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Manfouha Sewage Treatment Plant Fourth Stream

Progress Dashboard for 1st January to 6th September 2017 5145599 - 62 - DR – 003

Project Manager Keith Robson Date 6th September 2017 Request for Information (RFI)

Progress Statement  Thabat to confirm Typsa Basic Design Deliverable Status and indicate when approval will be provided to allow
forward work planning.
 The project has experienced serious delays in period due to extended Basic Design programme and delay of its
approval. It is understood that the project will now recommence at pace due to a change in the project owner from  Atkins have collated and submitted RFI’s for all priority structures on 27-08-2017. Atkins await feedback from Thabat
NWC to Miahona. on the RFI items to facilitate progress. Refer to Appendix E.
 Receipt of RFI responses is integral to achieving the programmed deliverable dates in accordance with the Priority
 Atkins visited the Manfouha site between 22nd and 24th August 2017. During this visit, technical, commercial and Structures Programme. Refer to Appendix C.
programme items where discussed and agreed with Thabat. Follow up emails were issued on 27-08-2017 to
summarize discussions and agreements made.  Atkins await confirmation of AMC’s updated Construction Programme.

 Thabat Progress Overview – Atkins communicated our current understanding of Typsa design approval and  Outstanding CH2M Approvals;
construction programme preferences via email of 27-08-2017, based on email records received from Thabat. Refer to
Appendix A. It is evident that much of the data is out-of-date and Atkins await regular updates of this information.  SBR Wall RC – Drawings issued 22/08/2017 - QRF Response issued on 29/08/17
 Plate Bearing Test Specification issued 09/08/2017
 Atkins Progress Overview – Atkins communicated a summary of the information received from Thabat to date and
Design Status of each structure via email on 27-08-2017. Refer to Appendix B. Atkins will provide monthly updates of  CCT General Arrangement Pack issued 01/09/2017
this document within the progress report.
 General notes drawings – issued 01/09/2017
 Atkins await confirmation of frozen CH2M Approved Typsa’s Basic Design civil guide drawings to allow the design
 Confirmation of date of Next Monthly Meeting in Riyadh
team to be fully mobilized for detailed design stage. Please refer to ‘Know Issue and Risks’ section for further details
of current challenges regarding this item.
Known Issus and Risks
 Priority Structures Programme – Atkins issued a programme of priority structure deliverables via email on 27-08-
2017. This followed discussions and agreements reached with Thabat at a meeting on-site on 24-08-2017. The  Need for new EDMS – One Drive needs to be updated and managed. Information to be placed into separate folders
priority structures include CCT, BTA, DCH, FBL & UVC. Refer to Appendix C. as per RFI request issued 27-08-2017. Thabat to notify Atkins when information is placed on the system via email as per
request sent on 01-09-2017 to Eng. Adam.
 Atkins Commercial Items – Atkins submitted a summary of the outstanding commercial items to be addressed by
Thabat via email on 27-08-2017. Please refer to ‘Commercial’ section for more details.  Typsa deliverables – Atkins require improved and honest Thabat communication of the status of Typsa’s Basic
Design deliverables and risks for change therein. Drawings stated as frozen have been found to not be fully finalised e.g.
 Atkins Deliverables List - Atkins formally issued an updated project deliverables list via email on 27-08-2017. Refer to DCH Mark-ups of Atkins draft drawings received on 24-08-2017 included items not included in the original Typsa
Appendix D. ‘Approved’ Mech drawings. It is also noted that Mechanical QRF’s often include items that are ‘open’ or ‘to be addressed
at detail design’ with no confirmation as to what changes are to be made to the Typsa drawings that Thabat define as
 RFI’s – Atkins have collated and submitted RFI’s for all priority structures on 27-08-2017. Atkins await feedback from ‘frozen’.
Thabat on the RFI items to facilitate progress. Refer to Appendix E.
There is a need for improved communication and co-ordination from Thabat technical team. Recent examples have
 Atkins have continued to provide support to close the SBR design in period submitting several General Arrangement included:
drawing and RC package updates.  CCT – Atkins received 3 different instructions for a wall height from 3 different people.
 BTA - Atkins received an instruction from the Thabat team to stop work (Email from Eng. Eslam attached), and
 Atkins are progressing with BTA, DCH, CCT and UVC-FBL in accordance with agreed priority structure programme. further email that the design is not frozen (Email Eng Eduardo) yet receive counter instructions to keep going from
Atkins progress update in contained in Appendix C. Eng Abdulmannan. This leads to great confusion.
There is a fundamental need for clarity on lines of communication and who has and does not have authority to instruct
 Atkins have continued to provide site construction support in period that has included responding to technical queries
Atkins design within the Thabat team.
and general site related enquiries.
 There is a need to close Atkins open commercial issues as a matter of urgency.
 Atkins have continued to support AMC with the assessment of SBR backfill material test results in period.
 CH2M Review & Approval – Duration of Approval is generally extended and nature of comments display elements of
 Atkins have continued to support AMC in concrete mix selection and reinforcement supplier technical reviews in preferential engineering and non-technical reviews that require substantial time and effort to answer. This is a large risk
period. Typsa’s recommendations for concrete coatings has also been reviewed in period. item that has and will continue to delay design progress. QRF replies need to be agreed with CH2M by Thabat prior to
issuing drawings to avoid rework
 Atkins have now completed our Basic Design Deliverables. The outstanding Site Layout, road levels, Storm water,
Irrigation and sewage network review comments were submitted in December 2016.  For further items please refer to ‘General Items’ within RFI issued 27-08-2017 (Appendix E)

 Atkins design is continuing basis of the AMC confirmed project Design Groundwater level of +566.5m. As noted in  Design Groundwater levels – Thabat advised that the Design Groundwater level for the project is +566.5m on 5th May
email of 5th May 2016, Thabat assumes design responsibility for this level. 2016. AMC will assume design responsibility for this level. Subsequent change in GWL will attract rework and recovery of
additional expenditure will be sought.
Manfouha Sewage Treatment Plant Fourth Stream

Progress Dashboard for 1st January to 6th September 2017 5145599 - 62 - DR – 003

Contract offer
 Early Warning – Generator Building – Tender Design allowed for small modification to existing X X
 There is a need to close Atkins open commercial issues as a matter of urgency. They cannot be left open while building only – Potential for substantial building extension and/or new building on site now
technical delivery is expected to continue at risk as has occurred historically. Commercial items must be given the priority indicated to be required that exceeds the allowance made within Atkins Contract offer.
they deserve otherwise delivery will be affected.
 Early Warning - Fire Fighting Building – Building significantly more complex than allowed for X X
 Variation Order 1 to 5 - Atkins and Thabat discussed and agreed a value of SAR 140,000 for VO 1 to 5 at a meeting within Atkins Contract offer (simple slab). Current requirement indicates a 2 compartment above
onsite on 24-08-2017. Atkins subsequently submitted document STP-RP-03-G-G-105 on 01-09-2017 to summarise the ground tank with adjacent mechanical rooms is now required extending to 30m x15m plan area)
agreement reached. Atkins await signed Contract Change Order to release deliverables associated with VO’s.
 Lagoon Area Foundations – Atkins Contract offer based on ground bearing or piled foundation X X
 Atkins submitted Invoice No. 4 (DRAFT) on 27-08-2017 regarding fees due for completion of milestone CCT General and not the new requirement for specialist column and pad design for each structure including
Arrangement Drawing Pack - SAR 61,600. Atkins await Thabat approval to allow formal invoice submission. In rebar detailing.
accordance with section 6.4 of Atkins-Thabat agreement “The Contractor shall approve or respond to a submitted
application for milestone payment within 7 days of the submission date”. This expired on 04-09-2017.
 Haer Channel – Fee proposal assumed pipe connection. Requirement changed to a concrete X X
channel meaning increase design and deliverables including calc report and reinforcing drawings.
 NWC Approval – At meeting on 24-08-2017 it was agreed between Atkins and Thabat that approval of deliverables by
CH2M is sufficient to release payments due to Atkins. At present Atkins have SAR 155,000 in payments locked up by
Thabat in relation to this item. These payments are overdue by one year. To resolve the item, it was agreed that: Programme Review
-----Thabat to send a letter to NWC/CH2M to confirm NWC approval will not be required. This was to be completed on 27-
08-2017. Thabat to manage process to bring to a close ASAP.  Priority Structures Programme – Atkins issued a programme of priority structure deliverables via email on 27-08-
2017. This followed discussions and agreements reached with Thabat at a meeting on-site on 24-08-2017. The
----- Atkins to be allowed to submit invoice for payments by 15th September 2017. priority structures include CCT, BTA, DCH, FBL & UVC. Refer to Appendix C. Please note that the programme
relies on Thabat inputs such as review and acceptance of draft drawings & RC intent sketches and provision
of RFI responses to achieve target deliverable dates.
Change Control Cost Time
 URGENT - There is need for a clear forward programme of work. As Basic Design is not fully approved and many
The following Early warnings reflect historic items on the project and will be submitted formally as Variation Orders over contributing factors are yet to be finalized the programme is difficult to plan as the project is start-stop. This generates
the coming periods: great difficulty in achieving efficiencies and ultimately leads to additional costs.

 Early Warning – Process design has produced a more complicated and extended site X X  CH2M approvals remains a risk item as the extended review period has been delaying design progress. Reviews are
development than proposed by AMC at tender stage, the basis of Atkins Contract offer e.g. not being completed on a technical basis and drawings/report are being rejected based on reviews by non-technical
addition of coarse screen chamber and building, increase sand & grit chamber size, increased staff for non-technical reasons. This wastes a lot of time and effort and is leading to additional costs.
complexity of distribution chamber, chlorine contact tank doubling in size, requirement for four
unique MCC designs, addition of weighbridge and metering channels, increase in road and  Atkins await AMC Construction programme with list of priority structures
drainage infrastructure.

 Early Warning – Extension of Ground Investigation Works for enlarged site area to cover an X X Next Month Activities
increased site development area compared to the Tender Design. This included additional
borehole scheduling, laboratory test scheduling, interpretation of results and update to  Atkins will continue to progress with BTA, DCH, CCT and UVC-FBL in accordance with agreed Priority Structure
Geotechnical Interpretive Report. Programme. Atkins progress update in contained in Appendix C.
 Early Warning – Level of SBR Optioneering undertaken to date including production of ‘Options X X
Report’ was not included in Atkins Contract offer. Appendices
 SBR Foundation – Unique design for each tank’s foundations (incl. reinforcement details) not X X
included in Atkins Contract offer. This also includes the substantial time and resource employed to  Appendix A – Thabat Progress Overview
justify the design to AMC and CH2M (Geotechnical settlement analysis, reviewing of plate load  Appendix B – Atkins Progress Overview
test results etc)  Appendix C – Priority Structures Programme and Overview
 Appendix D – Atkins Deliverable List
 Early Warning – Elongation of programme due to delay in attaining approval of Basic Design. X X  Appendix E – RFI Register
Current Thabat programme shows more than 12 months’ delay to Typsa design programme  Appendix F – Designers Risk Register
baseline received on 2nd March 2016.ypsa. This delay has led to severe difficulties for Atkins in
project planning and resourcing. The greatly extended programme and “stop-start” nature has
resulted in additional staff costs in developing design options, answering queries, meeting
attendance, prior to receipt of frozen design.

 Early Warning – Review and Reporting on Rising Groundwater levels – not included in Atkins X
Manfouha Sewage Treatment Plant Phase 4

Received From Eng Eslam 17/08/2017
Construction Need Date
Information  ATKINS  Received from Eng.  Construction Programme
Status with  Abdulmannan  Received from Eng. Eslam 16/08/2017
Item / Building Mechanical, Electrical and Process   Civil, Architectural and Structural  Provided by  Detail Design 
CH2M Email 12/08/2017
TYPSA Completion

DWGs sent  ATKINS  GA`s  GA's  RC Pack 

Basic  Basic  MEP DD  Receiving  Detailed  Detailed  Start on site 
Name ABB Notes to  Can  Notes Submission  % % Required  Required  Priority Remarks on Design
MECH Elec required? Date GA STR date
ATKINS? Progress? Date Date Date

Hydraulic flow, Profile & Calculations • ‐ Approved ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐

Piping and Instrumentation DWG P&ID • Most is approved ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐

Design Criteria DC • Approved ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐

Basic DWGs Approved, DD still   Send FM1 and Culvert, Assume steel  Basic Design Confirmed to ATKINS ‐ Civil DD 
Inlet chamber & Culvert & FM1 ICH • ‐ not issued
No For DD 13/07/2017 Yes
within Haer channel
WIP WIP 80% 20% 15/09/17 22/09/17 01‐Oct‐17 15
to start
Basic DWGs Approved, DD still  Need Final DWGs based on equipment  DD from Typsa required to commence Civil 
Coarse screen building & Container BLD CSB • • not issued
Yes For Info No
assembly DWGs
X X 75% 10% 10‐Aug‐17 4
Basic DWGs Approved, DD still  Need Final DWGs based on equipment  DD from Typsa required to commence Civil 
Inlet pumping station IPS • • not issued
Yes For Info No
assembly DWGs
X X 75% 15% 15‐Aug‐17 5
Basic DWGs Approved, DD still  Need Final DWGs based on equipment  DD from Typsa required to commence Civil 
Fine screen building & FM5 & Container BLD FSB • • not issued
Yes For Info No
assembly DWGs
X X 75% 15% 15‐Aug‐17 6
Basic DWGs Approved, DD still  Work in progress – need equipment  Basic Design Confirmed to ATKINS ‐ Civil DD 
Sand & grease chamber SGR • • not issued
No For DD 31/05/2017 Yes
assembly DWGs
WIP WIP 80% 20% 17/08/17 30/08/17 20‐Aug‐17 7
to start
Basic DWGs Approved, DD still  Basic Design Confirmed to ATKINS ‐ Civil DD 
Air blowing building (sand & grit) BBA • • not issued
Yes For Info No Waiting Frozen DWGs for the whole block X X 80% 20% 20‐Aug‐17 7
to start
Basic DWGs Approved , The  Basic Design Confirmed to ATKINS ‐ Civil DD 
Grease concentrator station  GCS • • unit became GTP
Yes For DD 31/05/2017 Yes Building is attached to SGR WIP WIP 80% 15% 20‐Aug‐17 7
to start
Basic DWGs Approved, DD still  Need confirmation on frozen design, 
Odor control (pre‐treatment facilities) OC1 • X not issued
No No
Equipment Details
X X 50% 10% 15‐Jan‐18 22 BD under review
Need confirmation on frozen design, 
Substation building mcc1 MCC1 X X Basic DWGs still not approved Yes No
Equipment Details
X X 50% 15% 15‐Nov‐17 20 BD under review

Basic DWGs Approved, DD still  Old Str. GA approved – flowmeter details  BD Confirmed ‐ Currently excavation 
Distribution chamber & FM2 DCH • • not issued
No For DD 17/07/2017 Yes
WIP WIP 80% 40% 22/08/17 31/08/17 31‐Aug‐17 10
finished ‐ Civil DD to start

Air blowing building (ICEAS) & MCC4 BBL UR UR DWGs under CH2M review No For Info No Waiting Frozen DWGs  X X 50% 25% 20‐Aug‐17 9 BD under review ‐ approval is imminent

Basic DWGs Approved, DD still  Currently 
ICEAS SBR tank (Support System) SBR • • not issued
No For DD Closed All DWGs approved • • 100% 100%
1 Closed

Basic DWGs Approved, DD still  Currently 
ICEAS SBR tank  (Slab) SBR • • not issued
No For DD 30/05/2017 Closed All DWGs approved • • 100% 100%
1 Closed

Basic DWGs Approved, DD still  Wall RC under CH2M review, Earthing for  Currently 

ICEAS SBR tank  (Walls) SBR • • not issued
No For DD 30/05/2017 Closed
decanter?? • UR 90% 100%
1 Closed

Basic DWGs Approved, DD still  Data sheet for Small Pumps to be confirmed  BD Confirmed ‐ Currently excavation 

Drainage SBR Pump Station DPS • X not issued
No For DD 16/07/2017 Yes
WIP WIP 80% 0% 22/08/17 31/08/17 31‐Aug‐17 10
finished ‐ Civil DD to start

Basic DWGs Approved, DD still  Ready to receive dressing concrete long 
Balance tank / intermediate PS & FM3 BTA • X not issued
No For DD 10/07/2017 Yes Site First Priority WIP WIP 80% 40% 16/08/17 25/08/17 25‐Jul‐17 2
time ago, Civil DD to start

For Info +  Need confirmation on frozen design, 
Sludge tank SLT X X Under Typsa`s Review  No
Equipment Details
X X 60% 20% 20‐Aug‐17 8 BD under review ‐ approval is imminent

For Info +  Need confirmation on frozen design, 
Sludge thickener STH X X Under Typsa`s Review  No
Equipment Details
X X 60% 20% 20‐Aug‐17 8 BD under review ‐ approval is imminent

For Info +  Need confirmation on frozen design, 
Polymer dosing unit for sludge thickener PD1 X X Under Typsa`s Review  No
Equipment Details
X X 60% 20% 20‐Aug‐17 8 BD under review ‐ approval is imminent

For Info +  Need confirmation on frozen design, 
Sludge mixing tank SMT X X Under Typsa`s Review  No
Equipment Details
X X 60% 20% 20‐Aug‐17 8 BD under review ‐ approval is imminent

For Info +  Need confirmation on frozen design, 
Supernatant pumping station  SPS X X Under Typsa`s Review  No
Equipment Details
X X 60% 20% 20‐Aug‐17 8 BD under review ‐ approval is imminent

For Info +  Need confirmation on frozen design, 
Sludge dewatering SLD X X Under Typsa`s Review  No
Equipment Details
X X 60% 20% 20‐Aug‐17 8 BD under review ‐ approval is imminent

For Info +  Need confirmation on frozen design, 
Polymer dosing unit for SLD dewatering PD2 X X Under Typsa`s Review  No
Equipment Details
X X 60% 20% 20‐Aug‐17 8 BD under review ‐ approval is imminent

For Info +  Need confirmation on frozen design, 
Sludge silos building SLB X X Under Typsa`s Review  No
Equipment Details
X X 60% 20% 15‐Sep‐17 12 BD under CH2M review

Need confirmation on frozen design, 
Substation building mcc2 MCC2 X X Basic DWGs still not approved Yes No
Equipment Details
X X 50% 15% 20‐Aug‐17 8 BD under review ‐ approval is imminent

Basic DWGs Approved, DD still  Need confirmation on frozen design, 
Odor control (sludge facilities) OC2 • X not issued
No No
Equipment Details
X X 50% 10% 20‐Aug‐17 8 BD under review ‐ approval is imminent
Need confirmation on frozen design, 
Substation building mcc3 MCC3 X X Basic DWGs still not approved Yes No
Equipment Details
X X 50% 15% 15‐Sep‐17 12 BD under CH2M review

Basic DWGs Approved, DD still  UVC, UVB, BPS and FBL basic design 
Filtration building FBL • X not issued
No For DD 15/08/2017 Yes Disc Filter arrangement Confirmed X X 85% 15% 04/09/17 11/09/17 10‐Sep‐17 11

Basic DWGs Approved, DD still  UVC, UVB, BPS and FBL basic design 
Backwash pumping station BPS • X not issued
No For DD 15/08/2017 Yes Design Confirmed X X 85% 5% 04/09/17 11/09/17 10‐Sep‐17 11

Basic DWGs Approved, DD still  UVC, UVB, BPS and FBL basic design 
UV channel UVC • • not issued
No For DD 18/06/2017 Yes Work in progress, but waiting for FBL  WIP WIP 80% 20% 08/09/17 15/09/17 10‐Sep‐17 11

Basic DWGs Approved, DD still  UVC, UVB, BPS and FBL basic design 
UV control building UVB • • not issued
No For DD 18/06/2017 Yes Work in progress, but waiting for FBL WIP WIP 80% 20% 08/09/17 15/09/17 10‐Sep‐17 11

Basic DWGs Approved, DD still  GA`s Received, RC drawings are much 
Chlorine contact tank CCT • • not issued
No For DD 30/05/2017 Yes GA`s Submitted 13‐08‐2017 • WIP 80% 35% Received 18/08/17 05‐Aug‐17 3
needed to prepare RFT
DWGs Approved  & Parshall  GA`s Received, RC drawings are much 
Effluent flow metering chamber FM4 EMC • • flume issue 
No For DD Yes Work in progress WIP WIP 80% 35% Received 18/06/17 05‐Aug‐17 3
needed to prepare RFT
Basic DWGs Approved, DD still  GA`s Received, RC drawings are much 
Service Water Line SWL • ‐ not issued
No For DD 30/05/2017 Yes Work in progress WIP WIP 80% 35% 01/09/17 08/09/17 05‐Aug‐17 3
needed to prepare RFT
Basic DWGs Approved, DD still  Need confirmation on frozen design, GRP tank 
Chlorine storage building NaOCL & PS CHB • • not issued
Yes No
X X 75% 0% 29‐Sep‐17 14 BD under review
Need confirmation on frozen design, 
Substation building mcc5 MCC5 X X Basic DWGs still not approved Yes No
Equipment Details
X X 50% 15% 15‐Nov‐17 21 BD under review
Basic DWGs Approved, DD still  Basic Design Confirmed to ATKINS ‐ Civil DD 
Final distribution chamber FDC • • not issued
No For DD 30/05/2017 Yes Prefer to have confirmation on frozen design X X 80% 10% 01‐Oct‐17 16
to start
Warehouse WHB X • Basic DWGs still not approved No No Need confirmation on frozen design X X 50% 5% 11‐Oct‐17 17 BD under review

Operation building OBL X • Basic DWGs still not approved No No Need confirmation on frozen design X X 60% 5% 20‐Sep‐17 13 BD under review

Firefighting building FFB X X Basic DWGs still not approved No No Need confirmation on frozen design X X 60% 0% 31‐Oct‐17 18 BD under review

Basic DWGs Approved, DD still 
Drinking water tank DWT • ‐ not issued
No For Info No Need confirmation on frozen design X X 80% 10% 10‐Nov‐17 19 BD under review

Weigh bridge WBF • • Basic DWGs Approved No   No Purchase from Market, Scope only to support X X 80% 10%

New Generators Building  ‐ X X Basic DWGs still not approved No No Need confirmation on frozen design X X 40% 0%

Site Layout

Site Access Road and Storm Network    UR ‐ DWGs under CH2M review No For Info No Need confirmation on frozen design X X 80% 10% TBC 23  

Site Pipework Design (including Influent, Effluent, Sludge, Overflow & 
Sanitary network and Thrust block sizing)
  UR ‐ DWGs under CH2M review Yes For Info No Need confirmation on frozen design X X 80% 5% TBC 23  

Landscape and Site Finishes • X Waiting Frozen DWGs No For Info No Need confirmation on frozen design X X 75% 10% TBC 23  

Draw Pit Layout Design X X Basic DWGs still not approved Yes No Need confirmation on frozen design X X 60% 10% TBC 23  
Manfouha Sewage Treatment Plant Phase 4


Closed Mech QRF 
Item / Building Mech Dwg received Struct Dwg received Arch Dwg received Equipment Loading RFI Queries  Deliverables Status Programme

Thabat Confirmation  Sufficient 
Date  Date  Date  Date  Date  Date  Drawing  Modelling  Draft GA  Formal GA  Calculation  RC Intent  Base Slab  Wall RC 
Name ABB Status Status Status Status Status Status that DD can  information  Calc Report RC Remarks on Design
Received Received Received Received Received Issued Status Status Drawings Drawings Report Sketches RC Pack Pack
commence to progress?

Hydraulic flow, Profile & Calculations ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐

Piping and Instrumentation DWG P&ID ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐

Design Criteria DC ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐

Unknown On Hold until 
Unknown Yes Await RFI to  Await RFI to  Await RFI to  Await RFI's
Inlet chamber & Culvert & FM1 ICH 13/07/17 ‐ Not received ‐ ‐ ‐ THABAT to  ‐ Awaited 22/08/17 Open No design  Await further information to start
THABAT to Confirm Eslam ‐ 17/08/17 start start start Inlet channel will be subject to agreement of VO
Confirm completed
Await approved Typsa BD (with correct equipment assembly)  and 
Awaited Await  equipment loading information to allow DD to progress.
Coarse screen building & Container BLD CSB ‐ Draft received  ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ drawings to  Awaited No On Hold On Hold On Hold On Hold Await BD drawings approval date Thabat to confirm agreement reached in July 2017 regarding separation 
18/01/2017 review of primary treatment structures (see RFI). This agreement is to be 
incorporated in Typsa BD design
Inlet pumping station IPS ‐ As CSB ‐ As CSB ‐ As CSB ‐ As CSB ‐ As CSB ‐ As CSB As CSB As CSB As CSB As CSB As CSB As CSB As CSB As CSB

Fine screen building & FM5 & Container BLD FSB ‐ As CSB ‐ As CSB ‐ As CSB ‐ As CSB ‐ As CSB ‐ As CSB As CSB As CSB As CSB As CSB As CSB As CSB As CSB As CSB
Unknown Await final Primary Treatment design incl. agreement on interface with 
Code B Yes
Sand & grease chamber SGR 31/05/15 ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited 31/05/17 THABAT to  ‐ Awaited 22/08/17 Awaited No On Hold On Hold On Hold On Hold Await further information to start FSB
Requires rework Eslam ‐ 31/05/17
Confirm Await RFI's
Air blowing building (sand & grit) BBA ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ drawings to  Awaited No On Hold On Hold On Hold On Hold Await BD drawings approval date Part of FSB ‐ Refer to FSB for details
Grease concentrator station  GCS As SGR As SGR ‐ As SGR ‐ As SGR As SGR As SGR ‐ As SGR As SGR As SGR As SGR As SGR As SGR As SGR As SGR As SGR As SGR As SGR
Odor control (pre‐treatment facilities) OC1 ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ drawings to  Awaited No On Hold On Hold On Hold On Hold Await BD drawings approval date Await approved Typsa BD and equipment loading to allow DD to progress.
Await approved Typsa BD and equipment loading to allow DD to progress.
Substation building mcc1 MCC1 ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ drawings to  Awaited No On Hold On Hold On Hold On Hold Await BD drawings approval date
Understand Civil Défense comments awaited for BD
Unknown Yes Approved  Approved  On Hold until 
Unknown Await RFI's
Distribution chamber & FM2 DCH 17/07/17 ‐ Not received ‐ ‐ 17/07/17 THABAT to  ‐ Awaited 22/08/17 Open Eslam ‐ 17/07/2017 Yes 28/11/16 Ongoing 06/12/16 design  22/08/17 04/09/17 08/09/17 12/09/17 28/09/17 28/09/17
THABAT to Confirm VO3 ‐ Subject to receipt of signed Contract change Order
Confirm & 17/08/2017 Ongoing Ongoing completed
Await approved Typsa BD and equipment loading to allow DD to progress.
Air blowing building (ICEAS) & MCC4 BBL ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ drawings to  Awaited No On Hold On Hold On Hold On Hold Await BD drawings approval date
Provided review of building draft drawings on 08/07/2017
ICEAS SBR tank (Support System) SBR 08/06/17 Code B ‐ Not received ‐ ‐ 08/06/17 Code B ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Approved Complete Approved Approved Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Early Warning  for Foundation Design to be Agreed with Thabat
Eslam ‐ 08/06/2017
Yes Approved Approved
ICEAS SBR tank  (Slab) SBR 08/06/17 Code B ‐ Not received ‐ ‐ 08/06/17 Code B ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 28/11/16 Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete VO4 ‐ Subject to receipt of signed Contract change Order
Eslam ‐ 08/06/2017 06/10/2016 27/06/17
Yes Approved Await 
ICEAS SBR tank  (Walls) SBR 08/06/17 Code B ‐ Not received ‐ ‐ 08/06/17 Code B ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 28/11/16 Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete VO1 & 4 ‐ Subject to receipt of signed Contract change Order
Eslam ‐ 08/06/2017 06/10/2017 Approval
Unknown Yes On Hold until 
Unknown Await RFI to  Await RFI to  Await RFI to 
Drainage SBR Pump Station DPS 16/07/17 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 16/07/17 THABAT to  ‐ Awaited 22/08/17 Open Eslam ‐ 16/07/2017 Yes design  Await further information to start Await RFI's
THABAT to Confirm start start start
Confirm & 17/08/2017 completed
Yes Approved Approved  On Hold until 
information  VO2 ‐ Subject to receipt of signed Contract change Order
Balance tank / intermediate PS & FM3 BTA 10/07/17 Code B ‐ Not received ‐ ‐ 10/07/17 Code B 10/07/17 22/08/17 Open Eslam ‐ 10/07/2017 Yes 10/11/16 Ongoing 05/11/16 design  24/08/17 13/09/17 18/09/17 22/09/17 17/10/17 24/10/17
required  Await RFI's
& 17/08/2017 Ongoing Ongoing completed
(See RFI)
On Hold
Await  On Hold
DRAFT  Draft drawings received 1st July. Comments sent 8th & 10th July.
Sludge tank SLT ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ drawings to  Awaited No DRAFT issued  On Hold On Hold Await BD drawings approval date
developed  Await approved Typsa BD and equipment loading to allow DD to progress.
review 05/09/2016
Sludge thickener STH As SLT As SLT ‐ As SLT ‐ As SLT ‐ As SLT ‐ As SLT ‐ As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT

Polymer dosing unit for sludge thickener PD1 As SLT As SLT ‐ As SLT ‐ As SLT ‐ As SLT ‐ As SLT ‐ As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT

Sludge mixing tank SMT As SLT As SLT ‐ As SLT ‐ As SLT ‐ As SLT ‐ As SLT ‐ As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT

Supernatant pumping station  SPS As SLT As SLT ‐ As SLT ‐ As SLT ‐ As SLT ‐ As SLT ‐ As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT

Sludge dewatering SLD As SLT As SLT ‐ As SLT ‐ As SLT ‐ As SLT ‐ As SLT ‐ As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT

Polymer dosing unit for SLD dewatering PD2 As SLT As SLT ‐ As SLT ‐ As SLT ‐ As SLT ‐ As SLT ‐ As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT

Sludge silos building SLB As SLT As SLT ‐ As SLT ‐ As SLT ‐ As SLT ‐ As SLT ‐ As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT As SLT
Await approved Typsa BD and equipment loading to allow DD to progress.
Substation building MCC 2 MCC2 ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ drawings to  Awaited No On Hold On Hold On Hold On Hold Await BD drawings approval date
Understand Civil Défense comments awaited for BD
Odor control (sludge facilities) OC2 ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited No On Hold On Hold On Hold On Hold Await BD drawings approval date Await approved Typsa BD and equipment loading to allow DD to progress.
drawings to 
Await approved Typsa BD and equipment loading to allow DD to progress.
Substation building MCC3 MCC3 ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ drawings to  Awaited No On Hold On Hold On Hold On Hold Await BD drawings approval date
Understand Civil Défense comments awaited for BD
Closed Mech QRF 
Item / Building Mech Dwg received Struct Dwg received Arch Dwg received Equipment Loading RFI Queries  Deliverables Status Programme

Thabat Confirmation  Sufficient 
Date  Date  Date  Date  Date  Date  Drawing  Modelling  Draft GA  Formal GA  Calculation  RC Intent  Base Slab  Wall RC 
Name ABB Status Status Status Status Status Status that DD can  information  Calc Report RC Remarks on Design
Received Received Received Received Received Issued Status Status Drawings Drawings Report Sketches RC Pack Pack
commence to progress?

Appear to be  More 
On Hold until 
Unknown based on  THABAT to  information  Yes Await RFI's
Filtration building FBL 15/08/17 ‐ Awaited 15/08/17 15/08/17 15/08/17 22/08/17 Open Yes Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing design  04/09/17 14/09/17 21/09/17 22/09/17 11/10/17 19/10/17
THABAT to Confirm superseded Mech  Confirm required  Eslam ‐ 15/08/2017 Thabat to confirm common raft solution acceptable for FBL‐UVC
drawings (See RFI)
Appear to be 
On Hold until 
Unknown based on  THABAT to  Yes
Backwash pumping station BPS 15/08/17 ‐ Awaited 15/08/17 15/08/17 ‐ Awaited 22/08/17 Open No On Hold On Hold On Hold design  Await further information to start Await RFI's
THABAT to Confirm superseded Mech  Confirm Eslam ‐ 15/08/2017
On Hold until  See FBL
information  Yes
UV channel UVC 18/06/17 Code B ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited 15/08/17 22/08/17 Open Yes Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing design  04/09/17 14/09/17 21/09/17 22/09/17 11/10/17 19/10/17 Miahona may cancel the structure preferring gas chlorination direct 
required  Ahmed ‐ 18/06/2017
completed injection
(See RFI)
On Hold until 
Yes Current mechanical drawings are of limited use. More detail is required to 
UV control building UVB 18/06/17 Code B ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited 22/08/17 Open No On Hold On Hold On Hold design  Await further information to start
Ahmed ‐ 18/06/2017 progress design (See RFI)
Await RFI's
Code B Await CH2M  incl. Updated site layout to confirm co‐ordinates; Approved Site Drainage 
Yes Issued Issued Issued Issued
Chlorine contact tank CCT 30/05/17 Require updated   ‐ Not provided ‐ Not provided ‐ Not provided ‐ Not provided 22/08/17 Open Yes Complete Approval  ‐ 24/08/17 14/09/17 26/09/17 layout to confirm top of wall levels; Approved Typsa BD drawings to 
Eslam ‐ 30/05/2017 11/08/17 11/08/17 11/08/17 11/08/17
drawings GA/Calc capture changes since Rev 4 drawing (See RFI)
RC to start on confirmation CH2M satisfied
Effluent flow metering chamber FM4 EMC See CCT See CCT ‐ See CCT ‐ See CCT ‐ As CCT ‐ As CCT As CCT As CCT As CCT Yes As CCT As CCT As CCT As CCT As CCT As CCT
Yes Subject to agreement VO 5
Service Water Line SWL 30/05/17 Require updated   ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited 22/08/17 Open No Issued On Hold On Hold On Hold Await further information to start
Eslam ‐ 30/05/2017 Require more information (See RFI)
drawings 18/11/16
Awaiting updated BD drawings
Chlorine storage building NaOCL & PS CHB ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited 25/11/16 Open Awaited No On Hold On Hold On Hold On Hold Await BD drawings approval date Miahona may convert to a Gas Chlorination building ‐ will be subject to 
VO if case
Substation building MCC5 MCC5 ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ drawings to  Awaited No On Hold On Hold On Hold On Hold Await BD drawings approval date Await approved Typsa BD and equipment loading to allow DD to progress.
Final distribution chamber FDC ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ drawings to  Awaited No On Hold On Hold On Hold On Hold Await BD drawings approval date Await approved Typsa BD and equipment loading to allow DD to progress.
Warehouse WHB ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ drawings to  Awaited No On Hold On Hold On Hold On Hold Await BD drawings approval date Await approved Typsa BD and equipment loading to allow DD to progress.
Operation building OBL ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ drawings to  Awaited No On Hold On Hold On Hold On Hold Await BD drawings approval date Await approved Typsa BD and equipment loading to allow DD to progress.
Await approved Typsa BD and equipment loading to allow DD to progress.
Firefighting building FFB ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ drawings to  Awaited No On Hold On Hold On Hold On Hold Await BD drawings approval date
Will be subject to VO
Drinking water tank DWT ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ drawings to  Awaited No On Hold On Hold On Hold On Hold Await BD drawings approval date Await approved Typsa BD and equipment loading to allow DD to progress.
Weigh bridge WBF ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ drawings to  Awaited No On Hold On Hold On Hold On Hold Await BD drawings approval date Await approved Typsa BD and equipment loading to allow DD to progress.
Await approved Typsa BD and equipment loading to allow DD to progress.
New Generators Building  ‐ ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ Awaited ‐ drawings to  Awaited No On Hold On Hold On Hold On Hold Await BD drawings approval date
Will be subject to VO
Essential to allow setting out co‐ordinates of structures to be defined
Site Layout ‐ Awaited ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Awaited ‐ ‐ ‐ drawings to  Awaited No On Hold On Hold ‐ ‐ Await BD drawings approval date
Await approved Typsa BD to allow DD to progress.
Essential to define finished ground levels on site
Site Access Road and Storm Network    ‐ Awaited ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Awaited ‐ ‐ ‐ drawings to  Awaited No On Hold On Hold ‐ ‐ Await BD drawings approval date
Await approved Typsa BD to allow DD to progress.
Site Pipework Design (including Influent, Effluent, Sludge, Overflow & 
  ‐ Awaited ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Awaited ‐ ‐ ‐ drawings to  Awaited No On Hold On Hold ‐ ‐ Await BD drawings approval date Await approved Typsa BD to allow DD to progress.
Sanitary network and Thrust block sizing)
Landscape and Site Finishes ‐ Awaited ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Awaited ‐ ‐ ‐ drawings to  Awaited No On Hold On Hold ‐ ‐ Await BD drawings approval date Await approved Typsa BD to allow DD to progress.
Draw Pit Layout Design ‐ Awaited ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Awaited ‐ ‐ ‐ drawings to  Awaited No On Hold On Hold ‐ ‐ Await BD drawings approval date Await approved Typsa BD to allow DD to progress.
Manfouha Sewage Treatment Plant Phase 4

Manfouha ‐ Atkins Priority Structure Delivery Schedule 29/08/2017

Task Name  Actual  Status Actual Status

Received QRF Code C ‐ 28‐08‐17
Draft QRF response issued 29‐08‐17 & 30‐08‐17 
Thabat confirmation QRF OK received 30‐8‐17
GA's, Gen Notes and QRF issued 31‐08‐17 (based north wall TOW 570.60)
CCT ‐ Formal Issue GA & Calc Report  Thu  11/08/2017 11/08/2017 Thabat confirmed north wall TOW 571 (Email 01‐09‐17) (After 3 different instructions)
GA's, Gen Notes and QRF issued 01‐09‐17 (based north wall TOW 571)
Await confirmation drawings submitted to CH2M.
Await CH2M Comments GA re‐submission
 CH2M Comments on Calc Report received 05‐09‐2017 and responded to on 06‐09‐2017 

Received dwg mark‐ups 24‐08 & comments 28‐08 ‐ New information that is different to 
approved Typsa drawing.
DCH ‐ Issue Draft GA Drawing set  Tue  22/08/2017 22/08/2017 Base slab outlet increased 800mm ‐ Agreed 29‐08.
Revised set of drawings issued 01.09.2017 ‐ Await agreement of the VO before issue 
Received Feedback 28th & 29th Aug ‐ Thabat wish to use offcuts.
CCT ‐ Issue Reinforcement Intent to Thabat  Thu  24/08/2017 24/08/2017 Rebar Sketches re‐sent & Agreed Thabat 30‐08‐17
RC detailing underway.
Thabat feedback of 30‐08‐17 ‐ Limited use. Await:
‐‐ Responses to RFI's
‐‐ Response to Atkins return comments of 31‐08‐17  & 01‐09‐2017 (High level chamber 
BTA ‐ Issue Draft Drawing set  Thu  24/08/2017 24/08/2017 support and pump risers)

ON HOLD ‐ Email of 31‐08‐3017 ‐ Eng. Eslam.
DESIGN NOT FROZEN ‐ Eduardo 01‐09‐2017
Thabat confirmed 30‐08 that do not want to combine structures (Response to common 
slab proposal sent 23‐08‐2017).
UVC‐FBL ‐ Issue Draft GA Drawing set  Mon  04/09/2017 01/09/2017
Existing excavation interface ‐ foundation to be confirmed.
DRAFT drawing set issued 01/09/2017 ‐ Await Thabat Comments
Revised set of drawings issued 01.09.2017 DRAFT ‐ Await agreement of the VO before 
issue formally.
DCH ‐ Formal Issue GA Drawings  Mon  04/09/2017
Thabat comments received 06‐09‐2017 . This has delayed finalising drawings ‐ now to 
be submitted 07‐09‐2017.
DCH ‐ Issue Calculation Report  Fri  08/09/2017 Ongoing

DCH ‐ Issue Reinforcement Intent sketches  Tue  12/09/2017

BTA ‐ Formal Issue GA Drawings  Wed  13/09/2017
CCT ‐ Formal Issue Base slab RC  Thu  14/09/2017 Ongoing ‐ Rebar sent to Detailers ‐ 31‐08‐2017 *basis of ToW 570.100
Await RFI's on Loading from Thabat
UVC‐FBL ‐ Formal Issue GA Drawings  Thu  14/09/2017 Model built and loaded (in‐part) for current layout ‐ Await confirmation GA's from 
Thabat to analyse.
Model built and loaded for current layout ‐ Await confirmation GA's from Thabat to 
BTA ‐ Formal Issue Calculation Report  Mon  18/09/2017
UVC‐FBL ‐ Issue Calculation Report  Thurs  21/09/2017
BTA ‐ Issue Reinforcement Intent sketches  Fri  22/09/2017
UVC‐FBL ‐ Issue Reinforcement Intent sketches  Fri  22/09/2017
CCT‐ Formal Issue Wall RC  Tue  26/09/2017
DCH ‐ Formal Issue RC Drawings  Thu  28/09/2017
UVC‐FBL ‐ Formal Issue Base slab RC  Wed  11/10/2017
BTA ‐ Formal Issue Base slab RC  Tue  17/10/2017
UVC‐FBL ‐ Formal Issue Wall RC  Thu  19/10/2017
BTA ‐ Formal Issue Wall RC  Tue  24/10/2017

Programme logic and delivery dates rely on:
‐‐ Thabat to complete review activates as per programme allowance (refer to programme)
‐‐ Timely completion of CH2M reviews (Thabat to manage)
Manfouha Sewage Treatment Plant Phase 4

Atkins Deliverables - Al Manfouha STP4
Documents - Estimate

Document Number Document Title  Date of Issue

5145599 ‐ 62 ‐ DR ‐ 001 Contractor Geotechnical Investigation Specification 21/11/2015
5145599 ‐ 62 ‐ DR ‐ 002 Site Topographical Survey Specification 24/11/2015
STP‐RP‐02‐G‐CSA‐101 Basis of Design (Design Basis Statement) 12/05/2016
STP‐RP‐02‐G‐CSA‐102 Design Risk Assessment  01/07/2016
STP‐RP‐02‐G‐C‐108 Technical Note: Comparison of Plate Load Tests Results and Settlement Predictions
STP‐RP‐02‐G‐C‐106 Technical Note: Groundwater Level Rise 12/08/2016
STP‐RP‐02‐G‐C‐109 Technical Note: SBR Inlet Pipe 10/11/2016
STP‐RP‐02‐G‐C‐102 Geotechnical Interpretive Report 12/08/2016
STP‐RP‐02‐G‐C‐107 Geotechnical Design Report 26/09/2016
STP‐RP‐02‐G‐C‐103 Formation Preparation and Plate Test Requirements 11/07/2016
STP‐RP‐02‐G‐C‐104 SBR Plate Test Report
STP‐RP‐02‐G‐C‐105 Fill Material & Compaction Specification
STP‐DC‐02‐G‐C‐110 Civil Design Report (including pipework thrust block sizing) TBC
STP‐RP‐02‐G‐S‐103 Concrete Durability Report and Mix Specification 02/06/2016
STP‐RP‐02‐G‐S‐104 Concrete Aggregate Specification 16/05/2016
STP‐RP‐02‐G‐S‐105 Concrete Reinforcement Specification 09/08/2016
STP‐DC‐02‐SBR1‐S‐101 Structural Design Report ‐ ICEAS SBR 1 , 2 & 3 Foundation 24/08/2016
STP‐DC‐02‐SBR1‐S‐102 Structural Design Report ‐ ICEAS SBR (SBR) 14/08/2016
STP‐DC‐02‐ICH‐S‐100 Structural Design Report ‐ Inlet Chamber (ICH) TBC
STP‐DC‐02‐IPS‐S‐100 Structural Design Report ‐ Inlet Pumping Station & Coarse Screening Chamber (IPS & CSB) TBC
STP‐DC‐02‐CSB‐S‐100 Structural Design Report ‐ Coarse Screening Building (CSB) TBC
STP‐DC‐02‐FSB‐S‐100 Structural Design Report ‐ Fine Screening Building incl. Air Blowing Area (FSB & BBA) TBC
STP‐DC‐02‐FSB‐S‐101 Structural Design Report ‐ Fine Screening Building Chamber (FSB) TBC
STP‐DC‐02‐SGR‐S‐100 Structural Design Report ‐ Sand & Grease Chamber (SGR) TBC
STP‐DC‐02‐IMC‐S‐101 Structural Design Report ‐ Misc. Chamber ‐ Overflow Metering Chamber TBC
STP‐DC‐02‐BTA‐S‐100 Structural Design Report ‐ Balance Tank (BTA)
STP‐DC‐02‐FBL‐S‐100 Structural Design Report ‐ Filtration Building incl. Backwash Pumping Station (FBL & BPS) 21/09/2017
STP‐DC‐02‐UVC‐S‐100 Structural Design Report ‐ UV Channel (UVC) 21/09/2017
STP‐DC‐02‐UVB‐S‐100 Structural Design Report ‐ UV Building  (UVB) TBC
STP‐DC‐02‐CCT‐S‐100 Structural Design Report ‐ Chlorine Contact Tank incl. service water line & Effluent Flow Metering Chamber (CCT, EMC & SWL) 11/08/2017
STP‐DC‐02‐CHB‐S‐100 Structural Design Report ‐ Chlorine Storage Building (CHB) TBC
STP‐DC‐02‐BBL‐S‐100 Structural Design Report ‐ Air Blowing Building (BBL) TBC
STP‐DC‐02‐BBL‐S‐101 Structural Design Report ‐ Air Blowing Building Foundation  (BBL) TBC
STP‐DC‐02‐SLD‐S‐100 Structural Design Report ‐ Sludge Thickener/Mixing/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building (STH, SMT,SLD, PD1 & PD2) TBC
STP‐DC‐02‐SLD‐S‐101 Structural Design Report ‐ Sludge Thickener/Mixing/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Foundation (STH, SMT,SLD, PD1 & PD2) TBC
STP‐DC‐02‐SLB‐S‐100 Structural Design Report ‐ Sludge Silos Foundation (SLB) TBC
STP‐DC‐02‐SLT‐S‐100 Structural Design Report ‐ Sludge Tank incl. odour control 2 (SLT & OC2) TBC
STP‐DC‐02‐SLT‐S‐101 Structural Design Report ‐ Sludge Tank incl. odour control 2 Foundation (SLT & OC2) TBC
STP‐DC‐02‐DCH‐S‐100 Structural Design Report ‐ Distribution Chamber incl. Inflow Metering Chamber (DCH & IMC)
STP‐DC‐02‐SPS‐S‐100 Structural Design Report ‐ Supernatant Pumping Station (SPS) TBC
STP‐DC‐02‐G‐S‐106 Structural Design Report ‐ Existing Generator Building (Power House) Modifications TBC
STP‐DC‐02‐MCC1‐S‐100 Structural Design Report ‐ Substation Building 1 (MCC 1) TBC
STP‐DC‐02‐MCC2‐S‐100 Structural Design Report ‐ Substation Building 2 (MCC 2) TBC
STP‐DC‐02‐MCC2‐S‐101 Structural Design Report ‐ Substation Building 2 Foundation (MCC 2) TBC
STP‐DC‐02‐MCC3‐S‐100 Structural Design Report ‐ Substation Building 3 (MCC 3) TBC
STP‐DC‐02‐MCC3‐S‐101 Structural Design Report ‐ Substation Building 3 Foundation (MCC 3) TBC
STP‐DC‐02‐MCC5‐S‐100 Structural Design Report ‐ Substation Building 4 (MCC 4) TBC
STP‐DC‐02‐OC1‐S‐100 Structural Design Report ‐ Odour Control 1 (OC1) TBC
STP‐DC‐02‐FFB‐S‐100 Structural Design Report ‐ Fire Fighting Building incl. Drinking Water Tank (FFB & DWT) TBC
STP‐DC‐02‐WHB‐S‐100 Structural Design Report ‐ Warehouse (WHB) TBC
STP‐DC‐02‐OBL‐S‐100 Structural Design Report ‐ Operations Building (OBL) TBC
STP‐DC‐02‐OBL‐S‐101 Structural Design Report ‐ Operations Building Foundation (OBL) TBC
STP‐DC‐02‐FDC‐S‐100 Structural Design Report ‐ Misc. Chambers ‐ Final Distribution Chamber (FDC) TBC
STP‐DC‐02‐WBF‐S‐100 Structural Design Report ‐Misc. Chambers ‐ Weigh Bridge Substructure (WBF) TBC
STP‐DC‐02‐G‐A‐101 Fire & Life Safety Report (All structures) TBC
Total No: 55
Atkins Deliverables - Al Manfouha STP4
RC Schedules Estimate

Drawing Title  Date of Issue
STP‐SD‐02‐SBR1‐S‐411 SBR 1 Foundation ‐ Type 1 Pad foundation Reinforcement Details 11/08/2016
STP‐SD‐02‐SBR1‐S‐412 SBR 1 Foundation ‐ Type 2 Pad foundation Reinforcement Details 11/08/2016
STP‐SD‐02‐SBR1‐S‐413 SBR 1 Foundation ‐ Type 4 Pad foundation Reinforcement Details 11/08/2016
STP‐SD‐02‐SBR1‐S‐414 SBR 1 Foundation ‐ Type 3 Pad foundation Reinforcement Details 11/08/2016
STP‐SD‐02‐SBR2‐S‐411 SBR 2 Foundation ‐ Type 1 Pad foundation Reinforcement Details 24/08/2016
STP‐SD‐02‐SBR2‐S‐412 SBR 2 Foundation ‐ Type 2 Pad foundation Reinforcement Details 24/08/2016
STP‐SD‐02‐SBR2‐S‐413 SBR 2 Foundation ‐ Type 4 Pad foundation Reinforcement Details 24/08/2016
STP‐SD‐02‐SBR2‐S‐414 SBR 2 Foundation ‐ Type 3 Pad foundation Reinforcement Details 24/08/2016
STP‐SD‐02‐SBR2‐S‐415 SBR 2 Foundation ‐ Type 5 Pad foundation Reinforcement Details 24/08/2016
STP‐SD‐02‐SBR3‐S‐411 SBR 3 Foundation ‐ Type 1 Pad foundation Reinforcement Details 24/08/2016
STP‐SD‐02‐SBR3‐S‐412 SBR 3 Foundation ‐ Type 2 Pad foundation Reinforcement Details 24/08/2016
STP‐SD‐02‐SBR3‐S‐413 SBR 3 Foundation ‐ Type 3 Pad foundation Reinforcement Details 24/08/2016
STP‐SD‐02‐SBR3‐S‐414 SBR 3 Foundation ‐ Type 4 Pad foundation Reinforcement Details 09/09/2016
STP‐SD‐02‐SBR3‐S‐415 SBR 3 Foundation ‐ Type 5 Pad foundation Reinforcement Details 24/08/2016
STP‐DD‐02‐SBR‐S‐420 SBR Base Slab Reinforcement SHEET‐1, 4, 12 & 15 Top Mat 
STP‐DD‐02‐SBR‐S‐421 SBR Base Slab Reinforcement SHEET‐2 & 14 Top Mat 
STP‐DD‐02‐SBR‐S‐422 SBR Base Slab Reinforcement SHEET‐3,7,9&13 Top Mat 
STP‐DD‐02‐SBR‐S‐423 SBR Base Slab Reinforcement SHEET‐5&11 Top Mat 
STP‐DD‐02‐SBR‐S‐424 SBR Base Slab Reinforcement SHEET ‐ 6 & 10 Top Mat
STP‐DD‐02‐SBR‐S‐425 SBR Base Slab Reinforcement SHEET‐8 Top Mat 
STP‐DD‐02‐SBR‐S‐426 SBR Base Slab Reinforcement SHEET‐1, 4, 12 & 15 Bottom Mat 
STP‐DD‐02‐SBR‐S‐427 SBR Base Slab Reinforcement SHEET‐2 & 14 Bottom Mat 
STP‐DD‐02‐SBR‐S‐428 SBR Base Slab Reinforcement SHEET‐3,7,9&13 Bottom Mat
STP‐DD‐02‐SBR‐S‐429 SBR Base Slab Reinforcement SHEET‐5&11 Bottom Mat 
STP‐DD‐02‐SBR‐S‐430 SBR Base Slab Reinforcement SHEET ‐ 6 & 10 Bottom Mat 
STP‐DD‐02‐SBR‐S‐431 SBR Base Slab Reinforcement SHEET‐8 Bottom Mat 
STP‐DD‐02‐SBR‐S‐446 SBR1 Base Slab Splice Reinforcement Top Mat 
STP‐DD‐02‐SBR‐S‐447 SBR1 Base Slab Splice Reinforcement Bottom Mat
STP‐DD‐02‐SBR‐S‐434 SBR Reinforcement Details Wall reinforcement Sheet 1 of 10
STP‐DD‐02‐SBR‐S‐435 SBR Reinforcement Details Wall reinforcement Sheet 2 of 10
STP‐DD‐02‐SBR‐S‐436 SBR Reinforcement Details Wall reinforcement Sheet 3 of 10
STP‐DD‐02‐SBR‐S‐437 SBR Reinforcement Details Wall reinforcement Sheet 4 of 10
STP‐DD‐02‐SBR‐S‐438 SBR Reinforcement Details Wall reinforcement Sheet 5 of 10
STP‐DD‐02‐SBR‐S‐439 SBR Reinforcement Details Wall reinforcement Sheet 6 of 10
STP‐DD‐02‐SBR‐S‐440 SBR Reinforcement Details Wall reinforcement Sheet 7 of 10
STP‐DD‐02‐SBR‐S‐441 SBR Reinforcement Details Wall reinforcement Sheet 8 of 10
STP‐DD‐02‐SBR‐S‐442 SBR Reinforcement Details Wall reinforcement Sheet 9 of 10
STP‐DD‐02‐SBR‐S‐443 SBR Reinforcement Details Wall reinforcement Sheet 10 of 10
STP‐DD‐02‐SBR‐S‐444 SBR Reinforcement Details Central Dividing Chamber Sheet 1 of 2
STP‐DD‐02‐SBR‐S‐445 SBR Reinforcement Details Central Dividing Chamber Sheet 2 of 2
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐452 SBR Walkway Support Beams Reinforcement Details 10/08/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐ICH‐S‐400 Inlet Chamber Reinforcement Details 10/08/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐IPS‐S‐400 Inlet Pumping Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐IPS‐S‐401 Inlet Pumping Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐IPS‐S‐402 Inlet Pumping Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐IPS‐S‐403 Inlet Pumping Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐CSB‐S‐400 Coarse Screening Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐CSB‐S‐401 Coarse Screening Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐CSB‐S‐402 Coarse Screening Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐CSB‐S‐403 Coarse Screening Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐CSB‐S‐404 Coarse Screening Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 5 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐CSB‐S‐405 Coarse Screening Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 6 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐CSB‐S‐406 Coarse Screening Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 3 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐CSB‐S‐407 Coarse Screening Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 3 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐CSB‐S‐408 Coarse Screening Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 3 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐FSB‐S‐400 Fine Screening Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 10 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐FSB‐S‐401 Fine Screening Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 10 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐FSB‐S‐402 Fine Screening Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 10 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐FSB‐S‐403 Fine Screening Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 10 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐FSB‐S‐404 Fine Screening Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 5 of 10 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐FSB‐S‐405 Fine Screening Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 6 of 10 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐FSB‐S‐406 Fine Screening Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 7 of 10 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐FSB‐S‐407 Fine Screening Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 8 of 10 TBC
Drawing Title  Date of Issue
STP‐DD‐02‐FSB‐S‐408 Fine Screening Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 9 of 10 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐FSB‐S‐409 Fine Screening Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 10 of 10 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SGR‐S‐400 Sand & Grease Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SGR‐S‐401 Sand & Grease Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SGR‐S‐402 Sand & Grease Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SGR‐S‐403 Sand & Grease Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SGR‐S‐404 Sand & Grease Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 5 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SGR‐S‐405 Sand & Grease Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 6 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SGR‐S‐406 Sand & Grease Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 7 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SGR‐S‐407 Sand & Grease Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 8 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SGR‐S‐408 Sand & Grease Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 9 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SGR‐S‐409 Sand & Grease Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 10 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SGR‐S‐410 Sand & Grease Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 11 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SGR‐S‐411 Sand & Grease Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 12 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SGR‐S‐412 Sand & Grease Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 13 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SGR‐S‐413 Sand & Grease Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 14 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SGR‐S‐414 Sand & Grease Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 15 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐IMC‐S‐400 Inflow Metering Flume Reinforcement Details TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐GCS‐S‐400 Grease Concentrator Station Slab Reinforcement Details TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐BTA‐S‐400 Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 15 17/10/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐BTA‐S‐401 Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 15 17/10/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐BTA‐S‐402 Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 15 17/10/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐BTA‐S‐403 Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 15 17/10/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐BTA‐S‐404 Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 5 of 15 17/10/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐BTA‐S‐405 Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 6 of 15 17/10/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐BTA‐S‐406 Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 7 of 15 17/10/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐BTA‐S‐407 Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 8 of 15 17/10/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐BTA‐S‐408 Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 9 of 15 24/10/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐BTA‐S‐409 Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 10 of 15 24/10/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐BTA‐S‐410 Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 11 of 15 24/10/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐BTA‐S‐411 Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 12 of 15 24/10/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐BTA‐S‐412 Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 13 of 15 24/10/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐BTA‐S‐413 Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 14 of 15 24/10/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐BTA‐S‐414 Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 15 of 15 24/10/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐FBL‐S‐400 Filtration Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 6 11/10/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐FBL‐S‐401 Filtration Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 6 11/10/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐FBL‐S‐402 Filtration Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 6 11/10/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐FBL‐S‐403 Filtration Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 6 19/10/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐FBL‐S‐404 Filtration Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 5 of 6 19/10/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐FBL‐S‐405 Filtration Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 6 of 6 19/10/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐BPS‐S‐400 Backwash Pumping Station Reinforcement Details TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐UVC‐S‐400 UV Channel Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 6 11/10/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐UVC‐S‐401 UV Channel Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 6 11/10/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐UVC‐S‐402 UV Channel Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 6 11/10/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐UVC‐S‐403 UV Channel Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 6 19/10/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐UVC‐S‐404 UV Channel Reinforcement Details Sheet 5 of 6 19/10/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐UVC‐S‐405 UV Channel Reinforcement Details Sheet 6 of 6 19/10/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐UVB‐S‐400 UV Building  Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 3 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐UVB‐S‐401 UV Building  Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 3 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐UVB‐S‐402 UV Building  Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 3 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐CCT‐S‐400 Chlorine Contact Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 15 14/09/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐CCT‐S‐401 Chlorine Contact Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 15 14/09/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐CCT‐S‐402 Chlorine Contact Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 15 14/09/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐CCT‐S‐403 Chlorine Contact Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 15 14/09/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐CCT‐S‐404 Chlorine Contact Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 5 of 15 14/09/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐CCT‐S‐405 Chlorine Contact Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 6 of 15 14/09/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐CCT‐S‐406 Chlorine Contact Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 7 of 15 14/09/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐CCT‐S‐407 Chlorine Contact Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 8 of 15 14/09/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐CCT‐S‐408 Chlorine Contact Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 9 of 15 26/09/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐CCT‐S‐409 Chlorine Contact Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 10 of 15 26/09/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐CCT‐S‐410 Chlorine Contact Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 11 of 15 26/09/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐CCT‐S‐411 Chlorine Contact Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 12 of 15 26/09/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐CCT‐S‐412 Chlorine Contact Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 13 of 15 26/09/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐CCT‐S‐413 Chlorine Contact Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 14 of 15 26/09/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐CCT‐S‐414 Chlorine Contact Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 15 of 15 26/09/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐EMC‐S‐400 Effluent Flow Flume Reinforcement Details 26/09/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐SWL‐S‐400 Service Water Line Reinforcement Details TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐CHB‐S‐400 Chlorine Storage Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐CHB‐S‐401 Chlorine Storage Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐CHB‐S‐402 Chlorine Storage Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐CHB‐S‐403 Chlorine Storage Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐BBL‐S‐400 Air Blowing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐BBL‐S‐401 Air Blowing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐BBL‐S‐402 Air Blowing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐BBL‐S‐403 Air Blowing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐BBL‐S‐405 Air Blowing Building Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐BBL‐S‐406 Air Blowing Building Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐BBL‐S‐407 Air Blowing Building Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐BBL‐S‐408 Air Blowing Building Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLD‐S‐400 Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLD‐S‐401 Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLD‐S‐402 Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLD‐S‐403 Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLD‐S‐404 Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 5 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLD‐S‐405 Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 6 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLD‐S‐406 Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 7 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLD‐S‐407 Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 8 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLD‐S‐408 Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 9 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLD‐S‐409 Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 10 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLD‐S‐410 Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 11 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLD‐S‐411 Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 12 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLD‐S‐412 Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 13 of 15 TBC
Drawing Title  Date of Issue
STP‐DD‐02‐SLD‐S‐413 Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 14 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLD‐S‐414 Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 15 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLD‐S‐416 Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLD‐S‐417 Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLD‐S‐418 Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLD‐S‐419 Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLB‐S‐401 Sludge Silos Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLB‐S‐402 Sludge Silos Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLB‐S‐403 Sludge Silos Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLB‐S‐404 Sludge Silos Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLT‐S‐400 Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLT‐S‐401 Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLT‐S‐402 Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLT‐S‐403 Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLT‐S‐404 Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Reinforcement Details Sheet 5 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLT‐S‐405 Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Reinforcement Details Sheet 6 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLT‐S‐407 Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLT‐S‐408 Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLT‐S‐409 Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SLT‐S‐410 Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SMT‐S‐400 Sludge Mixing Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SMT‐S‐401 Sludge Mixing Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SMT‐S‐402 Sludge Mixing Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SMT‐S‐403 Sludge Mixing Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SMT‐S‐404 Sludge Mixing Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 5 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SMT‐S‐405 Sludge Mixing Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 6 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SMT‐S‐407 Sludge Mixing Tank Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SMT‐S‐408 Sludge Mixing Tank Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SMT‐S‐409 Sludge Mixing Tank Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SMT‐S‐410 Sludge Mixing Tank Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐SPS‐S‐400 Supernatant Pumping Station Reinforcement Details TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐DCH‐S‐400 Distribution Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 28/09/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐DCH‐S‐401 Distribution Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 28/09/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐DCH‐S‐402 Distribution Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 28/09/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐DCH‐S‐403 Distribution Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 28/09/2017
STP‐DD‐02‐MCC1‐S‐400 Substation Building 1 Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐MCC1‐S‐401 Substation Building 1 Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐MCC1‐S‐402 Substation Building 1 Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐MCC1‐S‐403 Substation Building 1 Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐MCC2‐S‐400 Substation Building 2 Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐MCC2‐S‐401 Substation Building 2 Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐MCC2‐S‐402 Substation Building 2 Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐MCC2‐S‐403 Substation Building 2 Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐MCC2‐S‐405 Substation Building 2 Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐MCC2‐S‐406 Substation Building 2 Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐MCC2‐S‐407 Substation Building 2 Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐MCC2‐S‐408 Substation Building 2 Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐MCC3‐S‐400 Substation Building 3 Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐MCC3‐S‐401 Substation Building 3 Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐MCC3‐S‐402 Substation Building 3 Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐MCC3‐S‐403 Substation Building 3 Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐MCC3‐S‐405 Substation Building 3 Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐MCC3‐S‐406 Substation Building 3 Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐MCC3‐S‐407 Substation Building 3 Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐MCC3‐S‐408 Substation Building 3 Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐MCC5‐S‐400 Substation Building 5 Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐MCC5‐S‐401 Substation Building 5 Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐MCC5‐S‐402 Substation Building 5 Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐MCC5‐S‐403 Substation Building 5 Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐OC1‐S‐400 Pre‐treatment Odour Control Slab Reinforcement Details TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐WHB‐S‐400 Warehouse Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐WHB‐S‐401 Warehouse Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐WHB‐S‐402 Warehouse Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐WHB‐S‐403 Warehouse Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐WHB‐S‐404 Warehouse Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 5 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐WHB‐S‐405 Warehouse Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 6 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐OBL‐S‐400 Operations Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐OBL‐S‐401 Operations Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐OBL‐S‐402 Operations Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐OBL‐S‐403 Operations Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐OBL‐S‐404 Operations Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 5 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐OBL‐S‐405 Operations Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 6 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐OBL‐S‐407 Operations Building Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐OBL‐S‐408 Operations Building Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐OBL‐S‐409 Operations Building Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐OBL‐S‐410 Operations Building Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐FFB‐S‐400 Fire Fighting Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐FFB‐S‐401 Fire Fighting Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐FFB‐S‐402 Fire Fighting Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐FFB‐S‐403 Fire Fighting Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐DWT‐S‐401 Drinking Water Tank Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐DWT‐S‐402 Drinking Water Tank Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐FDC‐S‐400 Final Distribution Chamber Reinforcement Details TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐WBF‐S‐400 Weigh Bridge Substructure Reinforcement Details TBC
STP‐DD‐02‐G‐S‐400 Existing Generator Building (Power House) Modifications Reinforcement Details (if required) TBC
Atkins Deliverables - Al Manfouha STP4
Structural Drawings Estimate

Drawing Number Drawing Title  Date of Issue

STP‐DD‐GEN‐S‐000‐001‐S Structural General Notes 18/08/2016
STP‐DD‐GEN‐S‐000‐002‐S Waterproofing Details TBC
STP‐DD‐SBR1‐S‐150‐100‐S SBR 1 Foundation Plan Layout 18/08/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR1‐S‐150‐101‐S SBR 1 Foundation Column and Pad Formation Levels and Setting Out Co‐ordinates 18/08/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR1‐S‐150‐104‐S SBR 1 Foundation Column and Pad General Arrangement (Sheet 1 of 2) 18/08/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR1‐S‐150‐105‐S SBR 1 Foundation Column and Pad General Arrangement (Sheet 2 of 2) 18/08/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR1‐S‐150‐200‐S SBR 1 Foundation Sections 18/08/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR2‐S‐150‐100‐S SBR 2 Foundation Plan Layout 24/08/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR2‐S‐150‐101‐S SBR 2 Foundation Column and Pad Formation Levels and Setting Out Co‐ordinates 24/08/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR2‐S‐150‐104‐S SBR 2 Foundation Column and Pad General Arrangement (Sheet 1 of 2) 24/08/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR2‐S‐150‐105‐S SBR 2 Foundation Column and Pad General Arrangement (Sheet 2 of 2) 24/08/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR2‐S‐150‐200‐S SBR 2 Foundation Sections 24/08/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR3‐S‐150‐100‐S SBR 3 Foundation Plan Layout 24/08/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR3‐S‐150‐101‐S SBR 3 Foundation Column and Pad Formation Levels and Setting Out Co‐ordinates 24/08/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR3‐S‐150‐104‐S SBR 3 Foundation Column and Pad General Arrangement (Sheet 1 of 2) 24/08/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR3‐S‐150‐105‐S SBR 3 Foundation Column and Pad General Arrangement (Sheet 2 of 2) 24/08/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR3‐S‐150‐300‐S SBR 3 Foundation Sections 24/08/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR1‐S‐150‐210‐S SBR 1 Foundation Column and Pad Reinforcement Plan 11/08/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR1‐S‐150‐211‐S SBR 1 Foundation ‐ Type 1 Pad foundation Reinforcement Details 11/08/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR1‐S‐150‐212‐S SBR 1 Foundation ‐ Type 2 Pad foundation Reinforcement Details 11/08/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR1‐S‐150‐213‐S SBR 1 Foundation ‐ Type 4 Pad foundation Reinforcement Details 11/08/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR1‐S‐150‐214‐S SBR 1 Foundation ‐ Type 3 Pad foundation Reinforcement Details 11/08/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR2‐S‐150‐210‐S SBR 2 Foundation Column and Pad Reinforcement Plan 24/08/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR2‐S‐150‐211‐S SBR 2 Foundation ‐ Type 1 Pad foundation Reinforcement Details 24/08/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR2‐S‐150‐212‐S SBR 2 Foundation ‐ Type 2 Pad foundation Reinforcement Details 24/08/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR2‐S‐150‐213‐S SBR 2 Foundation ‐ Type 4 Pad foundation Reinforcement Details 24/08/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR2‐S‐150‐214‐S SBR 2 Foundation ‐ Type 3 Pad foundation Reinforcement Details 24/08/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR2‐S‐150‐215‐S SBR 2 Foundation ‐ Type 5 Pad foundation Reinforcement Details 24/08/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR3‐S‐150‐210‐S SBR 3 Foundation Column and Pad Reinforcement Plan 24/08/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR3‐S‐150‐211‐S SBR 3 Foundation ‐ Type 1 Pad foundation Reinforcement Details 24/08/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR3‐S‐150‐212‐S SBR 3 Foundation ‐ Type 2 Pad foundation Reinforcement Details 24/08/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR3‐S‐150‐213‐S SBR 3 Foundation ‐ Type 3 Pad foundation Reinforcement Details 24/08/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR3‐S‐150‐214‐S SBR 3 Foundation ‐ Type 4 Pad foundation Reinforcement Details 09/09/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR3‐S‐150‐215‐S SBR 3 Foundation ‐ Type 5 Pad foundation Reinforcement Details 24/08/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐102‐S SBR Low Level Plan General Arrangement
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐103‐S SBR High Level Plan General Arrangement
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐106‐S SBR Central Dividing Chamber General Arrangement
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐107‐S SBR Typical Cell Low Level Plan General Arrangement 
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐108‐S SBR Typical Cell High Level Plan General Arrangement 
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐109‐S SBR Mid Level Structural Plan General Arrangement 12/04/2017
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐197‐S SBR1 Proposed Base Slab Construction Sequence 07/11/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐198‐S SBR2 Proposed Base Slab Construction Sequence 07/11/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐199‐S SBR3 Proposed Base Slab Construction Sequence 07/11/2016
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐300‐S SBR Sections
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐301‐S SBR Elevations
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐400‐S SBR Typical Details 1
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐401‐S SBR Typical Details 2
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐402‐S SBR Typical Details 3
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐403‐S SBR Support Plinth Details 
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐220‐S SBR Base Slab Reinforcement SHEET‐1, 4, 12 & 15 Top Mat 
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐221‐S SBR Base Slab Reinforcement SHEET‐2 & 14 Top Mat 
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐222‐S SBR Base Slab Reinforcement SHEET‐3,7,9&13 Top Mat 
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐223‐S SBR Base Slab Reinforcement SHEET‐5&11 Top Mat 
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐224‐S SBR Base Slab Reinforcement SHEET ‐ 6 & 10 Top Mat
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐225‐S SBR Base Slab Reinforcement SHEET‐8 Top Mat 
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐226‐S SBR Base Slab Reinforcement SHEET‐1, 4, 12 & 15 Bottom Mat 
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐227‐S SBR Base Slab Reinforcement SHEET‐2 & 14 Bottom Mat 
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐228‐S SBR Base Slab Reinforcement SHEET‐3,7,9&13 Bottom Mat
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐229‐S SBR Base Slab Reinforcement SHEET‐5&11 Bottom Mat 
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐230‐S SBR Base Slab Reinforcement SHEET ‐ 6 & 10 Bottom Mat 
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐231‐S SBR Base Slab Reinforcement SHEET‐8 Bottom Mat 
STP‐DD‐SBR1‐S‐150‐246‐S SBR1 Base Slab Splice Reinforcement Top Mat 
STP‐DD‐SBR1‐S‐150‐247‐S SBR1 Base Slab Splice Reinforcement Bottom Mat
Drawing Number Drawing Title  Date of Issue
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐234‐S SBR Reinforcement Details Wall reinforcement Sheet 1 of 10
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐235‐S SBR Reinforcement Details Wall reinforcement Sheet 2 of 10
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐236‐S SBR Reinforcement Details Wall reinforcement Sheet 3 of 10
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐237‐S SBR Reinforcement Details Wall reinforcement Sheet 4 of 10
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐238‐S SBR Reinforcement Details Wall reinforcement Sheet 5 of 10
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐239‐S SBR Reinforcement Details Wall reinforcement Sheet 6 of 10
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐240‐S SBR Reinforcement Details Wall reinforcement Sheet 7 of 10
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐241‐S SBR Reinforcement Details Wall reinforcement Sheet 8 of 10
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐242‐S SBR Reinforcement Details Wall reinforcement Sheet 9 of 10
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐243‐S SBR Reinforcement Details Wall reinforcement Sheet 10 of 10
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐244‐S SBR Reinforcement Details Central Dividing Chamber Sheet 1 of 2
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐245‐S SBR Reinforcement Details Central Dividing Chamber Sheet 2 of 2
STP‐DD‐SBR‐S‐150‐252‐S‐0 SBR Walkway Support Beams Reinforcement Details 10/08/2017
STP‐DD‐ICH‐S‐100‐100‐S Inlet Chamber Plan  TBC
STP‐DD‐ICH‐S‐100‐300‐S Inlet Chamber Section & Details TBC
STP‐DD‐ICH‐S‐100‐200‐S Inlet Chamber Reinforcement Details TBC
STP‐DD‐IPS‐S‐110‐100‐S Inlet Pumping Station Plan Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐IPS‐S‐110‐101‐S Inlet Pumping Station Plan Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐IPS‐S‐110‐300‐S Inlet Pumping Station Section Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐IPS‐S‐110‐301‐S Inlet Pumping Station Section Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐IPS‐S‐110‐400‐S Inlet Pumping Station Elevation Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐IPS‐S‐110‐401‐S Inlet Pumping Station Elevation Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐IPS‐S‐110‐302‐S Inlet Pumping Station Details Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐IPS‐S‐110‐303‐S Inlet Pumping Station Details Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐IPS‐S‐110‐200‐S Inlet Pumping Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐IPS‐S‐110‐201‐S Inlet Pumping Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐IPS‐S‐110‐202‐S Inlet Pumping Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐IPS‐S‐110‐203‐S Inlet Pumping Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐CSB‐S‐120‐100‐S Coarse Screening Chamber Plan Sheet 1 of 3 TBC
STP‐DD‐CSB‐S‐120‐101‐S Coarse Screening Chamber Plan Sheet 2 of 3 TBC
STP‐DD‐CSB‐S‐120‐102‐S Coarse Screening Chamber Plan Sheet 3 of 3 TBC
STP‐DD‐CSB‐S‐120‐300‐S Coarse Screening Chamber Section Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐CSB‐S‐120‐301‐S Coarse Screening Chamber Section Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐CSB‐S‐120‐400‐S Coarse Screening Chamber Elevation Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐CSB‐S‐120‐401‐S Coarse Screening Chamber Elevation Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐CSB‐S‐120‐302‐S Coarse Screening Chamber Details Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐CSB‐S‐120‐303‐S Coarse Screening Chamber Details Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐CSB‐S‐120‐200‐S Coarse Screening Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐CSB‐S‐120‐201‐S Coarse Screening Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐CSB‐S‐120‐202‐S Coarse Screening Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐CSB‐S‐120‐203‐S Coarse Screening Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐CSB‐S‐120‐204‐S Coarse Screening Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 5 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐CSB‐S‐120‐205‐S Coarse Screening Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 6 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐CSB‐S‐120‐103‐S Coarse Screening Building Plan  TBC
STP‐DD‐CSB‐S‐120‐304‐S Coarse Screening Building Section TBC
STP‐DD‐CSB‐S‐120‐402‐S Coarse Screening Building Elevation TBC
STP‐DD‐CSB‐S‐120‐305‐S Coarse Screening Building Details TBC
STP‐DD‐CSB‐S‐120‐206‐S Coarse Screening Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 3 TBC
STP‐DD‐CSB‐S‐120‐207‐S Coarse Screening Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 3 TBC
STP‐DD‐CSB‐S‐120‐208‐S Coarse Screening Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 3 TBC
STP‐DD‐FSB‐S‐121‐100‐S Fine Screening Building Plan Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐FSB‐S‐121‐101‐S Fine Screening Building Plan Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐FSB‐S‐121‐102‐S Fine Screening Building Plan Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐FSB‐S‐121‐103‐S Fine Screening Building Plan Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐FSB‐S‐121‐300‐S Fine Screening Building Section Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐FSB‐S‐121‐301‐S Fine Screening Building Section Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐FSB‐S‐121‐400‐S Fine Screening Building Elevation Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐FSB‐S‐121‐401‐S Fine Screening Building Elevation Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐FSB‐S‐121‐302‐S Fine Screening Building Details Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐FSB‐S‐121‐303‐S Fine Screening Building Details Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐FSB‐S‐121‐200‐S Fine Screening Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 10 TBC
STP‐DD‐FSB‐S‐121‐201‐S Fine Screening Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 10 TBC
STP‐DD‐FSB‐S‐121‐202‐S Fine Screening Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 10 TBC
STP‐DD‐FSB‐S‐121‐203‐S Fine Screening Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 10 TBC
STP‐DD‐FSB‐S‐121‐204‐S Fine Screening Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 5 of 10 TBC
STP‐DD‐FSB‐S‐121‐205‐S Fine Screening Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 6 of 10 TBC
STP‐DD‐FSB‐S‐121‐206‐S Fine Screening Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 7 of 10 TBC
STP‐DD‐FSB‐S‐121‐207‐S Fine Screening Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 8 of 10 TBC
STP‐DD‐FSB‐S‐121‐208‐S Fine Screening Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 9 of 10 TBC
STP‐DD‐FSB‐S‐121‐209‐S Fine Screening Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 10 of 10 TBC
STP‐DD‐SGR‐S‐130‐100‐S Sand & Grease Chamber Plan Sheet 1 of 3 TBC
STP‐DD‐SGR‐S‐130‐101‐S Sand & Grease Chamber Plan Sheet 2 of 3 TBC
STP‐DD‐SGR‐S‐130‐102‐S Sand & Grease Chamber Plan Sheet 3 of 3 TBC
STP‐DD‐SGR‐S‐130‐300‐S Sand & Grease Chamber Section Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐SGR‐S‐130‐301‐S Sand & Grease Chamber Section Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐SGR‐S‐130‐400‐S Sand & Grease Chamber Elevation Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐SGR‐S‐130‐401‐S Sand & Grease Chamber Elevation Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐SGR‐S‐130‐302‐S Sand & Grease Chamber Details Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐SGR‐S‐130‐302‐S Sand & Grease Chamber Details Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐SGR‐S‐130‐200‐S Sand & Grease Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 15 TBC
Drawing Number Drawing Title  Date of Issue
STP‐DD‐SGR‐S‐130‐201‐S Sand & Grease Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐SGR‐S‐130‐202‐S Sand & Grease Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐SGR‐S‐130‐203‐S Sand & Grease Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐SGR‐S‐130‐204‐S Sand & Grease Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 5 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐SGR‐S‐130‐205‐S Sand & Grease Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 6 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐SGR‐S‐130‐206‐S Sand & Grease Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 7 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐SGR‐S‐130‐207‐S Sand & Grease Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 8 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐SGR‐S‐130‐208‐S Sand & Grease Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 9 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐SGR‐S‐130‐209‐S Sand & Grease Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 10 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐SGR‐S‐130‐210‐S Sand & Grease Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 11 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐SGR‐S‐130‐211‐S Sand & Grease Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 12 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐SGR‐S‐130‐212‐S Sand & Grease Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 13 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐SGR‐S‐130‐213‐S Sand & Grease Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 14 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐SGR‐S‐130‐214‐S Sand & Grease Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 15 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐IMC‐S‐143‐100‐S Inflow Metering Flume Plan  TBC
STP‐DD‐IMC‐S‐143‐300‐S Inflow Metering Flume Section & Details TBC
STP‐DD‐IMC‐S‐143‐200‐S Inflow Metering Flume Reinforcement Details TBC
STP‐DD‐GCS‐S‐132‐100‐S Grease Concentrator Station Slab Plan  TBC
STP‐DD‐GCS‐S‐132‐300‐S Grease Concentrator Station Slab Section & Details TBC
STP‐DD‐GCS‐S‐132‐200‐S Grease Concentrator Station Slab Reinforcement Details TBC
STP‐DD‐BTA‐S‐160‐100‐S Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Plan at +562.750m
STP‐DD‐BTA‐S‐160‐101‐S Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Plan at +570.070m
STP‐DD‐BTA‐S‐160‐102‐S Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Plan at +573.810m
STP‐DD‐BTA‐S‐160‐300‐S Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Sections Sheet 1 of 2
STP‐DD‐BTA‐S‐160‐301‐S Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Sections Sheet 2 of 2
STP‐DD‐BTA‐S‐160‐302‐S Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Details Sheet 1 of 2
STP‐DD‐BTA‐S‐160‐303‐S Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Details Sheet 2 of 2
STP‐DD‐BTA‐S‐160‐400‐S Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Elevations Sheet 1 of 2
STP‐DD‐BTA‐S‐160‐401‐S Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Elevations Sheet 2 of 2
STP‐DD‐BTA‐S‐160‐200‐S Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 15 17/10/2017
STP‐DD‐BTA‐S‐160‐201‐S Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 15 17/10/2017
STP‐DD‐BTA‐S‐160‐202‐S Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 15 17/10/2017
STP‐DD‐BTA‐S‐160‐203‐S Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 15 17/10/2017
STP‐DD‐BTA‐S‐160‐204‐S Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 5 of 15 17/10/2017
STP‐DD‐BTA‐S‐160‐205‐S Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 6 of 15 17/10/2017
STP‐DD‐BTA‐S‐160‐206‐S Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 7 of 15 17/10/2017
STP‐DD‐BTA‐S‐160‐207‐S Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 8 of 15 17/10/2017
STP‐DD‐BTA‐S‐160‐208‐S Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 9 of 15 24/10/2017
STP‐DD‐BTA‐S‐160‐209‐S Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 10 of 15 24/10/2017
STP‐DD‐BTA‐S‐160‐210‐S Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 11 of 15 24/10/2017
STP‐DD‐BTA‐S‐160‐211‐S Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 12 of 15 24/10/2017
STP‐DD‐BTA‐S‐160‐212‐S Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 13 of 15 24/10/2017
STP‐DD‐BTA‐S‐160‐213‐S Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 14 of 15 24/10/2017
STP‐DD‐BTA‐S‐160‐214‐S Balance Tank / Intermediate Pump Station Reinforcement Details Sheet 15 of 15 24/10/2017
STP‐DD‐FBL‐S‐170‐100‐S Filtration Building Plan Sheet 1 of 2 14/09/2017
STP‐DD‐FBL‐S‐170‐101‐S Filtration Building Plan Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐FBL‐S‐170‐300‐S Filtration Building Section Sheet 1 of 2 14/09/2017
STP‐DD‐FBL‐S‐170‐301‐S Filtration Building Section Sheet 2 of 2 14/09/2017
STP‐DD‐FBL‐S‐170‐400‐S Filtration Building Elevation Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐FBL‐S‐170‐401‐S Filtration Building Elevation Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐FBL‐S‐170‐302‐S Filtration Building Details Sheet 1 of 2 14/09/2017
STP‐DD‐FBL‐S‐170‐303‐S Filtration Building Details Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐FBL‐S‐170‐200‐S Filtration Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 6 11/10/2017
STP‐DD‐FBL‐S‐170‐201‐S Filtration Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 6 11/10/2017
STP‐DD‐FBL‐S‐170‐202‐S Filtration Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 6 11/10/2017
STP‐DD‐FBL‐S‐170‐203‐S Filtration Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 6 19/10/2017
STP‐DD‐FBL‐S‐170‐204‐S Filtration Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 5 of 6 19/10/2017
STP‐DD‐FBL‐S‐170‐205‐S Filtration Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 6 of 6 19/10/2017
STP‐DD‐BPS‐S‐171‐100‐S Backwash Pumping Station Plan  TBC
STP‐DD‐BPS‐S‐171‐300‐S Backwash Pumping Station Section & Details TBC
STP‐DD‐BPS‐S‐171‐400‐S Backwash Pumping Station Reinforcement Details TBC
STP‐DD‐UVC‐S‐180‐100‐S UV Channel Plan Sheet 1 of 2 14/09/2017
STP‐DD‐UVC‐S‐180‐101‐S UV Channel Plan Sheet 2 of 2 14/09/2017
STP‐DD‐UVC‐S‐180‐300‐S UV Channel Section Sheet 1 of 2 14/09/2017
STP‐DD‐UVC‐S‐180‐301‐S UV Channel Section Sheet 2 of 2 14/09/2017
STP‐DD‐UVC‐S‐180‐400‐S UV Channel Elevation Sheet 1 of 2 14/09/2017
STP‐DD‐UVC‐S‐180‐401‐S UV Channel Elevation Sheet 2 of 2 14/09/2017
STP‐DD‐UVC‐S‐180‐302‐S UV Channel Details Sheet 1 of 2 14/09/2017
STP‐DD‐UVC‐S‐180‐303‐S UV Channel Details Sheet 2 of 2 14/09/2017
STP‐DD‐UVC‐S‐180‐200‐S UV Channel Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 6 11/10/2017
STP‐DD‐UVC‐S‐180‐201‐S UV Channel Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 6 11/10/2017
STP‐DD‐UVC‐S‐180‐202‐S UV Channel Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 6 11/10/2017
STP‐DD‐UVC‐S‐180‐203‐S UV Channel Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 6 19/10/2017
STP‐DD‐UVC‐S‐180‐204‐S UV Channel Reinforcement Details Sheet 5 of 6 19/10/2017
STP‐DD‐UVC‐S‐180‐205‐S UV Channel Reinforcement Details Sheet 6 of 6 19/10/2017
STP‐DD‐UVB‐S‐180‐100‐S UV Building  Plan  TBC
STP‐DD‐UVB‐S‐180‐300‐S UV Building  Section TBC
STP‐DD‐UVB‐S‐180‐400‐S UV Building  Elevation TBC
STP‐DD‐UVB‐S‐180‐301‐S UV Building  Details TBC
STP‐DD‐UVB‐S‐180‐200‐S UV Building  Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 3 TBC
STP‐DD‐UVB‐S‐180‐201‐S UV Building  Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 3 TBC
STP‐DD‐UVB‐S‐180‐202‐S UV Building  Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 3 TBC
STP‐DD‐CCT‐S‐200‐100‐S Chlorine Contact Tank Plan Sheet 1 of 3 11/08/2017
Drawing Number Drawing Title  Date of Issue
STP‐DD‐CCT‐S‐200‐101‐S Chlorine Contact Tank Plan at Sheet 2 of 3 11/08/2017
STP‐DD‐CCT‐S‐200‐102‐S Chlorine Contact Tank Plan at Sheet 3 of 3 11/08/2017
STP‐DD‐CCT‐S‐200‐103‐S Chlorine Contact Tank Base Slab Proposed Construction Sequence 11/08/2017
STP‐DD‐CCT‐S‐200‐300‐S Chlorine Contact Tank Sections Sheet 1 of 3 11/08/2017
STP‐DD‐CCT‐S‐200‐301‐S Chlorine Contact Tank Sections Sheet 2 of 3 11/08/2017
STP‐DD‐CCT‐S‐200‐302‐S Chlorine Contact Tank Sections Sheet 3 of 3 11/08/2017
STP‐DD‐CCT‐S‐200‐303‐S Chlorine Contact Tank Details Sheet 1 of 2 11/08/2017
STP‐DD‐CCT‐S‐200‐304‐S Chlorine Contact Tank Details Sheet 2 of 2 11/08/2017
STP‐DD‐CCT‐S‐200‐400‐S Chlorine Contact Tank Elevations Sheet 1 of 2 11/08/2017
STP‐DD‐CCT‐S‐200‐401‐S Chlorine Contact Tank Elevations Sheet 2 of 2 11/08/2017
STP‐DD‐CCT‐S‐200‐200‐S Chlorine Contact Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 15 14/09/2017
STP‐DD‐CCT‐S‐200‐201‐S Chlorine Contact Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 15 14/09/2017
STP‐DD‐CCT‐S‐200‐202‐S Chlorine Contact Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 15 14/09/2017
STP‐DD‐CCT‐S‐200‐203‐S Chlorine Contact Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 15 14/09/2017
STP‐DD‐CCT‐S‐200‐204‐S Chlorine Contact Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 5 of 15 14/09/2017
STP‐DD‐CCT‐S‐200‐205‐S Chlorine Contact Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 6 of 15 14/09/2017
STP‐DD‐CCT‐S‐200‐206‐S Chlorine Contact Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 7 of 15 14/09/2017
STP‐DD‐CCT‐S‐200‐207‐S Chlorine Contact Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 8 of 15 14/09/2017
STP‐DD‐CCT‐S‐200‐208‐S Chlorine Contact Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 9 of 15 26/09/2017
STP‐DD‐CCT‐S‐200‐209‐S Chlorine Contact Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 10 of 15 26/09/2017
STP‐DD‐CCT‐S‐200‐210‐S Chlorine Contact Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 11 of 15 26/09/2017
STP‐DD‐CCT‐S‐200‐211‐S Chlorine Contact Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 12 of 15 26/09/2017
STP‐DD‐CCT‐S‐200‐212‐S Chlorine Contact Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 13 of 15 26/09/2017
STP‐DD‐CCT‐S‐200‐213‐S Chlorine Contact Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 14 of 15 26/09/2017
STP‐DD‐CCT‐S‐200‐214‐S Chlorine Contact Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 15 of 15 26/09/2017
STP‐DD‐EMC‐S‐147‐100‐S Effluent Flow Flume Plan  11/08/2017
STP‐DD‐EMC‐S‐147‐300‐S Effluent Flow Flume Section & Details 11/08/2017
STP‐DD‐EMC‐S‐147‐200‐S Effluent Flow Flume Reinforcement Details 26/09/2017
STP‐DD‐SWL‐S‐203‐100‐S Service Water Line Plan  TBC
STP‐DD‐SWL‐S‐203‐300‐S Service Water Line Section TBC
STP‐DD‐SWL‐S‐203‐301‐S Service Water Line Details TBC
STP‐DD‐SWL‐S‐203‐400‐S Service Water Line Elevation TBC
STP‐DD‐SWL‐S‐203‐200‐S Service Water Line Reinforcement Details TBC
STP‐DD‐CHB‐S‐201‐100‐S Chlorine Storage Building Plan Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐CHB‐S‐201‐101‐S Chlorine Storage Building Plan Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐CHB‐S‐201‐300‐S Chlorine Storage Building Section Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐CHB‐S‐201‐301‐S Chlorine Storage Building Section Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐CHB‐S‐201‐400‐S Chlorine Storage Building Elevation Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐CHB‐S‐201‐401‐S Chlorine Storage Building Elevation Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐CHB‐S‐201‐302‐S Chlorine Storage Building Details Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐CHB‐S‐201‐303‐S Chlorine Storage Building Details Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐CHB‐S‐201‐200‐S Chlorine Storage Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐CHB‐S‐201‐201‐S Chlorine Storage Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐CHB‐S‐201‐202‐S Chlorine Storage Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐CHB‐S‐201‐203‐S Chlorine Storage Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐BBL‐S‐190‐100‐S Air Blowing Building Plan Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐BBL‐S‐190‐101‐S Air Blowing Building Plan Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐BBL‐S‐190‐300‐S Air Blowing Building Section Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐BBL‐S‐190‐301‐S Air Blowing Building Section Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐BBL‐S‐190‐400‐S Air Blowing Building Elevation Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐BBL‐S‐190‐401‐S Air Blowing Building Elevation Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐BBL‐S‐190‐302‐S Air Blowing Building Details Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐BBL‐S‐190‐303‐S Air Blowing Building Details Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐BBL‐S‐190‐200‐S Air Blowing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐BBL‐S‐190‐201‐S Air Blowing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐BBL‐S‐190‐202‐S Air Blowing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐BBL‐S‐190‐203‐S Air Blowing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐BBL‐S‐190‐102‐S Air Blowing Building Foundation Plan Layout TBC
STP‐DD‐BBL‐S‐190‐304‐S Air Blowing Building Foundation Column and Pad Formation Levels and Setting Out Co‐ordinates TBC
STP‐DD‐BBL‐S‐190‐305‐S Air Blowing Building Foundation Column and Pad General Arrangement (Sheet 1 of 2) TBC
STP‐DD‐BBL‐S‐190‐306‐S Air Blowing Building Foundation Column and Pad General Arrangement (Sheet 2 of 2) TBC
STP‐DD‐BBL‐S‐190‐204‐S Air Blowing Building Foundation Column and Pad Reinforcement Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐BBL‐S‐190‐205‐S Air Blowing Building Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐BBL‐S‐190‐206‐S Air Blowing Building Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐BBL‐S‐190‐207‐S Air Blowing Building Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐BBL‐S‐190‐208‐S Air Blowing Building Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐100‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Plan Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐101‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building  Plan Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐102‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Plan Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐103‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Plan Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐300‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Section Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐301‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Section Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐302‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Section Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐303‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Section Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐400‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Elevation Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐401‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Elevation Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐304‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐305‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐306‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐307‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐200‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐201‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐202‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐203‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐204‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 5 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐205‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 6 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐206‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 7 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐207‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 8 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐208‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 9 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐209‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 10 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐210‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 11 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐211‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 12 of 15 TBC
Drawing Number Drawing Title  Date of Issue
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐212‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 13 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐213‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 14 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐214‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 15 of 15 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐104‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Foundation Plan Layout TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐308‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Foundation Column and Pad Formation Levels and Setting Out Co‐ordinates TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐309‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Foundation Column and Pad General Arrangement (Sheet 1 of 2) TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐310‐S Sludge Thickener/Mixing/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Foundation Column and Pad General Arrangement (Sheet 2 of 2) TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐215‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Foundation Column and Pad Reinforcement Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐216‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐217‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐218‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐S‐210‐219‐S Sludge Thickener/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLB‐S‐210‐100‐S Sludge Silos Foundation Plan Layout TBC
STP‐DD‐SLB‐S‐210‐300‐S Sludge Silos Foundation Column and Pad Formation Levels and Setting Out Co‐ordinates TBC
STP‐DD‐SLB‐S‐210‐301‐S Sludge Silos Foundation Column and Pad General Arrangement (Sheet 1 of 2) TBC
STP‐DD‐SLB‐S‐210‐302‐S Sludge Silos Foundation Column and Pad General Arrangement (Sheet 2 of 2) TBC
STP‐DD‐SLB‐S‐210‐200‐S Sludge Silos Foundation Column and Pad Reinforcement Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐SLB‐S‐210‐201‐S Sludge Silos Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLB‐S‐210‐202‐S Sludge Silos Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLB‐S‐210‐203‐S Sludge Silos Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLB‐S‐210‐204‐S Sludge Silos Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLT‐S‐211‐100‐S Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Plan Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLT‐S‐211‐101‐S Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Plan Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLT‐S‐211‐300‐S Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Section Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLT‐S‐211‐301‐S Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Section Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLT‐S‐211‐400‐S Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Elevation Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLT‐S‐211‐401‐S Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Elevation Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLT‐S‐211‐302‐S Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Details Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLT‐S‐211‐303‐S Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Details Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLT‐S‐211‐200‐S Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLT‐S‐211‐201‐S Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLT‐S‐211‐202‐S Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLT‐S‐211‐203‐S Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLT‐S‐211‐204‐S Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Reinforcement Details Sheet 5 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLT‐S‐211‐205‐S Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Reinforcement Details Sheet 6 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLT‐S‐211‐102‐S Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Foundation Plan Layout TBC
STP‐DD‐SLT‐S‐211‐304‐S Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Foundation Column and Pad Formation Levels and Setting Out Co‐ordinates TBC
STP‐DD‐SLT‐S‐211‐305‐S Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Foundation Column and Pad General Arrangement (Sheet 1 of 2) TBC
STP‐DD‐SLT‐S‐211‐306‐S Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Foundation Column and Pad General Arrangement (Sheet 2 of 2) TBC
STP‐DD‐SLT‐S‐211‐206‐S Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Foundation Column and Pad Reinforcement Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐SLT‐S‐211‐207‐S Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLT‐S‐211‐208‐S Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLT‐S‐211‐209‐S Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐SLT‐S‐211‐210‐S Sludge Tank incl odour control 2 Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐SMT‐S‐214‐100‐S Sludge Mixing Tank Plan Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐SMT‐S‐214‐101‐S Sludge Mixing Tank Plan Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐SMT‐S‐214‐300‐S Sludge Mixing Tank Section Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐SMT‐S‐214‐301‐S Sludge Mixing Tank Section Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐SMT‐S‐214‐400‐S Sludge Mixing Tank Elevation Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐SMT‐S‐214‐401‐S Sludge Mixing Tank Elevation Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐SMT‐S‐214‐302‐S Sludge Mixing Tank Details Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐SMT‐S‐214‐303‐S Sludge Mixing Tank Details Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐SMT‐S‐214‐200‐S Sludge Mixing Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐SMT‐S‐214‐201‐S Sludge Mixing Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐SMT‐S‐214‐202‐S Sludge Mixing Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐SMT‐S‐214‐203‐S Sludge Mixing Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐SMT‐S‐214‐204‐S Sludge Mixing Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 5 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐SMT‐S‐214‐205‐S Sludge Mixing Tank Reinforcement Details Sheet 6 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐SMT‐S‐214‐102‐S Sludge Mixing Tank Foundation Plan Layout TBC
STP‐DD‐SMT‐S‐214‐304‐S Sludge Mixing Tank Foundation Column and Pad Formation Levels and Setting Out Co‐ordinates TBC
STP‐DD‐SMT‐S‐214‐305‐S Sludge Mixing Tank Foundation Column and Pad General Arrangement (Sheet 1 of 2) TBC
STP‐DD‐SMT‐S‐214‐306‐S Sludge Mixing Tank Foundation Column and Pad General Arrangement (Sheet 2 of 2) TBC
STP‐DD‐SMT‐S‐214‐206‐S Sludge Mixing Tank Foundation Column and Pad Reinforcement Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐SMT‐S‐214‐207‐S Sludge Mixing Tank Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐SMT‐S‐214‐208‐S Sludge Mixing Tank Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐SMT‐S‐214‐209‐S Sludge Mixing Tank Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐SMT‐S‐214‐210‐S Sludge Mixing Tank Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐SPS‐S‐140‐100‐S Supernatant Pumping Station Plan  TBC
STP‐DD‐SPS‐S‐140‐300‐S Supernatant Pumping Station Section & Details TBC
STP‐DD‐SPS‐S‐140‐200‐S Supernatant Pumping Station Reinforcement Details TBC
STP‐DD‐DCH‐S‐155‐100‐S Distribution Chamber Plan at 565.200m
STP‐DD‐DCH‐S‐155‐101‐S Distribution Chamber Plan at 572.000m & 568.800m
STP‐DD‐DCH‐S‐155‐102‐S Distribution Chamber Plan at 573.620m
STP‐DD‐DCH‐S‐155‐199‐S Distribution Chamber Base Slab Construction Sequence
STP‐DD‐DCH‐S‐155‐300‐S Distribution Chamber Section Sheet 1 of 2
STP‐DD‐DCH‐S‐155‐301‐S Distribution Chamber Section Sheet 2 of 2
STP‐DD‐DCH‐S‐155‐302‐S Distribution Chamber Flume Construction
STP‐DD‐DCH‐S‐155‐303‐S Distribution Chamber Details
STP‐DD‐DCH‐S‐155‐400‐S Distribution Chamber Elevation Sheet 1 of 3
STP‐DD‐DCH‐S‐155‐401‐S Distribution Chamber Elevation Sheet 2 of 3
STP‐DD‐DCH‐S‐155‐402‐S Distribution Chamber Elevation Sheet 3 of 3
Drawing Number Drawing Title  Date of Issue
STP‐DD‐DCH‐S‐155‐200‐S Distribution Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 28/09/2017
STP‐DD‐DCH‐S‐155‐201‐S Distribution Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 28/09/2017
STP‐DD‐DCH‐S‐155‐202‐S Distribution Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 28/09/2017
STP‐DD‐DCH‐S‐155‐203‐S Distribution Chamber Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 28/09/2017
STP‐DD‐MCC1‐S‐220‐100‐S Substation Building 1 Plan Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC1‐S‐220‐101‐S Substation Building 1 Plan Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC1‐S‐220‐300‐S Substation Building 1 Section Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC1‐S‐220‐301‐S Substation Building 1 Section Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC1‐S‐220‐400‐S Substation Building 1 Elevation Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC1‐S‐220‐401‐S Substation Building 1 Elevation Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC1‐S‐220‐302‐S Substation Building 1 Details Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC1‐S‐220‐303‐S Substation Building 1 Details Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC1‐S‐220‐200‐S Substation Building 1 Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC1‐S‐220‐201‐S Substation Building 1 Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC1‐S‐220‐202‐S Substation Building 1 Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC1‐S‐220‐203‐S Substation Building 1 Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC2‐S‐221‐100‐S Substation Building 2 Plan Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC2‐S‐221‐101‐S Substation Building 2 Plan Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC2‐S‐221‐300‐S Substation Building 2 Section Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC2‐S‐221‐301‐S Substation Building 2 Section Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC2‐S‐221‐400‐S Substation Building 2 Elevation Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC2‐S‐221‐401‐S Substation Building 2 Elevation Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC2‐S‐221‐302‐S Substation Building 2 Details Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC2‐S‐221‐303‐S Substation Building 2 Details Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC2‐S‐221‐200‐S Substation Building 2 Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC2‐S‐221‐201‐S Substation Building 2 Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC2‐S‐221‐202‐S Substation Building 2 Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC2‐S‐221‐203‐S Substation Building 2 Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC2‐S‐221‐102‐S Substation Building 2 Foundation Plan Layout TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC2‐S‐221‐304‐S Substation Building 2 Foundation Column and Pad Formation Levels and Setting Out Co‐ordinates TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC2‐S‐221‐305‐S Substation Building 2 Foundation Column and Pad General Arrangement (Sheet 1 of 2) TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC2‐S‐221‐306‐S Substation Building 2 Foundation Column and Pad General Arrangement (Sheet 2 of 2) TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC2‐S‐221‐204‐S Substation Building 2 Foundation Column and Pad Reinforcement Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC2‐S‐221‐205‐S Substation Building 2 Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC2‐S‐221‐206‐S Substation Building 2 Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC2‐S‐221‐207‐S Substation Building 2 Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC2‐S‐221‐208‐S Substation Building 2 Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC3‐S‐222‐100‐S Substation Building 3 Plan Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC3‐S‐222‐101‐S Substation Building 3 Plan Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC3‐S‐222‐300‐S Substation Building 3 Section Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC3‐S‐222‐301‐S Substation Building 3 Section Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC3‐S‐222‐400‐S Substation Building 3 Elevation Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC3‐S‐222‐401‐S Substation Building 3 Elevation Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC3‐S‐222‐302‐S Substation Building 3 Details Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC3‐S‐222‐303‐S Substation Building 3 Details Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC3‐S‐222‐200‐S Substation Building 3 Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC3‐S‐222‐201‐S Substation Building 3 Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC3‐S‐222‐202‐S Substation Building 3 Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC3‐S‐222‐203‐S Substation Building 3 Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC3‐S‐222‐102‐S Substation Building 3 Foundation Plan Layout TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC3‐S‐222‐304‐S Substation Building 3 Foundation Column and Pad Formation Levels and Setting Out Co‐ordinates TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC3‐S‐222‐305‐S Substation Building 3 Foundation Column and Pad General Arrangement (Sheet 1 of 2) TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC3‐S‐222‐306‐S Substation Building 3 Foundation Column and Pad General Arrangement (Sheet 2 of 2) TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC3‐S‐222‐204‐S Substation Building 3 Foundation Column and Pad Reinforcement Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC3‐S‐222‐205‐S Substation Building 3 Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC3‐S‐222‐206‐S Substation Building 3 Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC3‐S‐222‐207‐S Substation Building 3 Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC3‐S‐222‐208‐S Substation Building 3 Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC5‐S‐223‐100‐S Substation Building 5 Plan Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC5‐S‐223‐101‐S Substation Building 5 Plan Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC5‐S‐223‐300‐S Substation Building 5 Section Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC5‐S‐223‐301‐S Substation Building 5 Section Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC5‐S‐223‐400‐S Substation Building 5 Elevation Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC5‐S‐223‐401‐S Substation Building 5 Elevation Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC5‐S‐223‐302‐S Substation Building 5 Details Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC5‐S‐223‐303‐S Substation Building 5 Details Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC5‐S‐223‐200‐S Substation Building 5 Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC5‐S‐223‐201‐S Substation Building 5 Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC5‐S‐223‐202‐S Substation Building 5 Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC5‐S‐223‐203‐S Substation Building 5 Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐OC1‐S‐230‐100‐S Pre‐treatment Odour Control Slab Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐OC1‐S‐230‐300‐S Pre‐treatment Odour Control Slab Section & Details TBC
STP‐DD‐OC1‐S‐230‐200‐S Pre‐treatment Odour Control Slab Reinforcement Details TBC
STP‐DD‐WHB‐S‐260‐100‐S Warehouse Building Plan Sheet 1 of 3 TBC
STP‐DD‐WHB‐S‐260‐101‐S Warehouse Building Plan Sheet 2 of 3 TBC
STP‐DD‐WHB‐S‐260‐102‐S Warehouse Building Plan Sheet 3 of 3 TBC
STP‐DD‐WHB‐S‐260‐300‐S Warehouse Building Section Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐WHB‐S‐260‐301‐S Warehouse Building Section Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐WHB‐S‐260‐400‐S Warehouse Building Elevation Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐WHB‐S‐260‐401‐S Warehouse Building Elevation Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐WHB‐S‐260‐302‐S Warehouse Building Details Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐WHB‐S‐260‐303‐S Warehouse Building Details Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐WHB‐S‐260‐200‐S Warehouse Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐WHB‐S‐260‐201‐S Warehouse Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐WHB‐S‐260‐202‐S Warehouse Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐WHB‐S‐260‐203‐S Warehouse Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐WHB‐S‐260‐204‐S Warehouse Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 5 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐WHB‐S‐260‐205‐S Warehouse Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 6 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐OBL‐S‐250‐100‐S Operations Building Plan Sheet 1 of 3 TBC
STP‐DD‐OBL‐S‐250‐101‐S Operations Building Plan Sheet 2 of 3 TBC
STP‐DD‐OBL‐S‐250‐102‐S Operations Building Plan Sheet 3 of 3 TBC
STP‐DD‐OBL‐S‐250‐300‐S Operations Building Section Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
Drawing Number Drawing Title  Date of Issue
STP‐DD‐OBL‐S‐250‐301‐S Operations Building Section Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐OBL‐S‐250‐400‐S Operations Building Elevation Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐OBL‐S‐250‐401‐S Operations Building Elevation Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐OBL‐S‐250‐302‐S Operations Building Details Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐OBL‐S‐250‐303‐S Operations Building Details Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐OBL‐S‐250‐200‐S Operations Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐OBL‐S‐250‐201‐S Operations Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐OBL‐S‐250‐202‐S Operations Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐OBL‐S‐250‐203‐S Operations Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐OBL‐S‐250‐204‐S Operations Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 5 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐OBL‐S‐250‐205‐S Operations Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 6 of 6 TBC
STP‐DD‐OBL‐S‐250‐103‐S Operations Building Foundation Plan Layout TBC
STP‐DD‐OBL‐S‐250‐304‐S Operations Building Foundation Column and Pad Formation Levels and Setting Out Co‐ordinates TBC
STP‐DD‐OBL‐S‐250‐305‐S Operations Building Foundation Column and Pad General Arrangement (Sheet 1 of 2) TBC
STP‐DD‐OBL‐S‐250‐306‐S Operations Building Foundation Column and Pad General Arrangement (Sheet 2 of 2) TBC
STP‐DD‐OBL‐S‐250‐206‐S Operations Building Foundation Column and Pad Reinforcement Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐OBL‐S‐250‐207‐S Operations Building Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐OBL‐S‐250‐208‐S Operations Building Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐OBL‐S‐250‐209‐S Operations Building Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐OBL‐S‐250‐210‐S Operations Building Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐FFB‐S‐280‐100‐S Fire Fighting Building Plan Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐FFB‐S‐280‐101‐S Fire Fighting Building Plan Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐FFB‐S‐280‐300‐S Fire Fighting Building Section Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐FFB‐S‐280‐301‐S Fire Fighting Building Section Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐FFB‐S‐280‐400‐S Fire Fighting Building Elevation Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐FFB‐S‐280‐401‐S Fire Fighting Building Elevation Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐FFB‐S‐280‐302‐S Fire Fighting Building Details Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐FFB‐S‐280‐303‐S Fire Fighting Building Details Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐FFB‐S‐280‐200‐S Fire Fighting Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐FFB‐S‐280‐201‐S Fire Fighting Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐FFB‐S‐280‐202‐S Fire Fighting Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 3 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐FFB‐S‐280‐203‐S Fire Fighting Building Reinforcement Details Sheet 4 of 4 TBC
STP‐DD‐DWT‐S‐204‐100‐S Drinking Water Tank Foundation Plan Layout TBC
STP‐DD‐DWT‐S‐204‐300‐S Drinking Water Tank Foundation Column and Pad Formation Levels and Setting Out Co‐ordinates TBC
STP‐DD‐DWT‐S‐204‐301‐S Drinking Water Tank Foundation Column and Pad General Arrangement (Sheet 1 of 2) TBC
STP‐DD‐DWT‐S‐204‐302‐S Drinking Water Tank Foundation Column and Pad General Arrangement (Sheet 2 of 2) TBC
STP‐DD‐DWT‐S‐204‐200‐S Drinking Water Tank Foundation Column and Pad Reinforcement Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐DWT‐S‐204‐201‐S Drinking Water Tank Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 1 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐DWT‐S‐204‐202‐S Drinking Water Tank Foundation ‐ Pad foundation Reinforcement Details Sheet 2 of 2 TBC
STP‐DD‐FDC‐S‐202‐100‐S Final Distribution Chamber Plan  TBC
STP‐DD‐FDC‐S‐202‐300‐S Final Distribution Chamber Section & Details TBC
STP‐DD‐FDC‐S‐202‐200‐S Final Distribution Chamber Reinforcement Details TBC
STP‐DD‐WBF‐S‐270‐100‐S Weigh Bridge Substructure Plan  TBC
STP‐DD‐WBF‐S‐270‐300‐S Weigh Bridge Substructure Section & Details TBC
STP‐DD‐WBF‐S‐270‐200‐S Weigh Bridge Substructure Reinforcement Details TBC
STP‐DD‐GEN‐S‐000‐003‐S Existing Generator Building (Power House) Modifications General Arrangement TBC
STP‐DD‐GEN‐S‐000‐004‐S Existing Generator Building (Power House) Modifications Reinforcement Details (if required) TBC
Total No: 538
Atkins Deliverables - Al Manfouha STP4
Architectural Drawings Estimate

Drawing Number Drawing Title  Date of Issue

STP‐DD‐CSB‐A‐120‐100‐A Coarse Screening Building (CSB) GA ‐ Ground Floor &  Roof Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐CSB‐A‐120‐300‐A Coarse Screening Building (CSB) GA ‐ Sections & Strip Section TBC
STP‐DD‐CSB‐A‐120‐400‐A Coarse Screening Building (CSB)  GA ‐ Elevations TBC
STP‐DD‐CSB‐A‐120‐700‐A Coarse Screening Building (CSB)  GA ‐ Wall Render and Masonry Wall Details TBC
STP‐DD‐CSB‐A‐120‐800‐A Coarse Screening Building (CSB)  GA ‐ Door and Window Details TBC
STP‐DD‐FSB‐A‐121‐100‐A Fine Screening Building incl. Air Blowing Area (FSB & BBA) GA ‐ Ground Floor Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐FSB‐A‐121‐101‐A Fine Screening Building incl. Air Blowing Area (FSB & BBA) GA ‐ First Floor Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐FSB‐A‐121‐102‐A Fine Screening Building incl. Air Blowing Area (FSB & BBA) GA ‐ Second Floor Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐FSB‐A‐121‐103‐A Fine Screening Building incl. Air Blowing Area (FSB & BBA)  GA ‐ Roof Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐FSB‐A‐121‐300‐A Fine Screening Building incl. Air Blowing Area (FSB & BBA) GA ‐ Sections & Strip Section TBC
STP‐DD‐FSB‐A‐121‐400‐A Fine Screening Building incl. Air Blowing Area (FSB & BBA)  GA ‐ Elevations TBC
STP‐DD‐FSB‐A‐121‐700‐A Fine Screening Building incl. Air Blowing Area (FSB & BBA) GA ‐ Wall Render and Masonry Wall Details TBC
STP‐DD‐FSB‐A‐121‐800‐A Fine Screening Building incl. Air Blowing Area (FSB & BBA) GA ‐ Door and Window Details TBC
STP‐DD‐UVB‐A‐180‐100‐A UV Building (UVB) GA ‐ Ground Floor &  Roof Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐UVB‐A‐180‐300‐A UV Building (UVB) GA ‐ Sections & Strip Section TBC
STP‐DD‐UVB‐A‐180‐400‐A UV Building (UVB) GA ‐ Elevations TBC
STP‐DD‐UVB‐A‐180‐700‐A UV Building (UVB) GA ‐ Wall Render and Masonry Wall Details TBC
STP‐DD‐UVB‐A‐180‐800‐A UV Building (UVB) GA ‐ Door and Window Details TBC
STP‐DD‐CHB‐A‐201‐100‐A Chlorine Storage Building (CHB) GA ‐ Ground Floor Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐CHB‐A‐201‐101‐A Chlorine Storage Building (CHB) GA ‐ Roof Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐CHB‐A‐201‐300‐A Chlorine Storage Building (CHB) GA‐ Sections & Strip Section TBC
STP‐DD‐CHB‐A‐201‐400‐A Chlorine Storage Building (CHB) GA ‐ Elevations TBC
STP‐DD‐CHB‐A‐201‐700‐A Chlorine Storage Building (CHB) GA ‐ Wall Render and Masonry Wall Details TBC
STP‐DD‐CHB‐A‐201‐800‐A Chlorine Storage Building (CHB) GA ‐ Door and Window Details TBC
STP‐DD‐BBL‐A‐190‐100‐A Air Blowing Building (BBL) GA ‐ Ground Floor Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐BBL‐A‐190‐101‐A Air Blowing Building (BBL) GA ‐ Roof Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐BBL‐A‐190‐300‐A Air Blowing Building (BBL) GA‐ Sections & Strip Section TBC
STP‐DD‐BBL‐A‐190‐400‐A Air Blowing Building (BBL) GA ‐ Elevations TBC
STP‐DD‐BBL‐A‐190‐700‐A Air Blowing Building (BBL) GA ‐ Wall Render and Masonry Wall Details TBC
STP‐DD‐BBL‐A‐190‐800‐A Air Blowing Building (BBL) GA ‐ Door and Window Details TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐A‐210‐100‐A Sludge Thickener/Mixing/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building (STH, SMT,SLD, PD1 & PD2) GA ‐ Ground Floor Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐A‐210‐101‐A Sludge Thickener/Mixing/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building (STH, SMT,SLD, PD1 & PD2) GA ‐ First Floor Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐A‐210‐102‐A Sludge Thickener/Mixing/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building (STH, SMT,SLD, PD1 & PD2) GA ‐ Second Floor Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐A‐210‐103‐A Sludge Thickener/Mixing/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building (STH, SMT,SLD, PD1 & PD2) GA ‐ Roof Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐A‐210‐300‐A Sludge Thickener/Mixing/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building (STH, SMT,SLD, PD1 & PD2) GA‐ Sections & Strip Section TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐A‐210‐400‐A Sludge Thickener/Mixing/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building (STH, SMT,SLD, PD1 & PD2) GA ‐ Elevations TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐A‐210‐700‐A Sludge Thickener/Mixing/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building (STH, SMT,SLD, PD1 & PD2) GA ‐ Wall Render and Masonry Wall Details TBC
STP‐DD‐SLD‐A‐210‐800‐A Sludge Thickener/Mixing/Dewatering & Polymer Dosing Building (STH, SMT,SLD, PD1 & PD2) GA ‐ Door and Window Details TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC1‐A‐220‐100‐A Substation Building 1 (MCC 1) GA ‐ Ground Floor Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC1‐A‐220‐101‐A Substation Building 1 (MCC 1) GA ‐ Roof Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC1‐A‐220‐300‐A Substation Building 1 (MCC 1) GA ‐ Sections & Strip Section TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC1‐A‐220‐400‐A Substation Building 1 (MCC 1) GA ‐ Elevations TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC1‐A‐220‐700‐A Substation Building 1 (MCC 1) GA ‐ Wall Render and Masonry Wall Details TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC1‐A‐220‐800‐A Substation Building 1 (MCC 1) GA ‐ Door and Window Details TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC2‐A‐221‐100‐A Substation Building 2 (MCC 2) GA ‐ Ground Floor Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC2‐A‐221‐101‐A Substation Building 2 (MCC 2) GA ‐ Roof Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC2‐A‐221‐300‐A Substation Building 2 (MCC 2) GA ‐ Sections & Strip Section TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC2‐A‐221‐400‐A Substation Building 2 (MCC 2) GA ‐ Elevations TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC2‐A‐221‐700‐A Substation Building 2 (MCC 2) GA‐ Wall Render and Masonry Wall Details TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC2‐A‐221‐800‐A Substation Building 2 (MCC 2) GA ‐ Door and Window Details TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC3‐A‐221‐100‐A Substation Building 3 (MCC 3) GA ‐ Ground Floor Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC3‐A‐221‐101‐A Substation Building 3 (MCC 3) GA  ‐ Roof Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC3‐A‐221‐300‐A Substation Building 3 (MCC 3) GA  ‐ Sections & Strip Section TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC3‐A‐221‐400‐A Substation Building 3 (MCC 3) GA  ‐ Elevations TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC3‐A‐221‐700‐A Substation Building 3 (MCC 3) GA ‐ Wall Render and Masonry Wall Details TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC3‐A‐221‐800‐A Substation Building 3 (MCC 3) GA  ‐ Door and Window Details TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC5‐A‐221‐100‐A Substation Building 5 (MCC 5) GA ‐ Ground Floor Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC5‐A‐221‐101‐A Substation Building 5 (MCC 5) GA  ‐ Roof Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC5‐A‐221‐300‐A Substation Building 5 (MCC 5) GA  ‐ Sections & Strip Section TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC5‐A‐221‐400‐A Substation Building 5 (MCC 5) GA  ‐ Elevations TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC5‐A‐221‐700‐A Substation Building 5 (MCC 5) GA ‐ Wall Render and Masonry Wall Details TBC
STP‐DD‐MCC5‐A‐221‐800‐A Substation Building 5 (MCC 5) GA  ‐ Door and Window Details TBC
STP‐DD‐WHB‐A‐260‐100‐A Warehouse (WHB) GA ‐ Ground Floor Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐WHB‐A‐260‐101‐A Warehouse (WHB) GA  ‐ Roof Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐WHB‐A‐260‐300‐A Warehouse (WHB) GA  ‐ Sections & Strip Section TBC
STP‐DD‐WHB‐A‐260‐400‐A Warehouse (WHB) GA  ‐ Elevations TBC
STP‐DD‐WHB‐A‐260‐700‐A Warehouse (WHB) GA ‐ Wall Render and Masonry Wall Details TBC
STP‐DD‐WHB‐A‐260‐800‐A Warehouse (WHB) GA  ‐ Door and Window Details TBC
STP‐DD‐OBL‐A‐250‐100‐A Operations Building (OBL) GA ‐ Ground Floor Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐OBL‐A‐250‐101‐A Operations Building (OBL) GA ‐ First Floor Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐OBL‐A‐250‐300‐A Operations Building (OBL) GA  ‐ Roof Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐OBL‐A‐250‐400‐A Operations Building (OBL) GA  ‐ Sections & Strip Section TBC
STP‐DD‐OBL‐A‐250‐700‐A Operations Building (OBL) GA  ‐ Elevations TBC
STP‐DD‐OBL‐A‐250‐800‐A Operations Building (OBL) GA ‐ Wall Render and Masonry Wall Details TBC
STP‐DD‐OBL‐A‐250‐801‐A Operations Building (OBL) GA  ‐ Door and Window Details TBC
STP‐DD‐GEN‐A‐000‐001‐A Existing Generator Building (Power House) Modifications ‐ Typical Details TBC
Total No: 76
Atkins Deliverables - Al Manfouha STP4
Civil Drawings Estimate
Drawing Number Drawing Title  Date of Issue
STP‐DD‐GEN‐C‐000‐001‐C Civil General Notes TBC
STP‐DD‐GEN‐C‐000‐002‐C Site Pipework Layout Drawing TBC
STP‐DD‐GEN‐C‐000‐003‐C Site Pipework Layout Drawing TBC
STP‐DD‐GEN‐C‐000‐900‐C Typical Standard Details Pipe Bedding TBC
STP‐DD‐GEN‐C‐000‐901‐C Thrust Block Standard Details TBC
STP‐DD‐SBR‐C‐150‐400‐C SBR Inlet Pipe General Arrangement 17/11/2016
STP‐DD‐GEN‐C‐000‐100‐C Site Pipework Tile No. 1 Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐GEN‐C‐000‐300‐C Site Pipework Tile No. 1 Thrust Block Details TBC
STP‐DD‐GEN‐C‐000‐100‐C Site Pipework Tile No. 2 Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐GEN‐C‐000‐300‐C Site Pipework Tile No. 2 Thrust Block Details TBC
STP‐DD‐GEN‐C‐000‐100‐C Site Pipework Tile No. 3 Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐GEN‐C‐000‐300‐C Site Pipework Tile No. 3 Thrust Block Details TBC
STP‐DD‐GEN‐C‐000‐100‐C Site Pipework Tile No. 4 Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐GEN‐C‐000‐300‐C Site Pipework Tile No. 4 Thrust Block Details TBC
STP‐DD‐GEN‐C‐000‐100‐C Site Pipework Tile No. 5 Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐GEN‐C‐000‐300‐C Site Pipework Tile No. 5 Thrust Block Details TBC
STP‐DD‐GEN‐C‐000‐100‐C Site Pipework Tile No. 6 Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐GEN‐C‐000‐300‐C Site Pipework Tile No. 6 Thrust Block Details TBC
STP‐DD‐GEN‐C‐000‐100‐C Site Pipework Tile No. 7 Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐GEN‐C‐000‐300‐C Site Pipework Tile No. 7 Thrust Block Details TBC
STP‐DD‐GEN‐C‐000‐100‐C Site Pipework Tile No. 8 Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐GEN‐C‐000‐300‐C Site Pipework Tile No. 8 Thrust Block Details TBC
STP‐DD‐GEN‐C‐000‐100‐C Site Pipework Tile No. 9 Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐GEN‐C‐000‐300‐C Site Pipework Tile No. 9 Thrust Block Details TBC
STP‐DD‐GEN‐C‐000‐100‐C Site Pipework Tile No. 10 Plan TBC
STP‐DD‐GEN‐C‐000‐300‐C Site Pipework Tile No. 10 Thrust Block Details TBC
STP‐DD‐GEN‐C‐000‐004‐C Typical Chamber  Details  TBC
STP‐DD‐GEN‐C‐000‐005‐C Typical Chamber  Details  TBC
Total No: 28
Manfouha Sewage Treatment Plant Phase 4

Note: More RFI's will be raised as BD received
Atkins ‐ RFI 
RFI Title Date RFI Query Thabat Response From Date
Please confirm Contract status – PPP or D&B ‐If PPP what will be effect on project and 
Contract Status 27/08/17
approval process and CH2M's role?
Team Structure 27/08/17 Confirm Thabat Team structure – (incl. New PM)
Project Structure 27/08/17 Confirm Project Team structure
Site Progress 27/08/17 Confirm Site Progress
Communication persists as most challenging aspect of project.
Ned for improved I.T. systems to allow regular video/voice conferencing and facilitate 
Communication 27/08/17 easy understanding for all. 
‐ Improved correspondence on issues/drawing/document submittals and approval status 

Done, please check below link:

Please can the SharePoint folder be updated to contain:
  ‐ A high level folder for each Structures x?FolderCTID=0x012000E9356BCDBC26F148A1A2E6E10BABD1F1&id=%2Fper
  ‐ Within each folder please provide: sonal%2F30024047_thabat_sa%2FDocuments%2FBIM%2F02‐SHARED%2F03‐
      ‐‐Sub folders for each design discipline drawings incl. CH2M QRF review comments ATKINS
Can not access 
Document Management / SharePoint 27/08/17       ‐‐Sub folder for equipment loading information/data sheets Eslam 30/08/2017
link ‐ Email 
      ‐‐ Upload folder where Atkins can publish new drawings. See Also this link where you can upload your new drawings and share with us 
(Separate Folder):
Thabat should be responsible for management of the information to ensure co‐
ordination and communication is maintained. https://muhaidib‐‐

Please provide confirmation of the following Typsa drawing deliverables for each 
structure on the Manfouha site. With the exception of Mechanical drawings since 
December 2016 we have not received an update as to the status of the following 
disciplines that we rely upon to fully understand each structure:
         ‐ Electrical
Typsa Deliverables 27/08/17          ‐ Structural
         ‐ Architectural
         ‐ Building services
         ‐ Structural 3D Model
If Typsa are no longer providing the 3D model then who is developing them (like the one 
you added to the folder)?

It has become clear in the last week that design co‐ordination requires some 
Design co‐ordination 27/08/17
Typsa submission 27/08/17 Mechanical drawings lack sufficient detail to allow detailed design
Equipment Procurement 27/08/17 Confirm status ‐ Are NWC items resolved and it is proceeding?
Equipment submittals are too general and do not provide specific loading/dimensional 
Equipment submittals 27/08/17
information required
Confirm strategy for managing CH2M. Quality of Drawing/Document reviews has been of 
concern for some time and as a team we can not succumb to  preferential engineering. 
CH2M Management 27/08/17
Design approvals are long in duration and usually held up by non‐technical and 
preferential requests.
Summary of pending basic design items that may effect the detailed design of each 
All Structures 27/08/17 ‐‐ Status of material submittals linked to the buildings (equipment procured and 
‐‐ Status of specifications linked to  buildings

Atkins ‐ RFI 
RFI Title Date RFI Query Thabat Response Date
Commercial Items 27/08/17 To be addressed separately
A programme of submitted BD and estimated CH2M approval is required to allow 
Basic Design Approval Programme 27/08/17
programme od DD to be developed
Confirmed by Eng. Eslam 16/08/2017
‐ RC and BBS for Chlorine Contact Tank 
Atkins  ‐ list of priority structures 27/08/17 ‐ Updated GA for Balancing Tank 
‐ UVC, UVB, BPS and FBL 
‐ Updated GA for Distribution chamber 

Atkins ‐ RFI 
RFI Title Date RFI Query Thabat Response From Date

Site Layout 27/08/17 Await updated CH2M approved site layout to allow setting out points to be derived

Await updated CH2M approved site drainage layout to allow  Top of Wall/Threshold 
Site Drainage Layout 27/08/17
levels to be confirmed

Atkins ‐ RFI 
RFI Title Date RFI Query Thabat Response From Date
Further to email correspondence of the 3rd, 10th, 19th and 20th July, separation of the 
primary treatment structures was discussed in email correspondence between Eng. 
Leddy of Atkins and Eng. Eslam of Thabat.
During this discussion results of Robot model of inlet works were shared and agreement 
reached on the jointing of the Primary Treatment. 

The solution agreed entailed:
Separation Structure 27/08/17
‐‐ CSB/IPS/FSB to be kept as a single structure. Consideration was to be given to stiffening 
up the IPS to FSB interface and use of additional foundation/wall arrangement can be 
considered at detailed design
‐‐ The SGR was to be moved south and a link culvert structure between FSB and SGR. to 
facilitate differential settlement.

Please re‐confirm Thabat' s agreement to this solution
Atkins ‐ RFI 
RFI Title Date RFI Query Thabat Response From Date
Please confirm acceptance with Atkins 'Thrust Block Design Approach' sent via email on 
Thrust Block design concept 27/08/17 12‐12‐2016 From Eng Farrag (Atkins) to Eng. Salah and Eng Eslam (Thabat) as the basis for 
completion of the projects pipework design

Please confirm acceptance of Atkins pipework design methodology forwarded by Eng. 
Farrag (Atkins) to Eng Haroon and Eng. Al Maghrabi (Thabat) on 07‐12‐2016
Pipe Design Methodology, Bedding, 
27/08/17 This included:
Trench and Backfill specifications
‐‐ Flow chart for design development including responsibilities of ACWA, Atkins, Thabat, 
Typsa and CH2M
‐‐ Information on pipe trenches, bedding and backfill material

Please provide response to Atkins Civil Pipework RFI submitted on 19‐08‐2016 by Eng. 
Civil Pipework RFI 27/08/17
Farrag (Atkins) to Eng. George (Thabat) and re‐copied below for reference:

Connection to Existing  27/08/17 Please confirm construction methodology e.g. priority pipelines 

Please confirm location and the allowable outlet flow rate from the site and how surface 
Storm Network 27/08/17 water is collected/treated on the existing works? How Typsa envisage site drainage to 
take place?

Please confirm your selected pipework manufacturer and forward supplier submittal 
Material 27/08/17
including specifications to enable pipe bedding details to be confirmed

To ensure consistency between valve & fittings, please confirm flanges standard ANSI or 
Material 27/08/17

Material 27/08/17 Please confirm lead‐in times for pipe components (tapers, valves, puddle‐flanges etc.)?

Please confirm our understanding; Are gravity pipes lowest, then pumping, then air main 
Pipework Strategy 27/08/17
highest? Will updated long sections/model be provided to give an indication of level?

Please confirm pipework terminations and ownership of detail and design between 
Interface 27/08/17
Please confirm the level of detail to be provided by Typsa to aid civil pipework detailed 
Interface 27/08/17
Thrust Restraint 27/08/17 Please confirm if restrained joints or thrust blocks can be considered in design
Please confirm how is thrust restraint to be dealt with at pipework interfaces such as 
Thrust Restraint 27/08/17
civil/mechanical scope or buried/above ground pipework
Thrust Restraint 27/08/17 Please confirm 0.86 Bar is the maximum working pressure in the system
As previously mentioned by Typsa in RFI response dated 15/3/16, preliminary 
Thrust Restraint 27/08/17 calculations and sketches will be provided for thrust blocks. Please confirm when this will 
be available
Please confirm if wall couplers or cast‐in puddle flanges are the preferred solution for 
Penetration Details 27/08/17 pipe penetrations through walls. Please forward supplier specifications if alternative 
details are to be considered

Atkins ‐ RFI 
RFI Title Date RFI Query Thabat Response From Date

Please re‐confirm the Cooling Requirements & Proposed Architectural Wall Finish for 
Building make‐up/insulation and 
27/08/17 each building at the Al Manfouha site. Please refer to Atkins email of 5th October 2016 
architectural finish requirements
that summarised all buildings and wall finishes/insulation requirements.

Further to discussions in late 2016 please re‐confirm that a double leaf insulated wall 
(Confirmed Eng Hani 24/11/2017) can be used in the construction of the buildings at Al 
Wall system 27/08/17
Please note that due to the height of some buildings, intermediate restraint beams will 
be required to the wall panels. This system will allow a consistent external façade to be 
Please re‐confirm acoustic performance requirements of buildings on site. Typsa to 
Acoustic Performance 27/08/17
We have completed a re‐assessment of the wall structural requirements and the noted 
sizes are a minimum required to ensure an structural competent wall panel system is 
Drawing of wall system with typical details forwarded to Thabat on 22/11/2016. Please re‐
review and confirm.
Wall components (minimum 
27/08/17 Min requirements:
Solid concrete blocks (Min. 150mm*)
Insulation boards (50-100mm**)
Hollow concrete blocks (Min 200mm*)

*required to ensure structural capacity of wall section

** required to ensure U value of wall achieved to satisfy HVAC design
Thabat to provide full material submittal of the wall elements to include, solid and hollow 
blocks and insulation board data sheets. Information should include material strength 
(>7MPa), R value etc for all items.
Material submittal 27/08/17
This is required to calculate the true R value of the system to be used and meet the 
requirements of Typsa's basic design.

Please re‐confirm the U‐values  of wall, floor and roof elements to be used in the design. 
Atkins Basis of design stated u = 0.2 for all but discussions in late 2016 indicated Thabat 
had agreed with Typsa/CH2M to pursue a target of:
‐‐ Wall ‐ u = 0.5 for walls,
‐‐ Floor ‐ u = 1.825 ('Standard 90.1' values)
‐‐ Roof = 0.273 ('Standard 90.1' values)

In email of 11/10/2016 Atkins had confirmed the 'Transmittance 'u value' of various 
Thermal resistance of walls 27/08/17
design standards as noted below. The values stated above are the final agreement 

Please re‐confirm Thabat' s acceptance of Typical Architectural details drawing to be 
Building Architectural details 27/08/17 implemented on all buildings on the Manfouha site.  This was forwarded by Atkins to 
Thabat on 25th August 2016 and agreed with Eng. George.
Atkins ‐ RFI 
RFI Title RFI Query Thabat Response From Date
Re confirm agreement reached with Eng George via email on 21st August 2016 that all 
buildings within the lagoon are to be supported on columns and pad foundations in 
Agreed structures foundation  accordance with Atkins review forwarded to Thabt on 19/08/2017. This includes MCC2, 
solution MCC3, Sludge and Blower. OBL may also be column and pad dependent on the final 
design solution from Typsa.

Atkins ‐ RFI 
RFI Title Date RFI Query Thabat Response Date

Please confirm that Atkins drawing review comments on the DRAFT Sludge building BD 
General 27/08/17 layouts received on the 1st July 2017, forwarded by Eng Leddy will be implemented in the 
re‐submission of the Basic Design by Typsa. These included: 

‐‐ SPS structure – positioned butting up against external wall – would it be preferred 
General 27/08/17
from construction perspective to move further south away from wall?

‐‐ Please confirm how Thabat would intend to construct the SMT overflow channel – is 
General 27/08/17
it feasible?

‐‐ The sludge building is positioned within the existing lagoon excavated to rock level. 
Atkins had previously reviewed and agreed that the foundation solution with Eng. 
George and a column and pad type foundation was indicated as preference. We would 
General 27/08/17
note that in the new arrangement where the step in levels between SLT across to MCC2 
are more severe that a column and pad type foundation to rock level would seem most 
appropriate to safeguard the structure. Please confirm acceptance.

General 27/08/17 Please provide Arch elevations for the building to ease understanding of openings etc

Please confirm the weights and support conditions of all plant and equipment in the 
General 27/08/17 building. The  10m spanning floor that has potentially heavy plant loading and monorail 
may mean additional beam supports are required. This requires careful consideration.

PD2, STH and MCC2 all have different roof levels, from construction and design 
General 27/08/17 perspective  it makes sense to have single roof level of +576.28 ‐ Please confirm this 
change will be implemented.
From drawings it appears the whole structure is to be constructed in Concrete – Please 
General 27/08/17
confirm. Are AMC planning on rendering this finish?
Is MCC2 sizing and details confirmed? Are trenches etc needed as nothing is  shown in 
General 27/08/17 the drawings.  It shares a wall and common foundation solution with the rest of the 
structure so needs to be confirmed.
What is the building shown on the south of MCC2 on drawing 212‐100 there are no 
General 27/08/17

Can Typsa provide their 3D model of this so we can quickly determine requirements for 
General 27/08/17
anti‐flotation. A thick base slab may be required to help resist uplift pressures.

With regard to building foundation we propose mass fill to rock (underneath SLT, Pump 
General 27/08/17 room, SMT) – depending on rock level. And Column and pad arrangement to support 
Higher level slabs.

Atkins ‐ RFI 
RFI Title Date RFI Query Thabat Response From Date
Confirm STP‐BD‐FBL‐M‐170‐500‐Rev 03 received 15‐08‐2017 is Approved and Frozen and 
Confirmation frozen design 27/08/17
to be used as basis for detailed design
Mechanical Drawing QRF 27/08/17 Received 15/08/2017
Typsa Structural/Architectural drawings ‐ current set are superseded as based on an old 
Drawings awaited/required 27/08/17
Mechanical layout
27/08/17 Typsa 3D Model
Equipment info required 27/08/17 Penstocks ‐ load, fixing and rebate details

Disc filter
27/08/17 ‐ Unit weight (full) and surface bearing area (can not be found in submission document)
‐ Confirm inlet and out let pipe sizes level

27/08/17 GRP covers ‐ Confirm seating/rebate details
Openings 27/08/17 Confirmation of all structural wall/roof openings/sizes/location
Pipework 27/08/17 Confirmation of all wall penetrating pipework levels and pipe sizes
Electrical Penetrations 27/08/17 Electrical ducts ‐ Confirm location, size and level
RE‐confirm common raft foundation with UVC is accepted as noted in email from Eslam 
Structural queries  27/08/17
on 20th June 2017.

Construction preferences 27/08/17 Please confirm construction preferences for structure ‐ Pour sizes, joint location etc

Atkins ‐ RFI 
RFI Title Date RFI Query Thabat Response From Date
Confirm STP‐BD‐FBL‐M‐170‐500‐Rev 03 received 15‐08‐2017 is Approved and Frozen and 
Confirmation frozen design 27/08/17
to be used as basis for detailed design
Mechanical Drawing QRF 27/08/17 Received 15/08/2017
Typsa Structural/Architectural drawings ‐ current set are superseded as based on an old 
Drawings awaited/required 27/08/17
Mechanical layout
27/08/17 Typsa 3D Model
Equipment info required 27/08/17 Pump weight and seating details

27/08/17 Crane details (height of rail, type, fixing details required and maximum design load

27/08/17 Manhole covers ‐ Confirm seating/rebate details
Openings 27/08/17 Confirmation of roof opening sizes and location
Pipework 27/08/17 Confirmation of all wall penetrating pipework levels and pipe sizes
Electrical Penetrations 27/08/17 Electrical ducts ‐ Confirm location, size and level
Benching details 27/08/17 Pump benching details required
Water levels 27/08/17 Maximum water level to be confirmed

Construction preferences 27/08/17 Please confirm construction preferences for structure ‐ Pour sizes, joint location etc

Atkins ‐ RFI 
RFI Title Date RFI Query Thabat Response From Date

Confirm  STP‐BD‐UVC‐M‐180‐500‐Rev 02 & STP‐BD‐UVC‐M‐180‐501‐Rev 01 received 15‐
Confirmation frozen design 27/08/17
08‐2017 is Approved and Frozen and to be used as basis for detailed design

Mechanical Drawing QRF 27/08/17 Provide copy of final closed QRF

Drawings awaited/required 27/08/17 Typsa Structural Drawings
27/08/17 Typsa 3D Model
UV lamps sets ‐ Confirm loading ‐ Brochure states weight is 140kg x 4 (560kg per set; 4 
Equipment info required 27/08/17
sets per channel
UV lamp sets ‐ confirm seating details ‐ is a rebate required in wall ‐ can not be viewed in 
27/08/17 GRP covers ‐ Confirm seating/rebate details
27/08/17 Penstocks ‐ load, fixing and rebate details
Pipework 27/08/17 Confirmation of all wall penetrating pipework levels and pipe sizes
Confirmation of the UV cable penetration detail through walkway and top of wall ‐ 
Electrical Penetrations 27/08/17
appears to require a rebate in wall?
27/08/17 Electrical ducts ‐ Confirm location, size and level
Structural queries 27/08/17 Confirm channel widths between walls ‐ is this 2905mm
27/08/17 Confirm wall cantilever widths
RE‐confirm common raft foundation with UVC is accepted as noted in email from Eslam 
on 20th June 2017.

Construction preferences 27/08/17 Please confirm construction preferences for structure ‐ Pour sizes, joint location etc

Atkins ‐ RFI 
RFI Title Date RFI Query Thabat Response From Date

Confirm  STP‐BD‐UVC‐M‐180‐500‐Rev 02 & STP‐BD‐UVC‐M‐180‐501‐Rev 01 received 15‐
Confirmation frozen design 27/08/17
08‐2017 is Approved and Frozen and to be used as basis for detailed design

Mechanical Drawing QRF 27/08/17 Provide copy of final closed QRF

Current mechanical drawings are of limited use much more detail is required to progress 
Drawings awaited/required 27/08/17 design e.g. Slab level, roof plan, elevations, door sizes, windows, cable penetrations, 
structural material etc
27/08/17 Typsa Structural Drawings
27/08/17 Typsa Architectural Drawings
27/08/17 Typsa 3D Model
27/08/17 Building Services
Equipment info required 27/08/17 Compressor loads
27/08/17 Panel loads
27/08/17 Firefighting system details
Pipework 27/08/17 Confirmation of all wall penetrating pipework levels and pipe sizes
Electrical Penetrations 27/08/17 Electrical ducts ‐ Confirm location, size and level
General Penetrations 27/08/17 Fans, windows ‐ Confirm location, size and level

Construction preferences 27/08/17 Please confirm construction preferences for structure ‐ Pour sizes, joint location etc

Atkins ‐ RFI 
RFI Title Date RFI Query Thabat Response From Date
Confirm STP‐BD‐BTA‐M‐160‐500‐Rev 03 received 10‐07‐2017 is Approved and Frozen and 
Confirmation frozen design 27/08/17 Approved and frozen as a mechanical and guide drawings Eslam 30/08/2017 Open
to be used as basis for detailed design
Mechanical Drawing QRF 27/08/17 Provide copy of final closed QRF attached with the mail Eslam 30/08/2017 Open
Drawings awaited/required 27/08/17 Typsa Structural Drawings old set only available Eslam 30/08/2017 Open
27/08/17 Typsa 3D Model not available  Eslam 30/08/2017 Open
Equipment info required 27/08/17 Pump weight and seating details TBC by Typsa mail ‐ Flygt pump data sheet uploaded to server Eslam 30/08/2017 Open

27/08/17 Crane details (height of rail, type, fixing details required and maximum design load TBC by Typsa Eslam 30/08/2017 Open

27/08/17 Penstocks ‐ load, fixing and rebate details as shown in the drawings ‐ no rebate required Eslam 30/08/2017 Open

27/08/17 GRP covers ‐ Confirm seating/rebate details TBC by Thabat Eslam 30/08/2017 Open
Pipework 27/08/17 Confirmation of all wall penetrating pipework levels and pipe sizes TBC by Typsa mail   Eslam 30/08/2017 Open
Electrical Penetrations 27/08/17 Electrical ducts ‐ Confirm location, size and level TBC by Typsa Eslam 30/08/2017 Open
Openings 27/08/17 Confirmation of pump access opening sizes and location in walkway TBC by Typsa Eslam 30/08/2017 Open
Benching details 27/08/17 Pump benching details required TBC by Typsa  Eslam 30/08/2017 Open
Foundation ‐ New design results means western base slab will be 1 to 1.2 metres above 
Structural queries 27/08/17 rock level. Suggest t fill void with mass concrete to ensure consistent bearing solution.  Confirmed Eslam 30/08/2017 Closed
Please confirm
Confirm extended at inlet side of structure is acceptable. It is needed to counteract 
27/08/17 Confirmed Eslam 30/08/2017 Closed
buoyancy and is estimated to be 1000mm.

Construction preferences 27/08/17 Please confirm construction preferences for structure ‐ Pour sizes, joint location etc attached with the mail Eslam 30/08/2017 Open

Please confirm how Thabat wish too construct complex geometry at inlet to pump risers. 
Can nibs and chambers be removed and a steel insert used instead to greatly simplify 

27/08/17 TBC by Typsa Eslam 30/08/2017 Open

Atkins ‐ RFI 
RFI Title Date RFI Query Thabat Response From Date
Confirm STP‐BD‐DCH‐M‐155‐500‐Rev 05 received 17‐07‐2017 is Approved and Frozen 
Confirmation frozen design 27/08/17 Confirmed as approved frozen mechanical guide drawings Abdulmannan 06/09/2017 Closed
and to be used as basis for detailed design
Mechanical Drawing QRF 27/08/17 Provide copy of final closed QRF Uploaded on server Abdulmannan 06/09/2017 Closed
Drawings awaited/required 27/08/17 Typsa Structural Drawings old drawings only available  Abdulmannan 06/09/2017 Open
27/08/17 Typsa 3D Model not available Abdulmannan 06/09/2017 Open
Equipment 27/08/17 Confirmation flowmeters are accepted by CH2M approved and accepted for the 5 flowmeters  Abdulmannan 06/09/2017 Closed
27/08/17 Penstocks ‐ load, fixing and rebate details no rebate required ‐ penstock to be post fixed by bolts  Abdulmannan 06/09/2017 Closed
Pipework 27/08/17 Confirmation of all wall penetrating pipework levels and pipe sizes confirmed Abdulmannan 06/09/2017 Closed
Electrical Penetrations 27/08/17 Electrical ducts ‐ Confirm location, size and level to be treated by site Abdulmannan 06/09/2017 Closed
Benching details 27/08/17 Benching details required to pipes As commented Abdulmannan 06/09/2017 Closed

Structural queries  27/08/17 Confirm foundation solution as forwarded in draft drawings 18th August accepted confirmed Abdulmannan 06/09/2017 Closed

as per agreed before in Rev.0 ‐ please amend drawings No. STP‐DD‐DCH‐S‐155‐
Construction preferences 27/08/17 Please confirm construction preferences for structure ‐ Pour sizes, joint location etc Abdulmannan 06/09/2017 Closed
Atkins ‐ RFI 
RFI Title Date RFI Query Thabat Response From Date
Confirm STP‐BD‐UVC‐M‐180‐501‐Rev 01 received 30‐05‐2017 is Approved and Frozen and 
Confirmation frozen design 27/08/17
to be used as basis for detailed design
Mechanical Drawing QRF 27/08/17 Provide copy of final closed QRF

Current mechanical drawings are of limited use much more detail is required to progress 
Drawings awaited/required 27/08/17 design e.g. Internal dimensions, elevations, door sizes and location, windows, cable 
penetrations, structural material (assumed to be concrete) etc.

27/08/17 Typsa Structural Drawings
27/08/17 Typsa Architectural Drawings
27/08/17 Typsa 3D Model
27/08/17 Building Services
Equipment info required 27/08/17 Pump weight and seating details
27/08/17 Manhole covers ‐ Confirm seating/rebate details

27/08/17 Crane details (height of rail, type, fixing details required and maximum design load

Pipework 27/08/17 Confirmation of all wall penetrating pipework levels and pipe sizes

Electrical Penetrations 27/08/17 Electrical ducts ‐ Confirm location, size and level
Openings 27/08/17 Confirmation of pump access opening sizes and location in roof slab
Re‐confirm movement of SWL 2m West to create enough room between structures for 
Structural queries 27/08/17
formwork as confirmed by Eng. Eslam in email of 17th July 2017
Construction methodology for roof – Can precast panels be used to accelerate 
programme (Email Eng Leddy to Eng Salah 18/11/2016).

Position of stantion's for mono‐rail support – advantageous to locate these off perimeter 
wall – will reduce loading on roof (Email Eng Leddy to Eng Salah 18/11/2016).

Atkins ‐ RFI 
RFI Title Date RFI Query Thabat Response From Date

Current design issued based on STP‐BD‐CCT‐M‐200‐500‐Rev 04 received 30‐05‐2017 (and 
confirmed as frozen by Thabat).  Updated pipe sizes and sump sizes advised 3rd August. 
Confirmation frozen design 27/08/17
Updated sump location received 7th August 2017. However layout needs to be updated 
to capture sumps, relocation SWL and separation of UVC.

Drawings awaited/required 27/08/17 Typsa Mechanical Drawings

Mechanical Drawing QRF 27/08/17 Provide copy of final closed QRF
Pipework 27/08/17 Confirmation of all wall penetrating pipework levels and pipe sizes
Electrical Penetrations 27/08/17 Electrical ducts ‐ Confirm location, size and level
Benching details 27/08/17 Channel benching details required
Equipment info required 27/08/17 Confirm flowmeter is accepted by CH2M

Atkins ‐ RFI 
RFI Title Date RFI Query Thabat Response From Date
Provide updated STP‐SGR‐M‐130‐100‐Rev 03, STP‐BD‐SGR‐M‐130‐300‐Rev 03, STP‐BD‐
Frozen Drawings 27/08/17 SGR‐M‐130‐301‐Rev 03 received 31‐05‐2017 which although Coded 'B' contain open 
CH2M comments and so revised set of drawings required.
Mechanical Drawing QRF 27/08/17 Provide copy of final closed QRF
Drawings awaited/required 27/08/17 Typsa Structural Drawings
27/08/17 Typsa 3D Model
Equipment info required 27/08/17 Grit & Grease removal bridge ‐ confirm of loading, mounting details
27/08/17 Penstocks ‐ load, fixing and rebate details
27/08/17 GRP covers ‐ Confirm seating/rebate/loading details
27/08/17 Confirmation flowmeters are accepted by CH2M
Openings 27/08/17 Confirmation of all structural wall openings sizes/location
Pipework 27/08/17 Confirmation of all wall penetrating pipework levels and pipe sizes
Electrical Penetrations 27/08/17 Electrical ducts ‐ Confirm location, size and level
Benching details 27/08/17 Channel benching details required
Structural queries  27/08/17 Confirm final cantilever walkway width (QRF comment)
Confirm interface with FSB ‐ a link structure with movement joints at each side is 
27/08/17 Confirm final top of wall levels on finalisation of site drainage basic design

Construction preferences 27/08/17 Please confirm construction preferences for structure ‐ Pour sizes, joint location etc

Atkins ‐ RFI 
RFI Title Date RFI Query Thabat Response From Date
Confirm STP‐BD‐DPS‐M‐232‐500‐Rev 01 received 16‐07‐2017 is Approved and Frozen and 
to be used as basis for detailed design. Email from Eslam indicated that QRF comments 
Confirmation frozen design 27/08/17
were open including several items that may have affected layout. Confirmation drawing 
frozen required
Mechanical Drawing QRF 27/08/17 Provide copy of final closed QRF
Drawings awaited/required 27/08/17 Typsa Structural Drawings
27/08/17 Typsa Architectural Drawings
27/08/17 Typsa 3D Model
Equipment info required 27/08/17 Pump weight (can not find this in brochure)
27/08/17 Manhole covers ‐ Confirm seating/rebate details

27/08/17 Crane details (height of rail, type, fixing details required and maximum design load

Pipework 27/08/17 Confirmation of all wall penetrating pipework levels and pipe sizes

27/08/17 Confirm valve and fitting arrangement in valve chamber is frozen
Electrical Penetrations 27/08/17 Electrical ducts ‐ Confirm location, size and level
Openings 27/08/17 Confirmation of pump access opening sizes and location in roof slab
Construction methodology for roof – Can precast panels be used to accelerate 
Structural queries 27/08/17
programme (Email Eng Leddy to Eng Salah 18/11/2016).
Atkins ‐ RFI 
RFI Title Date RFI Query Thabat Response From Date
Confirm STP‐BD‐ICH‐M‐100‐500‐Rev 01 received 13‐07‐2017 is Approved and Frozen and 
to be used as basis for detailed design. Email from Eslam indicated that QRF comments 
Confirmation frozen design 27/08/17
were open including several items that may have affected layout. Confirmation drawing 
frozen required.
Mechanical Drawing QRF 27/08/17 Provide copy of final closed QRF
Drawings awaited/required 27/08/17 Typsa Structural Drawings
27/08/17 Typsa 3D Model
Equipment info required 27/08/17 Penstocks ‐ load, fixing and rebate details
27/08/17 Manhole covers ‐ Confirm seating/rebate details

27/08/17 Crane details (height of rail, type, fixing details required and maximum design load

27/08/17 Confirmation flowmeters are accepted by CH2M
Pipework 27/08/17 Can the inlet from ICH to CSB be a piped connection?
Electrical Penetrations 27/08/17 Electrical ducts ‐ Confirm location, size and level
Confirmation manhole and penstock opening sizes and location in roof slab required ‐ no 
Openings 27/08/17
dimensions on drawing

Thabat Construction methodology required.
‐ It is understood that Thabat wish to retain exiting Haer channel and make modifications
Structural queries 27/08/17 ‐ For sidewall it is noted that Thabat wish to locally cut hole in wall.
‐ Please confirm how Thabat intend to construct shaft on roof of existing Haer and break 
out the existing roof.

27/08/17 Please provide as‐built details of Haer channel
Please confirm Thabat stated assumptions in email of 13/07/2017 is to form the basis for 
the design:
27/08/17 ‐‐ Haer channel wall thicknesses to be assumed as 350mm
‐‐ Haer wall/roof reinforcement to be assumed as (min Area steel in accordance Eurocode 
‐‐ Design TWL in the Haer Channel 564.24m ~ 564.28m, but design should assume flowing 
full for conservative
27/08/17 ‐‐ Haer Channel is cast‐in‐situ not pre‐cast building
Water Level 27/08/17 What is the maximum water level within the Haer Channel
Please confirm the outcome of discussions with suppliers regarding waterproofing the 
Waterproofing Details 27/08/17 interface between the existing Haer channel and new inlet chamber ‐ Query raised to 
Eng. Saad 18/01/2017

Atkins ‐ RFI 
RFI Title Date RFI Query Thabat Response From Date

CHB (25‐11‐2016) 27/08/17 Please provide datasheet for NAOCL tanks to include weight and fixture details

Architecture & Structural Drawings issued as part of TMT‐046 require update as per 
recent mechanical drawing Rev 2. Please advise when this will be available 

Please confirm a reinforced concrete bund 1500mm above base slab is required to form 
lower part of the masonry building. 

Architecture & Structural drawings show a steel truss. AMC preference is for a reinforced 
27/08/17 concrete frame. Are removable roof panels required to allow for installation and removal 
of the NaOCL tanks? Please provide drawing to indicate opening requirements. 

Please confirm if a Vinyl ester floor coating is required as per previous correspondence 
27/08/17 02/09/16. Recent correspondence from Daniel Martinez On 23/11/16 indicated no 
coatings are required. 
27/08/17 Will access be required to roof level externally?
Please confirm if the building has been space proofed to accommodate the steel 
walkway. Please advise of walkway fixture details

Is the drainage channel rebated in the base slab to be an open channel for both the main 
building and the pump room? What are the dimensions of the channel? 

27/08/17 Please confirm drain line outlet size and levels from the Drainage pits
27/08/17 Will a fall be required in base slab to aid in drainage to channel?
27/08/17 Please confirm duct penetrations in/out of the main building and pump room
27/08/17 Please confirm ventilation fan openings and elevations
27/08/17 Please confirm vent pipe size and roof opening requirements
27/08/17 Does the main building and the pump room require insulation wall makeup?
Finished floor level to be confirmed depending on site levels. Please advise when will this 
be available 
Please confirm chamber size shown to house pipework to the CCT


Atkins ‐ RFI 
RFI Title Date RFI Query Thabat Response From Date
Please advise of Thabat preference for MCC building construction.

It seems that Typsa design is requiring substantial and complicated cable trench details 
that will lead to an issue in waterproofing, constrictions and potentially require larger 
volumes of concrete.
Cable Trench structure 27/08/17
Historically we have simplified this to a ‘cable basement’ with open mesh flooring to the 

Can you review the attached and advise? If will have implications for the foundation 

Can you please provide static and dynamic loading information of current selected 
supplier to be considered at this time to assist in the modelling exercise.
Equipment Loading 27/08/17 o   HVAC equipment on roof
o   Transformers 
o   Control Panels in control room
o    Any other plant 
Atkins ‐ RFI 
RFI Title Date RFI Query Thabat Response Date
Confirmation frozen design 27/08/17 Please provide frozen BD design drawings for review
Mechanical Drawing QRF 27/08/17 Please provide copy of final closed QRF
Drawings awaited/required 27/08/17 Typsa Mechanical Drawings
27/08/17 Typsa Structural Drawings
27/08/17 Typsa Architectural Drawings
27/08/17 Typsa 3D Model
Can you please provide static and dynamic loading information for all building 

Blower Building
o   Blower & Silencer
Equipment info required 27/08/17
o   Oil cooler and exhaust fan on roof 
o   Control Panels in control room 
o   Crane capacities and loads
o   HVAC equipment on roof
o    Any other plant 
Pipework 27/08/17 Confirmation of all wall penetrating pipework levels and pipe sizes
Electrical Penetrations 27/08/17 Electrical ducts ‐ Confirm location, size and level
Openings 27/08/17 Confirmation all opening sizes and location in roof slab required
Please confirm column and pad foundation solution to be applied to building as per 
Structural queries 27/08/17
instruction from Eng Hani 15th November 2016

Please ensure building is space proofed with sufficient height to accommodate gantry 
27/08/17 crane and lifting requirements (incl acoustic housing) within the building. Historically the 
building was too low and had to be raised by several metres

Atkins ‐ RFI 
RFI Title Date RFI Query Thabat Response From Date
Confirmation frozen design 27/08/17 Please provide frozen BD design drawings for review
Mechanical Drawing QRF 27/08/17 Please provide copy of final closed QRF
Drawings awaited/required 27/08/17 Typsa Mechanical Drawings
27/08/17 Typsa Structural Drawings
27/08/17 Typsa Architectural Drawings
27/08/17 Typsa 3D Model

Equipment info required 27/08/17 Can you please provide static and dynamic loading information for all building equipment

Pipework 27/08/17 Confirmation of all wall penetrating pipework levels and pipe sizes

Electrical Penetrations 27/08/17 Electrical ducts ‐ Confirm location, size and level
Openings 27/08/17 Confirmation all opening sizes and location in roof slab required

Atkins ‐ RFI 
RFI Title Date RFI Query Thabat Response From Date
Confirmation frozen design 27/08/17 Please provide frozen BD design drawings for review
Mechanical Drawing QRF 27/08/17 Please provide copy of final closed QRF
Drawings awaited/required 27/08/17 Typsa Mechanical Drawings
27/08/17 Typsa Structural Drawings
27/08/17 Typsa Architectural Drawings
27/08/17 Typsa 3D Model

Can you please provide static and dynamic loading information for all building equipment 
1.       Sludge Tank & Odour Control Facility 
o   Scrubber 
o   Centrifuge Fan
o   Carbon Filters 
o   Crane capacities and loads
2.       Sludge Dewatering & thickener
o   Sludge Thickeners Drums – information provided previously as per email attached, 
Equipment info required 27/08/17
please confirm these values are still valid
o   Polymer Dosing units
o   Decanter Centrifuge – information provided previously as per email attached, please 
confirm these values are still valid
o   Sodium Hydroxide Tanks 
o   Vehicle access on ground floor 
3.       Sludge Silo Building
o   Silos capacity and self‐weight
o  Any other equipment

Pipework 27/08/17 Confirmation of all wall penetrating pipework levels and pipe sizes

Electrical Penetrations 27/08/17 Electrical ducts ‐ Confirm location, size and level
Openings 27/08/17 Confirmation all opening sizes and location in roof slab required
Manfouha Sewage Treatment Plant Phase 4

PROJECT Doc Ref/Rev: STP-RP-02-G-CSA-102 Rev 0
Project: Manfouha Sewage Treatment Plant Fourth Stream Package or Element: Civil, Structural, Architectural & Geotechnical Reviewed By: KR
Project/Design Phase: Detailed Design Prepared by: RF Authorised By: SW

Information Needed by Others

Priority Issue Y/N

Include in:
Including: PreConst Informat
Hazard/Other H&S Issue relating to  Critical design assumptions SHE Box
Item No

construction, using (as a workplace), Design  Significant remaining risks Design doc Cross Reference
operation & maintenance, alteration & Measures Taken by Designer - Hazard Elimination, Risk Risk  Suggested work methods/sequences Needed H&S File Detailed ref to Doc or Drg
Activity demolition of a 'structure' Stage Affected Reduction and Control Owner By When  Other controls by who Risk Register containing the information

Contractor to provide detailed method

Demolition is essential to the design and can't be
statement and demolition plan.
Demolition of Dust inhalation, excessive noise, personnel eliminated. Detailed
Construction N AMC Safe working methods to be used and AMC R -
existing structures injury, existing services Control to be implemented by following a pre-defined design
continual supervision to be provided by
demolition plan developed by contractor.
trained personnel
Contractor to use recommended safety
procedures and provide method statement
Earthworks/ Ground contamination, instability of Can't be eliminated in design as excavation is required for Detailed for temporary support of deep trenches and SBR 1 Foundation Pack
Construction Y AMC AMC B
Excavation embankments construction of treatment works design work therein. SBR 2 Foundation Pack
Trench stability to be monitored during
2 construction.
Contractor to set up and maintain fence and
Persons or animals intruding on site Lead Designer/Contractor to specify and indicate site Detailed access controls.
Site Security Construction N AMC AMC R -
- Damage, vandalism, injury limits and boundary design Contractor to deter wildlife wherever
3 possible.
Separate site entrance to be provided remote
Working in vicinity Contractor to fence off works site from main operational
Detailed from main operational site.
of operational Disruption to existing plant Construction N treatment works to remove direct access and mitigate AMC AMC R -
design Liaise with NWC if access to existing plant is
premises disruption
4 required

Working in vicinity Can't be eliminated due to hydraulic design dictating the Contractor to erect and set back temporary
of an embankment Risk of personnel injury, plant or debris fall need to construct structures in deep excavations. Detailed safety fencing or edge protection where To be added to appropriate
Construction Y AMC AMC B
edge - Baatha off edge of embankment Site works adjacent to to Baatha Channel to be limited to design required. drawings when developed
Channel outfall pipe only. Associated chamber to be moved inland. Strict vehicular speed limit to be imposed.

Contractor to develop and implement site

traffic plan, with site rules ensuring banks men
Management responsibilities to be defined.
Subcontractors to be inducted and controlled.
Segregation of Contractor to develop traffic plan to be set-up to include Detailed
Collision with operatives Construction N AMC Deliveries to be closely supervised. Access AMC R -
Vehicles and Plant site entrance requirements design
and sight lines at public road to be
Audible reversing beeper to all plant and
banksman to be maintained wherever

Contractor to ensure welfare facilities are

Sunburn, Dehydration, Fatigue Detailed
Welfare Construction N Ensure welfare facilities are included on site AMC maintained , with shade, protective clothing, AMC R -
- Illness, injury design
food, drink and washing facilities

Implement battered slopes or if necessary

Working in Design battered slopes where possible to avoid trench Detailed trench sheeting. SBR 1 Foundation Pack
Soil conditions - Injury, collapse Construction Y Typsa AMC B
Trenches sheeting design Ensure frequent inspection of trench walls. SBR 2 Foundation Pack
Contractor to adopt permit to work protocol

Page 1 Design Risk Register

Information Needed by Others

Priority Issue Y/N

Include in:
Including: PreConst Informat
Hazard/Other H&S Issue relating to  Critical design assumptions SHE Box
Item No

construction, using (as a workplace), Design  Significant remaining risks Design doc Cross Reference
operation & maintenance, alteration & Measures Taken by Designer - Hazard Elimination, Risk Risk  Suggested work methods/sequences Needed H&S File Detailed ref to Doc or Drg
Activity demolition of a 'structure' Stage Affected Reduction and Control Owner By When  Other controls by who Risk Register containing the information

Ensure adequate temporary design and

support to trench sides.
Working in
Detailed Implement safe working procedures in
Trenches Pipes & Confined spaces - Injury, suffocation Construction N Minimise pipeline and manhole depths where possible Typsa AMC R -
design confined spaces including gas monitoring,
rescue arrangements. Contractor to adopt
permit to work protocol

Manufacturers' guidance to be followed.

Contractor to allow space on site for storage and take into
Handling, installation - Crushing of personnel, Detailed Use of unauthorised plant or lifting by
Pipework Storage Construction N consideration access by mechanical handlers during site AMC AMC R -
injury to hands design unauthorised personnel to be prevented.
layout development
Contractor to adopt permit to work protocol


Safe working practices to be followed.

Pipe joint system selected to minimise need of harmful Manufacturers' guidance to be followed.
Harmful materials, heat - Burns, chemical Detailed To be added to appropriate
Pipe Joints Construction N materials. Atkins Laminating of GRP joints on site to be AMC R
injury design drawings when developed
Pipe design to allow for safe access to pipe joints. minimised.
Contractor to adopt permit to work protocol

Contractor to use appropriate plant and

Failure of pipe or test apparatus - Injury to Anchorages for test condition to be designed and Detailed To be added to appropriate
Pipe Testing Construction Y AMC qualified workforce. AMC B
personnel. Escape of jet of water specified where applicable design drawings when developed
Manufacturers' guidance to be followed.
Lead designer to ensure Interface with existing
Contractor to follow defined procedures.
Incorrect valve operation, incompatibility in infrastructure to be fully specified, with procedures
Interaction with Detailed Contractor to ensure operational site pipeline SBR 1 Foundation Pack
joints - Escape of water, flooding, making Construction Y determined for switchovers. Typsa AMC B
existing pipelines design valves remain closed to avoid diversion of SBR 2 Foundation Pack
site inaccessible Supply requirements for locking of valves and Permit to
flow to open excavation
13 Work System.

Where hazardous ground conditions have been identified

during the preliminary ground investigation the Contractor
will undertake additional site investigation to further
Acute risks to human health caused by
determine the extent of the made ground from which the
Pipeline contamination of soils (hazardous material) - Detailed
Construction N hazardous material originates. Where the Contractor has AMC Contractor to follow defined procedures. AMC R -
construction Inhalation / dermal contact / ingestion of design
identified areas of potentially hazardous material, but
hazardous materials
current data is limited, additional ground investigation will
be advised / undertaken to provide data to assess the
material waste classification.

Contractor to assess ground conditions and

Slope collapse after excavation - Injury to Review GI to assess and recommend safe slope angles Detailed design temporary slopes as necessary, SBR 1 Foundation Pack
Slope Stability Construction Y AMC B
personnel, disruption to site services and limit bank slopes with benches as required. design Trench stability to be monitored during SBR 2 Foundation Pack

Contractor to ensure temporary spoil storage

Slips or collapse. Harmful contents - has shallow slope and adequate separation
AMC to allow space on site for storage and for easy Detailed
Spoil material Crushing of personnel, blockage of access Construction N Typsa from roads and other infrastructure. AMC R -
access for loaders and tippers design
roads Use appropriate plant. Check for any
Contractor to deal with any identified
Encountering contaminated material on site Detailed To be added to appropriate
Contamination Construction Y Investigate site records, analyse results from GI testing AMC hazards, and advise on any hazardous AMC B
such as Chemical hazard, asbestosis etc design drawings when developed
17 materials found.

Page 2 Design Risk Register

Information Needed by Others

Priority Issue Y/N

Include in:
Including: PreConst Informat
Hazard/Other H&S Issue relating to  Critical design assumptions SHE Box
Item No

construction, using (as a workplace), Design  Significant remaining risks Design doc Cross Reference
operation & maintenance, alteration & Measures Taken by Designer - Hazard Elimination, Risk Risk  Suggested work methods/sequences Needed H&S File Detailed ref to Doc or Drg
Activity demolition of a 'structure' Stage Affected Reduction and Control Owner By When  Other controls by who Risk Register containing the information

Contractor to follow defined procedures.

Review information on existing installation, design any
Accidental damage to services - Fire Detailed Refer to record drawings where available, Refer to Drawing ? For known
Existing Services Construction Y diversions, and refer to good practice procedures for Atkins AMC B
explosion electrocution burns, flooding design use CAT Scanning, Implement safe methods existing services.
investigation and working in vicinity of services.
of working

Contractor to implement safe working

Striking buried services causing personal Specify requirements to contractor to perform surveys of Detailed Refer to Drawing ? For known
Buried services Construction Y Atkins Contractor to identify and provide protection AMC B
injury and loss of equipment function buried services before commencing excavation works design existing services.
to existing services as necessary i.e. marker
posts or cable ties
Contractor to implement safe methods of
Insitu concrete - collapse of Work closely with contractor to use precast concrete where Detailed working and provide appropriate PPE, good
Insitu Construction Construction N Atkins AMC R -
falsework/formwork, Burns/spillages possible. design access for personnel to be provided to
20 minimise spills

During construction full height scaffolding with

proper edge protection and ease of access
Minimise amount of work at height required by ensuring
to be provided around walls.
any fixings or cut outs are detailed before commence of
Fall from height of an operative during fixing Detailed Where appropriate, use harnesses in
Working at Height Construction N concrete pours to avoid post structure drilling. Atkins AMC R -
of steel work & concrete pours design combination with safety lines.
Maximum bar lengths will be limited, to allow sequencing of
Safe methods of working to be used as a
erection and improve stability in construction stage.
preference, with fall arrest systems as a last
Contractor to implement mechanised
Installation of Detailing to use multiple smaller bars in preference to large Detailed
Manual Handling - Injury Construction N Atkins handling where possible. AMC R -
reinforcement diameter bars, minimise heavy weights where applicable design
22 Use prefabricated rebar cages.

Ensure good ventilation.

Position all diesel or petrol tools and plant
outside, and use only electrical tools in
Ensure adequate openings for access and ventilation, confined spaces.
suitable for rescue of injured personnel. Construction Confined space entry protocols to be To be added to appropriate
Oxygen depletion or poisonous gases during Detailed
Confined Spaces Construction N sequence designed to minimise the extent of work Atkins enforced with monitoring for any explosive AMC B drawings when developed e.g.
construction design
necessary in confined space - e.g. easily demountable atmosphere. sludge tank
formwork Implement safe working procedures in
confined spaces including gas monitoring,
rescue arrangements to be maintained during
all working hours.

Contractor to install and maintain

Can't be eliminated in design as construction of structures groundwater control system with sufficient
below water table is required for the new treatment works redundancy to safeguard operatives working
Storms/ Flooding Detailed SBR 1 Foundation Pack
Construction Y Design structures for flotation based on agreed design Atkins in deep excavations. AMC B
Groundwater - Risk to workforce and disruption of service design SBR 2 Foundation Pack
water level. Open drainage trenches to be fenced off or
Site drainage measures to be implemented by contractor. covered where required.
Drainage system to be maintained and kept
unobstructed & check forecasts for storms.

Lead designer to mount equipment at ground level Staff to use appropriate protective equipment
Equipment calibration and maintenance - Fall
wherever possible and applicable. Detailed when work at height cannot be avoided by
Working at height from height during routine instrument Operation & Maintenance N Typsa AMC R -
Ensure that suitable guards and handrails are provided design design. Contractor to adopt permit to
maintenance activities
Ensure maintenance requirements are advised to Client work/enter protocol

Page 3 Design Risk Register

Information Needed by Others

Priority Issue Y/N

Include in:
Including: PreConst Informat
Hazard/Other H&S Issue relating to  Critical design assumptions SHE Box
Item No

construction, using (as a workplace), Design  Significant remaining risks Design doc Cross Reference
operation & maintenance, alteration & Measures Taken by Designer - Hazard Elimination, Risk Risk  Suggested work methods/sequences Needed H&S File Detailed ref to Doc or Drg
Activity demolition of a 'structure' Stage Affected Reduction and Control Owner By When  Other controls by who Risk Register containing the information

Lighting will be designed in selected areas to facilitate Detailed

Lighting Low light levels - Trips, reduced security Operation & Maintenance N Atkins Lighting to be maintained as required AMC F -
operation and maintenance and fulfil security requirements design

Confined space, hazard from incorrect Access points for Pipelines and cleaning arrangements to Detailed
Pipeline swabbing Operation & Maintenance N Atkins Contractor to follow defined procedures. AMC F -
opening of valves - Suffocation or Drowning be designed to allow safe maintenance. design

Design to minimise requirement for internal maintenance Monitor for any explosive atmosphere.
with man - access. Implement safe working procedures in
To be added to appropriate
Oxygen depletion or poisonous gases inside Use of extended valve spindles to enable operation from a Detailed confined spaces including gas monitoring,
Confined Spaces Operation & Maintenance Y Typsa AMC B drawings when developed e.g.
tanks safe position design rescue arrangements.
sludge tank
Provide adequate openings for ventilation and access Ensure all personnel are inducted and briefed
suitable for rescue of injured personnel. on safe working methods

Ensure procedures for safe closing of valves

Lead designer to detail measures in O&M manual to
Excessive pressure Detailed on pumped lines are detailed in H&S File and
Valve shutdown - Bursting of pipework Operation & Maintenance N eliminate excessive pressure build up in pipeline in the Typsa AMC F -
in pipeline design O&M Manual, and personnel are trained to
even of valve shutdown
implement these.

Lead designer to establish safe systems to allow Ensure procedures are detailed in H&S File
Isolation of pipe Detailed
Danger to personnel, danger of flooding Operation & Maintenance N appropriate lengths of pipeline to be isolated for Typsa and O&M Manual, and personnel are trained AMC F -
sections design
maintenance, duplication of supply routes. to implement these.

Pipelines and Thrust Blocks to be designed to resist all

loads with a factor of safety as necessary Detailed Regular inspection and maintenance to
Pipe Failure Flooding of site/chamber Operation & Maintenance N Atkins AMC F -
Chamber design to provide a sump to allow for pumping design prevent failure and water disposal if required
out of water to gain safe access to repair pipe.
Personnel injury, slips & falls Can't be eliminated as sludge excavation is required to Detailed Contractor to ensure safe disposal of sludge
Sludge Disposal Construction N AMC AMC R -
32 Attract animals enable construction of SBR tanks design off-site

Contractor to follow defined procedures.

Use of existing Alteration to inlet chamber Lead designer to ensure shut down procedures to be set- Detailed Liaise with relevant bodies for approval of To be added to appropriate
Construction Y Typsa AMC B
confined space Live Haer channel. up to aid in construction of inlet chamber design shut down requirements and access to drawings when developed
existing chamber

Heavy Construction Personnel Injury, crushing, failure of Design to consider appropriate plant contractor wishes to Detailed Contractor to ensure only approved plant and SBR 1 Foundation Pack
Construction Y Atkins AMC B
Loads structures use in construction design machinery are used SBR 2 Foundation Pack

Work closely with contractor to define construction

sequence as structures within the existing lagoon footprint
Construction Detailed
Settlement, instability of ground conditions Construction N are to be founded at different levels. Atkins Contractor to follow defined procedures. AMC R -
Sequence design
Compaction specification to be provided to contractor to
minimise risk of settlement on site
Disconnection from Accidental release of water - flood, hazard to Ensure that procedures for pipework alterations are stated Detailed H&S file is to be retained and referred to
Alteration/Demolition N Typsa AMC R -
36 live mains workforce in H&S File design prior to any alterations.
Ensure that groundwater control is in place prior to
Detailed H&S file is to be retained and referred to SBR 1 Foundation Pack
Groundwater Flood, hazard to workforce Alteration/Demolition Y demolition of below ground structures. AMC AMC B
design prior to any alterations. SBR 2 Foundation Pack
37 Procedures to be stated in H&S File.

Page 4 Design Risk Register

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