Entrepreneurial Management A Literature Review

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 3, March-April 2022 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Entrepreneurial Management: A Literature Review

Adim, Chidiebere Victor Ph.D; Mezeh, Akpobolokami Andy
Department of Management, Faculty of Management Sciences,
Rivers State University, Nkpolu-Oroworukwo, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Adim,

Entrepreneurial management is a mode of management that is Chidiebere Victor | Mezeh,
proactive, opportunity-driven, and action-oriented. Entrepreneurial Akpobolokami Andy "Entrepreneurial
management style is evidenced by the firm’s strategic decisions and Management: A Literature Review"
operating management philosophies. There is a significant difference Published in
International Journal
between entrepreneurial management and traditional management.
of Trend in
Entrepreneurial firms are those where upper-management possesses Scientific Research
an entrepreneurial management style. A style, which originates from and Development
the firms’ strategic decisions and operating management (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
philosophies. Entrepreneurial managerial behaviour promotes a 6470, Volume-6 | IJTSRD49607
culture of creativity and risk-taking, creates flat informal structures, Issue-3, April 2022,
and promotes strategy so as to take advantage of the opportunities pp.732-738, URL:
that are identified. Traditional managerial behaviour on the other www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd49607.pdf
hand emphasizes planning, control, monitoring, evaluation, and
formalized organizational structures. The purpose of this paper is to Copyright © 2022 by author(s) and
conceptually examine entrepreneurial management as an emerging International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
construct in management.
Journal. This is an
KEYWORDS: Entrepreneurial Management, Resource Orientation, Open Access article
distributed under the
Strategic Orientation, Reward Orientation, Growth Orientation,
terms of the Creative Commons
Management Structure Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

In recent times, the complexities and frequent with wealth creation. However, they believe that
changes experienced within the environment have while the field of strategic management has gained
necessitated managers to continuously strive for both discipline-based academic status and practical
improvement in their product or service offerings. appeal within the business community,
Such changes essentially call for renewal of entrepreneurship, on the contrary, has a long way to
operations and sustainable market positioning of go to reach the academic glory and popular attention
goods and services. Incidentally, the changes could that strategic management currently enjoys.
emanate from threats or shocks within the
environment which may lead to organizational
Entrepreneurial Management
failures if not well managed. Such dynamism in the
Stevenson’s conceptualizes entrepreneurship as
environment require an entrepreneurial management
opportunity‐based management behaviour. He
approach as opposed to the traditional management
describes entrepreneurial behaviour and
approach. Entrepreneurial management typically
administrative behaviour as the two extreme
seeks to bridge the gap between traditional
opposites of an entrepreneurship continuum. This
managerial behaviour and entrepreneurial behaviour,
continuum describes the entire spectrum of possible
for the purpose of gaining competitive advantage,
firm behaviours with the promoter firms placed at the
because business is a highly competitive and volatile
entrepreneurial end and the trustees at the
arena. And as a result of this volatility and
administrative end. Whereas the promoter intent to
competitiveness, it is necessary for the entrepreneur
pursue and exploit new opportunities regardless of
to employ strategic management ideas (Ugoani,
resources controlled, the trustee strives to use his or
2018). According to Ma and Tan (2006) there is high
her resource pool in the most efficient way on given
interest in research between strategic management
and entrepreneurship, as two fields deeply concerned

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Egbule et al. (2018) define entrepreneurial dynamism, and the level of hostility in firms’ main
management as a “mode of management” that is industries are factors that may affect the performance
proactive, opportunity-driven, and action-oriented. In of an entrepreneurial top management style.
this regard, entrepreneurial management style is An entrepreneurial management tries to establish and
evidenced by the firm’s strategic decisions and balance the innovation abilities of the organization
operating management philosophies. The with the efficient and effective use of resources. It can
entrepreneurial management tries to establish and both initiate changes and react to changes quickly and
balance the innovation abilities of the organization flexibly. In the course of the entrepreneurial process,
with the efficient and effective use of resources. It can the entrepreneurial manager creates new value
initiate changes and react to the changes quickly and through identifying new opportunities, attracting the
flexibly. Egbule et al. (2018) definition of resources needed to pursue those opportunities, and
entrepreneurial management tends to center around building an organization to manage those resources
the pursuit of an opportunity. (Bhave, 1994; Wickham, 2006).
According to Teece (2016), scholars and practitioners An entrepreneurial manager seizes any promising
often associate the entrepreneurial management (EM) business opportunity irrespective of the level and
of a firm with private owned business entities. Within nature of resources currently controlled (Brazeal &
the context of organizational entrepreneurship, Krueger, 1994; Stevenson, 2006). Consequently, an
research shows that EM of a firm has a significant entrepreneurial manager is someone who acts with
relationship with its performance. Majid, Ismail and ambition beyond that supportable by the resources
Cooper (2011) conducted a study in Malaysia. The currently under his or her control, in relentless pursuit
study sought to establish prevalence of of an opportunity (Stevenson 1983, 2006; Timmons,
entrepreneurial management practices in technology- 1994).
based firms. The results suggest that a large majority
of the firms that were included in the study were seen Entrepreneurial Management versus Conservative
to be entrepreneurial. Further inquiry into Management
entrepreneurial management construct showed that There is a significant difference between
the results were mixed on the prevalence of entrepreneurial management and non-entrepreneurial
entrepreneurial management in the firms. For the management as pointed out by Smith, Hampson,
firms with high affinity for entrepreneurial Chaston and Badger (2003). Entrepreneurial
propensity, there was high prevalence of management managerial behaviour promotes a culture of creativity
structure, strategic orientation and entrepreneurial and risk-taking, creates flat informal structures, and
culture dimensions. promotes strategy so as to take advantage of the
opportunities that are identified. Conservative
Brown et al. (2011) notes that entrepreneurial management behaviour on the other hand emphasizes
management has definite conceptual dimensions. planning, control, monitoring, evaluation, and
These are highlighted as strategic orientation, formalized organizational structures. According to
commitment to opportunity, commitment of Gürbüz and Aykol (2009), through entrepreneurial
resources, control of resources, management management, firms are driven and motivated by
structure, reward philosophy, growth orientation, and opportunity which they seize irrespective of the
entrepreneurial culture. Stevenson (2010) holds that resources in their possession. Mechanisms which
entrepreneurial management practices can help firms include structure, culture and people are developed to
remain vital and contribute to firm and societal level support this. Further, entrepreneurial management is
value creation. Stevenson (2010) argues that an opportunity driven, proactive and action-oriented
entrepreneurial value creation process can take place mode of management balancing an organization’s
in any type of organization. According to Stevenson innovation abilities with efficient and effective use of
and Jarillo (2011) “entrepreneurship is more than just resources, for creation and sustenance of successful
starting new business. Entrepreneurial management organizations (Hortoványi, 2012).
may be seen as a ‘mode of management’ different
from traditional management”. Stevenson and Gumpert (1985) discovered that
managers, which are characterized with an
Covin and Slevin (1988) define entrepreneurial firms entrepreneurial style, prefer a flat organization
as those where upper-management possesses an structure with multiple informal networks. Meanwhile
entrepreneurial management style. A style, which managers with a conservative focus prefer an
originates from the firms’ strategic decisions and organization structure that is clearly defined by
operating management philosophies. Organizational authority, responsibility and formal hierarchy. Covin
structure, corporate culture, environmental and Slevin (1988) explains that so-called non-

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entrepreneurial firms or conservative firms are available discretionary resources feel that they need
characterized with an upper-management style that is to use them, rather than pursuing opportunistic
risk-averse, non-innovative and passive or reactive in searches for external resources, these firms buy
nature. Covin and Slevin (1988) argues that if one resources at full cost that can be implemented
assume that managers will perform effectively within internally. (Starr & MacMillan, 1990).
their preferred organizational context, then it is as According to Grant (2015) resource orientation
Stevenson & Gumpert (1985) argues: top managers defines the capabilities of a firm. The resources and
with entrepreneurial styles will function better in capabilities of the firm are the main competences for
organic structures, meanwhile top managers with formulating strategy. Resource is limited to those
conservative styles are going to fit best into attributes that enhance efficiency and effectiveness of
mechanistic structures. Stalker (1961; cited in Covin the firm. Roman(2013) explains that entrepreneurs
& Slevin, 1988) explains that flexibility in need not necessarily own capital but need to be
administrative relations, informality, and authority consistently alert to profit opportunities in order for
representation in situational expertise characterize their business to thrive and consequently maintain
organic structures and these promote innovation that organizational growth. The entrepreneur must watch
is a central indicator for an entrepreneurial style. On out the discrepancies in prices that can be exploited
the other hand, mechanistic structures are for personal gain (Roper, 2012). Miller and Shamsie
characterized by severity in administrative relations, (2010) highlights that resources should have some
formality, and strict devotion to bureaucratic values capability to generate profits or to avoid losses. A
and principles. general resources’ availability will neutralize the
Teece (2012) posits that the entrepreneurial firm’s competitive advantage. Entrepreneurs know
management necessary for a business to have that, for a firm to take high levels of performance and
dynamic capabilities is related to other managerial a sustained competitive advantage, it needs to acquire
activity although different. These dynamic heterogeneous resources that should be difficult to
capabilities are, opportunity identification and create, to substitute or to imitate by other firms.
assessment, resource mobilization to take advantage Resources can be tangible or intangible in nature.
of the opportunity thus getting value, and continued Tangible resources include capital, access to capital
renewal. This is from the fact that entrepreneurship is and location (among others). Intangible resources
about sensing and understanding opportunities, consist of knowledge, skills and reputation,
getting things started, and finding new and better entrepreneurial management, among others (Runyan
ways of putting things together. Entrepreneurial et al., 2014). RBV theory defends that, under the
management is therefore not about refining and imperfection of markets exists a diversity of firms and
maintaining the existing procedures. a variation in the specialization degrees that provokes
Dimensions of Entrepreneurial Management a limited transfer of resources i.e. in type, magnitude
Resource Orientation and nature. Therefore, the main reason for firms’
Firms that are managed through an entrepreneurial growth and success can be found inside of the firms,
style attempts to maximize value creation by taking that is, firms with resources and superior capabilities
advantage of opportunities while minimizing the will build up a basis for gaining and sustaining
resources required. They can commit small amount of competitive advantage.
resources in a multi-step way, thereby minimizing Entrepreneurial management is intimately linked to
risk exposure at each step. By using this strategy they better access to critical resources and the ability to
can reduce the pressure of capital allocation systems, make more productive use of the resources
formal planning systems, and certain incentive (Messersmith & Wales, 2013). Knight and Cavusgil
systems. The resource orientation is more (2014) found that entrepreneurial management may
administrative when firms prefer ownership control of be especially important to small firms because it
resources that are characterized by thorough analysis appears to drive them toward developing high-
in advance with large, irreversible investments. quality, distinctive, and technologically advanced
(Brown et al., 2001). Starr and MacMillan (1990) goods. However, a venture must have access to the
argues that an entrepreneurial resource orientation resources that enable it to go international in order to
underline co-optation of knowledge, skills, processes realize these benefits (Fernhaber et al., 2013).
and financial capital from other parties. Co-optation is Especially for resource scarce MSEs the efficiency of
one of the most flexible and easiest way to gain knowledge sharing with local partners is highly
access to resources by exchanging information and critical (Setini et al., 2020).
exercising influence. Firms that possess greater

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Strategic Orientation negotiated strategies, risk reduction, and their
This is the principle of strategic orientation that direct behaviour is more likely to be slow and inflexible
and influence the activities of a firm and generate the (Brown et al., 2001). Moreover, Bradley et al. (2011)
behaviours intended to ensure the viability and explained that firms’ level of financial slack could
performance of the firm (Gatignon & Xuereb, 2013). effect if the firms’ strategic orientation is
Magnificence in activities is achieved through key entrepreneurial or administrative, firms with a lower
indicators (strategic) which are the back bone of a level of financial slack are more prone taking risks
firm; strategic orientation refers to such type of key
Entrepreneurial Network
indicators. Strategic Orientation describes what Entrepreneurial networks are a socially constructed
factors drive the creation of strategy. The promoter’s strategic alliance for instituting change, developing
strategy is driven by the opportunities that exist in the growth and thus creating the future. Entrepreneurial
environment and not the resources that may be networking extends the reach and abilities of the
required to exploit them. As opportunities drive individual to capture resources that are held by others
strategy, almost any opportunity is relevant to the and so improve entrepreneurial effectiveness (Shu et
firm. Once an opportunity is identified, resources to al., 2018). According to Davidsson and Honig (2003)
exploit it need, of course, to be marshalled. entrepreneurial networks forms a key part in
Conversely, the trustee’s strategy is to utilize the entrepreneurial social process; they operate as a
resources of the firm efficiently. The resources are the linking device to others; they provide an embedding
starting point and only opportunities that relate to mechanism and they may be utilized as the social
existing resources are relevant to the firm. platform for entrepreneurship. Minitti (2015) notes
Mu, Thomas, Peng, and Di Benedetto (2017) that, by entrepreneurial network, a potential
highlight that a firm's strategic orientation reflects the entrepreneur acquires information and skills; he/she
strategic directions implemented by a firm in order to meets other individuals who have similar or
create the proper behaviours for the continuous complementary expertise; he/she learns the ropes of
superior performance of the business. A firm invests how to find competent employees, inputs at
its resources in activities that reflect its strategic affordable prices, financial support and, most
orientation. Three major strategic orientations can be important, potential buyers, by observing others.
identified from the list of factors which determine the Valkokari and Helander (2015) noted that the
success or failure of new products: the firm's building process of entrepreneurial networks is
consumer orientation and its competitive orientation uncertain and involves socio-psychological aspects.
often covered jointly under the label of market According to Biggiereo (2011), entrepreneurial
orientation and the firm's technological orientation. networks of MSEs are especially based on personal
While inter-functional coordination has been relationships, where the small companies’
considered as part of the market orientation concept entrepreneurial networks overlap with entrepreneurs’
(Mu, Thomas, Peng& Di Benedetto, 2017). entrepreneurial networks. Gummesson (2014)
The strategic orientations of firms are described by suggests that, just as society is based on a complex
the factors that drive the creation of strategy. The entrepreneurial network of relationships, so is
strategic orientation of the promoters is more business and that by actively entrepreneurial
entrepreneurial due to that the managers’ attention networking, people can gain a business advantage
and strategic action are driven by how they perceive over their competitors. Groen (2015) indicated that
opportunities. The trustees’ managerial attention and firms cooperate beyond their individual scope with
strategic actions are on the contrary driven by making other organizations, large and small, to exploit new
the most out of the currently controlled resources technologies in entrepreneurial networks in what is
(Brown et al., 2001). A strategic orientation that are considered to be entrepreneurial networking.
considered as entrepreneurial increases firms ability
Entrepreneurial Culture
to recognize changes in the external environment, Firms are considered more entrepreneurial when the
they are also better able to act upon these organizational culture stimulates idea generation,
opportunities in order to grow the firm. An experimentation and creativity. Less entrepreneurial
entrepreneurial focused strategic orientation also firms do not encourage these factors to the same
encourages and enhances individuals’ willingness extent since they are bound to the resources
toward entrepreneurship and the pursuit of growth controlled (Brown et al., 2001). Firms enriched with
(Stevenson & Gumpert, 1985). The administrative available resources do not beg, borrow, or seek for
focused firms are less likely to pursue an opportunity, resources; behaviours that are considered appropriate
they tend to be analytical oriented and focus on

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in firms that are more entrepreneurial oriented (Starr Firms’ strategy of reward philosophy is an important
& MacMillan, 1990). contributor to firm behaviour. The entrepreneurial
firms focus on creating and harvesting value, they
The promoter firm encourages ideas, experimentation
thereby tend to base compensation on how employees
and creativity, thus developing an entrepreneurial
contribute in value creation. The organizations’
culture in which new ideas are valued and sought out
structure is useful to the evaluation because they are
(Fellnhofer, 2017). As opportunity is the starting
structured for independent action and accountability.
point, a broad range of ideas is worth seeking and
Administrative managed firms base their
considering. Conversely, if currently controlled
compensation to the number of resources (e.g.
resources were the starting point, then only ideas that
employees or assets) that an employee control and is
relate to these resources would be relevant. With this
responsible for. The compensation-based model for
narrow span the flow of ideas judged worthy of
administrative firms promotes successful employees
consideration would be much smaller even if ideas
to positions with more responsibility (Brown et al.,
were actively sought for.
Management Structure
Bradley et al. (2011) explains that an entrepreneurial
A management structure is characterized as being
reward philosophy, where employees are rewarded
entrepreneurial when organizations are flat and made
for adding value to firms, increases the firms search
of multiple informal networks. The structures are
for opportunities. Firms that enjoys a great deal of
organic, provide flexibility to organizations and allow
financial slack can allow managers to experiment
employees the possibility to create and seek
with new initiatives, they have few incentives to
opportunities. These entrepreneurial firms might
collaborate or combine scarce resources. Firms that
organize themselves in non-traditional ways since
lacks a financial slack but that are eager to pursue
some of the resources utilized might not be owned in-
opportunities have to develop reward systems that
house. The management structure is less
stimulate collaborative use of resources, irrespective
entrepreneurial when organizations structures are
of who is in charge of the project. Thus,
formalized with a clear hierarchy, authority,
compensation systems should not be solely based on
responsibility and systematization to enable
individual achievements, instead, they should be
efficiency. (Brown et al., 2001,). Management
structured so that employees can benefit from the
structures are created in a certain way in order for
performance and increased value of the firm (Brown
firms to pursue common goals which are dependent
et al., 2001).
on: gathering resources from the environment;
allocate products and services; training and CONCLUSION
motivating employees and; furnish means to work Entrepreneurial management perspective
with other organizations (Scott, 2003; cited in encompasses the activities and critical human
Bradley et al., 2011). There is a need for flexibility in behaviours that help in great measures to shape the
the management structure in order to adjust firms to actions of entrepreneurs, the business community and
their environment, this flexible structure allows government, in ensuring sustainable development. It
employees to creatively pursue opportunities external must be note entrepreneurial firms are innovative,
to the firm instead of a structure which promotes proactive and risk taking. Entrepreneurial
oversight of existing firm resources (Starr & management should therefore be proactive which is
MacMillan, 1990). important for a firm’s performance (Casson, Yeung,
Basu &Wadeson (2006). A proactive manager is able
Reward Philosophy
to think ahead and take the lead in problem
Reward philosophy is acknowledged as a valuable
prevention. This is opposed to reactive management
mechanism with which to transform entrepreneurial
that focuses on current situations as a result of
resources into firm performance and therefore
changes that have occurred already (Rasmussen,
growth. Compensation and incentive system are the
most under-researched area in human resource,
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