DevOps 05202017 Ansible Tags Template Roles Handlers Create Database

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Tag example -(To execute part of the playbook)

[user1@server1 ~]$ cp webserver.yml tag.yml

-For instance we want to execute particular task

[user1@server1 ~]$ ansible-playbook tag.yml --tags "install"
(In the above example "httpd" will be installed)
-Template (From One location to another)
[user1@server1 ~]$ cp webserver.yml template.yml

[user1@server1 ~]$ more index.html.j2

The below fill be in j2 format
Output -
Roles -
Playbooks can also include plays from other playbook files. ... Roles in Ansible build on the idea of
include files and combine them to form clean, reusable abstractions – they allow you to focus more on
the big picture and only dive down into the details when needed

-To start using "roles" we need to create dir "roles"

[user1@server1 webserver]$ mkdir roles

-We are going to create dir "webserver" in roles dir

[user1@server1 roles]$ mkdir webserver

-In the below location we are going to create 07 dir (defaults, files, handlers, meta, tasks, templates &
[user1@server1 webserver]$ pwd

-How to create multiple dir as show below

[user1@server1 webserver]$ mkdir -p {defaults,files,handlers,meta,tasks,templates,vars}
[user1@server1 webserver]$ tree
-This is the executable playbook "role1.yml"
-Installing MYSQL using Galaxy Ansible website
- Pick the MYSQL from the web - ""
- Copy the - "ansible-galaxy install bennojoy.mysql" under root.

After copying go to the next - cd /etc/ansible/roles

[user1@server1 ~]$ cd /etc/ansible/roles
[user1@server1 roles]$ ls
Install Mysql
yum install mysql-server
-To start service
start service - service mysqld start
show databases;
Create database test123;
USE -command
Now we have created test123 Database and now create the table "abc"
How to QUIT from mysql - \q

MYSQL - Config info

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