3 TUGAS 3 - Dewi Sartika - Dechiek Pringgakusuma

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C 1 Questions

Nama : Rr. Dewi Sartika

Asal Sekolah : SMA Negeri 3 Semarang

1. What is the Spring House?

A. It is a beautiful city of Sussex.
B. It is a house with beautiful gardens.
C. It is a spacious accommodation.
D. It is a comfortable traditional furniture.

2. It is perfect for fishing because there is a ....

A. lake
B. pond
C. swamp
D. river

3. This house is not suitable for the disabilities because of the ....
A. open fire
B. steep steps
C. smoking area
D. dense gardens

C 2 Questions
Nama : Rr. Dewi Sartika
Asal Sekolah : SMA Negeri 3 Semarang

4. What does the second paragraph mainly discuss about?

A. The assistant teacher to transfer information
B. Human connection and creativity
C. An expert prediction of the robot takeover
D. The robot with no empathy

5. That problem could be partly solved by robot ... (paragraph 3).

The underlined word refers to ....
A. Robot that can teach anywhere and won’t get stressed
B. A robot teacher which is better than no teacher at all
C. Less teachers in some parts of the world
D. Lazy children that don’t go to school

6. What does the last sentence mean?

It means that ....
A. Robots can take all teacher’s work to save more time and energy.
B. Robots can’t mark homework, so teachers still waste time to do it.
C. Robots can cut time and energy, so the teachers can do other things.
D. Robots can spend marking homework and writing reports for the teachers
C 3 Questions
Nama : Rr. Dewi Sartika
Asal Sekolah : SMA Negeri 3 Semarang

7. In what month is the best time to visit the eastern coast of Madagaskar?
A. December
B. January
C. March
D. July

8. Which of the following is NOT a condition that makes the central part of the country
not to be visited?
A. A snow mountain
B. Thunderstorms
C. Cooler temperatures
D. Sunny and dry summer

C 4 Questions
Nama : Rr. Dewi Sartika
Asal Sekolah : SMA Negeri 3 Semarang

9. What condition will probably be difficult to occur if robots have any role as a
A. They will transfer information to the students easily.
B. They will teach students and do most teacher’s work.
C. They will provide information about the students during the class.
D. They will communicate with human beings and share students’ progress.

10. What is the writer’s purpose of the text?

A. To describe the robot teachers
B. To entertain the readers about robot teachers
C. To discuss the plus minus of using robot teachers
D. To inform the phenomena of using robot teachers

C 5 Questions
Nama : Rr. Dewi Sartika
Asal Sekolah : SMA Negeri 3 Semarang

11. What is the writer’s opinion about the book?

A. Sophisticated
B. Recommended
C. Responsible
D. Continuous
Adelina Eka Shefetsila, S.Pd
SMPN 6 Pasarkemis

Soal C1

1. What kind of furniture style does Spring house use?

A. Modern style
B. Traditional style
C. Comfortable style
D. Spacious style
2. How many bathrooms does Spring House have?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
3. In which floor we can set an open fire?
A. Ground floor
B. First floor
C. Second floor
D. Third floor

Soal C2
1. What does the text tell us about?
A. The possibility of robot teacher
B. The jobs robots could never do
C. The jobs robots could do
D. Robot teacher is better than human teacher.

2. What does the third paragraph mainly discuss about?

A. Robot teacher is better than human teacher
B. The positive aspects of robot teacher
C. Many children under age of 14 don’t go to school
D. Robot teacher can replace human teacher

3. What does the last paragraph mainly discuss about?

A. The negative aspects of robot teacher
B. The positive aspects of robot teacher
C. How robots can help teacher
D. Teachers all over the world feel overworked.

Soal C3
1. What makes the weather dry?
A. Less rainfall
B. More rainfall
C. Strong wind
D. Hot temperature

2. Which of the following that true about Madacascar?

A. Madagascar is a subtropical country
B. Madagascar is a tropical country
C. Madagascar is a subpolar country
D. Madagascar is a polar country

3. What you can’t find in Madagascar?

A. Beach
B. Desert
C. Tropical rainforest
D. Tundra

Soal C4
1. What does the writer think about the future educational system?
A. Robot will replace teachers
B. Robot will be the teacher’s assistant
C. Robot will do the main job
D. Robot will overwork

2. The writer includes the testimony of Anthony Seldon, a British education expert,
to ... the readers about the prediction of future education.
A. inform
B. critique
C. suggest
D. persuade

Soal C5
1. What does the writer feel about Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince novel?
A. Excited
B. Unhappy
C. Disappointed
D. Depressed

2. What does the writer feel about the next novel?

A. The writer is bored waiting the next novel
B. The writer can’t wait for its release
C. The writer hopes there is no next novel
D. The writer will stop waiting the next novel


1. Where is Spring House located?

A. In one of the most beautiful parts of Sussex
B. Close to the Sisters Country Park
C. Close to the Sussex Downs
D. Sussex

2. What fasilities available in the ground floor?

A. Bath room
B. Living room
C. Dining room
D. Living room and dining room

3. We can find the open fire in the…

A. Dining room
B. Living room
C. Bath room
D. Bed room




1. What does the first paragraph mainly explain about?

A. What robots can not do
B. How robots can do something
C. What robots can do certain things
D. What robots can not do certain things

2. What does the text about?

A. Robot teachers
B. Teachers
C. teaching
D. Robots
3. Based on the second paragraph, what does Anthony Seldon predict?
A. Robots will change the main job of teachers
B. Robots will take the main job of teachers
C. Robots will do the main job of teachers
D. Robots will help the job of teachers




1. After reading the text, what season is between May and October in Madagaskar?
A. A warm wet season
B. A cooler dry season
C. A dry season
D. A wet season

2. Where is the driest part part of the island based on the text above?
A. Southwest coast
B. Northwest coast
C. The west coast
D. The east coast




1. In what paragraph do you find the negative aspects of teacher teaching?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
2. From the last paragraph, we can analyze that robots will…doing teachers works in
A. take
B. help
C. Change
D. exchange




1. After reading the text, we can conclude that the author’s attitude to the content of this new
novel is ....
A. Confused
B. Disgusted
C. Surprised
D. unhappy

2. “That is most unsettling to have that feeling of no conclusion knowing it will most likely be another long two year
wait for the next book”. It means that the readers must be…to wait the next book published.
A. Patient
B. happy
C. tired
D. sad


4. How many floors does the Spring House have?

A. one floor
B. two floors
C. three floors
D. four floors

5. What can you find in laundry room?

A. electric cooker
B. fridge freezer
C. twin bedrooms
D. dishwasher

6. We can watch TV on ...

A. the first floor
B. the second floor
C. the third floor
D. the ground floor


4. What does the third paragraph tell us about?

A. the advantages of having robots as teachers.
B. the negative aspects of having robots as teachers.
C. the possitive effect of having robots to help teachers.
D. the disadvantages of having robots to help teachers.

5. “Teachers waste a lot of time doing non-teaching work.” The underlined word has the
closest meaning to ....
A. spend
B. have
C. get
D. do

6. From the text, we know that we will have ...

A. robots as teachers.
B. teachers as robots.
C. teachers helping robots.
D. robots teaching teachers.


3. At February, Eastern Coast of Madagascar will probably ...

A. get more sunlight.
B. have more rain.
C. be more windy.
D. be more fertile

4. What is the best month to visit Eastern cost of Madagascar?

A. between November and April
B. between May and October
C. between January and March
D. between November and December


3. According to the text, the following statement is true except ...

A. robot teachers are better than human teachers.
B. human teachers are better than robot teachers.
C. robot teachers can help human teachers doing non teaching works.
D. human teachers can help robot teachers doing non teaching works.

4. What recommendation does the writer provide to support the argument that robot teachers
can help human teachers in teaching?
A. robot teachers can help human teachers doing non teaching works.
B. robot teachers will take over all human teacher works.
C. robot teachers will cut human teachers time to teach.
D. robot teachers can work more than 11 hours a week teaching.


1. What is the writer’s attitude toward the text?

A. interested
B. curious
C. critical
D. plain

2. After reading the text, we may state that Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince novel is ...
A. worth reading.
B. not recommended book to read.
C. bad book.
D. expensive book.
SMP/SMA : SMP (Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School)


7. According to the text, how many floors does the house have?
A. One floor
B. Two floors
C. Four floors
D. Three floors

8. Where can you find the TV and DVD player?

A. Ground floor
B. Second floor
C. Third floor
D. First floor

9. Where is the Spring House located?

A. On the Sussex Down
B. On Lower Dicker, Sussex
C. On the Seven Sister Country Park
D. None of the above are correct

10. “And This detached house has spacious accommodation with comfortable furniture in
a traditional style”. (Paragraph 1).
The underlined word can be replaced by …
A. Great
B. Wide
C. Large
D. Luxurious

SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati
SMP/SMA : SMP (Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School)


7. According to the text, robot teachers might solve the problem because…
A. They have the same human connection as well as teachers
B. They have creativity as well as teachers
C. They can mark homework and make reports automatically
D. They have better performances than teachers

8. What does the third paragraph mainly explain about?

A. The prediction of how robots will replace teachers
B. Kinds of job that can be replaced by robots
C. The limitation that a robot-teachers have
D. The advantages of having a robot-teacher

9. Below are some aspects that a robot-teacher can do, EXCEPT

A. Preparing the lesson plan
B. Marking the students’ homework
C. Transferring information online and offline
D. Have an emotional connection with students

SMP/SMA : SMP (Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School)


5. When can you experience a strong wind on the east coast of Madagascar?
SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati
A. Between January to April
B. Between May to July
C. Between July to August
D. Between August to September

6. Why do you have to avoid visiting eastern Madagascar in the middle of the rainy
A. Because there are a lot of thunderstorms
B. Because the strong wind causing bad road condition.
C. Because the temperature will be inconveniently freezing.
D. Because there are floods everywhere

7. From the passage, we can conclude that …

A. Madagascar has four seasons
B. The wet season is colder than the dry season
C. The north-east is hotter than the south-east
D. The west coast has the best weather in December

SMP/SMA : SMP (Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School)

SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati
5. The writer thinks that a robot can replace a teacher because of the following condition,
A. They will never feel overworked
B. They can do lots of administrative tasks
C. They can manage personalized learning for each student
D. They can develop critical thinking and inspire the students

6. From the text, we can conclude that the writer … to the issue stated in the text.
A. Agree
B. Partly agree
C. Disagree
D. Extremely disagree

SMP/SMA : SMP (Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School)


3. Do you think this novel is appropriate for Indonesian kids? Give your reason.

4. How does the reviewer feeling about the ‘snogging’ things written in the new novel?
A. Unresolved
B. Uninterested
C. Disturbed
D. Contented

SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati

NAMA : Siti Chalimah
SMP/SMA : SMP Negeri 18 Semarang


11. Where does Spring House located?

A. in Sussex Down.
B. in the Seven Sisters Country Park.
C. in Lower Dicker, Sussex.
D. near Sussex

12. How many bedrooms does Spring House have in the first floor?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

13. From the text, we can say that Spring House has ….
A. less accomodation
B. beautiful gardens
C. no fishing spot
D. been built for disabilities

14. ..........................................................................................................................................
A. ............................................................................................................................................
B. .............................................................................................................................................
C. .............................................................................................................................................
D. ............................................................................................................................................

15. ..........................................................................................................................................
A. ............................................................................................................................................
B. .............................................................................................................................................

SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati

C. .............................................................................................................................................
D. ............................................................................................................................................

NAMA : Siti Chalimah

SMP/SMA : SMP Negeri 18 Semarang


10. What does the third paragraph mainly discuss about?

A. Robots can be teachers for children who study at home.
B. Teachers can be fully changed by robots teachers.
C. Robot teachers are better than teachers.
D. Children who don’t go to school.

11. “Teachers all over the world are leaving because it is a difficult job....”
What does the word “it” refer to?
A. teaching
B. learning
C. assisting
D. organising

12. What does the last parahraph tell us about?

A. Robot teachers can help teachers reduce their overworked.
B. There are many negative aspects using robot teachers as real teachers.
C. Everyone won’t want to be a teacher
D. Teachers feel overworked.

13. ..........................................................................................................................................
SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati
A. ............................................................................................................................................
B. .............................................................................................................................................
C. .............................................................................................................................................
D. ............................................................................................................................................

14. ..........................................................................................................................................
A. ............................................................................................................................................
B. .............................................................................................................................................
C. .............................................................................................................................................
D. ............................................................................................................................................

NAMA : Siti Chalimah

SMP/SMA : SMP Negeri 18 Semarang


8. Which part of Madagascar can we visit in our holiday in June?

A. The east coast.
B. The high.
C. The west coast.
D. The southwest area.

9. From the text, we can prepare our … for visiting the mountain area in July?
A. coats
B. swimsuits
C. dresses

SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati

D. skirts

10. ..........................................................................................................................................
A. ............................................................................................................................................
B. .............................................................................................................................................
C. .............................................................................................................................................
D. ............................................................................................................................................

11. ..........................................................................................................................................
A. ............................................................................................................................................
B. .............................................................................................................................................
C. .............................................................................................................................................
D. ............................................................................................................................................

12. ..........................................................................................................................................
A. ............................................................................................................................................
B. .............................................................................................................................................
C. .............................................................................................................................................
D. ............................................................................................................................................

SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati

NAMA : Siti Chalimah
SMP/SMA : SMP Negeri 18 Semarang


7. What will appear when robot teachers help teachers work?

A. Teachers can work as they want.
B. Teachers can have less work.
C. Robot teachers can be real teachers.
D. Teacher can have no job.

8. Teachers can’t be fully changed by robot teachers because ….

A. robot teachers don’t have empathy to others like human
B. robot teachers have a higher payment
C. teachers have a lot of tasks to do
D. robot teachers can’t know all the information that students needed

9. .................................................................................................................................................
A. ............................................................................................................................................
B. .............................................................................................................................................
C. .............................................................................................................................................
D. ............................................................................................................................................

10. ..........................................................................................................................................
A. ............................................................................................................................................

SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati

B. .............................................................................................................................................
C. .............................................................................................................................................
D. ............................................................................................................................................

11. ..........................................................................................................................................
A. ............................................................................................................................................
B. .............................................................................................................................................
C. .............................................................................................................................................
D. ............................................................................................................................................

NAMA : Siti Chalimah

SMP/SMA : SMP Negeri 18 Semarang


5. How does the writer feel after knowing the newest Harry Potter’s series?
A. surprised
B. delighted
C. disgusted
D. frustrated

6. By reading the writer’s explanation in the text, parents should … their children to read the
novel because there are many parts those are not appropriate for children yet.
A. allow

SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati

B. avoid
C. permit
D. stand

7. .................................................................................................................................................
A. ............................................................................................................................................
B. .............................................................................................................................................
C. .............................................................................................................................................
D. ............................................................................................................................................

8. .................................................................................................................................................
A. ............................................................................................................................................
B. .............................................................................................................................................
C. .............................................................................................................................................
D. ............................................................................................................................................

9. .................................................................................................................................................
A. ............................................................................................................................................
B. .............................................................................................................................................
C. .............................................................................................................................................

SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati

D. ............................................................................................................................................

SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati

NAMA : Dian Endraningtyas
SMP/SMA : SMP Negeri 3 Ungaran


1. What grade is the Spring House?

A. 2 stars
B. 3 stars ✔️
C. 4 stars
D. 5 stars

2. The sentence "No smoking please" in the text means that you .... smoke.
A. are allowed to
B. are not allowed to ✔️
C. should
D. should not

3. Where can you find laundry room?

A. on the ground floor ✔️
B. on the first floor
C. on the second floor
D. on the third floor

Penulisan nama file : Sekolah_Nama Lengkap

Contoh : SMP Negeri 3 Ungaran_Dian Endraningtyas

NAMA : Dian Endraningtyas

SMP/SMA : SMP Negeri 3 Ungaran


SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati

1. What does the sentence ".... robots will do the main job of transferring information ...."
(paragraph 2) mean?
A. Robots will be like assistants.
B. Robots arrange meetings and update calendars.
C. Robots do things like organise and answer emails.
D. Robot will read students’ faces, movements and maybe even brain signals then adapt
the information to each student. ✔️

2. What does the last paragraph mainly explain about?

A. It explains the jobs robots could do.
B. It explains robots could not do teachers' job.
C. It explains how robots can help teachers. ✔️
D. It explains a robot teacher is better than no teacher at all.

3. What does the first paragraph mainly discuss about?

A. It discuses the jobs robots could do. ✔️
B. It discuses robots will do teachers' job.
C. It discuses how robots can help teachers.

D. It discuses a robot teacher is better than no teacher at all.


Penulisan nama file : Sekolah_Nama Lengkap

Contoh : SMP Negeri 3 Ungaran_Dian Endraningtyas

NAMA : Dian Endraningtyas

SMP/SMA : SMP Negeri 3 Ungaran


1. From the information given, which of the following statement describes Madagascar in
A. There are strong winds. ✔️
B. It is hotter and wetter.
C. It is cooler and more pleasant.
D. Rain falls with some thunderstorms.

SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati

2. Why is the winter months are pleasant?
A. It can be extremely hot.
B. It can be cold.
C. It has little rain. ✔️
D. It may snow in mountain areas.

Penulisan nama file : Sekolah_Nama Lengkap

Contoh : SMP Negeri 3 Ungaran_Dian Endraningtyas

NAMA : Dian Endraningtyas

SMP/SMA : SMP Negeri 3 Ungaran


1. The writer thinks that robots have a place in education because of this reason ....
A. robot waste a lot of time marking homework.
B. robots feel overworked.
C. robots can adapt the information to each student. ✔️
D. robots will get stressed.

2. In what paragraph do you find the solution of the writer?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3 Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati
D. 4
Penulisan nama file : Sekolah_Nama Lengkap
Contoh : SMP Negeri 3 Ungaran_Dian Endraningtyas

NAMA : Dian Endraningtyas

SMP/SMA : SMP Negeri 3 Ungaran


1. The writer's attitude to the next Harry Potter is ....

A. excited
B. disappointed
C. upset
D. mad

2. . What's the best moral value that the author wants to share?
A. Be patient
B. Keep humble
C. Be good to others
D. Keep the spirit on

Penulisan nama file : Sekolah_Nama Lengkap

Contoh : SMP Negeri 3 Ungaran_Dian Endraningtyas
SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati
SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati


16. According to the passage, The Spring House is settled in . . . .

A. come near the park of country
B. come near the gorgeous Sussex Downs
C. approach the Sussex Downs and the Seven Sisters Country House
D. come near the Seven Sisters Country Park and Sussex Downs

17. What is the suitable accomodation that may apply for visitors?
A. A bus
B. A car
C. A boot
D. A ship

18. What can you find in living room?

A. Ground basket
B. Open fire
C. Television
D. DVD player

19. After you read the passage, what is inside on the second floor?
A. 1 single, 1 twin bedroom with in-suite bathroom and toilet.
B. 1 single, 2 twin bedroom with in-suite bathroom and toilet.
C. 1 single, 2 twin bedroom with en-suite bathroom and toilet.
D. 1 single, 1 twin bedroom with en-suite bathroom and toilet.

20. The house is not eligible for people with disablities because . . . . .
A. The house has located at beautiful park
B. The house has located green village
C. The house has many steep steps
D. The house has many floors

21. According to the passage, When do we reserve the house?

A. Seven days, Friday to Saturday
B. Seven days, Friday to Friday
C. Eight days, Friday to Friday
D. Eight days, Friday to Saturday

SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati



15. In this passage, the writer can infer that the robot . . . .
A. will replace people’s behavior
B. will do the people’s idea
C. are more capable than people and it's true.
D. can do less than people but it's not always true.

16. What will robots probably never do?

A. Robots have human understanding of emotions
B. Robots is the best tool for teachers
C. Robots teach knowledge to the students
D. Robots is imtelligent enough to work in eduation

17. According to the passage, the teachers in the future will . . . .

A. help robots in class
B. help teachers by marking homework and writing
C. teach knowledge to students
D. no longer exist

18. ..........................................................................................................................................
A. ............................................................................................................................................
B. .............................................................................................................................................
C. .............................................................................................................................................
D. ............................................................................................................................................

19. ..........................................................................................................................................
SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati
A. ............................................................................................................................................
B. .............................................................................................................................................
C. .............................................................................................................................................
D. ............................................................................................................................................




13. The east coast is hotter and wetter because . . . .

A. there are strong winds in the rainy season
B. rain clouds discharge much of their moisture east of the highest elevations on the island
C. the trade winds lose their humidity by the time they reach this region
D. surface water is most abundant along the east coast and in the far north

14. From the information given, which of the following general caharacteristic describes
Madagscar’s climate?
A. During the dry winter, the days are warm, but the nights can become very cold
B. During the dry winter, the days are very cold, but the nights can become very warm
C. In a warmer period, the days are warm, but the nights can become very cold
D. In a warmer period, the days are very cold, but the nights can become very warm

15. ..........................................................................................................................................
A. ............................................................................................................................................
B. .............................................................................................................................................
C. .............................................................................................................................................
SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati
D. ............................................................................................................................................

16. ..........................................................................................................................................
A. ............................................................................................................................................
B. .............................................................................................................................................
C. .............................................................................................................................................
D. ............................................................................................................................................

17. ..........................................................................................................................................
A. ............................................................................................................................................
B. .............................................................................................................................................
C. .............................................................................................................................................
D. ............................................................................................................................................




12. The best writer thinking relates the passage is . . . .

A. Most jobs seem as if they can be done by robots or computers.

SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati

B. Robot assistants could help teachers by marking homework and writing
C. Robots are always better at diagnosing illnesses than doctors.
D. Some teachers use robots to reduce their time answering emails and marking

2. To convince the audience, the writer ... that one advantage of robot teachers is that they don’t need
to rest.
A. agrees
B. disagree
C. argues
D. recommends

3. .................................................................................................................................................
A. ............................................................................................................................................
B. .............................................................................................................................................
C. .............................................................................................................................................
D. ............................................................................................................................................

4. .................................................................................................................................................
A. ............................................................................................................................................
B. .............................................................................................................................................
C. .............................................................................................................................................
D. ............................................................................................................................................

5. .................................................................................................................................................
SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati
A. ............................................................................................................................................
B. .............................................................................................................................................
C. .............................................................................................................................................
D. ............................................................................................................................................




10. According to the Harry Potter’s characteristic, we conclude that the message of this
book is . . . .
A. Love and affection is real
B. Bravery is one of ways to face problem
C. A good friends will always be there to help you through many problems
D. Good always overcome bad

11. The writer’s feeling of this book is . . .

A. annoying
B. satisfying
C. dissatisfying
D. disbelief

12. ..........................................................................................................................................
A. ............................................................................................................................................
B. .............................................................................................................................................
C. .............................................................................................................................................
SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati
D. ............................................................................................................................................

13. ..........................................................................................................................................
A. ............................................................................................................................................
B. .............................................................................................................................................
C. .............................................................................................................................................
D. ............................................................................................................................................

14. ..........................................................................................................................................
A. ............................................................................................................................................
B. .............................................................................................................................................
C. .............................................................................................................................................
D. ............................................................................................................................................

SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati

Teks untuk membuat butir soal C-1
Spring House                                                    Property Reference    DY8745                 
Lower Dicker, Sussex
Sleeps Pets Bedrooms Grade
12 3 7 ★★★

Spring House Property Reference DY8745 Lower Dicker, Sussex Spring House is located in one of the
most beautiful parts of Sussex, close to the Sussex Downs and the Seven Sisters Country Park. This
detached house has spacious accommodation with comfortable furniture in a traditional style.

The house is set in beautiful gardens, bordered by a river, perfect for fishing. A boat is available for
visitors to use. Ground floor: living room and dining room. Step to kitchen, with electric cooker,
dishwasher and microwave. Laundry room with fridge freezer and washing machine/tumble dryer.
Shower room with toilet. Steep steps to first floor: 2 double bedrooms, one with en-suite bathroom, 1
single bedroom, 2 twin bedrooms, bathroom with separate shower and toilet. Second floor: 1 single, 1
twin bedroom with en-suite bathroom and toilet. Open fire in living room (1 basket of wood included).
TV and DVD player. Central heating.

Because of steep steps, the house is not suitable for people with disabilities. No smoking please.
Bookings 7 days minimum, Friday to Friday. Sleeps 12 Pets 3 Bedrooms 7 Grade



22. What is the text tell us about ?

A. House property
B. beatiful place to stay
C. beatiful place to vacation
D. new house

23. Where is the Sussex Spring House located ?

A. Beside to the Sussex Downs
B. Near to Seven Sisters Country Park.
C. Between the Sussex and the Seven Sisters Country Park
D. In the middle of the Country

24. How many room has a suite bathroom?

A. one
B. two.
C. three
D. four

Teks untuk membuat butir soal C-2

SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati

Robot teachers If you think of the jobs robots could never do, you would probably put doctors and
teachers at the top of the list. It’s easy to imagine robot cleaners and factory workers, but some jobs
need human connection and creativity. But are we underestimating what robots can do? In some cases,
they already perform better than doctors at diagnosing illness. Also, some patients might feel more
comfortable sharing personal information with a machine than a person. Could there be a place for
robots in education after all ?

British education expert Anthony Seldon thinks so. And he even has a date for the robot takeover of the
classroom: 2027. He predicts robots will do the main job of transferring information and teachers will
be like assistants. Intelligent robots will read students’ faces, movements and maybe even brain signals.
Then they will adapt the information to each student. It’s not a popular opinion and it’s unlikely robots
will ever have empathy and the ability to really connect with humans like another human can.

One thing is certain, though. A robot teacher is better than no teacher at all. In some parts of the world,
there aren’t enough teachers and 9–16 per cent of children under the age of 14 don’t go to school. That
problem could be partly solved by robots because they can teach anywhere and won’t get stressed, or
tired, or move somewhere for an easier, higher-paid job.

Those negative aspects of teaching are something everyone agrees on. Teachers all over the world are
leaving because it is a difficult job and they feel overworked. Perhaps the question is not ‘Will robots
replace teachers?’ but ‘How can robots help teachers?’ Office workers can use software to do things
like organise and answer emails, arrange meetings and update calendars. Teachers waste a lot of time
doing non-teaching work, including more than 11 hours a week marking homework. If robots could cut
the time teachers spend marking homework and writing reports, teachers would have more time and
energy for the parts of the job humans do best.



1. In some Jobs, why peole can not be replace by robot ? Because

A. Robot can diagnosing illness acuratly
B. People can work effeciency
C. Robots does not have creatifity in working
D. Robot does not feel tired

2. According to paragraph two, which the following sentence is true ?

A. Due to the lack of teachers, robot will takeover of the classroom in 2027
B. A robot teacher is better than all teacher.
C. In 2027 it will be predick that all teachers will be replace by robots
D. Robots can be the teachers’ assintant in teaching

3. …. “Then they will adapt the information to each student.” …. Paragraph 2 line 4
What is the word they refers to ?
A. People
B. Students.
C. Teachers
SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati
D. Robots

Teks untuk membuat butir soal C-3

Madagascar –
When to go Madagascar has two seasons, a warm, wet season from November to April, and a cooler
dry season between May and October. However, different parts of the country have very different

The east coast is hotter and wetter, with up to 4000mm of rainfall per year. In the rainy season, there
are strong winds, and these can cause a lot of damage. Avoid visiting eastern Madagascar between
January and March because the weather can make road travel very difficult.

The dry season is cooler and more pleasant. The high, central part of the country is much drier and
cooler. About 1,400 mm of rain falls in the rainy season, with some thunderstorms, but the summer is
usually sunny and dry, but it can be cold, especially in the mornings, with freezing showers, and it may
snow in mountain areas above 2,400m, and even stay there for several days.

The west coast is the driest part of the island. Here, the winter months are pleasant with little rain,
cooler temperatures and blue skies. The summers can be extremely hot, especially in the southwest.
This part of the country is semi-desert, and only gets around 300mm of rain per year.



1. If we want to visit the east coast of Madagaskar, What is the best month to go there?
A. Febuary
B. July
C. January
D. March

2. What should we bring if we want to go to Madagaskar on Deceber ?

A. Swiming suits
B. Sweeter.
C. Tank top
D. Gym Cloth

Teks untuk membuat butir soal C-4

Robot teachers If you think of the jobs robots could never do, you would probably put doctors and
teachers at the top of the list. It’s easy to imagine robot cleaners and factory workers, but some jobs
need human connection and creativity. But are we underestimating what robots can do? In some cases,
they already perform better than doctors at diagnosing illness. Also, some patients might feel more

SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati

comfortable sharing personal information with a machine than a person. Could there be a place for
robots in education after all ?

British education expert Anthony Seldon thinks so. And he even has a date for the robot takeover of the
classroom: 2027. He predicts robots will do the main job of transferring information and teachers will
be like assistants. Intelligent robots will read students’ faces, movements and maybe even brain signals.
Then they will adapt the information to each student. It’s not a popular opinion and it’s unlikely robots
will ever have empathy and the ability to really connect with humans like another human can.

One thing is certain, though. A robot teacher is better than no teacher at all. In some parts of the world,
there aren’t enough teachers and 9–16 per cent of children under the age of 14 don’t go to school. That
problem could be partly solved by robots because they can teach anywhere and won’t get stressed, or
tired, or move somewhere for an easier, higher-paid job.

Those negative aspects of teaching are something everyone agrees on. Teachers all over the world are
leaving because it is a difficult job and they feel overworked. Perhaps the question is not ‘Will robots
replace teachers?’ but ‘How can robots help teachers?’ Office workers can use software to do things
like organise and answer emails, arrange meetings and update calendars. Teachers waste a lot of time
doing non-teaching work, including more than 11 hours a week marking homework. If robots could cut
the time teachers spend marking homework and writing reports, teachers would have more time and
energy for the parts of the job humans do best.



1. If teachers and doctors read the text, what will the do ?

A. They do nothing
B. They will work by robot
C. They make some robot
D. They will buy robots

2. From the text above, we can conclude that …

A. Doctors and teacher can be replace by robots
B. A robot teacher is better than all teacher.
C. Robots is better tha human
D. It is better work by robots

Teks untuk membuat butir soal C-5

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

After nearly two years of waiting the anticipation alone is enough to ruin Harry Potter before it even
gets published. Fans of the wizarding boy and his adventures are often so strung out for a new book
that they tend to build up the greatness of the writing and it has to be hard to continuously live up to
those high expectations time and again. Well, J.K. Rowling has lived up to the expectation for the 6th
time in her newest addition to the series " Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince" .
SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati
I have to admit I was immediately thrown for a loop as the new novel was presented in a different way.
Previously every single book started and basically concluded the same way.

Each book starts out as Harry is miserably surviving the summer at the Dursley's. He has a problem and
they move on to school the main story always takes place here and then after the conflict is resolved it
peacefully concludes with all the kids promising to write over the summer as they head off once more
to spend the summers at home. This book didn't even get to Harry or the Dursley's house until the
second chapter.

The reader immediately found them selves thrown into a tumultuous time in both Britain and the
Wizarding world. This change hooked you for sure , which is the ultimate goal, but at the same time set
an uncomfortable feeling of change where that predictability from the other novels was gone.

This book finds the characters turning 16 so they are getting up there in age and their behavior is
starting to reflect it. They are suddenly interested in the opposite sex and spend time "snogging" which
is kissing.

Of course this is behavior today seen in 12 year olds but still I found it quite pathetic and unsettling as
an adult reading the book . I have no doubt a certain population of youngsters at the right age will be
begging for more "snogging". But, whatever! This book answers a lot of questions and goes deep into
the past to help Harry understand his opponent better so that he may learn how to defeat him. The book
also progresses into what I feel is the creepiest scenes by far. Even as an adult , I found my self
uncomfortably scared reading some of the trials Harry had to go through in this book . And yes,
someone very important dies. This has changed the face of Harry Potter forever and the book takes a
decidedly different turn.

The reader is left not knowing who to trust and even whether Hogwarts will exist for the next school
year. In any event Harry and his faithful Friends don't intend to return for their final year! Yes , they
will become drop outs in their mission to ultimately end the rein of terror brought about by Lord
Voldemort and his following. Some one has to do it .

So that sets the stage for book 7. Just in case you are a robotic machine and were not all ready hooked,
this book leaves you no other choice but to continue when book 7 is issued to actually find out how it
all ends , because this book offers no real conclusion. That is most unsettling to have that feeling of no
conclusion knowing it will most likely be another long two year wait for the next book.

In conclusion , although drastically different this is no exception to the wonderful work of J.K.
Rowling. You will not put this book down and wish you had taken longer to read it once your done
because it is a long wait we are looking at for the next Harry Potter!

SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati

15. According to the text, we conclude that the message of this book is . . . .
A. Love and affection is real
B. Bravery is one of ways to face problem
C. A good friends will always be there to help you through many problems
D. Good always overcome bad

16. How is The writer’s feeling about this book ?

A. annoying
B. satisfying
C. dissatisfying
D. disbelief

SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati

Teks untuk membuat butir soal C1

Spring House Property Reference DY8745

Lower Dicker, Sussex

Sleeps Pets Bedrooms Grade

12 3 7 ★★★

Spring House is located in one of the most beautiful parts of Sussex, close to the
Sussex Downs and the Seven Sisters Country Park. This detached house has
spacious accommodation with comfortable furniture in a traditional style. The house
is set in beautiful gardens, bordered by a river, perfect for fishing. A boat is available
for visitors to use.
Ground floor: living room and dining
room. Step to kitchen, with electric
cooker, dishwasher and microwave.
Laundry room with fridge freezer and
washing machine/tumble dryer.
Shower room with toilet. Steep steps
to first floor: 2 double bedrooms, one
with en-suite bathroom, 1 single
bedroom, 2 twin bedrooms, bathroom
with separate shower and toilet.
Second floor: 1 single, 1 twin bedroom
with en-suite bathroom and toilet.

SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati


C1 = 3 SOAL

This detached house has spacious accommodation with comfortable furniture in a

traditional style. What is the best word to replace “spacious”?
A. Large
B. Unique
C. Luxurious
D. Expensive

Where do you go to warm your body in the spring house?

A. Bed room
B. Living room
C. Kitchen room
D. Central heating room

How many rooms in that spring house?

A. 7 rooms
B. 9 rooms
C. 10 rooms
D. 11 rooms

(Additional question)
We can conclude that ….
A. Fisherman will be excited to have the spring house.
B. Not many people can’t afford the price of the house.
C. The house is vey luxurious.
D. The house has 2 floors.

SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati


No smoking please.
Bookings 7 days minimum, Friday to Friday.
Teks untuk membuat butir soal C2

Reading text: Robot teachers

If you think of the jobs robots could never do, you would probably put doctors and
teachers at the top of the list. It’s easy to imagine robot cleaners and factory workers,
but some jobs need human connection and creativity. But are we underestimating
what robots can do? In some cases, they already perform better than doctors at
diagnosing illness. Also, some patients might feel more comfortable sharing personal
information with a machine than a person. Could there be a place for robots in
education after all?

British education expert Anthony Seldon thinks so. And he even has a date for the
robot takeover of the classroom: 2027. He predicts robots will do the main job of
transferring information and teachers will be like assistants. Intelligent robots will
read students’ faces, movements and maybe even brain signals. Then they will
adapt the information to each student. It’s not a popular opinion and it’s unlikely
robots will ever have empathy and the ability to really connect with humans like
another human can.

One thing is certain, though. A robot teacher is better than no teacher at all. In some
parts of the world, there aren’t enough teachers and 9–16 per cent of children under
the age of 14 don’t go to school. That problem could be partly solved by robots
because they can teach anywhere and won’t get stressed, or tired, or move
somewhere for an easier, higher-paid job.
Those negative aspects of teaching are something everyone agrees on. Teachers all
over the world are leaving because it is a difficult job and they feel overworked.
Perhaps the question is not ‘Will robots replace teachers?’ but ‘How can robots help
teachers?’ Office workers can use software to do things like organise and answer

SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati

emails, arrange meetings and update calendars. Teachers waste a lot of time doing
non-teaching work, including more than 11 hours a week marking homework. If
robots could cut the time teachers spend marking homework and writing reports,
teachers would have more time and energy for the parts of the job humans do best.

C2 = 3 SOAL

What does the sentence “British education expert Anthony Seldon thinks so” (second
paragraph) mean?

A. Anthony Seldon believes that robot will read students’ faces, movements and
maybe even brain signals.
B. Anthony Seldon believes that robot is able to do things that teachers can not do.
C. Anthony Seldon believes that robot is able to conquest teacher’s role.
D. Anthony Seldon believes that robot is more trusted than teacher.

How can you compare the performance of teacher and robot in education?
A. Teachers are equiped to train students and robots are able to do the same
B. Teachers mentally and physically are skilled to educate, but robots are not.
C. Robots mentally and physically are trained to educate as teachers do it.
D. Robots perform better in education than teachers after all.

Teachers waste a lot of time doing non-teaching work, including more than 11 hours
a week marking homework. (third paragraph) What does this sentence mean?

SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati

A. Teachers’ role is not just marking homework and robot can not help teachers
to do it.
B. Marking homework is not crucial for the teacher because robots can assist the
C. Robot can handle the teacher’s role in marking homework.
D. Teachers have a lot of things to do in class.

Teks untuk membuat butir soal C3

Madagascar – When to go

Madagascar has two seasons, a warm, wet

season from November to April, and a cooler
dry season between May and October.
However, different parts of the country have
very different weather.
The east coast is hotter and wetter, with up to 4000mm of rainfall per year. In the rainy season, there
are strong winds, and these can cause a lot of damage. Avoid visiting eastern
Madagascar between January and March because the weather can make road travel very difficult.
The dry season is cooler and more pleasant.
The high, central part of the country is much drier and cooler. About 1,400 mm of rain falls in the rainy
season, with some thunderstorms, but the summer is usually sunny and dry, but it can be cold,
especially in the mornings, with freezing showers, and it may snow in mountain areas above 2,400m,
and even stay there for several days.
The west coast is the driest part of the island. Here, the winter months are pleasant with little rain,
cooler temperatures and blue skies. The summers can be extremely hot, especially in the southwest.
This part of the country is semi-desert, and only gets around 300mm of rain per year.

SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati


C3 = 2 SOAL

Different parts of the country have very different weather… same country.
A. Eventhough
B. Despite
C. However
D. But

A lot of damages … to be caused by strong winds in the rainy season.

A. are able
B. were able
C. are being able
D. have been able

Teks untuk membuat butir soal C4

Reading text: Robot teachers
If you think of the jobs robots could never do, you would probably put doctors and
teachers at the top of the list. It’s easy to imagine robot cleaners and factory workers,
but some jobs need human connection and creativity. But are we underestimating
what robots can do? In some cases, they already perform better than doctors at
diagnosing illness. Also, some patients might feel more comfortable sharing personal
information with a machine than a person. Could there be a place for robots in
education after all?
British education expert Anthony Seldon thinks so. And he even has a date for the
robot takeover of the classroom: 2027. He predicts robots will do the main job of
transferring information and teachers will be like assistants. Intelligent robots will
read students’ faces, movements and maybe even brain signals. Then they will
adapt the information to each student. It’s not a popular opinion and it’s unlikely
robots will ever have empathy and the ability to really connect with humans like
another human can.

SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati

One thing is certain, though. A robot teacher is better than no teacher at all. In some
parts of the world, there aren’t enough teachers and 9–16 per cent of children under
the age of 14 don’t go to school. That problem could be partly solved by robots
because they can teach anywhere and won’t get stressed, or tired, or move
somewhere for an easier, higher-paid job.
Those negative aspects of teaching are something everyone agrees on. Teachers all
over the world are leaving because it is a difficult job and they feel overworked.
Perhaps the question is not ‘Will robots replace teachers?’ but ‘How can robots help
teachers?’ Office workers can use software to do things like organise and answer
emails, arrange meetings and update calendars. Teachers waste a lot of time doing
non-teaching work, including more than 11 hours a week marking homework. If
robots could cut the time teachers spend marking homework and writing reports,
teachers would have more time and energy for the parts of the job humans do best.

C4 = 2 SOAL

The authors believes that ….

A. Human connection and creativity are the most important things that robot
does not have.
B. Robots can not replace human position in educating people.
C. Human and robot can work hand in hand to educate people.
D. Robot teachers are very prospecting for future education.

SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati


The third paragraph tells us that ….

A. A robot teacher is better than no teacher at all.
B. Robot is available all the time and fits to handle teacher’s work.
C. The problems could be partly solved by robots in class technically.
D. There are some benefits to take advantage of robot in doing teacher’s job.

SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati

Teks untuk membuat butir soal C-5

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

After nearly two years of waiting the anticipation alone is enough to ruin Harry Potter
before it even gets published. Fans of the wizarding boy and his adventures are often so
strung out for a new book that they tend to build up the greatness of the writing and it has
to be hard to continuously live up to those high expectations time and again. Well, J.K.
Rowling has lived up to the expectation for the 6th time in her newest addition to the series
" Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince" .
I have to admit I was immediately thrown for a loop as the new novel was presented in a
different way. Previously every single book started and basically concluded the same way.
Each book starts out as Harry is miserably surviving the summer at the Dursley's. He has a
problem and they move on to school the main story always takes place here and then after
the conflict is resolved it peacefully concludes with all the kids promising to write over the
summer as they head off once more to spend the summers at home. This book didn't even
get to Harry or the Dursley's house until the second chapter.
The reader immediately found them selves thrown into a tumultuous time in both Britain
and the Wizarding world. This change hooked you for sure , which is the ultimate goal, but
at the same time set an uncomfortable feeling of change where that predictability from the
other novels was gone.
This book finds the characters turning 16 so they are getting up there in age and their
behavior is starting to reflect it. They are suddenly interested in the opposite sex and
spend time "snogging" which is kissing.
Of course this is behavior today seen in 12 year olds but still I found it quite pathetic and
unsettling as an adult reading the book . I have no doubt a certain population of youngsters
at the right age will be begging for more "snogging". But, whatever! This book answers a
lot of questions and goes deep into the past to help Harry understand his opponent better
so that he may learn how to defeat him. The book also progresses into what I feel is the
creepiest scenes by far. Even as an adult , I found my self uncomfortably scared reading
some of the trials Harry had to go through in this book . And yes, someone very important
dies. This has changed the face of Harry Potter forever and the book takes a decidedly
different turn.
The reader is left not knowing who to trust and even whether Hogwarts will exist for the
next school year. In any event Harry and his faithful Friends don't intend to return for their
final year! Yes , they will become drop outs in their mission to ultimately end the rein of
terror brought about by Lord Voldemort and his following. Some one has to do it .
So that sets the stage for book 7. Just in case you are a robotic machine and were not all
ready hooked, this book leaves you no other choice but to continue when book 7 is issued
to actually find out how it all ends , because this book offers no real conclusion. That is
most unsettling to have that feeling of no conclusion knowing it will most likely be another
long two year wait for the next book.
In conclusion , although drastically different this is no exception to the wonderful work of
J.K. Rowling. You will not put this book down and wish you had taken longer to read it
once your done because it is a long wait we are looking at for the next Harry Potter!

SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati

C5 = 2 SOAL

The author’s response to the content of the novel entitled Harry Potter and the Half
Blood Prince is ….
A. unbelievable
B. unexpected
C. satisfied
D. surprised

What readers might do after reading this review?

A. Discussing the novel
B. Reading the novel
C. review the novel
D. Buying the novel

SMPIT Al Qudwah Islamic Boarding School Depok_Armiati

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