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Student-Tanrakaeva Nargiz

Think about the popular 1980s television show The Cosby Show and the more
recent cartoon show Family Guy. What do these two television shows have in
common? If you guessed that both shows depict traditional families, you would
be. Channel family is a family structure that consists of a man, woman and one
or more of their biological or adopted children. In most traditional families, the
man and woman are husband and wife in the Cosby Show. Viewers. Cliff
Huxtable and his wife, attorney Claire Huxtable, raised their five biological
children in Brooklyn, NY, in the show, Family Guy married couple Peter and
Lois. Griffin raised their three children in their home. Centage of traditional
families in EU S has steadily declined over the past 40 years. In 1970,
traditional families accounted for 40% of US households. By 1990, the
percentage of traditional families had declined to 25. In 2010, EU S Census
Bureau estimated that only 20% of all US households were traditional families.
Another term used to refer to a traditional family is a nuclear family. The
traditional family is different than the non traditional family, which is a
blanketed term used to describe all other types of families that are not
traditional. If you have ever seen that television show modern. Several different
types of non traditional family structures. There's no denying that the concept of
family has certainly changed in American Society over the last few decades.
Statistics continue to show that fewer Americans are getting married, and those
who do so are having fewer chill. More marriages are ending in divorce. More
people are living alone, cohabiting with someone or marrying more than once in
a lifetime. In creating step families, traditional families once dominated every
neighborhood today. Diversity and many American households can be
considered non traditional under this definition. Some of the common variations
in American family structures include single parent families, cohabitation same-
sex marriages, and step families. Let's take a brief look at each of these. Single
Parenthood was fairly common prior to the 20th century due to the more
frequent deaths of spouses, but at that time there was a certain stigma
surrounding being a single parent. Today, Single Parenthood is considered
more. Families may still result from the death of a significant other, but now
also come about through circumstances, including a parents choice or divorce.
Cohabitation is the sharing of a household by an unmarried couple. Popularity
in the US, in cohabitating couples and their children made up approximately 15
million households, according to the 2012 US Census. Cohabitation can be seen
as an alternative form of marriage and in many ways is. Can be used by couples
wanting to test their compatibility, whereby couples whose marriage would not
otherwise be illegal. However, it does not receive the same formal recognition
or legal benefits as marriage and cohabitate.
There are also some additional variations have family structure that may not
have the benefit of two biological parents raising a child. There are many
families that have been formed where one or both spouses have been previous.
Children from a previous marriage we call this type of family as step family
step families in particular can face complex issues that a nuclear family may not
have to face, like child support, visitation rights and holly.

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