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Tomas Claudio Colleges

Morong, Rizal

Graduate Studies Program


B. Topic: Human Growth and Development
C. Reporter: Michelle A. Esplana
D. Student Name: Jelica Ann S. Gozum
E. Professorial Lecturer: Catherine M. Dungca, Ph. D.
F. Date: September 18, 2021

I. Introduction
Education is part of human growth and development. As we all know,
parents are the first teachers of a student. They have a huge impact in a
child’s early development. Teachers also portray a notable involvement in
the educational stage of a learner.
With the knowledge of the theories relating to human development, it
helps teachers to make adjustments on the needs of the learners in each
key stage of their learning journey.

II. Outcome
There were four theories of development discussed earlier.
The first one presented is the Five Stages of Psychoanalytic Theory (Sigmund
Freud) where it talks about the biological development of a person. The theorist
believed on the three personality components – ID, Ego and Superego.
The next one is Psychosocial Theory (Erik Erickson), Erickson used Freud’s
Psychoanalytic Theory and he added cultural and social behavior. This proves that
environment really plays a huge role in a child environment.
The third theory is the Cognitive Development (Jean Piaget) which deals with
how a child from birth how develop learning.
Lastly, the Theory of Moral Development (Kohlberg) that helps us to understand
the morality and how a person reacts to situations differently. It gives us an idea on the
background experiences of an individual.
Having the knowledge of the four theories of development, I can use these in
dealing with the behavior of the learners by being non- judgmental and by assuming
III. Growth
Knowing all the four theories of development, we can apply it by
considering the level of the learners we handle in school before
curating our lesson plan, teaching-learning activities and learning
It will help me to discover more about the learners and to be able to
build a just and safe environment towards learning.

IV. Conclusion
Learners are unique individuals and as a teacher I should try to
understand them differently. It will help me to consider all the theories of
development to apply in crafting my weekly home learning plan, the
learning activities and assessment.

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