... for
Vietnamese people.
Talk about a historical place in your hometown.
You can use the following questions as cues.
• What is the name and location of the place?
• When was it built?
• What are its attractions?
• What do people often do when visiting it?
Useful languages:
Useful vocabulary Useful structures
• Perfume pagoda, Hue Imperial City, • located in...
Independence Palace, Notre-Dame • in..., and it... Many people say that it...
cathedral • It actually consists of..., and...
• There are..., and...

• under the reign of, 19th century, 60 • ... are natural beauty, for...
years ago, French colonial era •, thousands of people come there to...
• natural landscape, Meridian Gate,
President’s Office, Virgin Mary statue
• religious festival, going sightseeing,
taking pictures, praying
Complete the notes:
Structures of the talk Your notes
What is the name and location of the place? __________________________________________
When was it built? __________________________________________
What are its attractions? __________________________________________
What do people often do when visiting it? __________________________________________
Now you try!
Give your answer using the following cues. You should speak for 1-2 minutes.
1. The Perfume pagoda is located in...
2. Many people say that it...
3. It actually consists of..., and...
4. ...are natural beauty, for...
5., thousands of people come there to...
Now you tick!
Did you ...
 answer all the questions in the task?
 give some details to each main point?
 speak slowly and fluently with only some hesitation?
 use vocabulary wide enough to talk about the topic?
 use various sentence structures (simple, compound, complex) accurately?
 pronounce correctly (vowels, consonants, stress, intonation)?
Let’s compare!
Finally, compare with the sample answer on page 209.
I- Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given. You can change the cues and use other
words in addition to the cues to complete the sentences.
1. Thien Mu pagoda/ regard/ as/ symbol/ Hue city.
→ ________________________________________________________
2. Notre-Dame Cathedral of Saigon/ cathedral/ locate/ downtown/ Ho Chi Minh City.
→ ________________________________________________________
3. The Temple of Literature/ first/ build/ 1070/ and/ reconstruct/ during/ Tran dynasty.
→ ________________________________________________________
4. The Perfume pagoda/ huge/ complex/ Buddhist/ temples.
→ ________________________________________________________
5. Hung/ King/ Temple/ Festival/ hold/ commemoration/ Kinh Duong Vuong.
→ ________________________________________________________
II - Write an e-mail (60-80 words) to a friend and remind him/ her about preparing for your next trip.

You can use the following questions as cues:
• Where do you plan to go?
• What should you and your friends bring along?
• Why do you need it?


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