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Education: amidst everything; a ladder

to success
Over half and a year ago when an unanticipated and disruptive situation started to give
an extending far down impact on the way we perceive our world and everyday routines.
This is the outbreak of the corona virus or most popularly known as the COVID 19.

Our culture, health, economy, politics and education to be included are all devastated.
Academic school year for public schools are about to end during those moments. I
could see and feel the excitement of those graduating since I have read some in my
news feed about their posts and my days in their social media accounts. Nonetheless,
those excitements were postponed because of the urgent need to put the entire nation
for enhanced community quarantine for two weeks for they taught that this is the only
way to contain the spread of the virus.

Some private schools which include the school where I am connected with, we just
started the fourth quarter. Good thing that prior the lockdown, we have prepared and
innovated on how to continue our instructions to finish the learning content and
learning competency of the entirety of the fourth quarter if ever lockdown will take
place. In spite those preparations and innovations we did, things didn’t go as smoothly
as what we are expecting. Numerous concerns and issues both from parents and
students were raised. ECQ was extended so physical graduation ceremony for both
public and private schools were postponed indefinitely.

Education amidst pandemic should not be stopped. Education must continue and no
one should be left behind. Academic year 2020-2021 was full of challenges. From the
traditional face to face and it transitioned to a distance modality. It requires huge
adaptation and changes are needed to carry through our education. The Department of
education and private school sectors has devised and agreed upon on the delivery of
instructions to be used. To make that happen, the prime movers attended and
conducted series of webinars, trainings, orientations, briefing, pilot testing and sleepless
nights to craft modules.

ISAP used two types of distance learning modality. The Instructional Learning Guide
(module) and the Learning Management System. Both were utilized. Mostly prefer the
learning management system which is timely and relevant now that we are in the digital
age and students are used to it. Nothing is perfect, as expected we have our flaws for
everybody is new on this, but we let this imperfections as forces to rediscover and
improve to sustain the culture of excellence in instilling the knowledge and skill to the

As a teacher in this pandemic, we should be approachable and considerate for our

students for we don’t know their struggles just to cope with all the lessons and
activities. I must say this for I am a student-teacher taking my masters during this
pandemic. I need to get out from our home just find a place where there is a strong
reception of internet connectivity to attend my virtual class in the evening so not to
miss any.

Along the new norm of educational system, not everyone had continued their
education. Congratulations for those courageously fighting for their goals amidst this
kind of situation. There are some who needed to stop meantime the process while they
are on their way in achieving their goals for several reasons. I just do hope and pray
that once the pandemic is over they will continue spread their wings soaring even
better and higher.

Sacrifices have seen toward us teachers because of our love to our learners and of our
country, and of our job. Credit as well is given to our parents who serve as a second
teacher to our students. And to our government and individual and collective private
sectors who pave the way in the eradication of this virus.

As a passionate and self-driven teaching staff of the country, I will uphold and continue
to be an instrument of the Lord to touch, educate, empower and mentor our learner’s
lives. I am a believer that education amidst all the challenges, it is always and forever a
ladder and a key success.

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