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Title: “Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Mahajwarankusha Rasa and its

Antimicrobial activity w.s.r. to Salmonella species"
Mahajwarankusha Rasa is a Herbomineral mercurial Kajjali compound
described classically in Rasa lexicons. Hingulakrusta Parada after subjecting it to
samanya shodhana process, is mixed with shodhita gandhaka and then the purified
and finely powdered herbs viz., Vatsanabha, Dhattura and swarnaksheeri triturated
and poweded. The reviews hints about two of the visha dravyas have been
advantageously used in this complex herbo mineral compound which is worth notice.

Hence to get more documentary evidences, updating of the knowledge and to get
more scientifically confidence in ancient Indian Health tradition the present Study
was carried in pharmaceutical- analytical and Antimicrobial angles. The present study
entitled “Pharmaceutico-Analytical study of Mahajwarankusha Rasa and its
Antimicrobial study w.s.r. to Salmonella Species”.


1) Preparation of Mahajwarankusha Rasa.

2) Physico – Chemical Analysis of Mahajwarankusha Rasa.

3) To evaluate Antimicrobial activity of Mahajwarankusha Rasa on

Salmonella Species.

Materials & Methods :

1) Pharmaceutical Study :
i. Kajjali: It is a Sagandha, Niragni Khalvi Rasayana preparation containing
Shuddha Parada and Gandhaka which was triturated in Khalva Yantra for 150
ii. Shodhana of Vatsanabha: Ashodhita Vatsanbha is cut into small pieces and kept
in Gomutra Containing earthen pot. Then it is kept in sunlight for 3 days. Every
day the Gomutra is changed and fresh Gomutra added.
iii. Shodhana of Dhattura: Ashodita Dhattura Beeja are tied in pottali and kept in
Gomutra containing Dola yantra. The heat is given for one Yama.
iv. Mahajwarankusha Rasa:

 It is a Niragni Khalvi Rasayana containing Shuddha Parada, Shuddha

Gandhaka and Shuddha Vatsanabha one part each, Shuddha Dhattura Beeja
Churna in 3 parts, and Swarnaksheeri Mula Churna in 6 parts.

 First Kajjali is prepared by taking equal quantity of Shuddha Parada and

Shuddha Gandhaka in khalwa yantra and trituration done till Kajjali siddhi
laxanas are seen.

 Then the shodita Vatsanabha fine churna one part, shodhita Dhattura Beeja
sukshma churna 3 parts and Swarnaksheeri Mula sukshma churna 6 parts are
taken in Khalwa yantra.

 Triturate well till till all the ingredients are homogeneously mixed.

 After homogeneous mixture it is stored in air tight glass container.

2) Analytical study:
Physical test like Ash value, Acid Insoluble Ash, Loss on drying at 110 0C and
pH, Chemical tests for qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, and X-RD, of
Mahajwarankusha rasa.

3) Antibacterial study:
Serial dilutions of the drug will done & incorporated in the disc. The highest
dilution i,e, Minimum inhibition concentration(MIC) of the drug, which inhibit the
growth of micro-organisms, will be taken as MIC & from interpretations of result in
disc diffusion study following zones will be measured.
i) Sensitive (S) zones
ii) Intermediate (I) zones
iii) Resistant (R) zones
Observation & Results:

Mahajwarankhusha rasa have shown the antibacterial activity on

Salmonella Species in dilution method and zone of inhibition in disc
diffusion method.

 Mahajwarnakusha rasa is effective in the management of enteric fever.
 Quantitative elemental analysis were within the normal limits.

 Mahajwarankhusha rasa have shown the antibacterial activity on

Salmonella Species in dilution method and zone of inhibition in disc
diffusion method.

Key words: Shodhana, Swedana,Kajjali, X-RD, Serial Dilution and Kirby

Bauer Disc Diffusion method.

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