Unit 1-3

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UNIT Before reading this passage, answer these questions.

1. Is psychoiogy needed in our life? Why?

2 Why do you choose psychology faculty?
3 What aspect will you learn from psychology?


Psychology studies the activities of the individual. The science

of human behavjoris actually a group of sciences. On one side we tince"
psychology in vestKaiingtheorgans and cells that do the work of the
orgarism, and on the other side we see the social sciences studying
nationis.and groups of mankind. There i_ room for a middle science
thatshall föcus its attention on the individual. That middle.science 1s
psychology. Psycholp8y studies the individual's, actiyities through
outhis spanofiferom,the beginningbefore birth, up,through the
end oflife. During this life history, the Man remainsthe same indi-
vidual alshough his behayior shows.cuntinuity aiong with, many
changes. P'sycholo8y compares children and adults, the normaland
the abnormal, and the hurnan and the animal. It is interested in the
differerices between one individual andanother, and still more inter.
ested, if possible, in the general laws of activity including event
very different individuals-laws, for example, of growth, learrning

thinkingand emotion.Psychology can be defined as the science.ofthe

individual's activities.
The word "activity is used here in a very broad sense. it in

cludes not only moior activities like walking and Speaking,

but aiso
cogniäve (knowledge-getting)activities like seeing. hearin8

bering, thinking, and other emoional activiieslike laughingand ery-

ing, or feeling happy or sad. These last may seem passive, because
organism. Any
they are activities, for they depend on the life of the
zmanfestation of life can beçalled activity.No matter
an how passive
a game or listening to
an individual may seem to himself in watching
orly way to be com
music, he is reall; carrying on activity. The

pletely inactive is to be dead.

LINDA L. DAVIDOFF Introduction to Psychology

English for Psychoiogy

Before reading this passage, answer these questions.
1. Is psychoiogy needed in our life? Why?
2 Why do you choose psychology faculty?
3 What aspect will you learn from psychology?


The sciernce
Psychology studies the activities of the individual.
of human behavioris actually group
a of sciences. On one side we find
psychology investisating the organs and cells that
do the work of the
orgaris, and on theother side we see the
social sciences,studyin
for a middle science
nations.and groups ot mankina, There is room
on the individual. That.middle.science
thatshall föcus its attention
actjyities through
psychology. Psychology shudies the individual's up thzough the
beginningbefore birth
out his span of litetrom the
the Man remains the same indi
endof life. During this life history,
_hows,coTtinuity aiong with many
vidual although, his behayior
Psychology compares children and adults, the normal.and
and the huinan and the animal.It is interested in the
ihe abnormal,
one individual and añöther, and still more.inter-
differences between of
general laws of áctivity including event
ested, if possible, in the
individuals-laws, for example, of growth,
emotion. Psychology canbe
definedas thescience.of the
individual's activities
used here in a very broad sense.t in-
The word "activity" is aiso
activities like walking and speaking,but
cludes not only moior seeing.hearing,remem
(knowledge-getting) activities like
other emotional activities like laughing and cry
ering, thinking. and because
or sad. These iast may seem passive,
ing, o r feeling happy .

life of the orgarnism. Any

they depend on the
khey are activitiès, for activityNo matter how
be called an
718htesaton of life an game or listening to
watching a
seem to himself in
anTrtdiyiaual mav The oniy way to be
carrying on an activity.
$2C, te is really
ietely inactive is to be dead.
to Psychology
Glossary tingkahlaku
mankind orang
remains tetap
diartikan; didefinisikan
mianifestation: perwujudan

Answer these following questions.
1. What is psychology?
2 Naine some individual activities
3. Giveexample(s) of motor, cognitive, and emotional activities.
4. IsHsteringto music a kind of activity? Why? Why not?
5. Whatis méánt by: the science of human behavior is actualy a
8roup ofsciences?
6. When do wecall an individual completely inactive?
7. Theword "activity" is used in a very broád of sense. What does

8 What känd of activity is happening when you write a ietter to your

girlor boy friend?
9. Why do westudy human behavior?
10 Whatuses thé differences between individuals?

Exercise 2
Read the paragraph în whieh the
following italicized expressions
found. Then find the bestmeaning of the
theconsext in the article. expressions as usedin
12 and on the other side we seethe social scier.ces
tionsand groups of mankind. (paragraph studying na-
Th i rooi for a middle 1)
the individual. science that shall focus its
(parágrapn 1) attention on
tisinterested in the differences between
other,and still iore interested, if one individual
possible, in the general and
actvity includinig event ofyery different
laws of
ample .paragraph 1)
Theword "activity" is used here a
individuais-laws, ior ex-

Theselastznay seem passive, becauseverythey
broad senise
depend on the life of the onganism. are (paragraph2)
(paragraph 2)activities, for they
English for PsychoiogY
Exe rcise 3 ·
Find out th: d_efini ti_on o f p sych ology at <"d rding to othcr g cxp,en~.
expla m m you r own word s .

EJ;erclee 4
below . You
Fi,l l in the blan ks with the apprppria te words provi ded
may change the tense , number, or form of the words to fi t the

I behavior,.·attenti.on, childhood, ~dolescence, matwity, m otor activ- -,

I ity., cognitive activifj., emotional activity, investigate • f

1. He loves his moth er very much . When his moth er -~ ~s sick,
show ed his .. ..........
an un-
2. \A/hen he was a child, he neve r playe d toys. He really had
happ-y :..~·-··
can be
3. Their .....,...... towa rds me shows that they do not like -me~It
_ptovm' £:t:oin/ how they·look .at Irie. When we-meet; tliey- always
look'aw~t ftom me. - . · .- .-
4. vVh.en•.'a'boy·of ~_-"girl ·gets .~tq~ogi5=al chan~es . an~ psyc holo
...:ef:a:~- · : _ ·
changes ·(pu~ erty); he·or she:~nt~r.s~:i n tl,e . . ...._
5. Whert a ba&y learn s how to~ ~ ·a waik and·'hciw. talk~!le devel- to ·
ops·'his ... .... · · - <. ·· · :·---
- ·· · ·
a funny
6. It is-com.rr10n for·a ·mother to make her b'aby'Smile·by doin g
I . thing. Qfteh-, she does·not get smiling frtim the.baby o~t
cryin g.
I DbrF':t b~t~ aiq, smil~g and ay~g,.-even_lau ~ isgo&a for·a
• ) I .. • •

he dev~lops his .. ,..,....... ~_

;, •• • • • \
,-...., , .... , --

/- oaby because at such ~~- ~·-. ~

7. There was a mysterjous I;nurder. The police get d.iffl_culfies·:to-handle

this.u se -anti: look..f~ a-te murd~rer~Finally they -~ k some detec-

tives.to -~~······Ahis ca~.
8. In Javaness culture when a baby is just dehvered ·by a mother, the
otherpeople.always tty to-wake=the baby up-by making.aloud noise ..
. The baby,.of course; is -surprlsed. But it is good for mm because he
'i ···
develops ·his ...........,... - ·
If . A·.&entence is a group of word s constructed orderly. !t needs
certa in r..tle-s ·n.ow to put the words into a sentenct. First of all, we

·Engti:#1 forPsych(J/ogy.
ts, t}he rlasallicatir ot tbe se
parts speech, that
anaiy ce th inte foir parts isf speec),
Ttaditionaly, words in Bngltsh is diviiecl
Look a! these axafnpies
hanely. rN tevtive verb, afnd advetb.
P'ayhoBogy compares childrern and
Onares verb
cidren non

used here in a ve1y broad sense

Theword "activity is

word noun hete adverh

Ativity verý adveb
s verb broad adjective
verb noun

Exercise 5
By observing the examples above, classify the words in the sentence
inte their parts of specch
it includes not only motor activities like walking and spraking,
but aiso cognitive(knowledge getting) activities like seeing, hearing
renmembering. thinking, and other emotional activities like laughing
and crying or feeling happy or sad. These last may seem pasive,be
cau_e they are,activities, for they depend on the life of the organisn
Any manifestation of life can be called an activity. No matter how
passive an individual may seepm to himself in watching a game or lis
tening to music, he is really carrying on an activity. The only way to be
coapletely inactive is to be dead

xerpise 6
Read the patagraph and then answer the questions that follow it.
1)It was Sunday afternoon. 2) Dick and John were watchinga baseball
game on TV. 3) The visiting team had just got two hits, so Dick and
Johnwere very pretty disgusted. 4) They always rooted íor the home
tean, but it wasn't doing very well that season. 5) That afternoon it
losing by a scoreof five to two, and it looked as though
the visit-
ing team was going to score two more runs 6) There was a marn on the
third and another orn second; and the man
comning up to bat was
pion hiter in the Jeague. 7) "Let's turn off the set" Dick said.charm"T
can't stand watching this S)
any more. 9) We're going to lose for sure

English for Psycholagy

Instrucion: Write your own sentences using the foliowing words
2 Watch (.

3 a. visiting (..) *b**A * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * *********** ******** *****

b.visit(as a verb) * * **k** * * * * * a * * * ** * * * * * * * * *****r************************ *****

c.visit(as a noun) *************t**** ******e*

d. hits (. **e*** * oe*b*e * * * * t ****************"**********

e. hit (as a verb) **°***************************************** *************

f. pretty ( sesseros*nesunrpsroandser *eo*naavt******** *a****a******

4 a. rooted (...) * * * * ******** * * * * * s a t * *****?********sm*spee****2o*a*cos*

b. home (.. ****se**9* *s*tda1 **d** *s** ********** a* *************b*****|

C.nome (as a noun)

d. home (as an adv.) *** **s?********a**** * * *** * * * * * * * **°*****°************* * * * *

* * * * * * * * * ° t h * s * * * a * t a * * s * * * * ***" *o **a*h o* o p E R D * *** *% * a * *

5 Score (.

who performs the action, in

6 Hitter is called an agent n o u n - o n e
in this paragraph can
this case, one who nits. Severzl oher verbs
form agent nours. Change each
of the follewirg verbs to agent
each noun in a sentence of your own.
nons, arnd then use agent
a Visit (.. .

b. Lose (. } "$p**a* *********************

Run .
seuat i**************


7. Set (
********* ******** *s * ******

8 Stand ( ****



9 Lose

LETS TALK students. Lock at

the picture. Each
Work in grcups of it.
in the picture, then practice
ahould teil what happens

Englis fo ycheior
UNIT Before reading this passage, answer
these questions.
1 Do you want to be a famous person? Why or Why
2 What is your effort to be famous?
3. What is your drearm of your future?

SIGMUND FREUD (1856-1939)

Sigmund Freud was an Austrian doctor who exploredtne work

ings of the human mind. He developed psychoanalysis, which is both
a way of treating neurosis, or mental disturbances, and a theory o
how the nind works.
Freud was born in Moravia, now part of Czechoslovakia. When
he was four, his family maved to Vienna, Austria. Freud entered the
University of Vienna when he was 17. One day he attended a lecture
on nature. He was so fascinated that he made up his mind to become
a dector.
Freud became interested in diseases of the mind. In 1885, he
won a fellowship to study in Paris under the guidance of a doctor,

Jean MartinCharcot, who was famous for his work on this kind of
diseases. The next year, Freud returned to Vienna, married, and be
diseases of the mind.
gan to treat
human mind. He thought that
Freudhas great insightinto the of food
born with certain needs, such as the need
every person is
uncornscious-people are rotaware ofthink
These needs, he said, are
Freud named the part of mind controling
ing about such needs.
these instinctive unconscious
needs the id, and said thata person's id

operates to give pleasure. we gTOW up from infancy We acqure

Freud also said that, as with
a n ego, a çollection
of memories and thoughts thathelp usdeal
us. We coninue
to grow, and from the teachitg of
the worid around
we develop a superegoa conscience.
our family and society,
in opposite ways. Our ego Sually

superego and id often push

us to get pleasure without hirting
duces this conflict by helping
our consciernce.
tnougnts and needs are very
But if a person's unconsciO1us Freud's reat-
behävior, orneurosis.
cause urusual
strong,hey may (exarniñaton of the mind),

is psychoanalysis
riehf for ietifosis and understand-
unconscious thoughts
ethod for uncovering these

Zxglisk for Psycheiogy

12. What is the relationsn1p between d, egu, and superego

Exercise 2
Read the paragraphs in which the foliowing italicized idioms or
expressions are found. Then find the best meaning of idioms or ex-

pressions as used in the context in the text.

Sigmund Freud was an Australian doctor who explored the work-

ings of the human mind. (p.1)
One day he attended a lecture on nature. (p.2)
3 Freud has great insight into the human mind. (p4)
4. People are not aware of thinking about such needs. (p 4)
Freud also said that, as we grow up from infancy, we acquire an
a collection of memories and thoughts that help us
deal with
the world around us. (p.5)
Our ego usually reduces this conflict by helping us to get pleasure
without hurting our conscience. (p.5)
make no
Freud thought that dreams-even dreams that
seem to

the inind. (p.6)

serise-are a very important clue to understanding

Exercise 3
After knowing who Frued was and what he was concerned' with, ex-
references to sup-
about dream. Look for other
plain Frued's opinion
port your idea/explanation.

Exercise 4
fill in the blanks in following
Without refering to the article,
from the list. You may change the
sentences with the correct words
or form of the
words to fit tine context.
tense, number,
fellowship, fascinate, acquire,
conscious, make his mind up,
turbance, dealing, eg0.
confused to choose
which girl he should marry.
1 e is aiways
which girl he tendsto marry quickly
friend teils him to .
to enter the university
ie is a sTnart student
but poor. He wants
ther, asks him tojoin
anythirng. His uncle,
without paying

Cnglish or Psycholog
Freud thought dreams-evendn
that o
problems. clue to undes
cause important
how they a very
ing sense--are

to make

ing the mind
Young Students Learn
brary 1974

expiae ganguan mental

tertarik, terpesona
fellowship perhatian, wawasan

tidax sadar
keinginan, nafsu
id keinginan
tindakan untuk mendapatkan
norma (yang mengontrol tindakan/ego)
pieasure kesenangan
masa kecil
acquire mendapatkan
Answerthese following questions based on the above text.
1. When was Sigmund Freud bom?
2. How old did he die?
3. What was he concerned with?
4 When did he join
University? What major did he study?
5. Why did he want to be a doctor?
6. Who is jean Martin Charcot?
7. According to Freud, food and drink are unconscious
did he say so? needs.Why
8 These needs, he said, are
hinking about such needs. What does "dash are not aware o

9 Mention the exarnples of (--" mean?

piain each
conscious needs and don't
10. When did we
forget to
get an
11. What doid, ego, and ego? Why do we get it at such time:
of each? superego mean? Explain by
giving exan

English for Prycholog

and always asi e to
in toy-cars

in Delta
Plaza a Suddenly he
child is shopping
out the big c a r big car Asa
My we
them. Oneday and pointed
buy of a car-shop which was
like his s his toy-car
in front the car
stopped by
he asked me to
t buy that car
of ? He
mater what happened
know tully.again.

And do you now he is

in c o m a for hard
b e c a u s e they want to
He w a s study
o b t a i n good marks, a
Some to
Some want
their parents.
reward from nowiedge only.

other want to . discuss,
would you please attend
we have to
....some problems 17 August 1995 at my
on Saturday night,
scheduled for you not to comete
the meeting excuse

Because itis very

urgent, no
Thanks a lot.
the meeting.

used to communi.
words that can be
sentence is a group of
A at least, have a subject
and in speech. It must,
cate ideas in writing
Look at these examples:
and a predicate(verb)

Sigmund Freud was anAUStralian doctor.

He developed psychoanalysis.

Subject is the word (words) that narnes a person, a hing, or a
place that a sentenceis about. It is usualy a nqun or a pronoùn.
-Predicate/Verb is a statement about a subject. It expresses an ac-"

Exercise 5
Identify the subject and verb in each of following sentences.
Freud became interested in diseases of the mind. In 1885, ne
won a fellowship to siudy irt Paris under the guidance of a doctor
Jean Martin Charcdt, who was famous for his work on this kind of
diseases. The next year, Freud returned to Vienna, married, and
gan to treat diseases of the mind.

English for Psycholog

Exercise 6
Read the paragraph and then make "question-answer" with your

What is the subject and the verb of the sentence? Use that vero in
your own sentence
verb of
The subject of this sentence is Milared. And works is the
this sentence. The exanple of works as a verb is my father
hard everyday

1) Mildred works in an ofice in New York. 2) Last year she had a

month's vacation, so she decided to go to Europe. 3) She bought
her ticket travel agent. 4) The agent showed her a lot
from a
wanted to see,
travel brochures, and she picked out the places she
two days in
5) She decided to spend three days in London and
Scotland. 6) From Scotland she planned go to Amsterdam
in Paris. 8)
two days. 7) Then she wanted to spend whole Week
Rome. 9)
from Paris she planned to travel to Geneva, Florence, and
would visit Spain and Portugal the
She promised herselfthat she she would try Greece
folowing year; and if she enjoyed that trip,
Mildred went, she sent
and Turkey the year after. 10) Wherever
She also wrote her mother several
postcards to her friernds. 11)
long letters. 12) She bought presents foreveryone
in her family.

Exercise 7
into a correct sentenca.
Rearrange these words infiuence- a
psychoiogy great

1ias-on -BF. Skinner


Wund -

of-method the
developed -analytic introspection

2 structure human - mind-

wanted William Wund thebasic


3 -

study to of
William James
of-wrote -

concept- the
beautifully psychology


stimulation -
Gustav Frechner
became- the relationship -physical
5. interested i n
sernsation and

Abraham Maslow-
the humanistic
a leading figure

was in
studying is -individual
inportant today - very

Englisa for Psychoiog

There are some
words or phrases below. Match twNo
or more of them, use
UNIT your free.opinion to tell the cor-
relation between them.
drug abuSe, hospital, addicted, syringes,
mental health center, AIDS, pills, doctor, sufter,
ture ** marijuana, opium, ru-

Al drugs have an effect on the body, but some also have an
effect on the brain. Many of these are called drugs
that they are täken fof feasons
of abuse. This means
othér thañ medical freatment. They are
called drugs of abuse because
theyan harfm oräbüse the body.
People takedrús beausë druigsmakethetiféel good foräshort
time, or help them forget the problems ofevervdáy ife. Tranquilizefs
are drugs prescribed by doctorsto peöpléwho are veryanios and
eed to be calmed. f some people whotaketranquilizers orotherdrügs
find that they cannot do without the drugs theyhavebecomeaddiced
PTugs cause addiction in two ways: Theeffects of takingtheim t
may be so pleasant that the user finds it difficulf to do.withoutthemn.
In other type of addiction, the body is affected soit becomes
dent and must have regular doses ofthe drug This eventually dai
ages the body and can even cause death:
4 a
Drugs like heroin are particularly dangerous, as addicts ofte
use old or dirty syringes, with the risk of infection and disease This
and AIDS AcguiredImmüne
practice can also spread liver disease.
Deficiency Syndrome) among drüg addicts. Heroin
is ust as fhazard
ous when'taken in other ways,
Otherommon dirngs are cannabis
caninabismake the
(marijuana) and cocaine. Trangiilizers;heroin, and
cocäirieanid Arnphetamines(Per pills or.
1user'sieepyandrelaked. But
speed) causeextifement. LSD (Lysergic
acid diethylammde) caihäve
visionis and distorttons of what the
hallucinatory effect, causing
user sees and hears ofthe
nieed more and moredrugstorecreate theeffect
need stilmore to prevent ascomior"as the
first dose: But then they
xpensive, so
arevery Ekpensive, so
Becausë they areillegal,arugs
effectswear off. getlhena a
be forced to steaBin order to
addicts may usu-
decide to stoptaking drugstwithdraw, they
When people feelsike being i1. The
For many drugs, withdrawal
ally need help.
Englishfor Psychology
l e s feelin wears of alter a while, but the craviny, Ior a j ay

ase tor years. Former addicts need help from doctors a d coUeloy

to encourage them to keep offdrugs. Public health educatiopga

addicts orn fiow
Warn people of the risks of drug abuse, and
problem 1s by rying,
ger help.One waygovernments fight the drugwhich drugs are made
p the growing of crops of the plants
Another is to usedogs trained to sniff out illegal
drugs being brought

into the country.

students Leaning librory, 19

Glossary bius, narkotik

berbahaya, obat
o b a t , obat yang
abuse penyalahgunaan
ament perawatan, perlakuan,
anxious Cemas
tergantung, ketagihan
EPgndent terganting :

damage Tusak merusak

SVEges alatsuntik
harardous berbahaya
hallucinatery. bersifat hayalan
distortionsi Pemutarbalikan
discomfort tidak nyaman .

Answer tuese quesiois.
What isthe meaning.of drugs of abuse?
What dopeopleuse tranguilizers for?
3 Dotranquilizerhavea danger? Explain!
4.What is ihe effect.of using tranquilizers, heroin, and cannabis?
5 Whatis the effect.ofusjing cocaine and amphetamines?
6 What jsthe effect ofusing LSD?
7. When a person becomes
firmly addicted, what will he do?
8. Because of the high cost of heroin, most addicts are forced into
llegalactivities. Explain that statement.
9. What are the characteristics of the narcotics addict?
10. How do the
govrnment fight the drug problem?

English for Psycholog"
Ex er ci se. 2 · .·•
wh at the go ve rn m t d'd . · I
Yo,u .ha v.e :la:10wn en 1 m or de r to
so. vc the prob-
· • ize ns wh t d O u th ·
lem of dr ug ab us e, as cit
· ' a yo · lk f h
lI O t e bes t w:a y
. . to
ler rt?-·W ha t t~n we do ?
so] v; _this ·p; ob

Ex er ci se 3 -,
. . .
fe rri ng . to· th e tex t, .fil l .th e •bl . 1h •the fol low ing sen~
W ith o.u t: re . . . . anks ,.
. .th th the
e .to rre ct wo 1·d s fro m .thi s·HM. Y~u.m a chan e
en ce s WI . g
n~ be r, or .fo rm of the wo rds to fit th e co n text. y
ten s e, . ·
. ·
/ AI DS illegal~ .in. fec
. . .
. '

t · _. · · · · · n, addicted, tranquili'zi ts, iirug, :·

-- ,-. ___;_-=--------.,
i . . .•; i.J.;,d, : ·
1 1·· ions, m;ectio
s;, . .... ., :· . ... L
1.u.,zzn. raw.a y:stea-,zng;,a_·~diet ·"•• ~,., . , I
.~c.·~~,.:; :,., :
,~·,:.;~-.i ·
•: ;
. ,,..:-,..., , :· :_: .. _. :. :•: . .•, ·:=~-·'
st f~~
·. . .:,.~: A'. .•. r ~;;,.-_.;. ·:·:~,~-=-
i11to·v¢ihs:foings-oup.th~ str
l:i/ Fh~:s:elfi~;;,.;.;lOf°narcotics: · · · · · : :~ .;L.:. ·
dr ug s
_. e~ ~- be ha vi or '. .. - > ·
~n :a };e r~ n ·
£µ-sf lT ~q ~i ~e rs ~e
- is oq:~~io~~L ~o we v~ r w.~ 1

2. ·.At
firm ly ._:.:.... ? th es ea r0 for ~a
nquilizers beccim~:th'e-niain ·
~;:;·:>.,:< ;,·~.!:: - ;lJ>:,: <·~ ,,.:·~ . Y
. becq m ~- ·=.
1Ppo~ ~:: 0 f{~ ;,J ife ~'-/L . .,,_ ..,., ·. . .-·~ - I
; ..pt. to · . .
e' .' of e .hig h .co st of he roin; ·mo~-t ,~ddicts are ·:fotced jn
3..·.Be~aus th
d,p.rosti.fution ~.. :·,. ·-'=' :···. ~' .. ..·:... ·. ·,.,',-
has·> ~
:•, "
· :.-,filegahacthtities s
;: uc
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Exercise 4
the same
Make sentences by using your own words which have the same

meaning as the senterices below.

with the risk ot intection and
Addicts often use old dirty syringes,

taken in otherways
Heroinis just as hazardous when effect of thefis
to recreate the
3 Addicts need moreand more drugs

LANGUAGE WORK or an idea

is a thing, o r a person
We have said that the subject
voice, the sentenceis aranged
sentenceis about.In thepassive
thatthe the object ofan
active verb becones
insuch away that whatwouldbe
the subject.

reasens other than medical treat
activePeople take drugs for the

passive: Drugs aretakenfor the

reason other than medical treatment

Pasive is formed with to be + Vl(pastparticiple).
Only verbs which are transitive (which need an object) in

theactive can be used in passive.

Change theactive conistructions into passive and vise

1. Peopletake drugs because they can make themfeel good for short
2. Drugs affect the body of human.
3: Addicts reed more and more drugs to recreate the effect of e
first dose
4 Pubic health educational prograrm warn peopie of the risk of s

5. Addicts often use old or dirty syringes.
6. Nowadays, many young people drink ecstasy to make
more relax in short time.

18 Englishfor Psychole?
7. Emotion also affects your body in ways you are not aware.
8. Patients need work and recreation opportunities to aid recovery
9. The advisor allowed him to take some extra credits this semester
10. American was discovered by Columbus.
11. We are promised higher wages.
12. Heis being wanted because he has made troubles in denonstra-
tion event.
13. My uncle has been made a captain by his boss.
14. The window was opened by an unseen hand.
15. The research proposal is being examined by examiners.

Exereise S
Rezd this paragraph and then changethe active.constructions into
passive and vise versa wherever possible.
are dan-
Manydrugs thatcausephysicalorimental dependence killer,
gerous andillegal Fhere are four main
kindsof drug (1 Pain
such us opium norphine and codeine, are given to paiernts by
drugsovera period of
tors to stopseverepain.Butifpeople take these
Depressantslow, or fe
time, they develop physicaldependence(2)
pil (sedatives are depres-
lax, the centraB nervous system Sleeping '
upthecentralnervous sys-
sant. (3) Qther.drugscalledEstimulants pep calledspeed." (4) Hal-
tem. These.inchudeamphetamines
which are
lucinogensare the fourth main kind of drug. They aredrugthatmake
a person see colors and objects
and hearsounds thatare not realiy
LSD and similar chemicals are
there. Marijuana is arn hallucinogen. do
most dangerous hallucinogens. Drug users usually
strongest and but the drugs often
addicted to hallucinogens,
not become physically
and maylead users to try narcotics.
cause mental dependence,

EKereise 7 the subject of the

based onthe list. The left list is
Write a sentence the
the object. Don't forget to place
sentence while the right one is
ight couple.
hy AlexanderFlaming.
Tthiik Pernilin is discovered
Patient Doctor
English for Psychology
Penicillin Thomas Edison
Black or White
Alexander Flaning
Cupboard Graham Bell
Ecstasy Teerager
Telephone Professor

the picture below. Use passive
forms whe
Write a story based on

ever possible.

There are three points of this
like to do. part. You may choose any one
Tell the picture above. Don't read
questions concerning your storywriting.
ask some
your The others may
b. Play a drama. The characters are a
ter, and father, a mother, a son or a
psychiatries, Please make
form in front of your class. script by yoursclf and per
Make a
discussion concerning
Ogy) drug abuse (viewed trom

English for Psychalo8Y

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