8H Aditya Kumar Mishra English Revision Test 2

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tyame:diBya misha

English Kevision STO:-Vin/H

Roll NO-28
Dote17 l2o22
Test I
2pre pove an
apprecation of the pocm

An by
he poem"Leisute" has been Composed by
Cillam Heny Davis. he poet wvitten the
entive poemi a xhyminq Couplet from.
Tbe hyme Scheme of the Poem is aa bb,
Ctand So on heye ate ma0y fiqures
of peech Such ass Sime Me taphox ,AD }evo)
on but that Stand s a s t S b e toica
question (Tntemoqation) Eaheve Squfcls
hide thei Duts inqvass The centyal dea
of the poem s that the peet stresses

onthefact that aperson Do matter

Chethey he is i c h oxpoor he taKe out
time from his busy scne dele and eeA
enjoythe bcavty of natue I f be
be e S not
h Spendng time u t h natvre
he s l e a dinq an Un happy f
0wYite the chaYactey Sketch oD 9ny 0ne

Bebman - BenYmon was i v D on fivSt_flbobr

o the buldinq
he GJas S Dce Yo
yeaYS but bad made na moDeYbe alchys
lells that a
masteYpieace1S Com 0q but

-L4Do Qs diected
t Tdentity GWhethex ibe SeDtence S a
p h sace ox Q Claus

aYou looK tired todany

Ans Clause

F n theblaokS Ctb SimplePyeSeot

o e pYecen coniinuous tense a f tbe veyb

aA)ite love love) to play the piano

n d e ine the adVetb and State kod
I Ci not qo any Where betoxe my exome
Ans betore Odvefb of time

Fi in the blan ks ith sUtadle


a hede cwere Many people in the

thcatYe tocay

Svndevline the phYase Yeb- Vevb 1 0 cach


h e COmr2tte e erDabt Ue the mattey

many times at thy ast meetin
0.Cvitc a Dcwpaper e poxt

CUYILe a dialoque between two ends discusig=

1postaoce ofthe clean hness and byqiene-

Adit ya Hi!VKYam, HoG aye you

ViKam ' Hrt I am doinq qeat

Ad1tya Cleanlidess is one of the most

I0potant quality ,isnt it?

ViKYom yesI aqYee CJith yov

Hditya I t has So many benetits

VKYom True It maKes youattyactive

People Ke be fiending9 only Cleanand
hyaien1C people

Adiya: Not onty attactiont helps us

| Stay
Stay healthycleanliness Keee a the
NiYUSes 10fectians and bacte1i0a aCJay from

ViKam' I aqee CJth you, ThanKs fo this


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