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Name ________________________________

APR 27 2022
Lab Time/Date ________________________

Anatomy of the

Reproductive System
Gross Anatomy of the Human Male Reproductive System
1. List the two principal functions of the testis. Produce sperm

and produce testosterone

2. Identify all indicated structures or portions of structures on the diagrammatic view of the male reproductive system below.

Urinary bladder

Seminal gland Ductus (vas)

(vesicle) deferens

Spongy urethra
Ampulla of
ductus deferens
Ejaculatory Corpus cavernosum
gland Corpus spongiosum
Glans penis

3. A common part of any physical examination of the male is palpation of the prostate. How is this accomplished?

(Think!) Physician gently inserts finger through the anterior wall of the rectum

4. How might enlargement of the prostate interfere with urination or the reproductive ability of the male?

As it grows, layer of tissue around it prevent it from expanding, causing the gland to press against the urethra

being constructed, which may lead to non-passage of urine or sperm.

5. Why are the testes located in the scrotum rather than inside the ventral body cavity? The scrotum keep the temperature
slightly cooler for optimal sperm production.

640 Review Sheet 42

6. Match the terms in column B to the descriptive statements in column A.

Column A Column B

__________________ 1. copulatory organ/penetrating device a. bulbo-urethral glands

__________________ 2. muscular passageway conveying sperm to b. ductus (vas) deferens
the ejaculatory duct; in the spermatic cord
c. epididymis
__________________ 3. transports both sperm and urine
d. intermediate part of the urethra
__________________ 4. sperm maturation site
e. penis
__________________ 5. location of the testis in adult males
f. prepuce
f 6. loose fold of skin encircling the glans penis
g. prostate
d 7. portion of the urethra between the prostate
and the penis h. prostatic urethra
__________________ 8. empties a secretion into the prostatic urethra i. scrotum
__________________ 9. empties a secretion into the intermediate part j. seminal gland
of the urethra
k. spongy urethra
Sperm and the prostate's
7. Describe the composition of semen, and name all structures contributing to its formation.
alkaline secretions, seminal vesicles and the bulbourethral glands.

8. Of what importance is the fact that seminal fluid is alkaline? It help buffer the sperm from the female reproductive

tracts acid environment.

Ductus deferens, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels, connective tissue

9. What structures compose the spermatic cord?
sheath (extension of the abdominal fascia).

Where is it located? passes from scrotal sac through the inguinal canal into the abdominal cavity.

10. Using the following terms, trace the pathway of sperm from the testes to the urethra: rete testis, epididymis, seminiferous
tubule, ductus deferens.

Seminiferous Tubule S ______________________

______________________ Rete testis S ______________________
Epididymis S ______________________
Ductus deferens

Gross Anatomy of the Human Female Reproductive System

11. Name the structures composing the external genitalia, or vulva, of the female. Mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora,
clitoris, urethra and veginal orifices, hymen and greater vestibular glands.
Review Sheet 42 641

12. On the diagram below of a frontal section of a portion of the female reproductive system, identify all indicated structures.
Uterine (fallopian) tube Fundus of Uterus

Varian blood vessel Mesosalpinx



Round ligament
of uterus
ureter Perimetrium
ligament Cervix


13. Identify the female reproductive system structures described below.

__________________ 1. site of fetal development
__________________ 2. copulatory canal

Uterine Tube
__________________ 3. egg typically fertilized here
__________________ 4. becomes erect during sexual excitement
__________________ 5. duct extending from ovaries to the uterus

__________________ 6. partially closes the vaginal canal; a membrane

__________________ 7. produces oocytes, estrogens, and progesterone
__________________ 8. fingerlike ends of the uterine tube
Yes, because the ovary and the first part of the
14. Do any sperm enter the pelvic cavity of the female? Why or why not?

duct system do not have any anatomic continuity (Uterine Tube)

15. What is an ectopic pregnancy, and how can it happen? It happens when an embryo implants in a part of the body other
than the uterus, or when the uterine (fallopian) tubes are blocked ( prevents passage )

16. Put the following vestibular-perineal structures in their proper order from the anterior to the posterior aspect: vaginal orifice,
anus, external urethral opening, and clitoris.

Anterior limit: ___________________ S ___________________ Vaginal orifice
Urethral opening S ___________________S Anus
642 Review Sheet 42

17. Assume a couple has just consummated the sex act and the sperm have been deposited in the vagina. Trace the pathway of
the sperm through the female reproductive tract.
Vagina - cervix - uterus - uterine tube - peritoneal cavity.

18. Define ovulation. Ejection of an immature egg (oocyte) from the ovary.

Microscopic Anatomy of Selected Male

and Female Reproductive Organs
19. The testis is divided into a number of lobes by connective tissue. Each of these lobes contains one to four ___________
Seminiferous tubules
_________________________________________, which converge to empty sperm into another set of tubules called the
Rete testis .
The tissue can become engorged with blood, this making
20. What is the function of the cavernous bodies seen in the penis?
the penis stiff and more effective as a penetrating device.

21. Name the three layers of the uterine wall from the inside out.
_______________________________, Myometrium
_______________________________, Perimetrium (serosa)

Which of these is sloughed during menses? Endometrium

Which contracts during childbirth? Myometrium

22. Describe the epithelium found in the uterine tube. A ciliated secretory epithelium lines the uterine tube.

23. Describe the arrangement of the layers of smooth muscle in the seminal gland.
Two layers of smooth muscle surround the seminal gland, an inner circular layer and an outer longitudinal layer.

24. What is the function of the stereocilia exhibited by the epithelial cells of the mucosa of the epididymis?
Stereocilia, which are found on the epithelial cells of the epididymis mucosa, serve to absorb excess fluid and offer

nutrition to growing sperm.

Review Sheet 42 643

25. On the diagram showing the sagittal section of the human testis, correctly identify all structures provided with leader lines.

Spermatic Cord

Blood Vessels & nerves

Head of Epididymis
Ductus (Vas) Deferens


Body of Epididymis
Rete testis

Cavity of tuica vaginalls


The Mammary Glands

26. Match the key term with the correct description. Key:

__________________ glands that produce milk during lactation a. alveoli
__________________ subdivision of mammary lobes that contains alveoli b. areola

__________________ enlarged storage chamber for milk c. lactiferous duct
__________________ duct connecting alveoli to the storage chambers d. lactiferous sinus

__________________ pigmented area surrounding the nipple e. lobule
__________________ releases milk to the outside f. nipple
644 Review Sheet 42

27. Using the key terms, correctly identify breast structures.

Key: a. adipose tissue
b. areola
c. lactiferous duct
d. lactiferous sinus
e. lobule containing alveoli
f. nipple

1st rib
a. adipose tissue

Pectoralis muscles

Intercostal muscles

e. lobule containing
d. lactiferous sinus

b. areola

f. nipple

c. lactiferous duct

Fibrous connective
tissue stroma
Skin 6th rib

28. Describe the procedure for self-examination of the breasts. (Men are not exempt from breast cancer, you know!)

Place one arm behind your head and palpate the breasts in a circular motion with the three middle fingers of

the other arm, pushing softly at first, then with increasing pressure. In a vertical pattern, check the whole breast

from superior to lateral to inferior medial areas. Visually evaluate your breasts for changes in size and shape.

Keep an eye on the skin of the breasts for any puckering or dimpling. Look for any discolouration and/or redness as well.
Name ________________________________

APR 27 2022
Lab Time/Date ________________________

Physiology of Reproduction:

Gametogenesis and the
Female Cycles

1. The following statements refer to events occurring during mitosis and/or meiosis. For each statement, decide if the event
occurs in (a) mitosis only, (b) meiosis only, or (c) both mitosis and meiosis.

____________ 1. dyads are visible
____________ 2. tetrads are visible

____________ 3. product is two diploid daughter cells genetically identical to the mother cell
____________ 4. product is four haploid daughter cells quantitatively and qualitatively different from the mother cell

c 5. involves the phases prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase

____________ 6. occurs throughout the body
____________ 7. occurs only in the ovaries and testes

____________ 8. provides cells for growth and repair

____________ 9. homologues synapse; crossovers are seen

c 10. chromosomes are replicated before the division process begins

____________ 11. provides cells for perpetuation of the species
____________ 12. consists of two consecutive nuclear divisions, without chromosomal replication occurring before
the second division

2. Describe the process of synapsis. The homologous chromosomes become closely aligned along their entire length.

3. How does crossover introduce variability in the daughter cells? Chromosome breakdown and component exchange
occur when crossings occur. As a result, various parental contributions are seen on different chromosomes.

4. Define homologous chromosomes. Genes for the same qualities are carried on the same chromosomes

(one 5 paternal chromosome; the other 5 maternal chromosome)

654 Review Sheet 43

5. The cell types seen in the seminiferous tubules are listed in the key. Match the correct cell type or types with the descriptions
given below.
Key: a. primary spermatocyte c. spermatogonium e. spermatid
b. secondary spermatocyte d. sustentocyte f. sperm

c e
1. primitive stem cell 4. products of meiosis II
2. haploid f 5. product of spermiogenesis
d b
3. provides nutrients to 6. product of meiosis I
developing sperm
They have too much superfluous cytoplasm and are nonmotile.
6. Why are spermatids not considered functional gametes?

7. Differentiate between spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis.

The male's spermatogenesis is the process of producing haploid gametes. Excess spermatid cytoplasm is sloughed

off during spermiogenesis to generate a motile, functioning sperm.

8. Draw a sperm below, and identify the acrosome, head, midpiece, and tail. Then beside each label, note the composition and
function of each of these sperm structures.

9. The life span of a sperm is very short. What anatomical characteristics might lead you to suspect this even if you don’t know
The sperm has little or no cytoplasm in which to store nutrients.
its life span?

Oogenesis, the Ovarian Cycle, and the Menstrual Cycle

10. The sequence of events leading to germ cell formation in the female begins during fetal development. By the time the child

is born, all viable oogonia have been converted to primary oocytes .

In view of this fact, how does the total germ cell potential of the female compare to that of the male?

Females produce fewer germ cells than males, and the total number produced is believed to be predetermined

11. The female gametes develop in structures called follicles. What is a follicle?
A structure consisting of a capsule of follicle (or granulosa) cells that encloses a developing gamete (oocyte)
Review Sheet 43 655

How are primary and vesicular follicles anatomically different?

The oocyte is surrounded by one or a few layers of follicle cells in the main follicle; the antrum of the vesicular

the follicle contains fluid generated by the granulosa cells, and the growing oocyte is pushed to one side by multiple

layers of granulosa cells.

What is a corpus luteum? The glandular ovarian structure produces progesterone. The ruptured vesicular follicle

is converted to a corpus luteum.

12. What is the major hormone produced by the vesicular follicle?

By the corpus luteum? Progesterone & Estrogen

13. Use the key to identify the cell type you would expect to find in the following structures. The items in the key may be used
once, more than once, or not at all.
Key: a. oogonium b. primary oocyte c. secondary oocyte d. ovum

b c
_______ 1. forming part of the primary follicle in the _______ 3. in the mature vesicular follicle of the ovary
_______ 4. in the uterine tube shortly after sperm penetration
_______ 2. in the uterine tube before fertilization
14. The cellular product of spermatogenesis is four ______________________________; the final product of oogenesis is one
secondary oocyte polar bodies
_________________________ and three __________________________. What is the function of this unequal cytoplasmic

division seen during oogenesis in the female? To supply enough nutritional reserves for the functioning gamete to
survive its journey to the uterus;

What is the fate of the three tiny cells produced during oogenesis?
They deteriorate because they lack a sustaining cytoplasm with nutrient reserves.

15. The following statements deal with anterior pituitary and ovarian hormones and with hormonal interrelationships. Name
the hormone(s) described in each statement.

_____________________ 1. produced by primary follicles in the ovary

LH 2. ovulation occurs after its burstlike release
_____________________ Progesterone
and _____________________ 3. exert negative feedback on the anterior pituitary relative
to FSH secretion
_____________________ 4. stimulates LH release by the anterior pituitary
_____________________ 5. stimulates the corpus luteum to produce progesterone and estrogen
_____________________ 6. maintains the hormonal production of the corpus luteum in a nonpregnant woman

16. Why does the corpus luteum deteriorate toward the end of the ovarian cycle?

The corpus luteum deteriorates towards the end of the ovarian cycle because it's job of producing progesterone

has finished at the end of the 28-day cycle.

656 Review Sheet 43

17. For each statement below dealing with hormonal blood levels during the female ovarian and menstrual cycles, decide
whether the condition in column A is usually (a) greater than, (b) less than, or (c) essentially equal to the condition in
column B.

Column A Column B

_________ 1. amount of LH in the blood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . amount of LH in the blood at ovulation
during menstruation
_________ 2. amount of FSH in the blood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . amount of FSH in the blood on day 20 of the cycle
on day 6 of the cycle
_________ 3. amount of estrogen in the blood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . amount of estrogen in the blood at ovulation
during menstruation

b 4. amount of progesterone in the blood . . . . . . . . . . . . . amount of progesterone in the blood on day 23
on day 14

_________ 5. amount of estrogen in the blood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . amount of progesterone in the blood on day 10
on day 10

18. What uterine tissue undergoes dramatic changes during the menstrual cycle? The Endometrium

19. When during the female menstrual cycle would fertilization be unlikely? Explain why.

20. Assume that a woman could be an “on demand” ovulator like the rabbit, in which copulation stimulates the hypothalamic-
pituitary-gonadal axis and causes LH release, and an oocyte was ovulated and fertilized on day 26 of her 28-day cycle. Why
would a successful pregnancy be unlikely at this time?

21. The menstrual cycle depends on events within the female ovary. The stages of the menstrual cycle are listed below. For each,
note its approximate time span and the related events in the uterus; and then to the right, record the ovarian events occurring
simultaneously. Pay particular attention to hormonal events.

Menstrual cycle stage Uterine events Ovarian events




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