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OTA Schedule June 2™— 20" (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri.) orts) Breakfast / Training Room Opens / Taping Special Teams Off/ Det Meetings (1:30) ‘Walk Thra Stretch 6 Periods Cadence & Pursuit : pees Individual Bice Team (Tues, Fri. after Team Drill = 5 FGA attempts) Pass Skelly (Dig Guys Lif} Special Teams Practice Bnds / Remainder of Team Lifts Lunch Rookies - Player Assistance / Programs Rookies Lift ESBAY WEDNESDAY RDAY Tun] |Rookie Symposiun Saturday May 3, 2008 30am — Breakfast 7:4Sam— (0:15) Special Teams Meeting (Punt) 8:00am - (0:15) Team Meeting 8:15am—10:00am Off/ Def Meetings 10:10am — (0:25) Walk Thru 10:3Sam— (0:10) Stretch 10:45am- (0:05) Cadence & Pursuit 10:50am — (0:15) Individual 11:05am — (0:10) Group Practice #3 & #4 Base 1°, 2™& 3° Down Reg., Duece & Nickel {L:15am— (0:15) 9on7/Lon1 1breps (4/4) 11:30am — (0:20) Pass Skelly reps (3/3) 1", 2%, 3% downs: 11:50am — )) Team 20reps (5/5) (3) base, (2) 3° downs 12:10am— (0:10) Special Teams (Punt) 12:20pm — Lunch 2:00pm 2:20pm Special Teams Meeting (FGA / FG Block) 2:20pm—3:20pm Off / Def Meetings : 3:35pm— (0:25) Walk Thru 4:00pm- (0:10) Stretch 4:10pm~ (0:05) Cadence & Pursuit 4:15pm~ (0:15) Individual 4:30pm - (0:10) Group (1 on 1) 4:40pm~ (0:15) Spec Cat. Run/ PAP 6reps (4/4) pm— (0:20) Pass Skelly 2A reps (3/3) 1%, 2™4, 3" downs: ‘ pm (0:20) Team 2éreps (4/4) (2) base, (2) 3 downs pm (0:10) Special Teams 6:00pm Dinner @ 49er Facility 6:30pm —7:30pm Off / Def Meeting, (ihr) Sunday May 4, 2008 (ec: rly start schedule) 6:30am Breakfast & Treatment / Taping 7:00am—7:30am — Mass & Chapel 7:30am — (0:10) Team Meeting Practice #5 T-A0am—9:00am Off / Def Meetings Base 1%, 2 & 3° Down 9:10am — (0:20) Walk Thru (20min) Reg., Duece & Nickel 9:30am— (0:10) Stretch Red Zone 9:40am — (0:05) Cadence & Pursuit 9:45am — (0:10) Individual 9:55am— (0:10) Group (Red Zone) 10:05am~ (0:15) 9on7/1onl ‘L6reps (4/4) 10:20am (0:20) Pass Skelly 20reps (12/812) 10:40am— (0:20) Team 20reps (12/8r2z) 11:00pm Lunch No Meetings ~ Travel Day HUDDLE PROCEDURE | Gay © (ws) (ac) @ @) @®O@« GC) @) . Form Huddle quickly: NOSE sets huddle 2 yards from the ball. *The Defensive Huddle faces the offense so that the players can locate the TE and receivers. 2. Keep a constant Huddle: MIKE out front to our bench. The shape and hands-on- y Ou ous knees appearance is the responsibility of each individual. SIGNAL CALLER does the talking: all others listen! Make the cali only when all eleven players are in the defensive huddle. Talk straight out, not up in the air or _ down at the ground. See all of your men. ) WEAK SAFETY will call the Personnel. & pl ae STRONG SAFETY will call the Down & Distance. Ex: "2nd and 8" MIKE will call the defense. Ex: “UNDER 6 PUSH” ‘After the call, MIKE will say, "READY" - then pause. All clap hands, which is the signal to break and concentrate on the offensive huddle. . Watch opponents break huddle. TED makes the “CLOSED” call. . Ted and Mike call out Backfield Sets. **]f you do not hear or do not understand the defensive signal, alert the SIGNAL CALLER and the call will then be repeated. © Great defense starts with a great huddle! Get in and out of the huddle quickly. Locate the TE & Receivers quickly. Get the call. Break the huddle and see the offense come out. Be ready to play. Think about your assignment & anticipate the situation. CP: SAFETIES: Check the Coverage call with Secondary as you break the huddle. CP: Confirm all coverages with Hand Signals. [GENERAL INFORIKETION PAGE 3

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