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Ts iT gece Aey To 2, Beorive MONEUT Coge DigecTiow) USE STIFFUSRS to EVERY BASE RATE Ted sTEeL sTeucrote?P 7. MAY 2026 , 52H 4 coHtREssion, — a8. redvion A. Pope comPRESs0 of TE PICT» hs commeven ar eCeeTRICTTY, a2ertd J Te ge aoe, MRE | SHBLISHING Bats cH? Bir 0 Ted = Cod -Med Meo Ned — (Ex) dik -Z4-z 0 Ted Win BE <0oWly, MD BME Aste THICKOEL au Be DeruEd BY ME Fotcewive EeuAtiON pa Nba, Hed Bar 4 Ardft L velo ATMs gt 4 Helo _ SEE 3B. Bein 6 MoMeyTt To Boy bivec tious + ConPassion /rtsisu 7 pas “| qj 2 a= | bE ay — WiTHOot COOTACT BETW- BPA conceme © MaxiMou teuSiou Ze avcwe toe Mh Teel Es We, a © BASE MUTE THIewWeSs » BY WeeP L2jives HE TOD THE THIER OF TWo PUSiBLE SowwTi0US + A FAVPATIERY : Qve xe SD Tilny D) AUC Ue PHTEKRY. TATE suRvoRTED 30 TW sipes: Feces 2 BECK Fie Q STRUT Moped FOR Pe SOLID SLsB DRG TRAGIPERTATION £ Fas stocsorhtts) 25 « Te ae dia" dis OF Pade adeke aa A DATA FOR F% joer? 44685 Betoverwese AcALMIIS Pate (42, o60)2B = = Wy yp 2 25K lod w Cie m 090° 215— aa Deacons oe Theo Ratha Mste ra7e > Wpeass : bs Adanka = BOER pests HSB Re pers = A25-4572 year : iss 6 x2 Wess » Hoku Melos 14872 = eee nee ee PhdPhy. = 22. BerTA Cuan Fone! 2. Lose OUTRIBETI90, a0 : . eee, a Teer Hele 23 hejdn Be H6,e5ke x = je edeMolntis Ty Cy, Hed . BP _~ 3947 ke 3 Pas BAB K AL aan /8n2447 » Therm b/al °. 3 Rome) ce BRE epg nt Pert) Attys Srna 108 he 28 Teusee Snell AT Q Beco Jo? Pony pAP + A fhe Rae Tede BsBKe Area” Saree CRUCETA METAZLICA Hones De BST : Saeveley Coos Tuer! vs FARA WEA te HA. ey owl 7 | 585 yl \ A ZA SCDRDURA TOFERIOR ES De TAL ZHPORTACCIA PARA ERA Ex ESOVEHA BLT. WZ sis conerinina (-U) wee Tie Go) 2 rate HopHicouaPe vied, FIdaR 'PeRCO> Pome7s HeRHiéowsPa PicAR., “Tem poraRny BRAcwe sor HyDeesTaTIC TEST’ Tee Ad hevfin (HamtMONT=OR;00) Are Boom — (TRIgETERY LecerH A-36 tyke 2foHPn AxBISM Foe goers (suave testes) A. HEBER Desicn Red/ Yodo (55x Tee x Aes 4358 111 xB.00 Tet- 574 ko s Aynte2 TE » SH 20,84 ome he Men tyo As > Beew? p= 30,5 hy hob 2e CHL ECT OG PEVIEY Id. ComzeTioy BETWERY WALL To STRUT = Ni Tely das Eye Ed colts. 05-25 fay 42 Fe accomnuce WITH ae-3 408 Bude geanbed way Aree Bee” arte 60 Beet! Arve 6 Bae & 6B en® all ‘ _J|_¢ | BHIE x Ale loin ox lF 22. cm FeaTE eeyecries Ts; - es le | Seen acy oer Fs. Bee hh 250HPs et he Ml, 205m * S5f6 = 25x SF bce ete ox 265 = Shftel 54 BASIC ROSE bees Scobie Wen 15e * 23. Beers cece Tad = Aide 425 « 04x coors = Md. 1eE,. = —* S472 oe = Coczmoe s+ TL 1X2. Pee 1214, cocmeetiod BerwERs Zkacivs Z ee wuies. - AB N20: Trad = 9% Geox 84/403 © A4%KU Ved = 016x660 xSA4/ 425 = TIATKL 4B M25: Tiel of C60 494/425 = g3nseku Vad 0 rt60n HAU2S « APR Y 10815 403 + 4 ors gen 0,44 75258 * fos ae ~ Ot EE” Be caeTpes. THk= gontn. tac. to Nee weet ea | Caccuco De pEFvEWZo DE | | cvsiears Here ies Foe | campo De TI® de FoRaADO Y [xecueyro) Ed7IVC THALES A. DEFIGICICS CaoHe T2Ics 2 DE AlcAl Eo WIEN | Adzextnctoe Pe cacas Raed /S opp tearmuctuad = 07254 a Paso Lei cercintcn = 6374 «False leeko oyacoe® Sar ysth o acTee IM /@OTO 701 VE (Sas 4.00KPo wAceloly WE yl@UTe. £/CTEDE-IE “AE: wa emin (l,26) ZK rons MOA So Gz 28t- pancreas MU es emor 4.129 - ay eeie)\ bo |_| Skat) Cer Cs Bar| Bor | Regn do Wea [853 704| -o [ons lors | ete Ele agdlate [ead [49 | 8 [1902 [-2m | oerco e_ [ses [ae [oo 2 “as [race [a | earao Le set I Ph! 27h BAW Zocavetscs cocoa os Bogk A 26mg (42 R) Prsseonea E250 O56 het -153H Kh 2teteoMiygclos pe asruees Y QVBIWACIOLES Je GGA Ge = 095K Lag - 00th Skye 720 viegre JE AEDs cos CTE-DB-JE-BD Jetcn G22 CmBiducicd De accicved D> Vue + You Qes+Z VO:-Y (Oke Pearacectes Ma GrEUinieve/oieve Peon CuBieTA) cre acebe seco fate hacreciniero: Yeo , Pe to 74070 ye Seraa: HACTELINIELT® Y IELTS 2° ZC.4 + 135% G725 +45 100 = 2DKP Lewd 40-2: ofes+ doo - 4995tR LeesT eventos <0 Ulek PeIcarPAC : ee Neds 0425: (Ght Cl) C4 092522754 LE. Lp Bi/ose-= Ge} Yule 6776 » (2868308). 2ate-ke 24 (3661328) be Vide Gi gu) (38 ake = dNtche RE) 2c Comes Usd = o/s 275420 x B46" Bh ke Jade g75>4idox shel = 6dote B, cEPILTE De Je S0tiPAP actos te 1 Rcenccres Vics PeKcPAL Zh Myon boxS Gs-28 0 Wibew3te™ Mack © AGES mikey Wyle UB ont Hagl= 26.04-kY = 22.46-hU Gel cele a? é:/P =072 iy = Jp- Che: Baw de 2 C24 cual t x Rees/s 6 connes, yin 4. Chi Cow DEL REFVEERO S Aca UITA De ces dite) 24 NeypEcda ESTA CARL TIELDA, PERO 09 AT 44 -4P TIED Sé= $2 --40 ado € . AL fence. a5 cecepris aPsntmn uses Ch =0 £ HE = 6655 Lah) Yo) Jeectece) PE2HDAL Se nese enw ayes Pace. APLEDAD PecTTICL PE Mh ore © SAI23 3-27) $445 100282 on deceit BBG 2 AxIB AES eo =x Loy . tS Vp= 2a om Law =e Betz Hips 20)94.2250/405 #547 Ke Me a = AL. Boe emt Map > Aol conte cee Az cove PeaTICG Bjortoos ey * * * - ae Derornacove) Res + Z SiGe rgelet _ sWlhtosta) aie eed BBG na nO CO atm = By 4 ane, a D> 47200 (4) Go compe ad 237 ont a Silews OVIGA MORAL + Tugs Imeee= 107 tent 3 fo28 E004 Le ‘ fons « EGE 5, scser$pdite Ie peuaitnsey ~~ BCO iw Peas S 2 QMEAS: PEALE) DEFLERZOS Pan conser jewis cEceARIe ae 24 fe meeciCl) Mina De 4 omen 26 = 44ben' | Vests Oa ALTERGATNA3 Veos = 42.24 erm a pehPAnA0¥ 96 11H 25 OSS 20/44 85x 97+ Bonds Verve = 2938275 9. 57— 5 855 Yeoee Te 917 4942208 -99¢82 4 = Wx065* 5 (yp94 065 Yai 265 Te Aree = Mit OF er) +96" \s0- Vea IF _ ame. WFt.0f [ee AO be:74f/b 2 BA05e0t DY Breer 1024,600%% Se any DISECO byppe De cov7ecciey/ EOTRE DARD ves. a, 1. FACAHETIOD Dew TeRRQeco B=I8° Vo dStoln? Coo#® CEMETIZIA Dee Hujo: Taso" 200% VER, DISELO FINAL BY Howe 3. 2% VO RoT0 oe toracidy B-DETERMIKuCIOL EMPTE . (PREWLDO) ety C4S-p2)=/g8-4), ose Ez Phackas(l2 4g) 0h v Zo) th a= ha UB dtsZ)- 4,8 0fe Len (2B A). 160: 7004, Zo ton pacd/s 4. ElTuvio DE eoveiBeio Pex weve Gd. DeTentinaciol $9, Monet risers eres Weelo3) Sr bon. x, ae ee peta) ec) Zapata 6G2- as 640 a2 reweve| oS5- | 9m [65 ZF =| AAAS hy | Sh Era 4.2. GonmncBAcies PRUBAHIEGTS Cope; 2 BBPTE: | ABKHS as Donroe Poe Ho cuntien apeierean tect 4.3. ConPretaciet yoecco: % Civonce» Zor __, 08. ayy Bows (hr- Zag) 7% (H4-of2) Qntea Yoeces AS CR WRiO TUCREMEGAN BL REO Dee muke Paws suse Cs, pewea- (er. G3IETERMIGA cio’ DE pale Prope Fame cmeid coy wericiecze cre. ST, , Cire: Dowpore : Gctag) AS- P36 KY G C712 26") Zhe = 32.66k0 PAP » 2966-2445- BES ty cecmuuio PAPATA + Appx 0% 25 = 13.Bhiy TEER) —» 980% 45 = Yoacgu How —~ oBos5@x25 = B25tu Sit B36 DP z2cete Bex Crepe FOF, Yes 35 45 20 etme 736 A cTe-se- onan Pes BPIHEOVIOg ADS Te BRMABURE 23 54. Fu7e: yt } Phe oPek ést0 hs o36(1620)9"2) « G552L,4_ Rete * F227 ke. Ze06 G * GR6-O5?= 033m Hed = 4,35 x O88 8/27 = 1,45 Kol Vile 4i35 3,27 = 4.944 Kol G4 25— Aye 4.9 Ol ACH. VERTICAL Naz 92 2/245 452% SOAS 242544, — Hel Nea Sh plem're do x24 = PRO? Ved 2 ARH. HoRAeSCTER F Aye Dede + Ama S8/f000 - 46050 = 2.6,45en'/— FOL aR. BLOC AS o— S.2. BAMADRA ZAPATA if att Heb =Piacan x S2 Maks Agpéx 2x 435 = Yo0—fol. PIO 25 e— Ay = 4 Sloth Naz 09 Ae Ashok Hux Q4n 65> 452» SUhI5 =7932— Ko Had Hod FAE-S/S wae Ha-25 BgeSD Aonvenn g22e25 ARH Heels goer. ASP #12025 Ane F pq2e25 e pica $2 = deren omanasie ry Commies 4a 252 Fae Ca) Te 68) wine ThE PIGS ge OATED Te seonmecs WITH 1616.6.5 C21 28 2,07 > FF = opescss [vente] 7 BDNTAE Ze acconsnece WITH 48.40.6400) Bouwbaey ECEHEGT Juece ENTECD froeime- TY 4r1)7ac0e cnearse Theos Doman, Pease | C-04:Ly of C/2 rep THIS 22> PLOS/ Dover : Delfer te Fig Rs donc. 4-2 RETRO US TO A) Haxiton JPace FOR, TRACIUERAG These Peel ONE Wuree « Te Le ey con Sau. ex Seadl 4228/4 4s 4065 S220, ee Sire Zo ie eek We ave cot Confeyazes G12@ Bee —» Shaciec =200-0 LU wc nce een we Less Tuse Vu & 2063 Aewd Var A s2s/ty Het Fen 16-4. S Te The oTHed AUD. TR Te tatfeo L poralfy + eT Hse aptlicasee A8. 4a Z reacey pave poury) Ceraerice Ti) Fives. Ze Hy oppinieg TH/) SEAR wae ANE WONKILG Fo THetR Pace, B°7 kere ener poe Baxtt (Pekeecocvant) & ¥ weenie TIEN teh 16-1065." BM 4Gr, ce *ABRU-2074 JT post DIS Pe Jocie saps Ok Hes (ae7eeuay) | Fecoe Peecast Actos Te Osyee SARE IVe & espece castevcticn scxerece, Batlé DISKO DE VIEGAS CECTRIDORAS/ | = Rich ATADO , PaRA BEDvIe ExceoTRic} eet I Oy me co HOTS Veniricae Que Tae 4 T244 Phe verizian Gus & AmADUMA DIPOEMTA JiGvE VISEPO UAa/DE Bi coerieicherss ae xas Jococioves AporraDA> Fann PEKVER £0002. De LE RhO7EO: Bad EACECTRIC|DAD PERPECD/ CHAR AL Paavo Dex SucePADO? Usuniceps carmevaramateare deidts > Yide fypx OP? * 665 =. 654% — Ke PI] Ad 21684 0/0? * HOB = (408,22 ~ (08.24 = As J PIS a Hid 4.40» 007» 7042 BBr60rKo P26 Ud = [40x 005% M26 > 78,82 rE MA ves VIGA DE ATADS DE $08%900 (mm) A ACERS LECEIARIO JERK = Armee» bd 69d ded Annee Uieer 7/40 cut 35 apd Agave BO4ent Gu sepseacich TanerUseiAl EUTEE BAR) Sa55-L 24 25dnee P25—~ > Dance | Mi 2 he 6935 SOAS Be-s/e pe Je arreney 4 EFECTOS @nmcre, Ded AeHaboRA HICTHAS 108 wee 22,/42ke 4,74 a. Z Warf bed x G35HP - $00 +355 = 4haske 1 eSB@sse asad sig Te0Ee ee cuecte eueGoi 2b 082A De Terece RJERCIDA PR { pcs | Rese Cynven(48) = 685b= 45840220 | Ryee Cp. sen (35') = 4452 shite S422 Qrae | bide By o ke Tcctidy ae cc TUTE Duniaoye ee 4080* Cy-Sen'45 7+ G-SedBSVE) | pop <4 ailrercia De tees DFur6 Tdet _— CB ke 4 pose’) re = + Fe? i 0 Cres gsc )-Ca-cos (35° Nea) Aaiee Geo, 4gorilet . 6 - c, SSCED * TW * Caz Co coe) Rye Me sunttmerms 45,BBen? comsce x x » F25 , Avec ACTVACIs De ZEvAL FO a Eee Ecce PADS 25. pit Vez OB7EUIECTO veririaios vs CAceucdtiou» | AVERY Jiacce LECCTH Ine, BE Shows, FLEE As NerERecce SAY JOHETHIOG Boor SAEIA PEvEtc?HECT — oPTiog B wrtisg. Aicrl 6a. am iT soyrace: Acco BotT Fike @ATeD WM eer 200 Ww, Aws 23-2. Finet Weeps Fatcec) DAM /DLIM. 2004 T26 ww Buf CLT E42ube Sm len AZLT E204 Cowl T>20 -l~ Sw len Ny | ‘ oud Bed Kas 6 ni Pas-t/a ee BO, eV etd i geonernial yt — Gpeerentawe? Bas Bk ‘copFiprtaciek aeQuieerog. we2/5 DEI-S Tio) HySHo DeTALCe (ABA PIG doassES \ {Laie bee | || | 42 xmceo |) forty seme se | | | peemoccoren” i es | 1, SPs “Zomwrige +8 Khao deg e £39500" Pl Ghor(s HaPSE)= Bley \,. Ste iy Sat tL- PEO200 Aypon l= Bont i 5 ZR fus-3/8 MAID dpe waren [_] Actennativa @ lee CHAE: oe 2 dean saliTise auth p, SThuctoRac VeriFicATIon Fon me TAI VER IAL : BC Sab OVER CUOlED mA CHAtE Ered beth eae Oeeee Ste Pee A LOLBG Hee fee ae Pade 7952 m0 SE Kill eae | ozs mesos Fe i BER Ditto rf f St Lame “a ert aa G-7e Es Whe, Pr aa OR tts she st 2 ke Rear Pron 4x68 = MELEE ao | | eine [or ire 75,2 x 0/28 Pare Te 2 BC ZeN6Ko MaiHv Sbbnary once) me edevecT Mya sizeibes ede Heke Be 7 4 Hiatal Ee WA oe eect Mate se Ele YncaeWeat faa. MB ke Hea = oe Hon 40,58 Ke Pevetorceey zi Qaxght sieeezune BEAD) + Peded EE = AE Kfar Cpe) | Zwe HATE TECAUCE = rorkywt ene) « etecrass. sence 20fg/nt — C0EAD) «Wier cod = gossaate 2e8.c1 PADS O16ER dive = owél Vee | stow [acral eo [oped |aurectt]| co [es [ous |% { 9184 |~7.2. =25L =2A anos, Be2léE 2D BEMLE Hones 2 Small vEriFiatics’ 34 Urdie 3550% 252. Hale 223 ke Und > @53~ & Cinder) veered LS toa sd ko aiawhe Mel = 2M x 35502 [4a¥ \ thle mewke (B-2) l + OR FER BE ssiges= anced verien ~ 4 eokge MRE Aven = 527 (etv) & Ze. Peseta tons a 44074 Fe Ms > Ae 5957/1, 29983 233 £1568 Pa6-3/8 sPMLIOs Devted Thee got : Pr 15besht ArbaSaes Jee 2 Pe Snb>t56 24% qe pe. Ab hg qee-sco - Hands 90ers 35502 320 ~% Arninstany = 4.25 we PEAD= Bb lat 425 = 632TH LL ANE = A esha ht «415% {25hOe LO = A 2x 624054 dow 42S ke = 2395Kul of t+ ve 2, 10,56~ ky te » pecs = Gfser* TPE Me eee pre Bea 2. PmwIws DEICS Be renner sonore 3.4. vetticae BIARCIOS: Aws 4324 46 © 43 nt AS p 9 Creed peewee Fw = Aw x (4:3) % 4183 = _ EEE po toes FY = 43,2243 x 083 * 6185 = odko ber conse B30010 haw he Yew Ts { Lathe» pte (Ge rere a ae \ re-zco bbad= 25,605 dsr | yi Thecacce las Boeite tenteed ca fe » pidcoode = ala yest Te Ge eee Bit to wh = 55,0665 - MS : a sas 52° ‘oO OBB KG \J | Teenaee ae = 2454 cad Mang METS SE HETIN Ms joe bho AE. marl Miya Ze, ‘ ip bad = £8 Gok p85 688 Veerie? - Dace ox SO Afi Be Mon™ LZ Goxde~® pee ‘Soe 53 “ LZ doextoonts Pe-F)5 6. SHAPES S7EeL Bets comes) Dre te CObTILWA)« PETALE Pobcn DE Bee 7 ALCAIE See EXFOUSATION DEES. Fee & 20-334 Ko Fe 52 G0, 47 543 ke Ne. $2863 he (ous: 5A serps crete DFye Phe bon24 + 2% ,oen46 = SRE+ 268 = SE, FKU (sce tood) Suse abe, LIS 045 5.2 ofeiior/ye 4. Sroeeroe- = gupta Bcd TB, susatonerce _ Abert (866) OER = 29%, car ~ Aur adsoms | 29 4c73 ot SZC Srovrt= cd at = 3627S po $4Asm 24 fee Badd 5.4. Phevons % 26 Cze.22) The 86/4 + 52.64 = AG0¢ ky. ZU 2 28,fort 4,4s~ 201394 = SHFS ke By ar 54/96 TRigecocatl Dil72iBe7 > AST = 6/37 p B ness Bx S446 Farge 8A Wane Zt 108 Pe verre) “Arbitton fied oPOLcertent Leno 90086 0:4 2 LOE Fa seSse Ac#40O 450 +2 $10 HOOKS: Arey = SE x55% AS s95e0* VPI = 7,522 Es tb Hivive W-Gt2 = 12,383 45 942 Mirae Lissa: Mgd2 0 Brest pape opevicos Hrevs %5,t8~te 26.22 = 5261x068 + 2563 Tew 2387 Wene — Ha4-16 Ter= Tne? Miko Noe DE FMR: 246-F7/E Wbcane Pel Ulnar = MP2 204 Ula = 2/35 m RU | FOUNDATIon DevAiLS) ed = Ao 26-25-H2h 130 ~455(0 peve. 01 29] DimewliKuDe De zNTRuCTORA NeTiLiCA- 4.4000) Qjside) Teatico 2 Mare M1134 Vdmaxe HE KG a Cre pB-SEnLcee> PAed/4 Seccis 862 Fayed Stvnd -cedowk Poth, SLFS-IR 1 ABA B4~ fue ROMP A fy 221% dause P+ BP fot, i548 47° daw 788.65 AP contre Burn 20x F = 2bu- $408~ Quan 2079> Ze Gta Funde ae a » Arid L Fund __ 7g.-2 2 scion netak 9 FlexOu = aon = of bf = ofall = Gba/s Sek Mund «ime « (n=) | Maids 2a > uted x b> h-l4) Med 2205» 288 229"(210 -14) + ABZ hu x AOdm hy 2 hvPos RiGiDO$ PehTice 3. Pie APEADe. TEA sacncave Puae Pick 24 At ! 2,|| ~“ [203 roster ‘e ) on -_t Ee (Mitre hh ae ae ae " f — fi j AWN 4 Da | f 4 | nie Parad PAS \|||]pse | P47 D2 | (| | Mt DAlvicareenoo + pan reser Hoos —— [lb Feoko) 5 acomnere | wns OH 26426 6a-Ln S} enn Of = Fb Bue Hund 2515 KS Med ova, Aiag HEB Boo + HEA-BEo. oF B00n0* 5 250.1 Bor phr Lone = Feexiod Manel 2 268 > 238% 300 » (340-49) te VICAS HeA-2to+ Hea 100 tHELZeo~ BU ASPARIA EZ EUROPA espesse Pek HeB-Soo Saher. Poe fae Weds « 472k Soe ob mene | verse “ eH CL HE bo \a were cxase 4, $ Ween? Vola of 95 * So dako ~ ceases onsen Creemio'u)s Tees 472 6 whe toe. state « s02te a catHcIDED conta CA Aue BE ot a4 mle # Mork hs ted (eben ld Bee Fiywade Soh > C8 AR >doKe Vinh b= 4 SSho 5 Valy PE + CAPACIDAD & FLERIGL * wwond = 293 = 215ke 2? Vener = pincer Found 2 216842233 = 2% lige wtocrepuan VenTican: (enracre) Dal aero eu paureces. (TP) come ET] ee | Se ae Va oe, tee,eme Vede tte Fund = 48oban x4 239022 PRiwed: 3540? Bln ‘frosp Tied 2 42204, See Bhs Ved Fe2C 5 = Mii A

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