Communiy Service

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Rishabh Lamba.


(Name & Signature of Student) (Date of submission)

To be Filled in by Faculty In charge

This Project Report has been completely drafted by _____________________ (Name of
Student ) under my guidance . He/she has been regular and sincere during during the entire duration of
Work (Services-Community). He /She has put in complete effort towards preparing the Project Report and
I confirm that it is complete and original in all respect.

________________________________ _________________________
(Name & Signature of Faculty In charge) Date of Approval

A Project Report (Community Service)

Take care of dogs and cats
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirenments for the award of degree of BBA (General)
Rishabh Lamba
Semester 3

Batch: 2020-2023
Under the supervision of
Project Guide: Ms.Minakshi Chikkara

Jagannath University

State Highway -22, Bahadurgarh Jhajjar Road, Haryana-124507

Phone: 01276-699700, 01-15


I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind
support and help of my individual and the organization. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to
all of them.
I would like to thank “Ms Minakshi Chikkara” for her guidance and constant supervision as well as for
providing necessary information regarding the project and also for her support in completing the
project. I also thank for her continual guidance, encouragement, support and valuable suggestions.
Rishabh Lamba

Problem Statement

In India, where the condition of people living on the streets is so horrifying, the condition of stray animals
is very unlikely to be on the government’s list of priorities. So it becomes all the more important for us
people to address this issue. The plight of stray animals, especially dogs, is a horrible thing to witness.

This problem is not just in rural areas. The national capital itself is severely affected. In Delhi, the streets
are littered with stray dogs. They are at every roadside. Besides starvation and dehydration, they are also
the victims of human cruelty. Walking in the city, you may pass a dog that is apparently sleeping on the
pavement, but soon you will notice that it’s dead .
The project study on Community Service “Helping animals and the environment ”. Initially the complete
insight of community service is drawn. Which indicate the ways of doing community service. Further, the
following attributes are explained
1.feeding stray animals

Community service is work done by a person or group of people that benefits others. It is often done near
the area where you live, so your own community reaps the benefits of your work.
Table of contents
Chapters Particulars
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Needs/Importance
1.3 Forms

2 About the project

3 Key successes of the project

4 Challenges during the project

5 Conclusion

6 Bibliography

1.1 DEFINITION: Community service is work done by a person or group of people that benefits others. It
is often done near the area where you live, so your own community reaps the benefits of your work. You do
not get paid to perform community service, but volunteer your time. Community service can help many
different groups of people: children, senior citizens, people with disabilities, even animals and the
environment. Community service is often organized through a local group, such as a place of worship,
school, or non-profit organization, or you can start your own community service projects. Community
service can even involve raising funds by donating used goods or selling used good like clothing.

Many people participate in community service because they enjoy helping others and improving their
community. Some students are required to do community service in order to graduate high school or to
receive certain honours. Some adults are also ordered by a judge to complete a certain number of community
service hours.

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Engaging in community service provides students with the opportunity to become active members of their
community and has a lasting, positive impact on society at large. Community service or volunteerism enables
students to acquire life skills and knowledge, as well as provide a service to those who need it most. These
are some of the common benefits of participating in a community service program:
1. Psychological benefits: Volunteering increases overall life satisfaction and helps you feel good about
yourself because you are helping others. It can also help to decreases stress and ease depression.

2. Social benefits: Volunteering engages students with the community, creates special bonds with the
population being served, and increases social awareness and responsibility.

3. Cognitive benefits: Volunteering helps students enhance their personal knowledge, grow from new
experiences, and develop better interpersonal communication skills.

Participating in community makes a lot of difference to every student’s career prospects. Participating in
community service activities helps to enhance student resumes by allowing students to obtain work-related
skills prior to graduation, builds good references for employers in regards to community involvement. It also
helps students develop civic and social responsibility skills and become more aware of what their community
4. Gives you a way to help others

5. Helps improve your community

6. Can help strengthen your resume and college applications

7. Can be a way to meet new friends

8. Often results in personal growth

9. Gives you a way to gain work experience and learn more about certain jobs

1) Donate or raise money for your local Red Cross

2) Organize a community blood drive

3) Send cards to soldiers serving overseas

4) For your next birthday, ask for charitable donations instead of gifts

5) Hold a bake sale for your favourite charity

6) Read books or letters to a person who is visually impaired

7) Organize a wheelchair basketball team

8) Participate in a charity race

9) Organize an event or parade for Memorial Day

10) Volunteer to help at a charity auction

11) Participate in National Youth Service Day in Apr.

12) Collect unused makeup and perfume to donate to a center for abused women

13) Help register people to vote

14) Organize a car wash and donate the profits to charity

15) Help deliver meals and gifts to patients at a local hospital

16) Write articles / give speeches advocating financial literarcy. First you should learn about the topics
themselves, like calculating housing costs, or understanding personal loans, and then give presentations on
these topics.

17) Helping Children and Schools

18) Tutor children during or after school

19) Donate stuffed animals to children in hospitals

20) Organize games and activities for children in hospitals or who are visiting hospitalized relatives



This project was done with an objective of feeding stray dogs and birds. There are a lot of stray dogs and
even more birds in India. I feel, through this project it was my duty to do something for the part of our
society who can’t say anything, who can’t speak how they feel. People often forget that these animals are
also part of our society and these animals are not treated like they should.



If a stray is naturally friendly, it may just need to be found. These types of dogs most likely came from a
good home, got lost and don’t want to be wandering around. If a stray dog literally comes up to you and
shows no fear or aggression, catching them or luring them into your car is probably a good idea for a trip to
the local animal shelter. If they growl and run away, or just growl and stand their ground, the animal may be
feral, and your local Humane Society should be called.

The dogs that I found were friendly by nature, so I didn’t have a lot of problem in feeding them, they became
very happy as soon as they saw me and helping them brought a smile on my face as well. I would like to do
it again as well.
And for the birds I put a cup of water and a cup of feed in my balcony and the birds came and drank the
water and ate the feed.

I felt really good after doing this activity and I got a feeling that I did something for the society.


Challenges during the project

All of the dogs and birds were not willing to eat what I was giving them, because they didn't trust me, I had
to build my trust towards them by petting them, but some of the dogs were not willing to be petted as well,
they almost came to attack me at one point, so to overcome this I had to go towards them without any signs
that I would hurt/do anything bad to them, but once I gained thier trust, it was very easy. So, gaining trust of
the animals was a challenge that I faced.


These animals are not treated like they should and through this project I want to raise awareness amongst
everyone that these animals are also a part of our society and helping them is also a part of community

Community services can be a step towards building a better and healthy society. In conclusion, I strongly
admire unpaid community service to be part of higher education. I hope to see this programme to be
implemented shortly by join venture of private schools and government.



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