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Vicky is an amazing person. She can’t enter a
room without you knowing. She will make you
smile when you are sad. She is a good wife and
a good mother and a good grandma. You
would never forget a Vicky.

Vicky: “Hi guys! How have you been!

Friend: “I knew it was you when you came in!”

Vicky: “Ha! How have the kids been?”

Friend: ”There great! You are a good friend!!”

by MarsGirl1994 March 10, 2020

73 25 FLAG

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friend Callisto.

A beauty unlike no other. Her charm can
compel anyone. When you think of someone
as reliable and trustworthy as she is gorgeous
you think of Vicky. She will always be there for
you through thick and thin. She's all you need
on life for support and comfort.

Look at that hottie! She is suc a Vicky!!

by Da B.E.A.S.T June 18, 2015

652 91 FLAG

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dog Abdul.

A girl too perfect to describe.Cute and caring.
One of the nicest people you'll meet.Always
genuine and will try and help out if you're in
need.She's beautiful, lovely body and lovely
personality. Loves to party and have fun, and
can always make you smile. You'll fall in love as
soon as you meet her, but be careful because if
you break her heart, she'll find it hard to
forgive you.

A Vicky can be an amazing friend, she gets a

long with nearly everyone; prefers guys to girls,
but she'll be friends with anyone as long as
they are nice to her.
Very sexual and flirty,will talk to a lot of guys
but is very faithful if she's in a relationship.
She's wild, loud and outgoing but can
sometimes be shy and quiet when she doesn't
know what to say. Gets hurt easily because she
trusts people too easily.
Tanned, Sassy, Cute, Long-ish hair, nice legs
bum and boobs,beautiful eyes; she'll never
admit she's gorgeous
She's perfect even with all her imperfections.
Trustworthy, dependable , convincing and

You'll be lucky if you meet her, she's an angel

from heaven and will light up your life in
A girl so amazing and incredible you'll be sorry
if you let her go, so don't.

A great girl for a cute and easy-going


person1 "Dude who's that chick"
person2 "It's Vicky, we've been friends for time, I
really trust her"
person1 "I think I'm in love...."

Person1 " Hey you with Vicky?"
Person2 "Yeah dude, she's the perfect
girlfriend, our relationship is so easy"

by TheLadBible May 06, 2013

482 95 FLAG

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Uncle Jerry.


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Evil babysitter.

Timmy: *breathes*

by Honeyktyu November 23, 2018

20 2 FLAG

Get a Vicky mug for your

papa Bob.

Vicky is an amazing girl and she makes me
happy all the time. Shes cute, hot, caring,
smart and goes to the gym she makes me feel
good about myself when things go wrong and
she knows how to make me smile
Positives of vicky
1. Shes cute
2. Shes hot
3. Shes smart
4. Shes loyal
5. She has nice eyes
6. She has nuce hair
7. She cares a lot about me and others
8. Vicky is mad thiccky

Me: sad*
Vicky: hello
Me: happy*

by Angus-likes-vicky September 29, 2019

20 3 FLAG

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father Callisto.

Vicky's the sweetest person you will ever meet,
she'll make your heart melt when you gaze into
her eyes, when she smiles at you it's almost
impossible to not smile back, everytime you
think of her you'll smile like an idiot. Vicky will
stand by you through it all and won't give up.
Vicky can get scared sometimes with getting
close and trusting but she's worth waiting for,
she gives the most amazing cuddles and when
you hold her hand you'll feel dizzy and your
heart will race, she doubts herself but doesn't
need to because she is the most beautiful
person you'll hope to meet even if she doesn't
think it, she's gorgeous inside and out from
head to toe, caring and kind beyond compare
and she'll be that person who you wondered
how you lived all these years without, she's
always there for others but not for herself, a
very sarcastic person but in the funny way and
you'll always laugh with her, she's great to
mess around and have play fights with even if
they end up in cuddles, she's such a cutie who
you'll adore and cherish every moment with,
your best friend who you can tell all your
secrets to, you can trust her with your life. She
has great music taste and being with her feels
more natural than breathing, when your at
your worst she'll make you smile, cheer you up
and fix you if your broken, Vicky is extremely
Ticklish but be careful as she's not in control of
her limbs when she's being tickled so you will
most probably get a kick to the face...

Aidan: "you could of had any guy out there

whose more amazing and hotter than me....but
you settled for me"
Vicky: "I'm so not settling...I reached out and
got you"
Aidan: "your voice is my favourite sound, You are
my one and only. you can wrap your fingers
round my thumb and hold me tight"

by You'reInMyHeart19961996 December 16,


141 38 FLAG

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brother-in-law Callisto.

A very nice name for a girl brave, talented and
beautiful inside and out. Get yourself a Vicky
to stay happy.

Vicky is a very pretty girl.

by Anonymous3099 October 26, 2019

13 2 FLAG

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dad José.

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