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Main item Requirement Type Description

Fuel oil system Examine fuel oil samples Examine Verify that fuel samples as required are retained on board and labels duly completed or otherwise retained under the vessel's control.
The sample is to be sealed and signed by the supplier's representative and the master or officer in charge of the bunker operation on
completion of bunkering operations and retained under the ship's control until the fuel oil is substantially consumed, but in any case

Incineration system Examine incinerator externally Examine

for a period of not less than 12 months from the time of delivery.
Verify free from leaks of gas or smoke.
NOx emission prevention Examine combustion engine using one of the following Examine Engine parameter check method:
methods: - review engine documentation contained in the Technical File and the record book of engine parameters to check, as far as
- engine parameter check method practicable, engine rating, duty and limitation / restrictions as given in the Technical File
- simplified method - confirm that the engine has not undergone any modifications or adjustments outside the options and ranges permitted in the
- direct measurement and monitoring method Technical File since the last survey
- conduct survey as detailed in the Technical File
Simplified method:
- review engine documentation contained in the Technical File
- confirm that the test procedure is acceptable to the Administration
- confirm that the analysers, engine performance sensors, ambient condition measurement equipment, span check gases and other
test equipment are the correct type and have been calibrated in accordance with the NOx Technical Code
- confirm that the correct test cycle, as defined in the engine's Technical File, is used for this on board confirmation test
- ensure that a fuel sample is taken during the test and submitted for analysis
- witness the test and confirm that a copy of the test report has been submitted for approval on completion of the test
Direct measurement and monitoring method:
- review the Technical File and the on board monitoring manual that the arrangements are as approved
- the procedures to be checked in the direct monitoring and measure method and the data obtained as given in the approved on
board monitoring manual should be followed. Checked
NOx emission prevention Investigate if an approved verification method exists Verify Applicable for marine diesel engines with output > 5000 kW and a per cylinder displacement >= 90 l/cylinder installed on vessels with
and apply it keel date between 1990-01-01 and 1999-12-31.
Investigate if:
- an approved method exists but is not applicable;
- an approved method is not commercially available at this survey; or
- that an approved method is installed and where this is the case, that there is an approved method file
Apply the verification procedures as given in the approved method file.
On board documentation Verify that the required 'Bunker delivery notes' (BDN) Verify The BDN must be stored onboard for three years after the delivery. It is advised that an inventory is made to help finding sample
are on board and fuel oil samples are kept under the bottles and BDNs. It's recommended that a cross-reference to all samples taken during the bunkering should be made in the BDN.
ship's control Verify that BDNs are provided for all bunker operations recorded in engine room log book or 'Oil record book', and that the Sulphur
content is within the MARPOL limits.
Note, from 2020-03-01 a carriage ban for non-compliant fuel will be in force, implying that fuel exceeding 0.50% Sulphur shall not be

On board documentation Verify that a 'Incinerator instruction manual' is on Verify

carried for use on board, unless the vessel is fitted with a scrubber. Checked
board for each incinerator
On board documentation Verify operation of incinerators Verify For all incinerators:
- verify that prohibited materials have not been incinerated
- verify that on board incineration of sewage sludge or sludge oil in boilers or marine power plants is not undertaken while the vessel
is inside ports, harbours or estuaries.
For incinerators installed on or after 2000-01-01:
- verify that that operators have been trained as required
- verify that combustion chamber outlet temperatures have been maintained as required
- verify that each incinerator is maintained according to its approved arrangement.
On board documentation Verify validity of all class and statutory certificates Verify Verify also certificates issued by others, e.g. the Flag state.
Ask Master if new equipment is installed that may affect validity of certificates.
On board documentation Verify that an 'EIAPP certificate' are on board for each Verify
marine diesel engine required to be certified
Engine International Air Pollution Prevention (EIAPP) certificate Checked
On board documentation Verify that records documenting training of the crew in Verify
operating each incinerator are on board
On board documentation Verify that a 'Fuel change-over record' is on board Verify If applicable.
The volume of low sulphur fuel oils in each tank as well as the date, time, and position of the ship when any fuel-oil-change-over
operation is completed, shall be recorded in a log-book as prescribed by the Administration.
When not prescribed by the Administration, this information could be contained in the engine-room log-book, the deck logbook, the
official logbook, the oil record book or a separate logbook for this purpose. Checked
On board documentation Verify that a 'Marine diesel engine monitoring manual' Verify Where the direct measurement and monitoring method is to be used as a means of onboard NOx verification.
is on board and approved for each marine diesel
engine required to be certified
On board documentation Verify that a 'Fuel change-over procedure' is on board Verify Verify that where there are tanks fitted for low and normal sulphur content fuel that the fuel switching arrangement or procedures are
provided and operational. If modifications in the piping and tank arrangement have been carried out to ease the operation with
different fuels, verify that this has been approved by DNVGL. Possible changes in the fuel system to facilitate or simplify fuel change-
over is an operational issue and shall be decided by the vessel's owner or management. Calculations and evaluation of time required
for fuel change over is not subject to approval. However, change over time is normally requested if operating in and out of Sulphur

On board documentation Verify that a 'Incinerator type approval certificate' is on Verify

Oxides emission control areas (SECAs). Checked
board for each incinerator
On board documentation Verify that an approved 'Marine diesel engine technical Verify Marine diesel engine technical file (IMO NOx technical file):
file' is on board for each marine diesel engine required - if approved by DNV GL, IACS member or Flag Administration upload to NPS vessel folder if possible
to be certified - if issued by a non-IACS member or by other parties, please contact Technical Help Desk for assistance and issue the Condition of
authority (CA) stated below
- if missing and it can be documented that the process to obtain an approved IMO NOx technical file has been initiated issue the CA
stated below
- if missing and it can not If not be documented that the process to obtain an approved IMO NOx technical file has been initiated, the
IAPP Certificate shall not be issued. Issue relevant CA and notify Technical Help Desk for further clarification with the Flag
Administration. Checked
CA text: Before the given due date, IMO NOx technical files for the XX engines shall be available onboard, approved by DNV GL,
IACS member or Flag Administration.The engines shall be verified by a DNV GL surveyor in accordance with the relevant 'Onboard
Verification Procedure” as indicated in the applicable IMO NOx Technical Files'.
On board documentation Verify that the 'Fuel Oil Data Collection Plan (SEEMP Verify
II) Confirmation of Compliance' is provided on board
The SEEMP part II describes the methodology that will be used to collect the data required for IMO DCS. Checked
On board documentation Verify that master, officers and ratings are certified as Verify Safe manning document or equivalent shall be issued by the flag administration. Manning shall be verified in accordance with
required by the Standards of Training, Certification
and Watchkeeping (STCW) Convention
instructions from the flag administration. Checked
On board documentation Verify that the 'Ozone depleting substances record Verify Verify that any vessel that has rechargeable systems containing ozone-depleting substances shall maintain an ozone depleting
book' is on board substances record book, either in the form of a separate record book, or as part of an existing on board logbook. Operations
including recharge, repair/maintenance, discharge to atmosphere (deliberate/non-deliberate), discharge to reception facilities and
supply shall be entered in the logbook. Flag administration may prescribe the format of such a logbook.
Ozone depleting substances that may be found on board ship include, but are not limited to: Halon 1211, Halon 1301, Halon 2402,
CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113, CFC-114, CFC-115.
Note that hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) coolants such as R134a, R152a, R404a and R407a are not ozone depleting substances.

On board documentation Verify through documentary evidence that there has Verify
been no deliberate emission of ozone-depleting
On board documentation Investigate if any new equipment has been fitted and, Verify Consult with Master.
if so, verify that it has been approved before Update relevant records in NPS.
installation and that any changes are reflected in the
appropriate certificate
On board documentation Verify that bunker delivery notes as required conform Verify Verify that each fuel delivery (heavy fuel oil, diesel oil and gas oil) is accompanied by a 'Bunker delivery note' (BDN). The note shall
to the requirements contain the following information:
1. Name and IMO Number of receiving vessel
2. Port
3. Date of commencement of delivery
4. Name, address, and telephone number of marine fuel oil supplier
5. Product names
6. Quantity in metric tonnes
7. Density at 15 °C (kg/m3)
8. Sulphur content (%m/m)
9. A declaration signed and certified by the fuel oil supplier’s representative stating that the fuel oil supplied is in conformity with
regulation 18.3 of MARPOL Annex VI and that the sulphur content (m/m) of the fuel oil supplied does not exceed:
- 0.50% form 2020-01-01, 3.50% before 2020-01-01; or
- 0.10% for use in ECA, regulation 14.4; or
- the purchaser’s specified value (% m/m), as completed by the fuel oil supplier’s representative and on the basis of the purchaser's
notification that the fuel oil is intended to be used:
.1 in combination with an equivalent means of compliance in accordance with regulation 4 of this Annex; or
.2 is subject to a relevant exemption for a vessel to conduct trials for sulphur oxides emission reduction and control technology
research in accordance with MARPOL Annex VI Reg.3.2. Checked
On board documentation Verify that a 'Marine diesel engine parameters record Verify Where the engine parameter check method is used as a means of onboard NOx verification.
book' is on board for each marine diesel engine Verify that there is a record book of engine parameters for each engine required to be certified and that the following is updated: a)
required to be certified Changes to NOx emission related adjustable engine settings. b) Changes to NOx emission related engine components. Note that
this information can be included in the file. Note that any changes as described above shall be checked by DNV GL upon periodical
On board documentation Verify the validity of the 'Fuel Oil Consumption Verify A 'Fuel Oil Consumption reporting Statement of Compliance' shall be issued for each calendar year no later than 31 May the
Reporting Statement of Compliance' when appropriate succeeding year (Important: Note that the first calendar year for reporting was 2019, leaving 2020-05-31 as the first deadline). In
case of change of flag and/or company a 'Fuel Oil Consumption Reporting Statement of Compliance' shall be issued at that time

Ozone depleting substances Examine existing equipment externally and verify that Examine
(applicable from 2019-01-01)
As far as practicable, to verify satisfactory maintenance.
handling there are no emission of ozone-depleting substances

Ozone depleting substances Verify that no new equipment containing ozone Verify Except installations containing hydro-chlorofluocarbons.
handling depleting substances have been fitted after 2005-05-
Safety management, class Assess if any deficiencies observed on board are Verify Refer to DNVGL-WPI-0091 Sec. 5.4 and Appendix C. In case of deficiency, inform the Master that the issuer of the Safety
assessment related to possible safety management system (SMS) Management Certificate (SMC) may be informed. Describe the deficiency in formno. ISMV 421, and attach the form in the survey
failures and record conclusion job.
SOx emission prevention Verify that satisfactory arrangements are in place to Verify - for using compliant fuel as required; or
comply with requirements relating to emission of SOx - fuel switching arrangements when tanks are provided for different grades of fuel, including records of the changeover to and from
and particulate matter low sulphur fuel during transit through an emission control area established for SOx and particulate matter control; or
- exhaust gas cleaning system according to approved documentation; or
- other technological methods are examined

Survey requirements, vessel in Verify that special flag state requirements have been Verify The flag state may have special survey and reporting requirements defined in addition to the requirements in the
operation complied with
international conventions - see NPS 'Flag info' and FlagIt. Checked

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