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Number of hours 6

5 At the Beach
Reading Books
Visiting Places

Chinese Tourist Amercan Tourist Turkish Tourist Brazilian Tourist

The above bar chart gives information about the numbers of hours
spent by tourists of four different nations (China, America, Turkey and
Brazil) at the beach, reading books and visiting places during the
vacation at Greece in August 2019.

Overall, we can see that the maximum time is spent by Chinese people
reading books the minimum is also by Chinese people visiting places
which are 8 hours and 1 hour each day respectively.

The Chinese people spend 3 hours at the beach while the Americans
spent 4 hours on it. Similarly, Americans spent 5 hours per day reading
books and 3 hours per day visiting places.
Likewise, the Turkish tourist spent 5 hours on beach which is 1 hour less
than Brazilian tourists (6 hours per day). Both Turkish and Brazilians
spent 4 hours each day reading books. Visiting new places is slightly less
which is 3 hours and 2 hours by Turkish and Brazilians respectively.

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