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RULE 39.


As a matter of policy, human-induced (man-made) critical incidents are the responsibilities of the
National and Local Peace and Order Council (NPOC) while natural calamities and disasters are the
responsibilities of the National and Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC).

Types of Incidents:

Man-Made Incidents - In the event of man-made incidents, the PNP shall respond to two different

1. To manage an incident that could be resolved by the responding policemen without the
involvement of CMC (ex: hostage-taking of a father to his son);

2. To manage an incident that needs a CMC–directed operations that requires the implementation
of special tasks by one or more of the urgent services of the Philippine government.

Natural/Disaster Incidents - In the event of natural/ disaster incidents, the PNP shall act as the fi rst
responder in the affected area in order to provide area security and support to the conduct of search
and rescue operations to be spearheaded by the area DRRRMCs.

5 P’s of Crisis Management

The 5 Ps are executed in three phases – proactive (predict, prevent, prepare); reactive (perform); and
post conflict (post action and assessment).

PROACTIVE PHASE - is designed to predict or prevent the probability of occurrence of crises at the same
time prepare to handle them when such occur.

 Predict - attempts to remove uncertainty from the future. The Predict component is
undertaken through Strategic, Operational and Tactical Situation Awareness (SA) processes.
 Prevent - a deliberate action aimed at avoiding future harm by addressing its causes. It is
closely related to mitigation which accepts that a potentially harmful incident cannot be
prevented, but harmful consequences arising from it can be minimized by precautionary

 Prepare - essential for effective response. It covers six (6) essential activities: Plan, Organize,
Train, Equip, Exercise and Evaluate and Improve. Simulation and tabletop exercises evaluate
the effectiveness of preparations, bring out flaws and weaknesses and enable corrections
and remedies to be effected, to heighten levels of readiness of systems, procedures,
organization, equipment and logistics, to better cope with actual crisis.

REACTIVE PHASE - is the institution of passive and active security measures, remedy or solution to
destabilizing factors or security flaws to such crisis, or emergency, vigilance and alertness to signs or
manifestations of developing crisis, or emergency and establishment of alert systems.

 Perform - the actual implementation of contingency plans when a crisis occurs, despite the
pro-active measures undertaken

POST CONFLICT PHASE - is the situation when the proactive and reactive phases were all done.

 Post-Action and Assessment - a component which begins when the crisis has been
addressed and the situation is deemed clear. It is in this phase where the organization is
returning to business as usual. Post – Action activities seek ways to evaluate and improve
prevention, preparation and the actual execution.

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